September 18, 1944 Pg 1 |
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FROSH MUST READ - RULES SOT %VREADABLE — WORTH flEADINCS1 REGISTRATION DAY EDITION VOL. XXXII FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1944 N UMBER I FSC TO ENROLL 1,000 STUDENTSI Eighteen Former Mesple Sends Welcome Fresno Coeds Join WAVES To FSCers, New and Old Stale sworn Eighteen former Fresno College < a..'i!-i .hav© been Into lbs WAVES since the end or Max. -recruiting official* of the WAVE procurement office an- nouncect today. They Include Louise Marten. Grace ThompnoaV. Margaret Hum mer. Joan Rases, Janet Ayurs. Au- drey Plft—W. liarrlet Johnson. Charlotte Koffold, Ileverly Kub litr. Lorraine Taylor. Mlckle Llnd- «ey. Dorothy OhanneBlan. Barbara \a-11111.111. J.'i.H'rt.i llrlstol. Ilarbara Tupper. Marilyn Cagney. Helen O'iluMion uuil Bonnie How Lion Mi-.t Maiiten wu chairman of the Hed Crosji unit during the last He- meet, r on the .campus and was prominent in Playhouse activities. Misses Kublltz and Ohanneslan were ri'iui-ts In the Charm Chorus. Ml.ii. Kuhlltx nlact served aa student vice president and was also prominent in Playhouse activities. Misses Taylor and Llnilsey served on publications staffs. Mfss Llndsey acted as commissioner of publlrntjons during her last i-cmoa ter nl State. Miss How-Iron, tin education major, was the last of group to be sworn in. She "Was sworn early this* week. Applications Due For Rally Members Rally Committee Chairman Bet ty Lou Veale has set Friday as tbe last day for sppllcatlons for membership In tbe rally committee. Applicants must have at least a "C" average and must fill out forms obtainable In the office of the student president. Miss Veale will Interview applicants selected from those applying. The complete membership of the committee will be announced In . the third Issue of The Colteglan. Membership will consist of students from all classes as ruled I in the student constitution The freshman reception will be held In the social hull of the union on October 6. Miss Veale slated. The affair-will be semi formal and will be open to all freshmen and transfem and all men. *r*" "Music will be by an orchestra yet to be chosen." Ihe rally'chalr- man said. RANK ME8PLE Tbe following is a message to all the students of Fresno State College from Xhe student body president. Fronk Stoaple: * As another college year begins. It pleases roe lo extend a hearty welcome to Fresno Slate College'! newest sons and daughter*, tbe ffreshman class and transfers. To thoae among the Associated Students who are returning ibis jeer I say, "Hello again, and best wishea for a pleasant arid successful year." We are looking rorwaro with eagerness to tbe accomplishments of our newest class and to tbe continuing cooperation of everyone. Remember that the student .body officers are always ready to serve you If you will make your wishes known to them. As we hope and pray for the early announcement of peace, let us plan, with resourcefulness and ingenuity, to continue to build our college until- that day arrives. Success will be attained through common purpose and common effort and with the dismissal of pessimistic attitudes. So.GlVE a bit to your colfege In return for all Fresno State*has given you. - Bulldogs are watching all over the. world. We shall not'let them down! FRANK MESPLE, Student President. Whereto Go Register and pay fees in tbe social hall of the union. Make up program and consult instructors in the library. The book store and the cafeteria are in the union. In the main building, even numbered rooms are in the cast winK and odd numbered rooms are in the west wing, Rooms numbered in the 100's are on the first floor and those in the 20Q's are on the second floor. Student lounges are on the tipper floor of the union. Commissioned IOpenings In Collegian Rex Sbroder. former Fresno Stale j Staff fo Be Riled * student and football star In the' 1942'season, has been commie- Students Interested In working slotted a second lieutenant In the on the staff of the Collegian should marine corps. He was graduated contact Leonard Rowel., editor. St from Dijmr officer's candidate claaa tbe office of the Collegian In the ai Quantlro, Virginia, and Is now union. undergoing advanced officer in- AKbougb no experience la nec- s.tructlon. jeasary it Is desirable! the edltbr * Lieutenant Shroder. \ phyaicsl education major al the college, was active In football, baseball ami track. said. Those interested ahould act immediately If they wlah to be listed with the staff for the Friday edition, be added. . Frosh, Upperclassmen to Observe Rules of Behavior and Tradition Change Substitutes Aesthetics for Ethics Philosophy 130. Introduction to aesthetics, will be substituted for philosophy 102. - Introduction to ethics on Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 11 a.m. Dr. Rannie Dakar of the English department will Instruct the course. There ere certain rulee and tnditioru which every freehman ahould follow for HIS OWN bene* fit. <^^ For a designated time the en. termg freehmen muat obey thsee rules: 1. Freshmen must wear green dinka. 2. Freshmen women muat wear a large green ribbon. 3. No Freshman le tO walk across the lawn of ths West Court, or to loiter on the senior benches of the court % The following are traditions to be regarded by every atudent at all timet: / 1. All etudenta rise when the college hymn, "To Thee, Our Alms Mater,"' Is plsyed or sung by sny officially recognised group of music lane. 2. All etudenta rlee when the president of the College rises to addreas a gathering of etudenta. 3. No one ia to atep upon the aeal of the Fresno State College on the floor of the library sn- trance. Students Register Jn Union Today Registration of approximately 1,000. student* will begin today at 8:30 in the social hall of the union. All students who have received their line carda wiU appear at tbe union to pay feea at the hours designated on their cards. Feea totaling $22.80 will be collected, covering tuition, $6.50; aa- aoclaUon and health'$$,50, and materials and eervlce. $6.00. Studenta registering In the junior college dlTialon are exempt from the tuition, and materials and services feea. A brief assembly for freshmen will be held at 8:SO. Instructions will he given for'procedure In registering. A short word of welcome will be given by Deans Mary Dakar and Mitchell P. Briggr. Dean Driggs win he la charge of the gathering. . Following the assembly freshmen students win go to the union at the time set on their line carda and pet*, their fees. After fees are paid enrollment In classes begins In the library where advisors will be to help. FSC Football Gets Break FSC football prospects for the coming year took a brighter turn today with the announcement by Earl Wight, head of the men's physical education department, that the Dulldoga would attempt to field a team late In the season if enough men turn qut. , "We do not Intend to pit Inexperienced high acbool graduates against mature service teams, but If SS men who arf able to take It turn put. It la entirely In the realm of possibility that we may be able to play, teams of our own caliber late In the season." Wight stated. Wight said that the first part of the season would be devoted to Iniranft.ral gamea. During <hat time If there are enough men to organ* lie a team to play in outside com- petition, such a atep would be taken. "Fresno State wants lo get foot ball back into Intercollegiate play aa soon as possible and a small team this year would be a atep in the right direction." the athletic director said. Wight aajl J. Flint Manner, track coach, would direct the teams with the help'of Don Dolt, former Bull- dog player assisting as a.part time Instructor, Wight said although no great thing* could be expected of any FSC team fielded this year, that with the prospect of more than 1SS men In school .tale year, things looked much brighter than last sea- Male Enrollment Increase Expect* An increase in the nu of male studenta oyer thai 4 last year has been- ind by Dr. Mitchell P. dean of men, in his eat that there win he appro* 226 men enrolled thla semester. Thla figure is almost douhsQ Mi of the male enrollment in spring semester last year. ■ An estimate from the reglatiej&J however. Indicates that no Jaere in total enrollment la expected i semester over last. ,* The registrar stated that new studenta art expected ttaswi uaJebut that many old students i not return. Of tbe SSS men this semester. Dean Driggs i that about 100 will There la no Indication of tbe 1 her entering aa freshmen. The regular enrollment of college thla semester la to be close to 1,000. I to tbe figure at tbe 1 last semester. This number not Include special students,- Utoee 'enrolled only In courses,. or thoee taking ua4e**« 1 units. F Final enrollment figure* wfOl be available for at least a according to tbe res^elrar. which Urns ths number at* i may be increased by late trants. " ■ y ' Sophs, Transak Will Assist Frosh Freahrnaa studenta and 1 will he guided through ths i tion period and the Bret school by an "Aak Me" , under the direction of JflflH dent Betty Pearson, wbo ,w aided by members of Triple 9 j Tranaaldea. , Studsnu wearing MAak ajej~i bons will answer all aussf' to them on problems of ' go and bow to get there. Mite 1 son stated. The Triple 8 organ, tattoo I made up of honor students frees t sophomore class* and la for tbe 1 pose of rendering a allies to college snd its studeats. Tranaaldea is a social elub Was*** % membership is made up of eienearbi transferred from Other Deans to Rnd Rooms For Homeless SKidanh BtudenU with bousing have been urged to take their respective deans, at Dakar, dean .of "While tba •till critical. cooperating with the phffMrg in they oocur." tbe added. W^^
Object Description
Title | 1944_09 The Daily Collegian September 1944 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | September 18, 1944 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Eighteen Former Mesple Sends Welcome
Fresno Coeds
To FSCers, New and Old
Eighteen former Fresno
College < a..'i!-i .hav© been
Into lbs WAVES since the end or
Max. -recruiting official* of the
WAVE procurement office an-
nouncect today.
They Include Louise Marten.
Grace ThompnoaV. Margaret Hum
mer. Joan Rases, Janet Ayurs. Au-
drey Plft—W. liarrlet Johnson.
Charlotte Koffold, Ileverly Kub
litr. Lorraine Taylor. Mlckle Llnd-
«ey. Dorothy OhanneBlan. Barbara
\a-11111.111. J.'i.H'rt.i llrlstol. Ilarbara
Tupper. Marilyn Cagney. Helen
O'iluMion uuil Bonnie How Lion
Mi-.t Maiiten wu chairman of the
Hed Crosji unit during the last He-
meet, r on the .campus and was
prominent in Playhouse activities.
Misses Kublltz and Ohanneslan
were ri'iui-ts In the Charm Chorus.
Ml.ii. Kuhlltx nlact served aa student vice president and was also
prominent in Playhouse activities.
Misses Taylor and Llnilsey
served on publications staffs. Mfss
Llndsey acted as commissioner of
publlrntjons during her last i-cmoa
ter nl State.
Miss How-Iron, tin education major, was the last of group to be
sworn in. She "Was sworn early this*
Applications Due
For Rally Members
Rally Committee Chairman Bet
ty Lou Veale has set Friday as tbe
last day for sppllcatlons for membership In tbe rally committee.
Applicants must have at least a
"C" average and must fill out forms
obtainable In the office of the student president.
Miss Veale will Interview applicants selected from those applying.
The complete membership of the
committee will be announced In
. the third Issue of The Colteglan.
Membership will consist of students from all classes as ruled I in
the student constitution
The freshman reception will be
held In the social hull of the union
on October 6. Miss Veale slated.
The affair-will be semi formal and
will be open to all freshmen and
transfem and all men. *r*"
"Music will be by an orchestra
yet to be chosen." Ihe rally'chalr-
man said.
Tbe following is a message to all
the students of Fresno State College from Xhe student body president. Fronk Stoaple: *
As another college year begins.
It pleases roe lo extend a hearty
welcome to Fresno Slate College'!
newest sons and daughter*, tbe
ffreshman class and transfers. To
thoae among the Associated Students who are returning ibis jeer
I say, "Hello again, and best
wishea for a pleasant arid successful year."
We are looking rorwaro with eagerness to tbe accomplishments of
our newest class and to tbe continuing cooperation of everyone.
Remember that the student .body
officers are always ready to serve
you If you will make your wishes
known to them.
As we hope and pray for the
early announcement of peace, let
us plan, with resourcefulness and
ingenuity, to continue to build our
college until- that day arrives. Success will be attained through common purpose and common effort
and with the dismissal of pessimistic attitudes. So.GlVE a bit to
your colfege In return for all Fresno State*has given you. -
Bulldogs are watching all over
the. world. We shall not'let them
Student President.
Whereto Go
Register and pay fees in tbe social hall of the union.
Make up program and consult instructors in the library.
The book store and the cafeteria are in the union.
In the main building, even numbered rooms are in the
cast winK and odd numbered rooms are in the west wing,
Rooms numbered in the 100's are on the first floor and those
in the 20Q's are on the second floor.
Student lounges are on the tipper floor of the union.
Commissioned IOpenings In Collegian
Rex Sbroder. former Fresno Stale j Staff fo Be Riled *
student and football star In the'
1942'season, has been commie- Students Interested In working
slotted a second lieutenant In the on the staff of the Collegian should
marine corps. He was graduated contact Leonard Rowel., editor. St
from Dijmr officer's candidate claaa tbe office of the Collegian In the
ai Quantlro, Virginia, and Is now union.
undergoing advanced officer in- AKbougb no experience la nec-
s.tructlon. jeasary it Is desirable! the edltbr
* Lieutenant Shroder. \ phyaicsl
education major al the college, was
active In football, baseball ami
said. Those interested ahould act
immediately If they wlah to be listed with the staff for the Friday
edition, be added.
. Frosh, Upperclassmen to Observe
Rules of Behavior and Tradition
Change Substitutes
Aesthetics for Ethics
Philosophy 130. Introduction to
aesthetics, will be substituted for
philosophy 102. - Introduction to
ethics on Monday. Wednesday and
Friday at 11 a.m.
Dr. Rannie Dakar of the English
department will Instruct the
There ere certain rulee and
tnditioru which every freehman
ahould follow for HIS OWN bene*
fit. <^^
For a designated time the en.
termg freehmen muat obey thsee
1. Freshmen must wear green
2. Freshmen women muat wear
a large green ribbon.
3. No Freshman le tO walk
across the lawn of ths West
Court, or to loiter on the senior
benches of the court %
The following are traditions
to be regarded by every atudent
at all timet:
/ 1. All etudenta rise when the
college hymn, "To Thee, Our
Alms Mater,"' Is plsyed or sung
by sny officially recognised group
of music lane.
2. All etudenta rlee when the
president of the College rises to
addreas a gathering of etudenta.
3. No one ia to atep upon the
aeal of the Fresno State College
on the floor of the library sn-
Students Register
Jn Union Today
Registration of approximately 1,000. student* will begin today at 8:30 in the social
hall of the union. All students
who have received their line
carda wiU appear at tbe union to
pay feea at the hours designated
on their cards.
Feea totaling $22.80 will be collected, covering tuition, $6.50; aa-
aoclaUon and health'$$,50,
and materials and eervlce. $6.00.
Studenta registering In the junior college dlTialon are exempt
from the tuition, and materials and
services feea.
A brief assembly for freshmen
will be held at 8:SO. Instructions
will he given for'procedure In registering. A short word of welcome
will be given by Deans Mary Dakar
and Mitchell P. Briggr. Dean
Driggs win he la charge of the
. Following the assembly freshmen
students win go to the union at
the time set on their line carda
and pet*, their fees. After fees are
paid enrollment In classes begins
In the library where advisors will
be to help.
FSC Football
Gets Break
FSC football prospects for the
coming year took a brighter turn
today with the announcement by
Earl Wight, head of the men's physical education department, that the
Dulldoga would attempt to field a
team late In the season if enough
men turn qut. ,
"We do not Intend to pit Inexperienced high acbool graduates
against mature service teams, but
If SS men who arf able to take It
turn put. It la entirely In the realm
of possibility that we may be able
to play, teams of our own caliber
late In the season." Wight stated.
Wight said that the first part
of the season would be devoted to
Iniranft.ral gamea. During |