February 14, 1990, Page 3 |
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The Daily Collegian Wednesday, February 14,1990 Page 3 CFA Continued from page 1 "Of course, with a reduced teaching load eOmes a one-third increase in the total number of faculty needed to teach the courses, so itwill cost more money. "We also want to convert part- Ume faculty positions into full- time positions." said Dominlck. While CSU gained an additional 4.574 faculty members between 1972 and 1988, the numbers of tenure-track faculty plummeted, as there was only an Increase of 79 tenure-track positions, the rest were filled by part-time faculty. The CSU admlnis tratlons have hired so many part-timers because It's cheaper. It's a sign of the times: people are hiring young, tempo¬ rary help to save money. We would like to change that trend In the CSU system." said Domlnick. Another major concern of the CFAisaffirroaOveactlon.In 1988, the CSU system had 1,223 vacant full-time "positions available. However, orily 164 minorities were appointed to the posiUons-Only 274 women were granted full-time appointments. The CFA hasadvocatedaffirma¬ tive action and faculty diversity and is supportlngState Assembly Bill 462. which would Implement many recommendations, includ- inginsistence on stronger affirma¬ tive action programs. Barry Pasternack, professor ol management science at CSU Fullerton, stressed in a report lo the CFA that "achieving cultural diversity requires more than ini¬ tial hiring, it also requires im¬ proved retention, and tenure'and promotion programs!" WANTED FOR The Daily Collegian I Student reporter to cover AS Senate meetings Tuesday afternoons. Needs knowledge of student government. Contact Johanna Munoz. WANTEDWANTEDWANTEI** Student with two free morning hours (at least 9-11) to circulate our paper around campus M-F. Simple job, easy $. Contact Eric^Bumey. 294-2486 THE FRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA NSE •\yould paying IN-STATE tuition at another universtiy in th U.S. appeal to you? For more information —**"" contact Shirlene Major in the TAd 110 or call 294-2636 . TODAY! Application Deadline -Feb. 23,1990 NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE BROADENING EDUCATIONAL HORIZONS TUESDAY February 13, 8:00pm FIJI OLYMPICS ^, MUSIC BY KFSR FM-90.7 ____r___ FOR INFO: CALL 292-5824 292-1422 SPRING RUSH 1990 WEDNESDAY February 14, 8:00pm YOGURT UNLIMITED CATERED BY TCBY THURSDAY February 15, 8:00 pm FIJI SOCIAL NIGHT CATERED BY THE GREENHOUSI RESTAURANT CSUF ID REQUIRED ! . •UK J WINERY <<*N CSUF TOlMRttMHBMttO PARTY SALE* . Celebrate Mardi Gras At Tower Records * With Savings On Over 80 Titles From New Orleans, Mardi Gras Cajun, Zydeco & Louisiana Music From Rounder Records COMPACT DISCS CASSETTES 11.99 6.99 REG. 13.99 & 14.0 REG. 8.44 4 9.44 ON ROUNDER COMPACT DISCS & CASSETTES ROUNDER RECORDS, ONE CAMP STREET, CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS 02140 USA REBIRTH BRASS BAND Feet Like Funk in' It Up JOHNNY ADAMS WaWring On A Tightrope BRUCE DAIGREPONT Coeur ties Cajuns BEAUSOLEIL Live! From the Left Coast ZACHARY RICHARD Mardi Gras Mambo BO DOLUS & THE WILD MAGNOLIAS I'm Back at Carnival Time! Sale ends 2121m OPEN 9AM TO MIDNIGHT - 365 DAYS A YEAR iQiMrawm ■nc*xMr/tluaaermi=* m FRESNO 5301 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. ■wpwnhi MUSIC VIDEOS * VIDEO SALES & RENTALS! . majm ivorri
Object Description
Title | 1990_02 The Daily Collegian February 1990 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1990 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | February 14, 1990, Page 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1990 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The Daily Collegian Wednesday, February 14,1990 Page 3 CFA Continued from page 1 "Of course, with a reduced teaching load eOmes a one-third increase in the total number of faculty needed to teach the courses, so itwill cost more money. "We also want to convert part- Ume faculty positions into full- time positions." said Dominlck. While CSU gained an additional 4.574 faculty members between 1972 and 1988, the numbers of tenure-track faculty plummeted, as there was only an Increase of 79 tenure-track positions, the rest were filled by part-time faculty. The CSU admlnis tratlons have hired so many part-timers because It's cheaper. It's a sign of the times: people are hiring young, tempo¬ rary help to save money. We would like to change that trend In the CSU system." said Domlnick. Another major concern of the CFAisaffirroaOveactlon.In 1988, the CSU system had 1,223 vacant full-time "positions available. However, orily 164 minorities were appointed to the posiUons-Only 274 women were granted full-time appointments. The CFA hasadvocatedaffirma¬ tive action and faculty diversity and is supportlngState Assembly Bill 462. which would Implement many recommendations, includ- inginsistence on stronger affirma¬ tive action programs. Barry Pasternack, professor ol management science at CSU Fullerton, stressed in a report lo the CFA that "achieving cultural diversity requires more than ini¬ tial hiring, it also requires im¬ proved retention, and tenure'and promotion programs!" WANTED FOR The Daily Collegian I Student reporter to cover AS Senate meetings Tuesday afternoons. Needs knowledge of student government. Contact Johanna Munoz. WANTEDWANTEDWANTEI** Student with two free morning hours (at least 9-11) to circulate our paper around campus M-F. Simple job, easy $. Contact Eric^Bumey. 294-2486 THE FRATERNITY OF PHI GAMMA DELTA NSE •\yould paying IN-STATE tuition at another universtiy in th U.S. appeal to you? For more information —**"" contact Shirlene Major in the TAd 110 or call 294-2636 . TODAY! Application Deadline -Feb. 23,1990 NATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE BROADENING EDUCATIONAL HORIZONS TUESDAY February 13, 8:00pm FIJI OLYMPICS ^, MUSIC BY KFSR FM-90.7 ____r___ FOR INFO: CALL 292-5824 292-1422 SPRING RUSH 1990 WEDNESDAY February 14, 8:00pm YOGURT UNLIMITED CATERED BY TCBY THURSDAY February 15, 8:00 pm FIJI SOCIAL NIGHT CATERED BY THE GREENHOUSI RESTAURANT CSUF ID REQUIRED ! . •UK J WINERY <<*N CSUF TOlMRttMHBMttO PARTY SALE* . Celebrate Mardi Gras At Tower Records * With Savings On Over 80 Titles From New Orleans, Mardi Gras Cajun, Zydeco & Louisiana Music From Rounder Records COMPACT DISCS CASSETTES 11.99 6.99 REG. 13.99 & 14.0 REG. 8.44 4 9.44 ON ROUNDER COMPACT DISCS & CASSETTES ROUNDER RECORDS, ONE CAMP STREET, CAMBRIDGE. MASSACHUSETTS 02140 USA REBIRTH BRASS BAND Feet Like Funk in' It Up JOHNNY ADAMS WaWring On A Tightrope BRUCE DAIGREPONT Coeur ties Cajuns BEAUSOLEIL Live! From the Left Coast ZACHARY RICHARD Mardi Gras Mambo BO DOLUS & THE WILD MAGNOLIAS I'm Back at Carnival Time! Sale ends 2121m OPEN 9AM TO MIDNIGHT - 365 DAYS A YEAR iQiMrawm ■nc*xMr/tluaaermi=* m FRESNO 5301 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. ■wpwnhi MUSIC VIDEOS * VIDEO SALES & RENTALS! . majm ivorri |