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Page 2 Monday, October 2,1989 The Daily Collegian OrH lniono • Nash gets an 'apology1 Dear Editor. 1 am writing to apologize to my dear friend and honored opponent. Mr. Lonnfe - Nash- H seems that i misunderstood his letter dated Sepi. 19. Mr. Nash wrote his letter with a touch of sarcasm. 1 thought he was being serious. Urifortunately. 1 also misunderstood Mr. Nash's actions when he ripped up the sign of the protester who disagreed with him. 1 did not understand Mr. Nash's keen sense of humor when he publicly stated that the "liberals" should shut up and move away. I also misconstrued ail of his letters to the editor as anger agalnsl people who spoke out instead of sarcasm. Forgive me, Mr. Nash, for my lack of understanding sarcasm. As you know. Democrats like myself have not been laughing much lately. Apologetically, Bruce Brenna For the Record It Is the policy of this paper to strive to mamtam the highest degree of accuracy in its reporting. ^ However, errors will inevitably occur due to the high volume of material being handled each day. Significant errors can be brought to our attention by calling 294- 24S6. You may also write torThe Dally Collegian * Keats Campus Bldg. California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA 93740-0042. READER RESPONSE to The Dally Collegian is welcome. Please send letters of 250 words or less to: The Dairy Collegian Keats Campus Bldg. California State University, Fresno Fresno. CA 93740-0042. Letters must be signed and list a phone number for verification. Walt Kelley's FOOD Srt By Doyle & Sterneckey T OUafTNT i For Americana, seek fat bikers Don't worry, be happy, keep ridin' Marcus Musacchio A very wise professor here, once espoused that, rather than apple pie. perhaps the best symbolof Americana would be "Afatguy on a motorcycle with a broad on the back." You see, professors often sayvery wisethlngs. Youjust have to pick them ou t discriminately. The question posed in the class: "Why can't more of us Just be fat. dumb and happy, instead of just fat and dumb?" You balk at the ludicrous statement, but think about what the happy biker represents. Without a doubt, he has it all. The. sweaty, hairy belly that hangs over his brass Harley-Davidson belt buckle shows he's well nourished. His "hog" provides him with transportation; mobility to get where he must. And the "broad" on the back provides needed companionship. He doesn't complain about missing the dairy shower, because he's constantly bathing In the blissful waters of ignorance. To rephrase Crosby. Stills and Nash; If you can't smell like the oryAjou lovetlove the one you smell like. Sustenance, transportation and a little love (ora lot of sex}. That's really all we need. Even the most timid and red-faced members of the class wouldn't dispute it. Let me make one thing clear, before hoardes of liberated women attack me for the "broad on the back." statement. It can workboth ways, ladles. As far as concerned, let the women take a turn behind the handlebars. I'll gladly lean back against the peace-signed sissy bar and hang on for the ride. No matter where you ride, what you ride or who you're riding with, what's important is to keep riding. Keep a solid hold on your mate, let out a belch, feel ttie wind flow through your hair and think about all youVe got. This ride, surprisingly, brings me to the words of another wise professor here, who upon experiencing my stressed-out view ofthe world, gave me this bit of advice. "Take in a ballgame now and then, enjoy a good beer, and cultivate meaningful, lasting friendships. That's all you can dV- s Unbelieveabty. I recall the astute rantlngs of yet a third CSUF professor, as he explained people's need to escape the reality ofthe world around us. We all do it, both positively and negatively. Whether it's by use of drugs, watching hours of television, even getting lost in books and daydreaming. I'm not condemning this behavior. Some of it is very necessary in a world that seems so overwhelming; so hopeless. I'm certainly not professing that we stop caring, but sometimes we all need to take a break when we let the enormity of the world's problems overwhelm our limited capacity. We'll go crazy if we take on too much reality. Racism and sexism are reality. War and hatred are reality. Countries, churches and neighborhoods fighting In the name of God are reality. All that really gets me down. Children selling crack and the War on Drugs are reality, and they both get me down. Expensive beer, bad food and slow evaluations on campus are reality. That gets us all down. That's why once in a while. It's important to reduce the whole world down to my own basic wants and needs. In the times of great despair I askmyselfwhat it could possibly take to bring happiness into this miserable existence. And-once in awhile, when the wind tosses my hair, my belly's full and warm fingers gentry massage my aching back, In-Just dumb enough to believe that IVe already got it all. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN c/ Editor in Chief.....Michael S. Green Managing Editor Kelly QNefll Ncwi Editor. _....AIiia Loe Copy Editor.—Dcnnell Aleuoder Sporti Editor. Eric Bumey Graphici Editor. Devin Swiiher Phoio Editor. .Thar Swift Stiff Anil* Jamei Mirquej rc Sttff Writer.: Deborah Lorenzen, Kim Kaiibiin, Beth Corbo, Anutuii Headrix, Johanna Munoz, Todd Heth, Cynthia Baxter, Jennifer Whiidey. Sponi Writers: ChrU Brraam, Darrin Janci. Jennifer Konw., TWi Ww^tywu. Photognpheri: Muk MiAo, Terry Pienon, David TeUez. Bu«in-ti Manager. WhitRambach Adveruung Manager. .Miiiy Kirabian Ad Froductiai Manager. ..Dtrcy Knight Adverting RepreKwauv-ei: Ridt Bota, Cfeorgc Hukiracn, Tony Mirtir^ Shiila-y Mclnioih. Hr^W^r«-^W^aWSaW^,.SW«^iTa™a^«*^; hr*rJ-*«. -ta-aa-ap-p-rsa-to btactfM tl DaKHi Ca-n-«eufca^Rta^C»ttorfcam40^»«2. "~saffiasasSasarr--' tun. UraUgnad Ark* faa ta rrv^cpa^Olthajpapanada^coaal
Object Description
Title | 1989_10 The Daily Collegian October 1989 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1989 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 2, 1989, Page 2 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1989 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Page 2 Monday, October 2,1989 The Daily Collegian OrH lniono • Nash gets an 'apology1 Dear Editor. 1 am writing to apologize to my dear friend and honored opponent. Mr. Lonnfe - Nash- H seems that i misunderstood his letter dated Sepi. 19. Mr. Nash wrote his letter with a touch of sarcasm. 1 thought he was being serious. Urifortunately. 1 also misunderstood Mr. Nash's actions when he ripped up the sign of the protester who disagreed with him. 1 did not understand Mr. Nash's keen sense of humor when he publicly stated that the "liberals" should shut up and move away. I also misconstrued ail of his letters to the editor as anger agalnsl people who spoke out instead of sarcasm. Forgive me, Mr. Nash, for my lack of understanding sarcasm. As you know. Democrats like myself have not been laughing much lately. Apologetically, Bruce Brenna For the Record It Is the policy of this paper to strive to mamtam the highest degree of accuracy in its reporting. ^ However, errors will inevitably occur due to the high volume of material being handled each day. Significant errors can be brought to our attention by calling 294- 24S6. You may also write torThe Dally Collegian * Keats Campus Bldg. California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA 93740-0042. READER RESPONSE to The Dally Collegian is welcome. Please send letters of 250 words or less to: The Dairy Collegian Keats Campus Bldg. California State University, Fresno Fresno. CA 93740-0042. Letters must be signed and list a phone number for verification. Walt Kelley's FOOD Srt By Doyle & Sterneckey T OUafTNT i For Americana, seek fat bikers Don't worry, be happy, keep ridin' Marcus Musacchio A very wise professor here, once espoused that, rather than apple pie. perhaps the best symbolof Americana would be "Afatguy on a motorcycle with a broad on the back." You see, professors often sayvery wisethlngs. Youjust have to pick them ou t discriminately. The question posed in the class: "Why can't more of us Just be fat. dumb and happy, instead of just fat and dumb?" You balk at the ludicrous statement, but think about what the happy biker represents. Without a doubt, he has it all. The. sweaty, hairy belly that hangs over his brass Harley-Davidson belt buckle shows he's well nourished. His "hog" provides him with transportation; mobility to get where he must. And the "broad" on the back provides needed companionship. He doesn't complain about missing the dairy shower, because he's constantly bathing In the blissful waters of ignorance. To rephrase Crosby. Stills and Nash; If you can't smell like the oryAjou lovetlove the one you smell like. Sustenance, transportation and a little love (ora lot of sex}. That's really all we need. Even the most timid and red-faced members of the class wouldn't dispute it. Let me make one thing clear, before hoardes of liberated women attack me for the "broad on the back." statement. It can workboth ways, ladles. As far as concerned, let the women take a turn behind the handlebars. I'll gladly lean back against the peace-signed sissy bar and hang on for the ride. No matter where you ride, what you ride or who you're riding with, what's important is to keep riding. Keep a solid hold on your mate, let out a belch, feel ttie wind flow through your hair and think about all youVe got. This ride, surprisingly, brings me to the words of another wise professor here, who upon experiencing my stressed-out view ofthe world, gave me this bit of advice. "Take in a ballgame now and then, enjoy a good beer, and cultivate meaningful, lasting friendships. That's all you can dV- s Unbelieveabty. I recall the astute rantlngs of yet a third CSUF professor, as he explained people's need to escape the reality ofthe world around us. We all do it, both positively and negatively. Whether it's by use of drugs, watching hours of television, even getting lost in books and daydreaming. I'm not condemning this behavior. Some of it is very necessary in a world that seems so overwhelming; so hopeless. I'm certainly not professing that we stop caring, but sometimes we all need to take a break when we let the enormity of the world's problems overwhelm our limited capacity. We'll go crazy if we take on too much reality. Racism and sexism are reality. War and hatred are reality. Countries, churches and neighborhoods fighting In the name of God are reality. All that really gets me down. Children selling crack and the War on Drugs are reality, and they both get me down. Expensive beer, bad food and slow evaluations on campus are reality. That gets us all down. That's why once in a while. It's important to reduce the whole world down to my own basic wants and needs. In the times of great despair I askmyselfwhat it could possibly take to bring happiness into this miserable existence. And-once in awhile, when the wind tosses my hair, my belly's full and warm fingers gentry massage my aching back, In-Just dumb enough to believe that IVe already got it all. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN c/ Editor in Chief.....Michael S. Green Managing Editor Kelly QNefll Ncwi Editor. _....AIiia Loe Copy Editor.—Dcnnell Aleuoder Sporti Editor. Eric Bumey Graphici Editor. Devin Swiiher Phoio Editor. .Thar Swift Stiff Anil* Jamei Mirquej rc Sttff Writer.: Deborah Lorenzen, Kim Kaiibiin, Beth Corbo, Anutuii Headrix, Johanna Munoz, Todd Heth, Cynthia Baxter, Jennifer Whiidey. Sponi Writers: ChrU Brraam, Darrin Janci. Jennifer Konw., TWi Ww^tywu. Photognpheri: Muk MiAo, Terry Pienon, David TeUez. Bu«in-ti Manager. WhitRambach Adveruung Manager. .Miiiy Kirabian Ad Froductiai Manager. ..Dtrcy Knight Adverting RepreKwauv-ei: Ridt Bota, Cfeorgc Hukiracn, Tony Mirtir^ Shiila-y Mclnioih. Hr^W^r«-^W^aWSaW^,.SW«^iTa™a^«*^; hr*rJ-*«. -ta-aa-ap-p-rsa-to btactfM tl DaKHi Ca-n-«eufca^Rta^C»ttorfcam40^»«2. "~saffiasasSasarr--' tun. UraUgnad Ark* faa ta rrv^cpa^Olthajpapanada^coaal |