February 19, 1988, Page 5 |
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Friday,fiftniaiyl9,1968 Page 5 PHOTO Continued from page 1 emment pictures," said Mahoney. "Bad pictures were probably censored." Other photos show happy children playing about the dusty camps which are devoid of any plant life. The second part of the collection, also government photos, may be a more realistic view of the Japanese-Americans being forced to leave their homes and move to the temporary assembly centers. The first photo seen in the second segment is that of a rundown whitewashed shack with the words "Japs keep out you rats" painted across the wall Other photos depict families of Japanese-Americans Standing on the side of a dirt road after being forced from their homes—the children with bus tickets fastened to their drab coats. No one smiles in this set of photos. "This was a very traumatic rime for families," said Mahoney, "especially for the children." The third part of the exhibit is a written history of the Japanese-Americans held at assembly centers in Pinedale, a small community next to Fresno, and at the Fiesno Fairgrounds. Enclosed in glass is a 1942 copy of the "Pinedale Logger." The newspaper headline proclaims that "cooperation in daily counts is essential," and warns residents of the Pinedale center to be in their barracks by 6 p mT The case also holds several volumes of oral histories of Japanese-Americans who lived through ihe internment as well as a directory containing the names of the people held in the Pinedale center. The display is being shown on the fourth floor of tbe horary in the Depart - merit of Special Collections. The first part of the collection was donated this year by Tom R. Okawara in the name of the "TOMO" foundation. Okawara stipulated that his deflation be shown every two years on Feb. 19 in remembrance of executive order no. 9066, wntcti authorized tbe Japanese-American internment. The display will run until the end of March and is free and open lo the public. This is just a tickler to get people to study more about the internment," said Mahoney. PARSONS SCHOOL OF DESIGN Special Summer Programs Parsons in Paris: 6-week program June 30-August 13, 1988 Parting d'awmg. art hislory and the liberal ans Pans ami the Dordoqne counuysicfe of Siena. Italy Fashion In Paris June 30-July 30. 1988 Fashion illustration a hisiory ol Eu'coean costume and contemporary Itends in French fashion Slide presentations museums studio and retail outlets guest lectufes Photography In Paris June 30-July 30. 1988 The aesthetics and craft ol photograrJhy Lectures gallery visits and shooting assignments Architecture snd Design in Paris June 30-July 30, 1988 European oecoraiive arts and the history of French architecture Parsons 'acuity and stall members ot the Musee des Ms Decorati's Alternate Cu'ftcutum available on a<Chileclure ana modernism Parsons In Great Britain July 7 August 8. 1988 A program co-sponsored oy lhe Cooper-Hewitt Museum Architecture and decorative arts in London Foui excursions to nearby country homes and towns Parsons in Italy Piincirjies ot architecture and the rnslQry ot Italian i Florence Venice and Milan Parsons In Israel July 13 August IS, 1986 Ai .n deplh .nlroducl'On fo tup rns:a'y anfl archaeology Ot Jerusalem and '.i techniques ot arttsw: representa' or- a"fi , holography reportage Parsons in West Africa July SOuly 30, 1988 Ceramics libers metalsmithmg Dhotograj"-, archaeology u'nadit'ona. Vrcan art and architecture :he 'wt Coasf an**©' Wat' IW3 8'24<88i Bank Street/Parsons June 270uly 29, 19BB A iQini three summer rraslf-r 5 Beg'efl pray'it' /. P1» int p'e'/.'iiOu'.. Bank ';nppi College ol F.jufai on Tne curhcirlum e«arT,,nes edurainnai suuer. - <-.- a .ilr- - strfll Dn .-. H a JiSud1 a"S 'OC./S College Session In New York June 27-July 28. 1988 Fuii'.me study'f a specked art and Jesig" area Drawng pa>nimg ceramic ana tent'ie design communioaiton design photography archiiec tu'al design illustration lashion iiiustiaiior- oi lashion design Pre-Coilege Session In New York June 27July 2B, 1988 a tuii t-me Opportunity For high scriooi sludents considering college majors ■■drawing painling ceramic and le>Me cWSigr communication design photogrdpny n'-oduCt'O'- to a'Ch. lecture iluStrat'Or' lashirjh il lust rat'Or i '«h'o- me'chand-s>ng or 'asnion nestgr imroduction to art and aes-ur #SQ aviiiiaole Pre-College in Israel July 13-August IS. 1988 ■*• new program ottered joints wth the Bezaiei Academy ol Ans & Design Promising n'9h 5Chod sludents unsri major histor cal siies Emphasis on ar ■naeoiogy and drawing o' photograDhy Pre-College In France July u-August II, 1988 Hgh school Students oi artistic prrjm.se v-S'i Paris and the Dordogne ■egic^ College level drawing and painting win lectutes in art history and prehistoric arcnaeotogy An foreign programs inclufJe air transportation land transfers and accom moaations Dormitory arrangements tot New York programs are available Selected programs are ofiered w<ih undergraduate credit graduate credit ana no credit options For additional inlormation please return the coupon wow o-call (212) 741-8975. Parsona School of Dealgn, Office of Special Programs 66 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10011 Please send me information on (he lollowrng special summer programs □ Parsonsf-Pans a Fashion/Paris □ Photography/Pans □ Architeciure/Pans D Parsons/Greal Bntain D Parsons/Italy D Parsons/Israel G Parsons/Wesl Africa D Bank Street/Parsons O College/New York Q Pre-CoHege/Wew York fj Pre-Coiiege/lsfael Q Pfe-CcJIege/France Address diy -Z'P. \^5/ Every Monday Is FSU Night Wear something red! •Drink specials -Prizes •targe pitchers of beer-Mondays Only •Red Beer Specials •Red Long Island Ice Tea Specials •FREE Tacos after 10pm •Bring your group banner •Dancing Nightly 9pm to 2pm •Happy Hour Mon thru Fri 4pm to 7pm Special Margarita & Draft Beer Prices. ■FREE buffet 1460 E. Shaw, Fresno 222-6800 U.S. Navy Medical Scholarships See your Navy Representative on Campus 24 FEB 1988 between 11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. As a scholarship student, the Navy will pay: y Full tuition, au,f"* _^u fees and educational expenses. ^ The or—: Required books and supplies. ^ Rental fees tor necessary equipment. ^ Monthly cash payment of $645.00. For more information call collect: (415) 452-2900 Experience the Professionalism
Object Description
Title | 1988_02 The Daily Collegian February 1988 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1988 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. : BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Assocated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | February 19, 1988, Page 5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1988 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. : BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels ; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Assocated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Friday,fiftniaiyl9,1968 Page 5
Continued from page 1
emment pictures," said Mahoney. "Bad
pictures were probably censored."
Other photos show happy children playing about the dusty camps which are
devoid of any plant life.
The second part of the collection, also
government photos, may be a more realistic view of the Japanese-Americans
being forced to leave their homes and
move to the temporary assembly centers.
The first photo seen in the second
segment is that of a rundown whitewashed shack with the words "Japs keep
out you rats" painted across the wall
Other photos depict families of Japanese-Americans Standing on the side of a
dirt road after being forced from their
homes—the children with bus tickets
fastened to their drab coats. No one
smiles in this set of photos.
"This was a very traumatic rime for
families," said Mahoney, "especially for
the children."
The third part of the exhibit is a
written history of the Japanese-Americans
held at assembly centers in Pinedale, a
small community next to Fresno, and at
the Fiesno Fairgrounds.
Enclosed in glass is a 1942 copy of the
"Pinedale Logger." The newspaper headline proclaims that "cooperation in daily
counts is essential," and warns residents
of the Pinedale center to be in their
barracks by 6 p mT
The case also holds several volumes of
oral histories of Japanese-Americans who
lived through ihe internment as well as a
directory containing the names of the
people held in the Pinedale center.
The display is being shown on the
fourth floor of tbe horary in the Depart -
merit of Special Collections.
The first part of the collection was
donated this year by Tom R. Okawara in
the name of the "TOMO" foundation.
Okawara stipulated that his deflation be
shown every two years on Feb. 19 in
remembrance of executive order no. 9066,
wntcti authorized tbe Japanese-American
The display will run until the end of
March and is free and open lo the public.
This is just a tickler to get people to
study more about the internment," said
Special Summer Programs
Parsons in Paris: 6-week program June 30-August 13, 1988
Parting d'awmg. art hislory and the liberal ans Pans ami the Dordoqne
counuysicfe of Siena. Italy
Fashion In Paris June 30-July 30. 1988
Fashion illustration a hisiory ol Eu'coean costume and contemporary
Itends in French fashion Slide presentations museums studio and retail
outlets guest lectufes
Photography In Paris June 30-July 30. 1988
The aesthetics and craft ol photograrJhy Lectures gallery visits and
shooting assignments
Architecture snd Design in Paris June 30-July 30, 1988
European oecoraiive arts and the history of French architecture Parsons
'acuity and stall members ot the Musee des Ms Decorati's Alternate
Cu'ftcutum available on a |