May 10, 1974, Page 8 |
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e-lHf OAtY COUEOUN- fri. May 10. 1974 PAU complaint pact oa the outeosts of the eloc- veges.- tions. leswo of the ekarges wore In s written report, tb* com- »•*▼ 9*0*7,• ok* aatd. suttee sold tke ckerg* by too PAU of • staffed ballots' oaa •irresponsthle • — Exam potobwj oat that la th* aaelag of ■*h9»toawaasnaoi 1971 there were ISOubsccuboIsJ- (Continued from Page 1) to Ford, "neeotlabkt options" toe votes wowsd grossest Baa studs at witk on opportunity to fulfill certain re- t of oni remotes by rhoootag from s t of tke otorrtcoi aetnher of alternative plana. carried a tone of skepticism *14on-negotlahle options' are towards tke veJkoaty of tke okac- those parts of the esamtnattoo Grace Soils tea akeaeet body faeagry and etaduota, aa standing pi ■MgesaHI caaaaakate who re- ibsbHIbm. or aot rutin** said cetved the most votes la the Ford. election, he mode It seem bee tke Ford said both students seat olectloo committee dag aot have faculty agreed on this Hnal draft any right to ealot st all. for the qunHrytn* examination BM asnao sssd eke onuM aot *lt sweets what oe feel wotgd eoaeeet tke Deep's decision. be o rigorous snd acceptable •We are not eoine to fleht the examination ' Colombian 'superwoman' (Cootinuad front Page T) Jeet hew tfceoe meesurea would be pet Into practice la far frnn Clssr ss neither the general nor Ms doogkter is Mrosui cat economic theory Close collatnrstors Insist however, thai tee fuzrt- esso trill lade aa ANAPO and Maria EagaMs. 99. mature to form a left-or-center party with o well-denned program. Certainly there is a rood chance that ANAPO will have an opportunity to try its hand at luvsrsauont to traahoo. Lopes Liberal who oral in this Nbf Is inaju> ANAPO BtJBBj Carefully rn.oii.ed. elee>nt aad o aasuntie rlter ami plumper Msri* Kuboiiij -| Caeataau' reserved f-jertlBK militant feminism "I hav* nwv- tweausv I hav* never |99i | " n|„ BBfa, has MtasaaaJ he Bone* BBsj fc ,.. elude ANAPO leaders In hiscah- •W * rant *e on talkiue aktaM mackseese seal fesatasem. All the I ..i uji. aaaajBa <*cr »*j BaagBj probsoaie. whether thoy lw> men g e t I i II ISII \ vutioecv ssTJsewA aiorok. n * WILL PAY TOP DOl . ' f J ■. gANOk'Rg BOND \ a*. 1944 t losi* Ave. rksvka V 29B>4»II fA W/JNfADs" LOST; Siamese cat, adult msle May 3. La*. Reword 220-5392 RCJCJMMATE - Free rnortbVe rent til June 1st. Furn. Cell m mm. Itle TUtARI ST. •"•so oiars uiuBkn lansieo HAPPY HOUR! double cocktails 5-7 Monday through Fridoy I FEATURING ■ • FAY REIF • LOUIE PAROINI ALSO FEATUmmo SPECIAL MORS D OEUVRES «eei uet-AcajToatf • 222mmi MICK HEREDt A - candidate for student senator-at-large poat et Native-Americans (Continued front Peg* 1) aiuaqr roars They sre words ta th* wind." Ho said sU he wished for una the chance to develop Mo interests m working for tke steQaiilt and to try to accomplish Bosae- thing lor the benefit of oil concerned. A fellow Native-A me rices aad Tewaejaachl member. Blanco Cornea, aald tket if anyone laaeetluaa Heredto's ability to work hard, all thoy hove to do to see the work In the Indian •Rick haa boon the driving hjrtjg t-rhlnd the Indian Cultural Week oe well as many other Indian activities " ahe said. 1 /^.STORAGE 1 p5^ PROBLEM? ^DISCOUNT on let month » rent mmi u stcsoqe has the answer... IciOVIS AT SHHH.0S PM: 291-5335 J .:.:-:.>x-:-x-:::-»5.:-x.:«Ws-:«-:Nr;^v VOTE MAY 15 -16 >:::::.:->:-:.»:v-»:-:»::-:::'X-:<<v>-v OP9N 24 HOURS CEDAR-SHAW DISCOUNT Sl TOO CM Mur THE U*£5&* &*?($,?, *£L ^MC^cTrVre^ AMP SOAfcNG G* m£ PfcQES iN p\ NEW GARDNER ^rCTWrVJEH AND GCT THE VEST *A FAOjtTr <V^BES GARDNER IN FRESNO SHAW AVENUE AT fRESNO STREET — 22*1-2200 6ARDNER SEWhCE IPYOURfcA sruaerroR fntetty iksosji tiUCHitMS. APVAMT««<*A tenuhTCNnU mo* Havana. *T GARDNER FRlznatmtr DeaeaYeiciAs 1ta99S*>*jU* VWMimtaaaki • wjuieeeo 1DCU«.Ts*H ssaetlbuROR IS READY WfU BOKlbOor.
Object Description
Title | 1974_05 The Daily Collegian May 1974 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1974 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | May 10, 1974, Page 8 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1974 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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e-lHf OAtY COUEOUN- fri. May 10. 1974
PAU complaint
pact oa the outeosts of the eloc- veges.-
tions. leswo of the ekarges wore
In s written report, tb* com- »•*▼ 9*0*7,• ok* aatd.
suttee sold tke ckerg* by too
PAU of • staffed ballots' oaa
•irresponsthle • —
potobwj oat that la th* aaelag of ■*h9»toawaasnaoi
1971 there were ISOubsccuboIsJ- (Continued from Page 1)
to Ford, "neeotlabkt options"
toe votes wowsd grossest Baa studs at witk on opportunity to fulfill certain re-
t of oni remotes by rhoootag from s
t of tke otorrtcoi aetnher of alternative plana.
carried a tone of skepticism *14on-negotlahle options' are
towards tke veJkoaty of tke okac- those parts of the esamtnattoo
Grace Soils tea akeaeet body faeagry and etaduota, aa standing
pi ■MgesaHI caaaaakate who re- ibsbHIbm. or aot rutin** said
cetved the most votes la the Ford.
election, he mode It seem bee tke Ford said both students seat
olectloo committee dag aot have faculty agreed on this Hnal draft
any right to ealot st all. for the qunHrytn* examination
BM asnao sssd eke onuM aot *lt sweets what oe feel wotgd
eoaeeet tke Deep's decision. be o rigorous snd acceptable
•We are not eoine to fleht the examination '
Colombian 'superwoman'
(Cootinuad front Page T)
Jeet hew tfceoe meesurea would
be pet Into practice la far frnn
Clssr ss neither the general nor
Ms doogkter is Mrosui cat economic theory Close collatnrstors
Insist however, thai tee fuzrt-
esso trill lade aa ANAPO and
Maria EagaMs. 99. mature to
form a left-or-center party with
o well-denned program. Certainly there is a rood chance that
ANAPO will have an opportunity
to try its hand at luvsrsauont to
traahoo. Lopes
Liberal who
oral in this Nbf Is inaju>
Carefully rn.oii.ed. elee>nt aad
o aasuntie rlter ami
plumper Msri* Kuboiiij -|
Caeataau' reserved
militant feminism "I hav* nwv-
tweausv I hav* never
|99i | " n|„ BBfa,
has MtasaaaJ he Bone* BBsj fc ,..
elude ANAPO leaders In hiscah-
•W * rant *e on talkiue aktaM
mackseese seal fesatasem. All the
I ..i uji. aaaajBa <*cr »*j BaagBj
probsoaie. whether thoy lw> men
\ vutioecv
ssTJsewA aiorok. n *
J ■. gANOk'Rg BOND \ a*.
1944 t losi* Ave. rksvka V
29B>4»II fA
LOST; Siamese cat, adult msle
May 3. La*. Reword 220-5392
RCJCJMMATE - Free rnortbVe
rent til June 1st. Furn. Cell
m mm.
•"•so oiars
uiuBkn lansieo
double cocktails
5-7 Monday through Fridoy
«eei uet-AcajToatf • 222mmi
MICK HEREDt A - candidate for student senator-at-large poat et
(Continued front Peg* 1)
aiuaqr roars They sre words ta
th* wind."
Ho said sU he wished for una
the chance to develop Mo interests m working for tke steQaiilt
and to try to accomplish Bosae-
thing lor the benefit of oil concerned.
A fellow Native-A me rices aad
Tewaejaachl member. Blanco Cornea, aald tket if anyone laaeetluaa
Heredto's ability to work hard,
all thoy hove to do to see the work
In the Indian
•Rick haa boon the driving
hjrtjg t-rhlnd the Indian Cultural
Week oe well as many other Indian activities " ahe said.
1 /^.STORAGE 1
on let month » rent
mmi u stcsoqe
has the answer...
PM: 291-5335 J
15 -16
>:::::.:->:-:.»:v-»:-:»::-:::'X-:< |