February 8, 1972 Pg 1 |
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FTE drops Id 12,013; average load 127 units Deeplte torn* gentle prodding from the administration to carry mora units, Frssoo Stats Collar* students ara taklnc even Uftitar acs- domic loads thla semeeter than they did last fall. Tata U tba tread Indicated by praltnlnary anrolliDont figures obtalnad yesterday how- ever, tba —bara ara slightly flexible until tba parted to drop or add coereee is ovor. Otaaonta ara earrytac •* «verage or 12.7 units this sprtnc. compared wttb 13.1 unit* last aaroaatar sod 13.S units ovor tba past savaral yaars. Laot fall's drop ta tba average number of atadoot units oaa oo* of tba factors that lad to s drop in tba aapsttsd somber of full-tiroa equivalent (FTC) atadaots. Tba eollofo's badcot allocatioa ta baoad on tba neseber of FTC at adnata, ratbor tban ac- taal eerollmeet. ■■■■■lag tba* IS anlts taken la agjaoJ to ooa atadoot. Tba proooot PTC ataoda at 12.013. comparad to aa actaal eoxoilaeoot of 14.440. Wbao tba time by drop aad add eooraaa la ovor, tba FTC la expected to bo 12.006. down 341 ovor loot fall. Dr. Harold Hook, acadomlc vlca praaldaot. said tbot bo aaoro part-time faculty will b* art tbla aorta* avoa If tbora la a drop In predicted FTC. Twenty-five part-time faculty wore not rehired after the fall asm solar lor this reeoon. 9 lowor sooeber of units by ea "We're not in a position of going around teUlnt atudonta. 'you have to take more ' ■ Haok said, "but what we have been aaylnc is, 'If you are thjaaasaj about that extra eoeraa this la a wonderful time to take 1U' " The administration appaara to be hedflnc Its bets over enrollment Affores next fall by proparlnc three budget plana, one baaed on 14.000 FTC students, one oo 13.000. andoneon 13.200. Since the number of FTC sladaats didn't rtee tbla eprtnc. Hook Indicated tbot primary emphasis will be placed on the bodgets lor the Haok hop** that updotlnf tba bodget by using current enroll meet indicators will prevent the mid-year reehuffltng of staff aad programs that occurred tola year from I The budgets being worked on now are modifications of the original bodget. which woo drafted two years in advance and baa little flexibility. Haok said tbot baa college la also working on eliminating aa many -oon-iaedte* or lew enrollment eli college's i He that are also repaired ioojsss la some disci- pUnes will not b* dropped. Haok aettmated tbot over five per cent of the maim offered at F2C are •ooo-mokoa." Haok Indicated tbot the administration la also refining Its with ode tor seetgniag part- time faculty cuts, eboold tats baeoms aecee- aary before the beginning of the fell semester next year. Since be la firmly oppoaed to cutting any full-time faculty, thooe departments that prefer to nee part-time staff amy be cot unfairly, Haok said. efforts ara being mode to work oot this prool*m, he said. Danny Cox show tonight Deony Cos. the Balk-rook stager wbooe coo- cert woo a bag bit oo esmpaa wet year, will prsssnl bis aoeood FSC paste moo us tonight at I la the College Untoa. The eoooert Is ee- I by abe noHiaei balls and the col- At a time when all wo aomotlmae beer are the whtatog sounds of electric getters, a pare ■is—IIill guttarlet la bard to com* by.Too 20-year-osd Ceo eeeme to hove maatsrsd Me rousing voice to corns up wttb sMay vert arlooa aad style*. la the eoaroe of a typlcol parser- temporary verelon of 'Jelly. Jelly.* complete with yodels sod gutteral growls, to a string medley of Cbrlotaaaa music Oiled wttb reverence aad perfect la lacked col eaocotloa. Denny Cox la never flashy aa bo maalpolates bio Buy; trade at Book The Freeoo State College Otadaal Seeote la a Ueed Book Fair la the Free to one tehees we hove provided la the Free •If I old bo (CbqHbbiiI oo Page 3, Col. 5) FSC may be CSUF by April Bjp Lssry ■ Bedger recommende en oarollment of at looot 0.000 word tallage. Tberesbre the eoe of the word Freooo Saab* College oooM become known foil-time atudenta. FSC'a FTE wee 12.000 enlverelty will give yea a better entry hate tba as CaUtorsaoototeUsiverelty.Freeno.aaearly last semeeter wortdof beoteooo." aa April If the California Stata Collar* Board Credeote program., he said, weald be looked Beaker ased, however, eollegee oat doing of Treoteea sod baa Coordinating Council tor at according to the aombor enrolled sod the university work so defined by boa criteria Higher Education agree on criteria prepared aombor of dograae greeted. Curreotly. more shooed not receive the nam* eaoog* eptlea. by th* council's staff. are 2.000 stain 11 aoroUod ingiedeets work The whose perpaai of abe aaoao obaaeje bAB preeented aa the treoteea two weeks ego, at FSC and 404 greboot■ degreeo were awarded aad baa deetre of the choa caller'a office, oo is would allow those eollegee in the laot year weU as the coordinating i learll. Is to snobs I etete college systsm who Qualify to Freooo Stata also bos 10 prsHste ossify as- sere loot the schools who do hove their assess » namss to stats uolverslty. Leglsla- credited programs beiag offered. They are: rhsagsil do ateet very sesejaatety, ap a who* ttoe allowing the i bang i was stgaed test year beolneoa. chemistry, dtotottos, laonallaa. so- mergln. the criteria oot dew*,- bossed, by Gov. Ronald Reagan. glneerleg. bealtb edeoce. jowroaHom. mostc. Accordleg to Laogmoorf. the toltewlag atata The criteria, daitlspsd by the etaff of the nexslag ssd social work. oollegee would oaoilfy wader the criteria pro- raiifotoollng council, vest bo appro nil by the nearly all faculty at FSC hove at looot a assess Freooo Stabs. Cbtee Stabs, Col Stat* trustees sod the entire council before the mooter's degree and 401 of 742,or Mper cent, Fellertoo. Col Stan* Heywerd. Col I changes can begin. Indlcatlooa from the ebon- hove doctorate degreeo. The criteria aaya at Bosch, Col colter's office are tbot between 11 and 14 of least half of the faculty most have groooais the pies sot campasss would moot the criteria. The propoeed criteria provide for evaluation of the else of the coOoge. the slas of tba grsdwots program, the number of pi sOnblea bite aeeredlasd programs it boa and the nam bar of focalty that hold graduate degrees. to Dr. W. B. Leogoderf. vice- feoslaf or foecttee,' be sold. Too generally : affairs Is the state mi ess of the word uolveraity la more He*, too criteria prostlfloes la the eyeo of the pohile then the of the same change will mostly be according to FSC President Nor- bill carried with it the
Object Description
Title | 1972_02 The Daily Collegian February 1972 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | February 8, 1972 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | FTE drops Id 12,013; average load 127 units Deeplte torn* gentle prodding from the administration to carry mora units, Frssoo Stats Collar* students ara taklnc even Uftitar acs- domic loads thla semeeter than they did last fall. Tata U tba tread Indicated by praltnlnary anrolliDont figures obtalnad yesterday how- ever, tba —bara ara slightly flexible until tba parted to drop or add coereee is ovor. Otaaonta ara earrytac •* «verage or 12.7 units this sprtnc. compared wttb 13.1 unit* last aaroaatar sod 13.S units ovor tba past savaral yaars. Laot fall's drop ta tba average number of atadoot units oaa oo* of tba factors that lad to s drop in tba aapsttsd somber of full-tiroa equivalent (FTC) atadaots. Tba eollofo's badcot allocatioa ta baoad on tba neseber of FTC at adnata, ratbor tban ac- taal eerollmeet. ■■■■■lag tba* IS anlts taken la agjaoJ to ooa atadoot. Tba proooot PTC ataoda at 12.013. comparad to aa actaal eoxoilaeoot of 14.440. Wbao tba time by drop aad add eooraaa la ovor, tba FTC la expected to bo 12.006. down 341 ovor loot fall. Dr. Harold Hook, acadomlc vlca praaldaot. said tbot bo aaoro part-time faculty will b* art tbla aorta* avoa If tbora la a drop In predicted FTC. Twenty-five part-time faculty wore not rehired after the fall asm solar lor this reeoon. 9 lowor sooeber of units by ea "We're not in a position of going around teUlnt atudonta. 'you have to take more ' ■ Haok said, "but what we have been aaylnc is, 'If you are thjaaasaj about that extra eoeraa this la a wonderful time to take 1U' " The administration appaara to be hedflnc Its bets over enrollment Affores next fall by proparlnc three budget plana, one baaed on 14.000 FTC students, one oo 13.000. andoneon 13.200. Since the number of FTC sladaats didn't rtee tbla eprtnc. Hook Indicated tbot primary emphasis will be placed on the bodgets lor the Haok hop** that updotlnf tba bodget by using current enroll meet indicators will prevent the mid-year reehuffltng of staff aad programs that occurred tola year from I The budgets being worked on now are modifications of the original bodget. which woo drafted two years in advance and baa little flexibility. Haok said tbot baa college la also working on eliminating aa many -oon-iaedte* or lew enrollment eli college's i He that are also repaired ioojsss la some disci- pUnes will not b* dropped. Haok aettmated tbot over five per cent of the maim offered at F2C are •ooo-mokoa." Haok Indicated tbot the administration la also refining Its with ode tor seetgniag part- time faculty cuts, eboold tats baeoms aecee- aary before the beginning of the fell semester next year. Since be la firmly oppoaed to cutting any full-time faculty, thooe departments that prefer to nee part-time staff amy be cot unfairly, Haok said. efforts ara being mode to work oot this prool*m, he said. Danny Cox show tonight Deony Cos. the Balk-rook stager wbooe coo- cert woo a bag bit oo esmpaa wet year, will prsssnl bis aoeood FSC paste moo us tonight at I la the College Untoa. The eoooert Is ee- I by abe noHiaei balls and the col- At a time when all wo aomotlmae beer are the whtatog sounds of electric getters, a pare ■is—IIill guttarlet la bard to com* by.Too 20-year-osd Ceo eeeme to hove maatsrsd Me rousing voice to corns up wttb sMay vert arlooa aad style*. la the eoaroe of a typlcol parser- temporary verelon of 'Jelly. Jelly.* complete with yodels sod gutteral growls, to a string medley of Cbrlotaaaa music Oiled wttb reverence aad perfect la lacked col eaocotloa. Denny Cox la never flashy aa bo maalpolates bio Buy; trade at Book The Freeoo State College Otadaal Seeote la a Ueed Book Fair la the Free to one tehees we hove provided la the Free •If I old bo (CbqHbbiiI oo Page 3, Col. 5) FSC may be CSUF by April Bjp Lssry ■ Bedger recommende en oarollment of at looot 0.000 word tallage. Tberesbre the eoe of the word Freooo Saab* College oooM become known foil-time atudenta. FSC'a FTE wee 12.000 enlverelty will give yea a better entry hate tba as CaUtorsaoototeUsiverelty.Freeno.aaearly last semeeter wortdof beoteooo." aa April If the California Stata Collar* Board Credeote program., he said, weald be looked Beaker ased, however, eollegee oat doing of Treoteea sod baa Coordinating Council tor at according to the aombor enrolled sod the university work so defined by boa criteria Higher Education agree on criteria prepared aombor of dograae greeted. Curreotly. more shooed not receive the nam* eaoog* eptlea. by th* council's staff. are 2.000 stain 11 aoroUod ingiedeets work The whose perpaai of abe aaoao obaaeje bAB preeented aa the treoteea two weeks ego, at FSC and 404 greboot■ degreeo were awarded aad baa deetre of the choa caller'a office, oo is would allow those eollegee in the laot year weU as the coordinating i learll. Is to snobs I etete college systsm who Qualify to Freooo Stata also bos 10 prsHste ossify as- sere loot the schools who do hove their assess » namss to stats uolverslty. Leglsla- credited programs beiag offered. They are: rhsagsil do ateet very sesejaatety, ap a who* ttoe allowing the i bang i was stgaed test year beolneoa. chemistry, dtotottos, laonallaa. so- mergln. the criteria oot dew*,- bossed, by Gov. Ronald Reagan. glneerleg. bealtb edeoce. jowroaHom. mostc. Accordleg to Laogmoorf. the toltewlag atata The criteria, daitlspsd by the etaff of the nexslag ssd social work. oollegee would oaoilfy wader the criteria pro- raiifotoollng council, vest bo appro nil by the nearly all faculty at FSC hove at looot a assess Freooo Stabs. Cbtee Stabs, Col Stat* trustees sod the entire council before the mooter's degree and 401 of 742,or Mper cent, Fellertoo. Col Stan* Heywerd. Col I changes can begin. Indlcatlooa from the ebon- hove doctorate degreeo. The criteria aaya at Bosch, Col colter's office are tbot between 11 and 14 of least half of the faculty most have groooais the pies sot campasss would moot the criteria. The propoeed criteria provide for evaluation of the else of the coOoge. the slas of tba grsdwots program, the number of pi sOnblea bite aeeredlasd programs it boa and the nam bar of focalty that hold graduate degrees. to Dr. W. B. Leogoderf. vice- feoslaf or foecttee,' be sold. Too generally : affairs Is the state mi ess of the word uolveraity la more He*, too criteria prostlfloes la the eyeo of the pohile then the of the same change will mostly be according to FSC President Nor- bill carried with it the |