April 16, 1982 Pg 2-3 |
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Pag* 2—the Dairy Colleen-April It, 1M2 Budget Coot in otd from patr- 1 Martha Davis said every campus organization has the right to go before the senate and request funds from its unallocated reserve if it was necessary. '1 sympathize a lot with Vintage Days," said Graduate Studies Senator Ugo Egubuzie. "We have funding requests from every group and the budget hasn't gone up an inch.* Kaufman told KFSR Station Manager Bret Kofford that his funding request of $3,300 "was cut to zero" because 'you could make enough money to keep the station afloat without AS funds, "and that KFSR should seek funding through the Instructional^1 Related Activities Budget. 'We do give money to IRA areas," Byrd said. Kofford said last year he had trouble qualifying for IRA status but had submitted a request to that board the same day. That IRA money was just for student salaries," Koffard said. That's all that Koffard said he had been trying to apply for grants following a suggestion from President Pro Tempore David Wright. Koffard said he had applied for $23,000 from IRA, totaling 60 percent of KFSR's budget. Int gradua "We're ind said 1250 students live dorms and are big users of the intran program. They're the bread and butter . program," he said. He and Valerie Valverdc of the in ing 536 names of dorms students will support a fee increase to financ intramurals department. The only increase; for student personn "We provide jobs." Valverde said she would possibly make cuts in student personnel to keep the intramural program going. Talk returned to the subject of fee 'I've been fighting for that the same as you've (the senate) been fighting for that," Valverde said. The students are getting enough rec- *lfs realized that a fee increase would be substantial."said Legislative Vice President Paul Canales. Canales: '"' fort ttSlO. ic past 20 years. $5,000 cut is definitely going to put a " program we can offer." Val verde said. fees, which the intramural already employs when charging an entrance fee for Valverde said the intramurals department is the only area charging for its \ fee li e proposed by tl social thing for all the students and it will effect all the students one way or anot her," Koffard said. "We're a new entity and The Associated Student Senate will eet at 3p.m. Tuesday in the College 312-314 to vote on the The Black Sheep of Canadian Liquors. A one hundred proof potency that simmers just below the surface. Yet, it's so smooth and flavorful, it's unlike any Canadian liquor you have ever tasted. Straight, mixed, or on trie rocks, Yukon Jack is truly a black sheep. A spirit unto itself. \YjkcxiJack. WO Proof. Strong and Smooth. Vidal Continued from page 1 provide 40% of the federal budget... last year nine percent came from corporations and 40% came from us," said Vidal. Another issue brought up was the current family protection bill which Vidal said he would like to 'drive a stake "I am always against intrusion by government on private life." said Vidal. Yosemite Spring Bike Rally this weekend Yosemite National Park —The Yosemite Spring Bike Rally will take place on Saturday and Sunday. The rally, a two- day touring event, is held in Yosemite Valley. The Spring Bike Rally begins with a 4.4 mile loop in the east end of Yosemite Valley, in the Happy Isles, Mirror Lake, and Indian Caves area. Its route features outstanding views of Half Dome. Wash- in Column. l-all.a :r Point iGla- iny and picnic follow on Saturday afternoon, with a trophy presented to the person bicycling the greatest distance to Yosemite. Awards are also given to the oldest and youngest cyclists participating in the rally. Informal cycling on Sunday completes the rally events. Registration for the Yosemite Spring Bike Rally takes place at the Curry Village Bike Stand from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on both days. The picnic is held at 2 p.m. on Entry fee for the rally is $1.50. which includes a route map. Bike Rally patch and certificate. Ihe picnic menu is hot dogs. BBQ beans, corn on the cob. salad, soft drinks and milk. Cost is $3.25 for adults and $1.95 for children. The rally is sponsored by Yosemite I iTcnm WORKS Wednesday it buddy night. 1551 "E"St. Fresno, CA April 16, lm-the Dally CoHegUn-Page 3 .Health Genetal herpes spreading rapidly Medical authorities believe that genital Information Center on Herpes Disease, herpes has become one of the most im- Moreover, the most rapid spread of herpes portant and episodically freqeuent genitalis appears lo be among, white, sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. educated men and women between the Some 20 million Americans are currently ages of 25 and 35. afflicted with this often-recurrent viral Genital herpes is a lifelong infection desease. and 300.000 to 500.000 new cases witji no known cure. It is marked by are appearing each year, according to the painful lesions in the genital area and may Planning key to preventing unwanted pregnancies today Every other birth in the United States, according to some estimates, is the result of an accident. Last year, over 1.5 million pregnancy terminations were performed in this country. In high school, one out of :n female teenagers gets pregnant. In col lege, c it of five is pregnant. Failure to use contr ception accounts for most of these u intended pregnancies. What can you do when you don't wa to be pregnant and sperm get in or ne the vagina when used? (Sperm are good even swim into the vagina from outside, for some of the pregnancies vomen who have never had Jt did get semen on the outside of the vagina.) In the 9th century A.D.. the Persian physician Al-Razi suggested thai "immediately after ejaculation and blow her nose several limes, call out in a loud voice and jump violently backward seven lo nine times." A popular method that was used even before jumping backwards, was douchingjusl after intercourse. Various potions have been squired into the vagina lo discourage sperm. Wine and garlic with fennel were used as early as 1500 B.C. Modern-day postcoital douches have included soaps. Lysol and even Coca-Cola. Sperm, however, are not only good swimmers, they are fast. In 90 seconds they can be inside the uterus and out of reach of any concoction inserted in the vagina later than that. Only Olympic- quality athletes will be able to douche quickly enough to catch even th slowest Once inside the uterus, sperm continue their journey out into the tubes arriving later. If there is an egg around, or one is released later, it can be fertilized. The fertilized egg then takes seven to eight days to travel down the tube and implant inside the uterus. This means there is time to do something to get a second chance to prevent implantation. temporarily change the lining of the uterus and prevent implantation. These must be laken within the first 72 hours after unprotected exposure. Intrauterine devices will also interfere with implantation and can be inserted up to seven days after fertilization for this purpose. The sooner something is done, the more likely it is lo Postcoital contraceptives, according to most studies, have been more than 95 percent effective. They are significantly safer than either full-term pregnancy or an operation to terminate one. And, they are an alternative for those who want to do something other than "wait lo see if my period comes." Doingnothingcan involve risk. Since 1963. rape victims have been provided postcoital contraception. It is also appropriate in a variety of other contexts, for example a broken condom. Anytime a contraceptive was not used, and an unintended and undesired pregnancy could result, postcoital contraception may help. On the other hand, if implantation has already occurred, postcoital contraception is inappropriate. Medicines should be used before 72 hours and lUDs before 7 Planning ahead is the best way to prevent unintended pregnancy and use of traditional contraceptives is recommended. But. for those who don't or who have a problem with a contraceptive, postcoital contraception can provide a second The season is over... but not forgotten. Relive Fresno State's greatest basketball season ever THE YEAR OF THE DOG A 56 page review of the highlights of 1981-82 Bulldog basketball: ^..rdbyCr-chBo^Granr j-m^l HOW TO ORDER: ¥£, Addr... K Cay Stat. Z,p . Th* Year of the 'Dog 4577 E Washington SSfflsS Available in Free Speech Area from 11 fo 1 break out every two or three months in some patients. The disease is highly infectious, which leads to serious disruptions of social and sexual relationships and, in some, to depressive feelings. In one study, over 20 perent of patients said they had contemplated suicide. Women with genital herpes bear a special burden. Pregnant women with active disease at the time of delivery may pass the infection on to a newborn at the time of birth if the infant is delivered vaginally. The rate of mortality and neurolic damage is high in neonates who become infected with herpes. In addition, medical investigators have noted a statistical association between genital herpes infections and the development of cervical cancer. This link has not been established, but many researchers are concerned. Herpes infections are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Genital herpes usaally comes from HSV type 2. oral herpes (cold sores, fever blisters) from HSV type 1. In some cases, however, type I is found in genital and type 2 in oral infections. Doctors attribute this phenom- autoinoculation—spreading the disease from one part of the body to another by touching infected areas. Soon after an initial infection is contracted, pain and itching are felt, and glands, fever and aches. These symptoms intensify and are followed by the formation of fluid-filled lesions in the genital area. People who have not had a prior exposure to herpes simplex virus usually experience the most severe symptoms; they sometimes require hospitalization. Such people lack the HSV antibodies the body produces to fight the infection. Most people have HSV-1 antibodies by the time they are 50. Almost all children in lower socioeconomic groups may have them by the time they are 5, but many of those in upper socioeconomic groups still lack them by their early 20s, and this is the group among whom the disease is said to be spreading most rapidly. Recurrences sometimes begin three to four months after the first infection and them come back every two months or so, although the frequency varies greatly. "Prodromal" or early warning symptoms of burning, tingling and numbness, at the point where a lesion will appear, may precede the formation of recurrent lesions. Generally, there are fewer lesions in recurrent outbreaks. The infection is usually contracted through sexual contact with someone who is 'shedding virus"—sending off millions of infectious viruses. Shedding usually coincides with symptoms, which may explain why some people are infected by those who have no history or symptoms of genital herpes. Infection begins when viruses invade normal cells and turn them into viral 'copying machines," reproducing up to 20,000 viruses in a single day. Most of capacity. The infection subsides when it is successfully fought off by the body's immune system. Unfortunately, though, not all the viruses are killed. They travel along nerve fibers and lodge in a dormant state In nerve bundles (ganglia) until stimulated to begin reproducing. When they travel back down the nerve fibers to the infection site, lesions recur. Recurrences can be "triggered" by stress, hormonal changes, and a variety of other factors. Physicians advise herpes genitalis patients to keep affected areas clean and dry. They also counsel abstinence from sex when there are lesions since lesions arc a certain sign of contagiousness. Women with gential herpes are advised to have regular PAP smears and be monitored carefully during pregnancy. Many herpes suffers receive emotional support through membership in the Herpes Resource Center (previously known as H ELP) of Palo Alto. California, which has local chapters in about 50cv.ies. 'Arthur » Rc*ro- Jofte- Morra Breznerivoucw Dudey Moore IJzaMh-«e«JohnG«*sgud "Arthr" CU FRIDAY FILM SHOWTJMES: ADMISSION: 3:30 In John Wright Theatre $1 with CSUO kD. 7:15, 9:10, and 11:05 In $2 General CU Lounge
Object Description
Title | 1982_04 The Daily Collegian April 1982 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1982 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 16, 1982 Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1982 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Pag* 2—the Dairy Colleen-April It, 1M2 Budget Coot in otd from patr- 1 Martha Davis said every campus organization has the right to go before the senate and request funds from its unallocated reserve if it was necessary. '1 sympathize a lot with Vintage Days," said Graduate Studies Senator Ugo Egubuzie. "We have funding requests from every group and the budget hasn't gone up an inch.* Kaufman told KFSR Station Manager Bret Kofford that his funding request of $3,300 "was cut to zero" because 'you could make enough money to keep the station afloat without AS funds, "and that KFSR should seek funding through the Instructional^1 Related Activities Budget. 'We do give money to IRA areas," Byrd said. Kofford said last year he had trouble qualifying for IRA status but had submitted a request to that board the same day. That IRA money was just for student salaries," Koffard said. That's all that Koffard said he had been trying to apply for grants following a suggestion from President Pro Tempore David Wright. Koffard said he had applied for $23,000 from IRA, totaling 60 percent of KFSR's budget. Int gradua "We're ind said 1250 students live dorms and are big users of the intran program. They're the bread and butter . program," he said. He and Valerie Valverdc of the in ing 536 names of dorms students will support a fee increase to financ intramurals department. The only increase; for student personn "We provide jobs." Valverde said she would possibly make cuts in student personnel to keep the intramural program going. Talk returned to the subject of fee 'I've been fighting for that the same as you've (the senate) been fighting for that," Valverde said. The students are getting enough rec- *lfs realized that a fee increase would be substantial."said Legislative Vice President Paul Canales. Canales: '"' fort ttSlO. ic past 20 years. $5,000 cut is definitely going to put a " program we can offer." Val verde said. fees, which the intramural already employs when charging an entrance fee for Valverde said the intramurals department is the only area charging for its \ fee li e proposed by tl social thing for all the students and it will effect all the students one way or anot her," Koffard said. "We're a new entity and The Associated Student Senate will eet at 3p.m. Tuesday in the College 312-314 to vote on the The Black Sheep of Canadian Liquors. A one hundred proof potency that simmers just below the surface. Yet, it's so smooth and flavorful, it's unlike any Canadian liquor you have ever tasted. Straight, mixed, or on trie rocks, Yukon Jack is truly a black sheep. A spirit unto itself. \YjkcxiJack. WO Proof. Strong and Smooth. Vidal Continued from page 1 provide 40% of the federal budget... last year nine percent came from corporations and 40% came from us," said Vidal. Another issue brought up was the current family protection bill which Vidal said he would like to 'drive a stake "I am always against intrusion by government on private life." said Vidal. Yosemite Spring Bike Rally this weekend Yosemite National Park —The Yosemite Spring Bike Rally will take place on Saturday and Sunday. The rally, a two- day touring event, is held in Yosemite Valley. The Spring Bike Rally begins with a 4.4 mile loop in the east end of Yosemite Valley, in the Happy Isles, Mirror Lake, and Indian Caves area. Its route features outstanding views of Half Dome. Wash- in Column. l-all.a :r Point iGla- iny and picnic follow on Saturday afternoon, with a trophy presented to the person bicycling the greatest distance to Yosemite. Awards are also given to the oldest and youngest cyclists participating in the rally. Informal cycling on Sunday completes the rally events. Registration for the Yosemite Spring Bike Rally takes place at the Curry Village Bike Stand from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on both days. The picnic is held at 2 p.m. on Entry fee for the rally is $1.50. which includes a route map. Bike Rally patch and certificate. Ihe picnic menu is hot dogs. BBQ beans, corn on the cob. salad, soft drinks and milk. Cost is $3.25 for adults and $1.95 for children. The rally is sponsored by Yosemite I iTcnm WORKS Wednesday it buddy night. 1551 "E"St. Fresno, CA April 16, lm-the Dally CoHegUn-Page 3 .Health Genetal herpes spreading rapidly Medical authorities believe that genital Information Center on Herpes Disease, herpes has become one of the most im- Moreover, the most rapid spread of herpes portant and episodically freqeuent genitalis appears lo be among, white, sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. educated men and women between the Some 20 million Americans are currently ages of 25 and 35. afflicted with this often-recurrent viral Genital herpes is a lifelong infection desease. and 300.000 to 500.000 new cases witji no known cure. It is marked by are appearing each year, according to the painful lesions in the genital area and may Planning key to preventing unwanted pregnancies today Every other birth in the United States, according to some estimates, is the result of an accident. Last year, over 1.5 million pregnancy terminations were performed in this country. In high school, one out of :n female teenagers gets pregnant. In col lege, c it of five is pregnant. Failure to use contr ception accounts for most of these u intended pregnancies. What can you do when you don't wa to be pregnant and sperm get in or ne the vagina when used? (Sperm are good even swim into the vagina from outside, for some of the pregnancies vomen who have never had Jt did get semen on the outside of the vagina.) In the 9th century A.D.. the Persian physician Al-Razi suggested thai "immediately after ejaculation and blow her nose several limes, call out in a loud voice and jump violently backward seven lo nine times." A popular method that was used even before jumping backwards, was douchingjusl after intercourse. Various potions have been squired into the vagina lo discourage sperm. Wine and garlic with fennel were used as early as 1500 B.C. Modern-day postcoital douches have included soaps. Lysol and even Coca-Cola. Sperm, however, are not only good swimmers, they are fast. In 90 seconds they can be inside the uterus and out of reach of any concoction inserted in the vagina later than that. Only Olympic- quality athletes will be able to douche quickly enough to catch even th slowest Once inside the uterus, sperm continue their journey out into the tubes arriving later. If there is an egg around, or one is released later, it can be fertilized. The fertilized egg then takes seven to eight days to travel down the tube and implant inside the uterus. This means there is time to do something to get a second chance to prevent implantation. temporarily change the lining of the uterus and prevent implantation. These must be laken within the first 72 hours after unprotected exposure. Intrauterine devices will also interfere with implantation and can be inserted up to seven days after fertilization for this purpose. The sooner something is done, the more likely it is lo Postcoital contraceptives, according to most studies, have been more than 95 percent effective. They are significantly safer than either full-term pregnancy or an operation to terminate one. And, they are an alternative for those who want to do something other than "wait lo see if my period comes." Doingnothingcan involve risk. Since 1963. rape victims have been provided postcoital contraception. It is also appropriate in a variety of other contexts, for example a broken condom. Anytime a contraceptive was not used, and an unintended and undesired pregnancy could result, postcoital contraception may help. On the other hand, if implantation has already occurred, postcoital contraception is inappropriate. Medicines should be used before 72 hours and lUDs before 7 Planning ahead is the best way to prevent unintended pregnancy and use of traditional contraceptives is recommended. But. for those who don't or who have a problem with a contraceptive, postcoital contraception can provide a second The season is over... but not forgotten. Relive Fresno State's greatest basketball season ever THE YEAR OF THE DOG A 56 page review of the highlights of 1981-82 Bulldog basketball: ^..rdbyCr-chBo^Granr j-m^l HOW TO ORDER: ¥£, Addr... K Cay Stat. Z,p . Th* Year of the 'Dog 4577 E Washington SSfflsS Available in Free Speech Area from 11 fo 1 break out every two or three months in some patients. The disease is highly infectious, which leads to serious disruptions of social and sexual relationships and, in some, to depressive feelings. In one study, over 20 perent of patients said they had contemplated suicide. Women with genital herpes bear a special burden. Pregnant women with active disease at the time of delivery may pass the infection on to a newborn at the time of birth if the infant is delivered vaginally. The rate of mortality and neurolic damage is high in neonates who become infected with herpes. In addition, medical investigators have noted a statistical association between genital herpes infections and the development of cervical cancer. This link has not been established, but many researchers are concerned. Herpes infections are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). Genital herpes usaally comes from HSV type 2. oral herpes (cold sores, fever blisters) from HSV type 1. In some cases, however, type I is found in genital and type 2 in oral infections. Doctors attribute this phenom- autoinoculation—spreading the disease from one part of the body to another by touching infected areas. Soon after an initial infection is contracted, pain and itching are felt, and glands, fever and aches. These symptoms intensify and are followed by the formation of fluid-filled lesions in the genital area. People who have not had a prior exposure to herpes simplex virus usually experience the most severe symptoms; they sometimes require hospitalization. Such people lack the HSV antibodies the body produces to fight the infection. Most people have HSV-1 antibodies by the time they are 50. Almost all children in lower socioeconomic groups may have them by the time they are 5, but many of those in upper socioeconomic groups still lack them by their early 20s, and this is the group among whom the disease is said to be spreading most rapidly. Recurrences sometimes begin three to four months after the first infection and them come back every two months or so, although the frequency varies greatly. "Prodromal" or early warning symptoms of burning, tingling and numbness, at the point where a lesion will appear, may precede the formation of recurrent lesions. Generally, there are fewer lesions in recurrent outbreaks. The infection is usually contracted through sexual contact with someone who is 'shedding virus"—sending off millions of infectious viruses. Shedding usually coincides with symptoms, which may explain why some people are infected by those who have no history or symptoms of genital herpes. Infection begins when viruses invade normal cells and turn them into viral 'copying machines," reproducing up to 20,000 viruses in a single day. Most of capacity. The infection subsides when it is successfully fought off by the body's immune system. Unfortunately, though, not all the viruses are killed. They travel along nerve fibers and lodge in a dormant state In nerve bundles (ganglia) until stimulated to begin reproducing. When they travel back down the nerve fibers to the infection site, lesions recur. Recurrences can be "triggered" by stress, hormonal changes, and a variety of other factors. Physicians advise herpes genitalis patients to keep affected areas clean and dry. They also counsel abstinence from sex when there are lesions since lesions arc a certain sign of contagiousness. Women with gential herpes are advised to have regular PAP smears and be monitored carefully during pregnancy. Many herpes suffers receive emotional support through membership in the Herpes Resource Center (previously known as H ELP) of Palo Alto. California, which has local chapters in about 50cv.ies. 'Arthur » Rc*ro- Jofte- Morra Breznerivoucw Dudey Moore IJzaMh-«e«JohnG«*sgud "Arthr" CU FRIDAY FILM SHOWTJMES: ADMISSION: 3:30 In John Wright Theatre $1 with CSUO kD. 7:15, 9:10, and 11:05 In $2 General CU Lounge |