March 1, 1972 Pg 1 |
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W l*eniQia*.B S>* Laiii »***■ An FSC visitor might wrjnder if studonts have anything better to do on worm, sunny days then enjoy the view from the Coilege Untan railing. Committee may unplug music Hijzh interest rates Life insurance: a rip off? The student Affairs Committee tomorrow ls expected to revise tho policy regulating ampllfica- ttoo iBBBgisinl tahxePi sagaoatB Ares. The proposed chsogss would prohibit "apitAcattoo of music ta the sres . . . due to tho proximity of classrooms snd the Llbrsry.' The BSw policy would continue to allow voice ampltflctatoa by portable amplifiers. Music amplification hss been used la connection with various laaaaa' attempts I activities The Stu- Acttvtttee Office has been I tor granting permission tor this typs of amplification aod hss reported some complaints that the music has been too lead in ths pest. John Cagle, assistant professor of speech aod aether of ths draft, ssid amplified 'disrupts functions of sxs aod ths Library." He lots hsve been faculty Ha cttad three differ- oot groups were uetag amplifying equipment st one tlms, each trying ta he beard shove the other. John Hlnljos. student member of the committee, oays that he oppoees tho proposal. He cold the music attracts student attention aad "helps Is selling things." Meljos sstd that he weald he contacting sleds al organtaations. (Cootlnoed oo page 2, col. 5) By Aooe Becsexnte Cc.llaa.iar. Sla/f Baaartar wont give up. so pea sign go the line six times to got rid of Mm. It's okay, you think, bee*eee yoe don't start paying until after yoe graduate a year's free premiums. Walt a Hull . The nxeoey ta bxe atcooni The fine deducts too ararowot is taken from toe pr ■■turns that of the loan booore awardtag toe the torssor oledsal kas paid Mac* cosh value ta to* retatlvee. he hss graduated. Oas ageot kar a targe cexxsgo- Slocs moot BlBSiali sadt flee orioetod firs* said «l know it yeers to repay the loeo. they srs eooxuto creel, aat it la a sssbbsw gives oo reducttan oo their ta- procedure We ere aaeeHy taJk- tareat ratas or principal be- lag about 9999 sot of 910,000 or csass they sre ta effect paying eve* $90,000 worth of seeeflta." to tho life Insurance policy, la a promissory note. You are. la effect, borrowing thst mossy tor tho flret yeor of payment*. Tho ropey moot schedule la profoably over a period of Ave yeers. Interest paSpf Aa high ss 4.3 per cent, r rim pound* S yearly that Toe Coeousxers Union article The sctoal latsrsst rsts potato oot that tka Ibbbsbsss charged by Mo ■ anpaaj, he sold, compsny sxay aoo toe slsdsta lor wss 7.S psr coot, lusipBislili the preoHesx aod latarssl so she with loan rxgo* at aay hsok. first yesr»B tasoioats If he do- Another bob half par coot to- cldoe who* he grodsatss he tares! wee s bbtvIbo ehsrge, sod doesn't went too policy. one-third per coot tor etker > Student, faculty support requested at UPC picket to the principal. Too psy inter sat oo your internet ■slllng Mas las a, son as col lege Nil One of the tergwxt axaaae 90 per coat of Its ssJss to college latortoailosal picketing is be- log staged as the free speech area aad at various cameos entrances today to protect toe propooed 1471-73 stoto college budget. The picket ls co- sponsored by the Fresno State chapter of United Professors of California and the Student Senate Dr. Warren Kessler. local UPC president, sold the picket ls strictly Inform at tonal. Hs sold tho purpose of the picket Hess Is to expUin the budget snd its ef- toct on the stote's educational It will draw ptckot has bsss as aanetlonsd by ths Central Labor Kessler sold thst it Is impor- taat to kovs ss msny faculty and stsdauts parttclpotB In the picket ss possible. "Th* fact of the matter is that the academic community UtsrsUy cannot afford sxuxhxy sod passivity In ths toes ef BOBBJasBfJ Maggstsry soxioosss. Faculty remain tor bsblod to* coot of living, while we got continued tner lood. If the i for tultloo i ef tlcl* oo < programs A studoi port, hss two Bo- a critical *r- Mto (CibUiimI en pegs 3, ess. 1) -Senate to debate dissolution, get funds request today Ths Medial awaoto today win aad two 'smwlllsi epeolegs. begin dsbsttag aod prihalty veto Mark PeoUllo Is betog aoeta- Ossrs s irupml to olsaatve PBC noted la ropJace Bo Tee Ngaa (or ta soexo eaaea, bxs Bret two) years the policy Is ta *f94ct. ■ rrnrdlag to Dove CsUtaa, ABB Bsss- (L-a Raaa Week) rinses loglslstlve vice priMSsta. said. Staasece hss said hs will st- Colli as Bald he ta also ax-
Object Description
Title | 1972_03 The Daily Collegian March 1972 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 1, 1972 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | W l*eniQia*.B S>* Laiii »***■ An FSC visitor might wrjnder if studonts have anything better to do on worm, sunny days then enjoy the view from the Coilege Untan railing. Committee may unplug music Hijzh interest rates Life insurance: a rip off? The student Affairs Committee tomorrow ls expected to revise tho policy regulating ampllfica- ttoo iBBBgisinl tahxePi sagaoatB Ares. The proposed chsogss would prohibit "apitAcattoo of music ta the sres . . . due to tho proximity of classrooms snd the Llbrsry.' The BSw policy would continue to allow voice ampltflctatoa by portable amplifiers. Music amplification hss been used la connection with various laaaaa' attempts I activities The Stu- Acttvtttee Office has been I tor granting permission tor this typs of amplification aod hss reported some complaints that the music has been too lead in ths pest. John Cagle, assistant professor of speech aod aether of ths draft, ssid amplified 'disrupts functions of sxs aod ths Library." He lots hsve been faculty Ha cttad three differ- oot groups were uetag amplifying equipment st one tlms, each trying ta he beard shove the other. John Hlnljos. student member of the committee, oays that he oppoees tho proposal. He cold the music attracts student attention aad "helps Is selling things." Meljos sstd that he weald he contacting sleds al organtaations. (Cootlnoed oo page 2, col. 5) By Aooe Becsexnte Cc.llaa.iar. Sla/f Baaartar wont give up. so pea sign go the line six times to got rid of Mm. It's okay, you think, bee*eee yoe don't start paying until after yoe graduate a year's free premiums. Walt a Hull . The nxeoey ta bxe atcooni The fine deducts too ararowot is taken from toe pr ■■turns that of the loan booore awardtag toe the torssor oledsal kas paid Mac* cosh value ta to* retatlvee. he hss graduated. Oas ageot kar a targe cexxsgo- Slocs moot BlBSiali sadt flee orioetod firs* said «l know it yeers to repay the loeo. they srs eooxuto creel, aat it la a sssbbsw gives oo reducttan oo their ta- procedure We ere aaeeHy taJk- tareat ratas or principal be- lag about 9999 sot of 910,000 or csass they sre ta effect paying eve* $90,000 worth of seeeflta." to tho life Insurance policy, la a promissory note. You are. la effect, borrowing thst mossy tor tho flret yeor of payment*. Tho ropey moot schedule la profoably over a period of Ave yeers. Interest paSpf Aa high ss 4.3 per cent, r rim pound* S yearly that Toe Coeousxers Union article The sctoal latsrsst rsts potato oot that tka Ibbbsbsss charged by Mo ■ anpaaj, he sold, compsny sxay aoo toe slsdsta lor wss 7.S psr coot, lusipBislili the preoHesx aod latarssl so she with loan rxgo* at aay hsok. first yesr»B tasoioats If he do- Another bob half par coot to- cldoe who* he grodsatss he tares! wee s bbtvIbo ehsrge, sod doesn't went too policy. one-third per coot tor etker > Student, faculty support requested at UPC picket to the principal. Too psy inter sat oo your internet ■slllng Mas las a, son as col lege Nil One of the tergwxt axaaae 90 per coat of Its ssJss to college latortoailosal picketing is be- log staged as the free speech area aad at various cameos entrances today to protect toe propooed 1471-73 stoto college budget. The picket ls co- sponsored by the Fresno State chapter of United Professors of California and the Student Senate Dr. Warren Kessler. local UPC president, sold the picket ls strictly Inform at tonal. Hs sold tho purpose of the picket Hess Is to expUin the budget snd its ef- toct on the stote's educational It will draw ptckot has bsss as aanetlonsd by ths Central Labor Kessler sold thst it Is impor- taat to kovs ss msny faculty and stsdauts parttclpotB In the picket ss possible. "Th* fact of the matter is that the academic community UtsrsUy cannot afford sxuxhxy sod passivity In ths toes ef BOBBJasBfJ Maggstsry soxioosss. Faculty remain tor bsblod to* coot of living, while we got continued tner lood. If the i for tultloo i ef tlcl* oo < programs A studoi port, hss two Bo- a critical *r- Mto (CibUiimI en pegs 3, ess. 1) -Senate to debate dissolution, get funds request today Ths Medial awaoto today win aad two 'smwlllsi epeolegs. begin dsbsttag aod prihalty veto Mark PeoUllo Is betog aoeta- Ossrs s irupml to olsaatve PBC noted la ropJace Bo Tee Ngaa (or ta soexo eaaea, bxs Bret two) years the policy Is ta *f94ct. ■ rrnrdlag to Dove CsUtaa, ABB Bsss- (L-a Raaa Week) rinses loglslstlve vice priMSsta. said. Staasece hss said hs will st- Colli as Bald he ta also ax- |