March 8, 1972 Pg 5 |
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Tar,ida,, Hmeh 7. 1972 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN i Radicals, authorities prepare for convention Hi ujK-heel I rissiir* 9**a*m Port 1 California's second mecalopolis, son Dtogo, Cinderella city la avory i De,erted Urgely by etiich prefers to sloop with its sisters in ths sooth, BwaTgoga's bones of a flagging aircraft industry sod o faltering military estabHskmeet. Bet tourism la stiU big D4xstsaee sad ths city ha* csrofijll*/ safBaxesw a woa- drous enviroamont lor ©ss aa a national ptoycround. la 1472, San ' Dlogo is a spsrkUog medtter- rxneao-llke city, d**igned tor pleasure. Th© ©aa hanaaslBss with the coastllBS, freeways srs j.clocgsd. sslty the stmosphors recreation retgae For some mat laat No one has ever tokos Saa Dtago seriously snd when the country's vitxl urban centers are discussed, the big border town lo rarely montlon©d. Far from th© pulse of gross a>s©ts with a rruch-reaentsd mloor leegs© image, San Diego's thirst tor national recognition, power aod influence has been frustrated. But a few words from Richard Nixon hsve bontshed thst frost ration, aad with ths BhospiBk grta of a bumpkin at bxe bell park. sen Diego la edging i satlijBBfjj 1972 Republican Convention belongs, for bettor or tor worse, to Ssn Dtogo. Ironically, Dlegans from Mxon's dor sing snd I to host It. First price t*c to const dor ssr ths cost of admission to the btg- time. Then there was the matter of dfssent; whoa bxe Republicans ride into the city oo Aegwxt 21, it's a aera bet thst many thousands of hoetlle followers will ome too. When Ssn Diego flnal- lv bought ths bought •TM-ch of th* country's dssanch am - mem as part of the asefcsgrsdssl. *wlltoc the Cooveotta© In 1944, Miami's winning bid for the GOP cone oat toa ©aa S*00.000 lo essk. Is 1471, San Mogo hsd to bid a whopping $1.5 million far ths "honor' of koat- inc th* cosveexxeooora. $400,000 io cash ts to bo paid by th* city, $300,000 by has state GOP sad the balance by Sheraton Hotels, Inc., aa outfit taat eexxs two hotels to Ssn Diego and ha* a third under construction. Another 150.000 Is oxrmsrksd for a lavish prase party aad $1.2 million will have to be Saa Dtago tion site In order to tr from ai\ inhospitable lcs hockey. rock concern emporium to an intimate smoke-filled cavero. Laat bet not least ts bxe$500.000 •o be coughed i fresh police riot total wlU run close to 15 million. and. Initially, anything bet eager ts saws up. A close Nixon oily, Congreea- ™« Boai The est cially -Aisjast ls a big toartat axoetk m San Diego. That factor, along with ths OOP's bad credit rating, "ado potenMsl bsckers relectant. But otth ths Toss-tot and Cob von - ttoa Bureau ».1*0©' ©aid ths < bring ss i Ssn Beet la a field where tow eetab- Haloiiiiiiee© c,. ^^^ ..^ ■spaalie* hot ths city fathers. aioag with ths police, have al- *-*r bags* to plaa sfaya «f «,- nxstag aap saaatbso dlsrwxttoas Thair eftons so far bsvs keen ssgtatBg bat bosh league and It's Chicago la 1444. While the police deoartment ls being reinforced, the city has been aggroeolve and imaglasilve in oeoking ©ays to co-opt s maxalve challenge to Nixon aad his Republican charges. A determined, two-pronged program of police preparedness is pUnnod with elaborate rosso deetgxod to fragmoat atreet pro- cotved by the Mayor's CeaacUoa Tooth Opportunity aod Coexmo- nlty Congreeo, It was intended aa * *ay of rnwprnsilstBg ths ef- fxcUveneea of Uador bxs plaa commentary tost. Ssn Diego's police force Is oeo of the smaJleet fa the ecoatry. To get the moot oot of the least, all been cancelled tor A rarest 21-24 sod twelve-hour shifts wiu be in effect during Em kxer-day convention. The Saa Dlogo sheriffs office hss been pressed into action, too; 500 men from thst office have been assigned and hxlf of them hsve already completed 40 boors of "Intensive security training ■ AU told, ths two agencies will novo about 1,400 men In the field by convention time. The police. oxxtor the direction of Chief Ray Hoobier, sad ths sheriffs, led by Dsvtd Oltvsr. wlU than join hands with the Secret Service, the F.B.I. and naval IntolUgenceomto.Thts trio Is charged with coordinating police-she riff assignments from th© U.S.-Mexlcxn border, 15 oxilee south of Ssn Dtogo to the Woetorn White House 50 ml lee north. Tho California Highway Patrol wlU monitor the three major freeway arteries feeding traffic Into the city, and if necessary. will perform the complicated taak of various orgsstsod minority youth i tho city. The Ids© made far the participation of even more men through a first-time- ever mutual aid program which could bring lawmen la from lour other California c Three specially ooxtpped helicopters sre being acquired by the Sheriffs deportment with funds from s cram mads by the California Council on Crimtnxl Justice, o stats agency which distributes federal monies to saxes lxw enforcement agencies. Oliver says the helicopters will be eesd "primarily aa flying oboervxtion Uvity. They wlU ho tovslushls ss trouble spotters la a community as large as Ssn Diego, with it* ■Ursgailtxa areas on three stese."Tbs eewwtortoytord* wlU bo hooked tote a special radio 1 )ototly by the cities Thus far ths police build-op hss been well-ore-xnlzodaadcon- •Anyons advocating vto- Otlver sale recently, roferrlng to a csU by Jerry Rubin tor s astute© people to attaad ths con- Xh Oliver s wlU simply 'not ho ssrmtttod.' " | eopecisUy seems to be the time of Ms 11 fa and ha* mi Us roio lo the he 'the treat est of my career.' pert of has package plaa- Ths built-in Uabillty of heads!ag axxv poiice bs*©* ar* batr attended to. city officials ..jr. srs rscktog thslr braias tor ways to kssp dlarup- from Fsderal projects such as Medal ciuos sod ths force was scheduled to perform tor ths first time M o dty-sponoored •Entertainment Spectscalar" slated for February. This was to serve as a warm-up for uxo convention. Ths "Emertalnmeet Spectacular" retain* It* connection with the convention. City officer* fig- rock concert of oome sort might be one way of draining off potential demonstrators. Th© Idas to not naw but It Is City officials In Oregon tho tactic with crest r <i the American Legion was being trailer Loon Nower. s self - styled radical moth professor st Saa Dtogo Stoto College; sod Asa Dosher, reader of a Urge contingent of ckerek r hs* eaa- of ths othsr through personal and pro- HbMbbiI conflicts. Welea kaa I city government sod la generally disliked bet carrtos clout bocaeso of his ahtUty to corral I has charisma hot Is IscooeiBtont politically, andDoaher has feuded Isssad aod bxs arena Ls a beg© tidal channel, ortasdaled tor dredging this year, which would (To be cootiBuod Thurso©*?)
Object Description
Title | 1972_03 The Daily Collegian March 1972 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 8, 1972 Pg 5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Tar,ida,, Hmeh 7. 1972 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN i Radicals, authorities prepare for convention Hi ujK-heel I rissiir* 9**a*m Port 1 California's second mecalopolis, son Dtogo, Cinderella city la avory i De,erted Urgely by etiich prefers to sloop with its sisters in ths sooth, BwaTgoga's bones of a flagging aircraft industry sod o faltering military estabHskmeet. Bet tourism la stiU big D4xstsaee sad ths city ha* csrofijll*/ safBaxesw a woa- drous enviroamont lor ©ss aa a national ptoycround. la 1472, San ' Dlogo is a spsrkUog medtter- rxneao-llke city, d**igned tor pleasure. Th© ©aa hanaaslBss with the coastllBS, freeways srs j.clocgsd. sslty the stmosphors recreation retgae For some mat laat No one has ever tokos Saa Dtago seriously snd when the country's vitxl urban centers are discussed, the big border town lo rarely montlon©d. Far from th© pulse of gross a>s©ts with a rruch-reaentsd mloor leegs© image, San Diego's thirst tor national recognition, power aod influence has been frustrated. But a few words from Richard Nixon hsve bontshed thst frost ration, aad with ths BhospiBk grta of a bumpkin at bxe bell park. sen Diego la edging i satlijBBfjj 1972 Republican Convention belongs, for bettor or tor worse, to Ssn Dtogo. Ironically, Dlegans from Mxon's dor sing snd I to host It. First price t*c to const dor ssr ths cost of admission to the btg- time. Then there was the matter of dfssent; whoa bxe Republicans ride into the city oo Aegwxt 21, it's a aera bet thst many thousands of hoetlle followers will ome too. When Ssn Diego flnal- lv bought ths bought •TM-ch of th* country's dssanch am - mem as part of the asefcsgrsdssl. *wlltoc the Cooveotta© In 1944, Miami's winning bid for the GOP cone oat toa ©aa S*00.000 lo essk. Is 1471, San Mogo hsd to bid a whopping $1.5 million far ths "honor' of koat- inc th* cosveexxeooora. $400,000 io cash ts to bo paid by th* city, $300,000 by has state GOP sad the balance by Sheraton Hotels, Inc., aa outfit taat eexxs two hotels to Ssn Diego and ha* a third under construction. Another 150.000 Is oxrmsrksd for a lavish prase party aad $1.2 million will have to be Saa Dtago tion site In order to tr from ai\ inhospitable lcs hockey. rock concern emporium to an intimate smoke-filled cavero. Laat bet not least ts bxe$500.000 •o be coughed i fresh police riot total wlU run close to 15 million. and. Initially, anything bet eager ts saws up. A close Nixon oily, Congreea- ™« Boai The est cially -Aisjast ls a big toartat axoetk m San Diego. That factor, along with ths OOP's bad credit rating, "ado potenMsl bsckers relectant. But otth ths Toss-tot and Cob von - ttoa Bureau ».1*0©' ©aid ths < bring ss i Ssn Beet la a field where tow eetab- Haloiiiiiiee© c,. ^^^ ..^ ■spaalie* hot ths city fathers. aioag with ths police, have al- *-*r bags* to plaa sfaya «f «,- nxstag aap saaatbso dlsrwxttoas Thair eftons so far bsvs keen ssgtatBg bat bosh league and It's Chicago la 1444. While the police deoartment ls being reinforced, the city has been aggroeolve and imaglasilve in oeoking ©ays to co-opt s maxalve challenge to Nixon aad his Republican charges. A determined, two-pronged program of police preparedness is pUnnod with elaborate rosso deetgxod to fragmoat atreet pro- cotved by the Mayor's CeaacUoa Tooth Opportunity aod Coexmo- nlty Congreeo, It was intended aa * *ay of rnwprnsilstBg ths ef- fxcUveneea of Uador bxs plaa commentary tost. Ssn Diego's police force Is oeo of the smaJleet fa the ecoatry. To get the moot oot of the least, all been cancelled tor A rarest 21-24 sod twelve-hour shifts wiu be in effect during Em kxer-day convention. The Saa Dlogo sheriffs office hss been pressed into action, too; 500 men from thst office have been assigned and hxlf of them hsve already completed 40 boors of "Intensive security training ■ AU told, ths two agencies will novo about 1,400 men In the field by convention time. The police. oxxtor the direction of Chief Ray Hoobier, sad ths sheriffs, led by Dsvtd Oltvsr. wlU than join hands with the Secret Service, the F.B.I. and naval IntolUgenceomto.Thts trio Is charged with coordinating police-she riff assignments from th© U.S.-Mexlcxn border, 15 oxilee south of Ssn Dtogo to the Woetorn White House 50 ml lee north. Tho California Highway Patrol wlU monitor the three major freeway arteries feeding traffic Into the city, and if necessary. will perform the complicated taak of various orgsstsod minority youth i tho city. The Ids© made far the participation of even more men through a first-time- ever mutual aid program which could bring lawmen la from lour other California c Three specially ooxtpped helicopters sre being acquired by the Sheriffs deportment with funds from s cram mads by the California Council on Crimtnxl Justice, o stats agency which distributes federal monies to saxes lxw enforcement agencies. Oliver says the helicopters will be eesd "primarily aa flying oboervxtion Uvity. They wlU ho tovslushls ss trouble spotters la a community as large as Ssn Diego, with it* ■Ursgailtxa areas on three stese."Tbs eewwtortoytord* wlU bo hooked tote a special radio 1 )ototly by the cities Thus far ths police build-op hss been well-ore-xnlzodaadcon- •Anyons advocating vto- Otlver sale recently, roferrlng to a csU by Jerry Rubin tor s astute© people to attaad ths con- Xh Oliver s wlU simply 'not ho ssrmtttod.' " | eopecisUy seems to be the time of Ms 11 fa and ha* mi Us roio lo the he 'the treat est of my career.' pert of has package plaa- Ths built-in Uabillty of heads!ag axxv poiice bs*©* ar* batr attended to. city officials ..jr. srs rscktog thslr braias tor ways to kssp dlarup- from Fsderal projects such as Medal ciuos sod ths force was scheduled to perform tor ths first time M o dty-sponoored •Entertainment Spectscalar" slated for February. This was to serve as a warm-up for uxo convention. Ths "Emertalnmeet Spectacular" retain* It* connection with the convention. City officer* fig- rock concert of oome sort might be one way of draining off potential demonstrators. Th© Idas to not naw but It Is City officials In Oregon tho tactic with crest r |