March 29, 1982 Pg 2-3 |
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Page 2-tbe Daily Collegian-March 29, 19*2 CSUF this week Letters. TUESDAY The Associated Student Senate meets today at 3 p.m. in College Union 312. WEDNESDAY The Future of Special Education* is the topic of a panel discussion to be presented b\ the Council for Exceptional Children (CECi and the CSUF Student Council for Exceptional Children. Included on the panel will b • Dr. Louis Barber (Stale Director of Specia Education)and Venn Snell (State CEC president). The program will be held at St. Anthony's Social Hall at the comer of Maroa and Bullard. A wine and cheese tasting reception will predeced the program. The program will begin al 7:30 p.m. Admission ie S3. $2 for students. For more information contact Al Sil- veira at 219-2906 or Diane Thomas at 435-9921. The Fellowship for Christian Athletes meets Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m. at the east side of the cafeteria dining hall. THURSDAY Dr. Robert Sinsbeimcr, chancellor of the University of California at Santa Cruz, will present and afternoon lecture of The Social Implications of Genetic Engineering,* today at 12:30 p. m. in the College Union Lounge. The lecture b the third in the Science and Society Series, sponsored by the Associated Students. College U nion Programming and the School of Natural Sciences. Sinshe imer is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and past president of the Biophysical Society. He has been involved in the modern science of genetic engineering since its birth in the mid- 1970s, and has taken a special interest in the study of the potential inpact of genetic engineering on society. Playwright Jean Anouilh's French farce. The Waltz of the Toreadors' will be presented by CSUF's Experimental Theatre Company beginning tonight through Saturday. Tickets are $1.50 for studenu, $2.50 general admission. Performances begin at t: 15 p.m. in the Arena Theatre. For reservation and more information contact the CSUF Theatre Box Office at gjggNff i There is no CU movie scheduled for tonight. Drabble' By Kevin Fagart gmtr >(oo -.eaty-nat*. -*»'a 15 A U»0 ft RfcAvW HvfcWT'-S Hit!! Fr* SOUR tT^—T/—' ft*WliMS i?Z **•=-?- Garfield' By Jim Davis 294-2216. 12:30-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. FRIDAY 'Politics of World Hunger* is the topic of i lecture to be presented by Dr. Joseph Collins, today at noon in the College Unuion Lounge. Collins is co-founder of the Institute for Food and Development Policy (a research, documentation and educational center that focuses on the problem of world hunger. Collins' lecture is will deal with the aspects of food as a political weapon. The lecture is part of the Social Science Forum series, sponsered by the Associated Studenu, College Union Programming and the School of Social Sciences. The Bluesteins, a musical family that plays the traditional folk music of America, will perform "A Concert for Children' today and tomorrow in the Child Drama Center (Lab School 101). Tickets are $2 for adulu and S3 for children. Today's performances are at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday 1 performance is at 10 a.m. Pot Initiative To the editor. Take advantage of California's initiative law to make the rules you want. If 365.000 signatures can be obtained in five months, the following initiative will appear on the ballot of the next state election: 'Adults 18 years or older shall nol be prosecuted for possession of under I or. of marijuana." It sounds hard, but if I could find 365 people who would each collect 10 signatures a day wihtout fail, it would work. I cannot pay you. In fact, I need money for printing and mailing. It would help if each person did their own printing, which would cost about $5. If you are interested in collecting signatures, write me. Kerry Waddell 1411 Stockton Room 118 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 Letters policy It* Uaitj Coikfiaa welcomea leiicr, to ihe -ctitor reflecting all viewpoints Every attempt will be made to print all Idlers, space permit- ling. Letters dealing with on-campus issue* will be given priority. The Daily Coltegiaa reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, and propriety. All letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no longer than two pages in lenglh. All letters must bear the writer's signature, address and telephone numbers so the Dallj CoDetlan can reach Ihe author if there are any queslions. Names may be withheld only in special cases. Address all tellers lo: Editor. Daily Collegian: Keats Campus Building: Calif. Suie University. Fresno: Fresno. CA 93740: or deliver ihem lo ihe Dally Collrtlaa offices. the Daily Collegian Ediior-iivOucf: If'aiW ft Agner Maiuginf Editor: Joann nYttodnorik Sport. Ediioc Chard: Barnet Photo Editor: Sadim Grorte Rep-oMtri: Jfff Domineues. Diane Dryer. Robert Gauihier. Jim Graham. Ctndr Guerra. WW Hrixi. l*o Hotar, iayra iant.affij xMonmHon. Julie Penn. Peter Scon. f.ktme Wo*/. Phoiog-Taapra-crv John Nelson, Mike Penn. Mark Production Man-.-**-'. Jermtjer Dobner Production A.-mUnti: Beth Herburrer. Audrey Ptl- bt-rkMii. Advc-liiing Miniffr Jul* Morandi Aisivi Ad»*eniun#. Manjfrr: CaroJe Duddi Adwrtninf Sato: Lcurrt fleniminr, Jean Vrwn. Advert is in j- Produciioir Judith Kraft, Kenneth Bu-nncii Mi eager Terrt Btmat Bu-ainni Auiitinl: C rival litpe: TYp-nette*** Joan Htetpa*. Gtna Sardo;za. Veronka Selum. Staff Arm. Tom Wendt The 1 ha11 > t'olkftan .» puolubed daily csorpi Saturday. Sunday, cavaminaiion week, and holiday*, by Ihe A-a>octaled Student* of ("■liiornu Slate I tii»er*sif». and the newi-MperX-.U'T- Opinion*. c vf-ow-d art tho-K of iu author** ■ Ihc new-snaper** office, air located in ihe Keaii (impus Buildine |w>uih of the Kennel Bookuort). He-vno.l'A 93740. Editorial CW) 7HH*b BuM-tr*.*. Adsennm-p f 204) 294-2266. The Onily f oik-pan t* a member of the California Iniercollcfiair Pre*. Auocution. Sajb»c*ip*iort» available by mail: SI5.'•coM»icr.S2S »>Ca>de«MCyear. * Monday is ' ^ggia ^ ^ /^S^i ^a* « ■••••••••••••a 20% OFF all food and drinks AND *v» Double Game Tokens Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theatre Corner of Blackstone and Barstow (Please present Student I.D. ■ Applications for editorships of Daily Collegian Hye Sharzhoom La Voz de Aztian Uhuru Na Umoja are now available at the A. S. Office in CU 316. Applications must be returned to the A.S. Office no later than -. 4:00 p.m. April 23,1982 r mm m f *al> - -r , :: Sports. m March 29. lM2-tbt Daily CoUegba-Pagt 3 Bulldog baseball Pleasant surprises carry'Dogs to victory By Jeff Dominfue* like to keep them under 1.5 (seconds) from Daily Colleaian staff writer the time they go into their move to the time the ball hits the catcher's mitt. Today (Saturday) he was at 1.3, 1.4.* Bennett said Hoover is at his best when he works quickly. While Bennett said he was not surprised by the explosion by Daiena, he said the play of Xavier will present some problems to his ballclub — albeit -pleasant ones. Xavier appears to give the 'Dogs just what Fresno State has needed — consistent play at third. But Bennett is sure struggling Randy Asadoor, who opened the season at third base, will come around and start hitting. Ultimately the Bulldogs may be forced to choose between Xavier and Asadoor. "But those are the problems you like.* Bennett smiled. "If Joey keeps hitting, well have to find a place for him. Xavier has been stinging the ball at the plate lately. The freshman from Selma had some key hits for the Bulldogs at- Santa Clara and did the same this weekend. 'He ignited a few things for us and drove in some runs.* Bennett said of Xavier. Xavier said it has just been at matter of concentrating. 'You get a chance to play so you con- senatrate and do your job,* Xavier said. Xavier said he has not minded sitting on the bench up to this point. He said he alway knew he could a good job for Bennett and Bennett said he-knew it too. , "Xavier has stepped up and said 'Hey I, want to play," Bennett said. 'Now he gives us something with — consistency in a lead-off hitter.* Xavier hit in the first spot this weekend and responded with seven hits in just 13 trips to the plate. He was three-for-three in the seven-inning second game Saturday. Xavier, who said his most comfortable position is shortstop, said he does not mind playing where Bennett wants him. 'Second and third are all right, as long as I get to play,' he said. The smallish infielder (he stands just 5-foot-9 and weighs in at 155) made some diving stops at third, but said if he were more experienced at the position he would have been able to make the plays more easily. 'I would have been in front of some Hoover had not been pitching all that, those, instead of diving for them, if I had No sooner had Bob Bennett and Robert Bafaia decided to cancel yesterday's baseball game because of the falling rain, thunder rolled across Fresno for about IS seconds. , Then the sun came out. But Bennett, the Bulldog baseball coach, and Bafaia, the head coach for Cal State-Dominguez Hills, decided not to play the games on the muddy Beiden Field diamond. Bennett said there has been no makeupdate set yet for the doubleheader. Fresno State, however, opened second half play in the Northern California Baseball Association Friday and Saturday with a three-game sweep of the San Francisco Dons at Beiden. Little-used outfielder Todd Soarcs ripped a clean single to rightfield with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 12th inning Friday night as the Bulldogs scored a 7-6. come-from-behind win over the Dons. Saturday FSU did it the easy way, notching 9-0 and 6-1 victories over San Francisco. There were a number of surprises for Bennett's ballclub — most of them pleasant—over the weekend. Hardly the least of those surprises were the performances of pitcher John Hoover and infielders Joey Xavier and Pete Daiena. Hoover tossed a neat six-hitter for Fresno in the opener of the doubleheader to chalk up his third win of the season. Hoover, who had been somewhat inconsistent this season coming off his outstanding freshman season of a year ago, fanned 10 batters and got some badly needed offensive and defensive help behind him. Daiena exploded from a season-long slump with four hits Saturday, including a pair of RBI doubles. Xavier, just a freshman, turned some Tine defense at third base and continued his sharp hitting. Xavier slapped three hits in each end of the twinbill Saturday and added another Friday. Daiena had said he was not worried about the slump, a doldrums that had ihe 1981 ail-American batting just .200 going into the USF series. The easy-going first baseman said he knew he would snap out of it eventually. badly, aside from a disasterous outing in Santa Clara last weekend. Most of the time it was a lack of bat support that did him in. The sophomore hurler received an 18-run cushion against Nevada-Reno two weeks ago and responded with a shutout performance. Saturday it was 'only* nine runs, but Hoover came out with an effective curve ball and kept San Francisco off guard. 'He worked this week on the speed of his delivery." Bennett said. "We usually $l5/S30REIiATE On jour College Ring Sec yourJostens' Representative. MJll*a-xli.S1-JarllJI»S.l0a«tt^4»n> flAg KEMMtL sooKSTom a Classifieds TYPING: Fait. Accurate, Paper Provided, Reasonable. Close to Campus 299-0043 Want to learn Country-Western. Discoor Ballroom fun dances?Call Bob485-2542. Will also DJ. and teach al your next party. LEARN LAW. LEGAL RESEARCH Investigations, detective work, trials. No experience, will train. Student volunteers 18 years old and up. No Pay. Fraternity, Sorority and others, call 24 hrs.. 7 days.i Answering service. BRAD PEUGEOT. ATTORNEY 224-6999. RESEARCH ASST AVAILABLE- will code and input data, write and run SPSS analyses. 3 years experience. $5.50/ hour. 224-2798 eves. Bio—(Willard's) Water as shown CBS 60 Minutes. Helps body heal itself. Campus rep., info., demos.. 439—7123 Terry Pendleton had gone into a minor slump, but was not slumping at all this weekend. He went four-for-six Friday and while he had only one hit Saturday. Pendleton hit the ball a long way, driving in a pair of runs for the Bulldogs. Tim Thiessen, who was scheduled to start the first game yesterday on the mound, was consistent at shortstop and pitcher Kurt Walker was on his game in Saturday's second contest. Bennett said the series was a good one for FSU because of the way the 'Dogs came back Friday night and then the way (hey were able to effectively do in the Dons Saturday. 1 think we're getting* little bit closer to the consistency we need.* Bennett said. Bennett said the Bulldogs were not entirely consistent in that the ballclub would lie dormant for three or four innings then explode.* Fresno rallied for three runt in the first inning of Saturday's opener and put USF away with a six-run explosion in the seventh. In the second game, the 'Dogs scored once in the third inning and then wrapped it up with five*runs in the final two innings. Walker improved his record to4-2 with the win in the second game. He scattered six hits in the seven innings. Randy Grab-m kept his team-leading record of 7-0 inuct Friday. He went 11 innings, but was saddled with five earned runs. Rob Emerson won his second with an inning of perfect relief. The Bulldogs will find themselves in at least a tie for first place in the NCBA second half. Santa Clara opened second half play by sweeping a doubleheader from Nevada-Reno Saturday by 12-7 and 5-3scores. The Broncos and the Wolfpack were slated to play a single game yesterday. . This afternoon the first title will be at stake in Santa Clara as SCU and Nevada will make up a rain out game. If the Branca win it, as they a re favored to do, SCU will , take the first half crown. Fresno State can win it if UNR upsets Santa Clara. The Bulldogs get the title by virtue of their two wins over SCU last week. This weekend, San Jose State pttys host to the Bulldogs in a three-game NCBA series. Bulldog tracksters finish 2nd to Ducks at SB meet The Fresno State track team finished second to the Oregon Ducks in a four- team meet at Santa Barbara last Saturday afternoon. Oregon accumulated 233 total points under the international-meet scoring method while the Bulldogs wound up with 220 points. Host UC Santa Barbara finished with 118 and Southern Oregon State College racked up 86. In dual meet scoring, the Ducks had even more of an uppet hand, trouncing FSU. 103-59. The Bulldogs beat the Gauchos of Santa Barbara, 139-23. Fresno State now has a dual meet record of 4-3. Fresno State's Henry Ellard was a double winner, taking a first in the triple jump with a 50-8 'A mark and the top spot in the long jump with a mark of 23-4'/j. Only two other FSU tracksters managed first-place finishes in their respective events. Matt Mileham won the hammer throw with a heave of 213-8. far outdistancing his competition and sophomore Frank Williamson captured the 400 intermediate hurdles event with a time of 53.5. The Bulldogs posted second-place finishes in the shot put, 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 intermediate hurdles, the triple jump, pole vault, longjump, high jump, mile relay and 400 relay and 110 high hurdles. Besides ellard, the day's only other double winner was Oregon's Dean Crowser, who won the shot put with a 66-7 mark and the discus with a 202-2 showing. The Bulldogs wilt next host the annual Taco Bell Relays Saturday at Warmer- dam Field. Field events will get underway at 9:30 a.m. been able to judge the ball better." Xavier explained. 'At. third, you don't have'as much time to think — you just have to react." While Hoover, Daiena and Xavier were coming together, other Bulldogs were continuing their fine play. Second baseman Greg Funk ripped a three-run home run in Saturday's second game. The blast, which nestled in the grass beyond the leftfield fence at Beiden. goes along with his homer in Friday's game. ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE PLANT SALE Special Easter Sale IN FREE SPEECH AREA March 30 & 31 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. I • coupon coupon i SOFT CONTACT LENSES I Sir Dr. Harold Sivas wWi this ad : Price includes: 1 pair soft contacts - orientation eye exam - care kit contact lens fitting - 6 month follow-up Optometrist 288 W. Shaw Ave.. Suite 105 Clovis. CA (Next to the Sofa Factory) For Appointment Call: 299-7266 J coupon Offer e-MK-ree- (All fittings and lens evaluations by a Doctor of Optometry.)- 4-1-82 f^fmirtiYMfYlMWfifnrtlwn coupon
Object Description
Title | 1982_03 The Daily Collegian March 1982 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1982 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 29, 1982 Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1982 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Page 2-tbe Daily Collegian-March 29, 19*2 CSUF this week Letters. TUESDAY The Associated Student Senate meets today at 3 p.m. in College Union 312. WEDNESDAY The Future of Special Education* is the topic of a panel discussion to be presented b\ the Council for Exceptional Children (CECi and the CSUF Student Council for Exceptional Children. Included on the panel will b • Dr. Louis Barber (Stale Director of Specia Education)and Venn Snell (State CEC president). The program will be held at St. Anthony's Social Hall at the comer of Maroa and Bullard. A wine and cheese tasting reception will predeced the program. The program will begin al 7:30 p.m. Admission ie S3. $2 for students. For more information contact Al Sil- veira at 219-2906 or Diane Thomas at 435-9921. The Fellowship for Christian Athletes meets Wednesday mornings at 7 a.m. at the east side of the cafeteria dining hall. THURSDAY Dr. Robert Sinsbeimcr, chancellor of the University of California at Santa Cruz, will present and afternoon lecture of The Social Implications of Genetic Engineering,* today at 12:30 p. m. in the College Union Lounge. The lecture b the third in the Science and Society Series, sponsored by the Associated Students. College U nion Programming and the School of Natural Sciences. Sinshe imer is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and past president of the Biophysical Society. He has been involved in the modern science of genetic engineering since its birth in the mid- 1970s, and has taken a special interest in the study of the potential inpact of genetic engineering on society. Playwright Jean Anouilh's French farce. The Waltz of the Toreadors' will be presented by CSUF's Experimental Theatre Company beginning tonight through Saturday. Tickets are $1.50 for studenu, $2.50 general admission. Performances begin at t: 15 p.m. in the Arena Theatre. For reservation and more information contact the CSUF Theatre Box Office at gjggNff i There is no CU movie scheduled for tonight. Drabble' By Kevin Fagart gmtr >(oo -.eaty-nat*. -*»'a 15 A U»0 ft RfcAvW HvfcWT'-S Hit!! Fr* SOUR tT^—T/—' ft*WliMS i?Z **•=-?- Garfield' By Jim Davis 294-2216. 12:30-4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. FRIDAY 'Politics of World Hunger* is the topic of i lecture to be presented by Dr. Joseph Collins, today at noon in the College Unuion Lounge. Collins is co-founder of the Institute for Food and Development Policy (a research, documentation and educational center that focuses on the problem of world hunger. Collins' lecture is will deal with the aspects of food as a political weapon. The lecture is part of the Social Science Forum series, sponsered by the Associated Studenu, College Union Programming and the School of Social Sciences. The Bluesteins, a musical family that plays the traditional folk music of America, will perform "A Concert for Children' today and tomorrow in the Child Drama Center (Lab School 101). Tickets are $2 for adulu and S3 for children. Today's performances are at 1:30 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday 1 performance is at 10 a.m. Pot Initiative To the editor. Take advantage of California's initiative law to make the rules you want. If 365.000 signatures can be obtained in five months, the following initiative will appear on the ballot of the next state election: 'Adults 18 years or older shall nol be prosecuted for possession of under I or. of marijuana." It sounds hard, but if I could find 365 people who would each collect 10 signatures a day wihtout fail, it would work. I cannot pay you. In fact, I need money for printing and mailing. It would help if each person did their own printing, which would cost about $5. If you are interested in collecting signatures, write me. Kerry Waddell 1411 Stockton Room 118 San Francisco, Ca. 94133 Letters policy It* Uaitj Coikfiaa welcomea leiicr, to ihe -ctitor reflecting all viewpoints Every attempt will be made to print all Idlers, space permit- ling. Letters dealing with on-campus issue* will be given priority. The Daily Coltegiaa reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, and propriety. All letters to the editor must be typed, double-spaced, and no longer than two pages in lenglh. All letters must bear the writer's signature, address and telephone numbers so the Dallj CoDetlan can reach Ihe author if there are any queslions. Names may be withheld only in special cases. Address all tellers lo: Editor. Daily Collegian: Keats Campus Building: Calif. Suie University. Fresno: Fresno. CA 93740: or deliver ihem lo ihe Dally Collrtlaa offices. the Daily Collegian Ediior-iivOucf: If'aiW ft Agner Maiuginf Editor: Joann nYttodnorik Sport. Ediioc Chard: Barnet Photo Editor: Sadim Grorte Rep-oMtri: Jfff Domineues. Diane Dryer. Robert Gauihier. Jim Graham. Ctndr Guerra. WW Hrixi. l*o Hotar, iayra iant.affij xMonmHon. Julie Penn. Peter Scon. f.ktme Wo*/. Phoiog-Taapra-crv John Nelson, Mike Penn. Mark Production Man-.-**-'. Jermtjer Dobner Production A.-mUnti: Beth Herburrer. Audrey Ptl- bt-rkMii. Advc-liiing Miniffr Jul* Morandi Aisivi Ad»*eniun#. Manjfrr: CaroJe Duddi Adwrtninf Sato: Lcurrt fleniminr, Jean Vrwn. Advert is in j- Produciioir Judith Kraft, Kenneth Bu-nncii Mi eager Terrt Btmat Bu-ainni Auiitinl: C rival litpe: TYp-nette*** Joan Htetpa*. Gtna Sardo;za. Veronka Selum. Staff Arm. Tom Wendt The 1 ha11 > t'olkftan .» puolubed daily csorpi Saturday. Sunday, cavaminaiion week, and holiday*, by Ihe A-a>octaled Student* of ("■liiornu Slate I tii»er*sif». and the newi-MperX-.U'T- Opinion*. c vf-ow-d art tho-K of iu author** ■ Ihc new-snaper** office, air located in ihe Keaii (impus Buildine |w>uih of the Kennel Bookuort). He-vno.l'A 93740. Editorial CW) 7HH*b BuM-tr*.*. Adsennm-p f 204) 294-2266. The Onily f oik-pan t* a member of the California Iniercollcfiair Pre*. Auocution. Sajb»c*ip*iort» available by mail: SI5.'•coM»icr.S2S »>Ca>de«MCyear. * Monday is ' ^ggia ^ ^ /^S^i ^a* « ■••••••••••••a 20% OFF all food and drinks AND *v» Double Game Tokens Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theatre Corner of Blackstone and Barstow (Please present Student I.D. ■ Applications for editorships of Daily Collegian Hye Sharzhoom La Voz de Aztian Uhuru Na Umoja are now available at the A. S. Office in CU 316. Applications must be returned to the A.S. Office no later than -. 4:00 p.m. April 23,1982 r mm m f *al> - -r , :: Sports. m March 29. lM2-tbt Daily CoUegba-Pagt 3 Bulldog baseball Pleasant surprises carry'Dogs to victory By Jeff Dominfue* like to keep them under 1.5 (seconds) from Daily Colleaian staff writer the time they go into their move to the time the ball hits the catcher's mitt. Today (Saturday) he was at 1.3, 1.4.* Bennett said Hoover is at his best when he works quickly. While Bennett said he was not surprised by the explosion by Daiena, he said the play of Xavier will present some problems to his ballclub — albeit -pleasant ones. Xavier appears to give the 'Dogs just what Fresno State has needed — consistent play at third. But Bennett is sure struggling Randy Asadoor, who opened the season at third base, will come around and start hitting. Ultimately the Bulldogs may be forced to choose between Xavier and Asadoor. "But those are the problems you like.* Bennett smiled. "If Joey keeps hitting, well have to find a place for him. Xavier has been stinging the ball at the plate lately. The freshman from Selma had some key hits for the Bulldogs at- Santa Clara and did the same this weekend. 'He ignited a few things for us and drove in some runs.* Bennett said of Xavier. Xavier said it has just been at matter of concentrating. 'You get a chance to play so you con- senatrate and do your job,* Xavier said. Xavier said he has not minded sitting on the bench up to this point. He said he alway knew he could a good job for Bennett and Bennett said he-knew it too. , "Xavier has stepped up and said 'Hey I, want to play," Bennett said. 'Now he gives us something with — consistency in a lead-off hitter.* Xavier hit in the first spot this weekend and responded with seven hits in just 13 trips to the plate. He was three-for-three in the seven-inning second game Saturday. Xavier, who said his most comfortable position is shortstop, said he does not mind playing where Bennett wants him. 'Second and third are all right, as long as I get to play,' he said. The smallish infielder (he stands just 5-foot-9 and weighs in at 155) made some diving stops at third, but said if he were more experienced at the position he would have been able to make the plays more easily. 'I would have been in front of some Hoover had not been pitching all that, those, instead of diving for them, if I had No sooner had Bob Bennett and Robert Bafaia decided to cancel yesterday's baseball game because of the falling rain, thunder rolled across Fresno for about IS seconds. , Then the sun came out. But Bennett, the Bulldog baseball coach, and Bafaia, the head coach for Cal State-Dominguez Hills, decided not to play the games on the muddy Beiden Field diamond. Bennett said there has been no makeupdate set yet for the doubleheader. Fresno State, however, opened second half play in the Northern California Baseball Association Friday and Saturday with a three-game sweep of the San Francisco Dons at Beiden. Little-used outfielder Todd Soarcs ripped a clean single to rightfield with the bases loaded in the bottom of the 12th inning Friday night as the Bulldogs scored a 7-6. come-from-behind win over the Dons. Saturday FSU did it the easy way, notching 9-0 and 6-1 victories over San Francisco. There were a number of surprises for Bennett's ballclub — most of them pleasant—over the weekend. Hardly the least of those surprises were the performances of pitcher John Hoover and infielders Joey Xavier and Pete Daiena. Hoover tossed a neat six-hitter for Fresno in the opener of the doubleheader to chalk up his third win of the season. Hoover, who had been somewhat inconsistent this season coming off his outstanding freshman season of a year ago, fanned 10 batters and got some badly needed offensive and defensive help behind him. Daiena exploded from a season-long slump with four hits Saturday, including a pair of RBI doubles. Xavier, just a freshman, turned some Tine defense at third base and continued his sharp hitting. Xavier slapped three hits in each end of the twinbill Saturday and added another Friday. Daiena had said he was not worried about the slump, a doldrums that had ihe 1981 ail-American batting just .200 going into the USF series. The easy-going first baseman said he knew he would snap out of it eventually. badly, aside from a disasterous outing in Santa Clara last weekend. Most of the time it was a lack of bat support that did him in. The sophomore hurler received an 18-run cushion against Nevada-Reno two weeks ago and responded with a shutout performance. Saturday it was 'only* nine runs, but Hoover came out with an effective curve ball and kept San Francisco off guard. 'He worked this week on the speed of his delivery." Bennett said. "We usually $l5/S30REIiATE On jour College Ring Sec yourJostens' Representative. MJll*a-xli.S1-JarllJI»S.l0a«tt^4»n> flAg KEMMtL sooKSTom a Classifieds TYPING: Fait. Accurate, Paper Provided, Reasonable. Close to Campus 299-0043 Want to learn Country-Western. Discoor Ballroom fun dances?Call Bob485-2542. Will also DJ. and teach al your next party. LEARN LAW. LEGAL RESEARCH Investigations, detective work, trials. No experience, will train. Student volunteers 18 years old and up. No Pay. Fraternity, Sorority and others, call 24 hrs.. 7 days.i Answering service. BRAD PEUGEOT. ATTORNEY 224-6999. RESEARCH ASST AVAILABLE- will code and input data, write and run SPSS analyses. 3 years experience. $5.50/ hour. 224-2798 eves. Bio—(Willard's) Water as shown CBS 60 Minutes. Helps body heal itself. Campus rep., info., demos.. 439—7123 Terry Pendleton had gone into a minor slump, but was not slumping at all this weekend. He went four-for-six Friday and while he had only one hit Saturday. Pendleton hit the ball a long way, driving in a pair of runs for the Bulldogs. Tim Thiessen, who was scheduled to start the first game yesterday on the mound, was consistent at shortstop and pitcher Kurt Walker was on his game in Saturday's second contest. Bennett said the series was a good one for FSU because of the way the 'Dogs came back Friday night and then the way (hey were able to effectively do in the Dons Saturday. 1 think we're getting* little bit closer to the consistency we need.* Bennett said. Bennett said the Bulldogs were not entirely consistent in that the ballclub would lie dormant for three or four innings then explode.* Fresno rallied for three runt in the first inning of Saturday's opener and put USF away with a six-run explosion in the seventh. In the second game, the 'Dogs scored once in the third inning and then wrapped it up with five*runs in the final two innings. Walker improved his record to4-2 with the win in the second game. He scattered six hits in the seven innings. Randy Grab-m kept his team-leading record of 7-0 inuct Friday. He went 11 innings, but was saddled with five earned runs. Rob Emerson won his second with an inning of perfect relief. The Bulldogs will find themselves in at least a tie for first place in the NCBA second half. Santa Clara opened second half play by sweeping a doubleheader from Nevada-Reno Saturday by 12-7 and 5-3scores. The Broncos and the Wolfpack were slated to play a single game yesterday. . This afternoon the first title will be at stake in Santa Clara as SCU and Nevada will make up a rain out game. If the Branca win it, as they a re favored to do, SCU will , take the first half crown. Fresno State can win it if UNR upsets Santa Clara. The Bulldogs get the title by virtue of their two wins over SCU last week. This weekend, San Jose State pttys host to the Bulldogs in a three-game NCBA series. Bulldog tracksters finish 2nd to Ducks at SB meet The Fresno State track team finished second to the Oregon Ducks in a four- team meet at Santa Barbara last Saturday afternoon. Oregon accumulated 233 total points under the international-meet scoring method while the Bulldogs wound up with 220 points. Host UC Santa Barbara finished with 118 and Southern Oregon State College racked up 86. In dual meet scoring, the Ducks had even more of an uppet hand, trouncing FSU. 103-59. The Bulldogs beat the Gauchos of Santa Barbara, 139-23. Fresno State now has a dual meet record of 4-3. Fresno State's Henry Ellard was a double winner, taking a first in the triple jump with a 50-8 'A mark and the top spot in the long jump with a mark of 23-4'/j. Only two other FSU tracksters managed first-place finishes in their respective events. Matt Mileham won the hammer throw with a heave of 213-8. far outdistancing his competition and sophomore Frank Williamson captured the 400 intermediate hurdles event with a time of 53.5. The Bulldogs posted second-place finishes in the shot put, 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 intermediate hurdles, the triple jump, pole vault, longjump, high jump, mile relay and 400 relay and 110 high hurdles. Besides ellard, the day's only other double winner was Oregon's Dean Crowser, who won the shot put with a 66-7 mark and the discus with a 202-2 showing. The Bulldogs wilt next host the annual Taco Bell Relays Saturday at Warmer- dam Field. Field events will get underway at 9:30 a.m. been able to judge the ball better." Xavier explained. 'At. third, you don't have'as much time to think — you just have to react." While Hoover, Daiena and Xavier were coming together, other Bulldogs were continuing their fine play. Second baseman Greg Funk ripped a three-run home run in Saturday's second game. The blast, which nestled in the grass beyond the leftfield fence at Beiden. goes along with his homer in Friday's game. 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