December 2, 1976 Pg 1 |
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THE COLLEGIAN CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. FRESNO THUR8DAY, DECEMBER t^UTt Faculty School deans anticipate cu layoffs tbacks for part-time employes by Michael Gardner In kind of non-story." he said of the up 6 5per cent), and the School of SUtt Reporter Coughran, academic budget entire issue, "ill's) not that big of Social Sciences (FTE down 4 per About 20 part-time teachers officer, the state has ordered that • dead." . cent) were ' unavailable for will not be rehired for the Spring at least $165,000 of the money Although Clark refused to comment, but the following semester because CSUF officials come from instructional area. release the exact number of part* schools reacted to tbe cutback In over-projected it*, lull-time "A minimum of 50 per cent is to time positions to be eliminated, a this manner : equivalent (FTEJ, The Collegian be generated from institutional survey of some deans of the School of Education (FTE programs and should include an university's 10 schools indicated down 28.9 per cent)—"We have The cutback waa prompted by that the School of Natural cutback some part-time people," a state ordered repayment of excluding. EOF (Equal Op Sciences would be hardest hit by. Acting Dean Ame Nixon said. $330,000 given to the university on portunity Program)," a memo the cutback. "We anticipate a cut of 1.75 full- the basis of Fall semester FTE from a state official said. "We will have to cut back five time positions " projections. CSUF fell short of its- tf not for the memo, Coughran S~ positions," Brandt Kehoe, dean of the School of Natural Sciences. Division of Health Professions (FTE down 3.8 per cent)—"We 13,000 projection by 413. said he did not feel the university The FTE is determined by would have had to cut back on "• said. "The primary reduction are going to cut approximately multiplying tbe number of faculty positions. will be In the use of personnel." two positions," Director C. Dean students registered by the total David Clark, associate vice- Kehoe said this cutback would Mitchell said. "The courses will amount of units and dividing by president for academic affairs. have a minimal effect upon the be filled by some full-time faculty 15. Fifteen units are equivalent of said the part-time position cuts school's course schedule. accepting an over-load (or) we a full-time student, according to are going to be determined by The deans of the School of will delay some courses until next state regulation. For each FTE, CAR (computer assisted Engineering, (FTE up 8.1 per year." the school receives $1,100 from registration). cent), the School of Business and (Continued on Page 8, Col. 1) tbe state. "You're making a lot out of a Administrative Sciences (FTE Directors 'slow1 on beer issue president and board chairman, Efforts by CSUF to obtain a beer license have been slowed by the lack of action taken by certain members ot the CSUF Association Board of Directors. According lo section 23*51 of the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Act, any beer license application muat have ■ written statement snd fingerprints from the principle officers and directors of the corporation. This must be done before tbe license is THESE CONSTRUCTION BAMIERS, recently placed last month requested mat signs be posted In the In the Free Speech Area seem to hove no affect as area to dltcouroga bicycle use. (Photo by Joe soma students continue to ride moir bicycles losplno) through the Iorfelddan sona. Tha CSUF Staff Council I Wrong night? »CU movies fail fo draw big.crowds'? ** „ Get The board first voted on the measure Aug. SV, The issue passed by • 3-2-1 margin, but It Bonglovanni disagreed with "The kind of movies you pick .en) before „___ toughY. On Oct. 26, the board voted again. year before beer is sold," Schorllng asked, adding that he Is retiring In seven months. "They ought to find someone who'll be around longer," he said. Schorllng said be would not "be a roadblock" against the university's efforts to obtain • license. He said be would resign from his chairman's post If be If required to see the ABC Rick Flnlay, administrator of food services, said Schorllng would have to submit the statement and fingerprints since Schorllng is board chairman. "Since he's a principle officer, he most go through with it," Flnlay said. Flnlay said the board would (Comtnned on Page 8, Col. S) How do you plan a movie series that will please all the tastes of an BongiovannL "The R rated ac- audlence that numbers about lion movies seem to draw a lot 15,000? The CSUF College Union better. I never thought The Program Committee has Sunshine Boys' or 'Nashville' discovered that the task U not would do well." easy. "Nashville" and "The Sun- Currently this semester, the shine Boys" bead the list of committee's film series has lost money losers. Others are "Alice tSt, to tbe ptmiatnrnt of tbe in Wonderland," "Lenny," committee's , chairman and "Three Days of the Condor," and director. "Tbe Black Bird." "I think It could have been the But Bonglovanni said the losses wrong night," said John Adams, ara not entirely attributable to committee chairman. "I think on the film selection. a w^kday night movies could ■ "We didn't do wall with "The sell." Black Bird" because It bad just But Program Director Gary been shown In town. There's not a "On a $500 movie like Three Days of the Condor' we would have to sellout to break even," be "I don't think tbe SO < eterred anyone," said Lest semester we bad it and the Dm aeries did very well. 1 th! (Cotftasd on Page «, CoL 1 chairman of the board, said be planned to visit the ABC Carl Levin, secretary- treasurer of tbe board, stud he mtoit" Buckley to speak Friday William P. Buckley, Freedom" at 11:15 pjn. tn the Mens Gym. Admission la free to those presenting a CSUF Identification card and $3 to
Object Description
Title | 1976_12 The Daily Collegian December 1976 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1976 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | December 2, 1976 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1976 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | THE COLLEGIAN CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. FRESNO THUR8DAY, DECEMBER t^UTt Faculty School deans anticipate cu layoffs tbacks for part-time employes by Michael Gardner In kind of non-story." he said of the up 6 5per cent), and the School of SUtt Reporter Coughran, academic budget entire issue, "ill's) not that big of Social Sciences (FTE down 4 per About 20 part-time teachers officer, the state has ordered that • dead." . cent) were ' unavailable for will not be rehired for the Spring at least $165,000 of the money Although Clark refused to comment, but the following semester because CSUF officials come from instructional area. release the exact number of part* schools reacted to tbe cutback In over-projected it*, lull-time "A minimum of 50 per cent is to time positions to be eliminated, a this manner : equivalent (FTEJ, The Collegian be generated from institutional survey of some deans of the School of Education (FTE programs and should include an university's 10 schools indicated down 28.9 per cent)—"We have The cutback waa prompted by that the School of Natural cutback some part-time people," a state ordered repayment of excluding. EOF (Equal Op Sciences would be hardest hit by. Acting Dean Ame Nixon said. $330,000 given to the university on portunity Program)," a memo the cutback. "We anticipate a cut of 1.75 full- the basis of Fall semester FTE from a state official said. "We will have to cut back five time positions " projections. CSUF fell short of its- tf not for the memo, Coughran S~ positions," Brandt Kehoe, dean of the School of Natural Sciences. Division of Health Professions (FTE down 3.8 per cent)—"We 13,000 projection by 413. said he did not feel the university The FTE is determined by would have had to cut back on "• said. "The primary reduction are going to cut approximately multiplying tbe number of faculty positions. will be In the use of personnel." two positions," Director C. Dean students registered by the total David Clark, associate vice- Kehoe said this cutback would Mitchell said. "The courses will amount of units and dividing by president for academic affairs. have a minimal effect upon the be filled by some full-time faculty 15. Fifteen units are equivalent of said the part-time position cuts school's course schedule. accepting an over-load (or) we a full-time student, according to are going to be determined by The deans of the School of will delay some courses until next state regulation. For each FTE, CAR (computer assisted Engineering, (FTE up 8.1 per year." the school receives $1,100 from registration). cent), the School of Business and (Continued on Page 8, Col. 1) tbe state. "You're making a lot out of a Administrative Sciences (FTE Directors 'slow1 on beer issue president and board chairman, Efforts by CSUF to obtain a beer license have been slowed by the lack of action taken by certain members ot the CSUF Association Board of Directors. According lo section 23*51 of the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Act, any beer license application muat have ■ written statement snd fingerprints from the principle officers and directors of the corporation. This must be done before tbe license is THESE CONSTRUCTION BAMIERS, recently placed last month requested mat signs be posted In the In the Free Speech Area seem to hove no affect as area to dltcouroga bicycle use. (Photo by Joe soma students continue to ride moir bicycles losplno) through the Iorfelddan sona. Tha CSUF Staff Council I Wrong night? »CU movies fail fo draw big.crowds'? ** „ Get The board first voted on the measure Aug. SV, The issue passed by • 3-2-1 margin, but It Bonglovanni disagreed with "The kind of movies you pick .en) before „___ toughY. On Oct. 26, the board voted again. year before beer is sold," Schorllng asked, adding that he Is retiring In seven months. "They ought to find someone who'll be around longer," he said. Schorllng said be would not "be a roadblock" against the university's efforts to obtain • license. He said be would resign from his chairman's post If be If required to see the ABC Rick Flnlay, administrator of food services, said Schorllng would have to submit the statement and fingerprints since Schorllng is board chairman. "Since he's a principle officer, he most go through with it," Flnlay said. Flnlay said the board would (Comtnned on Page 8, Col. S) How do you plan a movie series that will please all the tastes of an BongiovannL "The R rated ac- audlence that numbers about lion movies seem to draw a lot 15,000? The CSUF College Union better. I never thought The Program Committee has Sunshine Boys' or 'Nashville' discovered that the task U not would do well." easy. "Nashville" and "The Sun- Currently this semester, the shine Boys" bead the list of committee's film series has lost money losers. Others are "Alice tSt, to tbe ptmiatnrnt of tbe in Wonderland," "Lenny," committee's , chairman and "Three Days of the Condor," and director. "Tbe Black Bird." "I think It could have been the But Bonglovanni said the losses wrong night," said John Adams, ara not entirely attributable to committee chairman. "I think on the film selection. a w^kday night movies could ■ "We didn't do wall with "The sell." Black Bird" because It bad just But Program Director Gary been shown In town. There's not a "On a $500 movie like Three Days of the Condor' we would have to sellout to break even," be "I don't think tbe SO < eterred anyone," said Lest semester we bad it and the Dm aeries did very well. 1 th! (Cotftasd on Page «, CoL 1 chairman of the board, said be planned to visit the ABC Carl Levin, secretary- treasurer of tbe board, stud he mtoit" Buckley to speak Friday William P. Buckley, Freedom" at 11:15 pjn. tn the Mens Gym. Admission la free to those presenting a CSUF Identification card and $3 to |