December 9, 1976 Pg 2-3 |
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2-THE CQLLEGtAN Thursday. December », l»76 Ediforibl Chiselers 'Paranoia' enters festival They keep chipping away. campus news. Through those years, be has seen it atrophy, not from neglect, but from tha apitafumeas and hatred of a few who are em- harassed by tha truth. The truth about Paul's departure Is that for some months various persons bad been hinting that there might not be funds for his salary by the next student budget fiscal year. Understandably concerned, Pauls, being SS years old, became anxious about his personal financial future. Then, lo and behold, a "plan" called for Pauls to be certified medically unfit for work so that he could qualify for a disability retirement pension. Paula isn't the healthiest of men. His limp left arm attests to the near crippling polio he fought as a child. While bare, he was overworked and desperately hied to keep things running smoothly. He didn't want sympathy, Just a manageable Job. But the Job became too much, especially after two other full-time Collegian employes were released earlier this year. Pauls' pleas for additional help went unanswered by Tom McGonagill, a CSUF accountant, David Bell, dean of student affair* and student senate advisor, and some of the atudent government officials they direct. Yet these same folks Jumped at the chance to dispose of the man "because of hla health;" aa they aald Ihe other day. Their concern Is mockery. More realistic, bowevert Is the glum fact (hat with Paula goea Ihe financial roots of The Collegian It Will be difficult, if not impossible, to find a i. .rson with Pauls' advertising background. If a student is hired, there will be fewer ada coming in, thus less income. Advertisements Just don't "come rolling in "as Bell seems to think It wss suggested by Dsvid Nikaaarian, associated students president, that The Collegian not run any advertising When told that the newspaper could probably not hire enough reporters to provide stories to fill the additional apace ada normally fill, Nikaaarian suggested that The Collegian cut back Its frequency. In about six months, (his newspaper has gone from five to two editions each week and has lost three full-time employes. What other student budgeted area haa endured such reductions? Now Nlkssarian snd others want meat from a skeleton. Or do they want the skeleton? In the past few years, Ihe Collegian has been on the decline. The reason cited most often for this decline is s lack of funds We have alwaya been willing to sacrifice, so long as the financial burden la shared equally. However, It la not. Men's athletics continues to be favored by those in power A five- year contract giving it 33 per cent of Ihe student budget is witness to that. With Ihe spendable portion of Ihe budget shrinking each year through inflation and rising costs, some areas will have to be draatlcally reduced in urder to keep favored activities going at their Hove you finished your Christmas shopping - or even begun? Wo'ro close - Convenient - OKar free gift wrap Our Main Level stocks a wide variety of gift ideas to help you out. From candles to jewelry - to calculators Wo aim to please every budget. Lower Level is filled with enjoyable books appealing to all ages and many individuals. From cookbooks - to photographst to sports Wo also havo an outstanding collection of reasonaby priced childron's lifer. The American College Theatre Festival (ACTF) regional finals will be held here st CSUF Jan. IS—IS, tha Department of Why not stop in to soo us at THE KENNEL BOOKSTORE" j ..... Region One, which CSUF is in, also includes Hawaii, Guam, Northern California, and all of Nevada except Las Vegas, according to Ron Johnson, theatre arts chairman. The ACTF is i Amoco Oil presented by the American Last year, "The Liberty Dance of Henry Sparrow," an original play by theatre arte faculty became the top-rated college play in the United States through the ACTF. Shows entered in tbe festival are critiqued by judges named by the ACTF board. The judges then decide which shows will perform st their regional finals. The play that is decided the best in the regional finals goes on to per- the John F. Kennedy presented, along with one special play and the Irene Ryan Festivsl of Scenes, be said. All events wtll take place in either the John Wright Theatre of ^ the Arena Theatre. The critiques of each show will be open to the public. Johnson said. Johnson also issued a plea for "Paranoia In tha Polo laoonge," an original play by theatre arts faculty member Terry Miller, is the only CSUF production entered in the festival According to Johnson, there There will ba a total of st DC. which shows will be In the regional finals will not be made until Monday. Dec. 13, Johnson Tickets for Individual shows will cost SI for studenU snd S3 for general. Tickets sre also available in a package deal costing SS for students snd $10 for finals. Five finalist plays will be Information about the ACTF can be obtained by calling either the Department of Theatre Aria at 4S7-3SSS, or the box office at 4*7X214. Faculty, Maxwell in conflict (Continued from Pan 1) CSUF administration. He said be has "happily" complied with its There have been a number of conflicts between Maxwell and other faculty members, although he denies thst these conflicts led to his resignation. Some conflicts confirmed by sources snd MaxweU Include: -His Insistence that he conduct private Interviews with credential candidates. -Instructors having refused to be advisors to master degree candldataa because Maxwell refuses to "rubber stamp" these and has required "higher quality" projects. —Teachers In other schools, notably Ihe School of Social Science, being unhappy because Maxwell haa refused to allow some students to be credentialed. Maxwell claims that many of the studenU' grade point averages "These kinds of problems will exist on any campus," Maxwell said. "It's alwaya a perennial battle. It alwaya occurs." Although there have been conflicts among faculty in Ihe School of Education and Maxwell, moat teachers agree that he U "a man dedicated to the teaching profession " Parents1 privacy a concern of CSUF (Continued from \"*ge 1) student. However, other general records kept by the Counseling Center on all undergraduate studenU are open to the student's inspection, he said. Students may see their financial aid file only after their parent's tax return is removed, according to Willaim Corcoran, aaaUtent dean of student affairs. Corcoran aald this ia lo respect Ihe parent's right to privacy. Corcoran ssid that with the above exceptlona, any file retained within Student Affaire is available to Ihe student for review. Corcoran added that a student "not only is allowed to aee files a formal hearing, conducted by a hearing officer, allows both parties to debate the material. If the officer decides Ihe rasterial is valid and should remain in the file, (he atudent may enter a rebuttal atetement. If Ihe officer believes the material U not valid, it U removed from the file, Corcoran ssid. As far as Corcoran knows, no student has challenged material or requested a hearing since the Buckley Amendment took effect. Before the amendment, the Placement Office would not allow studenU to see their letters of recommendation, Corcoran said. Now, all letters sre available to tbe atudent, unless they were in the files before Jan. l, 1S7S. premise of confidentiality would Corcoran said that in some cases, a student may give up his right of access to letters of recommendation by signing a Discipline files kept by the Student Affeirs Office sre open to review. Corcoran said he has hsd one or two requests in Ihe last six months to see files. In all cases, a discipline file is destroyed when a student U graduated. Corcoran said Ihere seemed to be an increase in the number of studenU (hat asked to see their files after the. amendment took effect, but interest his since subsided considerably. Registrar Robert Board said law Ave. ^" ? V "" Telephone Telephone (209)298-7557 Learn to Ski program a complete ski program 6 Sundays Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 Feb. 6, 13 $115.00 BUS TRANSPORTATION (Transportation only $6.50 6- weeks $39.00) Lake Tahoe Hyatt Lodge Jan. 6,7, 8, 3 nights 3 day lift ticket . Man* transpc«tqHon Total cost $14100 Snowbird Lodgo Utah, Snowbird Feb 12-19 7 nights 7 day lift ticket Total cost $112.00 ■ policy allowed studenU to see their file, which was in the a Office. CASH for CHRISTMAS Soil your Usod Toxtbooks Kennel Bookstore Dec. 8-21 OVERSEAS JOBS- Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, S500-S1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform.— Write: International Job Center, Dept. CF, Box 4490. Berkeley, CA 94704 Thursday, December 9, 1S7S Fellows have opening! The Fellows, a faculty George Raney, David Gheasman development program at CSUF, and Kan Russell. UsooB^tertwonxwmasBbers The Fallows Is aa on-going to fill vacant poaltlona beginning organisation founded In the Fall In the spring. of 1»74 by Stan Oegler. Teachers John A. Cagle, coordinator of enrolled are required to complete faculty development, says he has aa In-depth project of thatr accepted 10 applications since the choosing and attend weekly Dec. 7 deadline and is now tn the seminars. process of narrowing down the '' "During the course of the prospecu. leuieater each Instructor must, "We already have five compile a report dealing with positions ftlled," Cagle said, eome aspect of tbe community or "Three of those ara returning tha teaching -learning ep- Fellows from last year and two vireniitent," aald Cagle. "As a are newly accepted " iroup at tha weakly meetings we Comet members of Fellows bring out Into tha open Afferent include faculty members Gene pending problems dealing with Anderson. Lillian Faderman, these two areas." THE<OLtiO|AN--f "■*■ 'Don't cut faculty first1 (Contlnoad from Page 1) -toatmctlaaal paatMeaa be cat should cut some of IU own staff only aa a last resort. Ha -All cuU be clearly Ubeled ai Campus calendar Thursday. Dec.» Noon-MEChA will hold a meeting in the College Union. rooms 312-313. Noon—The National Chicano Health Organization will hold IU meeting in Ihe College Union, 1 p.m.-The Armenian StudenU Organization will hold iU meeting in the College Union, 3:30 p.m.—Chicanos in Education will meet in the College Union, room 304. 7 p.m.—The CSUF Chess Club will hold 1U meeting in tbe College Union, room SO*. 7 p.m.-The Campus Bud- 'dhist Fellowship will meet in the Education-Psychology Building, 7 p.m.-The Intervarslty Christian Fellowship will hold a * meeting in the Educatlon- 8 p.m.-The CSUF Concert Choir and Chamber Singers will present a recital In Ihe Music Building,, room 100. Noon-The College Union Programming Committee will hold IU regular meeting in the College Union, room 308. The meeting U open to Ihe public. Noon-The Bahai Club will bold IU meeting in the College Union, room 310. 7 p m -The Folk Life Club will hold a dance and provide music in the College Union party (such aa a prospective employer) only If the student has signed a consent - for release of information. Board said. The Student Affairs and the Studentt Activities Office will relay a student's addreaa and phone number upon request but only If the student has not requested that Ihe Information be restricted upon "They (the administration) be O aridng for tbem. cot e the laat people to gat -Seniority aad affirmative action fuidelinea abould be taken «■ said If CSUF President mh> Jaxml m determining tbe I. iter said tbe university win profesaora. . not save tbe total teacher's In IU memo to Volpp. the UPC salary If they are laid off because outlined five proposals it would the teacher is eligible for nployment benefits. Alumni plan party The CSUF Alumni Association The party will be held on Saturday, Dec. 18, from 2 through 4 p m in the East Wing of the New Residence Dining Hall Faculty. EUROPE ISRAEL AFRICA CASH lor CHRISTMAS Soil your Used Toxtbooks Kennel Boolctore Doc. 8-21 11 a.m.-The Baptist Student Union will hold a meeting In tbe College Union, room 310. 11 a.m.—The Latter Day Saints Student Association will conduct a slide presentation In the southeast corner of the College Union Lounge. 1 p.m -The Muslim Student Association will meet In Ihe College Union, room 309. l p.m.-The Intervarslty Christian Fellowship will hold a meeting in San Ramon Building 3, room 123." S p.m.-The Vintage Daya Committee will hold a meeting In tbe College Union, room 309 Tbe committee will discuss plans for the Spring event. I:IS p.m.-Tbe Aaaociated Uoloa, rooms 312-314. The meeting Is open to the public. 7 pm.-The Chicano Business Students Association will bold a di sco dance in the Cafeteria and Sn ack Bar area. •»:» p.m.—The motion picture, "The Summer of '4S," win be presented to the Graves Hall Lounge! Admission is SS cento. "CANADIAN VILLAGE" PROUDLY ANNOUNCES "THE CANADIAN VILLAGE TOURINO SCHOOL" • Cross Country Ski Lessons Complete Line Of Rental Equipment Experience the High Sierras this winter in the relaxed atmosphere of "Canadian Village." Just past China Peak on Huntington Lake). CANADIAN VILLAGE BOX 177 IAKESHORE CA. 93634 (209) 893-3222 Trtctr banters should be, too. That*; why Bank of Airwlca has Student R4npres4mtatJves dose by at offices near major college campuses in CMfomia; They're akvays students or recent graduates trwmseives. So they know al about student banking pnibtens. AtkI hew to solve theia They know all the ways our College Plan# cam h*^ you, too So why ixrt stop by and talk things over. Our Student Reps can make your banking easier. Depend on ua. More California college students do. i At CSU-Fresno, just ask to see Michael Sfonski Fashion Fair Branch 590 East Shaw Avenue ■ 488-7763 BANKof AMERICA in
Object Description
Title | 1976_12 The Daily Collegian December 1976 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1976 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | December 9, 1976 Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1976 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Thursday. December », l»76
'Paranoia' enters festival
They keep chipping away.
campus news. Through those years, be has seen it atrophy, not from
neglect, but from tha apitafumeas and hatred of a few who are em-
harassed by tha truth.
The truth about Paul's departure Is that for some months various
persons bad been hinting that there might not be funds for his salary
by the next student budget fiscal year.
Understandably concerned, Pauls, being SS years old, became
anxious about his personal financial future. Then, lo and behold, a
"plan" called for Pauls to be certified medically unfit for work so that
he could qualify for a disability retirement pension.
Paula isn't the healthiest of men. His limp left arm attests to the
near crippling polio he fought as a child. While bare, he was overworked and desperately hied to keep things running smoothly. He
didn't want sympathy, Just a manageable Job.
But the Job became too much, especially after two other full-time
Collegian employes were released earlier this year.
Pauls' pleas for additional help went unanswered by Tom
McGonagill, a CSUF accountant, David Bell, dean of student affair*
and student senate advisor, and some of the atudent government
officials they direct. Yet these same folks Jumped at the chance to
dispose of the man "because of hla health;" aa they aald Ihe other
day. Their concern Is mockery.
More realistic, bowevert Is the glum fact (hat with Paula goea Ihe
financial roots of The Collegian It Will be difficult, if not impossible,
to find a i. .rson with Pauls' advertising background. If a student is
hired, there will be fewer ada coming in, thus less income. Advertisements Just don't "come rolling in "as Bell seems to think
It wss suggested by Dsvid Nikaaarian, associated students
president, that The Collegian not run any advertising When told that
the newspaper could probably not hire enough reporters to provide
stories to fill the additional apace ada normally fill, Nikaaarian
suggested that The Collegian cut back Its frequency.
In about six months, (his newspaper has gone from five to two
editions each week and has lost three full-time employes. What other
student budgeted area haa endured such reductions? Now Nlkssarian
snd others want meat from a skeleton. Or do they want the skeleton?
In the past few years, Ihe Collegian has been on the decline. The
reason cited most often for this decline is s lack of funds We have
alwaya been willing to sacrifice, so long as the financial burden la
shared equally.
However, It la not.
Men's athletics continues to be favored by those in power A five-
year contract giving it 33 per cent of Ihe student budget is witness to
that. With Ihe spendable portion of Ihe budget shrinking each year
through inflation and rising costs, some areas will have to be
draatlcally reduced in urder to keep favored activities going at their
Hove you finished your Christmas
shopping - or even begun?
Wo'ro close - Convenient - OKar
free gift wrap
Our Main Level stocks a wide variety of
gift ideas to help you out.
From candles to jewelry - to calculators
Wo aim to please every budget.
Lower Level is filled with enjoyable
books appealing to all ages and many
individuals. From cookbooks -
to photographst to sports
Wo also havo an outstanding collection
of reasonaby priced
childron's lifer.
The American College Theatre
Festival (ACTF) regional finals
will be held here st CSUF Jan.
IS—IS, tha Department of
Why not stop in to soo us at
Region One, which CSUF is in,
also includes Hawaii, Guam,
Northern California, and all of
Nevada except Las Vegas, according to Ron Johnson, theatre
arts chairman.
The ACTF is i
Amoco Oil
presented by the American
Last year, "The Liberty Dance
of Henry Sparrow," an original
play by theatre arte faculty
became the top-rated college
play in the United States through
the ACTF.
Shows entered in tbe festival
are critiqued by judges named by
the ACTF board. The judges then
decide which shows will perform
st their regional finals. The play
that is decided the best in the
regional finals goes on to per-
the John F. Kennedy
presented, along with one special
play and the Irene Ryan Festivsl
of Scenes, be said.
All events wtll take place in
either the John Wright Theatre of ^
the Arena Theatre.
The critiques of each show will
be open to the public. Johnson
Johnson also issued a plea for
"Paranoia In tha Polo
laoonge," an original play by
theatre arts faculty member
Terry Miller, is the only CSUF
production entered in the festival
According to Johnson, there There will ba a total of st
which shows will be In the
regional finals will not be made
until Monday. Dec. 13, Johnson
Tickets for Individual shows
will cost SI for studenU snd S3 for
general. Tickets sre also
available in a package deal
costing SS for students snd $10 for
finals. Five finalist plays will be
Information about the ACTF
can be obtained by calling either
the Department of Theatre Aria
at 4S7-3SSS, or the box office at
Faculty, Maxwell in conflict
(Continued from Pan 1)
CSUF administration. He said be
has "happily" complied with its
There have been a number of
conflicts between Maxwell and
other faculty members, although
he denies thst these conflicts led
to his resignation. Some conflicts
confirmed by sources snd
MaxweU Include:
-His Insistence that he conduct private Interviews with
credential candidates.
-Instructors having refused to
be advisors to master degree
candldataa because Maxwell
refuses to "rubber stamp"
these and has required "higher
quality" projects.
—Teachers In other schools,
notably Ihe School of Social
Science, being unhappy because
Maxwell haa refused to allow
some students to be credentialed.
Maxwell claims that many of the
studenU' grade point averages
"These kinds of problems will
exist on any campus," Maxwell
said. "It's alwaya a perennial
battle. It alwaya occurs."
Although there have been
conflicts among faculty in Ihe
School of Education and Maxwell, moat teachers agree that he
U "a man dedicated to the
teaching profession "
Parents1 privacy a concern of CSUF
(Continued from \"*ge 1)
student. However, other general
records kept by the Counseling
Center on all undergraduate
studenU are open to the student's
inspection, he said.
Students may see their
financial aid file only after their
parent's tax return is removed,
according to Willaim Corcoran,
aaaUtent dean of student affairs.
Corcoran aald this ia lo respect
Ihe parent's right to privacy.
Corcoran ssid that with the
above exceptlona, any file
retained within Student Affaire is
available to Ihe student for
Corcoran added that a student
"not only is allowed to aee files
a formal hearing, conducted by a
hearing officer, allows both
parties to debate the material. If
the officer decides Ihe rasterial is
valid and should remain in the
file, (he atudent may enter a
rebuttal atetement. If Ihe officer
believes the material U not valid,
it U removed from the file,
Corcoran ssid.
As far as Corcoran knows, no
student has challenged material
or requested a hearing since the
Buckley Amendment took effect.
Before the amendment, the
Placement Office would not allow
studenU to see their letters of
recommendation, Corcoran said.
Now, all letters sre available to
tbe atudent, unless they were in
the files before Jan. l, 1S7S.
premise of confidentiality would
Corcoran said that in some
cases, a student may give up his
right of access to letters of
recommendation by signing a
Discipline files kept by the
Student Affeirs Office sre open to
review. Corcoran said he has hsd
one or two requests in Ihe last six
months to see files. In all cases, a
discipline file is destroyed when a
student U graduated.
Corcoran said Ihere seemed to
be an increase in the number of
studenU (hat asked to see their
files after the. amendment took
effect, but interest his since
subsided considerably.
Registrar Robert Board said
law Ave. ^" ? V "" Telephone
Learn to Ski program
a complete ski program 6 Sundays
Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 Feb. 6, 13 $115.00
only $6.50 6- weeks $39.00)
Lake Tahoe Hyatt Lodge Jan. 6,7, 8,
3 nights 3 day lift ticket . Man*
transpc«tqHon Total cost $14100
Snowbird Lodgo Utah, Snowbird
Feb 12-19 7 nights
7 day lift ticket
Total cost $112.00
■ policy allowed studenU
to see their file, which was in the
a Office.
CASH for
Soil your Usod
Kennel Bookstore
Dec. 8-21
Europe, S. America,
Australia, Asia, etc. All
fields, S500-S1200 monthly.
Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform.—
International Job Center,
Dept. CF, Box 4490.
Berkeley, CA 94704
Thursday, December 9, 1S7S
Fellows have opening!
The Fellows, a faculty George Raney, David Gheasman
development program at CSUF, and Kan Russell.
UsooB^tertwonxwmasBbers The Fallows Is aa on-going
to fill vacant poaltlona beginning organisation founded In the Fall
In the spring. of 1»74 by Stan Oegler. Teachers
John A. Cagle, coordinator of enrolled are required to complete
faculty development, says he has aa In-depth project of thatr
accepted 10 applications since the choosing and attend weekly
Dec. 7 deadline and is now tn the seminars.
process of narrowing down the '' "During the course of the
prospecu. leuieater each Instructor must,
"We already have five compile a report dealing with
positions ftlled," Cagle said, eome aspect of tbe community or
"Three of those ara returning tha teaching -learning ep-
Fellows from last year and two vireniitent," aald Cagle. "As a
are newly accepted " iroup at tha weakly meetings we
Comet members of Fellows bring out Into tha open Afferent
include faculty members Gene pending problems dealing with
Anderson. Lillian Faderman, these two areas."