April 1, 1941 Pg 1 |
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Honest Ben Gives His Fashion Review —Editorial Page SOUEOIAN Whew! Boy, Them Hilr-Bi1l.es! Page 2 VOLUME TWENTY-SIX "READABLE —WORTH READING" FOURTH ESTATE ELECTION AMENDMENT Prepster, Jaysee PRESENTED TOMORROW?!"® Conference Students To Vote on Expense Raise for President Races,- Polls Open 9 to 4 The amendment to the student constitution designed by its originators to "enliven" the student body elections will be presented „i the students for ratification in a general election tomorrow. The voting will be held in conjunction with the Sadie Hawkins celibration and will be held either in the AWS room or the Student President's office. The polls will be open from 9 o'clock in STYMIED o prohibit Ihe Sadie Hawkins Election Tomorrow CHI DELTA MEETS Chi Dolta, military fralernll Set for April 26 350. Expected for News Writing Competition And Discussion Groups More than 350 high school id junior college journalism students and their advisers will meet here April 26 for the annual Fresno State College Spring Press Conference. Work Suspended On N.Y.A. Shop, Vocational School State Fails to Accept Deed for Fresno State Land; Material Here Work on the construction o shop classrooms for National Youth Administration youths has been suspended pending acceptance of the deed to the property by the State of California. Tickets on Sale for Friday Night Jig FRESNO. CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1941 nl smart at which r. lata will b\, Jlr.a to sdll chool and preald.nl D TRIALS ARRANGED INTER-CLUB COUNCIL Gooder Will, Andress Won't Four Candidates Take Petitions For Prexy Race Nieto Files Papers As Stebbins Is Called Possible Campaigner A muddled picture of the 1941 itudent body president's race presented itself to campus politicians today as several major questions stiU prevented a clear —■— of the race as it will be GOOD ADVERTISING 5,000 HEAR SYMPHONY DURING CONCERTTOUR By Barbara Parker More than 5,000 people heard the 53-piece Fresno State College Symphony Orchestra and Arthur Bryon, violin soloist, during a concert tour of the valley last week, according to Dr. Arthur C. Berdahl, director. The organization gave eight performances, with the first con- :rt in the Dinuba High School auditorium before an enthusias- Campus Schedules Pictures tor Week Staters' Expressive Names, Cover Foods, Jobs, Holidays Hitler Movies Shown At Assembly Tomorrow EDITORSHIP DEADLINE SET FOR APRIL 15 spiked talk that pr.iy. and that his petition Chorus, Symphony Perform Thursday p Symphony, compel EDUCATION STUDENTS TO MEET THURSDAY ■
Object Description
Title | 1941_04 The Daily Collegian April 1941 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1941 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 1, 1941 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1941 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Honest Ben Gives His Fashion Review —Editorial Page SOUEOIAN Whew! Boy, Them Hilr-Bi1l.es! Page 2 VOLUME TWENTY-SIX "READABLE —WORTH READING" FOURTH ESTATE ELECTION AMENDMENT Prepster, Jaysee PRESENTED TOMORROW?!"® Conference Students To Vote on Expense Raise for President Races,- Polls Open 9 to 4 The amendment to the student constitution designed by its originators to "enliven" the student body elections will be presented „i the students for ratification in a general election tomorrow. The voting will be held in conjunction with the Sadie Hawkins celibration and will be held either in the AWS room or the Student President's office. The polls will be open from 9 o'clock in STYMIED o prohibit Ihe Sadie Hawkins Election Tomorrow CHI DELTA MEETS Chi Dolta, military fralernll Set for April 26 350. Expected for News Writing Competition And Discussion Groups More than 350 high school id junior college journalism students and their advisers will meet here April 26 for the annual Fresno State College Spring Press Conference. Work Suspended On N.Y.A. Shop, Vocational School State Fails to Accept Deed for Fresno State Land; Material Here Work on the construction o shop classrooms for National Youth Administration youths has been suspended pending acceptance of the deed to the property by the State of California. Tickets on Sale for Friday Night Jig FRESNO. CALIFORNIA. TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1941 nl smart at which r. lata will b\, Jlr.a to sdll chool and preald.nl D TRIALS ARRANGED INTER-CLUB COUNCIL Gooder Will, Andress Won't Four Candidates Take Petitions For Prexy Race Nieto Files Papers As Stebbins Is Called Possible Campaigner A muddled picture of the 1941 itudent body president's race presented itself to campus politicians today as several major questions stiU prevented a clear —■— of the race as it will be GOOD ADVERTISING 5,000 HEAR SYMPHONY DURING CONCERTTOUR By Barbara Parker More than 5,000 people heard the 53-piece Fresno State College Symphony Orchestra and Arthur Bryon, violin soloist, during a concert tour of the valley last week, according to Dr. Arthur C. Berdahl, director. The organization gave eight performances, with the first con- :rt in the Dinuba High School auditorium before an enthusias- Campus Schedules Pictures tor Week Staters' Expressive Names, Cover Foods, Jobs, Holidays Hitler Movies Shown At Assembly Tomorrow EDITORSHIP DEADLINE SET FOR APRIL 15 spiked talk that pr.iy. and that his petition Chorus, Symphony Perform Thursday p Symphony, compel EDUCATION STUDENTS TO MEET THURSDAY ■ |