November 2, 1970 La Voz Pg 2-3 |
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Y COLLEGIAN Monday LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Chicano for Reagan I am a chicano for Reagan. The reason: he Is trying to do In the aged, crippled and helpless. He Is an Insincere and In- . sensitive animal. For example, look how he harks about the war. We must 'stand Arm* and win In Vietnam. When using campus unrest as a political tool, he will harp, 'Our boys In Vietnam are dying while campus demonstrators are destroying what they are dying for.' But, at the same time he Is barking this line of patriotism here In California he Is working to cut State Veteran benefits for the boys returning from Nam, Yes, Ronald Is doing the above, and in a sense more, because with It he Is helping a lot of the gutless to rationalize. How honest Is It when one rationalizes the reality of emotion and frustration? That Is his Intent. He practices to sooth, because If you ask him why he Is working to cut aid to the needy and the boys he defends when they are In Vietnam he will scream economy! But economy for whom? Taxes keep rising and who pays for them? You! You gutless animals a Pig. So Viva La Raza y Ar- ba Chlcanismo! -The Determined Oppressed Please, I ask you all to reflect upon this speech. •The streets of our country are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia Is threatening us with her might. And the republic Is In danger. Yes — danger from within and without. We need law and order! . . . Without law and order our country cannot sur- Does it sound like a recent political campaign speech? Perhaps it was spoken by Ronald Reagan, George Wallace, orSpiro Agnew? NO, this speech was given by Adolph Hitler - 1932. " id Comi d to f Third World Coalition Through the efforts of the Third World Coalition, minorities are rapidly finding that the combination of Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and all other oppressed people can attack the social problems • oil c< npanles, Kern society. t had to gain fi n Reap Funk and Wagnail's package. Sorry Funk, but someone made a bad metaphor about you and Reagan's stupidity fits the sense, not your integrity. Yes, I am a chicano for Reagan and hope you win, Winnie the Pooh, because you will help the revolution. You will help because you are the leader of bigots, hypocrlts. and cowards, and that clal ji We a ruggle fo I Is c entually t Fresno State College can clearly see the desperate need for a more unified student political force to deal with the problems Instigated by the past and present college tlon will be made available In the next Chicano edition. Third tlon lo our problems on this cam- ORGANIZENSE. IIERMANOS! — Ed Acevedo "mtmttmt TBI D1IIY COIIEGim « "All we want is for those trouble makers to study 'our history,' 'our culture,' and become part of 'our' white society." LETTER TO BAXTER Y COLLEGIAN Won smoor 2. 1970 3. STUDY REVIEW d bemoaning th ur back against 'The Mexican American People' LA VOZ STAFF (Th u<-> OMBILICAL CORD Natural Foods Store «" ltshed 1 division of the M pany, after the c najor study p VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT WORK Phone 268-0168 cMlllan Com- mpletlon of a i project designed by the Mexican American Project of UCLA. This study of US citizens of Mexican descent "reveals' that we are the oldest, second larg- mlnorlty group In the US. That Is the general accomplishment of a "docile," agrarian people; This new awakening includes: p£ketlng , walk outs, sitlns, street demonstrations, schoi strikes, court actions and oth action that will bring positl Our latest heroes taking positive action have been: Cesar Chavez, who led the international grape strike; Rels Tljerlna, whose Allanza Federal de Mercedes Is making legal attempts to regain control of much land; and Corky Gonzales who has led the awakening In Colorado. The study points out that this a resurgence of historical conflict between chlcanos and other US citizens of the Southwest. Alpha Gamma Rho Presents Convention Center Exhibit Hall 2.56 presale College Dance illforn growing minority US, are attempting ■ biggest gains. As census, the states a and Texas have been home for 82 per cent of us. an overwhelming concentration being In metropolitan Los Angeles. A current estimation of chlcanos in the US Is six million. The study observed that this concentration and added migration of Mexican-Americans to California has unquestionably helped to Improve our collective position. The concept of "LaRaza Unlda* his been working. The study points to the fact and I can't even begin to stress that the future of the chicano depends on our progress In California and Texas. Having read this article I hope you begin to understand and support our positive -Reymundo Gamboa STUPID AMERICA stupid america, see that chi with a big knife on his steady hand and carve christfigures but you won't let him. stupid america, hear that cl shouting curses on the strec without paper and pencil and since he cannot write he will explode, stupid americ; flunking math and engllsh of y,our western states but he will die with one thousand masterpieces hanging from his mind abelardo And the purge goes on and on I am returning to you by this registered letter, the keys to the three offices I have occupied during the past two years and one summer at FSC—keys to English Department offices, where I taught for two years, and one- from Speech-Arts, where I served as a forenslcs coach for one year and earned a Masters Degree. This Is a symbolic gesture provoked by several related causes: first, recent events at FSC Illustrate that you singly have suf- creatlve educational and democratic processes; secondly, a reminder to you that faculty non- i ■•appointment, when no Just cause is clearly present or articulated, Is a 'lock-out' and an indecent administrative procedure (often affected by impersonal memorandums, Insipid press releases, and non-consultation); thirdly, recent fractured relationships with brothersofthe several minority communities, students and faculty reveal the hitter fruit harvested from administrative rigormortls. I am small potatoes; hardly a ripple In the vast academlan sea. But someone needs to continually point out what a President's office can do to - and for - a school family. (As a human person, therefore, you are accountable.) I speak not only personally, but lory when the President's office caused major FSC casualties: Nathan Heard, Dick Keyes, Ell Klsco, Harold Walker, Dale Burt-, Paul Murray, Don Albright ire just a few; and programs such as Black studies, Ombudsman, Experimental College, La Raza studies, the dormitory "llve-ln* rated to student advocacy and confidence. These persons and such lively, human agendas which have been felled, constricted or demotedby secretive administrative 'soft- shoeing' or the "jn-dlrectlve* originating In Los Angeles or Sacramento are, I submit,symptoms of serious educational Inertia leading to polarization and the extinguishing of learning In freedom and light. This letter is, therefore, an appeal on behalf of others. I want to fasten some realities firmly to your life, i.e., the consequences of an inflexible, authoritarian administratis life style. As homely example let me cite a specific, non-sensational 1070, y \xime teaching position In the Speech-Arts Department. You directed" the Department to seek again earlier candidates and then report back (a report you dismissed, hastily). You decided not to reconsider. You declared, after I Insisted on a personal conference with you (which Isn't afforded all others, I guess), that the decision was based on Impersonal, administrative ruling I had e Mtifti iYA DEJAME! YA DEJAME GABACHO, QUE MAS QUIERES DE W TE HE DADO Ml SANGRE Y SUDOR, ME HAS QUI TADO' Ml Tl ERRA Y MU JER. QUE TAMBIEN QUIERES Ml VIDA? MEJOR QUE ME DEJES, SI NO ME LA PAGARAS. Y YO TAMBIEN BUSCARE TU MUJER, Y QUI TARE TU TIERRA. PERO MAS QUE ESO GABACHO, Y CUIDATE, TAMBIEN BUSCARE TU SANGRE. YA DEJAME, DIOS ME CKO LA VIDA PARA VIVIR, Y NO NOMAS PARA SUFRIR. MEJOR QUE ME DEJES, MEJOR QUE ME DEJES from the Speech-Arts Department). When I then inquired about continuing my part-time teaching you Immediately assured me that such was acceptable (even counseling me that part-time didn't pay too well, remember?). I spent the summer writing a book and doing research for the Speech-Arts Department, planning for those fall classes. On September 11th, you declared "emphatically* that I would not be permitted to teach even part- time. After that blow we waited for the Just cause tobeexplained; some valid reasons, at least. Dull, administrative silence followed (unbroken to this day). Some feeble references to my thesis topic (Cesar Chavez) or research project (on Mexican- American history) or community Involvements have been put forward as likely causes by friends searching for answers. Who A question, Doctor: Have you ever tried to find a teaching position the second week of September? Can you Imagine the anxiety, perplexity, the personal agony of being cut off? Now forget the single Instance and multiply that thought by ten or twenty or thirty persons. Lives and families. That's your power! One sad side effect has been my discovery of an apathy-syndrome manifested by the FSC faculty under these adverse conditions. There are marvelous exceptions In the Engllsh, Psychology, Chemistry and Social Work Departments; but, by-ln-large, no voices have been raised loudly. No protest lodged and followed through. Again, forget my demise and see.those significant spirits and minds FSC and Fresno has lost (purged), or are losing without meaningful protest from their colleagues. Such conditions suggest not only callousness and the absence of elementary courtesy, but bespeak an atmosphere of fear or resignation or selfish preoccupation. Everyone suffers in such an Infertile atmosphere, do they not, Dr. I have been wtsened by these events. I take new discoveries and Insights with me Into my new ministry (In the Bay area) about two of Fresno's unique liktltu- tlons: the church and the college. May I be so bold as to caution you about ad mini string so swiftly and Irrevocably; particularly In regards to the sensitive racial crisis that Is accelerating on campus and In this community. Your year's residency In Fresno Is Insufficient time for you to be so absolute. I've lived in this Valley for eight years and would not presume to display such disregard of persons who know the Valley. Snap or casual judgments belle the teachings of thorough researching and sensitive, sophisticated administrative Judgment. Your easy scuttling or minority sharing in the academic process recently Is, I believe, further eroding the delicate confidence that Black and Mexican- persons have In higher and the democratic process. It appears to many as further evidence of the educational colonialism that we white Anglos have Institutionalized. You can hear that specific testimony. Dr. Baxter, If you get out of your cloistered office and start attending meetings or gatherings of say B.A.B.Y., West Side Federation, NAACP, Klngof Kings Center, farm workers ganlzatlons or Just people on the street and students clustered on campus, (one can get so encircled by 'cronies* that be misses scores of beautiful, Incisive lives within access.) Why not be a citizen-president, as Floyd Hyde was a citizen-mayor, i.e., get out into Fresno as Norm Baxter, not President Baxter with the long academic pedigree. This community could make use of the college resources'. Why not sponsor several open community and campus hearings; and be bound by their council. Be an enabler. Let meaningful coalitions of people form and function (not simply advise). You could begin *1U> a responsive grievance committee (not the institutional quagmire variety) formed by citizens, students and college staff; let the community forum develop some humane ground rules, etc I am not championing abusive, excessive confrontation. Our nation la bleeding far too profusely for peace. We are rightly weary and horrified over acts of terrible violence. FSC's •systems', however, shriek for reformation. I appeal to you for an oppenness, atmosphere of Justice and democracy so that law and order does not become a further Tee res si ve slogan tor a tew hard'bats or 'effete' politicians. Truth cannot be discovered In a repressive vac uu m nor thrive where suspicion lurks. - My two years at FSC baa convinced me that education la not a Learning la a iraclous o s(mi too; producing a Toyota Is a process!). That means identifying, relating to this scrambled society creatively, specifically; celebrating and restoring life, not merely dissecting and labeling It. If the university la to help provide i society with qlU zens of responsible boldness and deep human- neaa It will need to develop a responsive environment on campus. Some of your rhetoric suggests such Ideals. But then on* must ask: Where Is the evidence? Finally, you and I, Dr. Baiter, are both seminary graduates. You will understand, therefore, this ancient benediction which I offer you: *I wish you peace, brother; peace with Divine dls- Enjoy yourself. The life you lead may be your own. If you enjoy your work, it shows. In your personal life and in the quality of the work itself. That's why we look for people who enjoy working with people. Helping people. Because that's what a bank is all about. At Security Pacific Bank we are proud of our contributions to the betterment of individual life. Assisting in alt things that help people function better in areas connected with money. Now, what can we do for you? We give you training that exposes you to all phases of our banking operation. Then we give you the responsibility that you need to prove your abilities. This system works so well that most of our people achieve a corporate officer's title anytime after 18 months. If you enjoy making decisions that make things happen, start now. Make an appointment to see our representative today. We'll be on campus Thursday, November 5. We are an equal opportunity employer. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK
Object Description
Title | 1970_11 The Daily Collegian November 1970 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1970 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 2, 1970 La Voz Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1970 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Y COLLEGIAN Monday LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Chicano for Reagan I am a chicano for Reagan. The reason: he Is trying to do In the aged, crippled and helpless. He Is an Insincere and In- . sensitive animal. For example, look how he harks about the war. We must 'stand Arm* and win In Vietnam. When using campus unrest as a political tool, he will harp, 'Our boys In Vietnam are dying while campus demonstrators are destroying what they are dying for.' But, at the same time he Is barking this line of patriotism here In California he Is working to cut State Veteran benefits for the boys returning from Nam, Yes, Ronald Is doing the above, and in a sense more, because with It he Is helping a lot of the gutless to rationalize. How honest Is It when one rationalizes the reality of emotion and frustration? That Is his Intent. He practices to sooth, because If you ask him why he Is working to cut aid to the needy and the boys he defends when they are In Vietnam he will scream economy! But economy for whom? Taxes keep rising and who pays for them? You! You gutless animals a Pig. So Viva La Raza y Ar- ba Chlcanismo! -The Determined Oppressed Please, I ask you all to reflect upon this speech. •The streets of our country are filled with students rebelling and rioting. Communists are seeking to destroy our country. Russia Is threatening us with her might. And the republic Is In danger. Yes — danger from within and without. We need law and order! . . . Without law and order our country cannot sur- Does it sound like a recent political campaign speech? Perhaps it was spoken by Ronald Reagan, George Wallace, orSpiro Agnew? NO, this speech was given by Adolph Hitler - 1932. " id Comi d to f Third World Coalition Through the efforts of the Third World Coalition, minorities are rapidly finding that the combination of Black, Brown, Yellow, Red and all other oppressed people can attack the social problems • oil c< npanles, Kern society. t had to gain fi n Reap Funk and Wagnail's package. Sorry Funk, but someone made a bad metaphor about you and Reagan's stupidity fits the sense, not your integrity. Yes, I am a chicano for Reagan and hope you win, Winnie the Pooh, because you will help the revolution. You will help because you are the leader of bigots, hypocrlts. and cowards, and that clal ji We a ruggle fo I Is c entually t Fresno State College can clearly see the desperate need for a more unified student political force to deal with the problems Instigated by the past and present college tlon will be made available In the next Chicano edition. Third tlon lo our problems on this cam- ORGANIZENSE. IIERMANOS! — Ed Acevedo "mtmttmt TBI D1IIY COIIEGim « "All we want is for those trouble makers to study 'our history,' 'our culture,' and become part of 'our' white society." LETTER TO BAXTER Y COLLEGIAN Won smoor 2. 1970 3. STUDY REVIEW d bemoaning th ur back against 'The Mexican American People' LA VOZ STAFF (Th u<-> OMBILICAL CORD Natural Foods Store «" ltshed 1 division of the M pany, after the c najor study p VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT WORK Phone 268-0168 cMlllan Com- mpletlon of a i project designed by the Mexican American Project of UCLA. This study of US citizens of Mexican descent "reveals' that we are the oldest, second larg- mlnorlty group In the US. That Is the general accomplishment of a "docile," agrarian people; This new awakening includes: p£ketlng , walk outs, sitlns, street demonstrations, schoi strikes, court actions and oth action that will bring positl Our latest heroes taking positive action have been: Cesar Chavez, who led the international grape strike; Rels Tljerlna, whose Allanza Federal de Mercedes Is making legal attempts to regain control of much land; and Corky Gonzales who has led the awakening In Colorado. The study points out that this a resurgence of historical conflict between chlcanos and other US citizens of the Southwest. Alpha Gamma Rho Presents Convention Center Exhibit Hall 2.56 presale College Dance illforn growing minority US, are attempting ■ biggest gains. As census, the states a and Texas have been home for 82 per cent of us. an overwhelming concentration being In metropolitan Los Angeles. A current estimation of chlcanos in the US Is six million. The study observed that this concentration and added migration of Mexican-Americans to California has unquestionably helped to Improve our collective position. The concept of "LaRaza Unlda* his been working. The study points to the fact and I can't even begin to stress that the future of the chicano depends on our progress In California and Texas. Having read this article I hope you begin to understand and support our positive -Reymundo Gamboa STUPID AMERICA stupid america, see that chi with a big knife on his steady hand and carve christfigures but you won't let him. stupid america, hear that cl shouting curses on the strec without paper and pencil and since he cannot write he will explode, stupid americ; flunking math and engllsh of y,our western states but he will die with one thousand masterpieces hanging from his mind abelardo And the purge goes on and on I am returning to you by this registered letter, the keys to the three offices I have occupied during the past two years and one summer at FSC—keys to English Department offices, where I taught for two years, and one- from Speech-Arts, where I served as a forenslcs coach for one year and earned a Masters Degree. This Is a symbolic gesture provoked by several related causes: first, recent events at FSC Illustrate that you singly have suf- creatlve educational and democratic processes; secondly, a reminder to you that faculty non- i ■•appointment, when no Just cause is clearly present or articulated, Is a 'lock-out' and an indecent administrative procedure (often affected by impersonal memorandums, Insipid press releases, and non-consultation); thirdly, recent fractured relationships with brothersofthe several minority communities, students and faculty reveal the hitter fruit harvested from administrative rigormortls. I am small potatoes; hardly a ripple In the vast academlan sea. But someone needs to continually point out what a President's office can do to - and for - a school family. (As a human person, therefore, you are accountable.) I speak not only personally, but lory when the President's office caused major FSC casualties: Nathan Heard, Dick Keyes, Ell Klsco, Harold Walker, Dale Burt-, Paul Murray, Don Albright ire just a few; and programs such as Black studies, Ombudsman, Experimental College, La Raza studies, the dormitory "llve-ln* rated to student advocacy and confidence. These persons and such lively, human agendas which have been felled, constricted or demotedby secretive administrative 'soft- shoeing' or the "jn-dlrectlve* originating In Los Angeles or Sacramento are, I submit,symptoms of serious educational Inertia leading to polarization and the extinguishing of learning In freedom and light. This letter is, therefore, an appeal on behalf of others. I want to fasten some realities firmly to your life, i.e., the consequences of an inflexible, authoritarian administratis life style. As homely example let me cite a specific, non-sensational 1070, y \xime teaching position In the Speech-Arts Department. You directed" the Department to seek again earlier candidates and then report back (a report you dismissed, hastily). You decided not to reconsider. You declared, after I Insisted on a personal conference with you (which Isn't afforded all others, I guess), that the decision was based on Impersonal, administrative ruling I had e Mtifti iYA DEJAME! YA DEJAME GABACHO, QUE MAS QUIERES DE W TE HE DADO Ml SANGRE Y SUDOR, ME HAS QUI TADO' Ml Tl ERRA Y MU JER. QUE TAMBIEN QUIERES Ml VIDA? MEJOR QUE ME DEJES, SI NO ME LA PAGARAS. Y YO TAMBIEN BUSCARE TU MUJER, Y QUI TARE TU TIERRA. PERO MAS QUE ESO GABACHO, Y CUIDATE, TAMBIEN BUSCARE TU SANGRE. YA DEJAME, DIOS ME CKO LA VIDA PARA VIVIR, Y NO NOMAS PARA SUFRIR. MEJOR QUE ME DEJES, MEJOR QUE ME DEJES from the Speech-Arts Department). When I then inquired about continuing my part-time teaching you Immediately assured me that such was acceptable (even counseling me that part-time didn't pay too well, remember?). I spent the summer writing a book and doing research for the Speech-Arts Department, planning for those fall classes. On September 11th, you declared "emphatically* that I would not be permitted to teach even part- time. After that blow we waited for the Just cause tobeexplained; some valid reasons, at least. Dull, administrative silence followed (unbroken to this day). Some feeble references to my thesis topic (Cesar Chavez) or research project (on Mexican- American history) or community Involvements have been put forward as likely causes by friends searching for answers. Who A question, Doctor: Have you ever tried to find a teaching position the second week of September? Can you Imagine the anxiety, perplexity, the personal agony of being cut off? Now forget the single Instance and multiply that thought by ten or twenty or thirty persons. Lives and families. That's your power! One sad side effect has been my discovery of an apathy-syndrome manifested by the FSC faculty under these adverse conditions. There are marvelous exceptions In the Engllsh, Psychology, Chemistry and Social Work Departments; but, by-ln-large, no voices have been raised loudly. No protest lodged and followed through. Again, forget my demise and see.those significant spirits and minds FSC and Fresno has lost (purged), or are losing without meaningful protest from their colleagues. Such conditions suggest not only callousness and the absence of elementary courtesy, but bespeak an atmosphere of fear or resignation or selfish preoccupation. Everyone suffers in such an Infertile atmosphere, do they not, Dr. I have been wtsened by these events. I take new discoveries and Insights with me Into my new ministry (In the Bay area) about two of Fresno's unique liktltu- tlons: the church and the college. May I be so bold as to caution you about ad mini string so swiftly and Irrevocably; particularly In regards to the sensitive racial crisis that Is accelerating on campus and In this community. Your year's residency In Fresno Is Insufficient time for you to be so absolute. I've lived in this Valley for eight years and would not presume to display such disregard of persons who know the Valley. Snap or casual judgments belle the teachings of thorough researching and sensitive, sophisticated administrative Judgment. Your easy scuttling or minority sharing in the academic process recently Is, I believe, further eroding the delicate confidence that Black and Mexican- persons have In higher and the democratic process. It appears to many as further evidence of the educational colonialism that we white Anglos have Institutionalized. You can hear that specific testimony. Dr. Baxter, If you get out of your cloistered office and start attending meetings or gatherings of say B.A.B.Y., West Side Federation, NAACP, Klngof Kings Center, farm workers ganlzatlons or Just people on the street and students clustered on campus, (one can get so encircled by 'cronies* that be misses scores of beautiful, Incisive lives within access.) Why not be a citizen-president, as Floyd Hyde was a citizen-mayor, i.e., get out into Fresno as Norm Baxter, not President Baxter with the long academic pedigree. This community could make use of the college resources'. Why not sponsor several open community and campus hearings; and be bound by their council. Be an enabler. Let meaningful coalitions of people form and function (not simply advise). You could begin *1U> a responsive grievance committee (not the institutional quagmire variety) formed by citizens, students and college staff; let the community forum develop some humane ground rules, etc I am not championing abusive, excessive confrontation. Our nation la bleeding far too profusely for peace. We are rightly weary and horrified over acts of terrible violence. FSC's •systems', however, shriek for reformation. I appeal to you for an oppenness, atmosphere of Justice and democracy so that law and order does not become a further Tee res si ve slogan tor a tew hard'bats or 'effete' politicians. Truth cannot be discovered In a repressive vac uu m nor thrive where suspicion lurks. - My two years at FSC baa convinced me that education la not a Learning la a iraclous o s(mi too; producing a Toyota Is a process!). That means identifying, relating to this scrambled society creatively, specifically; celebrating and restoring life, not merely dissecting and labeling It. If the university la to help provide i society with qlU zens of responsible boldness and deep human- neaa It will need to develop a responsive environment on campus. Some of your rhetoric suggests such Ideals. But then on* must ask: Where Is the evidence? Finally, you and I, Dr. Baiter, are both seminary graduates. You will understand, therefore, this ancient benediction which I offer you: *I wish you peace, brother; peace with Divine dls- Enjoy yourself. The life you lead may be your own. If you enjoy your work, it shows. In your personal life and in the quality of the work itself. That's why we look for people who enjoy working with people. Helping people. Because that's what a bank is all about. At Security Pacific Bank we are proud of our contributions to the betterment of individual life. Assisting in alt things that help people function better in areas connected with money. Now, what can we do for you? We give you training that exposes you to all phases of our banking operation. Then we give you the responsibility that you need to prove your abilities. This system works so well that most of our people achieve a corporate officer's title anytime after 18 months. If you enjoy making decisions that make things happen, start now. Make an appointment to see our representative today. We'll be on campus Thursday, November 5. We are an equal opportunity employer. SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK |