April 14, 1971 Pg 2-3 |
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COLLEGIAN FORUM editorials, including feature- gueit writer*, are m Jly thole of Fresno Stat* Collegi THE DAILY COLLEGIAN - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A* of right now there are an estimated tour hundred American prisoners of war ln North Viet Nam. W* can only .guess at this number b*caus« the North Vietnamese have refused to release the names of those they are holding. Th* few American . prisoners who have returned have claimed that treatment of POW's ln North Viet Nam is in direct violation of the Geneva Convention of 1957 (which called for humane treatment of POW's) de spite the fact that North Viet Nam endorsed the treaty. This week the Fresno SUte College Republicans are manning a Uble In the Free Speech area wiU only Uke tw< utes but It may tx treatment for 400 (or so) bums In i POW's and Missing ln Actions. All that Is necessary Is to fill out a post card asking Hanoi to abide by their agreement. If you believe In humanity -whetheror THE DAILY COLLEGIAN \mm FOR SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM This Program is designed to develop young college graduates for careers in life insurance sales and sales management. It provides an initial training period of 3 months (including 2 weeks at a Home Office School) before moving into full sales work. Those who are interested in and who are found qualified for management responsibility are assured of ample opportunity to move on to such work in either our field offices or in the Home Office after an initial period in sales. Aggressive expansion plans provide unusual opportunities for those accepted. Arrange with the placement office for an interview. JAMES W. SHANER C. L. U. General Agent will be on campus THURSDAY, APRIL 15 or call 233-0103 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY • HARTFORD THE BLUE CHIP COMPANY . SINCE 1846 an Equal Opportunity Employer COMMENTARY During the Easter recess the staff of the Library expanded the public card catalogue from 960 drawers to 1,320 drawers. The expansion wasnecessiutedbythe crowded condition of the old catalogue. There is an average of 700 cards ■ In each drawer, or approximately 924,000 ln the en- Henry Madden, Librarian A little something stupid for a friend By Michael Fradln The other day, a friend of mine called me on the phone and mentioned that he had read my last commentary. He thought It was a bit too serious, and suggested that I write about something stupid. I said, 'What do you mean by stupid?" He said, *You know what I mean, ridiculous, Insipid, dumb.* So, I'm going to take his suggestion and write about that popular book and motion picture, •Love Story.* ■Love Story* Is described as being s; tender story of love. When they say •tender,* they mean -legal tender.* Erich Se- ffal and Paramount Pictures refuse to call it *Love Story* to themselves; they have another cute name for It . . . They call lt •The Gold Mine.* Speaking of gold,I'm sure most of us have heard or have read about those *get-rlch-qulck* books that are In print. You know, the ones with the moving titles, such as, *How to Make a Million In a Year,* 'Sue Your Neighbor for Fun and Profit,* 'How to Make a Killing ln the Stock Market," and many other books of this nature. Save your coins! I can give you the winning combination line: give people a Uttle Jie beginning and end lt with tragedy. The public loves this *crap.* They'll eat thla nonsense for breakfast the rest of their lives if they could. The public, In general, loves to Identify their hang-ups and problems with fictional sorrow. Ifyoudon't believe me, Just look at some of the famous literature greats: •West Side Story,* "Gone With the Wind,* "Funny Girl,* and *A Tree Grows ln Brooklyn.* They ail start happ-go-lucky, and end up wasted. 'Love Story* was no exception. Everything was going fine until they got married. Once they got married, the whole thing blew up faster than a zeppelln In a forest fire. Has lt ever occurred to you that tbe greatest loves of history and Uterature had one thing ln common, the boy and girl never got married. Think about it! Paris and Helen of Troy, Cyrano and Roxanne, Antony and Cleopatra, Rock Hudson and Doris Day, Donald Duck and Daisy. Look what happened when Romeo and Juliet got married, they spent one night together and commltteed suicide the next day. (That must have been one hell- ofva night!) •Love Story* gives you more than you bargain for. Tbey give you touching and witty words to Uve by. I'm talking about that heart-warming quote that sends shivers down your spine, 'Love is never having to say you're sorry.* I could see it all now, as your lover spills hot coffee all over your new suit, then she comes up with that stabbing statement. 'Love Is never having to GROUP DISCOUNTED AUTO INSURANCE FOR ASSOCIATED STUDENT MEMBERS College Student Insurance Service has worked with the auto insurance industry for 5 years to prove that the college student deserves lower insurance rates. EXAMPLE California Financial Responsibility Law requires $15,000 - $30,000 Bodily Injury, and $5,600Property Damage Liability Coverage. Costs a ASB Male Operator age 25andup Female Operator age 21 and up Married Male age 16-24 Female Operator age 16 - 20 Single Male age 21-24 Single Male age 16-20 . $31 6 months $31 6 months $54 6 months $54 6 months $70 6 months $95 6 months r Fresno Area. Lower rates fo communities. For a personalized quote, fill inthe blank be low and send it CSS, 2740 Fulton Ave, Suite 105B Sacramento, Calif. 95821 or Telephone (A'C916) 482-6658 arby Year and make of car____ Present policy expires (date) _ No. of years licensed to drive . No. of moving violations, last 3 years _ say you're sorry,* and walks off giggling! • *Love Story* ends true to form, like aU the movie greats do, the girl dies and everybody's mind Is blown. If she would have lived, the book and the picture would have been a bigger loser than a stowaway on a karoakazee plane. I hope that this Is enough hilarity and foolishness to make my friend happy. In order for me to write an effective paper, I went down to the theater to note the reactions of the people after seeing "Love Story.* Most of tne mencaroeout with a lump In their throat, and the majority of the girls, with a tear ln their eye. I couldn't help but notice one couple In particular. The boy and girl walked out, their arms tenderly car- resslng each other's side. The girl was gently drying her eyes on the shoulder of the boy. Tbey passed a newsstand on tha way to the parking lot. The bold, black headlines, almost three-dimensional In their form, read, •Fifty- four Thousand Deaths In Viet Nam.* By now, her tears were all dried, she said, ln a carefree voice, "GEE, that war Is so ridiculous.' It's ironic how one can cry over AU MacGraw dying on the scene for the sum of $200,000, and not shed a tear for tbe senseless deaths In Viet Nam. •Frankly, my dear, I don't think tbey LON6INES WITTNAUER ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WYLER KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS OfFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CAMPUS FOOTNOTES Wedneeday. April 14. 1971 E DAILY COLLEGIAN 3 Tryouts hr 1977-72 pep girls and yell leaders are slated for April 28 Cal State L.A; announces Visitor status1 plan for students attending summer sessions TryouU for 1971-72 pep girls and yell leaders will be held at 5 p.m. April 28 In the Gyronas- Prlor to the tryouts, appUcanU ara Invited to attend practice clinics tomorrow aod April 19, 21 and 23. Pep girl candidates wiU practice In the Man's Gym's second floor balcony and'yeU leader candidates In the Gymnastics Room. tee wiU meat Thursday from 10:30 a.ro.-12 p.m. ln Room 1084 of tbe Library. AU members who cannot attend are asked to call the Housing Offlce at 487-2345. The agenda win consist of discussion of the visiUtton policy in the residence halls. StudenU enrolled at any California SUte CoUege will be permitted to attend Cal SUte L.A. during the Summer Quarter, without filing a formal application and without having to pay an application fee, under terms of a •visitor status" plan announced by Dr. WlUlam F. Long.dtrectnr or admissions and records. Tbe innovative plan, which ■ effect this Summer, win said Long, but slropUfles w Student's discharge (Continued ti npsgel) A poetry reading by Mike Clifton and David St. John and music by Mike and John Boykln win be featured at this week's Noah's The program will begin at 9 p.ro. tomorrow at the College Religious Center; Wasemiller visit Fresno City Councilman Paul WasemlUer will be on campus Friday to discuss problems and issues in city- government with FSC studenU. Waserolller's visit will be from noon to 2 p.m. in the Free Student Homing The Student Housing Commlt- •We don't even teU anyone if a student ts registered or not,* a spokesman said. Dr. Kenneth Kerr, director of student activities, said on occasion men have come to his office with credentials from the FBI, Sheriff's Office. Naval lnteUl- gence arid so on. He said he knows Uw enforcement agencies and military Intelligence have conducted Investigations on cam- will not release Information on students - not even their address school and dig out old papers and hold them against you. I wrote that paper because I was told to write a paper by the Instructor. The paper was completely documented and contained nothing but facts. ■These actions are proof that freedom, freedom of of speech are really non-existent. How can any student feel free after this to express himself knowing what he writes may affect his future and ■ Peterson, who Is 24, said he is currently unemployed and looking for work. He is presently living tn Oakland, California. demlc standing m lege to attend Cal state L.A. by filing a simple request at his resident campua lor visitor status. The mornal $20 registration fee U waived aa are the transcript and appllcatlon-for- admlsslon documents, said Long. Application deadline U Aprtl 30. Although three other state colleges among tbe 19 In the system offer their regular classes ln the Summer Quarter, Cal SUte L.A. is .the only Urge campus among the group. (Other Quarter System campuses are Cal Stats Hayward, Cal poly Pomona, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.) Long pointed out that parsons applying for visitor status must be eligible to register at their resident collage as a continuing student for the Fall term. He noted that applications will be accepted on a space avatUble and enroUment quota basis. At the end of the Summer Quarter, Cal SUte L.A. wlU forward a transcript of grades earned to the student's resident coUege. The visitor status plan not only eases the financial and enrollment burden on the student. task al the Los Angeles campus. Cal SUte L.A. offers four equal academic quarters daring tbe year with each quarter running 11 weeks. Almost so per cent of the college's regularly enrolled students attend tba Summer Summer Quarter classes title year In Lo* Angeles begin July 1 and end September 18. All buildings on tbe campus are air eon- dltlooed. AppUcatlons tor vUltor statue can be obtained from the admission* office at any state col- Howdoyou rate as an •What burns me up,* Peterson said, 'is that the Navy and the government can go back to your Student Affairs recommends police 'alert system' An "alert system* to warn college personnel of the arrival of off-campus police has been recommended by the Student Affairs Committee. The Academic Senate passed a resolution calling for the establishment of such a system Ust spring, du* to tbe tragedies at both Kent and Jack*on State. The Student Affairs Committee, which wa* directed by tbe senate to consider tbe problem, recommended that Dr. Norman A. Baxter Institute a 'telephone communication* system which would originate ln a central office and disseminate to schools, departments, and individual staff other outside security forces do not come on campus unless called by tbe president ot the coUege. The committee made no recommendation to change this policy. Eight faculty members and four students currently sit on theStudent Affairs Committee. Currently, the city police or ARROW MACH II f 9.150 up (Eoflfee* I UNIVERSITY SHOP! ; Downtown-I What you should look for in a diamond logs? Then . one you can trust to give you factual information about what to look for in a diamond. Ai a member firm of tbe American Gem Society, we have sue h a d i amo nd specialist on our suit He wui be happy to property and ethically advise you on tbe subtle differences in diamond quality that affect thc price you pay. Come in and tee us. wall standards shell brackets GIVE YOU SHELVES LIKE THESE IN MINUTES! Transform any bare wall into attractive shelving unit Ideal for the recreation room. Shelf brackets are adjustable. Makes re-arranging simple. SHELF BOARDS Wide Selection of Sizes and Finishes 1x12 Pine | f- < Beginning at I 3 tin. Hamilton H.Knott'33 Gordon G. Knott '66 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Friday Night Til 9 P.M. And Sunday 10-4 USE TOUI MMUUWtKAtO M MASTIt OIAI.I i^mvk, /UMBER COMPANY 4840 N. BLACKSTONE 222-6286 thinker? Answer Yts or Ho. 1. All your friends have decided to wear short shorts. Vou realty don't like the look. Do you follow the gang? Yes DNoD, 2. You've /ust met a marvelous. Interesting guy who's shorter than you. Would you be embarrassed to go out with film? Yes a NoQ 9. You've been Invited to dinner ' again by a group of nice but uninterawtfrif people. Do you toot obliged to accept? YesQ NoD 4. Ml the charts say you're 10 pounds overweight You fool lino and your clothes took well. Do you diet anyway? YesQ NoQ 5. You appreciate oil kinds of music Except opera. Do you think you should Wston anyway becauso ifs "the thing/o do'? YesQ No O If you've answered "No" to three or more questions, you really rate as an independent thinker. Another example of your independent thinking: You use Tampax tampons. Why Tampax tampons? Because, when you compare them all, only Tampax tampons give you these advantages; Each Tampax tampon comes in a silken-smooth container-applicator. Both applicator and tampon can be flushed away. No unwieldy stick or plastic tube to dispose of. Worn internally, Tampax tampons are completely comfortable. Cant chafe, cause odor or irritate like bulky pads. Tampax tampons. They make every day of the year Independence Day." Right from the start
Object Description
Title | 1971_04 The Daily Collegian April 1971 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1971 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 14, 1971 Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1971 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | COLLEGIAN FORUM editorials, including feature- gueit writer*, are m Jly thole of Fresno Stat* Collegi THE DAILY COLLEGIAN - LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A* of right now there are an estimated tour hundred American prisoners of war ln North Viet Nam. W* can only .guess at this number b*caus« the North Vietnamese have refused to release the names of those they are holding. Th* few American . prisoners who have returned have claimed that treatment of POW's ln North Viet Nam is in direct violation of the Geneva Convention of 1957 (which called for humane treatment of POW's) de spite the fact that North Viet Nam endorsed the treaty. This week the Fresno SUte College Republicans are manning a Uble In the Free Speech area wiU only Uke tw< utes but It may tx treatment for 400 (or so) bums In i POW's and Missing ln Actions. All that Is necessary Is to fill out a post card asking Hanoi to abide by their agreement. If you believe In humanity -whetheror THE DAILY COLLEGIAN \mm FOR SALES AND SALES MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM This Program is designed to develop young college graduates for careers in life insurance sales and sales management. It provides an initial training period of 3 months (including 2 weeks at a Home Office School) before moving into full sales work. Those who are interested in and who are found qualified for management responsibility are assured of ample opportunity to move on to such work in either our field offices or in the Home Office after an initial period in sales. Aggressive expansion plans provide unusual opportunities for those accepted. Arrange with the placement office for an interview. JAMES W. SHANER C. L. U. General Agent will be on campus THURSDAY, APRIL 15 or call 233-0103 Connecticut Mutual Life INSURANCE COMPANY • HARTFORD THE BLUE CHIP COMPANY . SINCE 1846 an Equal Opportunity Employer COMMENTARY During the Easter recess the staff of the Library expanded the public card catalogue from 960 drawers to 1,320 drawers. The expansion wasnecessiutedbythe crowded condition of the old catalogue. There is an average of 700 cards ■ In each drawer, or approximately 924,000 ln the en- Henry Madden, Librarian A little something stupid for a friend By Michael Fradln The other day, a friend of mine called me on the phone and mentioned that he had read my last commentary. He thought It was a bit too serious, and suggested that I write about something stupid. I said, 'What do you mean by stupid?" He said, *You know what I mean, ridiculous, Insipid, dumb.* So, I'm going to take his suggestion and write about that popular book and motion picture, •Love Story.* ■Love Story* Is described as being s; tender story of love. When they say •tender,* they mean -legal tender.* Erich Se- ffal and Paramount Pictures refuse to call it *Love Story* to themselves; they have another cute name for It . . . They call lt •The Gold Mine.* Speaking of gold,I'm sure most of us have heard or have read about those *get-rlch-qulck* books that are In print. You know, the ones with the moving titles, such as, *How to Make a Million In a Year,* 'Sue Your Neighbor for Fun and Profit,* 'How to Make a Killing ln the Stock Market," and many other books of this nature. Save your coins! I can give you the winning combination line: give people a Uttle Jie beginning and end lt with tragedy. The public loves this *crap.* They'll eat thla nonsense for breakfast the rest of their lives if they could. The public, In general, loves to Identify their hang-ups and problems with fictional sorrow. Ifyoudon't believe me, Just look at some of the famous literature greats: •West Side Story,* "Gone With the Wind,* "Funny Girl,* and *A Tree Grows ln Brooklyn.* They ail start happ-go-lucky, and end up wasted. 'Love Story* was no exception. Everything was going fine until they got married. Once they got married, the whole thing blew up faster than a zeppelln In a forest fire. Has lt ever occurred to you that tbe greatest loves of history and Uterature had one thing ln common, the boy and girl never got married. Think about it! Paris and Helen of Troy, Cyrano and Roxanne, Antony and Cleopatra, Rock Hudson and Doris Day, Donald Duck and Daisy. Look what happened when Romeo and Juliet got married, they spent one night together and commltteed suicide the next day. (That must have been one hell- ofva night!) •Love Story* gives you more than you bargain for. Tbey give you touching and witty words to Uve by. I'm talking about that heart-warming quote that sends shivers down your spine, 'Love is never having to say you're sorry.* I could see it all now, as your lover spills hot coffee all over your new suit, then she comes up with that stabbing statement. 'Love Is never having to GROUP DISCOUNTED AUTO INSURANCE FOR ASSOCIATED STUDENT MEMBERS College Student Insurance Service has worked with the auto insurance industry for 5 years to prove that the college student deserves lower insurance rates. EXAMPLE California Financial Responsibility Law requires $15,000 - $30,000 Bodily Injury, and $5,600Property Damage Liability Coverage. Costs a ASB Male Operator age 25andup Female Operator age 21 and up Married Male age 16-24 Female Operator age 16 - 20 Single Male age 21-24 Single Male age 16-20 . $31 6 months $31 6 months $54 6 months $54 6 months $70 6 months $95 6 months r Fresno Area. Lower rates fo communities. For a personalized quote, fill inthe blank be low and send it CSS, 2740 Fulton Ave, Suite 105B Sacramento, Calif. 95821 or Telephone (A'C916) 482-6658 arby Year and make of car____ Present policy expires (date) _ No. of years licensed to drive . No. of moving violations, last 3 years _ say you're sorry,* and walks off giggling! • *Love Story* ends true to form, like aU the movie greats do, the girl dies and everybody's mind Is blown. If she would have lived, the book and the picture would have been a bigger loser than a stowaway on a karoakazee plane. I hope that this Is enough hilarity and foolishness to make my friend happy. In order for me to write an effective paper, I went down to the theater to note the reactions of the people after seeing "Love Story.* Most of tne mencaroeout with a lump In their throat, and the majority of the girls, with a tear ln their eye. I couldn't help but notice one couple In particular. The boy and girl walked out, their arms tenderly car- resslng each other's side. The girl was gently drying her eyes on the shoulder of the boy. Tbey passed a newsstand on tha way to the parking lot. The bold, black headlines, almost three-dimensional In their form, read, •Fifty- four Thousand Deaths In Viet Nam.* By now, her tears were all dried, she said, ln a carefree voice, "GEE, that war Is so ridiculous.' It's ironic how one can cry over AU MacGraw dying on the scene for the sum of $200,000, and not shed a tear for tbe senseless deaths In Viet Nam. •Frankly, my dear, I don't think tbey LON6INES WITTNAUER ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE WYLER KEEPSAKE DIAMONDS OfFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS CAMPUS FOOTNOTES Wedneeday. April 14. 1971 E DAILY COLLEGIAN 3 Tryouts hr 1977-72 pep girls and yell leaders are slated for April 28 Cal State L.A; announces Visitor status1 plan for students attending summer sessions TryouU for 1971-72 pep girls and yell leaders will be held at 5 p.m. April 28 In the Gyronas- Prlor to the tryouts, appUcanU ara Invited to attend practice clinics tomorrow aod April 19, 21 and 23. Pep girl candidates wiU practice In the Man's Gym's second floor balcony and'yeU leader candidates In the Gymnastics Room. tee wiU meat Thursday from 10:30 a.ro.-12 p.m. ln Room 1084 of tbe Library. AU members who cannot attend are asked to call the Housing Offlce at 487-2345. The agenda win consist of discussion of the visiUtton policy in the residence halls. StudenU enrolled at any California SUte CoUege will be permitted to attend Cal SUte L.A. during the Summer Quarter, without filing a formal application and without having to pay an application fee, under terms of a •visitor status" plan announced by Dr. WlUlam F. Long.dtrectnr or admissions and records. Tbe innovative plan, which ■ effect this Summer, win said Long, but slropUfles w Student's discharge (Continued ti npsgel) A poetry reading by Mike Clifton and David St. John and music by Mike and John Boykln win be featured at this week's Noah's The program will begin at 9 p.ro. tomorrow at the College Religious Center; Wasemiller visit Fresno City Councilman Paul WasemlUer will be on campus Friday to discuss problems and issues in city- government with FSC studenU. Waserolller's visit will be from noon to 2 p.m. in the Free Student Homing The Student Housing Commlt- •We don't even teU anyone if a student ts registered or not,* a spokesman said. Dr. Kenneth Kerr, director of student activities, said on occasion men have come to his office with credentials from the FBI, Sheriff's Office. Naval lnteUl- gence arid so on. He said he knows Uw enforcement agencies and military Intelligence have conducted Investigations on cam- will not release Information on students - not even their address school and dig out old papers and hold them against you. I wrote that paper because I was told to write a paper by the Instructor. The paper was completely documented and contained nothing but facts. ■These actions are proof that freedom, freedom of of speech are really non-existent. How can any student feel free after this to express himself knowing what he writes may affect his future and ■ Peterson, who Is 24, said he is currently unemployed and looking for work. He is presently living tn Oakland, California. demlc standing m lege to attend Cal state L.A. by filing a simple request at his resident campua lor visitor status. The mornal $20 registration fee U waived aa are the transcript and appllcatlon-for- admlsslon documents, said Long. Application deadline U Aprtl 30. Although three other state colleges among tbe 19 In the system offer their regular classes ln the Summer Quarter, Cal SUte L.A. is .the only Urge campus among the group. (Other Quarter System campuses are Cal Stats Hayward, Cal poly Pomona, and Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.) Long pointed out that parsons applying for visitor status must be eligible to register at their resident collage as a continuing student for the Fall term. He noted that applications will be accepted on a space avatUble and enroUment quota basis. At the end of the Summer Quarter, Cal SUte L.A. wlU forward a transcript of grades earned to the student's resident coUege. The visitor status plan not only eases the financial and enrollment burden on the student. task al the Los Angeles campus. Cal SUte L.A. offers four equal academic quarters daring tbe year with each quarter running 11 weeks. Almost so per cent of the college's regularly enrolled students attend tba Summer Summer Quarter classes title year In Lo* Angeles begin July 1 and end September 18. All buildings on tbe campus are air eon- dltlooed. AppUcatlons tor vUltor statue can be obtained from the admission* office at any state col- Howdoyou rate as an •What burns me up,* Peterson said, 'is that the Navy and the government can go back to your Student Affairs recommends police 'alert system' An "alert system* to warn college personnel of the arrival of off-campus police has been recommended by the Student Affairs Committee. The Academic Senate passed a resolution calling for the establishment of such a system Ust spring, du* to tbe tragedies at both Kent and Jack*on State. The Student Affairs Committee, which wa* directed by tbe senate to consider tbe problem, recommended that Dr. Norman A. Baxter Institute a 'telephone communication* system which would originate ln a central office and disseminate to schools, departments, and individual staff other outside security forces do not come on campus unless called by tbe president ot the coUege. The committee made no recommendation to change this policy. Eight faculty members and four students currently sit on theStudent Affairs Committee. Currently, the city police or ARROW MACH II f 9.150 up (Eoflfee* I UNIVERSITY SHOP! ; Downtown-I What you should look for in a diamond logs? Then . one you can trust to give you factual information about what to look for in a diamond. Ai a member firm of tbe American Gem Society, we have sue h a d i amo nd specialist on our suit He wui be happy to property and ethically advise you on tbe subtle differences in diamond quality that affect thc price you pay. Come in and tee us. wall standards shell brackets GIVE YOU SHELVES LIKE THESE IN MINUTES! Transform any bare wall into attractive shelving unit Ideal for the recreation room. Shelf brackets are adjustable. Makes re-arranging simple. SHELF BOARDS Wide Selection of Sizes and Finishes 1x12 Pine | f- < Beginning at I 3 tin. Hamilton H.Knott'33 Gordon G. Knott '66 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY Friday Night Til 9 P.M. And Sunday 10-4 USE TOUI MMUUWtKAtO M MASTIt OIAI.I i^mvk, /UMBER COMPANY 4840 N. BLACKSTONE 222-6286 thinker? Answer Yts or Ho. 1. All your friends have decided to wear short shorts. Vou realty don't like the look. Do you follow the gang? Yes DNoD, 2. You've /ust met a marvelous. Interesting guy who's shorter than you. Would you be embarrassed to go out with film? Yes a NoQ 9. You've been Invited to dinner ' again by a group of nice but uninterawtfrif people. Do you toot obliged to accept? YesQ NoD 4. Ml the charts say you're 10 pounds overweight You fool lino and your clothes took well. Do you diet anyway? YesQ NoQ 5. You appreciate oil kinds of music Except opera. Do you think you should Wston anyway becauso ifs "the thing/o do'? YesQ No O If you've answered "No" to three or more questions, you really rate as an independent thinker. Another example of your independent thinking: You use Tampax tampons. Why Tampax tampons? Because, when you compare them all, only Tampax tampons give you these advantages; Each Tampax tampon comes in a silken-smooth container-applicator. Both applicator and tampon can be flushed away. No unwieldy stick or plastic tube to dispose of. Worn internally, Tampax tampons are completely comfortable. Cant chafe, cause odor or irritate like bulky pads. Tampax tampons. They make every day of the year Independence Day." Right from the start |