November 3, 1969 Pg 1 |
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Major shake-up rumored SPECIAL EDITION Daily Collegian Plans for administrative changes may include Keyes, Burtner, Albright, Fikes LXXV/3-t MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1969 By Gerald P. Merrell Collegian Editor-in-chief Highly Informed sources In and around the college administration today were predicting that newly appointed acting president Karl L. Falk ta planning a major shakeup In several departments. The announcement la expected within a 'few days" and some persons said the president may even make pubUc the. changes today. Charles Dick, director of community relations for the college, said today that Dr. Falk told him he has not made a decision. However, Dick said 'some reorganization' la planned. Tbe rumored shake up la aimed at removing liberal faculty and administration leaders from high positions at Fresno State College, sources said today. Paul Murray, ombudsman, said he ia 'very concerned* over the reported plans. 'I am very concerned about the processes by which these changes are made. Security of the campus la at stake and If an' orderly process la not followed It will create a very fearful atmosphere," he said. Murray aald the president'haa not consulted widely, but If he's i make major decisions this I iuld h counsel of several people.* Murray charged that Dr.James Fikes, chairman of the Home Economics Department and once considered for acting president, ■has made public statements that there will be quick changea. When a, man that close to the leadership makes these kinds of statements then lt lends validity to One faculty member, who asked to remain anonymous, said Dr. Falk Is preparing to 'purge liberals on campus.* Tbe- new president, appointed only laat Tueaday by SUte College Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke, has been meeUng with representatives from r Falk, McConnell Report differ on polarization According to Dr. Karl Falk, Fresno State College Acting President, the much publicized split In Ideology existing among ihe faculty is 'greatly exager- Shortly after being named to Ms new post by the California State CoUege Board of Trustees, Dr, Falk eald, 'On most major issues'two-thlrds of the faculty seems to vote together. I don't call that a apUt.' Dr. Falk reUred from F.S.C. In June of 1968 after being on the faculty since 1938. Unas been reported that In hla last-ten years ii the c s not a> i campus politics. This would seem to Indicate that perhaps he is not as familiar with the Increasingly political delineation among the faculty as a survey team who studied the college. Dr. Falk's evaluation of the .situation to the contrary, a report complied by the Center for Research and Development In Higher Education of the University of California at Berkeley has named Fresno State's faculty political polarization as a major hindrance of smooth operaUon of administrative business. Commonly known as the McConnell Report, the survey of the running of the coUege statea, If the polarization is In fact so rigid that the votes on any Issue can be predicted accurately in advance, it will be Increasingly difficult to arrive at considered judgments on significant questions of college policy.* After lengthy Investigation of the guidelines for committees and interviewing nearly 100 members of campus personnel, the committee made several conclusions and recommendations which lt hoped would help to lessen the tension between the factions of the campus. The study was requested by the Dr. NesS administration for the evaluation of faculty government and faculty-administrative consultation for the first Ume since the administrative structure was reorganized by Dr; Ness in 1966. The team has suggested several steps to aid in ending the factional split which is so dangerous to the operaUon of campus affairs. The first recommendation Is a return to civility and Although Dr. Falk seemingly refuses to recognize this element in the running of the campus, thla spUt and 'struggle for power' became quite evident before he was named to the post of Acting President. Dr. JameaFlkes,acting chairman of the Home Economics Department 'ran' for the position stressing that he Is a conservative. If Indeed there was no political facUonaUzatlon among the faculty it would seemingly, not be neceasary foranyone to make a point of his political persuasion. The final suggestion of the re- retire from the •< low others who © making deliberative i tative bodies Into productive policy-making instruments to do so. If the reported shake-up in the administration is as complete as some of the reports have Indicated, lt Is likely that these people 'whose manner createa tension' wlU Indeed be retired. and faculty since assuming tbe presidency last Thursday. The Daily Collegian learned that thc president met yesterday - with Dr. Robert Comeajya, professor of history, and Dr. David H. Provost, associate professor of political science, and that some 'definite decisions* were reached regarding the ahakeup. Dr. Comegya and Dr.'Provost are both regarded aa conservatives. Attempts to contact them and the president for comment were unsuccessful. The changes surround two areas: ethnic studies and administrators close to the president. It Is reported that the president will remove Richard Keyes aa chairman of the Ethnic Studies Program and replace Dr. Dale Burtner, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. . Both men have recently been embroiled in the controversy surrounding Black Muslim lecturer Marvin X. •I have heard rumors that several people will be fired and that I am one of them,* Keyes said this morning. *I don't know what will happen (to the campus) If there Is a ahakeup.* One report said Dr. Burtner, whose department controls ethnic studies and must recommend to the president on appointments of faculty and lecturers to the program, wlU be replaced byPhlUlp Walker. Walker, a conservative, Is currently chairman of tho Speech Arts Department. It la also reported that Dr. Flkes wlU be elevated to a position of vice preaident. ft is believed he will either replace Dr. Harold Walker as executive vice president or that a new position of vice president will be established for him. A source last night said the preaident first wanted to replace Dr. Walker with Dr. Flkes but ired there alternative (creatine a Hon) when lt appeal might be adverse reaction on campua by ousting Dr.Walker. Dr. Walker withdrew as a candidate for acting president on October 23. He aald at the Ume he beUeved be could beat serve tbe coUege by continuing In his current position. He served as acting president when former president Frederic W. Ness was away from campus. He held the position laat aemeater when Dr. Ness took a leave of absence to study student dissent In Europe. However, Dr. Walker came under fire laat aemeater when he supported a move to suspend one Issue of the Dally Collegian a week to allow the Chicano and black studenU to publish their own newspapers on alternating At the lime some conservatives charged that Dr. Walker had 'buckled to pressure.' Last night Dr. Flkea said he beUeved talk of the shakeup were ■Just rumors." However, he left tbe door open for a possible elevation to a new position by say- ■I would have to wait and see about tho appointment. I would have to see what position it was and what my responslbllltiee were.* He said be haa not been offered a new position with the administration. Dr. Flkes said be does not ■remember* making a statement attributed to blm that Dr. Harold Walker would not even be 'second assistant to a custodian's janitor* within a week. Be said Dr. Falk bas held a ■variety of meetings* since Us appointment but that be knows nothing about a major change in Talk of the shakeup was wlde- Dr. Harold Walker w
Object Description
Title | 1969_11 The Daily Collegian November 1969 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1969 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 3, 1969 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1969 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Major shake-up rumored SPECIAL EDITION Daily Collegian Plans for administrative changes may include Keyes, Burtner, Albright, Fikes LXXV/3-t MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1969 By Gerald P. Merrell Collegian Editor-in-chief Highly Informed sources In and around the college administration today were predicting that newly appointed acting president Karl L. Falk ta planning a major shakeup In several departments. The announcement la expected within a 'few days" and some persons said the president may even make pubUc the. changes today. Charles Dick, director of community relations for the college, said today that Dr. Falk told him he has not made a decision. However, Dick said 'some reorganization' la planned. Tbe rumored shake up la aimed at removing liberal faculty and administration leaders from high positions at Fresno State College, sources said today. Paul Murray, ombudsman, said he ia 'very concerned* over the reported plans. 'I am very concerned about the processes by which these changes are made. Security of the campus la at stake and If an' orderly process la not followed It will create a very fearful atmosphere," he said. Murray aald the president'haa not consulted widely, but If he's i make major decisions this I iuld h counsel of several people.* Murray charged that Dr.James Fikes, chairman of the Home Economics Department and once considered for acting president, ■has made public statements that there will be quick changea. When a, man that close to the leadership makes these kinds of statements then lt lends validity to One faculty member, who asked to remain anonymous, said Dr. Falk Is preparing to 'purge liberals on campus.* Tbe- new president, appointed only laat Tueaday by SUte College Chancellor Glenn S. Dumke, has been meeUng with representatives from r Falk, McConnell Report differ on polarization According to Dr. Karl Falk, Fresno State College Acting President, the much publicized split In Ideology existing among ihe faculty is 'greatly exager- Shortly after being named to Ms new post by the California State CoUege Board of Trustees, Dr, Falk eald, 'On most major issues'two-thlrds of the faculty seems to vote together. I don't call that a apUt.' Dr. Falk reUred from F.S.C. In June of 1968 after being on the faculty since 1938. Unas been reported that In hla last-ten years ii the c s not a> i campus politics. This would seem to Indicate that perhaps he is not as familiar with the Increasingly political delineation among the faculty as a survey team who studied the college. Dr. Falk's evaluation of the .situation to the contrary, a report complied by the Center for Research and Development In Higher Education of the University of California at Berkeley has named Fresno State's faculty political polarization as a major hindrance of smooth operaUon of administrative business. Commonly known as the McConnell Report, the survey of the running of the coUege statea, If the polarization is In fact so rigid that the votes on any Issue can be predicted accurately in advance, it will be Increasingly difficult to arrive at considered judgments on significant questions of college policy.* After lengthy Investigation of the guidelines for committees and interviewing nearly 100 members of campus personnel, the committee made several conclusions and recommendations which lt hoped would help to lessen the tension between the factions of the campus. The study was requested by the Dr. NesS administration for the evaluation of faculty government and faculty-administrative consultation for the first Ume since the administrative structure was reorganized by Dr; Ness in 1966. The team has suggested several steps to aid in ending the factional split which is so dangerous to the operaUon of campus affairs. The first recommendation Is a return to civility and Although Dr. Falk seemingly refuses to recognize this element in the running of the campus, thla spUt and 'struggle for power' became quite evident before he was named to the post of Acting President. Dr. JameaFlkes,acting chairman of the Home Economics Department 'ran' for the position stressing that he Is a conservative. If Indeed there was no political facUonaUzatlon among the faculty it would seemingly, not be neceasary foranyone to make a point of his political persuasion. The final suggestion of the re- retire from the •< low others who © making deliberative i tative bodies Into productive policy-making instruments to do so. If the reported shake-up in the administration is as complete as some of the reports have Indicated, lt Is likely that these people 'whose manner createa tension' wlU Indeed be retired. and faculty since assuming tbe presidency last Thursday. The Daily Collegian learned that thc president met yesterday - with Dr. Robert Comeajya, professor of history, and Dr. David H. Provost, associate professor of political science, and that some 'definite decisions* were reached regarding the ahakeup. Dr. Comegya and Dr.'Provost are both regarded aa conservatives. Attempts to contact them and the president for comment were unsuccessful. The changes surround two areas: ethnic studies and administrators close to the president. It Is reported that the president will remove Richard Keyes aa chairman of the Ethnic Studies Program and replace Dr. Dale Burtner, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. . Both men have recently been embroiled in the controversy surrounding Black Muslim lecturer Marvin X. •I have heard rumors that several people will be fired and that I am one of them,* Keyes said this morning. *I don't know what will happen (to the campus) If there Is a ahakeup.* One report said Dr. Burtner, whose department controls ethnic studies and must recommend to the president on appointments of faculty and lecturers to the program, wlU be replaced byPhlUlp Walker. Walker, a conservative, Is currently chairman of tho Speech Arts Department. It la also reported that Dr. Flkes wlU be elevated to a position of vice preaident. ft is believed he will either replace Dr. Harold Walker as executive vice president or that a new position of vice president will be established for him. A source last night said the preaident first wanted to replace Dr. Walker with Dr. Flkes but ired there alternative (creatine a Hon) when lt appeal might be adverse reaction on campua by ousting Dr.Walker. Dr. Walker withdrew as a candidate for acting president on October 23. He aald at the Ume he beUeved be could beat serve tbe coUege by continuing In his current position. He served as acting president when former president Frederic W. Ness was away from campus. He held the position laat aemeater when Dr. Ness took a leave of absence to study student dissent In Europe. However, Dr. Walker came under fire laat aemeater when he supported a move to suspend one Issue of the Dally Collegian a week to allow the Chicano and black studenU to publish their own newspapers on alternating At the lime some conservatives charged that Dr. Walker had 'buckled to pressure.' Last night Dr. Flkea said he beUeved talk of the shakeup were ■Just rumors." However, he left tbe door open for a possible elevation to a new position by say- ■I would have to wait and see about tho appointment. I would have to see what position it was and what my responslbllltiee were.* He said be haa not been offered a new position with the administration. Dr. Flkes said be does not ■remember* making a statement attributed to blm that Dr. Harold Walker would not even be 'second assistant to a custodian's janitor* within a week. Be said Dr. Falk bas held a ■variety of meetings* since Us appointment but that be knows nothing about a major change in Talk of the shakeup was wlde- Dr. Harold Walker w |