November 5, 1969 Pg 2-3 |
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B DAILY COLLEGIAN editorial Respond to students taken its grip on it administrative Fresno State College. But to say merely that this results froi shakeup would be to simplify the issue. Indeed, Acting-President Karl Falk's firing of Dr. Dale Bi and demotion of Dr. Harold Walker are odious. In less than i since assuming the presidency. Dr. Falk has, in effect, fired two of the most prominent persons on campus. . But more importantly, the new administration has already lost the respect, confidence, and support of a large segment of the academic community. And one must wonder how the educational system will be served under this atmosphere. However, to pinpoint Dr. Falk's administration as the only villain would be a misapplication of the facts. Surely he is not acting alooe/'Dr. Falk's sudden changes at the high administrative level this week only give illustration as to how higher education in California has become p'olitized. The emergence of Ronald Reagan, Chancellor Glenn Dumke and Dr. Max Rafferly has turned the State colleges into a political football, with conservatives and liberals fighting for control. It Is doubtful thai Dr. Falk would have moved so swiftly on the liberal establishment at Fresno State had he not had the support of right And Dr. Falk is par t of this perverted segment. He frequently dra strations by referring to Nazi Germany. He is t the 'rowdies of thc Uni- versity of Berlin* do ring the r niddle I93rrs led to fascist govcrn- Are today's demon strators >nly 'rowd es* seek ng authoritarian governments? Or are Ihey dem ation and society people by and by acting upon thc se needs^ The president has also said his admin slrativc shakeup is 'what the general public and thc alu mni want." What is i respond to Ihe outsi ic community tiut ir Ihe needs ol the academic community which he hould serv Tbjs campus cannot allow thc istration ocontinuc on its present course. Non effort to persuade Dr his .Kimin vice and onsent and licgin pr aviding a healthy 0 pursue n cducalio ^ rclcvan to all. But should this fail then othe 1. The president says he wants lo crea te an atmosphere on the camp js so that 'those il system. accomplishcil? Bv fi I at Fresno State The purge of F.S.C. liberals Acting president Karl Falk has s campus, then wasted little time entrenching himself as a firm follower of the aid P. Mcrrcll . tenets of authoritarian admlnls- IMPORTER'S DIAMOND... SALE Kfi»S& TREMENDOUS SAVINGS tiM ^*&£P WHILE THIS STOCK LASTS! This real diamond sale! A diamond in diomondi. We've agreed tc of amazingly brilliant, fiery diamonds. You've always wanted a large diamond—here jj your big opportunity lo gel one ol a fraction of ill price. Many styles ore available (other than those illustrated) but this slock is limited and some are one- of-a-kind—to hurry! THIS IS YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE! SAVINGS f| UP TO 30%.../^ FULL TRADE-IN PRIVILEGES ON ALL DIAMONDS (, Li^O Remember, You Can Buy With Confidence ol Proctors. ^^*- <<*" m<l4 TERMS T0 m YdUR BUD6ET! FlitH Mail J******* Open Monday A Friday Evenings 'til <5 traUon so ably set forth by the last chief bully. Arbitrarily giving the boot to a pair of capable administrators, Falk has moved to solidify his position (why we know not) by kicking the scoundrels In. Dean Dale Burtner, victimized by his allegiance to academic freedom, has been pulled from the starUng line-up. replaced by a speech teacher. This move, we can almost understand, because Burtner had the audacity to endorse a militant black Muslim for a teaching position at the But the jnost lnsulUng move made by the new bwana Is to can Executive Vice President Harold Walker and replace him with the new golden boy of the conservative set, Dr. James Flkes, who could very well become Fresno State's own Splro T. Agnew. Harold Walker haa rhe sympathy of every just person on campus. He la the nice guy who gets hit by a truck while crossing the street, a moderate man, sincerely concerned with uniting Fresno State's mangled faculty, Walker has become the Falk ad- first sacrificial laml In Ms place comes Professor James A. Flkes, a Junior varsity player If there ever was one. (Prediction.'' Jimmy Flkes wlU fumble the ball.) Mr. Flkes, a graduate or Central State Teachers College In Oklahoma, Is obviously being groomed to take over the presidency of Fresno State College. One can only Imagine the closed door conferences at the State College Trustees meeUng In Los Angeles last week. Sombody volunteered the name of Flkes for president, but he has had no administrative experience. So a compromise was found. Falk, with administrative experience, will be president for the time being, with one of his first moves being to get Flkes Into a position where he will be able to get the experience be needs, so that whan the. time comes to name a permanent proxy, the name of James A. Flkes will be the first pulled out of tbe hat. Quick, like a rabbit. Tbe removals of Harold Walker and Dale Burtner are unrelated actions. Burtner Is being punished for supporting Marvin X. Walker simply has had tbe misfortune of being the right man in the wrong position. There is no excuse for 'reaaslgnlng' Walker. It is power politics purs and Th* Daily Collegian Keyes: 'No indication' of firing by Falk By Phyllis Martin Collegian Staff Writer Black Studies Chairman Rlch- ird Keyes said yeaterday no men tion I rumored dismissal from tha Ethnic Studies Department after a brief morning meetingwlth Fresno S tate College Acting- P resident Karl Falk. Rather, be stated, lt was more of a gat-acquainted meeting and to dispel rumors of an ethnic studies shakeup. Keyes said that If he had been dismissed, he'd be unable to predict campus reaction to his flr- •I don' to predict student behavior. My relationship with students Is to inform them of all the facts of a situation ... a person with whom students discuss alternatives,' he said. Keyes stated he didn't know whether or not he would have been replaced if dismissed. •I'm here because black people asked me to come and stay because they want me to stay. I will continue to teach as long as the black people want me." When asked about Dr. Dale Burtner's firing as head of the school of Arts and Sciences and Falk naming Phillip Walker as his successor, Keyes said he felt this Issue stemmed from the Marvin X Issue. However, he added that the fact Burtner Is a liberal leader on a campus lust receiving conservative leadership would also have to be con- si dered. Although there haa been no. overt act toward the ethnic studies department, Keyes believes lt has been threatened with Burtner's removal. He added that he personally liked Dr. Walker but disagreed with him on campus issues. Charging that the Uberal purge on campua Is a result of a power vacuum, Keyes said, 'Whenever open for those operating the system, those In power wlU try to reinforce the Institution with people whose points of view are similar or sympathetic with their own." He called any kind of purge a social act because through a •decree you're destroying a large part of a person's Ute. People who destroy hopes and dreams make themselves eligible to be recipients of that destruction.* The current matter at stake Is .not whether Falk la acting as a figurehead, what Is at stake, according to Keyea, is the surr rival of the Black and Brown student community - of their wnat- ing to be here and to remain here for an education. Committees are formed to 'awaken' campus to meaning of Falk's changes as a result of the recent administrative reorganization and threatened future developments, four student committees have been formed to awaken the campus population to the meaning of ihe changes. Proposed Information for distribution Includes, In addition to background details, an Inquiry Into the political associations and special Interests of the figures primarily involved. The four committees now established Include a research team, a group responsible for leaflet distribution and two committees designed to acquaint fraternities and sororities, resident students and apartment dweUers with the situation. It Is hoped by organizers, wishing tb re- obvious. Although originated by members of Ideologically liberal campus groups, ail students who are concerned with Ihe current Fresno State crisis are encouraged to take part In committee activities. Those Interested may contact the student president's office, extension 2Gf>7. Rally their efforts rumors will be silenced, truth revealed and appropriate paths of action made Purge . (Continued from Page 2) So the deed Is done. The question now Is: Who goes next? Obviously, no one, is safe. There are many rumors, few which are true. One of the moat ridiculous, of course, is thst Richard Keyea will be removed as chairman ot the Ethnic Studies Department. Even st^ch a person as Falk must *=e that lt was Richard Keyes who kept this from exploding in Use initial days after Ness declined to hire Marvin X. Taking any steps to remove each » respected and level-headed man would be like committing collegiate suicide. The campus has already beta raped, and another atrocity would be first degree murder. Secondary campus officials are" becoming aware of the fact that they are no longer secure in their positions. The machine is shltt- '"K Into high gear, the meat grinders are being readied. Fresno State la being butchered, eventually to be packaged aad pot on display in clear cellotAane w'*Pt- re. Fresno State, when you go to sleep tonight, "" ' watching. Brother is and Doug Broten hold news cortfere Lucas, Broten score Dr. Falk's shakeup Student Body President Doug Broten In a press conference yesterday criUclzed Acting-President Karl Falk for his administrative shakeup, charging Dr. Falk with making the moves •with Uttle or no consultation with faculty or administration and with no consultation with any studenU.' Broten said that Dr. Falk's 'liberal purge' would 'lead to the death of this coUege as a market place for the academic exchange necessary to Inteln- gent enlightenment." Lavert Lucas, a graduate student and member of the Black Students Union, speaking 'as a part of the black community that was deeply concerned over Dr. (Dale) Burtner's dismissal' said Lucas also said the black com- that under Dr. Burtner and Dr. munlty was concerned over the Harold Walker, former executive rumored dismissal of Richard vice preaident until reassignment Keyes, chairman of the Black Monday, Fresno State CoUege Studies Program, but in a press has become a 'model' for other conference yesterday, Falk said colleges. Lucas said that lt was he plans m to the credit of these men mat While Fresno State had the same problems as other coUege In the system, there had been no violence. Lucas charged Dr. Falk with destroying Uve «student-ad- mlnlstration relationship' created by Dr. Burtner, Dr. Walker and other liberals. (Continued from Page 1) - • tion and power. 'Maybe we have more strength than we thought," he said. Dr. MuUennls told the gathering that the Arts and Sciences council had met on the case and Issued a vote of 'no confidence" to Phillip Walker and Dr. Flkes. He also stressed that no one in the School was consulted on the appointment. I'm glad to see that we're all together. Now the/man' Is coming In your door. It's not Just a group of blacks and browns sitting in their own corner that they're pushing,* said Osbee Davis of the ' BUck Student Union. He went on to say that the only thing that kept the campus from serious difficulty in the past 'are the people they're moving right now. It's time the students decide to do something for themselves. Get active.' Several ot the speakers referred to tbe fact that Dr. Falk received his doctorate from the University of BerUn at the time ot tbe Mast rise to power and alluded to his -authoHtatlan attl- Tbe densooslrators have chosen a yellow arm band marked . with a star of David for the symbol of the protest. It waa explained that during the Nazi occupation of Denmark when the jews were required to Wear the six-pointed stars that all the people donned them to show their support of the Jewish population. Student Coalition, which Is distributing the arm bands says they are calling studenU tbe Jews In this situation. The bands sym- boUM support of Dr. Burtner and Dr. Harold Walker and protest ot the appointments of Dr. Flkes and Phillip Walker. ENGINEERS RECRUITERS FROM THE LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER WILL SOON BE ON YOUR CAMPUS. THEY WILL TELL YOU A LOT OF GOOD THINGS ABOUT WORKING THERE. WE THINK YOU SHOULD KNOW THE TRUTH ! THE CHART BELOW SHOWS THE ACTUAL MEDIAN SALARIES PAID TO LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER ENGINEERS IN SEPTEMBER OF 1968 COMPARED TO AN ENGINEERS JOINT COUNCIL SURVEY OF ENGINEER'S SALARIES IN THE LOS ANGELES AREA IN SEPTEMBER OF 1968. NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE TO SIGNIFICANTLY CHANGE THIS RELATIONSHIP TO DATE. 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Object Description
Title | 1969_11 The Daily Collegian November 1969 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1969 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 5, 1969 Pg 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1969 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Respond to students
taken its grip on
it administrative
Fresno State College.
But to say merely that this results froi
shakeup would be to simplify the issue.
Indeed, Acting-President Karl Falk's firing of Dr. Dale Bi
and demotion of Dr. Harold Walker are odious. In less than i
since assuming the presidency. Dr. Falk has, in effect, fired two of
the most prominent persons on campus.
. But more importantly, the new administration has already lost
the respect, confidence, and support of a large segment of the academic community. And one must wonder how the educational system
will be served under this atmosphere.
However, to pinpoint Dr. Falk's administration as the only villain
would be a misapplication of the facts.
Surely he is not acting alooe/'Dr. Falk's sudden changes at the
high administrative level this week only give illustration as to how
higher education in California has become p'olitized.
The emergence of Ronald Reagan, Chancellor Glenn Dumke and
Dr. Max Rafferly has turned the State colleges into a political football, with conservatives and liberals fighting for control.
It Is doubtful thai Dr. Falk would have moved so swiftly on the
liberal establishment at Fresno State had he not had the support of
And Dr. Falk is par
t of this perverted segment.
He frequently dra
by referring to
Nazi Germany. He is
t the 'rowdies of thc Uni-
versity of Berlin* do
ring the r
niddle I93rrs led to
fascist govcrn-
Are today's demon
>nly 'rowd
es* seek
ng authoritarian
governments? Or are
Ihey dem
ation and society
people by
and by acting upon thc
se needs^
The president has
also said
his admin
shakeup is 'what
the general public and thc alu
mni want."
What is i
respond to Ihe outsi
ic community tiut ir
Ihe needs ol the
academic community
which he
hould serv
Tbjs campus cannot allow thc
ocontinuc on its
present course. Non
effort to persuade Dr
his .Kimin
vice and
onsent and licgin pr
aviding a healthy
0 pursue
n cducalio
^ rclcvan
to all.
But should this fail
then othe
1. The president
says he wants lo crea
te an atmosphere on
the camp
js so that 'those
il system.
accomplishcil? Bv fi
I at Fresno State
The purge of F.S.C. liberals
Acting president Karl Falk has
s campus, then wasted little time entrenching
himself as a firm follower of the
aid P. Mcrrcll . tenets of authoritarian admlnls-
real diamond sale! A diamond in
diomondi. We've agreed tc
of amazingly brilliant, fiery diamonds. You've always wanted
a large diamond—here jj your big opportunity lo gel one ol
a fraction of ill price. Many styles ore available (other than
those illustrated) but this slock is limited and some are one-
of-a-kind—to hurry!
UP TO 30%.../^
Remember, You Can Buy With Confidence ol Proctors. ^^*- <<*"
m |