December 1, 1970 Pg 1 |
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FACULTY FIRINGS 'PART OF POLITICAL PURGE' Daily Collegian LXXVI/54 SOCIAL WORK TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, T970 Dutton, two others get their notices By Phyllis Martin ' Collegian Staff Writer Charges of'outside community politics" were made yesterday by Associate Professor of Social Work Edward P. Dutton following notification from theadmlnlstra- and was being terminated at the end of the spring semester. Dutton was among several faculty regarding tenure and teaching reappointments from Presno State College President Dr.Nor- Two other associate professors in the School of Social Work, Dr. John O'Neill and ErvlngKuhl, were given one-year terminal contracts, which allows them another teaching year. At the end of thel071-72academlcyearthey will be terminated. Another professor. James A. Bates, field Instructor In social work was reappointed for another year. All four professors were by Dr. Barbara K. Varley, graduate department of social work chairman, because of "philosophical differences between her and Professor of Chemistry Toney is on firing list Joe Toney, assistant professor of chemistry who last year was cleared of charges ofthe'unlawful detainment* of then Acting Dean of Arts and Sciences Phillip Walker, received a letter of termination yesterday In the wake of ' several other non-retentionnoti- Toney, along with five students, was charged with detaining Walker In his office against his will but the charges against Toney were dropped. The five students were acquitted of the detainment charge but two were found guilty of disturbing the peace. Toney, who began his second year of teaching at Fresno State College this fall, said he had no formal statement to make *at ■I'm really upset. I can't understand why they fired me. All I want to do Is teach.* The alleged detention took place March 19 In the School of Arts and Sciences conference room. The dean and about 50 students and faculty members were Involved In the confrontation, which stemmed from a meeting to discuss retention of English lecturer Nathan Heard and members of the Ethnic Studies faculty. Toney was charged by Walker with participation and leadership In the alleged 'forcible detention.* The complaint resulted in the chemistry professor's arrest on criminal charges. Fresno County District Attor- (Contlnued on Page 3, Col. 1) English prof Everett Frost is terminated By Burton Swope CoUegian EdItor-ln-Chlef— Assistant Professor of Eng- Ever C. Fro tlons, probationary (untenurcd) Instructors are reappointed each year for a three-year period. In the fourth year, the college either called the "fifth and terminal year*) or gives them teaching positions for the fifth year, which leads to tenure. If instructors are denied tenure In the fifth year they are subject to Immediate dismissal by their department or the college. O'Neill and Ruhl had nolmme- dlate comment yesterday on their notices, but did say that 'differences within the Department of Social Work" were the Issues involved and "not their teaching ability or professional conduct. Dutton, an outspoken administration critic who received a short letter from Baxter Informing him of his dismissal, openly charged the administration with 'bowing to outside political pressures concerning his tenure." 'Baxter has never talked to me or given me reason for his action," Dutton said, *but as human beings, we have to talk as people at some point, especially when one regards the existence of (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) figure at Fresno State College, has been notified he Is among those faculty who are being terminated by the college administration. Frost was Informed of his termination In a letter received yesterday and signed by FSC President Dr. Norman A. Baxter. Baxter, who gave no reasons for not retaining Frost In the letter, said the termination is effective at the end of this Frost has charged his non- retention Is 'politically motivated" and is not based on 'his ability as a teacher or his pro- *I am part of a political purge that is ruthless in the sense that It Is willing to sacrifice •Hence for polltl- goals,* he said. 'It appears 1 in v n of rights, especially First Amendment rights, and In violation of professional ethics. I'm sorry for the school, as much as for myself, that Dr. Baxter he said, 'I refused to sign tbe evaluation form, because Rea had not reviewed the form wll and there were no reasons given by Rea why he would not discus; lt. Yet, Rea Indicated on thc form he had discussed the evaluation with me, and that was lie," Frost said that under the co sultatlve procedures outlined the Faculty Handbook, Rea Is r quired to discuss the evaluation of probationary staff with the department chairman. •This he hasn't done," Frost Frost was overwhelmingly commended for rehiring by a i of the tenured faculty within Department of Engllsh. He was also recommended for rehiring by the personnel and exi r the School of Hu- Frost said he asked Acting Academic Vice President Dr. Horace O. Schorllng and the c lege Personnel Committee to: turn Rea's recommendation grounds that he (Frost) had been consulted about the evaluations form and he 'had i •Meanwhile,* Frost said, *Rea , refused to meet with the tenured members of the English Department collectively. He did agree however to meet with tenured members of the department Individually, if they wanted to, and Frost said he assumed that the college's Personnel Committee had returned his file to Rea taking no action. He added, however, that he received the information "second hand* and was uncertain what the Personnel Committee had in fact done. •However, Schorling told me a number of times lt would be appropriate for Rea to talk things over with roe,* Frost said. •He (Rea) never did meet with me,* he said. 'Once or twice he offered to meet with me privately - that Is, without Dr. Zumwalt being present. I refused for several reasons, the primary reason being I would have had no witnesses to the conversation. I also refused on the grounds of established policy. The Faculty Handbook states (Continued on page 7, Col. 1) i fit to b (Acting Dear Humanities Dr. Ralph C. Rea) who has, at best, a minimal understanding of academic profes- rlghts." Frost was Informed Oct. 29 by Rea that he was recommending Frost not be retained. Frost was notified of Rea's decision on a standard form (Form A) for the evaluation of probationary (untenured) staff. Rea stated on the form that "In my opinion, terests ofthe English Department (Frost)." No reasons were given on the form, however. "I have had never had an opportunity to review the contents of the Acting Dean's evaluation form He said Chairman of the English Department . Dr. Eugene Zumwalt, Rea, and he met for an hour shortly after Frost was notified of the acting dean's recommendations, but Rea had refused to review the evaluation form with them. •All that was discussed was whether to discuss the evaluation,* Frost said. ■At the end of the meeting,* Hall, Mabey are not retained on faculty By John Jefferles CoUegian Staff Writer Elton A. Hall and RendeU N. Mabey, both assistant professors liUhe Department of Philosophy, received their notices of non- retention yesterday as a wave of such letters swept the Fresno State College campus. Dr. James M. Smith, the Philosophy Department Chairman, was retained and granted tenure In an unexpected move by the administration. Recom mendations that all three of the professors not be granted retenUon or tenure were made Nov. 16 by Acting Dean of the School of Humanities Dr. Ralph C. Rea. Yesterday's notices sent out by FSC President Dr. Norman A. Baxter concurred with Rea's recommendations ex- glven the reason for his negative recommendation as «overstaff- lng* In the Philosophy Depart- Kenneth Kerr gets terminal contract notice By Daniel R. safreno Collegian Nyvs Editor Director of Student Dr. Kenneth Kerr has been notified he will be allowed to stay In his present position for the next year only. Kerr was given a one-year terminal contract which makes bis firing mandatory at the end of the 1971-72 academic Kerr, an appointee for former Fresno SUte CoUege President Dr. Frederick Ness, has been the Director of Student Activities for three aod one half years. He is also active In the Fresno coordinator in the Big Brothers of America program. Kerr told the CoUegian yesterday that his termination is a "legal option* of the president (Dr. Norman A. Baxter). He said he had no formal statement to make at tills time; "I still have to gather my thoughts. I regret what's happened. It's unfair. I haven't been able to Identify any defensible stand they (the administration) have taken as to my three and a half years of professional conduct,* Kerr said. Deryle Allen, the dean of students and Kerr's Immediate superior, told the CoUegian that he would rather not 'get caught li Incident,* Allen said. *ThU U a personal matter.' Baxter could not be reached for comment. An Informed source told the Collegian that Executive Vice-President Dr. James A. Flkes had recommended Kerr be *lmmedlately dismissed." However, Flkes said 1 didn't agree with the decision. I really didn't even know that lt waa being made. This la the first thing I've beard about it.* Under Title V of the Calltor- When contacted concerning his letter of non-retention, RendeU Mabey said, *Had they (the Administration) so chosen, they could have worked the overstating problem out. However, In my case they chose not to do so, with poUtlcal motivations.* Smith said. It's a terrible thing that RendeU Mabey was not retained. He is an exceUent teacher and will tx department. •This 'overstafflng' t is not a legitimate reason for failing to retain Mabey. Several other departments within the School of HumanlUes, as weU as the School of Natural Sciences, agreed to support (allocate money to) the Philosophy Department so that the three of us could re- Smith said, 'Mabey's views to him." Mabey was asked If he thought the reasons for his termination could be narrowed to any one point. He said, I'm Inclined to think that one of the big factors Is my political actlvenesa on campus. I've spoken a few tiroes in the Free Speech Area and I've been critical of the Administration. I once grabbed the mike ai a meeting of the Academic Senate and snooted at people for a few minute*. But all u an I g Mabey aald he bas no plana for Elton A and not available for comment. Rea also could not be reached
Object Description
Title | 1970_12 The Daily Collegian December 1970 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1970 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | December 1, 1970 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1970 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | FACULTY FIRINGS 'PART OF POLITICAL PURGE' Daily Collegian LXXVI/54 SOCIAL WORK TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, T970 Dutton, two others get their notices By Phyllis Martin ' Collegian Staff Writer Charges of'outside community politics" were made yesterday by Associate Professor of Social Work Edward P. Dutton following notification from theadmlnlstra- and was being terminated at the end of the spring semester. Dutton was among several faculty regarding tenure and teaching reappointments from Presno State College President Dr.Nor- Two other associate professors in the School of Social Work, Dr. John O'Neill and ErvlngKuhl, were given one-year terminal contracts, which allows them another teaching year. At the end of thel071-72academlcyearthey will be terminated. Another professor. James A. Bates, field Instructor In social work was reappointed for another year. All four professors were by Dr. Barbara K. Varley, graduate department of social work chairman, because of "philosophical differences between her and Professor of Chemistry Toney is on firing list Joe Toney, assistant professor of chemistry who last year was cleared of charges ofthe'unlawful detainment* of then Acting Dean of Arts and Sciences Phillip Walker, received a letter of termination yesterday In the wake of ' several other non-retentionnoti- Toney, along with five students, was charged with detaining Walker In his office against his will but the charges against Toney were dropped. The five students were acquitted of the detainment charge but two were found guilty of disturbing the peace. Toney, who began his second year of teaching at Fresno State College this fall, said he had no formal statement to make *at ■I'm really upset. I can't understand why they fired me. All I want to do Is teach.* The alleged detention took place March 19 In the School of Arts and Sciences conference room. The dean and about 50 students and faculty members were Involved In the confrontation, which stemmed from a meeting to discuss retention of English lecturer Nathan Heard and members of the Ethnic Studies faculty. Toney was charged by Walker with participation and leadership In the alleged 'forcible detention.* The complaint resulted in the chemistry professor's arrest on criminal charges. Fresno County District Attor- (Contlnued on Page 3, Col. 1) English prof Everett Frost is terminated By Burton Swope CoUegian EdItor-ln-Chlef— Assistant Professor of Eng- Ever C. Fro tlons, probationary (untenurcd) Instructors are reappointed each year for a three-year period. In the fourth year, the college either called the "fifth and terminal year*) or gives them teaching positions for the fifth year, which leads to tenure. If instructors are denied tenure In the fifth year they are subject to Immediate dismissal by their department or the college. O'Neill and Ruhl had nolmme- dlate comment yesterday on their notices, but did say that 'differences within the Department of Social Work" were the Issues involved and "not their teaching ability or professional conduct. Dutton, an outspoken administration critic who received a short letter from Baxter Informing him of his dismissal, openly charged the administration with 'bowing to outside political pressures concerning his tenure." 'Baxter has never talked to me or given me reason for his action," Dutton said, *but as human beings, we have to talk as people at some point, especially when one regards the existence of (Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) figure at Fresno State College, has been notified he Is among those faculty who are being terminated by the college administration. Frost was Informed of his termination In a letter received yesterday and signed by FSC President Dr. Norman A. Baxter. Baxter, who gave no reasons for not retaining Frost In the letter, said the termination is effective at the end of this Frost has charged his non- retention Is 'politically motivated" and is not based on 'his ability as a teacher or his pro- *I am part of a political purge that is ruthless in the sense that It Is willing to sacrifice •Hence for polltl- goals,* he said. 'It appears 1 in v n of rights, especially First Amendment rights, and In violation of professional ethics. I'm sorry for the school, as much as for myself, that Dr. Baxter he said, 'I refused to sign tbe evaluation form, because Rea had not reviewed the form wll and there were no reasons given by Rea why he would not discus; lt. Yet, Rea Indicated on thc form he had discussed the evaluation with me, and that was lie," Frost said that under the co sultatlve procedures outlined the Faculty Handbook, Rea Is r quired to discuss the evaluation of probationary staff with the department chairman. •This he hasn't done," Frost Frost was overwhelmingly commended for rehiring by a i of the tenured faculty within Department of Engllsh. He was also recommended for rehiring by the personnel and exi r the School of Hu- Frost said he asked Acting Academic Vice President Dr. Horace O. Schorllng and the c lege Personnel Committee to: turn Rea's recommendation grounds that he (Frost) had been consulted about the evaluations form and he 'had i •Meanwhile,* Frost said, *Rea , refused to meet with the tenured members of the English Department collectively. He did agree however to meet with tenured members of the department Individually, if they wanted to, and Frost said he assumed that the college's Personnel Committee had returned his file to Rea taking no action. He added, however, that he received the information "second hand* and was uncertain what the Personnel Committee had in fact done. •However, Schorling told me a number of times lt would be appropriate for Rea to talk things over with roe,* Frost said. •He (Rea) never did meet with me,* he said. 'Once or twice he offered to meet with me privately - that Is, without Dr. Zumwalt being present. I refused for several reasons, the primary reason being I would have had no witnesses to the conversation. I also refused on the grounds of established policy. The Faculty Handbook states (Continued on page 7, Col. 1) i fit to b (Acting Dear Humanities Dr. Ralph C. Rea) who has, at best, a minimal understanding of academic profes- rlghts." Frost was Informed Oct. 29 by Rea that he was recommending Frost not be retained. Frost was notified of Rea's decision on a standard form (Form A) for the evaluation of probationary (untenured) staff. Rea stated on the form that "In my opinion, terests ofthe English Department (Frost)." No reasons were given on the form, however. "I have had never had an opportunity to review the contents of the Acting Dean's evaluation form He said Chairman of the English Department . Dr. Eugene Zumwalt, Rea, and he met for an hour shortly after Frost was notified of the acting dean's recommendations, but Rea had refused to review the evaluation form with them. •All that was discussed was whether to discuss the evaluation,* Frost said. ■At the end of the meeting,* Hall, Mabey are not retained on faculty By John Jefferles CoUegian Staff Writer Elton A. Hall and RendeU N. Mabey, both assistant professors liUhe Department of Philosophy, received their notices of non- retention yesterday as a wave of such letters swept the Fresno State College campus. Dr. James M. Smith, the Philosophy Department Chairman, was retained and granted tenure In an unexpected move by the administration. Recom mendations that all three of the professors not be granted retenUon or tenure were made Nov. 16 by Acting Dean of the School of Humanities Dr. Ralph C. Rea. Yesterday's notices sent out by FSC President Dr. Norman A. Baxter concurred with Rea's recommendations ex- glven the reason for his negative recommendation as «overstaff- lng* In the Philosophy Depart- Kenneth Kerr gets terminal contract notice By Daniel R. safreno Collegian Nyvs Editor Director of Student Dr. Kenneth Kerr has been notified he will be allowed to stay In his present position for the next year only. Kerr was given a one-year terminal contract which makes bis firing mandatory at the end of the 1971-72 academic Kerr, an appointee for former Fresno SUte CoUege President Dr. Frederick Ness, has been the Director of Student Activities for three aod one half years. He is also active In the Fresno coordinator in the Big Brothers of America program. Kerr told the CoUegian yesterday that his termination is a "legal option* of the president (Dr. Norman A. Baxter). He said he had no formal statement to make at tills time; "I still have to gather my thoughts. I regret what's happened. It's unfair. I haven't been able to Identify any defensible stand they (the administration) have taken as to my three and a half years of professional conduct,* Kerr said. Deryle Allen, the dean of students and Kerr's Immediate superior, told the CoUegian that he would rather not 'get caught li Incident,* Allen said. *ThU U a personal matter.' Baxter could not be reached for comment. An Informed source told the Collegian that Executive Vice-President Dr. James A. Flkes had recommended Kerr be *lmmedlately dismissed." However, Flkes said 1 didn't agree with the decision. I really didn't even know that lt waa being made. This la the first thing I've beard about it.* Under Title V of the Calltor- When contacted concerning his letter of non-retention, RendeU Mabey said, *Had they (the Administration) so chosen, they could have worked the overstating problem out. However, In my case they chose not to do so, with poUtlcal motivations.* Smith said. It's a terrible thing that RendeU Mabey was not retained. He is an exceUent teacher and will tx department. •This 'overstafflng' t is not a legitimate reason for failing to retain Mabey. Several other departments within the School of HumanlUes, as weU as the School of Natural Sciences, agreed to support (allocate money to) the Philosophy Department so that the three of us could re- Smith said, 'Mabey's views to him." Mabey was asked If he thought the reasons for his termination could be narrowed to any one point. He said, I'm Inclined to think that one of the big factors Is my political actlvenesa on campus. I've spoken a few tiroes in the Free Speech Area and I've been critical of the Administration. I once grabbed the mike ai a meeting of the Academic Senate and snooted at people for a few minute*. But all u an I g Mabey aald he bas no plana for Elton A and not available for comment. Rea also could not be reached |