November 2, 1945 Pg 1 |
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"READABLE — WORTH READING" FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, Bulldogs Travel to Reno To Contest Wolves Th. Bulldogs left yesterday morning for Reno to meet their old rival., the Nevada Wolves, tomorrow. This is the first time since 1936 that the Wolf Pack is favored to spill the Bulldogs. But can the Nevada Wolf Pack overcome the jinx put on it by Jimmy (Rabbit) Bradshaw, when he was head coach here? Fresiy end Nevada have played* Special Buses s 1SSS. with the Bull dogs having the edge II lo 7. wllh on* He. The Wolve* hav* not dumped the Bulldoga since 1SSS. GREAT TEAM Coach Jim Aiken of the Wolf Pack has come up with one of hli Anest team* tbl* year and I* con Adent of ending tbe jinx Aiken will attempt to get revenge for ISIS game when another good Nevada team led by All American Marion Motley waa whipped SS 0 by the Bulldoga great teem of tbat year. Aiken baa a right to be confl- dent tbl* season for be hss an array of apecUrular gridiron talent and baa really moved Into the big time tble year by playing St. Mary'* aad the University of California He haa a heavy but feat backfl'ld led by Harry (tbe Horse) Rude. 101 pound fullback who galloped SS yarda to acors agalnat tbs Bear* last wsek In Berkeley; llajipy Read, a Ane paaser and tricky runner. Bobby Ravers, tbe boy who loat a hand tn France, but still a very dangerous ball carrier, and Darwin Farnaworth. 1X5 pound halfback. HUQE LINI To open holea (or thla talented Aock of barks to roar through. Alk en haa developed a tremendous line led by potential All American Bu» ter MeClure at right tackle Help Ing McClura on tb* right aid* la giant Mas Badge. S feet 4 Inchee. SIS pound end who the Bears aim ply couldn't taks out laat week and wbo can alao go high In the cloud* to anag eome of Read* BULLDOGS SIDE Now to a** what Coach "Plx* -ombat tb* big boyi from Reno wltb. Flrat. the Bulldoga have a line tbat while not a* big •• the Wolves, csn bold Its own In (Continued on Pate 2) Ef rd Is Chosen Zeta Mu President Irwin Krird wss elected preil dent of the Zet* Mu fraternity at a recent meeting, at which officers for tbe preeent aemester were rhoaen laarry Horg will serve sa vice prealdent. lueonard Holt aecre tary; Henry Rutherford, treasurer; Prank Meeple. sergeant at arms and pled** master. Karl Maxwell hlatorlan. and Orant Hyde, chap Handbooks Still Available Student* who have not got their root** of Ih* PSC Handbook and Directory may obtain tbem by pre •entlng student body carda Collegian offlc, achool hoo nu* TV.pi To Take Rooters To Nevada Game Two special buses sponsored by the Rally Committee will rooter* to Reno. Nevada for ths Freano State I niveralty of Nevada game to be held st 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon The bua. leaving from tbe front of the college library at midnight, vrill arrive In Reno at noon tomorrow It will leave at 7: SO o'clock tomorrow night. Carl Lsvln will be chaperon* All atudenta planning to make the trip by bua muat sign up In Prank Meeple's office with eotae iber of tbe Rally Committee. The price of the round trip ticket ST. to be paid at the time of the gn up Thoee making the trip are aaked i bring a lunch, and a change of clothing No liquor will be permit- Winzler Assumes Business Position Robert K Wlnxler. who was graduated from tbe Presno Stste College in ISO. hss Ailed the post of ssslstsnt general manager of the college association tbat waa left vacant ln May of last year by the resignation of John Schlebel w official will have charge of ticket aalea for all student activities. Including football games music department perform . and wUI be In charge of all conreaalona st athletic events. Arthur Safstrom. general mansgfX of the sssoclatlon. anno.. 'tinier will alao continue to position ss manager if Ihe college book store In the itudent union A former star In rni.erslty Street Playhouse productions and In Spring Swing performances, be formerly wss a (acuity member la the Watson. Ille High School, aft er being graduated from th* C*s- lege he attended the Hasting* Col lege of Law Appointments Beinq Taken for Portraits Appointment* are being taken ne.w by the John Prlgultl Studio (or the atudent portrait** which will appear In th* ISM Campua college Prlgultl will atari taking por trait* Monday Mon must wsar ra. snd girl* are to Nominations Due For Queen Today Nominations for eaaamm . candidates sre due this sfter o'clock Nsmes must be sub •d to Jollne Morri.h. AWS so rial chairman In post offlc* boa SS. OR GERARD MULDERS Astronomy to /be Subject at Forum Comets: Oypalee of tbe 8klee" will be the subject of a lecture ee aatronomy to be given by Dr. Garrard F W Mulder* q» Occidental College at tbe Sunday' Evening For- In the First Congregational Church. M and Divleadero Street* text Sunday evening at 7: SO •'clock. With the aid ot lantern slide* Madders will show pictures of Hal ley's comet end other spectacular its of ancient aad saodsrh times ln bis lecture which will die- when the aext bright comst appear and whether there I* danger that a comet will ever collide with tbe earth. native of Holland. Mulders • to this country ten years ago to do research at the Mount Wll Observatory In Pasadena Aft er Anlahtng hla research be tsught at Stanford Cnlveralty and the I'nl erslty of Redlsnd* At tbe preeent Ime be Is aseoclats profeeaer of pbyalca and astrophysics at Occidental College In Dos Angeles Arrangements for this Illustrated ecture have been mads posrible by it Alfred H Joy of tbe Mount Wilson Observatory through the coition of Ibe Astronomical So clety of the PaclAc and the Alex ndeV F Morrison Foundation 50 Ushers Needed For St. Mary's Same which I* In chare* of ibering at the FSC home football ibm. will need ISO student* to belp usher on Monday. November IS. Armletlre Day'* game, and alao Ihe Thanksgiving Day's gam* ; itdents Interested rosy attend tbe meeting Tueeday at 11 00 am a* union aortal hall The procedure for ushering will be explained Seat* will be saved In th* rooting section for the ushers Casaba Men to Report To Stadium Today I mea planning to go out for no Stats varsity basketball ar* ntly requested by Flint Haa men* physical education In tar, '.. attend a meetlns In the naturalneaa. and pole* i candidal*. Entrant* muat bs Juniors or senior* wltb st leaat QuallAcatlon* to ba judged will Include beauty, vote*, carriage. ' "eea and manner; Por beauty, the face, figure teeth, akin, and hair; for vole*, quality, expression, and conversation; for carriage, tb* eeee of coordination and posture; for dreea. appropriateness, style for Individ i*l. color for Individual, and ac- wlll b The winner will be elected at the Queen* Tee. which wlU be held the Thursday before the ball Sign upe for attendance at the ball sre being takes upon th* abeet oa ths union bulletin board. Olri* planning to attend to Queen'* Ball ■Ign up oa t ao that the I have an eetlmate of how aaaay cooes will com*. Chairmen of the varto**. eemaatt «a working on ths ball will be no tiffed by mall tbl. week so thai tbey an begin coordinating tbelr re- pectlve commltt*** Tb* bell will be held In the SS. mortal Auditorium Harper Home Chosen For Queen's Tea Tbe T. U Harper boeae on Hunt Ington Boulevard has been cboeen tbs setting for the Queen* Tea by th* Freshmen Women'* aVctirt- Th* group I* working oa airaaa*- ment* for ths tea. whleh will he held November SS Frats Conduct Rites for Pledges > of the three fraternities c Wops and laus Lead Intra-Mural Grid Competition Th. Rambling Wop. Mid Sigma Tau. are Imsithsg ia tim. FSC intm - mural si* - pmme touch f OOtbaJJ lawaffM mS tb. result of victor*, oa Tamwkjr Comp*tto* 1* the els-toem taaessa continues T* is Say when the Rage- Ming Wopa oppeee Ue Opsralat*. Tbs sixth teem, the JTse. hav* tbelr Srst gams Thuraday CAROLLO .TAU. by Frosh Pete CaroUe ed the Wap-Wsmbtar game. Early In the Bret half a Beany Barsottl toCsroIlo pass tar M ysrd* brought the .ret see** aad In the second half Carollo ran SB yarda for the sseead Isbbbbubb. The aetaad ussy sre* a* was Md. Don PurseU ran hack the kaaav I after the eecond soar* bach Se) yarda to about the Wo. SS. hot down, la both belt* aad a Basts? >wn the Rambler* ■ Pas eaaaTht John Ruse* bathe Rambler goal la th* Sr*t half far s safety for ths Brat saac* two 10-mlnut* S 2 Lectures Remain In IVCF Series Coat* Monday night TheU Chi aad Sigma Tan plsdge nights ware held Maaday alffht wbsn th* That* Crl. aattoaal fraternity, held eetwmcaxlea far Pi*a ton Brow*. Edward Ctwdel. Bob sad B*BJvy aavBettl. asjd Tails Blsda** Harry Al Flntay..,- eht Prim. John Tw* loelaie* nln. leetors series, e aad Qsaeeta Ree- I hy the Int.r Vei- Thls wash sad the liMn ii» li Hag to Lake Sesmeta tor a ra* treat, ■Biex.MSliS hy their am* Mrs. Lundkvist Asks for Charm Chorus Costumes of the .bortags of djU black mato- la town, she asm Lang Confers with Deeni Dr A R Un*. deaa of asms** «*• leloa at Preeao State. tn. s eoaf*r*nc* of nil I tteasS- '
Object Description
Title | 1945_11 The Daily Collegian November 1945 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1945 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 2, 1945 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1945 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | "READABLE — WORTH READING" FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, Bulldogs Travel to Reno To Contest Wolves Th. Bulldogs left yesterday morning for Reno to meet their old rival., the Nevada Wolves, tomorrow. This is the first time since 1936 that the Wolf Pack is favored to spill the Bulldogs. But can the Nevada Wolf Pack overcome the jinx put on it by Jimmy (Rabbit) Bradshaw, when he was head coach here? Fresiy end Nevada have played* Special Buses s 1SSS. with the Bull dogs having the edge II lo 7. wllh on* He. The Wolve* hav* not dumped the Bulldoga since 1SSS. GREAT TEAM Coach Jim Aiken of the Wolf Pack has come up with one of hli Anest team* tbl* year and I* con Adent of ending tbe jinx Aiken will attempt to get revenge for ISIS game when another good Nevada team led by All American Marion Motley waa whipped SS 0 by the Bulldoga great teem of tbat year. Aiken baa a right to be confl- dent tbl* season for be hss an array of apecUrular gridiron talent and baa really moved Into the big time tble year by playing St. Mary'* aad the University of California He haa a heavy but feat backfl'ld led by Harry (tbe Horse) Rude. 101 pound fullback who galloped SS yarda to acors agalnat tbs Bear* last wsek In Berkeley; llajipy Read, a Ane paaser and tricky runner. Bobby Ravers, tbe boy who loat a hand tn France, but still a very dangerous ball carrier, and Darwin Farnaworth. 1X5 pound halfback. HUQE LINI To open holea (or thla talented Aock of barks to roar through. Alk en haa developed a tremendous line led by potential All American Bu» ter MeClure at right tackle Help Ing McClura on tb* right aid* la giant Mas Badge. S feet 4 Inchee. SIS pound end who the Bears aim ply couldn't taks out laat week and wbo can alao go high In the cloud* to anag eome of Read* BULLDOGS SIDE Now to a** what Coach "Plx* -ombat tb* big boyi from Reno wltb. Flrat. the Bulldoga have a line tbat while not a* big •• the Wolves, csn bold Its own In (Continued on Pate 2) Ef rd Is Chosen Zeta Mu President Irwin Krird wss elected preil dent of the Zet* Mu fraternity at a recent meeting, at which officers for tbe preeent aemester were rhoaen laarry Horg will serve sa vice prealdent. lueonard Holt aecre tary; Henry Rutherford, treasurer; Prank Meeple. sergeant at arms and pled** master. Karl Maxwell hlatorlan. and Orant Hyde, chap Handbooks Still Available Student* who have not got their root** of Ih* PSC Handbook and Directory may obtain tbem by pre •entlng student body carda Collegian offlc, achool hoo nu* TV.pi To Take Rooters To Nevada Game Two special buses sponsored by the Rally Committee will rooter* to Reno. Nevada for ths Freano State I niveralty of Nevada game to be held st 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon The bua. leaving from tbe front of the college library at midnight, vrill arrive In Reno at noon tomorrow It will leave at 7: SO o'clock tomorrow night. Carl Lsvln will be chaperon* All atudenta planning to make the trip by bua muat sign up In Prank Meeple's office with eotae iber of tbe Rally Committee. The price of the round trip ticket ST. to be paid at the time of the gn up Thoee making the trip are aaked i bring a lunch, and a change of clothing No liquor will be permit- Winzler Assumes Business Position Robert K Wlnxler. who was graduated from tbe Presno Stste College in ISO. hss Ailed the post of ssslstsnt general manager of the college association tbat waa left vacant ln May of last year by the resignation of John Schlebel w official will have charge of ticket aalea for all student activities. Including football games music department perform . and wUI be In charge of all conreaalona st athletic events. Arthur Safstrom. general mansgfX of the sssoclatlon. anno.. 'tinier will alao continue to position ss manager if Ihe college book store In the itudent union A former star In rni.erslty Street Playhouse productions and In Spring Swing performances, be formerly wss a (acuity member la the Watson. Ille High School, aft er being graduated from th* C*s- lege he attended the Hasting* Col lege of Law Appointments Beinq Taken for Portraits Appointment* are being taken ne.w by the John Prlgultl Studio (or the atudent portrait** which will appear In th* ISM Campua college Prlgultl will atari taking por trait* Monday Mon must wsar ra. snd girl* are to Nominations Due For Queen Today Nominations for eaaamm . candidates sre due this sfter o'clock Nsmes must be sub •d to Jollne Morri.h. AWS so rial chairman In post offlc* boa SS. OR GERARD MULDERS Astronomy to /be Subject at Forum Comets: Oypalee of tbe 8klee" will be the subject of a lecture ee aatronomy to be given by Dr. Garrard F W Mulder* q» Occidental College at tbe Sunday' Evening For- In the First Congregational Church. M and Divleadero Street* text Sunday evening at 7: SO •'clock. With the aid ot lantern slide* Madders will show pictures of Hal ley's comet end other spectacular its of ancient aad saodsrh times ln bis lecture which will die- when the aext bright comst appear and whether there I* danger that a comet will ever collide with tbe earth. native of Holland. Mulders • to this country ten years ago to do research at the Mount Wll Observatory In Pasadena Aft er Anlahtng hla research be tsught at Stanford Cnlveralty and the I'nl erslty of Redlsnd* At tbe preeent Ime be Is aseoclats profeeaer of pbyalca and astrophysics at Occidental College In Dos Angeles Arrangements for this Illustrated ecture have been mads posrible by it Alfred H Joy of tbe Mount Wilson Observatory through the coition of Ibe Astronomical So clety of the PaclAc and the Alex ndeV F Morrison Foundation 50 Ushers Needed For St. Mary's Same which I* In chare* of ibering at the FSC home football ibm. will need ISO student* to belp usher on Monday. November IS. Armletlre Day'* game, and alao Ihe Thanksgiving Day's gam* ; itdents Interested rosy attend tbe meeting Tueeday at 11 00 am a* union aortal hall The procedure for ushering will be explained Seat* will be saved In th* rooting section for the ushers Casaba Men to Report To Stadium Today I mea planning to go out for no Stats varsity basketball ar* ntly requested by Flint Haa men* physical education In tar, '.. attend a meetlns In the naturalneaa. and pole* i candidal*. Entrant* muat bs Juniors or senior* wltb st leaat QuallAcatlon* to ba judged will Include beauty, vote*, carriage. ' "eea and manner; Por beauty, the face, figure teeth, akin, and hair; for vole*, quality, expression, and conversation; for carriage, tb* eeee of coordination and posture; for dreea. appropriateness, style for Individ i*l. color for Individual, and ac- wlll b The winner will be elected at the Queen* Tee. which wlU be held the Thursday before the ball Sign upe for attendance at the ball sre being takes upon th* abeet oa ths union bulletin board. Olri* planning to attend to Queen'* Ball ■Ign up oa t ao that the I have an eetlmate of how aaaay cooes will com*. Chairmen of the varto**. eemaatt «a working on ths ball will be no tiffed by mall tbl. week so thai tbey an begin coordinating tbelr re- pectlve commltt*** Tb* bell will be held In the SS. mortal Auditorium Harper Home Chosen For Queen's Tea Tbe T. U Harper boeae on Hunt Ington Boulevard has been cboeen tbs setting for the Queen* Tea by th* Freshmen Women'* aVctirt- Th* group I* working oa airaaa*- ment* for ths tea. whleh will he held November SS Frats Conduct Rites for Pledges > of the three fraternities c Wops and laus Lead Intra-Mural Grid Competition Th. Rambling Wop. Mid Sigma Tau. are Imsithsg ia tim. FSC intm - mural si* - pmme touch f OOtbaJJ lawaffM mS tb. result of victor*, oa Tamwkjr Comp*tto* 1* the els-toem taaessa continues T* is Say when the Rage- Ming Wopa oppeee Ue Opsralat*. Tbs sixth teem, the JTse. hav* tbelr Srst gams Thuraday CAROLLO .TAU. by Frosh Pete CaroUe ed the Wap-Wsmbtar game. Early In the Bret half a Beany Barsottl toCsroIlo pass tar M ysrd* brought the .ret see** aad In the second half Carollo ran SB yarda for the sseead Isbbbbubb. The aetaad ussy sre* a* was Md. Don PurseU ran hack the kaaav I after the eecond soar* bach Se) yarda to about the Wo. SS. hot down, la both belt* aad a Basts? >wn the Rambler* ■ Pas eaaaTht John Ruse* bathe Rambler goal la th* Sr*t half far s safety for ths Brat saac* two 10-mlnut* S 2 Lectures Remain In IVCF Series Coat* Monday night TheU Chi aad Sigma Tan plsdge nights ware held Maaday alffht wbsn th* That* Crl. aattoaal fraternity, held eetwmcaxlea far Pi*a ton Brow*. Edward Ctwdel. Bob sad B*BJvy aavBettl. asjd Tails Blsda** Harry Al Flntay..,- eht Prim. John Tw* loelaie* nln. leetors series, e aad Qsaeeta Ree- I hy the Int.r Vei- Thls wash sad the liMn ii» li Hag to Lake Sesmeta tor a ra* treat, ■Biex.MSliS hy their am* Mrs. Lundkvist Asks for Charm Chorus Costumes of the .bortags of djU black mato- la town, she asm Lang Confers with Deeni Dr A R Un*. deaa of asms** «*• leloa at Preeao State. tn. s eoaf*r*nc* of nil I tteasS- ' |