December 1, 1944 Pg 1 |
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n-» ^VstaC.\a#l4-\ll Be Climaxed With Crowning Sat. Nite "READABLE —WORTH READING" VOL. XXXII FRESNO. CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1944 NUMBER 21 WW EARL WIGHT, Director of Athletics, who, will aaai«l J. Flinl Hanner in coaching the 1944 basketball squad. Wighf's eotporionce includes a coaching stint at the University of California. Hanner Robs Girts Gym for Basketball lu.ikeih.ill men, under the guid- ancc oT J. Flint Hanner. Invaded the girls' gym this week to start- practice for the season. Twenty ■ one prospect* h a v o turned out for practice. Of these. Coach llunner will pick a team lo meet P1 n e d a I e, Roma. ASCTC. Hammer Field and Lemoore Air Rase. Tbe Snn Joniiulu Vslley League Husk.'(ball League has scheduled games for Fresno State but due to football season. State will alart the league ii Jump behind the other Johnny Perclra. football great. Paul li.hi.ib. and Sandy Henderson, both veterans from ■ last year's nquad. showed up well In practice Tuesday night. "Tho team will concentrate on fundamentals all this week." Hanner said "The development of. shooting techniques comes next veoek" Freshman Formal Sign-ups Taken Signups for the Christmas dance, which will he held December 16 In the social hall ot the union, began the latter part of this week and will be'fontlniled Into nest week. The freshmen, who are sponsoring tbe dance, hope to make enough money to pay for a page In the nt in pus. The committees making arrangtv it'.'ui, for the affair and Ibe chairman are bids and programs, Owen Grrbbel: decorations, Gladys Weber: orchestra. Joan MeCulLjklgh: punch. June MeUler; advertlaing, Hetty Pendergrass. Other freshman, students have been i-hosi-n by each committee head to aid In the preparations, Mr. Karl Due km an and Dr. and Mra. Louis Mudge have been asked to be sponsors. A nolo of inteiest to the men student* Is (hat either dark Poundage Rates Set for Admission To Barn Dance A new angle will be given to the business of charging admission at the backward barn dance, sponsored by the Rally Committee, to be held Friday cento**, December g. in union aoclal hall. .n admission charge of so much per pound .'.ill bo made for ah men coming to tbe dance, while the rill be admitted by the regular jwertipd of bids, costing 50 'Slit'* . The mtrtVs admission rate goes somethtngNlIke this: Fifty cerrts for the first 100 pounds- On.-half cent for each pound over ,100, under ZOO pounds, plus the 80 cent*. 8*v- a n t y. f i v e cente for a full 200 pounds. One cant forseach pound ever 200, plus the 71" cents. Any man coming to the dance. atag or not, aiudetit or otherwise. Ill have to be weighed In. Betty Veale. Rally -Committee chslrman. announced. Mlsa Veale alao urged men student* to come atag If tbey are not asked to tbe dance by tbe women students, who. because the dance Is a backward one, will have to do Ihe Inviting to the affair. To lend atmosphere to the levls nd other sport slothre that will be worn to the dance, tbe Rally Committee Is planning to decorate the social hall with hay and other paraphernalia reminiscent of the barnyard. , "Wearing boots lo the dance la rll-tly prohibited." Miss Veale said, "and anyone who does so will have (to check them at tbe door, * tho floor of the aoclal hall la to be subjected to that kind Of treatment." " - The Collegiate, will play for the affair, which will last from 9 to 12. The Rally Committee advises that students come a little earlier, how- that they can bo weighed In and bo able to begin dancing when the music starts. Tbe dance la an open one. In that undents may bring guest, who do tot attend tho college. Glrla may obtain their bids all text week from Rally Committee member*, or men may.obtain the bids for their datea. No man will bo adnjjtted on" one or (be 50 cent bl.IriT though, ihe rally members made clear. -^ AMS Plans for Semester Announced at Meeting il formal dance after Christ- cation and a anow-trlp will tbe Associated Men Students calendar. for thla eemeater, James Hobba. prealdent of AMS, announced -at a commltti Ing Tuesday night. Thla second AMS dance will be closed affair, Hobba aald. The Calico Jeans dance waa a aucceaa according to the financial report by Cully Wilson, ticket aalea chairman. OR. KENNETH I. FOTTttR Potter To Speak At IRC Meeting Dr.-Kenneth Potter, social ac*-' ice. professor, will apeak before the international Relations Club Tuesday, at 11 o'clock*. Hla tople will be, "Use Problem of Dependent Peeplea ta the Post-war Reconstruction." ' Dr. Potter haa studied and tray eled ta Japan and .China in recent years. He narrowly escaped death 1937 when the Japanese bombed Shanghai. Dr. Potter haa won the Kokuaal Dunka Shlnkokal Scholarship for study and travel ta Japan and China. Lee Soto, president of IRC. stat- I. "Everyone la welcome to thla meeting, the first hall hour will be devoted to Dr. Potter's talk and the last half hour to the Informal group discussion." Potter Given Arbitration Post Dr. Kenneth Potter, professor of aoclal aclence at Fresno State College, haa been appointed a member ot the national panel of the American Arbitration Association. Tbe national panel of arbitrators la appointed by the board of directors of the association from the ranks of experts ta all fields ot American life. The association meets the dangers ot economic dispute* and grlerancea ta hope a epeedler victory. Public spirited cititens all over the country stand ready to act aa private Impartial Judgea in commercial o duetrlal controversies under .Standard Arbitration Rule* of the "association. Dr. Potter; like other American arbitration members, la entering hla office on a voluntary and honorary basis. Dupre Will Speak . Huntley Dupre. executive secretary ot the World Student Service Fund, will apeak to the atudent* at an ail school saaembiy at 11 o'clock Thursday. Dupre will explain and discuss th* works of the' World 8tud»nt Fund. He will try to explain the refugee students. Tomorrow night Staters will dance to the wee small hour* as the Collegiates make music for the eleventh annual Queen's Ball, staged in the Memorial Auditorium, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.rh. Highlight of the evening will be the coronation of the queen. Following the coronation ceremonies, the grand march ■ •will be lead by the quean and Frank Meaple. atudent president. Jane Roe*, laat years queen, will Raffle, Dance Held Noon Dance noon dance featuring * raffle, which will award five or six » dollar war bonds will he held ta the un|on social hall, culminating the week's stamp and bond campaign sponsored by the Theta Chls fraternity. President BUI Killing announced today. j . Dancing wilt he held from 12 to 1 with music by The Collegiates. The raffle will take place at 11:30. Kisllng emphasised the fact that the winner does not hare to mt tb win the bond* and stamps which will he awarded. Thoae winners who are not present will; he notified through, the atudent post office boxes. i "The entire sum collected through the sale of the raffle tick- will h* converted Into*War bond er stamp prise*,** srt.itr.g •Th* cost of printing th* and all other eips-nses was taken from the fraternity treasury." The Theta Chi campaign 1* part Of ft .Lamps ant) bonds sales conleat In which nearly every orgxnltation lit participate by taking charge of the sales for one week. The organ- laatlon selilnr? the moat during that period will he awarded an engraved The drive this week haa been conducted by both members and Pledgee ot Use Theta Chi, Choral Group To Present Program In the yuletide sj-irlt, the Senior Women'* Chorua ant) the Cweellan Singers Will present a program ot im I IT. The publlo and FSC students are Inv!led to th* free concert. The Senior Women'* Chorus, Fresno S tale organl sail On. ha* won aide acclaim within local music circle* with 1U annual Christmas programs. Thla group"bas as It* pr..ldent. Ida Marl* Hlllman, and 1U adviser. V*rn* Delaney. The Ceeeiian sincere are ' Fresno's professional women who have-had ao much Interest and ambition ta mualc. They built very line choral ensemble In their off hours and have maintained the group purely for the artlstlo satisfaction. Delaney,. besides hi* work at the acting as Instructor and leader for tbl* organisation! Michaels Talks Dr. John U. Mlchaelis. director ot teacher training at th* state college, spoke at Chloo Monday and Tuesday on the methods of trap-or- lng th* social (ladle* In elementary waa actlva ta piaybouae acUnUea and was a member of Tokalon honor society and Omega XI Omlcron Sorority. Radio Station KMJ la planning a'" rebroadcast of th* ball. Ltsctlla Snyder will do the announcing. Today, la th. last day to aecnr , bid*. They -Day be paixhasMd at the ticket booth ta the a^n-J-Ostre- S Hon building for |1.10. Mrs, Har- Jorle Zelhart I* handling ii* *** for th* alumni. Elisabeth ArrscnU. AWS aocJal I chair-nan, -r** assisted la aaal' preparatlonstor th* hall by Ja Eberhsrt and Both Dudley, bids: 1/ Campbell, election." V« publicity; DoresUjy McAJ —Hal. Matt* Is-a-iffung. ■hell. Batty Stock^-tai. Moca-att-ttm. ValdaafBali. Francee aaJrk-setrteav ' cAlllstarr. or- . ffung. B*tty es; Ida Marl* Hlllman j Bonnie Huffman, refreehmei __ Elaine Mason, arrangements, and Phyllis Whit*, cerenaonlea. The queen was eVusarj yeaiartlay ' ; ft tea given by the l"Teahmari Women'e fteetal AerTtiUea Club ta the Elmer J. Schmidt home oa HDnShgton BsMttarartL Tb* guests B (ContinsH-ef en Page Thru) z Wizard Tickets Ready Monday Tickets (or the "The WUafd «t Ox.'' Uk* first three act prodiiotioes •t th* Unlveralty Street Playbe-rrj** this year, will be available Mot-day •t the ticket window In t" with their student body cards, bat • a strict check will be made to be ■are th* student body card ia the student's own, John W. Wright, : head ot the speech department an- •aid. Frank Meaple. student president, will portray Use role of th* ¥ a chang* from the original Rosemary Icees, aa Dorothy, hold* th* lead spot-with Helen B*rth*a. I Bruce M-carte*, and Oene Ventura, the scarecrow, the tin wrxielman,- and tb* Hon, rear-actively, aa her cohorts on her Journey thrOOfti -th* merry old land of Oa," WO) be given for children and tl teachers oily, all ticket* wtU b* H cent* for thla ->«rfonaiano*, W riant tickets early far tb* pritf ujrttai.
Object Description
Title | 1944_12 The Daily Collegian December 1944 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | December 1, 1944 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | n-» ^VstaC.\a#l4-\ll Be Climaxed With Crowning Sat. Nite "READABLE —WORTH READING" VOL. XXXII FRESNO. CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1, 1944 NUMBER 21 WW EARL WIGHT, Director of Athletics, who, will aaai«l J. Flinl Hanner in coaching the 1944 basketball squad. Wighf's eotporionce includes a coaching stint at the University of California. Hanner Robs Girts Gym for Basketball lu.ikeih.ill men, under the guid- ancc oT J. Flint Hanner. Invaded the girls' gym this week to start- practice for the season. Twenty ■ one prospect* h a v o turned out for practice. Of these. Coach llunner will pick a team lo meet P1 n e d a I e, Roma. ASCTC. Hammer Field and Lemoore Air Rase. Tbe Snn Joniiulu Vslley League Husk.'(ball League has scheduled games for Fresno State but due to football season. State will alart the league ii Jump behind the other Johnny Perclra. football great. Paul li.hi.ib. and Sandy Henderson, both veterans from ■ last year's nquad. showed up well In practice Tuesday night. "Tho team will concentrate on fundamentals all this week." Hanner said "The development of. shooting techniques comes next veoek" Freshman Formal Sign-ups Taken Signups for the Christmas dance, which will he held December 16 In the social hall ot the union, began the latter part of this week and will be'fontlniled Into nest week. The freshmen, who are sponsoring tbe dance, hope to make enough money to pay for a page In the nt in pus. The committees making arrangtv it'.'ui, for the affair and Ibe chairman are bids and programs, Owen Grrbbel: decorations, Gladys Weber: orchestra. Joan MeCulLjklgh: punch. June MeUler; advertlaing, Hetty Pendergrass. Other freshman, students have been i-hosi-n by each committee head to aid In the preparations, Mr. Karl Due km an and Dr. and Mra. Louis Mudge have been asked to be sponsors. A nolo of inteiest to the men student* Is (hat either dark Poundage Rates Set for Admission To Barn Dance A new angle will be given to the business of charging admission at the backward barn dance, sponsored by the Rally Committee, to be held Friday cento**, December g. in union aoclal hall. .n admission charge of so much per pound .'.ill bo made for ah men coming to tbe dance, while the rill be admitted by the regular jwertipd of bids, costing 50 'Slit'* . The mtrtVs admission rate goes somethtngNlIke this: Fifty cerrts for the first 100 pounds- On.-half cent for each pound over ,100, under ZOO pounds, plus the 80 cent*. 8*v- a n t y. f i v e cente for a full 200 pounds. One cant forseach pound ever 200, plus the 71" cents. Any man coming to the dance. atag or not, aiudetit or otherwise. Ill have to be weighed In. Betty Veale. Rally -Committee chslrman. announced. Mlsa Veale alao urged men student* to come atag If tbey are not asked to tbe dance by tbe women students, who. because the dance Is a backward one, will have to do Ihe Inviting to the affair. To lend atmosphere to the levls nd other sport slothre that will be worn to the dance, tbe Rally Committee Is planning to decorate the social hall with hay and other paraphernalia reminiscent of the barnyard. , "Wearing boots lo the dance la rll-tly prohibited." Miss Veale said, "and anyone who does so will have (to check them at tbe door, * tho floor of the aoclal hall la to be subjected to that kind Of treatment." " - The Collegiate, will play for the affair, which will last from 9 to 12. The Rally Committee advises that students come a little earlier, how- that they can bo weighed In and bo able to begin dancing when the music starts. Tbe dance la an open one. In that undents may bring guest, who do tot attend tho college. Glrla may obtain their bids all text week from Rally Committee member*, or men may.obtain the bids for their datea. No man will bo adnjjtted on" one or (be 50 cent bl.IriT though, ihe rally members made clear. -^ AMS Plans for Semester Announced at Meeting il formal dance after Christ- cation and a anow-trlp will tbe Associated Men Students calendar. for thla eemeater, James Hobba. prealdent of AMS, announced -at a commltti Ing Tuesday night. Thla second AMS dance will be closed affair, Hobba aald. The Calico Jeans dance waa a aucceaa according to the financial report by Cully Wilson, ticket aalea chairman. OR. KENNETH I. FOTTttR Potter To Speak At IRC Meeting Dr.-Kenneth Potter, social ac*-' ice. professor, will apeak before the international Relations Club Tuesday, at 11 o'clock*. Hla tople will be, "Use Problem of Dependent Peeplea ta the Post-war Reconstruction." ' Dr. Potter haa studied and tray eled ta Japan and .China in recent years. He narrowly escaped death 1937 when the Japanese bombed Shanghai. Dr. Potter haa won the Kokuaal Dunka Shlnkokal Scholarship for study and travel ta Japan and China. Lee Soto, president of IRC. stat- I. "Everyone la welcome to thla meeting, the first hall hour will be devoted to Dr. Potter's talk and the last half hour to the Informal group discussion." Potter Given Arbitration Post Dr. Kenneth Potter, professor of aoclal aclence at Fresno State College, haa been appointed a member ot the national panel of the American Arbitration Association. Tbe national panel of arbitrators la appointed by the board of directors of the association from the ranks of experts ta all fields ot American life. The association meets the dangers ot economic dispute* and grlerancea ta hope a epeedler victory. Public spirited cititens all over the country stand ready to act aa private Impartial Judgea in commercial o duetrlal controversies under .Standard Arbitration Rule* of the "association. Dr. Potter; like other American arbitration members, la entering hla office on a voluntary and honorary basis. Dupre Will Speak . Huntley Dupre. executive secretary ot the World Student Service Fund, will apeak to the atudent* at an ail school saaembiy at 11 o'clock Thursday. Dupre will explain and discuss th* works of the' World 8tud»nt Fund. He will try to explain the refugee students. Tomorrow night Staters will dance to the wee small hour* as the Collegiates make music for the eleventh annual Queen's Ball, staged in the Memorial Auditorium, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.rh. Highlight of the evening will be the coronation of the queen. Following the coronation ceremonies, the grand march ■ •will be lead by the quean and Frank Meaple. atudent president. Jane Roe*, laat years queen, will Raffle, Dance Held Noon Dance noon dance featuring * raffle, which will award five or six » dollar war bonds will he held ta the un|on social hall, culminating the week's stamp and bond campaign sponsored by the Theta Chls fraternity. President BUI Killing announced today. j . Dancing wilt he held from 12 to 1 with music by The Collegiates. The raffle will take place at 11:30. Kisllng emphasised the fact that the winner does not hare to mt tb win the bond* and stamps which will he awarded. Thoae winners who are not present will; he notified through, the atudent post office boxes. i "The entire sum collected through the sale of the raffle tick- will h* converted Into*War bond er stamp prise*,** srt.itr.g •Th* cost of printing th* and all other eips-nses was taken from the fraternity treasury." The Theta Chi campaign 1* part Of ft .Lamps ant) bonds sales conleat In which nearly every orgxnltation lit participate by taking charge of the sales for one week. The organ- laatlon selilnr? the moat during that period will he awarded an engraved The drive this week haa been conducted by both members and Pledgee ot Use Theta Chi, Choral Group To Present Program In the yuletide sj-irlt, the Senior Women'* Chorua ant) the Cweellan Singers Will present a program ot im I IT. The publlo and FSC students are Inv!led to th* free concert. The Senior Women'* Chorus, Fresno S tale organl sail On. ha* won aide acclaim within local music circle* with 1U annual Christmas programs. Thla group"bas as It* pr..ldent. Ida Marl* Hlllman, and 1U adviser. V*rn* Delaney. The Ceeeiian sincere are ' Fresno's professional women who have-had ao much Interest and ambition ta mualc. They built very line choral ensemble In their off hours and have maintained the group purely for the artlstlo satisfaction. Delaney,. besides hi* work at the acting as Instructor and leader for tbl* organisation! Michaels Talks Dr. John U. Mlchaelis. director ot teacher training at th* state college, spoke at Chloo Monday and Tuesday on the methods of trap-or- lng th* social (ladle* In elementary waa actlva ta piaybouae acUnUea and was a member of Tokalon honor society and Omega XI Omlcron Sorority. Radio Station KMJ la planning a'" rebroadcast of th* ball. Ltsctlla Snyder will do the announcing. Today, la th. last day to aecnr , bid*. They -Day be paixhasMd at the ticket booth ta the a^n-J-Ostre- S Hon building for |1.10. Mrs, Har- Jorle Zelhart I* handling ii* *** for th* alumni. Elisabeth ArrscnU. AWS aocJal I chair-nan, -r** assisted la aaal' preparatlonstor th* hall by Ja Eberhsrt and Both Dudley, bids: 1/ Campbell, election." V« publicity; DoresUjy McAJ —Hal. Matt* Is-a-iffung. ■hell. Batty Stock^-tai. Moca-att-ttm. ValdaafBali. Francee aaJrk-setrteav ' cAlllstarr. or- . ffung. B*tty es; Ida Marl* Hlllman j Bonnie Huffman, refreehmei __ Elaine Mason, arrangements, and Phyllis Whit*, cerenaonlea. The queen was eVusarj yeaiartlay ' ; ft tea given by the l"Teahmari Women'e fteetal AerTtiUea Club ta the Elmer J. Schmidt home oa HDnShgton BsMttarartL Tb* guests B (ContinsH-ef en Page Thru) z Wizard Tickets Ready Monday Tickets (or the "The WUafd «t Ox.'' Uk* first three act prodiiotioes •t th* Unlveralty Street Playbe-rrj** this year, will be available Mot-day •t the ticket window In t" with their student body cards, bat • a strict check will be made to be ■are th* student body card ia the student's own, John W. Wright, : head ot the speech department an- •aid. Frank Meaple. student president, will portray Use role of th* ¥ a chang* from the original Rosemary Icees, aa Dorothy, hold* th* lead spot-with Helen B*rth*a. I Bruce M-carte*, and Oene Ventura, the scarecrow, the tin wrxielman,- and tb* Hon, rear-actively, aa her cohorts on her Journey thrOOfti -th* merry old land of Oa," WO) be given for children and tl teachers oily, all ticket* wtU b* H cent* for thla ->«rfonaiano*, W riant tickets early far tb* pritf ujrttai. |