November 2, 1943 Pg 1 |
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■ihiihu inp^^^N^p ■"■g A DABLE — WOBTH READ IN G - VOLUME THIRTY FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1943 Program Includes Single £ct Plays A fourth play to be given along with three other one nets his teen net for the nmt program of year from the Playhouse John W. Wright, head of the speech department, saja the addition of the fourth play was due to the length of the other three Two of the originally scheduled playi were too fbort to make a full nlng. be •aid, The plays will not be advertised under separate names, but will be combined under a title to be used for the entire evening. Student! wilt be admitted on their student body rards, and outsiders who wish to attend will be charged 50 cents plus tax Tbe program will run for two or three nights In the University Street Playhouse auditorium, the department head said Four such programs are planned for the year with a fifth progrum being a campus made movie of life nl the college Wnr activities of tbe college will be filmed as well us the regular campus activities. Speech majors will make the film its a class project and any expert- etned student not a speech major who wlshee to help may do so by contacting Wright Dexter Approves FSC Secondary A broadening of the curriculum of tho state colleges to the extent that they will be able to grant general high school credentials Is a plan advocated by Waller F Dexter, state superintendent of edit- As It now stands. Fresno Slate can granl a general elementary credential; but In order to leacb general subjects In high school, the student must take a graduate year of study at a university If the pl«n proposed by Dexter raises 1 he stale legislature, the student can lake, the extra year of study at the college and get bis ■legref instead of having to spend Frank \V Thomas, president of the college, says he thlnkr Iho plan a very applicable one because the state colleges can afford, to • give more time and training to the nppllcnnt for learner than Can tbe universities. Canteen Tickets Are In Post-office Boxes Oell Qulgley, In charge of signups for tbo canteen, said that tickets for the affair are In the boxes of the girls who heve signed up. Those girls who haven't paid for their blda must pay In the student president'! office by 4 o'clock Tuesday, or their tickets will be sold to someone else. Mitt Quigley said. A meeting will be held Thursday at i In tbe social ball of too union for all Ibe girl* who will attend ibe dance. Rally Committee To Present Assembly As College War Chfest Campaign Opens The war chest drive officially opened at the college yesterday, in an all-out campaign led by the rally committee under Chairman Frank Mesple. Members of the committee will continue to cover the campus every day through Friday, collecting donations and distributing raffle tickets. All < .asses will be excused Wednesday at 10 a. m. for a student meeting in the auditorium, •according to Betty Veale. bead of Rev* Small Speaks At Second Chapel Reverend Dwlghl Small, minister of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, will speak on "What Think Ye or the Christ?" al the second chapel service tomorrow at 11:40 In the Playhouse auditorium Hetty Pearson and Alice Kendall. In charge of cupel, suggested that the service be treated"as a welcome Reverend Small, who Is tin Fresno. They alio pointed out that ras suggested by a student as tbe chapel speaker. They said that suggestions as t ie speaker, type of mualc preferred, choice of hymn, or any otb- ort of criticism will be wel- m! The committee would appreciate these suggestions from the ludents, they declared, as chapel s a student activity, and should be planned by Ibe students. ss Pearson and Mlaa Kendall assure the students thai the chapel bell wl.ll ring at 12:35. and services start promptly at 11:40. end- it 12 56. Unsatisfactory Notices to Be Issued Tomorrow ib< Notices will be placed ioii'j tomorrow of students who ire doing unsatisfactory work, lounced Margaret Cosgrave, r I/mis Mudge. chairman of the committee on counseling and guld ce.erp, f stud* ipbaslied the Important udenis' going t their advls- s and their Instructors who send em notices to And out their dlffl illy In thai particular class. He Id especially the freshmen should go to their Instructors to see how they ran Improve their work If they receive unsatisfactory notices the assembly committee Captain Khalll, chaplain at Hammer Held, who has Just returned from overseas, will speak, .and a movie, "The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith." will be shown. The Charm Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Lyllls Lundkvlst, also will participate In the program, singing several numbers Including 'This ta My Country," "What Do They Do In the Infantry," and "American Prayer." The climax of the drive come Friday noon in front of the library when the raffle numbers will be drawn and more than $30 worth of merchandUt orders, haircuts and other prtiea. will holders of the lucky numbers Among the orders t< :lven out are $5 certificates good t Roos Bros, and Harry Coffee' 12 orders issued by Epstein's, Carter's Jewelry. Shilling Music Company, Helena Dress Shop, and Caev ner'a Drug Store, and fl certificates for the Eastern, Sherman Clay, and' George's Cleaners. Claude Amos and Red's Barber Shop have both promised hair cuts, and the Co-ed Beauty Shop will give a shampoo and wave. The National Shirt 9hop donated a shirt: the College Pharmacy, a box of stationery: and xttn'a Drug Store, a Ponds aet, lie Stewart Cleaners will clean a l or dress. The raffle haa been added only to stimulate interest In the drive.' Mesple emphasised. The whole idea la not trying for the raffle but contributing as much a* possible tin war fund." College Handbook To Be Distributed The Fresno State College Handbook-Directory will be distributed publication, have announced. Codies will be Issued tree to all owners or student body cards. To obtain a Handbook, students.must present their carde In- The Colleg- lon office any time after Friday. The publication will Include information about the alumni, annual events, AW8, boards, clubs, committees, employment, honor organ- tsatlona, library, medical office, music, publications, scholarships, sororities, songs, student body officers* and the atudent council. The name, address, home town, telephone number and academic year of each, student enrolled at Fresno State and the name, department, address and telephone Bomber of faculty member* are Hated. Fresno State Library Celebrates Book Week British Book Week was celebrat- I last week by a picturesque display In tbe four ahow cases In the Inner foyer of the library. This waa the first ta a series of book weeks representing the Allied Nations. Books on English history and avel, war time England, and British fiction, are shown. The display will be held over this week ao everyone will be able to aee It Newman Club to Meet For Religious Quiz The Newman Club will meet this evening In the coed lounge of tbe union aT 7:30. A religious qulx will be the feature of the evening. Dorothy Schrelber, publicity 1 ager. aska that everyone bring aa many religious "paper* and articles aa possible to the mealing a* they be distributed to the armed forces serving on foreign duty. Charm Chorus Begins Tours To Camp Roberts By Rosalie Leyden The Fresno Slate Charm Chorus •gait the seasons trips to Camp Roberts last week end by brighten lng up Hallowe'en for a group of homesick boys who lasi year were playing kid trlcka about their home i e were, put Into tbe Hallow- spirit Immediately upoc our arrival." said Mrs. Lyllla Lundkvlat. director of the chorus and associate professor of muilc aa the col lege. "Each girl waa-given a mask when we arrived at the D80. That night our hosts were the llth Infantry Battalion, only three week* in the army, and made up largely of eighteen year old boys." In anticipation of the week end parties, the men 'had decorated the recreation ball at the U80 with the traditional pumpklna, witch** and black cau, and not to be outdone by their entertalnen. embellished tbe-dlnner table with Hallowe'en favors and napkin*. The program waa varied from former year* by the addition of a •pedal sexlet, mad* Up of Shirley Acord. Ruth Aden. Claran Arthur, Nancy Melcholr, Marlon and Eleanor Houghton, who** particular bit of th* evening waa a awing version or "My Heart Stood Still." In their host* of Friday evening.'.Mrs. Lundkvlat said, the SJnd Battalion entertained them on Saturday. That* men were {CouiiwifJ 0* fit* F#*>) Faculty to Help At First Canteen Invitation* to the faculty meat and their wive* and faculty women who are to b* bus boys and **a- ior hostesses for th* Fresno Stat* College Canteen to b* given Friday night war* seat out by the Oaay t**n committee last week. Tbe boat***** are Mia* Mary C. Baker, dean of women, and at***" dames Wllma Wight, "*■»'"«■« of the group; Mrs. Helen Roarer, Mr*. Ruth Waterman. Mrs. Viola Moao- lay. Mrs. Lyllls Lundkvlst: Mr*. Mitchell P. Brigga. Mrs. E. V. Tan- ney, MrsMrthur C. Bafstrom, Mr*. John Sclebelhut. Mrs. Hubert. Phfl- ilps. Mrs. Emory Batcllff*. and Mrs Louis Mudge. " FACULTY BU3BOY8 Bus-boys for the evening will be' Dr. Frank W. Thomas, president of th* college; Dr. MlUjjsell P. Brigga, dean of men; Dr. E. V. Tennay, chairman of th* bus-boy committee. Dr. a. R. Lang. Dr. Looia Mudge. Dr. Hubert Phillip*. Mr. Emory Ratcllffe, Mr. Arthur F, Sal- atrom, and Mr. Joan Schlebelhot •• MEN WEAR APRON* Th* bus-boys and senior tin*li— es for each affair will bo a differ-. ent group of the faculty members. Th*. women will groat the men from Camp Pinedai*. and th* man will wear aprons and serve total tv the soldiers. [ . —<: Mr*. Wight has called a mirttJUf on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock In th* union of all th* glrla who have signed up for the first COB- affair. Th* jfurpoee of the m**t» lng la to Inform the girl* of certain rule* which will be followed at ail of the cant—n*. Award Applicants | File By Thursday Applications for the Louis Qua- ; delBnger Memorial award tor SIM i must be In th* hand* of th* ache*- * arahlp committee by Thursday. Dr. . 1 Kenneth Potter, chairman Of tin 3 committee, said today.. Application forma may sa e*> :4J tained from th* chairman la hi* office, rod.m 111A. OntJeill j blank*, together with letter* of recommendation, must be returnod to I Dr. Potter not later than Thar*- f day. . Th* grant haa been made avail- ' able by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qutaa j and family of Fresno fa *< agent* ' who embody good cMllllalbln-lm a dignified but unobtrusiv* moaner. It waa awarded to Chariest Rogers. * sen lor. last spring* but Bog- * was subsequently eailed to active duty sad unable to aooopt th* . • grant. To be -eligible for the scholar- ship, student* must be enrolled at Fresno Stat* . College with uppor division standing. Phrarerei Hold Maeting In Cafeteria TW»day Th* Fhratsrss will meet ta th* cat•teri* Thursday for a noon meat- lug. according to Maris WUilamS, prsslosat J
Object Description
Title | 1943_11 The Daily Collegian November 1943 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1943 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | November 2, 1943 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1943 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | ■ihiihu inp^^^N^p ■"■g A DABLE — WOBTH READ IN G - VOLUME THIRTY FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1943 Program Includes Single £ct Plays A fourth play to be given along with three other one nets his teen net for the nmt program of year from the Playhouse John W. Wright, head of the speech department, saja the addition of the fourth play was due to the length of the other three Two of the originally scheduled playi were too fbort to make a full nlng. be •aid, The plays will not be advertised under separate names, but will be combined under a title to be used for the entire evening. Student! wilt be admitted on their student body rards, and outsiders who wish to attend will be charged 50 cents plus tax Tbe program will run for two or three nights In the University Street Playhouse auditorium, the department head said Four such programs are planned for the year with a fifth progrum being a campus made movie of life nl the college Wnr activities of tbe college will be filmed as well us the regular campus activities. Speech majors will make the film its a class project and any expert- etned student not a speech major who wlshee to help may do so by contacting Wright Dexter Approves FSC Secondary A broadening of the curriculum of tho state colleges to the extent that they will be able to grant general high school credentials Is a plan advocated by Waller F Dexter, state superintendent of edit- As It now stands. Fresno Slate can granl a general elementary credential; but In order to leacb general subjects In high school, the student must take a graduate year of study at a university If the pl«n proposed by Dexter raises 1 he stale legislature, the student can lake, the extra year of study at the college and get bis ■legref instead of having to spend Frank \V Thomas, president of the college, says he thlnkr Iho plan a very applicable one because the state colleges can afford, to • give more time and training to the nppllcnnt for learner than Can tbe universities. Canteen Tickets Are In Post-office Boxes Oell Qulgley, In charge of signups for tbo canteen, said that tickets for the affair are In the boxes of the girls who heve signed up. Those girls who haven't paid for their blda must pay In the student president'! office by 4 o'clock Tuesday, or their tickets will be sold to someone else. Mitt Quigley said. A meeting will be held Thursday at i In tbe social ball of too union for all Ibe girl* who will attend ibe dance. Rally Committee To Present Assembly As College War Chfest Campaign Opens The war chest drive officially opened at the college yesterday, in an all-out campaign led by the rally committee under Chairman Frank Mesple. Members of the committee will continue to cover the campus every day through Friday, collecting donations and distributing raffle tickets. All < .asses will be excused Wednesday at 10 a. m. for a student meeting in the auditorium, •according to Betty Veale. bead of Rev* Small Speaks At Second Chapel Reverend Dwlghl Small, minister of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, will speak on "What Think Ye or the Christ?" al the second chapel service tomorrow at 11:40 In the Playhouse auditorium Hetty Pearson and Alice Kendall. In charge of cupel, suggested that the service be treated"as a welcome Reverend Small, who Is tin Fresno. They alio pointed out that ras suggested by a student as tbe chapel speaker. They said that suggestions as t ie speaker, type of mualc preferred, choice of hymn, or any otb- ort of criticism will be wel- m! The committee would appreciate these suggestions from the ludents, they declared, as chapel s a student activity, and should be planned by Ibe students. ss Pearson and Mlaa Kendall assure the students thai the chapel bell wl.ll ring at 12:35. and services start promptly at 11:40. end- it 12 56. Unsatisfactory Notices to Be Issued Tomorrow ib< Notices will be placed ioii'j tomorrow of students who ire doing unsatisfactory work, lounced Margaret Cosgrave, r I/mis Mudge. chairman of the committee on counseling and guld ce.erp, f stud* ipbaslied the Important udenis' going t their advls- s and their Instructors who send em notices to And out their dlffl illy In thai particular class. He Id especially the freshmen should go to their Instructors to see how they ran Improve their work If they receive unsatisfactory notices the assembly committee Captain Khalll, chaplain at Hammer Held, who has Just returned from overseas, will speak, .and a movie, "The Last Will and Testament of Tom Smith." will be shown. The Charm Chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Lyllls Lundkvlst, also will participate In the program, singing several numbers Including 'This ta My Country," "What Do They Do In the Infantry," and "American Prayer." The climax of the drive come Friday noon in front of the library when the raffle numbers will be drawn and more than $30 worth of merchandUt orders, haircuts and other prtiea. will holders of the lucky numbers Among the orders t< :lven out are $5 certificates good t Roos Bros, and Harry Coffee' 12 orders issued by Epstein's, Carter's Jewelry. Shilling Music Company, Helena Dress Shop, and Caev ner'a Drug Store, and fl certificates for the Eastern, Sherman Clay, and' George's Cleaners. Claude Amos and Red's Barber Shop have both promised hair cuts, and the Co-ed Beauty Shop will give a shampoo and wave. The National Shirt 9hop donated a shirt: the College Pharmacy, a box of stationery: and xttn'a Drug Store, a Ponds aet, lie Stewart Cleaners will clean a l or dress. The raffle haa been added only to stimulate interest In the drive.' Mesple emphasised. The whole idea la not trying for the raffle but contributing as much a* possible tin war fund." College Handbook To Be Distributed The Fresno State College Handbook-Directory will be distributed publication, have announced. Codies will be Issued tree to all owners or student body cards. To obtain a Handbook, students.must present their carde In- The Colleg- lon office any time after Friday. The publication will Include information about the alumni, annual events, AW8, boards, clubs, committees, employment, honor organ- tsatlona, library, medical office, music, publications, scholarships, sororities, songs, student body officers* and the atudent council. The name, address, home town, telephone number and academic year of each, student enrolled at Fresno State and the name, department, address and telephone Bomber of faculty member* are Hated. Fresno State Library Celebrates Book Week British Book Week was celebrat- I last week by a picturesque display In tbe four ahow cases In the Inner foyer of the library. This waa the first ta a series of book weeks representing the Allied Nations. Books on English history and avel, war time England, and British fiction, are shown. The display will be held over this week ao everyone will be able to aee It Newman Club to Meet For Religious Quiz The Newman Club will meet this evening In the coed lounge of tbe union aT 7:30. A religious qulx will be the feature of the evening. Dorothy Schrelber, publicity 1 ager. aska that everyone bring aa many religious "paper* and articles aa possible to the mealing a* they be distributed to the armed forces serving on foreign duty. Charm Chorus Begins Tours To Camp Roberts By Rosalie Leyden The Fresno Slate Charm Chorus •gait the seasons trips to Camp Roberts last week end by brighten lng up Hallowe'en for a group of homesick boys who lasi year were playing kid trlcka about their home i e were, put Into tbe Hallow- spirit Immediately upoc our arrival." said Mrs. Lyllla Lundkvlat. director of the chorus and associate professor of muilc aa the col lege. "Each girl waa-given a mask when we arrived at the D80. That night our hosts were the llth Infantry Battalion, only three week* in the army, and made up largely of eighteen year old boys." In anticipation of the week end parties, the men 'had decorated the recreation ball at the U80 with the traditional pumpklna, witch** and black cau, and not to be outdone by their entertalnen. embellished tbe-dlnner table with Hallowe'en favors and napkin*. The program waa varied from former year* by the addition of a •pedal sexlet, mad* Up of Shirley Acord. Ruth Aden. Claran Arthur, Nancy Melcholr, Marlon and Eleanor Houghton, who** particular bit of th* evening waa a awing version or "My Heart Stood Still." In their host* of Friday evening.'.Mrs. Lundkvlat said, the SJnd Battalion entertained them on Saturday. That* men were {CouiiwifJ 0* fit* F#*>) Faculty to Help At First Canteen Invitation* to the faculty meat and their wive* and faculty women who are to b* bus boys and **a- ior hostesses for th* Fresno Stat* College Canteen to b* given Friday night war* seat out by the Oaay t**n committee last week. Tbe boat***** are Mia* Mary C. Baker, dean of women, and at***" dames Wllma Wight, "*■»'"«■« of the group; Mrs. Helen Roarer, Mr*. Ruth Waterman. Mrs. Viola Moao- lay. Mrs. Lyllls Lundkvlst: Mr*. Mitchell P. Brigga. Mrs. E. V. Tan- ney, MrsMrthur C. Bafstrom, Mr*. John Sclebelhut. Mrs. Hubert. Phfl- ilps. Mrs. Emory Batcllff*. and Mrs Louis Mudge. " FACULTY BU3BOY8 Bus-boys for the evening will be' Dr. Frank W. Thomas, president of th* college; Dr. MlUjjsell P. Brigga, dean of men; Dr. E. V. Tennay, chairman of th* bus-boy committee. Dr. a. R. Lang. Dr. Looia Mudge. Dr. Hubert Phillip*. Mr. Emory Ratcllffe, Mr. Arthur F, Sal- atrom, and Mr. Joan Schlebelhot •• MEN WEAR APRON* Th* bus-boys and senior tin*li— es for each affair will bo a differ-. ent group of the faculty members. Th*. women will groat the men from Camp Pinedai*. and th* man will wear aprons and serve total tv the soldiers. [ . —<: Mr*. Wight has called a mirttJUf on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock In th* union of all th* glrla who have signed up for the first COB- affair. Th* jfurpoee of the m**t» lng la to Inform the girl* of certain rule* which will be followed at ail of the cant—n*. Award Applicants | File By Thursday Applications for the Louis Qua- ; delBnger Memorial award tor SIM i must be In th* hand* of th* ache*- * arahlp committee by Thursday. Dr. . 1 Kenneth Potter, chairman Of tin 3 committee, said today.. Application forma may sa e*> :4J tained from th* chairman la hi* office, rod.m 111A. OntJeill j blank*, together with letter* of recommendation, must be returnod to I Dr. Potter not later than Thar*- f day. . Th* grant haa been made avail- ' able by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qutaa j and family of Fresno fa *< agent* ' who embody good cMllllalbln-lm a dignified but unobtrusiv* moaner. It waa awarded to Chariest Rogers. * sen lor. last spring* but Bog- * was subsequently eailed to active duty sad unable to aooopt th* . • grant. To be -eligible for the scholar- ship, student* must be enrolled at Fresno Stat* . College with uppor division standing. Phrarerei Hold Maeting In Cafeteria TW»day Th* Fhratsrss will meet ta th* cat•teri* Thursday for a noon meat- lug. according to Maris WUilamS, prsslosat J |