May 5, 1944 Pg 1 |
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Mesple, 9 Others Run for 5 Offices Of Siudent Body The last minute filing: of a petition for Frank Mesple for student president brought the total of candidates .running •for student body offices to ten. All nominees were Introduced at a special assembly Wednr-sday. Elecllona-wllI he held Wednesday. Lenore"|B.eck, chairman of the election committee, announced, with a revote. if needed, next Friday. A atudent body card will be necessary for voting, and the elec- tlona win take place from 8 to 4 In tbe union foyer. MESPLE A SOPHOMORE Frank Meaple. a sophomore, and member or tbe former Zela Mu frn, temlty. Is the only candidate for the office of atudent president. He has been weilye In Piaybouae pro- ductlone. la the publicity committee- bead for tbe college Red Cross chapter, and waa rally committee chairman taat aemeater..' Elisabeth Arrant*. Omega XI Omlcron. Triple 8. WAA. AWS; Sara Sager, Delta Kappa, Triple g, WAA. election committee; Murrell Pannelt. Zeta Mu. Piaybouae productions; and Betty Veale, rally and canteen commltteea. are tbe four candldatea vying for the position of atudent body vice prealdent. 3 RUN FOR SECRETARY Two sophomores and a Junior are lo the race for atudent body, aee- retary. They are Helen Bertkeju Delta Kappa. Triple 3, WAA. Piaybouae productions: Carolyn Beck- ley. Sigma PhtOamma; and Jean Barger. Alpha Theta, Triple 8, rally committee, aoclal chairman of AW8. \ The tone atudent running for men's legislative commissioner la Cordon Walrath, who holds the po sit!on now and la up for re-election. Walrath. a Zeta Mu. la a member of the rally committee. Junior, claaa prealdent. and Red Creaa treasurer. Also a jingle candidate, Juanlta Brawn ta running for tbe poattlon of .publications * commissioner. A Pal Chi Iota member, she alee'la new* editor of The Collegian, and baa been active In Piaybouae production* CAMPAIQN COSTS " Campaign expenses, according tb Miss,Heck, must not exceed f IS for atudent prealdent. S10 for other one-year offices, and $5 for one-e«v master offices. Also, the chairman {CenlMeJ, en Page Pour) SHADY GULCH SMOOCH—A bunch of the social crowd oi Shady Gulch gather around to suporvise ihe romantic mectnderings of Iwo anonymous personages in their midst. Reading front lefl to right,* Ihe identifiable ones are Karl Buckman of the social science depctrtmenL -^Murrell Pannell, Bud Scherb, and Frank Mesple. Red Cross Gains Over $400 at Play The college unit of the American Red Cross received a total cOntrl ■ butlon of 1138.91 from tbe money ' taken in at "Cry Havoc." i Ticket sales, excluding tax*, amounted to $334.42. and donations made between acta totaled 3104.49. J. W. Wright, head of the speech department, aald. "The Piaybouae la grateful for* the support that made It poaelble for in to do a bit for the Red Croat through 'Cry Havoc'." "It alao ta pleaalng that the public felt this waa one of the moat auecesafu] plays In the history Of tbe Playhouse." Ha further Indicated that It may be possible for the play to tour In the fall, for the scenery was constructed with that la mind. COUSSJAN "READABLE —WORTH BEADING" VOL. XXXI ^FRESNO, CALTFQRNIA, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1944 PERSONNEL VARIED The preaent e _ orcheatra axceeda W ■ college students, e dlers .staking up about equal Ulrgs. Berdahl aald that with the ttttaV er in membership (rue te Tarloae raaawftNta* brass -*)■***-■• eg the - orcheatra has Increased taa*M ttse cago asrmpheoy Oreheetrs, la tbe Ruth Folmar la Use stodeat asawort Ruth Reiman To Present Recital Ruth Reiman, aoprano. assisted by Barbara Willis, plan/at, will pro- sent a voice recital tomorrow at 8:30 In the University Street Playhouse Anyone Interested may at- *«H. - . . • The program, divided into five parts. Includes: a "O aleep, why doat thou leave me?" Handel; "Deh vlenl, non larder" (from "The Marriage of Flga- )'. Moxart; "Alleluia" (from the Motet "Exeultate, Jublllnte").-Moxart. ■ - Recitative: "And God aald. Let the earth"; Air: "With verdure clad" (from "The, Creation"), Haydn. . "Wohlnr (Whither*). 8chu- ; "Die Krabe"'(Tbe Raven), Schubert: . "ITngedtild" (Imp*- JJsujaHT). Schubert. J IV. "Cbarmant paplllon." Gam- ire: "J'al pleure en reve.VHue; Lo Bonheur eat chose legere," Balnt-Saeha; "Conaella a Nina," Wekerlllk >, "8cheixo In B Minor. Op. SO" Chopin, by Mlsa Willi.. be aleep that flits on baby'a eyea.". Carpenter; "A Paatoral" ffrom "Roaallnda"). Veraclni; "The Buckle." till**; "tirer-n Branches. Hart. Oreen Back to Barn in Shady .Gulch Is Dance Theme Nine Men Join Honorary Group Nine near members were Initiated Into the Blue Key, men's honorary organisation, laat week. The Initiates were BUI Klsllng. Gordon Walrath. Frank Meaple. Daren NelkJrk. Oene Coleman, Bob Bennett, Lei and Heaves. Leonard Rowel I. and Don Bolt. Dr. E. V. Tenney, Blue Key alumnus, presided over the Initiation ceremony. Bob Winaler la tbe only returning member of the organisation. Alumni preaent were Dr. Frank W. Thomaa, college president; Prank Honinn. former Fresno mayor; Dr. Mitchell P. Brlgga. dean of men; Dr. Loula Mudge, Earl Wight. Arthur Satatrom. and Dr. Tenney. officer* elected at the meeting were Bennett prealdent; aad Net klrk. secretary treasurer. The group will meet Friday noons In the cafeteria. Activities, planned by the Blue Key Included assisting the outside team* at the West Coast Relays, helping at graduation eierclses, and assisting at open house. Omega Formal Initiation Held at Eberhait Home The formal Initiation or the Omega XI Omlcron sorority waa held Monday night at the home of Jackie Ebcrhart on McKinley Avenue. Following the 'ceremony, plans ere made for the sorority's presentation tea to be held on Sunday, May 31. Refreshments were served by Malra Leach aad Miss Eberhart alter the meeting. Tbe newly Initiated members are Barbara Caatleberry. Betty Caug -hell. Harriet Cochrane, Mary Loo Frymlre. Role Gerard. Reglna Hill. Ida Marie Hlllmsn, Alberta Klebl. Marie Kauffung. Barbara Oberer. Aelene Johnson, and Jackie Reed. Affair Wi« Be rMd From 9 to 12 in Union AH of the atmosphere of "Shady Gulch" will be included in the barn dance to morrow night from 9 to 12 o'clock In the union. 'Bids to the dance are 90 cents a couple, tase, of which mast I member of tbe stud eat body. Available today at the booth on the front lawn or from a.tally committee member, the bios alao w111 be sold at the door. SKIT TO Bg PRESENTED . A skit preaeiitad by Don Levy, Mtettgy Wade, Frank Meaple. Mar- rell Paaaett and company, will fee given during the Intermission, The evening's entertainment alao will feature some group «i«srtitg Dane! ng wl 11 be in the socla] hall aad the patio throughout the evening to the music of a local orcheatra. Cokes wiu .be oa sate la the committee and faculty rooms, turned Into the "Shady Oulch Ba- BUCKMAN SPONSORS Bponaor tor the barn dance Is to' be Karl Bticaman. aoclal eel department teacher. -Kids, you aaked for a ban dance, so hare It la Just aa prom- ished. Tirls will be the only one this semester so come on out aad have a real good time with us,' stated Clare Weymouth, rally com mlttee chalrmaa. ' Symphony Tickets Musi Be Reserved Today af College Today Is the last day that tickets for tbe sovanth cslbv piu concert, featuring tho symphony orchestra, art* available In tbe college bookstore. This srtsrnoon at-4 they still be taJtea to Nat Cohans auado • Lore for the benefit of Use towae- The tickets are free, hot aUlsseeta are reserved. Students with atudent body cards may have aa many ticket* aa they wish. Arthur 0. Ber- dahl. head of the music dlpaitaOSast of the o " Bob Bennett win be tie Iwetared aar-rttfe t AWS Petitions To Be Circulated Election petitions for AWB e«"- irs for next year, will be law** from Deaa Mary Baker's offtoe a*4 the AW8 office tdeerUitlag Mag ►. Virtu Daek. sloetioa maaagar eg , uounced today. Tbe petitions \ May S te Mag 13, and i algned aad returned to Miss Baser by- 4 p. as. May it.. Seven elective offices ta AWB are open. Tbey are president rkse- • president,' secretary. treaustiTer, kse- tortaa, election manager, and ptab- Uelty chairman. The election win be beM May IT In tbe union foyer, aad t"rT*-*,iit1»**i of officers will follow oa May 13 at aa open meeting for all worn ass ato- 18 Join Ranks Of FSC Scholars Eighteen new members hava been elected and Initiated into Tbe Key. tbe honorary society for upper dlvlaloa students, Tbe new members are Doria At- klnsoa. ' Bob Bennett, Wllma araeecb. Marilyn Haaner, Caar- totte Hardin. 8ua HsnilSSSsa Frmces Ksrou. Margaret a*es*JMi Lorraine M.rlln. Elisabeth Pearson, Wilton Rlckels. Anita RpsesrS. Virginia Scheldt. Wanda Tears, Anne Thurston. Dorothy "nicker, Betty Whit ten. and Kathariae Wlb
Object Description
Title | 1944_05 The Daily Collegian May 1944 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | May 5, 1944 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1944 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Mesple, 9 Others Run for 5 Offices Of Siudent Body The last minute filing: of a petition for Frank Mesple for student president brought the total of candidates .running •for student body offices to ten. All nominees were Introduced at a special assembly Wednr-sday. Elecllona-wllI he held Wednesday. Lenore"|B.eck, chairman of the election committee, announced, with a revote. if needed, next Friday. A atudent body card will be necessary for voting, and the elec- tlona win take place from 8 to 4 In tbe union foyer. MESPLE A SOPHOMORE Frank Meaple. a sophomore, and member or tbe former Zela Mu frn, temlty. Is the only candidate for the office of atudent president. He has been weilye In Piaybouae pro- ductlone. la the publicity committee- bead for tbe college Red Cross chapter, and waa rally committee chairman taat aemeater..' Elisabeth Arrant*. Omega XI Omlcron. Triple 8. WAA. AWS; Sara Sager, Delta Kappa, Triple g, WAA. election committee; Murrell Pannelt. Zeta Mu. Piaybouae productions; and Betty Veale, rally and canteen commltteea. are tbe four candldatea vying for the position of atudent body vice prealdent. 3 RUN FOR SECRETARY Two sophomores and a Junior are lo the race for atudent body, aee- retary. They are Helen Bertkeju Delta Kappa. Triple 3, WAA. Piaybouae productions: Carolyn Beck- ley. Sigma PhtOamma; and Jean Barger. Alpha Theta, Triple 8, rally committee, aoclal chairman of AW8. \ The tone atudent running for men's legislative commissioner la Cordon Walrath, who holds the po sit!on now and la up for re-election. Walrath. a Zeta Mu. la a member of the rally committee. Junior, claaa prealdent. and Red Creaa treasurer. Also a jingle candidate, Juanlta Brawn ta running for tbe poattlon of .publications * commissioner. A Pal Chi Iota member, she alee'la new* editor of The Collegian, and baa been active In Piaybouae production* CAMPAIQN COSTS " Campaign expenses, according tb Miss,Heck, must not exceed f IS for atudent prealdent. S10 for other one-year offices, and $5 for one-e«v master offices. Also, the chairman {CenlMeJ, en Page Pour) SHADY GULCH SMOOCH—A bunch of the social crowd oi Shady Gulch gather around to suporvise ihe romantic mectnderings of Iwo anonymous personages in their midst. Reading front lefl to right,* Ihe identifiable ones are Karl Buckman of the social science depctrtmenL -^Murrell Pannell, Bud Scherb, and Frank Mesple. Red Cross Gains Over $400 at Play The college unit of the American Red Cross received a total cOntrl ■ butlon of 1138.91 from tbe money ' taken in at "Cry Havoc." i Ticket sales, excluding tax*, amounted to $334.42. and donations made between acta totaled 3104.49. J. W. Wright, head of the speech department, aald. "The Piaybouae la grateful for* the support that made It poaelble for in to do a bit for the Red Croat through 'Cry Havoc'." "It alao ta pleaalng that the public felt this waa one of the moat auecesafu] plays In the history Of tbe Playhouse." Ha further Indicated that It may be possible for the play to tour In the fall, for the scenery was constructed with that la mind. COUSSJAN "READABLE —WORTH BEADING" VOL. XXXI ^FRESNO, CALTFQRNIA, FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1944 PERSONNEL VARIED The preaent e _ orcheatra axceeda W ■ college students, e dlers .staking up about equal Ulrgs. Berdahl aald that with the ttttaV er in membership (rue te Tarloae raaawftNta* brass -*)■***-■• eg the - orcheatra has Increased taa*M ttse cago asrmpheoy Oreheetrs, la tbe Ruth Folmar la Use stodeat asawort Ruth Reiman To Present Recital Ruth Reiman, aoprano. assisted by Barbara Willis, plan/at, will pro- sent a voice recital tomorrow at 8:30 In the University Street Playhouse Anyone Interested may at- *«H. - . . • The program, divided into five parts. Includes: a "O aleep, why doat thou leave me?" Handel; "Deh vlenl, non larder" (from "The Marriage of Flga- )'. Moxart; "Alleluia" (from the Motet "Exeultate, Jublllnte").-Moxart. ■ - Recitative: "And God aald. Let the earth"; Air: "With verdure clad" (from "The, Creation"), Haydn. . "Wohlnr (Whither*). 8chu- ; "Die Krabe"'(Tbe Raven), Schubert: . "ITngedtild" (Imp*- JJsujaHT). Schubert. J IV. "Cbarmant paplllon." Gam- ire: "J'al pleure en reve.VHue; Lo Bonheur eat chose legere," Balnt-Saeha; "Conaella a Nina," Wekerlllk >, "8cheixo In B Minor. Op. SO" Chopin, by Mlsa Willi.. be aleep that flits on baby'a eyea.". Carpenter; "A Paatoral" ffrom "Roaallnda"). Veraclni; "The Buckle." till**; "tirer-n Branches. Hart. Oreen Back to Barn in Shady .Gulch Is Dance Theme Nine Men Join Honorary Group Nine near members were Initiated Into the Blue Key, men's honorary organisation, laat week. The Initiates were BUI Klsllng. Gordon Walrath. Frank Meaple. Daren NelkJrk. Oene Coleman, Bob Bennett, Lei and Heaves. Leonard Rowel I. and Don Bolt. Dr. E. V. Tenney, Blue Key alumnus, presided over the Initiation ceremony. Bob Winaler la tbe only returning member of the organisation. Alumni preaent were Dr. Frank W. Thomaa, college president; Prank Honinn. former Fresno mayor; Dr. Mitchell P. Brlgga. dean of men; Dr. Loula Mudge, Earl Wight. Arthur Satatrom. and Dr. Tenney. officer* elected at the meeting were Bennett prealdent; aad Net klrk. secretary treasurer. The group will meet Friday noons In the cafeteria. Activities, planned by the Blue Key Included assisting the outside team* at the West Coast Relays, helping at graduation eierclses, and assisting at open house. Omega Formal Initiation Held at Eberhait Home The formal Initiation or the Omega XI Omlcron sorority waa held Monday night at the home of Jackie Ebcrhart on McKinley Avenue. Following the 'ceremony, plans ere made for the sorority's presentation tea to be held on Sunday, May 31. Refreshments were served by Malra Leach aad Miss Eberhart alter the meeting. Tbe newly Initiated members are Barbara Caatleberry. Betty Caug -hell. Harriet Cochrane, Mary Loo Frymlre. Role Gerard. Reglna Hill. Ida Marie Hlllmsn, Alberta Klebl. Marie Kauffung. Barbara Oberer. Aelene Johnson, and Jackie Reed. Affair Wi« Be rMd From 9 to 12 in Union AH of the atmosphere of "Shady Gulch" will be included in the barn dance to morrow night from 9 to 12 o'clock In the union. 'Bids to the dance are 90 cents a couple, tase, of which mast I member of tbe stud eat body. Available today at the booth on the front lawn or from a.tally committee member, the bios alao w111 be sold at the door. SKIT TO Bg PRESENTED . A skit preaeiitad by Don Levy, Mtettgy Wade, Frank Meaple. Mar- rell Paaaett and company, will fee given during the Intermission, The evening's entertainment alao will feature some group «i«srtitg Dane! ng wl 11 be in the socla] hall aad the patio throughout the evening to the music of a local orcheatra. Cokes wiu .be oa sate la the committee and faculty rooms, turned Into the "Shady Oulch Ba- BUCKMAN SPONSORS Bponaor tor the barn dance Is to' be Karl Bticaman. aoclal eel department teacher. -Kids, you aaked for a ban dance, so hare It la Just aa prom- ished. Tirls will be the only one this semester so come on out aad have a real good time with us,' stated Clare Weymouth, rally com mlttee chalrmaa. ' Symphony Tickets Musi Be Reserved Today af College Today Is the last day that tickets for tbe sovanth cslbv piu concert, featuring tho symphony orchestra, art* available In tbe college bookstore. This srtsrnoon at-4 they still be taJtea to Nat Cohans auado • Lore for the benefit of Use towae- The tickets are free, hot aUlsseeta are reserved. Students with atudent body cards may have aa many ticket* aa they wish. Arthur 0. Ber- dahl. head of the music dlpaitaOSast of the o " Bob Bennett win be tie Iwetared aar-rttfe t AWS Petitions To Be Circulated Election petitions for AWB e«"- irs for next year, will be law** from Deaa Mary Baker's offtoe a*4 the AW8 office tdeerUitlag Mag ►. Virtu Daek. sloetioa maaagar eg , uounced today. Tbe petitions \ May S te Mag 13, and i algned aad returned to Miss Baser by- 4 p. as. May it.. Seven elective offices ta AWB are open. Tbey are president rkse- • president,' secretary. treaustiTer, kse- tortaa, election manager, and ptab- Uelty chairman. The election win be beM May IT In tbe union foyer, aad t"rT*-*,iit1»**i of officers will follow oa May 13 at aa open meeting for all worn ass ato- 18 Join Ranks Of FSC Scholars Eighteen new members hava been elected and Initiated into Tbe Key. tbe honorary society for upper dlvlaloa students, Tbe new members are Doria At- klnsoa. ' Bob Bennett, Wllma araeecb. Marilyn Haaner, Caar- totte Hardin. 8ua HsnilSSSsa Frmces Ksrou. Margaret a*es*JMi Lorraine M.rlln. Elisabeth Pearson, Wilton Rlckels. Anita RpsesrS. Virginia Scheldt. Wanda Tears, Anne Thurston. Dorothy "nicker, Betty Whit ten. and Kathariae Wlb |