October 2, 1936 Pg 1 |
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Social Or Mon'm-irl RUSHING RULES OFFRATERNITIES ARE ANNOUNCER '"fetved "WATERS HAY|Monday_bSet- m, ol iho-e <"** "*"'*' whlch Individual Fraternities Vote Un- w, come unleM Ihe worn n 1 anlmously to Adopt Suggest „ do In a" probability .he nm ions of Inter-Fraternity _„, «DI follow later with the men. IN EFFECT UNTIL OCT. 27 Restrictions Govern Breaking of Pledges and Wearing of Pins £ group, much more .erlously Before Pledging ** 7,"e,rr>hlit','.h.th'lned»0 .'holud Rules governing the activities K Iret up 1» ">• *** '""""' *"* of the six campus fraternities «. 1. re.lly no reison for It llnce during the current rushing sea „ soclil "f- I" •** orginlMllons 1. son were announced yesterday a erpected lo be » very lira* part by Dr. .Mitchell P. Briggs, dean wlltge .If*. of men. The rules will remain in effect until October 27, the last %i::*zz:::t;bz day of rushing. Final action on the rule* was taken by the individual fraterni ties after they had been drawn lone shout It although in iltempt Illegal pitdtlng list l.me.l.r. r *oi tnester. The ir.dlt- K,er will be say en forcemeat of th. nrU-nTband^r,!!1 Tuesday Evening GO TO LINFIELD : TOURNAMENT McGrew Outlines Extensive Junior College and Varsity For- ensics Program for 1936-7 M A Y MEET STANFORD » snd. I Local Arguers May Uphold Roo- ,. com-1 feve|, Administration Against 'mine. R*P«l>licans From Palo Alto d that ■*" extensive forensic program it lei.t j which may again include partic.- in the Linfield College, Round-the-World Reporters Aboard Zepp Hindenburg (Oregon) Debate Tournament, was outlined for members qf college argumentation classes yesterday, by J. Fred McGrew, col- !•■.-, iltlinte coach. Included in Ihe proposed pro- radio debate with .,_-, „. HAWKINS FACES Distribution Date „.**„-, - ,„ »-**- For HandbooksJlCKELS IN RACE DSS^r~SjF0R FINANCE JOB ee*iy° ™T-.^n^d™ T.TLr»\°""r J»"«lson Withdraws From r free to e.ery student prrseming .1 Battle in Favor of Fraternity idem body eird j Brother, John Hawkins hiding mine. o. the .ludem body ELECTION WEDNESDAY leers, li ilso contains a .ch-dui- oi j Speculation High As to How Fra- Ires.™ nT.eleVhone'numb-'r I'Te- \ •*"•'>*'*** Will Stand at Special registered member of the atud.ni' Election The hindbooki ire luued only a** When the special election, for ■ pre.ent.tlon of .ludem body a new Commissioner of Finance .e'itien- ^rtT** ""t" ■'a'.AT, n I'" hC'd "CXt Wednesda>'. U *ritt Iter ed'ltoV * "'"*'" * '" y*; be a battle between Loren Nick- 'eLs and John Hawkins for the post as the announcement came early this week that Oliver Jamison had withdrawn and Haw- Soph Vigilantes Of Hazing Period Sophs Strike "Queening" From] List of Legal Frosh Activilie>. "'■ Hazing Starts Officiallv Mon.
Object Description
Title | 1936_10 The Daily Collegian October 1936 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1936 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State |
Coverage | Vol.1,no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Title | October 2, 1936 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1936 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State |
Coverage | Vol.1,no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Full-Text-Search | Social Or Mon'm-irl RUSHING RULES OFFRATERNITIES ARE ANNOUNCER '"fetved "WATERS HAY|Monday_bSet- m, ol iho-e <"** "*"'*' whlch Individual Fraternities Vote Un- w, come unleM Ihe worn n 1 anlmously to Adopt Suggest „ do In a" probability .he nm ions of Inter-Fraternity _„, «DI follow later with the men. IN EFFECT UNTIL OCT. 27 Restrictions Govern Breaking of Pledges and Wearing of Pins £ group, much more .erlously Before Pledging ** 7,"e,rr>hlit','.h.th'lned»0 .'holud Rules governing the activities K Iret up 1» ">• *** '""""' *"* of the six campus fraternities «. 1. re.lly no reison for It llnce during the current rushing sea „ soclil "f- I" •** orginlMllons 1. son were announced yesterday a erpected lo be » very lira* part by Dr. .Mitchell P. Briggs, dean wlltge .If*. of men. The rules will remain in effect until October 27, the last %i::*zz:::t;bz day of rushing. Final action on the rule* was taken by the individual fraterni ties after they had been drawn lone shout It although in iltempt Illegal pitdtlng list l.me.l.r. r *oi tnester. The ir.dlt- K,er will be say en forcemeat of th. nrU-nTband^r,!!1 Tuesday Evening GO TO LINFIELD : TOURNAMENT McGrew Outlines Extensive Junior College and Varsity For- ensics Program for 1936-7 M A Y MEET STANFORD » snd. I Local Arguers May Uphold Roo- ,. com-1 feve|, Administration Against 'mine. R*P«l>licans From Palo Alto d that ■*" extensive forensic program it lei.t j which may again include partic.- in the Linfield College, Round-the-World Reporters Aboard Zepp Hindenburg (Oregon) Debate Tournament, was outlined for members qf college argumentation classes yesterday, by J. Fred McGrew, col- !•■.-, iltlinte coach. Included in Ihe proposed pro- radio debate with .,_-, „. HAWKINS FACES Distribution Date „.**„-, - ,„ »-**- For HandbooksJlCKELS IN RACE DSS^r~SjF0R FINANCE JOB ee*iy° ™T-.^n^d™ T.TLr»\°""r J»"«lson Withdraws From r free to e.ery student prrseming .1 Battle in Favor of Fraternity idem body eird j Brother, John Hawkins hiding mine. o. the .ludem body ELECTION WEDNESDAY leers, li ilso contains a .ch-dui- oi j Speculation High As to How Fra- Ires.™ nT.eleVhone'numb-'r I'Te- \ •*"•'>*'*** Will Stand at Special registered member of the atud.ni' Election The hindbooki ire luued only a** When the special election, for ■ pre.ent.tlon of .ludem body a new Commissioner of Finance .e'itien- ^rtT** ""t" ■'a'.AT, n I'" hC'd "CXt Wednesda>'. U *ritt Iter ed'ltoV * "'"*'" * '" y*; be a battle between Loren Nick- 'eLs and John Hawkins for the post as the announcement came early this week that Oliver Jamison had withdrawn and Haw- Soph Vigilantes Of Hazing Period Sophs Strike "Queening" From] List of Legal Frosh Activilie>. "'■ Hazing Starts Officiallv Mon. |