October 1, 1963 Pg 2 |
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-Tho Fresno State College CoMegkH | NEEDLEWORK by Thalia What To Do'Til The Professor Comes should ******* tt was oaly laat week—the varteea unpleasant aad confused sensation. Involved ta the flrat day of classes* The weird feellag whoa yotl walk Into a roomful of On tbe ftnt day there ara no hooka to plunge your not-too-eager nose Into Well, you could whip out a notebook and begin writing copious memo* te yourself, or fi comment! about the people la tho deska In front of yoa. You'd look Tho got eaa next to you catch** your revolted eye. How thla oae ever managed to navigate Into an upper dlr—ton claaa rem—as myatery kaowa oaly to tho god*. A tiny forehead, a damp, p* noee. eye* Ilk* raisin* (no offense Intended. Fre.aoi a thin iti of talt.a trailing down the all nonexlatent chin . . . then you re allte It'* yoar own beat friend, who la .simultaneou.ly in the act of With glad crlet you fall each other* neck, safe at 1 from thlt wonderland of .trange beings Trading inldo remark* ^Hat your fellow—en. you settle ly . . . _-__. "odd."ehalf woTey? | JJJj _"**** ******* ** Ot course, on the flrat day tho L A> element of suspense makes dlffl nM (o|i cult t reasonably good job of out ■uavlnc your rlaiamatee. You wonder If the prof It the type to' who're going to be tbe tho claaa. You are both obvlouily superior to the average Neanderthal ^M~~ Then awoop* In the great and you glare at all tho typos g_________________— probably had the prof before M*!***-• ****** 0",h" ■**_** *" already made the reqi ber of point. Grrr! In fact, hardest bunch to take on the flrat day out There they sit In a tight little knot, whooping It up about some fool thing that happened last semeater when they were member, of the ftvored few You feel .lightly ilrk. and wonder why you ever signed up for t lecture elaaa In political chemistry But thla la a little ahead of ourselves Tbe whole traumatic situation begins when you walk t casual expression plat-1 —]om« -ak< quired reading, ta ihe door to the pulpit, charging through the first week's assign ment while depositing book, and paper*, and plunging ahead with hi. lecture before you've even been able to get your jaw back In IU socket. Or. aa aa alternative, while you're yakklng It up about what a drag the elaaa It going to be and what a hopeless soul you hear the Instructor Is. a raggy little man shuffles spologetlcally past You make a few unkind remark! about adult ttudenti. But the tered painfully acroat your puss. You wtlk In. untble to see a thing aad afraid to look very closely anyway Somehow you sense aa empty desk—always la th* flrat row or tho laat—aad tilde Into It. peering through yosw oyo- laahe* at your class—at**. What a scroungy. lackluster group of dullards! Tho females either hav* mouao-colored glass** aad brightly-colored hook* or brightly-colored face* aad mouse- Homocommg Ptora 'Arte*: fxtkT Committee Signups Are neat building applications aad gaeea aomlaoo eatrioa for homecoming actlvltlea are available today In the atudent pro-deaf* office, next to th* book *tora. Queen application, ara da* Oct. 11 and float applications ar* due Oct. tl. Homecoming la Nov. IS against th* Saa Dtogo Stato College Aiteet. The theme it Fall of tho Attec Empire. The current queen. Jackie Blen, wbo la alao Mlaa Fraono County. Four New Nations Band Head Send Students r Nee. 1 will crown her during a aooa tlato Th* now quo*n will rolga daring tho downtown parade afternoon of th* gam* aag that evening during activities and at th* Likes Post However, th* alumni tatocia- lon recommsnded that a sepa- be formed to or- epreoented by foreign studenU • tending Fresno State College Although final flgurea hare aot beea relea**d. British Guiana. Kenya. Nigeria, and Tahiti are the new countries represented on the Approximately ISO foreign atu dents. Including 20 graduate atu- a. are attending FSC this yoar. Most of the foreign itu • are tranafen from either Freano City College or other Jun- r college! within the vicinity. Not quite fifty per cent of the w itudentt came directly from elr home country. Many of em muat receive permiaalon om their country to attend achool oversea! and some govern- ti will not permit a student to leave If they can study the • subjects In one of their own schools. Of < OS his timid way I a teary voice tht. Engl"*** A Still H<IS 35 e professor Vacancies In Class nobody even hears ' A total of J 5 opening* for Eng- hlm for five mlnutet and then body believe* him anyway. After thl. lent thaa Impreaalve beginning, the year ahead look* a whole lot like purgatory Funny, though, at the end of tho **ma*t*r all the sog* aad drag* appear to have dropped the course, leaving a roomful of iparkllng wits, good llth A In all section! are now available, according to Robert M. O'Nell. aaatttant profeeeor of English. Students on the waiting list j%hoald first sign up in the English department and then file any necessary program changes wtth the registrar's office. O'Nell stressed that students will bo accepted oa 4 first come. "I'm looking forward to a woo- dorful year of directing the finest and largeat FSC band." aald Dr. John H Martin, now bead Martin It teaching for hit second year at Freano State College. Last year ho uught music and education course*. He earned his bachelor's tnd maater'i degree* from Ohio State Cnlvei-lty and hla doctorate In education and music from the University of Arliona. He it alao a graduate of the US Army School of Music Fori Myer. Virginia. Martin haa played professionally in many countries. Clarinet and other woodwind Inatrumenti tre hit major specialty He haa been a gueat band conductor for the US Army Band and many unlveralty bands Including the Unlveralty of Arliona. Art*ona SUte Unlveralty. Ohio State Unlveralty and Ohio University. Young Republicans To Hear Walter Judd Former Congressman Walter H. Judd. the keynote apeaker at the 1960 Republican National Convention, will speak at 2 PM today In Industrial Arts 101. Hla talk la cosponaored by the Freano State Young Republicans and the campus clearing house. event waa becoming too much of burden to be tagged oato tho PR commltto*. The executive committee under lsst yoar'* atudent body prealdent. Jerry TahaJUa. agreed wtth the ^^^^^^^^^^■1 Sudan Visitors Seek To Stay |-< T—i commit—o will hold I PM la th* Alpha G ternlty House. The a Include Pam Everaoa. publicity Dennla Salffen. parade; Marth Munday. week actlvltlea: Sal roburn. committee secretary: Jim Conner, queen .election. I—juar I'ryor. tea. and Patty Sanbor luncheon Ito homecoming dance hi und. auaptcea of tho rally eon. Teaching Applications Must Be Filed Credential candidates are required to file an admlaalon appll cation, according to Mr*. Char- lotte Dtthlan. secretary of the education office 'Applications should be made In Edaeatlon-P.ychology 110 not later than the second ten tho aophomore ye*# OH-MI who oator rac at th* ond of their **ph*m*r* yoar ahould apply oa Mr*. DUhlaa atated tran.fer Juniors, seniors, or graduate nudes- ahould apply prior to en Tho credential application en- | dentUI program candidacy to de- I termlne the ttudenti quallf ica- | tlont for the teaching profession. Studenta muat fill out a separate application for each type of 1 credential desired. Mrs. Dtshlaa ' slad acceptable standards muat be maintained throughout the col- logo career of the atudent Future teacher* mutt meet tho following minimum requirement! which apply for acceptance to all typo* ef credential program*: aca demic aptitude, scholarship, pro- fossloaal aptitude, language us- [ age. .physical fitness, personality and character, many-tided Interest*, and general fitness for teaching. FSC requires scholarship sttn- dardi of a 2 15 grade-point average for a kindergarten-primary, general elementary, or apodal secondary credential, and a ISO average for a junior high or general secondary credential The language uaage examination given by FSC conatsta of an oral aad a written section. Both examinations must be compl before tho student begin* atu- Former Editor Describes Tour Of Europe _r aaa01 mu Fresno 8tate College li able to boast maay dl*ting—abed alumni which "make good" aad Included among thoae la Carolyn Oray. 1*11 graduate and former Colle-; gian editor. MM* Oray la now assistant tho womeai aew* editor of the Palo Alto Time*. She atarted hor journal 1st le rant two yoara ago oa tho Pmtwmst City Tribune aed paper tho Time* Mlaa Oray hat Just returned from a two month sUy In Europe whore tho toured nli by automobile "The moat memorable part of the trip wore the Parry Seeks Seniors ror Class Committee Applications for participation oa tho ae——r claaa executive co mlttee are available today In t atudent pre—deaf* office. r roturalng t * U Oct. 11. ■•trior actlvltlea aad wad te work oa tho c Id Jim Perry 1 aald Mlaa Oray. "They are juat like people everywhere. I had read a lot about the anti-American reeling over there but wt found very little of thlt. People went out of their way to be nice to ut." According to Mlaa Oray aa ex citing part of the trip waa tht FloaU De San Fermin In Pamplona. Spain. Thl* it th* running of th* bulli which la doacrtbod by Erneat Hemingway In bla novel. TO* On -too rXtmem. "A aot hor exciting part of the trip." aald Mlaa Oray. "waa fact that I got food potaoalng la Porta, waa hit by a ear In Florence, aad foil off a amall alp It gwttscriaad." While at FBC Mta* Oray waa a tabor of Tokaloa. Kappa Alpha Theta. aad president of tho Asso- n StudenU. — FtiSNO DRIVE-IN THEATERS — ■OX OffK_ OPfNS *-0 — SHOW AT 7:00 PS STARUTE | MOONGLO SWOtD OF LANCELOT JSAM WA—A—I aao-u wiist Wes "o-o or Hie V—I"" "JOHNNY COOT nt The written English test will bo given three times during the fall semester. Oct. I. Nov. 13. and Jan. 7. According to Mrs. Dish Ian the teat will bo given at 4 PM tn Science 121. Studenta havo two chance, to paaa the Engllah teat, and following the second failure will be required to enroll In Engllah 71. Mr*. Diahlan said 10 per cent was a panting mark. Future teacher, muat paat a special phy.ical examination by the itudent health service. This examination muat be approved before admlaalon to a credential program Is granted. Eight Sudan educators enrolled at Fresno SUte Colleg* aa part of the Sudan Educational Project are hoping to stay an additional one aemeater In thla country ao they caa earn masters' degree*. Df Kenneth Meeks. campus coordinator for the project, requested the Sudan government last week through official channel! In Waahtngton. DC. to grant the additional time "We think they'll do It." aald Meekt. "but tbe decision has to bo made by the ministry of education In Sudan" Some of the six men and two l^romen from Sudan brought their families along. One educator's wife recently gave birth In Fresno to a daughter. Under t'nlted 8Utea law. the child I* entitled to American cltlxenthlp. The father It Mohamed El Oaddal. a history Instructor The other atudenta are Axxle Karrar Mohamed. home eeo- nomlca; Kamal Ibrahim Shakkak. geography; Huaseln Bayouml El- Sayeh. history; Gad Karlm All Arabl. science-education, Pawtla Haaaan El Yamlnl. art; El Taylb All El Salawi. education: Nur F Din Sallh. agriculture-education Tocchio To Attend Safety Conference Octavlo J Tocehlo. aaaoclatr professor of criminology, will at tend the Governor* Traffic Safety ('(inference tomorrow and Fri day In Sacramento. The conference will dlseu.* various safety activities including armed tor***, citlton'* support driver licensing, safety education and law enforcement The conference provtdea a for urn for public officials and civic leader, having reaponalbllltle. in the field of traffic aafety. It It conducted by the SUte of California and co-»pon*ored by the California Traffic 8afet> Foundation and the California Federation of Safety Council* Tocchio. who Instructs In trtf ric tt the college. It a division* vice president and chairman of the traffic board of the Freano County Safety Council, chairman of the traffic coordinating committee of the City of FY Mao aad a member of tho Saa Jos Valley Traffic Coordinating Com Sk ^^^ aw OPEN 800 AM. TO 2:00 AAA. Deli Items - Cigarettes GROCERY ITEMS Ice Cream - Party Snacks - All Brand Cola's Ice Cubes - Party Suggestions 28 E. SHAW PHONE 222-4750 CLOVIS "YOUR COLLEGE TOWN" CLOVIS INSURANCE AGENCY 414 POLLASKY 299-6838 Since 1936 Yooe FSC Emil'f Downtown Barber Shop 423 PO-ASKY HAMCUTS $1.75 £aJ*iahCrmi SHOES AND MENS WEAR I Phone CY 9-4430 • Govt,, O.K. TIRE SERVICE QUALITY WW AND RECAPPED TWES ARMSTRONG • B F. Goodrich - Cordovan FRONT END AND BRAKE SPECIALISTS 723 Clevis Avenwe CY 9-4010 general _?*Vy Mdb ^_______________M Phono CY 94739 GAGE DRUG STORE 454 Clovis Ave. CY 9-4206 FOUNTAIN SERVICE ' • Machine Shop Servko Linenbach Auto Paris 604 aOVIS AVE CLOVIS, CALIF Phone CY 9-43SI We alto have a store ii r£X 'eweliy FOR ALL YOUR JEWELRY NEEDS WEE GIFT WtAPPING 419 Fourth si. rti i r_i Edwin Welch
Object Description
Title | 1963_10 The Daily Collegian October 1963 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1963 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | October 1, 1963 Pg 2 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1963 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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-Tho Fresno State College CoMegkH
by Thalia
What To Do'Til The
Professor Comes
should ******* tt was oaly laat
week—the varteea unpleasant aad
confused sensation. Involved ta
the flrat day of classes* The weird
feellag whoa yotl walk Into a
roomful of
On tbe ftnt day
there ara no hooka to plunge your
not-too-eager nose Into Well, you
could whip out a notebook and begin writing copious memo* te
yourself, or fi
comment! about the people la tho
deska In front of yoa. You'd look
Tho got eaa next to you catch**
your revolted eye. How thla oae
ever managed to navigate Into an
upper dlr—ton claaa rem—as
myatery kaowa oaly to tho god*.
A tiny forehead, a damp, p*
noee. eye* Ilk* raisin* (no offense
Intended. Fre.aoi a thin iti
of talt.a trailing down the all
nonexlatent chin . . . then you re
allte It'* yoar own beat friend,
who la .simultaneou.ly in the act of
With glad crlet you fall
each other* neck, safe at
1 from thlt wonderland of .trange
beings Trading inldo remark*
^Hat your fellow—en. you settle
ly . . . _-__. "odd."ehalf woTey? | JJJj _"**** ******* **
Ot course, on the flrat day tho L A>
element of suspense makes dlffl nM (o|i
cult t reasonably good job of out
■uavlnc your rlaiamatee. You
wonder If the prof It the type to'
who're going to be tbe
tho claaa. You are both
obvlouily superior to the average
Neanderthal ^M~~
Then awoop* In the great and
you glare at all tho typos g_________________—
probably had the prof before M*!***-• ****** 0",h" ■**_** *"
already made the reqi
ber of point. Grrr!
In fact,
hardest bunch to take on the flrat
day out There they sit In a tight
little knot, whooping It up about
some fool thing that happened last
semeater when they were member,
of the ftvored few You feel
.lightly ilrk. and wonder why you
ever signed up for t lecture elaaa
In political chemistry
But thla la a little ahead of ourselves Tbe whole traumatic situation begins when you walk
t casual expression plat-1 —]om« -ak<
quired reading, ta
ihe door to the pulpit, charging
through the first week's assign
ment while depositing book, and
paper*, and plunging ahead with
hi. lecture before you've even
been able to get your jaw back
In IU socket.
Or. aa aa alternative, while
you're yakklng It up about what
a drag the elaaa It going to be
and what a hopeless soul you hear
the Instructor Is. a raggy little
man shuffles spologetlcally past
You make a few unkind remark!
about adult ttudenti. But the
tered painfully acroat your puss.
You wtlk In. untble to see a thing
aad afraid to look very closely
anyway Somehow you sense aa
empty desk—always la th* flrat
row or tho laat—aad tilde
Into It. peering through yosw oyo-
laahe* at your class—at**.
What a scroungy. lackluster
group of dullards! Tho females
either hav* mouao-colored glass**
aad brightly-colored hook* or
brightly-colored face* aad mouse-
Homocommg Ptora 'Arte*: fxtkT
Committee Signups Are
neat building applications aad
gaeea aomlaoo eatrioa for homecoming actlvltlea are available
today In the atudent pro-deaf*
office, next to th* book *tora.
Queen application, ara da* Oct.
11 and float applications ar* due
Oct. tl. Homecoming la Nov. IS
against th* Saa Dtogo Stato College Aiteet. The theme it Fall
of tho Attec Empire.
The current queen. Jackie Blen,
wbo la alao Mlaa Fraono County.
Four New Nations Band Head
Send Students
r Nee. 1
will crown her
during a aooa tlato
Th* now quo*n will rolga daring tho downtown parade
afternoon of th* gam* aag
that evening during
activities and at th*
Likes Post
However, th* alumni tatocia-
lon recommsnded that a sepa-
be formed to or-
epreoented by foreign studenU
• tending Fresno State College
Although final flgurea hare aot
beea relea**d. British Guiana.
Kenya. Nigeria, and Tahiti are the
new countries represented on the
Approximately ISO foreign atu
dents. Including 20 graduate atu-
a. are attending FSC this
yoar. Most of the foreign itu
• are tranafen from either
Freano City College or other Jun-
r college! within the vicinity.
Not quite fifty per cent of the
w itudentt came directly from
elr home country. Many of
em muat receive permiaalon
om their country to attend
achool oversea! and some govern-
ti will not permit a student
to leave If they can study the
• subjects In one of their own
Of <
OS his timid way I
a teary voice tht. Engl"*** A Still H |