April 4, 1972 Pg 1 |
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Memo fo FSC students While you were gone: /OS Folk denies HEW conspiracy charges A m*moramtum r*l**s*d laat week to th* Fresno Bs* charged tfaSt torm*r Fr**no Stat* College Aetissj Pr**td*t>t Karl L. Falk "initiated * conspiracy designed to frustrsis th* ctevelopment of both minority studant snd radtcsl studsnt organizations at th* col- bb*JbV« Falk hss refuted th* ch*rc*s in s totter to th* B«* and in oth*r Th* rn*mo, pr*par*d In April 1470 by Floyd PUrc*. regional «r**ctor for th* offlc* of Co*- tract Compliance of th* US D*- p*rtm*nt of Health. Education snd Welfsra. alao ssld that th* Falk adrrrinlstration hlrsd students m th* coll*ff*'B Criminology Department as plainclothes surveil- tone* officers and that "they (th* Falk administration) have In- rtstsd on rX»oxogT*jj*hin* all per- SOnS 8XXB*BasBl VSTtOOS m*^llxf* b*for* sllowtnc thsm to I**** th* m**tlng room." P1*rc* said that th* rr>«sxow** pr*p*r*d after interviews with tbra* memb*rs of th* J ustlc* Da- part m*nt*s Community Relations S*rvic* (CRS) wh* had bs*n ss- st(nod to th* FSC csmpus from Fsbnsary to Jon* of 1470. Th* memo s*ld. however, that "no attempt ha* b**n mad* to v*tify aay of the information it contain*." Falk r*pll*d that "if no attempt wss made to verify any of th* how can facta b* from opinions aad hearsay The tare* young p*r- sons comprising th* th*n *sp*ti - manUl learn to aid coll*** eem- munlc*tlon can hardly be considered as trained investigator*." Falk add*d that alt appears to ax* to be Incredible that the fore- cotnc sut*m*nts could b* dtgnt- fl*d a* if ttvey ware United. •SxaoMBSXtta' of *tth*r th* US D*- partaxaxtt of JxBBtte* or of theDe- parta**** of H*alth. Education sad Welfare, or that th*y could b* vtswed a* evldance of a conspiracy by m* or aayon* el**.* Th* m*mor*axdum tn part aay* that •th*y (th* CRS ataff mem- b*rs) hav* gathered documents and Information which lead them to cof*rltjd* that urnder the justl- flcstlon of preaervtrkf order on tb* csmpus, th* n*w (Fslk) sd- m mistral ton at FresnoStste, wtth th* approval of Stat* Coll*** Ch*nc*i!or (Gl*nn) Dumk*. ha* Initiated a conspiracy to frust rat* th* d*v*lopm«nt of both minority and radical student orranlzatlona at the collet** Pat sxajli, oas* of th* thr** Jostle* Department staff m*mb*rs mention**! in 'he- n.emor arwlun •aid that •**• -*d s l*i of tator fa*** 1BJCI and who ,1 beikrre, wastry- **** grant ar opporti bow hav* pane* a* IkBSSWtiBB tautta*. We oaly be d*«ertb*d a* oa* i Falk •slat* oaly waxm ther* is a* st tempt by two or It ts not cl**r. wa* wTtttrstx, a* of. lby rs D*mk* wa* part of tJus'roasslr- or aary a*aSx>w*x*aa*aV sey*. Falk I "Th* effort a of th* coU*g* and * r***j)t *f I sttgatlo. easBsxas to normalcy a* that eta- d*nt* could go to clss* sad fae- wsll events prove* thai all type* of studs*** h*v b—* sx*lt*sd, **p*c - tally th* mtnort tl** who hav* tat** oa ax*f* I. osx. 2) Toney sues state, administrators over job loss Dr. Jo* Toney. Fr**s*> Stat* CoU*c* ssslstant pro feasor of chemistry, lass flh>d a civil ault *C*lnst tha State of California and rn*mb*rs of th* FSC administration. I* th* 1300.000 suit, flesd in Sup*rlor Court. Fr«*no Coao- ty. April 1. ToBssy nan*** ties state FSC President Merma* Baxter; WUUxm Fulk*r*on, Jr.. B*xt*r'a assistant for student relations Horace SchorUnc, ex- •cuttv* vie*-president, and others ss the dssstadsnts. Th* salt ttoals wtth aJl*f*d evening tb* decision In not re- talnlne Toa*y after th* 1*70-71 school year sad the cancellation of Tooay'• teaching contract with Atlanta Untv*r*tty. On Nov*mb*r 25 1970. Tonoy wa* notlfl*d by Baxter that h* would not b* r*hlr*d ior these* - dsmlc y*ar of 1471-72. As Is normal procedure, Baxter f*v* no reason* tor tsotjetxlnlng Tort*). A faculty grtsvsnct lnv**Uf*t*d BaSaaasSSOMly found th* SS*Sa4BxBS for non-retention to be onsxtp- I by th* facts. Th* pan*l I Toasy be re- Stat* aad federal l*v**tlc*tlon* sssd east racial dlec rim I nation on th* part of th* FSC administration waalavolved andatatsdofflc - lally that Ton*y had batn dts- crtmlnatsd againat racially. Later Toney contacted various college* and unlvarsttic* to ob- tata aaxsjloy ■ asti and a* a iwaalt employment of th* ptalarUff (To- n*y) by that Unlv*r*tty.* It f*r- th*r says that a* a direct r**ult of tssots* eootacta by Beater, F*l- terssa. aad ffrkorttaxg, Ton*y's *r*fs«oys**ot cdaarsct wss terenl- •XwlsxJ by Atlanta University. i nUnc th* carr*t*t dell Ton*y had tiled a atB*liar Oa Octobar 5. 1*71. tb* Ssat* Board of Coatrol raj****** mm claim la tb* asrsa c*ftxailrjU«s»lasj sa ssat, la tax* tore* of s claim, b»- sxatw th* Callforaia Stat* Board Atlaats, GeorfU, of Control oa J*a* 24. 1*70. In year 1971-72. that acUoa Toacy clalaaad that Th* suit sll**«stJi*twh*nBax- th* conduct of taw state, Baxter, ter. F*lk*r*on, and Scborllnc F*lk*rsoa, aad Sckorllraj was la became aware of th* Atlanta direct vtoiaXtoa of s*v*rsl Call- Unlv*rslty contract tb*y coa- tor*** Laxaxr Cot*** sad aossSBty tactsd that at*varsity for-tb**!- l*d te th* d**jtrx*rii«* of «u*btsxl- civil salt oa April l, fmrt i of prevantla* th* axass snd BrnliiBliBil B.BB.h.11- days before ta* April S OaetM *mj ■jortioa at It. Toawy i n*arly tb* fsfj six aoa / Dumke orders Baxter to rehire Frost '.-,- Dr. Everett Front, Bred by FSC Prwslchwtt Norman Baxter tn 1970. hss won his bid for re- y Stats College Chancellor Glenn Dumk* upheld the recommends- tion of bis review committee l**t week snd ordered resppotntment of Frost, an aa si stant professor of English. Fro«t had BsaJntainsd thst the Toney. has sine* bee* rehired In reaaona .tortus tx*mr*t*e*ionw*r* a pratlaea decision ovwrrutlac pollUeal. ne was actlva In th* Baxter anti-war mov*ro*nt aad aa oat- Bssrlar la a cart thrs* ssn spoksn critic of th* coll*g* ad- ttfJCt ccajjaasxaaxl aald that he mtatatratlo*. woaid bssxbSb tSaSFaaarBllar ad»- H* waa oa* of sii faculty m*m- cl-00 ,„ ^ rnpf4cM# njtiuymmh bar. noUfl*d in Dr.mbarof 1970 ^ ptrg^ai,, dtMcree. with it. that thary **ould not be rehired. ___ A s*cond IraTtructor in th* group, Frost ls now working for a Los chemistry profsssor Dr Jo* Arxgele* radio station, KPFK. H* EngUsh D**x8rtni Dr Lillian FadaraxBaX,* lag oa Frost's ssld. •Tb*d*p*rt b*U*v*d that Fro** s atraesor. Ws ere v* hav* him back • By Gary Aleiaatder CeaaasBaw Staff *r»ts. Campaigning starts early No -official" reason was givwn today, but wte»u I r***Tri«d from electle* c o m a* 111 < r the chaag* by th* «4*ctton vaa^loa I iaaaxd a meter staatag aaaglag tap oa tssa mttta* ca*aa^tb*d*t*toy**t*r day cstcatasj moat csndldst** by **?** ***]*** *T ■44s. laaSB*/ aurprta*. Candidates AU body offlce ar*beaag ss*BS«Jto esssa te th* Daily Colleglsn offlc* tomorrow b*tw*** 10 a.**, sad 1 p.m. tob»v*tli*rir ptctar** tsksa. Th* pldtrst •Jill bs u**d lor rBSBBSlgn cava, die la the Collegian. Th* CojUaajlaB offlce 1* lo- eated la the Keats Csmpus <*aeke* xdao w*r* goa* tor th* yo* caa hav* oa post*r* aad h* E*st*r vscsUon did rtot find oat Intormed ax* that th*r* ob*sb4 be uratil they returned to Freeno oa only oa* th* chang* was ersaiehti i printing *rror in aald he to**ad ts-M os-r>Da**r wild Lap* D* L* Cnas. assrh ***me~ the original electloa rule* had carry thrs* cSaaaS*SBxa*«' asm** verry aad Caaraxj swBxiat rsm fixed s fast* s day earlier thaa sad 44111 e**aet MSBtyoa* p*art*r psigasssj tor ths to* asxxt. Brooks asid. Tsar* sr* assay Far l*xflslstlva *lca»*raaldsis< shady srsa* ta tJas cod* snd U the Baa* asalataa Brooks, DoaSa- seeexs odd taxBt Bead 1* eaa*aT***a rlaa, sam Garmaay sad Joha •jja |gja»t sa taa ea**ratlv* earn- Rssslsg tor axtoxlalatrativ* la s faU axlttee of ts* *w*cti*a commit- vice-pressmxat sre Gary Paths*, day's cxmiBlgaSsg t**.* 1 lt-ft tha aamtxss b*xU*ris« Rei that th* correct date to start was Bonl by ssxaaa nasllii ta tha 1 o* ptar* I, oral. 1) FrcsBBO State CnaVy Frcwo,C«Jsfoniss LXXVII/103 Tixescsay. April 4, 1972
Object Description
Title | 1972_04 The Daily Collegian April 1972 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 4, 1972 Pg 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1972 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Memo fo FSC students While you were gone: /OS Folk denies HEW conspiracy charges A m*moramtum r*l**s*d laat week to th* Fresno Bs* charged tfaSt torm*r Fr**no Stat* College Aetissj Pr**td*t>t Karl L. Falk "initiated * conspiracy designed to frustrsis th* ctevelopment of both minority studant snd radtcsl studsnt organizations at th* col- bb*JbV« Falk hss refuted th* ch*rc*s in s totter to th* B«* and in oth*r Th* rn*mo, pr*par*d In April 1470 by Floyd PUrc*. regional «r**ctor for th* offlc* of Co*- tract Compliance of th* US D*- p*rtm*nt of Health. Education snd Welfsra. alao ssld that th* Falk adrrrinlstration hlrsd students m th* coll*ff*'B Criminology Department as plainclothes surveil- tone* officers and that "they (th* Falk administration) have In- rtstsd on rX»oxogT*jj*hin* all per- SOnS 8XXB*BasBl VSTtOOS m*^llxf* b*for* sllowtnc thsm to I**** th* m**tlng room." P1*rc* said that th* rr>«sxow** pr*p*r*d after interviews with tbra* memb*rs of th* J ustlc* Da- part m*nt*s Community Relations S*rvic* (CRS) wh* had bs*n ss- st(nod to th* FSC csmpus from Fsbnsary to Jon* of 1470. Th* memo s*ld. however, that "no attempt ha* b**n mad* to v*tify aay of the information it contain*." Falk r*pll*d that "if no attempt wss made to verify any of th* how can facta b* from opinions aad hearsay The tare* young p*r- sons comprising th* th*n *sp*ti - manUl learn to aid coll*** eem- munlc*tlon can hardly be considered as trained investigator*." Falk add*d that alt appears to ax* to be Incredible that the fore- cotnc sut*m*nts could b* dtgnt- fl*d a* if ttvey ware United. •SxaoMBSXtta' of *tth*r th* US D*- partaxaxtt of JxBBtte* or of theDe- parta**** of H*alth. Education sad Welfare, or that th*y could b* vtswed a* evldance of a conspiracy by m* or aayon* el**.* Th* m*mor*axdum tn part aay* that •th*y (th* CRS ataff mem- b*rs) hav* gathered documents and Information which lead them to cof*rltjd* that urnder the justl- flcstlon of preaervtrkf order on tb* csmpus, th* n*w (Fslk) sd- m mistral ton at FresnoStste, wtth th* approval of Stat* Coll*** Ch*nc*i!or (Gl*nn) Dumk*. ha* Initiated a conspiracy to frust rat* th* d*v*lopm«nt of both minority and radical student orranlzatlona at the collet** Pat sxajli, oas* of th* thr** Jostle* Department staff m*mb*rs mention**! in 'he- n.emor arwlun •aid that •**• -*d s l*i of tator fa*** 1BJCI and who ,1 beikrre, wastry- **** grant ar opporti bow hav* pane* a* IkBSSWtiBB tautta*. We oaly be d*«ertb*d a* oa* i Falk •slat* oaly waxm ther* is a* st tempt by two or It ts not cl**r. wa* wTtttrstx, a* of. lby rs D*mk* wa* part of tJus'roasslr- or aary a*aSx>w*x*aa*aV sey*. Falk I "Th* effort a of th* coU*g* and * r***j)t *f I sttgatlo. easBsxas to normalcy a* that eta- d*nt* could go to clss* sad fae- wsll events prove* thai all type* of studs*** h*v b—* sx*lt*sd, **p*c - tally th* mtnort tl** who hav* tat** oa ax*f* I. osx. 2) Toney sues state, administrators over job loss Dr. Jo* Toney. Fr**s*> Stat* CoU*c* ssslstant pro feasor of chemistry, lass flh>d a civil ault *C*lnst tha State of California and rn*mb*rs of th* FSC administration. I* th* 1300.000 suit, flesd in Sup*rlor Court. Fr«*no Coao- ty. April 1. ToBssy nan*** ties state FSC President Merma* Baxter; WUUxm Fulk*r*on, Jr.. B*xt*r'a assistant for student relations Horace SchorUnc, ex- •cuttv* vie*-president, and others ss the dssstadsnts. Th* salt ttoals wtth aJl*f*d evening tb* decision In not re- talnlne Toa*y after th* 1*70-71 school year sad the cancellation of Tooay'• teaching contract with Atlanta Untv*r*tty. On Nov*mb*r 25 1970. Tonoy wa* notlfl*d by Baxter that h* would not b* r*hlr*d ior these* - dsmlc y*ar of 1471-72. As Is normal procedure, Baxter f*v* no reason* tor tsotjetxlnlng Tort*). A faculty grtsvsnct lnv**Uf*t*d BaSaaasSSOMly found th* SS*Sa4BxBS for non-retention to be onsxtp- I by th* facts. Th* pan*l I Toasy be re- Stat* aad federal l*v**tlc*tlon* sssd east racial dlec rim I nation on th* part of th* FSC administration waalavolved andatatsdofflc - lally that Ton*y had batn dts- crtmlnatsd againat racially. Later Toney contacted various college* and unlvarsttic* to ob- tata aaxsjloy ■ asti and a* a iwaalt employment of th* ptalarUff (To- n*y) by that Unlv*r*tty.* It f*r- th*r says that a* a direct r**ult of tssots* eootacta by Beater, F*l- terssa. aad ffrkorttaxg, Ton*y's *r*fs«oys**ot cdaarsct wss terenl- •XwlsxJ by Atlanta University. i nUnc th* carr*t*t dell Ton*y had tiled a atB*liar Oa Octobar 5. 1*71. tb* Ssat* Board of Coatrol raj****** mm claim la tb* asrsa c*ftxailrjU«s»lasj sa ssat, la tax* tore* of s claim, b»- sxatw th* Callforaia Stat* Board Atlaats, GeorfU, of Control oa J*a* 24. 1*70. In year 1971-72. that acUoa Toacy clalaaad that Th* suit sll**«stJi*twh*nBax- th* conduct of taw state, Baxter, ter. F*lk*r*on, and Scborllnc F*lk*rsoa, aad Sckorllraj was la became aware of th* Atlanta direct vtoiaXtoa of s*v*rsl Call- Unlv*rslty contract tb*y coa- tor*** Laxaxr Cot*** sad aossSBty tactsd that at*varsity for-tb**!- l*d te th* d**jtrx*rii«* of «u*btsxl- civil salt oa April l, fmrt i of prevantla* th* axass snd BrnliiBliBil B.BB.h.11- days before ta* April S OaetM *mj ■jortioa at It. Toawy i n*arly tb* fsfj six aoa / Dumke orders Baxter to rehire Frost '.-,- Dr. Everett Front, Bred by FSC Prwslchwtt Norman Baxter tn 1970. hss won his bid for re- y Stats College Chancellor Glenn Dumk* upheld the recommends- tion of bis review committee l**t week snd ordered resppotntment of Frost, an aa si stant professor of English. Fro«t had BsaJntainsd thst the Toney. has sine* bee* rehired In reaaona .tortus tx*mr*t*e*ionw*r* a pratlaea decision ovwrrutlac pollUeal. ne was actlva In th* Baxter anti-war mov*ro*nt aad aa oat- Bssrlar la a cart thrs* ssn spoksn critic of th* coll*g* ad- ttfJCt ccajjaasxaaxl aald that he mtatatratlo*. woaid bssxbSb tSaSFaaarBllar ad»- H* waa oa* of sii faculty m*m- cl-00 ,„ ^ rnpf4cM# njtiuymmh bar. noUfl*d in Dr.mbarof 1970 ^ ptrg^ai,, dtMcree. with it. that thary **ould not be rehired. ___ A s*cond IraTtructor in th* group, Frost ls now working for a Los chemistry profsssor Dr Jo* Arxgele* radio station, KPFK. H* EngUsh D**x8rtni Dr Lillian FadaraxBaX,* lag oa Frost's ssld. •Tb*d*p*rt b*U*v*d that Fro** s atraesor. Ws ere v* hav* him back • By Gary Aleiaatder CeaaasBaw Staff *r»ts. Campaigning starts early No -official" reason was givwn today, but wte»u I r***Tri«d from electle* c o m a* 111 < r the chaag* by th* «4*ctton vaa^loa I iaaaxd a meter staatag aaaglag tap oa tssa mttta* ca*aa^tb*d*t*toy**t*r day cstcatasj moat csndldst** by **?** ***]*** *T ■44s. laaSB*/ aurprta*. Candidates AU body offlce ar*beaag ss*BS«Jto esssa te th* Daily Colleglsn offlc* tomorrow b*tw*** 10 a.**, sad 1 p.m. tob»v*tli*rir ptctar** tsksa. Th* pldtrst •Jill bs u**d lor rBSBBSlgn cava, die la the Collegian. Th* CojUaajlaB offlce 1* lo- eated la the Keats Csmpus <*aeke* xdao w*r* goa* tor th* yo* caa hav* oa post*r* aad h* E*st*r vscsUon did rtot find oat Intormed ax* that th*r* ob*sb4 be uratil they returned to Freeno oa only oa* th* chang* was ersaiehti i printing *rror in aald he to**ad ts-M os-r>Da**r wild Lap* D* L* Cnas. assrh ***me~ the original electloa rule* had carry thrs* cSaaaS*SBxa*«' asm** verry aad Caaraxj swBxiat rsm fixed s fast* s day earlier thaa sad 44111 e**aet MSBtyoa* p*art*r psigasssj tor ths to* asxxt. Brooks asid. Tsar* sr* assay Far l*xflslstlva *lca»*raaldsis< shady srsa* ta tJas cod* snd U the Baa* asalataa Brooks, DoaSa- seeexs odd taxBt Bead 1* eaa*aT***a rlaa, sam Garmaay sad Joha •jja |gja»t sa taa ea**ratlv* earn- Rssslsg tor axtoxlalatrativ* la s faU axlttee of ts* *w*cti*a commit- vice-pressmxat sre Gary Paths*, day's cxmiBlgaSsg t**.* 1 lt-ft tha aamtxss b*xU*ris« Rei that th* correct date to start was Bonl by ssxaaa nasllii ta tha 1 o* ptar* I, oral. 1) FrcsBBO State CnaVy Frcwo,C«Jsfoniss LXXVII/103 Tixescsay. April 4, 1972 |