Dec 17, 1956 Pg 3 |
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INTRAMURAL ROUNDUP ^ *| laat Tharaamy algal* com prUttea la la* local gyasaaalum nipr- Chi aad tb* Tatteataa Clab j,..- aadsfsstiil co-loadera of tbe AB,ric*a Leteaae rac* while tbe SsaOrss *Bssrs.d undisputed lesd ,„ of the National Laasu* battle eUasaa CM «ea*llr dumped over ^ sails-1" Clab with a clear ,„ 47 te SS vrrkrtary- Dave Hicks H ute 8l*wte Cbl te— Souza Leads FSC Tennis Tournament e mid way point ta tn* first l Cefatwfe CemUgkm r kr likBiSUll Jerry Bender vk* ecatred IS. Tb* Sigma Cbl do reSM was particularly abarp. hold IBC ta* aagiaeer playera scoreless .„ tke Itaal ojaaiter. The TeeUetasan Club racked up tbe vrwrnaa Clab. SMI. Oarrsl Rofers er.1 lb* Tallsmaa Club with It (O.BU te bis credit. Pred Schmidt kd tbe Newman Club with 12. TB* Nee-Orsa seoeesed by tbe east witb tbe tlcbt soar* of 53 to ,» Merttola scored IS palate to „ad Ute Noa-Orgs la victory In th* most hard fouabt gam* ot the evening, ftaeme also scored 14 palate ter th* victorious Non Ore. Irra*. Stysa. and Donaouab acored 12 petal* each for tbe tosers and rielped to Stake It a rough evening for it>e Nea-Ors team Sigma PI raced away with an Mto*ndinf IT It II victory ov.r I- -Irma Kappa. Richard Aku Bbb led Sigma Pi In tbls rac. wtth ■ poi.ts. followed by high storing j B Watson with ll B. KaaanJIan at** scored 12 potets Tb* Barons rolled over Theta i hi 42 te 11 Dotcber led the Bar oo* with IS points to his credit, followed by Hair* witb 14 aad Wester and wa* bad 13 Sirma Alpha Epallon gained a forfeit victory over Sigma Nu who failed te *bow up TENNIS Job* Setdel and Don xfaselrbni of the Newatan Club defeated Dave Hi. k* aad BUI Burrows In a recent 111 tennis tournament playoff This tirtnry gave tbe Newman Club l'»' poinl* and the runners up, Sigma (hi. so poinu. Therefore, after tbe completion of tennis aad flag football Sigma Oantea Orove. la tb* only aad* feated player among tbe nto* en trie, who remain In rimsiawaBB for the rhetmptoaablB. Battling in the losers bracket for tbe right to meet Sous* In tha semi finals are Pat Vail. Sid Sharp. Msx Nicholson. Bill Barrows. Dave Hall. Frank Thtessen aad teerae- ! ment director Oottg BsShnlm ' Vail, Sharp aad iraSBsba ar* i vanity tennis lettermen Tbe tournament was planned by bead tennis coach BUI Vaaden- burgb to prepare frosh and varsity prospects for tbe regular racket i season which will get underway la February Twenty.I x players I nisi | ed the tournament. Sousa holds his undefeated slaty*, by virtue of a hard fought (•-3. 3-«. 7-5 victory over Vsll. th* number one man on last year's varsity squad Th. champlonablp round la slated for tbe second week of January Bulldog Quintet Wins 1A Drops 1 Cal Poly Defeats FSC 78-67 To Snap Win String At Four Venturing to a foreign court for the first time this s Fresno State's Bulldogs saw their four game victory string snapped by the revenge seeking CsJ Poly Mustangs who pulled away in the second half to record a 78-47 noil hmWee win Saturday night in San Luis Obispo. ♦ Wedneeday night roach BUI Vaa- denburgh's Dog quintet will cam State tb*ir pr*~Cbrtetm*a schedule at bom* aaalnst Rad lands Cal Poly. Mill fsallnc tea sting of tbe 74-57 licking they took from r>s*aa earlier in ta* a*****, esaa- blned aa aggressive ssan to-man defense and a euped-ep fast break to even tbe count with the eBBbV doss. Agile afoot 5-lncb Tba* Deaa waa th* bub In tbe autiai ifasrast aad awJBtxa*. Tb* bis tevotaasa Dogs Top LBSC 89-68 As Alcorn Scores 26 Points FSC'* Bulldog cage troupe rolled to their fifth straight victory Fri day night bursting from a 12 12 first quarter tie to an •»-«• triumph over the louring Long Beach State 4>'ers in tbe Fresno State gym Towering Dog center Gary Al Bmam | t.,pp..: Ml t Chi Is tha undisputed leader of the all year point scoring system a grand total of 230 potnte Sigma Alpha Epailon 1* next with 175. followed by Delta Chi Alpha and tbe Newman Club, each with 150 point* Sigma Nu has amassed UTS points white Theta (hi baa made 125. Intramural basketball will con tlnue after Christmas and New Year's vacation and will aoon be followed by foul throwing and a Meet Your Bulldogs IM BOWLING Topping the intramural keg menu for the eleventh week of play are gamea which pit firat place Kappa Sigma against the last place Joker* and Sigma Nu against Sigma (hi Sigma* Nu and Cbl are tied for second place and are one game behind pace-setting KS Other key gasae. on tap for Hon day a meeting aet third place stable- mate* Tbeta Cbl aad tbe Aces In match*, with tb* Collage Y and Phi Sigma Kappa, respectively. A lilt which places Sigma Alpha (Continued on Page 4) DON LEONE — Ne. 21. Guard. S-feet, 7.inches. Junior. Junior College: Reedley High School Cellinsvtlls, III. Craehed Into the starting lineup fer opening game and haa ateyed there. One of the emootheet ball-handler** on aquad. Noted most fer feeding teller tcammatea but la slso ' scoring threat himself. Haa av eraged more than t point* per game. A ball-hawk on defense Beet aconng weapon: a two hand aet ahot. Orlvea well and drawa numerou* foul ehota. May alao develop into a baacball star for FSC. .. K-e-,, BBSSSs MB eajfjr Uy :.■ splurge while Bash, guard Dick for cp ,,,, „.„ .BUwpO0M „, Diebert sparked the Bulldog floor fto1 game and tail red 14 points For- wardt Holland Todd snd Don Davis contributed IS each to th* Freano cause. Tbe hustling 4»>rs. spotting the °" Bulldog, nearly three laches of *?*' Orandberry st, aad Lea height per man. never led but made °,W*ML_ " . a fight of It for thia* ouarters. rut »■ tnat ''■• ,,r» * .T?"* ting down a 44 21 halftime deficit ££*.*** Jorw*r4* .Bmmm* to SHI mid way through the toe T<M" ^^ Bn"*_***** rr—° ond half before tbe Bulldogs spurt' V,U t to state champion- ed bark into a commanding lead and to semifinals in on five consecutive buckets by BM. Outetanding en [ Alcorn, steadily improving The visitors, paced by forward eraged more John Miller and center BUI Baron. GARY ALCORN—No. 1*. Center. S-feet. S-inche*. Junior. Junior College Freeno. High School: Roosevelt of Freeno. Th* first "big man" to grace sn FSC line- •tate tournament JC tesm in SPORTS CALENDAR DECEMBER IS Bullpup basketball team at Portervllle JC te Varsity vs. Redlanda in Freano, 7:15 p.m. Prelim — Froah va. Roosevelt High then 20 points per gsme thus far for FSC. Also grabbed *n average of IS rebounds per game to lead team. Best scoring weapons: Short jumps and hooka cloae in. Can alao hit from outside and is occasionally effective on tip-Ins. Poly stunned the Bulldogs ia ta* berry and Strong comklasS le sink son mZ\ fOUr °* nT" !**- to "* th# ■—" lownert out front I te I. (he tallest Iters at * foot J inches * the r Bullpups Defeated By Host School In Reedley Tourney eral occasions with their smooth ball-handling and scrappy defense The Bulldog* controlled the backboard* all tbe way gathering 62 rebounds to their opponent*' 25 Alcorn hauled ln 20. Todd forward Len Brown got BB, Baron grabbed 11 for Loag Beach Fresno alao bad the better shoot ing percentage, bitting on 34 of >7 » r [. • BBBJ i 24 of 72 o 33 per For Those Last Minute Gift Suggestions It's OLLENBERGER S DEPT. STORE FOR HIM: ROUGH RIDER SLACKS VAN HEUSEN SHIRTS CAR COATS SWEATERS JOCKEY BRIEFS PENDALTONS FOR HER: CATALINA SWEATERS SHIP N' SHORE BLOUSES PENDALTONS WHITE STAG SPORTSWEAR CAR COATS LINGERIE Merry Christmas From OLLENBERGER S "Across From Roosevelt High" FSC RECORD Cal Poly' Sac to State Cal Aggies ceot. _. State. .. w - — - _ e... . - -- ._ . t_* Brown tallied S points for Fre* b*_-ketballer« fell victim lo a hot .... .. . n^ . .no. guard Dick Hendricks 5. and ope K^j^y ommm -quad, saas m the, ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ „' first round of the Keedley Junior | ; am-h. ileg* Invitational Tournament J Tbe Bulldogs battled back *a tbe spectacular thooting by Todd ta go ahead lt to IS at the alas minute mark Bnt SO it rends later Dunn * Co were oa top again. 22-12 and Freeno trailed the rent of The halftime count read Cal Poty 34. Fresno 30 At the midway point in the second half the Mas tangs led M to 51 and In the next aevea minutes they built their margin to IH ,. held In Reedley Friday night * l ^ L I FSC Football star Darrell Moody 1*3.(0.1 L0*11€DdCl( led tbe Bullpup*' scoring with 20 j points but could the game witb the qulnte( Ken Carle waa second high Fresno State* freshman hoop- with 16 point* Alao helping the tiers, hurt by the loss of three Bullpups were two other football (tartert by fouls, lost a ten point era Tom Crenshaw and Dean Phil-! lead and the ballgame. S3-C1. 74-55 In tbe laat three t went into a full court pros* aad Brown with 4 bucket* aad Alcorn wtth 2. tlashed tbe Mustang advan- points before Uraad berry tallied for CP t the final 'HrCr Tops Frosh 63-61 i or 11 pot. I-e» Zedrick and paced Reedley with point*, reepecllvety Todd, whe ield goal attempt* and Iter of four hree throws, also led tbe Bulktegs n rebounds with 12 Alcorn sot 11 ind Brown 10. Dunn limited Alcorn te eight field goals In 30 attempt* but the the Coaling* College Falcon, on Wf p,^ WBUr >nny Burn, the FSC hickories Friday night. ,j foM, phoo is and 19 The Falcon, .taged a tremen C4j p^ ttMnmxtmi doua comeback In th* second half : eight of « 2S of SO field goal attempt* white Freano deficit that extend- utak ,, ^ -, points at many time.. The [ Are You Availoble For Port rune Work? lays The *d to ten points at many times i ne Th< ,,„„<,„„ w„, chmnM wllh Uuu, the , Coalingans took advantage of their „ to|lU wh„e c<u p^ ^ j^ In the preliminary battle th* FSC ' Froah avenged aa early defeat at 1 the bands of th* Cal Poly Colts A prestige insurance company has local openings for two or with a view toward fwll-rime employment after rev erauipstent, 3 ymor training eacess of $12,000. torpid ad t an appointment for graduation. New offic*t, ne court*. *arnings potential in vancement for top m*n Mak and testing. UIKOIM NATIONAL Lift INSURANT CO. "AT HolBetn G*r. Agwen -M17N ■tsjthslsns THE BULLDOG superior overall height after tbe Froah loat Barney Wade. Kuhn. fouls Forward Ev Comstock sank two Big~ ^^^ WadV despite free throw, to put hi. team out „.,.«.,»., ,prmined ^^ .merkei front «2^1 with one minute to go Fw>tDO ^^^^ milh M polau in the contest Seconds later he U(| aUo ^.^^ fc^j, fc^e,. made the telly read tiAl when homn,, Uikf pnxt ^ Jlm Kmm he trapped in another free throw,^ ^ „ for ^ Fnmh whJJ# which was the reault of a technics gt#w mnt^^ a JC u^,,., *„„, foul called on Fresno forward Ken HoUywood w ^ ^n, ■" Th* Froab grabbed aa IS te « FSC guard Mike Pratt paced the 1#-4 — thm aUm ,...,. ^^ mjt yearlings' scoring wtth 20 poinu. MW „ whUtl#d ^mm when Wade (Continued on Page 4) turned hi* ankle while fighting for Howdy wrongtert Old DVD it bock again after mighty nigh a yeor. We hove tpontort which you can tee by eyeballing to th* right. They re the merchontt along th* trail from NC to OC— THE BUUDOG THAU. One* in a white we'll put on* of them — like this f*ll*r in Fritco who writet obout th* eotin' placet he Why he t et out SO muchl Do you reckon hit wif* it Btod at him all th* tim*''
Object Description
Title | 1956_12 The Daily Collegian December 1956 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1956 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Dec 17, 1956 Pg 3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1956 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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^ *| laat Tharaamy algal* com
prUttea la la* local gyasaaalum
nipr- Chi aad tb* Tatteataa Clab
j,..- aadsfsstiil co-loadera of tbe
AB,ric*a Leteaae rac* while tbe
SsaOrss *Bssrs.d undisputed lesd
,„ of the National Laasu* battle
eUasaa CM «ea*llr dumped over
^ sails-1" Clab with a clear
,„ 47 te SS vrrkrtary- Dave Hicks
H ute 8l*wte Cbl te—
Souza Leads
FSC Tennis
e mid way point ta tn* first
l Cefatwfe CemUgkm
r kr likBiSUll Jerry Bender
vk* ecatred IS. Tb* Sigma Cbl do
reSM was particularly abarp. hold
IBC ta* aagiaeer playera scoreless
.„ tke Itaal ojaaiter.
The TeeUetasan Club racked up tbe
vrwrnaa Clab. SMI. Oarrsl Rofers
er.1 lb* Tallsmaa Club with It
(O.BU te bis credit. Pred Schmidt
kd tbe Newman Club with 12.
TB* Nee-Orsa seoeesed by tbe
east witb tbe tlcbt soar* of 53 to
,» Merttola scored IS palate to
„ad Ute Noa-Orgs la victory In
th* most hard fouabt gam* ot the
evening, ftaeme also scored 14
palate ter th* victorious Non Ore.
Irra*. Stysa. and Donaouab acored
12 petal* each for tbe tosers and
rielped to Stake It a rough evening
for it>e Nea-Ors team
Sigma PI raced away with an
Mto*ndinf IT It II victory ov.r
I- -Irma Kappa. Richard Aku
Bbb led Sigma Pi In tbls rac. wtth
■ poi.ts. followed by high storing
j B Watson with ll B. KaaanJIan
at** scored 12 potets
Tb* Barons rolled over Theta
i hi 42 te 11 Dotcber led the Bar
oo* with IS points to his credit, followed by Hair* witb 14 aad Wester
and wa* bad 13
Sirma Alpha Epallon gained a
forfeit victory over Sigma Nu who
failed te *bow up
Job* Setdel and Don xfaselrbni
of the Newatan Club defeated Dave
Hi. k* aad BUI Burrows In a recent
111 tennis tournament playoff This
tirtnry gave tbe Newman Club l'»'
poinl* and the runners up, Sigma
(hi. so poinu.
Therefore, after tbe completion
of tennis aad flag football Sigma
Oantea Orove. la tb* only aad*
feated player among tbe nto* en
trie, who remain In rimsiawaBB
for the rhetmptoaablB.
Battling in the losers bracket for
tbe right to meet Sous* In tha
semi finals are Pat Vail. Sid Sharp.
Msx Nicholson. Bill Barrows. Dave
Hall. Frank Thtessen aad teerae-
! ment director Oottg BsShnlm
' Vail, Sharp aad iraSBsba ar*
i vanity tennis lettermen
Tbe tournament was planned by
bead tennis coach BUI Vaaden-
burgb to prepare frosh and varsity
prospects for tbe regular racket
i season which will get underway la
February Twenty.I x players I nisi
| ed the tournament.
Sousa holds his undefeated slaty*, by virtue of a hard fought
(•-3. 3-«. 7-5 victory over Vsll. th*
number one man on last year's
varsity squad
Th. champlonablp round la
slated for tbe second week of
Bulldog Quintet Wins 1A Drops 1
Cal Poly Defeats FSC 78-67
To Snap Win String At Four
Venturing to a foreign court for the first time this s
Fresno State's Bulldogs saw their four game victory string
snapped by the revenge seeking CsJ Poly Mustangs who
pulled away in the second half to record a 78-47 noil hmWee
win Saturday night in San Luis Obispo.
♦ Wedneeday night roach BUI Vaa-
denburgh's Dog quintet will cam
State tb*ir pr*~Cbrtetm*a schedule
at bom* aaalnst Rad lands
Cal Poly. Mill fsallnc tea sting of
tbe 74-57 licking they took from
r>s*aa earlier in ta* a*****, esaa-
blned aa aggressive ssan to-man
defense and a euped-ep fast break
to even tbe count with the eBBbV
Agile afoot 5-lncb Tba* Deaa
waa th* bub In tbe autiai ifasrast
aad awJBtxa*. Tb* bis tevotaasa
Dogs Top LBSC
89-68 As Alcorn
Scores 26 Points
FSC'* Bulldog cage troupe rolled
to their fifth straight victory Fri
day night bursting from a 12 12
first quarter tie to an •»-«• triumph
over the louring Long Beach State
4>'ers in tbe Fresno State gym
Towering Dog center Gary Al
Bmam | t.,pp..: Ml t
Chi Is tha undisputed leader of the
all year point scoring system
a grand total of 230 potnte Sigma
Alpha Epailon 1* next with 175. followed by Delta Chi Alpha and tbe
Newman Club, each with 150
point* Sigma Nu has amassed
UTS points white Theta (hi baa
made 125.
Intramural basketball will con
tlnue after Christmas and New
Year's vacation and will aoon be
followed by foul throwing and a
Meet Your Bulldogs
Topping the intramural keg
menu for the eleventh week of play
are gamea which pit firat place
Kappa Sigma against the last place
Joker* and Sigma Nu against Sigma (hi Sigma* Nu and Cbl are
tied for second place and are one
game behind pace-setting KS
Other key gasae. on tap for Hon
day a meeting aet third place stable-
mate* Tbeta Cbl aad tbe Aces In
match*, with tb* Collage Y and
Phi Sigma Kappa, respectively.
A lilt which places Sigma Alpha
(Continued on Page 4)
DON LEONE — Ne. 21. Guard.
S-feet, 7.inches. Junior. Junior
College: Reedley High School
Cellinsvtlls, III. Craehed Into the
starting lineup fer opening game
and haa ateyed there. One of
the emootheet ball-handler** on
aquad. Noted most fer feeding
teller tcammatea but la slso '
scoring threat himself. Haa av
eraged more than t point* per
game. A ball-hawk on defense
Beet aconng weapon: a two
hand aet ahot. Orlvea well and
drawa numerou* foul ehota. May
alao develop into a baacball star
for FSC.
.. K-e-,, BBSSSs MB eajfjr Uy :.■
splurge while Bash, guard Dick for cp ,,,, „.„ .BUwpO0M „,
Diebert sparked the Bulldog floor fto1
game and tail red 14 points For-
wardt Holland Todd snd Don Davis contributed IS each to th*
Freano cause.
Tbe hustling 4»>rs. spotting the °"
Bulldog, nearly three laches of *?*' Orandberry st, aad Lea
height per man. never led but made °,W*ML_ " .
a fight of It for thia* ouarters. rut »■ tnat ''■• ,,r» * .T?"*
ting down a 44 21 halftime deficit ££*.*** Jorw*r4* .Bmmm*
to SHI mid way through the toe T |