Nov 4, 1927 Pg. 2-3 |
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TH* COLLEGIAN THE VALI'E OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the daily life of lhe college in lhal il i, a paper published for and by ses which arc not like an, other organ. It give, new, to all in the col- From the columns of the pnpT llie -Indent le.trns abmrt .ntivitie. nitli which he doe. not rome personally in contact. The fact dial news from other collrer, is given -,|so widen, the outlook of the student,. Thi. end of giving the student new. .iml :.. w i.Jeas is the grealrst work of the paper. In a paper of thi, kind there is not the coloring of a daily newspaper, perhaps "nffrolnring" is a better word for some of the stories and article printed in the arena* newspaper. The facts alone are givrn and the st dent i, left to draw hi, own conclusions. A bond of good feeling is bui up around tbe .lud.-t.t- I.v the jl.-rmf of His representation nnd prop ganda of student issue.. of this expression: it will do wonder, for die paper and the school. Another phase of the paper is lhe technical training afforded Ii Then, if a college paper gives tlie college news, forms a bond of lo; ally, gives the students an opportunity lo express their opinions, affords training in jotrrnali-he w. rk. ami advertise the school it is an asset college worthy of .11 it. endeavor. cians should have to play jaxa, and not classical music in making their -ay through college. Several of the men interviewed have staled that r-red wilh rtrrfueU. to play soloe, or other kind, of cUuaical ramie, but rarely receive pay for pitying thi. type of mmfc. If some of tbe prominent society people around town, who give tea*, a. could be rued, and At The Theatres I publication, worthy of tl hundred, only about ihrt elicit for lhe first edition. hnndred cc the college i. growing only in number, while any interest in fairs, other than social, is on the decline. And yet there are a f and faculty members who are laboring and planning to make 1 a four year college. The student body, aa a body, ha. not a much-talked-of "college spirit." If there is any strident body . yet to make i!» appearance. JAZZ VS. CLASSICAL MUSIC In a recent survey taken by the music editor of the Collegian, il » pporting, and making their way through college with music. The ly ing. in which cl .I'.!,- .-. .j«r«pl*v. ■sidered in lhe least. However, a lew atodents make small urn. (very small, indeed) from teaching clerical mtuic. The Hotel Caiifomian orchestra, which is strictly a jazz band, in the modern seivae of the word, employs three of our Fresno State College men. Merle Good, uxaphonurt, James Sullivan, trumpeter, and Orrin Heinle. fbicb is nothing more than a bo. iel Popovieh, t* relief organist, and i gnrford, a. violinist. Tbe Rainbow , A Cappella Choir Appears in Final Concert of Club MUSIC 1 Club I* Albert 8pald.n*. t* II. -as ..III a mere chu,4-wb. SAN FRANCISCO FLORAL CO. Corsage. . Sjwelaltjr " The Vassar The only exclu.ive. dorma- tory for girls of Fresno State ALL MAKES TYPETYRTTERS Wholesale Typewriter Co. CHARLOTTE says: I1H50 yon can buy any kind of a dress you want or need for ttftM CHARLOTTES APPAREL .SHOP, We Just Received- School Dresses • Sport Dresses Afternoon Dresses Dinner Dresses Evening Dresses D following pieces: Raymond 0 U-DRIVE Lowest littles in Fresno U-DRIVE AUTO 141B Brondway Ph. 3-1618 The Book Shelf] Congrats to Jim Russell, F. S. C.'s Most Popular Man Ben Epstein &> Son Garibaldi's -2032 Mariposa St TAMALES WALTER SMITH, Inc. Sontheast Corner Tnlaxe and Broadway Shirts of Imported English Broadcloth; Lustrous- Fabrics IL45-41.95 WeRcntTuxedoi. Book Reviews DUSTY AN8WIR Just .. nainrullr. < .cerly. devoutly, like SMALL^COLLEGES *^ Am^™HK iP^^^SFj GOBLINS WALK AT HALLOWEEN PARTY ^•utifully « BMarJftu — ., i: and tb. tnonsIH ol WATCH CRYSTALS 25c | MCCARTHY'S GEORGE J. WEBER, Inc. Announcement Carter's Corner R_ F. "Nick" CARTER 2 S$ATE COLLEGE STUDENTS TOBE , IN MUSIC T'ESTl Miss Simpson, Edwin Waahbu Represent Fresno District In Radio Competition P Fraternities Ison. Bob Cam ^red Gribblc, F Pledges of Alpha The Collegiate- Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Meet Your Friends At CASNER'S Special Noon Lunch 25c School Supplies—Candies—Drugs CASNER DRUG CO. Phone 2-7314 Weldon and Echo Opposite High School CLAIR DUBOIS and HU ' HIGHTLA.TTERS at th* CALIFORNIAN Saturday Nltes For Other Engagements See Clair at the Hotel Peggy Long Wilson Theater "College Idea" "Soft Cushions" ar and dirt -lUl ta. flrl COLLEGE MEN The BRUNSWICK BILLIARD EARLOR 10W * rDXTON HOT AND COLD LUNCHES A SPECIALTY The BRUNSWICK SODA FOUNTAIN You will find a wide v Theatre Confectionery o Wilson Theater) "YE College Hangout" ALBERTS CONFECTIONARY We Serve BREAKFAST — LUNCH — SUPPER Our Specialty: Toasted Sandwiches, IOe IVe Carry a Full Line of UPPLIES COSMET. s from the Training School COLLEGIATE Right in step on the Campus—are these Snappy "Freeman's Oxfords—Shown in the popular Tans and Black— are built over a Collegiate last for everyday wear or finer styles for Dress. (Men"s Shoes—Street Floor)
Object Description
Title | 1927_11 The Daily Collegian November 1927 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1927 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Nov 4, 1927 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1927 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | TH* COLLEGIAN THE VALI'E OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS the daily life of lhe college in lhal il i, a paper published for and by ses which arc not like an, other organ. It give, new, to all in the col- From the columns of the pnpT llie -Indent le.trns abmrt .ntivitie. nitli which he doe. not rome personally in contact. The fact dial news from other collrer, is given -,|so widen, the outlook of the student,. Thi. end of giving the student new. .iml :.. w i.Jeas is the grealrst work of the paper. In a paper of thi, kind there is not the coloring of a daily newspaper, perhaps "nffrolnring" is a better word for some of the stories and article printed in the arena* newspaper. The facts alone are givrn and the st dent i, left to draw hi, own conclusions. A bond of good feeling is bui up around tbe .lud.-t.t- I.v the jl.-rmf of His representation nnd prop ganda of student issue.. of this expression: it will do wonder, for die paper and the school. Another phase of the paper is lhe technical training afforded Ii Then, if a college paper gives tlie college news, forms a bond of lo; ally, gives the students an opportunity lo express their opinions, affords training in jotrrnali-he w. rk. ami advertise the school it is an asset college worthy of .11 it. endeavor. cians should have to play jaxa, and not classical music in making their -ay through college. Several of the men interviewed have staled that r-red wilh rtrrfueU. to play soloe, or other kind, of cUuaical ramie, but rarely receive pay for pitying thi. type of mmfc. If some of tbe prominent society people around town, who give tea*, a. could be rued, and At The Theatres I publication, worthy of tl hundred, only about ihrt elicit for lhe first edition. hnndred cc the college i. growing only in number, while any interest in fairs, other than social, is on the decline. And yet there are a f and faculty members who are laboring and planning to make 1 a four year college. The student body, aa a body, ha. not a much-talked-of "college spirit." If there is any strident body . yet to make i!» appearance. JAZZ VS. CLASSICAL MUSIC In a recent survey taken by the music editor of the Collegian, il » pporting, and making their way through college with music. The ly ing. in which cl .I'.!,- .-. .j«r«pl*v. ■sidered in lhe least. However, a lew atodents make small urn. (very small, indeed) from teaching clerical mtuic. The Hotel Caiifomian orchestra, which is strictly a jazz band, in the modern seivae of the word, employs three of our Fresno State College men. Merle Good, uxaphonurt, James Sullivan, trumpeter, and Orrin Heinle. fbicb is nothing more than a bo. iel Popovieh, t* relief organist, and i gnrford, a. violinist. Tbe Rainbow , A Cappella Choir Appears in Final Concert of Club MUSIC 1 Club I* Albert 8pald.n*. t* II. -as ..III a mere chu,4-wb. SAN FRANCISCO FLORAL CO. Corsage. . Sjwelaltjr " The Vassar The only exclu.ive. dorma- tory for girls of Fresno State ALL MAKES TYPETYRTTERS Wholesale Typewriter Co. CHARLOTTE says: I1H50 yon can buy any kind of a dress you want or need for ttftM CHARLOTTES APPAREL .SHOP, We Just Received- School Dresses • Sport Dresses Afternoon Dresses Dinner Dresses Evening Dresses D following pieces: Raymond 0 U-DRIVE Lowest littles in Fresno U-DRIVE AUTO 141B Brondway Ph. 3-1618 The Book Shelf] Congrats to Jim Russell, F. S. C.'s Most Popular Man Ben Epstein &> Son Garibaldi's -2032 Mariposa St TAMALES WALTER SMITH, Inc. Sontheast Corner Tnlaxe and Broadway Shirts of Imported English Broadcloth; Lustrous- Fabrics IL45-41.95 WeRcntTuxedoi. Book Reviews DUSTY AN8WIR Just .. nainrullr. < .cerly. devoutly, like SMALL^COLLEGES *^ Am^™HK iP^^^SFj GOBLINS WALK AT HALLOWEEN PARTY ^•utifully « BMarJftu — ., i: and tb. tnonsIH ol WATCH CRYSTALS 25c | MCCARTHY'S GEORGE J. WEBER, Inc. Announcement Carter's Corner R_ F. "Nick" CARTER 2 S$ATE COLLEGE STUDENTS TOBE , IN MUSIC T'ESTl Miss Simpson, Edwin Waahbu Represent Fresno District In Radio Competition P Fraternities Ison. Bob Cam ^red Gribblc, F Pledges of Alpha The Collegiate- Barber Shop and Beauty Parlor Meet Your Friends At CASNER'S Special Noon Lunch 25c School Supplies—Candies—Drugs CASNER DRUG CO. Phone 2-7314 Weldon and Echo Opposite High School CLAIR DUBOIS and HU ' HIGHTLA.TTERS at th* CALIFORNIAN Saturday Nltes For Other Engagements See Clair at the Hotel Peggy Long Wilson Theater "College Idea" "Soft Cushions" ar and dirt -lUl ta. flrl COLLEGE MEN The BRUNSWICK BILLIARD EARLOR 10W * rDXTON HOT AND COLD LUNCHES A SPECIALTY The BRUNSWICK SODA FOUNTAIN You will find a wide v Theatre Confectionery o Wilson Theater) "YE College Hangout" ALBERTS CONFECTIONARY We Serve BREAKFAST — LUNCH — SUPPER Our Specialty: Toasted Sandwiches, IOe IVe Carry a Full Line of UPPLIES COSMET. s from the Training School COLLEGIATE Right in step on the Campus—are these Snappy "Freeman's Oxfords—Shown in the popular Tans and Black— are built over a Collegiate last for everyday wear or finer styles for Dress. (Men"s Shoes—Street Floor) |