Nov 5, 1956 Pg. 4- Nov 7, 1956 Pg. 1 |
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—Th* Fresno State College Collegian— Bjdnd DL Kant Q„J By Bruce I'ankratz Propositions On November Ballot Considered Shoo-ins, Controversial the propositions on the ballot in the forthcoming onsidered "shoo-ins" by most observers ok the 1 by virtue of the fact that there is no organizer opiMsition to them. Such measures recommended to the voters for their approv- GOP Asserts Ike Will Mean Better World Demos Warn Voters About Richard Nixon (Continued Iron, Pag, orer their heaos.- righta la pollUcally unparall the crippled and disabled; to help On Clrll Rights the Democratic Party — fatly aware of In reapon slDlllty In the field — has glrer FSC Cagers Might Upset CBA Powers 'FSC '57 Track Prospects Bright' — Coach Hanner (Continued Iron, Pag. )) ' She looked in tbe mirror to see if she Was atill the gir 1 she uaod to bo ... Miae Sanitation'63. The happiest day aba ever knew! "Life," she sighed, "is never the same After a girl has known real fame; / W^rlETTEC. / After a girt has been like me I Q ^ I y big full a. Packed •J.«ay,ifs Theatrical Clinic Hosts 150 From Valley Hi Schools 1 c-»nipu« plajrhoudp, Party Stand* Seen In Votes Of Candidates OUR ADVERTISERS SASSANOS SHOES & MEN'S WEAR NATIONAltY ADVERTISED BRANDS CY 9-4430 44B POIUSKY A' Zenith and RCA Layaway lor Christmas at UP TO A YEAR TO PAY! NO MONEY DOWN OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 PM FULTON AT FRESNO Sensational Tone -and Only $99.95 The new 1957 Serenade model richest tone in portable radio-phrw- Zcnilh long distance AM radio All NO ST. JeivelttA STUDEHT COUKCIl HEETMC 6 r\*. . . . ROOM httOO THE COLLEGIA FRESNO STATE COLLEGE OMIT TBfrVffKIT STUDiKT PAPER IH ALL CAUfOtHIA FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1956 Dateless Coeds Get In Dance At Half Price M STUDENTS GOING Campus Queen To Lead Royalty In Vet's Parade Campus Queen Peggy Bunton w > lead the queen's ride a new multi-colored i at Fresno State College I annual Veteran's Day Past Opponents Is Theme Of Rally Slated Tomorrow r FSC has had s FSC Will Host High Schools In Talent Festival o College marching t jsic department, here II game in Ratclilfe St„._ Is Bulldog banner donated by Blue I College Weather Station Measures Hostile Nature By Cliff Groff Man lives in a world of constantly changing physical phenomena. Ho idle nature and the elements arc common terms applied to this phenomena which comes to our knowledge in the form of thunderstorms, tornadoes, floods and earth- (Continued on Page 4) Queen Choicej''^ Scou „.„,, To Be Told At|«3L^£«?V Annual Ball Alumni Group Membership Drive Starts Bslare helping the girls In tl Campus Proofs May Be Ready Thursday, Friday Green Bean Staff Is Plagued With Messy' Tables Catholic Organh Slates Meeting Today For Those Who Don't Know It FSC ALMA MATER Lot us in song, our voices raise In cloister'd courts to sound thy praise Each voice and heart that sings is true To thee, oh, cardinal and blue For thee, our hopes and memories; For thee, our hearts and loyalties Thy sons and daughters hail thee great, Our Alma Mater, Fresno State 1 ib held Its monthly Cor irred aa the vice-preside (ConZuedlnp'ag.^r Debate Team Is Successful In LA Match The Fresno State College Debate i Ringer and Roy ools tangled over was. Stale College waa th
Object Description
Title | 1956_11 The Daily Collegian November 1956 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1956 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Nov 5, 1956 Pg. 4- Nov 7, 1956 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1956 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | —Th* Fresno State College Collegian— Bjdnd DL Kant Q„J By Bruce I'ankratz Propositions On November Ballot Considered Shoo-ins, Controversial the propositions on the ballot in the forthcoming onsidered "shoo-ins" by most observers ok the 1 by virtue of the fact that there is no organizer opiMsition to them. Such measures recommended to the voters for their approv- GOP Asserts Ike Will Mean Better World Demos Warn Voters About Richard Nixon (Continued Iron, Pag, orer their heaos.- righta la pollUcally unparall the crippled and disabled; to help On Clrll Rights the Democratic Party — fatly aware of In reapon slDlllty In the field — has glrer FSC Cagers Might Upset CBA Powers 'FSC '57 Track Prospects Bright' — Coach Hanner (Continued Iron, Pag. )) ' She looked in tbe mirror to see if she Was atill the gir 1 she uaod to bo ... Miae Sanitation'63. The happiest day aba ever knew! "Life," she sighed, "is never the same After a girl has known real fame; / W^rlETTEC. / After a girt has been like me I Q ^ I y big full a. Packed •J.«ay,ifs Theatrical Clinic Hosts 150 From Valley Hi Schools 1 c-»nipu« plajrhoudp, Party Stand* Seen In Votes Of Candidates OUR ADVERTISERS SASSANOS SHOES & MEN'S WEAR NATIONAltY ADVERTISED BRANDS CY 9-4430 44B POIUSKY A' Zenith and RCA Layaway lor Christmas at UP TO A YEAR TO PAY! NO MONEY DOWN OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 PM FULTON AT FRESNO Sensational Tone -and Only $99.95 The new 1957 Serenade model richest tone in portable radio-phrw- Zcnilh long distance AM radio All NO ST. JeivelttA STUDEHT COUKCIl HEETMC 6 r\*. . . . ROOM httOO THE COLLEGIA FRESNO STATE COLLEGE OMIT TBfrVffKIT STUDiKT PAPER IH ALL CAUfOtHIA FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1956 Dateless Coeds Get In Dance At Half Price M STUDENTS GOING Campus Queen To Lead Royalty In Vet's Parade Campus Queen Peggy Bunton w > lead the queen's ride a new multi-colored i at Fresno State College I annual Veteran's Day Past Opponents Is Theme Of Rally Slated Tomorrow r FSC has had s FSC Will Host High Schools In Talent Festival o College marching t jsic department, here II game in Ratclilfe St„._ Is Bulldog banner donated by Blue I College Weather Station Measures Hostile Nature By Cliff Groff Man lives in a world of constantly changing physical phenomena. Ho idle nature and the elements arc common terms applied to this phenomena which comes to our knowledge in the form of thunderstorms, tornadoes, floods and earth- (Continued on Page 4) Queen Choicej''^ Scou „.„,, To Be Told At|«3L^£«?V Annual Ball Alumni Group Membership Drive Starts Bslare helping the girls In tl Campus Proofs May Be Ready Thursday, Friday Green Bean Staff Is Plagued With Messy' Tables Catholic Organh Slates Meeting Today For Those Who Don't Know It FSC ALMA MATER Lot us in song, our voices raise In cloister'd courts to sound thy praise Each voice and heart that sings is true To thee, oh, cardinal and blue For thee, our hopes and memories; For thee, our hearts and loyalties Thy sons and daughters hail thee great, Our Alma Mater, Fresno State 1 ib held Its monthly Cor irred aa the vice-preside (ConZuedlnp'ag.^r Debate Team Is Successful In LA Match The Fresno State College Debate i Ringer and Roy ools tangled over was. Stale College waa th |