Nov 9, 1954 Pg. 2-3 |
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Pope Two— -The Fresno State College Collegian COMMENT S Sports Deserve Praise Fresno State O client statewide reputation lut recognition is now due much praise to one phase of FSC thi Clark Van Galder, the head football conch, together his assistants and the gridders themselves, certainly congratulaticns coming for winning FSC's first undisputed football championship in CCAA history. At the beginning of the year prospects for such a championship seemed almost nonexistent. Prospects for winning six straight games looked even dimmer. But both have been accomplished, although other contests remaining may prove more troublesome. The fact that the coaches and athletes have gained their victories with little support makes the triumph even brighter. Wolves under various guises literally howled College of Pacific was dropped from the football schedule. The coaches and college came under severe criticism from sources. The wolves cried "de-emphasis of sports." FSO's answer was more powerful: championships within year in baseball, golf, track and football, with prospects for a basketball crown looking good. On a different note, The Collegian would much rather urge the student body to give its support to these sports than plain about poor support. Suffice it to say that even at championship game Saturday Cal Poly rooters were heard better (even from a disadvantageous position) than those of FSC. And past experience proves that fewer will support basketball, track and baseball. Aggies Reap Awards The term "aggies" at FSC has for some time been bandied about in a rather sarcastic, ridiculing and ner. The Collegian has often heard comments on "sodbusters," "pig farmers," and "you can always spot an aggie by his Granted most of the comments have been made facetiously, few of the students here know what the agriculture students are doing individually and as groups. Fewer realize tha are students just like others at FSC., Although most of the aggie activities arc limited to a single department on the new campus, the ag students are en an excellent and widespread reputation for Fresno State. They have walked away with top awards in local, state and international competition both in judging and in enterirfg college products. Many ribbons and trophies came-jfrom the rec Fresno District Fair and shows in Portland and San Franci to stay at FSC. The new campus certainly separates this one department from the rest of the college. But feats have a way of overcoming physical barriers. And if activities now in the planning stage are realized, the aggies will provide some all-school events where attendance will not have to be urged. LETTERS w. the CASC Leadei Roses And Razzes Although lengthier tributes have been made above, others To the cast of "Harvey" and their helpers for an excellent To the i last weekend. Hard work and planning were evident. To those responsible for some of the best card tricks produced at FSC in recent years. To the coeds with more gumption than their male parts who tried to regain the Battered Bulldogs sign from Cal Poly rooters. To college officials who planned and Night and student leaders conference who helped. To those using a lot of time to e.nter Day parade Thursday. To all the students giving time to help ihe Christmas Seal drive in Fresno County. Razzes go to the following: To the almost unheard rooters were even more quiet when time came to sing the FSC Alma Hater. In fact. The Collegian still doesn't know if it wi ce the reprint of the Alma Hater on page two. o the students n the Veterans iturday's ; iderators Frank Lang. Is Paiazxolo, Jim Wolf. Dorothy :Pheetera. Caroline Calawa] peclal recognition should be gli la type of school aplrlr ■' NOVEMBER CALENDAR EMBER Slgm. Chi Sweetheart danci FSC-San Diego Marines, here; nu.. JUNIOR OOMINICI YOUR CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE (lodge i AMD SONS Ags Offer Educated' Eggs From FSC Hens By Art Margosian ucers. Oyster shell, to HASH IT, SING IT THURSDAY FSC Alma Mater Let us in song, our voices" raise. In closter'd courts to sound thy praise. Each voice and heart that sings is true To thee, oh, Cardinal and Blue. For thee ,our hopes and memories; For thee, our hearts and loyalties. Thy sons and daughters hail thee great. Our Alma Mater, Fresno State! ' 1st Materials - School Supplies - Greeting Cards and Gifts KILNER'S IS ■MtK STUDYING MADE SIMPLE I have passed my thirty-fifth birthday, and my dewlaps droop ar.d . :! More nnl mor,' my ry< i tun: irw..:J, ' to think of it. rain the Hind- So it went—night alter ma.; • icks, sport thst I would reply with . gentle but firm smile. rn homeward, for the cock has long aince crowed." "Twm not the cock,", they would answer, laughing atrrire. ..:..•■•■■■■ '' ,'■ "i" 5n<K1'h> "*"—• Crazy, madcap Sam Leghorn. How I ■ Ob. we were ■ wild and jolly gang in those days. There was Ssm always wore a lampshade on her head. There was Freddie Omo who stole a dean. There wis Cap Queeg who alw.ya crried two •teel marble. In hi. hand. There was Emily who gilded her Yea, we were wild and Jolly, and the wildcat and Jolliest wss I... But not right aw. Erwhaaa jm* 1 waa dull, stodgy, and normal. I finallyarorrected this Icthesoms of Philip Morri. hare bought th.. ... bring yon a message each week. There la no mora impon. I can gire yon than the following: Collar, can b. beautiful. Don't i»"se ft up with atudylng. ' " at was my mUUk^At fi l wh»t: to prepare you at do yon need to lac th* realities of th. world? Ill tell you rhat—poise, that's what you need. And how do you get poise? Ill Ul you how: not by keeping your nose in a book, you may be sure! rUlajtl Lis.! Enjoyl . . .That', how you get poise. Of course yen .re to study, but be poised about it. Dont be like aome clods Don't b. Hit .TwieJIa. Thi truly poised whoU semester hldeoua with Yea, l-T. heard that lota of people hare condemned er»mm!ng. Bot who thaw* people m, Th*/an th. .lectrle tight and poro InUraaU. that1, who I fh.y want you to .it up lata as. rta rj eotr7 *^'t0bra ™* mo** *rtrklt]r lu,d ***** ""k halt'°t Clcrry, er :ly, cramming- U the. only eenelble way to study. But beware! cramming can be overdone T.k. It way. On th. night before your exam, rat a hearty dinner. Then get a date and go out and oat •Joothar hearty dinner. Then go park someplace .nd light up • Philip Morris. Enjoy th. peaceful pleasure It offers. Don't go home until vou'r. good .nd rel.xed. One. at bona, relax. Do not, howerer, fall asleep. This U fee al packs of Philip Morris within m mUd tobacco help, you to relax . ,l,p Morris is- yood mild tobacco. But Philip Morris is more than ju.t good mild tobacco; It ia also cigarette paper to keep the good mild tobacco from •pWing all orer th. plate. Now jrotrV. wot: th. uneomfortabl. chair and th. Philip Morris. N»w you a~d&ht Uae the lit .nd of your Philip MorrU. Do not •^j^J^^PJw iaurwsta. lw&fca. tSrT~—i- ~i"JS°2!l?<W:m"f prlrSTre-a ea the re-«Ie Talu. of your bt »d you will no doubt come .cross many thing, you dont r Bot oon't panic. Kdax. PUy some records. Bemos. s •Uus. Go out and catch aom. night crawlers R«l^ Be poUed. Stay looae. And remember-lf thing. reaUy Cos. niteohm»UhmtU I it unmekt to you oy (As wtkers o, «»« (Ma* yet, n^u en/oy Otir d, —Tha Fratne State ( SD Marines Invade Fresno For Holiday Battle CHALK TALK By Harry Gayfltlan, Sports Editor received * lrtter from U <1 hl«h .jcaJtut FSC a. \K to COP. and probably to Stanford tbU week*. i very poa*ib1«. Up to now the chief food t mane* (6 wlna-3 defeat*) the San Diego Derlldoff rate a -light edite -r The Gyrene-' last rftback was to Fort Ord two wm a 2744 count. Fort Ord has lost only to the Los Angeles Rai SATURDAY'S HIGHUGHTS 1.1 Poly Oame—Flrat period. Junior Domlnlcl a MICHIGAN MEET STILL PENDING TUXEDOS! GOODMAN'S ONE OF FRESNO'S FINEST MEN'S STORES Located at Mariposa & Broadway (DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE CITY PARKING LOT) GREAT $200,000 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE "of only tuxedos but every Hem of merchandise in our stara li on sale of prices that only 0 going out of businett sale could afford. Suits, underwear, socks, dross shirts, thekt, hats, sport shirts, pajamas, sport coots, and hundreds of items that space will not allow us to mention must "-a" will bo sold out to bare the walls in the shortest of Cost or loss ol profits. DOH7 MISS THIS GREAT SALE, BUT WE CAUTION YOU TO COMt EARLY WHILE OUR STOCKS LAST. flftST COmEl fIRST SERVED! DON'T MISS HI AI^AItemations at Cost $89.50 TUXEDOS » Tux rentals will boy l-b nationally advertised tw or 4475. $75.00 TUXEDOS 5 rentals will bay this tux at only 36-tS. Steinborn's Boot Nips Poly 16-13 By Craig White A field goal with 27 seconds remaining in the game was the difference Saturday night as Fresno State's Battlin' Bulldogs ended Cal Poly's two year reign as champions of the California Collegiate Athletic Association football conference. The Bulldogs toppled the Mustangs 16-13 on the strength of John BEASLEY FOR FIVE—Winston Beosley. veteran Bulldog left halfback, skirted left end lor five yards in this second period action shot against the Cal Poly Mustangs. The senior gridder has averaged dose to five yards a crack this Lambda Chi/Phi Sig Tilt Heads IM Grid Schedule e Lambda Chi Alpha place Kappa S!g*m.< • crowned CCAA el ■s before losing 14-J7. Fort Ord he National Football League. game.. Report, from San Diego In luaung halfback Danny Dolgado e the Bulldog, tielr chance (Continued on Ptge 4) 223 OH LUNCHEON — 85c We're Proud of Our Food SKIIERS SKI BOOTS On. Pair of Women's . SKI BOOTS (I ycor old I ind Pair of Skis (good cond.l FOR SAl£ $60 7-8605 Mrs. Mary Harwell Q999 What makes a Lucky taste better? "IT'S TOASTED to taste better! What cigarette do college students go for? According to the latest, biggest coast-to- coast survey, students prefer Luckies to all other brands. And once again, the No. 1 reason is better taste. Of course Luckies taste better. First of all, Lucky Strike means fine tobacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better. "It's Toasted"—the famous Lucky Strike process—tones up Luckies' light, mild, gbobNtas^ini; tobacco to make it taste even better. Tfy a pack. Maybe you'll be as fortunate as the student in the Droodle to the right, titled: Lucky smoker . . . faulty cigarette vending machine. Even if you're not, you'll enjoy the -better-tasting cigarette ... Lucky Strike. LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Cleaner, Freshen Smoother! • A. I c rsooocrer oiiw>t<nannjjn ^C^Lane-^ytay .M.aiea's uaajj
Object Description
Title | 1954_11 The Daily Collegian November 1954 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1954 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Nov 9, 1954 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1954 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Pope Two—
-The Fresno State College Collegian
Sports Deserve Praise
Fresno State O
client statewide reputation
lut recognition is now due
much praise
to one phase of FSC thi
Clark Van Galder, the head football conch, together
his assistants and the gridders themselves, certainly
congratulaticns coming for winning FSC's first undisputed
football championship in CCAA history. At the beginning of
the year prospects for such a championship seemed almost
nonexistent. Prospects for winning six straight games looked
even dimmer. But both have been accomplished, although
other contests remaining may prove more troublesome.
The fact that the coaches and athletes have gained their
victories with little support makes the triumph even brighter.
Wolves under various guises literally howled
College of Pacific was dropped from the football schedule. The
coaches and college came under severe criticism from
sources. The wolves cried "de-emphasis of sports." FSO's
answer was more powerful: championships within
year in baseball, golf, track and football, with prospects for
a basketball crown looking good.
On a different note, The Collegian would much rather urge
the student body to give its support to these sports than
plain about poor support. Suffice it to say that even at
championship game Saturday Cal Poly rooters were heard
better (even from a disadvantageous position) than those of
FSC. And past experience proves that fewer will support basketball, track and baseball.
Aggies Reap Awards
The term "aggies" at FSC has for some time been bandied
about in a rather sarcastic, ridiculing and
ner. The Collegian has often heard comments on "sodbusters,"
"pig farmers," and "you can always spot an aggie by his
Granted most of the comments have been made facetiously,
few of the students here know what the agriculture students
are doing individually and as groups. Fewer realize tha
are students just like others at FSC.,
Although most of the aggie activities arc limited to a single
department on the new campus, the ag students are en
an excellent and widespread reputation for Fresno State. They
have walked away with top awards in local, state and international competition both in judging and in enterirfg college
products. Many ribbons and trophies came-jfrom the rec
Fresno District Fair and shows in Portland and San Franci
to stay at FSC.
The new campus certainly separates this one department
from the rest of the college. But feats have a way of overcoming physical barriers. And if activities now in the planning
stage are realized, the aggies will provide some all-school
events where attendance will not have to be urged.
w. the CASC Leadei
Roses And Razzes
Although lengthier tributes have been made above, others
To the cast of "Harvey" and their helpers for an excellent
To the i
last weekend. Hard work and planning were evident.
To those responsible for some of the best card tricks produced at FSC in recent years.
To the coeds with more gumption than their male
parts who tried to regain the Battered Bulldogs sign from Cal
Poly rooters.
To college officials who planned and
Night and student leaders conference
who helped.
To those using a lot of time to e.nter
Day parade Thursday.
To all the students giving time to help ihe Christmas Seal
drive in Fresno County.
Razzes go to the following:
To the almost unheard rooters
were even more quiet when time came to sing the FSC Alma
Hater. In fact. The Collegian still doesn't know if it wi
ce the reprint of the Alma Hater on page two.
o the students
n the Veterans
iturday's ;
iderators Frank Lang.
Is Paiazxolo, Jim Wolf. Dorothy
:Pheetera. Caroline Calawa]
peclal recognition should be gli
la type of school aplrlr ■'
Slgm. Chi Sweetheart danci
FSC-San Diego Marines, here;
Ags Offer Educated'
Eggs From FSC Hens
By Art Margosian
ucers. Oyster shell, to
FSC Alma Mater
Let us in song, our voices" raise.
In closter'd courts to sound thy praise.
Each voice and heart that sings is true
To thee, oh, Cardinal and Blue.
For thee ,our hopes and memories;
For thee, our hearts and loyalties.
Thy sons and daughters hail thee great.
Our Alma Mater, Fresno State! '
1st Materials - School Supplies - Greeting Cards and Gifts
I have passed my thirty-fifth birthday, and my dewlaps droop ar.d
. :! More nnl mor,' my ry< i tun: irw..:J,
' to think of it.
rain the Hind-
So it went—night alter ma.; • icks, sport thst
I would reply with . gentle but firm smile.
rn homeward, for the cock has long aince crowed."
"Twm not the cock,", they would answer, laughing atrrire.
'' ,'■ "i" 5n |