March 1, 1973 Pg. 2-3 |
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2 TrCOoULrOOLLEtalaVN Thix»dBy, Marat, I. 1973 man COMMINTARY UPC and 'the budget' by James Hofrnes Eco confer needs funds Ham ami nto camp** rwryebnt center la operation at tt* nee mm and haa a votanteer eurf and a aalarled man*c*r. the Studeni 5en*ie must becln ta |Kraaa* Ita a*r*le**. Currently la* ceeter accept* only n***p*p*r*, aluminum can* aad Claaa bottle* *ad haa alarfesreeln which to Were the recyclable*, y*t If la ■* op*r«tlon only • tarn days rtiuinf in* month ■ Th* center, however. do**n*l .crept Ball wrap, *R rarlona. nr Un eene, all ol which ar* feat aa dsmaclnf tn th* • u those whirl, are accepted. Apparent!- Ih* renter haa no amy ol (ettlna theae ua a redemption local loo or poaaeaaea nodevire for cruahlna th* cane. Such Imbalaerea rould he rectified with proper rwtdlnf by Ihe ee*. ate. l.aei a. senate commlnee waa suppmod to Inveatlfal. the porch*** of a bottlerruahet and now, with a month of ihla .erne. ■ er paai the renter'a per sonnelmusi still hreek up lha da*, hy henrl The eenala ha* had enourh mon*. in the past tn hind th* forensic, team, the ..rlrultur* .lep.rln.att! ntee. Jurlflnc lJt«n.. jrsrlos-., prlrerl .pe.kara. he. ,r .aunt* iripulJ the pur a. airing* anur when 11 ...mas ... ecttlorr;. With rh. . enr.r «>nl) In fi», I' hours a roirftfh aral arlll. .ml. .vie paid wr.iher 'ha sonata's . ...r.n.llti art. Ir, a. r.lrt.,1 al I. ■Uurlliei aia..inn. Io ttrtl. null, 1h.1i i.l*asil»ir- Htal a.lecniaia r,i,..|s sural, ll "wH afltud ... Ms. the r.nroJ ,. <r\* Ilia a'ftrarr<aiirtii«*l.1 'In ijr'.iri.s ai..| 'oil a>l-l has. 'hpn ■■ arts|.,l »o.| ... tt.a a. i,|..r, . -tri llalri iriir .sauna ll lha .air..'. ■■frJ.ia'lia Is a.|rtia,a.l jit 1 tliiala-1 |.i>.,H.rlr ..".' tail. i an lha >tat, lail,i .,.. -.f I' lift lha tut r t..ii.t||tiii rf. ■il's ,. wall lit »lta um. nf |hiI lit srl si. .< .'irit.iitit a.ria'irs s -h. |.n ,i t> "-II i. fl.. .attara . .ai,l-1 tii.Sa |t Jrii.*'. fitria |i a ..i||M..|.rt . a. '.: ..r. .a • pus aral |Hm.,I.J, listai as' •i...ic ...l.iiitaai s .ml " ».i.|i*...jia * .s .... |.|.ttut>|a It.. I.a.sat IllHi,, .f r. a'aflals slur . lha .Ir iji li.. a ssssatti s tn In- sla. hc.1 .trains' si.ala.ti fitt.'t .an. In many jifjs. a 11111a .I'laitr,. .it s.n„,)-I I.' „ra.l««1 ...*,i 1 ,t -.1 - an-,.,, iiinja. I. *» rl.a serial. ,i. ts..,. a .ia.i la,I .1 a'!.- LITTERS TO THE EDITOR r- -111 ■( : >n> e ii.i,r** l"n*« *.*• ■ ■slii*-l *, i At- Ikiaidl . 4M.flli' *iet- ■ Ai'ttiie.! (tip tvfalll^t-S I'll** U'r«*> -b*» 'mm \tim-t ;a\Uiha\ .iilUftt" vhissl ]■••*.• in ■ *>J r r-i -»i * . i*iii.aii .air* **f i..«-I-*|.t, hi III - .a> 1-iti.lri-t I'liHo. nui 4iaa<>a->v4*: -. ■ ■• 1-1 I ■. ,*■ It*., ■ MMtt" 1 «a|- li|-iti|.i>l l»*i ' t*» rh* t te*'* ■■■■•■ ** arM*aii*|*- hr-aml-*.! i» !■* I*. I*t sue •! I Hi-mi. .'4. I* bin .■nf 11 -IH _& SailiaS ■. *.. ■hi- III- * 111.' .if *,■■.■ (■■.■■"I 'tinI 'tn- ." |.. .|s'-* '-a .»*■ ii'iptl In *'.«■ *i **ji •A * iW* i* i-. ui.i ■>■- -r ■*• ■ •> wV'.e 1-1 -I -.I-I III 'tH* |H|r"4'| :. ■• S t At oUlM* me Willi.) Ilk** I"'* ***bi- Ui .**>a. a 'em .■ur**.*|.»,*- Villi the . I.i-ri**-*- >-t> | — ih ■il/a-l AS ml let* v jti-al tail, •t.w, !i< . _....- t- . ..< - l,»s .,, .in |,„., s'tl ... ""' .UI.I.ts "111 rn. '..!■,a. 1 1 ..•■ 1" •, |.ras. ,-t ai.-l Im I ,f • .■ f'.'l't, a 'a. r• HI*, 4. 1 «.r *: 1 |t... ss .|.t|tS 1" J- 1. ..., '•a- SJI . ji.j 1,.. ...1- ■ 1 ... i list. IM- '1.,..,,. ■ a ■ir .is|aa, ;.. .| , • 1 ,1a Si-I It .all 1 .11. 1 I.l .-.< '. 1. 1 .', .1 ..It ■1,1s ■ ■' .1 ' 1 I-- 1-1 ■sail.... .. |s it. 1 l* i -i i. , ... .-, ..•■ . l^a * .1 , ■ i. .... v ! Si - , I'.lfs ■ ... . i-lr. I lii«; s ■ 1 h . « .. I l> ll s GOME IN NOW- AND GET YOURS! j null If-mit nil rwM tfct kike «l ytir rHanct ATTENTIONI CSUF STUDENTS MAVI YOUR MM SMV1CID WHILE IN aASSI PARTS A SBt VICE ON All MAKES Ah, Ihe rues of Spring1 Bios sent* Moom, Mr%to twitter Ui tlie treoa, intf Or Warren Keaalei ol like tJiriied profossors of rail ■ lornla aavmgea tlie; governor's irwJrei for lite C'alllbmia Stair l/fttversliy anil College ■yitam. I awear' One oi Iheta iajra Keftaler le going io»a> HtmetMni rtlfe — androrrari - al*oui thai iiiaigit. and wnen ha -jloea one half i»f tha farul-r will lapse mt«» a aiaie of ahoch antf ihey'll haul tjtjwn Ihe flat ami It-ave 11 ait half ■taff ]*j«nr|a*r (ban .IW** tUdfor Ti u man 4»ntl John*Kt4*i * r>rnit| nm\ Tta hear I>r Ka****l*-i >*-a**aa. r*iu'1 ii*v*r hud)* rhdit thr pit) *WMI**1 "tZ-'14 f.*•!«;•*i |iT*l*fl*lf"a A hetty T '■ pat «t»ui i-iivo- fair t.i- rtt'ult,. tit lhaa ir im raa»4*"4 >t*r Mata'% flrMiifial * i*ni» irn *>*i Tn* wl. lull 'imf s*\rle>ti !-. jl*rnji •4 r, taet riant Unl I* t*>es Still 'he C'jf-*J J*-titl I*. le..t dl|- -.•t*.* taa*-!* aJlHl if tl|*| I l>t**r.| I I -. •f ll»*-J -.Ill-tall, I'l 4llal.l'l ••• >l • AS\., *i|h ■'♦■*,.4,k ;.■■ ,(•,. ji n-<'i l ■ as *•*■*! t'**4i*«r, *-it »-■ r1'" at*. *,■*• ■ l«-l. '■■ i oiOw »■■>■ rJH*a| i|B|| .*•■ S|t| V I....|n, " «h.. *l'* .■.*- .f l.'.i- ■■mj i**- Ll I.- -I i- h Hat*. Ih the Uy» mhen poat waa m there plugilng f«f nigher pro latjaon' Mlarie*. heasterhallad hirr aa * frlai*4 t>f adurailon In- ■lva*l. Stem that tha vaneraKle analyst ia un lha othei slrte. suppor'tnax Heagan he ruu la -lantnad as atlestrojrei and cam* F»|ayt»i. I an'I M loubti-J ahanyeari 'if vifr-lTinic philuarjph> proaifln a nun wMb mj r-artei rniaiia (tn I u 1 r i n-r aiMriht»r s. >-i»i-r*.|ivianra i han whMhar Dial olhai paiaon ha|lf*.«*> lha* n an"*i mtgeittt rt»a*e • .*• i ett%tewA.l !■* .! pai • ••■•i Ami rtit-n "titr*rt*l**l'i K**»»l^i '» ■ tljft lUmM-|i| ai mV\\ aJkllJsfllt .Jlef lie-If 4* | i>>T I' A||4ia% hill- I (J fesqual* Us t,*| I'll.41., lal | ***|fal.** *!l|. It.a* mf-irai*- <tf <-llr* al l»'i .1: • 4hfur ii.* ian-a*Li '*!*■> lha **>*a|ai . K^t * •■«•• *e,'i -I c l %l ( *v Vf" at. I •»! het •'..' Jt*a*a-•* *||! • jijlhr j . H|,ali.» ..* i.jj -.*«■ *f •*.,i -, fl- •• ■*-!-■ «.. -trd-IP i * ■* I* It- !^. • -i .*■ t, I *■ |,.-i. 'ess -s ,*-. fc I |. i- |f . ,., -.1-1 ...'I |*j ■ . J||- I I ,.( I- altl-rT.1 fkfflle Jl.s-1 r.* x- a >•• i- "*i«f o'Ate . . i-a'4- » . r .-*a| 1a-i" >l*l ill ItiJik *rj»'t.i*- •*. *r* t . Is--*. :-. ** : .i ...-ii"' "i ■*-( i - -if 'iela. * .A •**• , .*■■!■ i -• - •.■rllr *a " •,-.* .j. •* *,* ; 1 -leldh ll 1 'M.l* «4^ a ** -.1-* 1 -1 1 :i.-ri. fa* *t *• m+A.Ai • i••(»*»■ |... .i-i... ■ ; ....!.. •i- " -■ "ia ' »; --*|.i'. |i--»*. .t'Ue *s,aa-*t|i<: ■■■•■ai i . • i * ■ .* ,i *V***i..| •• if : it.a, "A" l! .'s "sa. " 't *■ ■•;. '.• .j.| :4><.|||'*-1 '1 >■• 'tit' ■ * * . I'Hj p||«-| * f.ail ..*i- ■■ | «■ <■ ■••* .I-.' ■*-ll S t'lawli ■•■ M"!" j*-a" :• ai*. ; I -••.! a*i .•Jf • .. Ip*' A-.-- ;. ta*. f.a, j- » |". .| i. • i-rk-i. ■ • .i rl :«, A • . .. 4- ,ta*l-l *".J . . 1 »,«■.*."■ - ■ - ■«■■ ! *,n**i: f; tati-ft »■• ■■-•■■ 1 *'-f I ai, |*| i" .■* a' * ■ • -4 te | al*r-a crttlqu* th* atallar a*. sumption ol tha UPC coamo, lhal ih* dIBcranea b*tw**a*Mr. and cUH education* aad *flr»i elaaa education* He* m lht arr,..iini ol inoney pumped into It* Britain. How anr aducalor eo*M conllnue to eepuuae thla doctrine la heyond heUef. It la llkeareuf. rapber belon«ln« to Ihe I Ut Earl* Th* evidence on thi* polnf i, k> ..t.naive *a to require th. re.r ol thi* leave lo Hat It in full, .■-runnnclr. I present but ■•■, li.nam.j ■« five you a feel tur ilia t|u**ilon hi ,.*.i r, the achools' |iei pupil .ipendliure rani as lio.r 25 lo Ut per r*nl hlctiei than thai of any ol lha Hair's ..thai fire 1,1 Ke>! .llBtrlCI* lot san'. lealleay acoi.i as aura < tMsai.leiahty lower than '■'.it., in dia other four dlatrtc. titl a. rnaa the nation N.« i--:k > in in 1-jln spent .'.*.• ■t I 111..f .ei li. aihtjo I. ]ts ,.,| I aihei Kiiuakerhocker »a» ilo-ftifl-Ht i.iine tt Mlllon.deapiir 'I* fa.- thai pupil «irollr»enih„1 "•a i, slichtls. Vei in iho.a .*'■ a .... 'ire pel. entaeeof »iu rlr'n. at hieing Ih.|dw, normal r-»a fi.,,r- "-I |st>r , em lo 6fi in-i »'.. Ii.s fltr.a, ut rmpniial Hi Kasslai aonllnue lo Ji.tff lha , ar-liii.l l.ii|KH,an. e nf more i a. lasj'iia all ihe esldemv •i. ir.a .,,„iiar. i an It lie lhalh» :s in plaiaMl siitll.irn or dla aii,:aiiu.HI. Sn 1.1 u. ft. charl f,l la ,rt-1 .sir,. .IS.UII'lt lhal In sni' a [>| h... let and hi. I..t,l/,r|ttli .1,. [„li,[ul|t .1,,. la.J..., s. Aid to civilian casualties of North, South Vietnam sought on campus ■*.*■ •, i .■::)■ I .il. ji i ■--. *■ h:> ■ . . • , l .»■ .. ■ i * ■ .#■--! .-I I'.lA * •■ ■.-.fa* ,l-| \ |i" .■ Il|.i 11* 1 I" • * I fc I" ■ ! ■tV-'l-H .' • ■* I**" '•■■ll ' Jail ■ I !■• '■" ' • a a i * a- ..... •• ' * . i»*-*' "n**"! !■■. a*** "'.** .: " *-| - ■ • ■-■■fc " * *■ i * t, : 'il* »—i i ■*-.■!■*■ j* • I ' »• .L*i»". * ■■ ; *,. ■%..!■■ s. • . ii ■■., '■ m-i * -.f ■' * * * I I* t f I « 4 l'4.|lp* I'l! I*... *■ ■"- * ! -il-* -..ill \ ■ i • * ji'i ;• i'.|. ■**■* .a-*, I a .a "" ji" a i .Lin | r ,| |e ,i . r ,-• .. in, -Miia- *| I • ' sa ■ Ate ■ti: i i ■ *f JOIN THE TEACHER CORPS YOU NEIO a strong desire to teoch in low income communities, a Bachelor's Degree or 60 transferable semester units. YOU GET 2 years of college - tuition free Bachelor's Degree if undergrad Master's Degree In Education if grod Teacher Certification S90.00 for each week ' Si 5.00 for eacn dependent Vets also get G.I, benefits Programs ore in most states. Wash. D.C., and Puerto Rico. aiaXtUITINO on ouaaus wtednesday, march t, 1973. sn thi njacnwn oma fob AN APPOINTNIiNT. \ • - i-i uli an s tia» been l.len ':fn-1 ■ ■ ii an. nf them a* one .... ■ naita a -llfference lo the f'f.saiils .,( s|. rirnsof Itllassai * ■.Iji , .,f >l,a invulieirieni* of mi, «i ■ In lletiiatit have uken ,la a, .Mil .ih* Miseiliaii peopi. iitass.trt< .,: ih. saoapluK audita .'I- ''alula i.f rl..... Ins-olsa i ait:. - >.|,1 i olletl I'ia st s, operate* a |.r..s I'.a'i . a ..I i ati.ttlll.allun rreniei jf sjtuits .S.-..1 ruiilh uf Mlgutl. • in. I. 'i-s iitairrrsl iisilian *!'■ im » ..; 'tar .,, .in. artificial am s ,i,l iff. Mosfital and mi ^|. ai su[t|,iias have been pru- sMo.1 r,. So, tit an.) Soul I. Vietnam !'. *l"si tisfi a prrloslofseveral .osii > ari-tthe croup** spoke.n.en lu.a I .eat. j.i on. | nan. In ef fori, to f onvinre rhe I'mted .stale* to *« ■ ■ut nf \ieinan< ronferrtm In Hanoi. Pans Saiaon and Waah- ineton. |i.(. with repreaenta- uf all ■atrlna fariloni. K iinrt. raised for III* million, filler tampaicn .IIIaolosuppori ihe inliiaiii.n of new AFSC war relief innKrama in all part* of . leinan and fur domestlr and In- lernational work for. peare In In. dorhlna THE DAILY C0UE6UI Puailittarct ttse din a *#*ki ascvpl haltalav* ana aaamiiiartlaHi p*rt4>d« b* tha Frame Mai* Calitrajp AitaXti^ Man Hail •ij**cn*^|s*ai-i» SS A f*a*a Iftff ||> a . •■■ KailOPfial off Ira- K*a>« CampMfc sfhillSna*. lalpphq**** • ■"-s74a*> aThiaiaaai mmt ad*«rii»iaa alllra. C4»ll»a*# thhlaati SI? IPt»al»a*na 4S7-iiaa Op in ion a r>pr**aa*-J |A Collt|iai*. *di laiiala. isWsUislmtj s(«jjiw»tsSM«aH«la and CsMMMtril-iilaa hy amatet mtitew*. wee tMt na>r*-*M*ii*r Ittaa* ot Call- fanua rK-iia ilmvet+ny. Tmvne. a* I'M I I .. »*»*■'—».—.——— ■ ■ .——— — . - r-,-. , TiTrajraatpv tewatl I, HOT WB DMLY COLLEtalAN a UPC expands board to meet new growth r°vT**as* vaeUar aear trnf **a**a eaaa la aad Stan Writer opaatac aaliatiaa la anal laput Tba ss-arat eltaptar at ttatMtad freai all taajor araaa of lb* aea- Protaaaor* at CaltotsniU (tflPC) daale aaatt.* rsNtrnttr aaar>wMa*1 last tt aaa K-aatar InUaeaa " airaetara la ai-tar la apaas tta th* lainiaat la I attatla la lepreeeat ttaa aai|aittv liaaf otcsuF raaatt". nve aehool aad analea aad tea H- brarlaaa aaa aaal each aa (ha frota • io is i laaisv-a- tear ai»la--/aia*a1tl4»*a. Or. Warra* KaaaUr.praaldanl al tha Fraaaa lecal,aaMlaaia*J*i aaaaga arttt siafea lb* taiaa mara issproaenuilea. brtnaBi lata oar central ejweralat beat*! alactad IXAlslsIE KNIGHT AND raANE NOONEV Meter maids make motorists mad hwaoae they know (l won't work with u*i* Knlfhi aald thai each member ol Ih* team fires out aa averse* of SO to 7$ ticket* ■ dajr. -On aom* days. «* may flea aai ■■ many *■ 100 aplec*.* aha ■aid, -But there's no quota sys. htm.- So tar. ah* aald, the l**m hasn't heen subjected to any *hss- allna.' -Of coarse, moat poopla don'i ippraclal* BMHtsf llekaia. Bui (*n*rally *v*ryon*'s b**n rrlendly to as, we haven't had any real I rouble y*t." Tha women oa th* learn don't carry any weapon*, Knlthl aald, •bill we do have radio* and our pur***.* Th* learn waa hired thi* a*. meater because the unlveratly covid fiat aflord to hi re more full- time parkin* *ntorc*m*nt of- flc*ra KalEht and Mooney. both junior criminology majors, worked *a dark* at lha campus security ofllc* and helped Initial* the program. Knlahi preMoaaly worked with lb* csmpu* wcurlty Mam at Allan Hancock Collef* la Santa Maria, wh*r* aha i-ad* patrol wlih tha local polle* aa pari at a itudent lav i Sam Wlliuna, a local folk Blnger, will lead off Dm concarl M T p.m. Spanish Club There will b* a .-Banish Clab maattnf laahjal at I p.m. la (he Collet* Urdoa, rtwrn *M. Tha topic will ha an Eaatar Hip to Mexico oa April 14-ls. SdM Scion, the Japanese-American atadaat dab, trill how a. alsart Imeiaeea i>*rrUr«s«rjltWjTtTp.m. la CD 30S. A Ta**>***-uW**XI Ot Oban. tiU>'taiwl*s«MBsaia4tac*l Ail lataraatad •A-ataala'ar* la- | CaWAR**5HAW vtlndtai If ynu find a parkin' licks, on y..u. windshield lonlaht. don'l Idame II on *the Man.' Th* odda ar* Iwo lo one lhal a nintan wrol* lhat ticket. CSUf-"* new -three- man* park - Inf team. which want lnlo *ctlon al Ihel>e(lnntrhjjjf this .emesler, haa two female officers. Dunn* Knitrht and Diane Mooney work Ihe daytlatit shift flee day* s week. ■W« *tiu set a lot of Wranc* looka." Knlehl aald. -Th* •>**■ doh'l know laulte how lo lake ua yel. •But the women don't try to pull the wool orar our aya* by rrytitf, Ilk* ih*y do wlih the men. Folk concert Alice and Mil. Seiner will present a southern Appalachian- styled concarl whan tb*y perform lontcht la Ih* Collefe Union lounfe al 1 p.m. Th* duo will play Appalachian manic, from unaccompanied sine- Ine throefb a wlda ranga of In- stramantal and vocal *tjrt**, ■* well a* sum of ihalr own coai- Moon.y was * m*mtr*rof a paid rad*t prof ram with lha Ventura Police Department while allend- Inf Ventura College. Kessler noted thai UPC haa ■raw* from a ts par coat rapra* laataMan at lha faculty to SO par coal Ihla year. Ha aipaeU thai, the cltif la amftHrenrtni alrac- lar* coupled with UPC'a raeaat ktlllnf of th* new salary scJvadal* *jIU prodoc* an adailaaal to- ere*** in UPC'a local ttrwnbar- *Mp. 'Thi* tlsanr* wiu lay to real once and tor all lb* (uapldoa lhal UPC lapraaaaM only a small clique ef liberals In a law schools.- Kessler aald. H* noted lhal UPC haa alwaya drawn heavy membership tram Humantil**, Social Sclaneaa and Neural Science*, but now ax- paeta te aaai maiabara on lla hoard from th* schools ef Pro- feaaioaal Stadlaa, Edacatlon aad Huaia*** aa wall aa tha dlvlalon ol Rnftneerinf and tba Library. K*aal*r faala thai sotn* ef lha faculiy ita** newed UPC aa ■ *l*n-llb*r*l cl*b.**Bdh*v*h**i- talad to Join th* union baeaaaa ih*y *f*ar Mine labeled.' -Now w* ar* explicitly aad ■irartorally breaklnf out ot what- Join the ISRAEL (3 week j In conjunct ion with TH Avre University) Trnval StMtnara (3 weeks) Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, IsraoI JUNE 14- JULY 21,1973 Thrill Rat*: $1098 (from N*W York) Cellars* Credit Available (3-5 unit s) t*h.D, Tha varlaty of Instruments used by bath laelud* baajo, fid- lar, mouth harp. Jaw* harp, man- EIF/EN SiPaMrBuM. VMfta ai-4 SctkVU lltUt Loa^sw BuN Cootar. ScMiU taalt Uqutw arnd •»-*/o\y. tifhim arthi. tatishiilan sssstiK Sit* (Jaah ot ee**s**4bst«*njra^B LssssAtWlfWttWsMII O eien*«*.i
Object Description
Title | 1973_03 The Daily Collegian March 1973 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1973 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 1, 1973 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1973 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Thix»dBy, Marat, I. 1973
UPC and 'the budget'
by James Hofrnes
Eco confer needs funds
Ham ami nto camp** rwryebnt center la operation at tt* nee mm
and haa a votanteer eurf and a aalarled man*c*r. the Studeni 5en*ie
must becln ta |Kraaa* Ita a*r*le**.
Currently la* ceeter accept* only n***p*p*r*, aluminum can* aad
Claaa bottle* *ad haa alarfesreeln which to Were the recyclable*,
y*t If la ■* op*r«tlon only • tarn days rtiuinf in* month
■ Th* center, however. do**n*l .crept Ball wrap, *R rarlona. nr Un
eene, all ol which ar* feat aa dsmaclnf tn th* • u those
whirl, are accepted. Apparent!- Ih* renter haa no amy ol (ettlna theae
ua a redemption local loo or poaaeaaea nodevire for cruahlna th* cane.
Such Imbalaerea rould he rectified with proper rwtdlnf by Ihe ee*.
ate. l.aei a. senate commlnee waa suppmod to Inveatlfal.
the porch*** of a bottlerruahet and now, with a month of ihla .erne.
■ er paai the renter'a per sonnelmusi still hreek up lha da*, hy henrl
The eenala ha* had enourh mon*. in the past tn hind th* forensic,
team, the ..rlrultur* .lep.rln.att! ntee. Jurlflnc lJt«n.. jrsrlos-., prlrerl
.pe.kara. he. ,r .aunt* iripulJ the pur a. airing* anur when 11 ...mas ...
With rh. . enr.r «>nl) In fi», I' hours a roirftfh aral
arlll. .ml. .vie paid wr.iher 'ha sonata's . ...r.n.llti art. Ir, a. r.lrt.,1 al I.
■Uurlliei aia..inn. Io ttrtl. null, 1h.1i i.l*asil»ir- Htal a.lecniaia r,i,..|s sural, ll "wH afltud ...
Ms. the r.nroJ ,. |