Sept 1, 1977 Pg. 1 |
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Schanderl fired for dishonesty, irresponsibility "IT BEATS THE PARKING l')".-hu< Ariiultl lltpt outdoor* In Ihe twek al siuii MiiPi, and li now itavlng In a mak ml bv tar!" exolainu Jai Ai-imM ol hit (tan ill pickup true* lor Ihe flint two nlQht* al CSUF b ihltl tel up in the itudv are*. Sec atnrv below. By Mike FtdfeiaM staff Reporter President Norman Baxter has notified Dr. Stgmund H. Schanderl ot Ml dUmlMil trom th* En- olo«y department In th«rlrtt-ever firing of a tenured professor trom CSUF, Baxter'! Auguit I, \}Tf d*cl- ilon adopt* the recommendation of the Schunderl Dliclpllniry Ac- llon Oommlttee. That report i remit ot nn extensive In- veaUfftitlon by th* campui which culminated In tho February 2'., 1171, Notice ot given to Dr. Schanderl and the three week* ot hearings by tha Disci- pliiiary action Commute* whan , Dr. Schanderl appealed hit dls- mlml, Tbe report tlndi' Schandirl irullty of dishonesty, failure and refusal lo perform hit duties and unprofessional conduct, Tho committee found ihato'chsn- rltrl did um demeaning expressions In referring to his colleagues and th* CSUF institution. Tha committee »lio round Schan- (tori guilty ol making a personal attack on Or. U. Kim. Srhiiiderl win rurthir found guilty of refusing to cooperate with Dr. Fred Nury ahd laboratory technician Kenneth Fuelling after a compromise waa worked out under th* Coughran Investigation. Th* rommltt* alto found Schanderl guilty ot entering Into a business relationship with Nury while Nury wis th* department chairman and Schanderl wis on hit pro-tenure probationary ste- Ther* w*r*. however, more serious charges against Schanderl. "We would not have recommended dismissal on th* butt of Dr. Schanderl's Intemporit* remark nor do w* believe that the grievance panel cam* to Its decision to recommend'dltmltsal on thlt ground," wrote Administration attorney William C. Knight tnhla poat-ht-aring memorandum to Chancellor Ctonn S. Dunk*. On* ot th* mor* serious charges that Schanderl was found Riillly of wai that h* did mak* 'numerous misrepresentations a- and fabrications' In hit allegations against Nury ind Fugelsang to an Investigator for a Faculty promotions effective today Forty-one rtoulty mtm'.era at CSUF have been .-med to rt- otlvt promotion* effective Sep-. tom:*r-L Tht armounoimfnt w.u rmdi » Dr. Lc '- vie* prwildint 1 tain, Thirty faculty mnm'.ert will' be elevated trom associate to full prottiiorutiUotMrswmb* promotod trom aealitant loitso- clala profauor, Coailoarttion for promotion Includes ivaluatlooibydeparlrafnt fioulty, the dtpertmtnt obelrm- u, a faculty oomm'itee In the lohool, th* dean, the Vnlvarelty Board on Promotlona, and the vie* preildant tor aeademto attain. The raw full prottiiora are Robert Itonakln, gaologyi Donald caiperton, health aolencoi Mara Cha, political loltnoei Norm*. Coohran, elementary education; Douilat Corda, buitntui Will- Um Co-ling:, English; George Dlntol, apcoch gommiialoatlon; Helen Umltrlow, foreign u\n|u- agea; An Dolarlan, art. David EUla, aoolal work; J*ek Fortner, music; Max Franc, po- llllcal iclonco; Richard Franoli, phyatcal eduction; RomldFn*- Fny. Eajllahi Frank Qolahl.'ta' duitrUl arts and twroolof yi P- aul Hair*, aoolal work; Donald KolmM, physics; Samuel l.lao, engineering. Kdward Lund, art; Donald Morgan, geognphy; Terry Newell, nyoholofyi Martin Paul,'Ki*j- Uah; Ivan Row*, education; sn- aan Shanks, oommoatoaUvt dls- ordeni Gantiha Vlawtiwann, aoolal wurkj Ronald Wagoner, m-< athemnlloai Raymond Waltaman, Ungulitloii Gary WtMgar, Industrial aria and technology; and David Zullmnr, ohamUby. . Promoted to usootat* pro- foiaor in Iawrence Andanoa, art, Greg CalUlet, biology; Wa- >M Clark, health science; Co- Helen James, physical thonpy; rlnn* Clay, biology; Arleae K- Wiuum Moaaon, ndlo-talevis- vans, niralnj; Audny Fagranl, ton: Ronald Sennits, health tel- physical education and recrea- tnoe; and Darltne Stewart, phytic*; Robert Ftaeher, aoelolocyi 'steal therap/. Departments join to form new unit Thr*e academic departments at CSUF have oomWned resource! to form a alnil* unit. Th* departments are Speech Com muni- ratlori, Theatre Arts, and Radio- Televtalon. Honald D, 'ohnton, aiaaaoclat* protoaalor ot theatre arts, has been appointed chairman ot th* new department, Th* merger, according to lohn- mo, hat a number of positive aspects to It. "We will openl* wiiii the earn* malort, and the tarn* kind of coordination, Uit Minimis will have portunltlcs tor Interaction with faculty In th* other areas," he aatd. Inhnton added Dr. Philip* will continue to coordinate the radio-TV area, while Dr. David quad m will coordinate the ap**«h communication area. The merger will reportedly mean a mon efficient us* of resources which Will enhance all of (he programs. The merger wat stimulated by many factors, Including the formation ot a faculty committee to atudy th* possible reorganisation ot the university. ..Schanderl had accused Nury of misusing university travel funds facilities and personal. He had aecuaed Fug*lsang of causing damage to equipment on loan to the Enology D»partment. Schanderl was found guilty of making repeated attempts to humiliate Fugelsang. lie also pressured FugilsanR Into paying for In* lunch*s ot gnest lecturers The challenge to th* findings s*t t wo principle ob ectlons: Tha I the recommendation of dismissal It bated largely on hearsay: that a aeries ot questions of academic freedom and freedom ot speech an nlaed by the Committee report! However, all eountersults will h* handled In superior court, and nil parties Involved are breathing a algh ot nll*f now that their In- volvemont la over. •If It had to happen," Vic* Pr*ald*nt Louis Volpp told Th* Collegian, "I with It had happened th* year baton I came here." Students play waiting game for dorms By Jamot Fnachl IM Reporter Foe II tludinti, living In the dormi tiding In eonvtrltd tludy roomi, theae murium* are playing a walling game, hoping niminni either moves out of Ihe dorm*, or doei not move in. Compared to Ihe ether roomi, uie ftudy louniet are imall. They an erammed with two berti, equipped with what on* •ludeni nailed "ihit ihln thing" tor a met- iriaa, and no pillows, Th* largt indoor wlndowt art env*r*d wllh while paper, through whleh ihadowi rlinx* ivirytim* temaon* mov*t, Thar* an ne pbon**, the reeldenla ctn'i gel nfrlgtnton, they do not hav* •ikirmta or maitbone. Some ot ihi roomi have Iwo rhiiri, oihtrt tour, torn* none at ill. Th* roomi all have lh* long iludy lahtot, which nil a good portion al lh* ipaeti aw] iiiiubi* at t plan* to put Ihlngt, Wtth lh* em iption ot a eiotoee ratk, Whlth lh* -i i iipmii* mmi than, then an ne imp* lotm, ttorage pltnt, or a «hetl of <l-tw*ri, One girl ha* metlothernelone- mtt ai a neighbor'* plate, il it net ell bail, and toe tludenu tola lohn Rturh •\ttnciait Dlnotor, Heal. deuce Life, Mil "Arproilirutely 100 wo- man an on Ihe waiting Hat and so or ao men an walling to get In" to th* dormi. luiii'h tald hi la •'faced wllh parent* •ailing everyday" trying to get their tons' or daushtora In, It* aald many ptoeto flum ihair academle oaraera an ruined It lh*y nan not get Into lh* dormi, Thla year Naunh aald, "There la a inmtndou* demand" tar on-eampua hnu. aing. Th* tludy noma hav* been uaed In lh* tall at temporary quarteri tor lh* list tone yeara. "Thla year w* an al nur peak," h* aald. Th* Alton hi* Dirinnr, MMldtne* Life, aald Ihe derm* have tilled up toiler Dili year than ever before, Th* woman*' noma, wllh ""• apatet available, tilled 'uly ft, fneincidenially, Ihe tame day aa tin ytir'i rtildenia hid in file baton Innim pilnriiyj and ihe lift i tpant tar men wen filled 'ulv in, b* torn* laat n.inuti cannllatlont and no- ahowa ao w* can aatoly overflow." At of Monday,' IJiurh aald about 10 people had not.moved Into (heir noma. He aald that th* ttudenti In the study noma were notified In advance they would be In temponry ojuartera, Om, Jai Arnold (mm Palo Alto, arrived In Fnano Sunday and slept In hit truck until room waa found In one of th* atudy roomi Tu*i- day. "Thay ihnuld have pilrhed tonta on th* lawn," aald Arnold aa he eurveyad hta room, When h* waa living In hla truck, Arnold had b**n taking ahowen In th* gym, ••It is the beat they could do," aald Ihe minor who waa ninth on lh* waiting Hat, "bill I don't think they shouh>h*v* overbooked, I've put up with won*." Rau*h tald, "Wa alwayt know then will yetr, May II, then waa a in uii>«nry, He alao aald I Itn ihm hall ot laai yearto return tar anethar Mtneator nfon>Mmput Rauch aald he expects those living In the study room* to wait an average of two weeks before moving In to permanent rooms. "It hat never b*en longer thin a month, and I think last year they had to watt three weeki at the longett," he aald. List Stark, a freshman from Davenport, Iowa, aald there t* a "little brown mouse" In h*r room, but the thinks It nn Into th* hall. She ha* Men In the study room tor a'week and three daya. "KveryoM knock! on th* door to use th* pencil aharpener," ahe Mid, adding that th* study room I ■ not wundprootod aa an th* regular room*. She can hear people opening doort ind wilting down the hall*. Stark aald ahe cannot open a checking account until ah* g*taanaddrMa,wh*n*h* writ** horn* ah* h*i no addrtu to give, and If ah* did get a totttr, no mtllbei to will Anoth*r woman aald hi ■prlnga brok*, and it unutibl*. TM mau tre*i la tying on th* floor; and th* bed- •prtngi an outolde. She, Ilk* to* othirt In'atudy noma, hav* no mirror In their room aad an living out of auiten*i, •It't net th* meat oenvoMMt, but it till w* get tomethint etotf."
Object Description
Title | 1977_09 The Daily Collegian September 1977 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Sept 1, 1977 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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Schanderl fired
for dishonesty,
Ariiultl lltpt outdoor* In Ihe twek al
siuii MiiPi, and li now itavlng In a mak
ml bv tar!" exolainu Jai Ai-imM ol hit (tan
ill pickup true* lor Ihe flint two nlQht* al CSUF b
ihltl tel up in the itudv are*. Sec atnrv below.
By Mike FtdfeiaM
staff Reporter
President Norman Baxter has
notified Dr. Stgmund H. Schanderl
ot Ml dUmlMil trom th* En-
olo«y department In th«rlrtt-ever
firing of a tenured professor trom
Baxter'! Auguit I, \}Tf d*cl-
ilon adopt* the recommendation
of the Schunderl Dliclpllniry Ac-
llon Oommlttee. That report
i remit ot nn extensive In-
veaUfftitlon by th* campui which
culminated In tho February 2'.,
1171, Notice ot given
to Dr. Schanderl and the three
week* ot hearings by tha Disci-
pliiiary action Commute* whan
, Dr. Schanderl appealed hit dls-
Tbe report tlndi' Schandirl
irullty of dishonesty, failure and
refusal lo perform hit duties and
unprofessional conduct,
Tho committee found ihato'chsn-
rltrl did um demeaning expressions In referring to his colleagues and th* CSUF institution.
Tha committee »lio round Schan-
(tori guilty ol making a personal
attack on Or. U. Kim.
Srhiiiderl win rurthir found
guilty of refusing to cooperate
with Dr. Fred Nury ahd laboratory technician Kenneth Fuelling after a compromise waa
worked out under th* Coughran
Th* rommltt* alto found Schanderl guilty ot entering Into a
business relationship with Nury
while Nury wis th* department
chairman and Schanderl wis on
hit pro-tenure probationary ste-
Ther* w*r*. however, more serious charges against Schanderl.
"We would not have recommended dismissal on th* butt of Dr.
Schanderl's Intemporit* remark
nor do w* believe that the grievance panel cam* to Its decision
to recommend'dltmltsal on thlt
ground," wrote Administration
attorney William C. Knight tnhla
poat-ht-aring memorandum to
Chancellor Ctonn S. Dunk*.
On* ot th* mor* serious charges that Schanderl was found
Riillly of wai that h* did mak*
'numerous misrepresentations a-
and fabrications' In hit allegations against Nury ind Fugelsang to an Investigator for a
Faculty promotions effective today
Forty-one rtoulty mtm'.era at
CSUF have been .-med to rt-
otlvt promotion* effective Sep-.
tom:*r-L Tht armounoimfnt w.u
rmdi » Dr. Lc '-
vie* prwildint 1
Thirty faculty mnm'.ert will'
be elevated trom associate to
full prottiiorutiUotMrswmb*
promotod trom aealitant loitso-
clala profauor,
Coailoarttion for promotion Includes ivaluatlooibydeparlrafnt
fioulty, the dtpertmtnt obelrm-
u, a faculty oomm'itee In the
lohool, th* dean, the Vnlvarelty
Board on Promotlona, and the
vie* preildant tor aeademto attain.
The raw full prottiiora are Robert Itonakln, gaologyi Donald
caiperton, health aolencoi Mara
Cha, political loltnoei Norm*.
Coohran, elementary education;
Douilat Corda, buitntui Will-
Um Co-ling:, English; George
Dlntol, apcoch gommiialoatlon;
Helen Umltrlow, foreign u\n|u-
agea; An Dolarlan, art.
David EUla, aoolal work; J*ek
Fortner, music; Max Franc, po-
llllcal iclonco; Richard Franoli,
phyatcal eduction; RomldFn*-
Fny. Eajllahi Frank Qolahl.'ta'
duitrUl arts and twroolof yi P-
aul Hair*, aoolal work; Donald
KolmM, physics; Samuel l.lao,
Kdward Lund, art; Donald Morgan, geognphy; Terry Newell,
nyoholofyi Martin Paul,'Ki*j-
Uah; Ivan Row*, education; sn-
aan Shanks, oommoatoaUvt dls-
ordeni Gantiha Vlawtiwann,
aoolal wurkj Ronald Wagoner, m-<
athemnlloai Raymond Waltaman,
Ungulitloii Gary WtMgar, Industrial aria and technology; and
David Zullmnr, ohamUby. .
Promoted to usootat* pro-
foiaor in Iawrence Andanoa,
art, Greg CalUlet, biology; Wa-
>M Clark, health science; Co- Helen James, physical thonpy;
rlnn* Clay, biology; Arleae K- Wiuum Moaaon, ndlo-talevis-
vans, niralnj; Audny Fagranl, ton: Ronald Sennits, health tel-
physical education and recrea- tnoe; and Darltne Stewart, phytic*; Robert Ftaeher, aoelolocyi 'steal therap/.
Departments join
to form new unit
Thr*e academic departments at
CSUF have oomWned resource!
to form a alnil* unit. Th* departments are Speech Com muni-
ratlori, Theatre Arts, and Radio-
Honald D, 'ohnton, aiaaaoclat*
protoaalor ot theatre arts, has
been appointed chairman ot th*
new department,
Th* merger, according to lohn-
mo, hat a number of positive
aspects to It. "We will openl*
wiiii the earn* malort, and the
tarn* kind of coordination, Uit
Minimis will have
portunltlcs tor Interaction with
faculty In th* other areas," he
Inhnton added Dr. Philip*
will continue to coordinate the
radio-TV area, while Dr. David
quad m will coordinate the ap**«h
communication area.
The merger will reportedly
mean a mon efficient us* of resources which Will enhance all
of (he programs.
The merger wat stimulated by
many factors, Including the formation ot a faculty committee to
atudy th* possible reorganisation
ot the university.
..Schanderl had accused Nury of
misusing university travel funds
facilities and personal. He had
aecuaed Fug*lsang of causing
damage to equipment on loan to
the Enology D»partment.
Schanderl was found guilty of
making repeated attempts to humiliate Fugelsang. lie also pressured FugilsanR Into paying for
In* lunch*s ot gnest lecturers
The challenge to th* findings
s*t t wo principle ob ectlons: Tha I
the recommendation of dismissal
It bated largely on hearsay: that
a aeries ot questions of academic
freedom and freedom ot speech
an nlaed by the Committee report!
However, all eountersults will
h* handled In superior court, and
nil parties Involved are breathing
a algh ot nll*f now that their In-
volvemont la over.
•If It had to happen," Vic*
Pr*ald*nt Louis Volpp told Th*
Collegian, "I with It had happened th* year baton I came here."
Students play waiting game for dorms
By Jamot Fnachl
IM Reporter
Foe II tludinti, living In the dormi
tiding In eonvtrltd tludy roomi, theae
murium* are playing a walling game, hoping niminni either moves out of Ihe
dorm*, or doei not move in.
Compared to Ihe ether roomi, uie ftudy
louniet are imall. They an erammed
with two berti, equipped with what on*
•ludeni nailed "ihit ihln thing" tor a met-
iriaa, and no pillows,
Th* largt indoor wlndowt art env*r*d
wllh while paper, through whleh ihadowi
rlinx* ivirytim* temaon* mov*t, Thar*
an ne pbon**, the reeldenla ctn'i gel
nfrlgtnton, they do not hav* •ikirmta
or maitbone. Some ot ihi roomi have
Iwo rhiiri, oihtrt tour, torn* none at ill.
Th* roomi all have lh* long iludy lahtot,
which nil a good portion al lh* ipaeti
aw] iiiiubi* at t plan* to put Ihlngt, Wtth
lh* em iption ot a eiotoee ratk, Whlth lh*
-i i iipmii* mmi than, then an ne imp*
lotm, ttorage pltnt, or a «hetl of