April 1, 1977 Pg. 2-3 |
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2~JH£ COLLEGIAN FRIDAY APRIL 1. im Friday, April L, UT7 AS Election Vignettes photos by s. whiplashe THE COLLEOIAN-3 Wristwrestling revealed AN UNtOtNTmED CSUFer proves that Vintage Days ft i iky experience. This portion of fhe eompeflffve events li more likely to be ol the ple-lnlhe face variety. The roof beer chupglng-pte eating contest It (utt one of the mony evenft fhof fokes ploce during Thlt year't Vintage Dayt wrlstwreetling wlil once again feature the former world champion In the event's heavyweight division—Jim DcJclnl. Ace--4Ing to Dolclni's brother Steve, a CSUF dairy science major, Jlr,. will be coming t Fresno to officiate the event which has rapidly become i favorite at Vintage Days and across the nation. Steve Dolcinl said his brother became involved with wrist- wrestling by accident. "Jim started In wristwrestling when he wanted to get In free to the championships In Petaluma," Dolcinl explained, "and one way to do that was to become a ccotestant. That first year he went dl the way to the Jim, wbo works at tcaper in Petduma, w become the heavyweight champion. He has since retired. Stove Doklni said his brother won about $1800 as well as a trip to Hawaii during hit reign as champion. Steve It a "pretty fair" wristwrestler In his own right, having finished second to CSUF footballer' Rocky Perry during Vintage Dayt last year. Steve said that be and hit brother's approach to the art la somewhat different than some other wTittwT»tleri\ "Some of the guys lift weights and practice ail the time, but I don't do any of that," sdd Steve. "My brother never practiced and neither have I." Steve said the secret to being a good wristwrestler It "You have to be quick—you have to be naturally strong. I've teen guys who have lifted weights all their life and were built like ice cream Clydesdales: CSUF visit brewing for April A special treat will kick off the 1*77 Vintage Dayt celebration a week prior to the official cipening The well-traveled Anheuser- Busch Clydesdale team will be at CSUF on April 13, from noon to 4 p.m. The team that Ed McMahon made famous hst agreed to publicize Vintage Dayt during Its four-day Fresno tour. CSUF students wlil be treated to a sped*] showing of the Clydesdale's precision stunts In toe grassy area by the Lab School. Although now used exclusively for advertising, the Clydesdales 'EE-TOUTS' get VD spirit In case anyone.1? wondering, those gold-shirted masters of the texual innuendo—the "EE- TOUTS" will be returning to competition during Vintage Days For those unfamiliar with the "EE-TOUTS," they are a group of about IS CSUF students from the Holiiiter-Sailnai area who banded together to form one of the more infamous competitive events teams In Vintage Dayt history. The "EE-TOUTS" got their start when former CSUF students Joe Locatelli and Chuck Dogllonl wanted to form a competitive events team for Vintage Dayt but did not belong to any campus organization. So they got together with their fellow cohorts from the Salinas Valley and the "EE-TOUTS" resulted. According to John Fisher, a member of this year's group, no one can remember who suggested the name "EE- TOUTS," butts does remember that once the name was In their first year of competition, the "EE-TOUTS" finished in the "middle-oMhe- pack." "We were just trying mainly for the 'teeehirt' competition. But even there we didn't do that well because we didn't know ail the rules and we left the words 'Vintage Days' off the shirts. We weren't really Into the other events," Fisher sdd. But In 1976, the "EE-TOUTS" came out In full force. Preventing the "EE-TOUTS" from an even higher finish was that the group did not enter the Boomtown Carnivd event. And Fisher explained why. "Every year on Saturday night during Vintage Days we get together and have Olympla Beer In the San Joaquin Valley, paid for the silk screening of their shirts. "We each paid about 915 for our uniforms and Oly kicked In for the silk screening," Fisher sdd. "We contacted Oly and they thought our group was great." Soon after the Initial appearance of the "EE-TOUTS," they found a large number of students wanting to join. "People started asking us bow to organize a Vintage Days group and even wanted to Join ours," Fisher said. "Right now we have two people joining for everyone that's left us." The group's highlight came, according to Fisher, when the "EE-TOUTS" followed the band In (luring opening ceremonies and everyone In the crowd started chanting, "EE-TOUTS, EE-TOUTS." The "EE-TOUTS" have had When asked If the "EE- mord and flnancld support In TOUTS" were hard partiers," their Vintage Days participation. Fisher replied "We like to ha ve a Target Sdea. distributors of good time." cones lose to little wiry guys wbo were quick," According to Steve, one reason weigh tliftert don't really nave an advantage It that different types of muscle and body co-ordination are used In wristwrestling. "IfS not amrmrtilnj- you just push up and down like weights. Your muscles are trying to pull across the body," be laid. Steve noted that wristwrestlers face a variety of occupational hazxards among which are broken arms, pulled tendons and bruited egos. He alto tald that wristwrestling has probably become more popular because of the attention It has received on Wide World of Sporta; But be says It has always been popular. "Every once In a while a bunch of guys get together and someone gets a ndr up. It's you just have to do. Special edition were originally utilized for rapid marketing of the popular brew. In the dayt before refrigeration and pasteurization, this rapidity wit essentia!. With the advent of motor Yehiclet, the magnificent team began Its cross-country advertising campalgt which has Each year the Budwelser Clydesddes travd over 40,000 miles In tnecidly built vans 40 feet-long and eight-feet wide. A separate van la used to transport the three-and-one-half ton brass trimmed wagon, Ihe portable stalls and miscellaneous equipment. Each horse averages 2,300 pounds and stands about six feet tail at the shoulder. The complete harness It handmade and costs about $30,000. The home of Ihe Clydesddes It St. Louis at the Anheuser-Busch stable. THE WOULD FAMOUS B campus to kick oft Vintage Days. The Bud tt April f J. while VTntoc^fXrysoffldoiry staffs AprilJI. Voting Commentary WhUe the find vote count of 1,749 makes it clear that many CSUF students did not with to vote, there were a few that did but were not allowed to. These unfortunate souls did not have in their possession the activities card which allows the electoral process to be carried through. A few of these students made their way Into the Collegian office arid hereto It contained some of their comments. "I made the mistake of assuming that voting on this campus was a right rather than an activity. It teems to me that a student body card would auow me to exerclae that right. They can punch my ttudent body card If they want," sdd Ernest Goto, a senior sociology ttudent. "Where does a person go to find out what I can do about them not allowing me to vote. I went.to the election committee and Adamt (Tom, election committee chairman) told me to go to Dean Bell and Bell told me to go to bit beet. That's Baxter. The people at the polling booths told me I couldt vote without an activities card because it waa against be constitution (A.S.! and the election rules. But I can't find It anywhere In them," -aid Dan Flerro, social welfare VINTAGE DAYS April 21-24 Registration Deadline - April 1st '9i It's coming !j Crafts Fair - Competitive Events - Boomtown Carnival - Concert - Picnic
Object Description
Title | 1977_04 The Daily Collegian April 1977 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 1, 1977 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | 2~JH£ COLLEGIAN FRIDAY APRIL 1. im Friday, April L, UT7 AS Election Vignettes photos by s. whiplashe THE COLLEOIAN-3 Wristwrestling revealed AN UNtOtNTmED CSUFer proves that Vintage Days ft i iky experience. This portion of fhe eompeflffve events li more likely to be ol the ple-lnlhe face variety. The roof beer chupglng-pte eating contest It (utt one of the mony evenft fhof fokes ploce during Thlt year't Vintage Dayt wrlstwreetling wlil once again feature the former world champion In the event's heavyweight division—Jim DcJclnl. Ace--4Ing to Dolclni's brother Steve, a CSUF dairy science major, Jlr,. will be coming t Fresno to officiate the event which has rapidly become i favorite at Vintage Days and across the nation. Steve Dolcinl said his brother became involved with wrist- wrestling by accident. "Jim started In wristwrestling when he wanted to get In free to the championships In Petaluma," Dolcinl explained, "and one way to do that was to become a ccotestant. That first year he went dl the way to the Jim, wbo works at tcaper in Petduma, w become the heavyweight champion. He has since retired. Stove Doklni said his brother won about $1800 as well as a trip to Hawaii during hit reign as champion. Steve It a "pretty fair" wristwrestler In his own right, having finished second to CSUF footballer' Rocky Perry during Vintage Dayt last year. Steve said that be and hit brother's approach to the art la somewhat different than some other wTittwT»tleri\ "Some of the guys lift weights and practice ail the time, but I don't do any of that," sdd Steve. "My brother never practiced and neither have I." Steve said the secret to being a good wristwrestler It "You have to be quick—you have to be naturally strong. I've teen guys who have lifted weights all their life and were built like ice cream Clydesdales: CSUF visit brewing for April A special treat will kick off the 1*77 Vintage Dayt celebration a week prior to the official cipening The well-traveled Anheuser- Busch Clydesdale team will be at CSUF on April 13, from noon to 4 p.m. The team that Ed McMahon made famous hst agreed to publicize Vintage Dayt during Its four-day Fresno tour. CSUF students wlil be treated to a sped*] showing of the Clydesdale's precision stunts In toe grassy area by the Lab School. Although now used exclusively for advertising, the Clydesdales 'EE-TOUTS' get VD spirit In case anyone.1? wondering, those gold-shirted masters of the texual innuendo—the "EE- TOUTS" will be returning to competition during Vintage Days For those unfamiliar with the "EE-TOUTS," they are a group of about IS CSUF students from the Holiiiter-Sailnai area who banded together to form one of the more infamous competitive events teams In Vintage Dayt history. The "EE-TOUTS" got their start when former CSUF students Joe Locatelli and Chuck Dogllonl wanted to form a competitive events team for Vintage Dayt but did not belong to any campus organization. So they got together with their fellow cohorts from the Salinas Valley and the "EE-TOUTS" resulted. According to John Fisher, a member of this year's group, no one can remember who suggested the name "EE- TOUTS," butts does remember that once the name was In their first year of competition, the "EE-TOUTS" finished in the "middle-oMhe- pack." "We were just trying mainly for the 'teeehirt' competition. But even there we didn't do that well because we didn't know ail the rules and we left the words 'Vintage Days' off the shirts. We weren't really Into the other events," Fisher sdd. But In 1976, the "EE-TOUTS" came out In full force. Preventing the "EE-TOUTS" from an even higher finish was that the group did not enter the Boomtown Carnivd event. And Fisher explained why. "Every year on Saturday night during Vintage Days we get together and have Olympla Beer In the San Joaquin Valley, paid for the silk screening of their shirts. "We each paid about 915 for our uniforms and Oly kicked In for the silk screening," Fisher sdd. "We contacted Oly and they thought our group was great." Soon after the Initial appearance of the "EE-TOUTS," they found a large number of students wanting to join. "People started asking us bow to organize a Vintage Days group and even wanted to Join ours," Fisher said. "Right now we have two people joining for everyone that's left us." The group's highlight came, according to Fisher, when the "EE-TOUTS" followed the band In (luring opening ceremonies and everyone In the crowd started chanting, "EE-TOUTS, EE-TOUTS." The "EE-TOUTS" have had When asked If the "EE- mord and flnancld support In TOUTS" were hard partiers," their Vintage Days participation. Fisher replied "We like to ha ve a Target Sdea. distributors of good time." cones lose to little wiry guys wbo were quick," According to Steve, one reason weigh tliftert don't really nave an advantage It that different types of muscle and body co-ordination are used In wristwrestling. "IfS not amrmrtilnj- you just push up and down like weights. Your muscles are trying to pull across the body," be laid. Steve noted that wristwrestlers face a variety of occupational hazxards among which are broken arms, pulled tendons and bruited egos. He alto tald that wristwrestling has probably become more popular because of the attention It has received on Wide World of Sporta; But be says It has always been popular. "Every once In a while a bunch of guys get together and someone gets a ndr up. It's you just have to do. Special edition were originally utilized for rapid marketing of the popular brew. In the dayt before refrigeration and pasteurization, this rapidity wit essentia!. With the advent of motor Yehiclet, the magnificent team began Its cross-country advertising campalgt which has Each year the Budwelser Clydesddes travd over 40,000 miles In tnecidly built vans 40 feet-long and eight-feet wide. A separate van la used to transport the three-and-one-half ton brass trimmed wagon, Ihe portable stalls and miscellaneous equipment. Each horse averages 2,300 pounds and stands about six feet tail at the shoulder. The complete harness It handmade and costs about $30,000. The home of Ihe Clydesddes It St. Louis at the Anheuser-Busch stable. THE WOULD FAMOUS B campus to kick oft Vintage Days. The Bud tt April f J. while VTntoc^fXrysoffldoiry staffs AprilJI. Voting Commentary WhUe the find vote count of 1,749 makes it clear that many CSUF students did not with to vote, there were a few that did but were not allowed to. These unfortunate souls did not have in their possession the activities card which allows the electoral process to be carried through. A few of these students made their way Into the Collegian office arid hereto It contained some of their comments. "I made the mistake of assuming that voting on this campus was a right rather than an activity. It teems to me that a student body card would auow me to exerclae that right. They can punch my ttudent body card If they want," sdd Ernest Goto, a senior sociology ttudent. "Where does a person go to find out what I can do about them not allowing me to vote. I went.to the election committee and Adamt (Tom, election committee chairman) told me to go to Dean Bell and Bell told me to go to bit beet. That's Baxter. The people at the polling booths told me I couldt vote without an activities card because it waa against be constitution (A.S.! and the election rules. But I can't find It anywhere In them," -aid Dan Flerro, social welfare VINTAGE DAYS April 21-24 Registration Deadline - April 1st '9i It's coming !j Crafts Fair - Competitive Events - Boomtown Carnival - Concert - Picnic |