April 12, 1977 Pg. 8- April 14, 1977 Pg. 1 |
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•- Tr* COLLEGIAN Tuesday, April 12,1K77 Former officers have differing opinions Brontan said ha felt the position of AS President li munication for the campus. He called student government a "misnomer. It's very limited in Its ability to do_things." more active In ttudent government In tbe late '60't and early 70's. Bronsan described __ County Supervisors, said the experience moll...but I wouldn't have traded it for anything," Bronsan said. "It was fascinating; exciting." Yea are earsJalty b-vtte-l to attend this fres »» TO WO ME MAWSmr Meet tbe Deea; seer Fresno sttsrMyt tell .beet Law School aid what Is iwamire* to become sa sttaraey. No obligation. HUMPHREYS SCHOOL Or LAW FRESNO policies of the state snd Ihe Board of Trustees also plsy a large role la control of tbe smpus, In Bronxan's opinion. John Trivls, assistant to President Baxter, has viewed student government from both Travis now serves mlnisu-ative employee. Like Bronsan, Travis found the "Hell, I wouldn't have traded it or anything. At tbe time, it was s Important than school—an • tion In itself," he tald. Travis discounted the opinion of tome ttudenti that ttudent government Is "s Joke." "When you consider the budget, well, that's pretty significant," Travis said, noting that the budgetary powers of_the w A SIGNIFICANT SUMMER Excellent Income ond outttondlng experience lor college man and woman. Outlet Include: Driving panel truck, delivery and selling ol grocery and general merchandise, bookkeeping, bonking ond warehouse work. Students will octuolly be managing o complete retail business operation. Earnings will be a percentog* ot the routes business with o minimum guaranteed tolary ol 1100 per we«k. Typical earnings are usually In excess ol $ 1 50 P W . and of tan at high as $200 or *300. wide leader In the retailing Industry. Solas HG Koorhon Regional Vice Prmttdent 1000 Eoil Boll Rood Anaheim. California 92803 ,n Equal Opportunity Employer A* / •eeeeeeeceeeeeceeaee* Deadline Extended Vintage Days Boomtown & Competitive Events Deadlines Extended to April 14 Free bumper stickers & 25< buttons available at CU Information Desk AS are one of their greatest, if not their greatest, powers. Another administrator, David Bell, dean cf ttudent affairs, sits on the AS senate as a non-voting Observed In AS Senste meetings, he it quiet snd reserved, seldom offering omment or suggestion Conversation with various senators and executive officers indicates that Bell plays a larger role, however. Many of the officers confer with Bell on a regular basis snd rely on his office for assistance In their affairs. AdmlhlstrsUve Influence on ttudent government it obviously nothing new. It was exercised In the more active 'SO't at well at In the present. To next year's officers, the service of one oT your former compstrlota: "The students could exert Just ss much pressure on the administration...If they put their Six fi\ ms are se lected Today tbe College Union Program Committee win select six films to be shown on campus next fall. The committee hat already selected six other films for their film series. The films and their descriptions are listed below: —"Car Wssh," rsted PG, with cameo appearances by the Pointer Sisters and Richard Pryor. The film describes s day In the life ot employees ol s car wssh. It features the hit disco song "Car Wash Blues." -"Silent Movie," rsted PG, with cameo appearances by Burt Reynolds, Paul Newman snd lira Minclll. A Mel Brooks slapstick comedy, the film is tllent except tor one spoken -"The Bad News Bean," rated PG, It a comedy starring Walter Matthau at t beer guzzling Little League coach and , Tatum O'Neal as tus star pitcher and only girl on an otherwise sll- boy team. -"Rocky," rsted PG, ttart Sylvetter Stallone aa a run-of- the-mill prise fighter wbo gets a ooce-ln-a-llfetlme chance at tbe heavyweight title. The *llm woo three Academy Awsrds including "Bat Picture." -"Network," rsted R, Is s tstire on television newt production which graphically dlsplsys the power ot TV. It stars Peter Finch, WUlism Holden snd Faye Dunaway. Finch and Dunawiy both received Academy Awards tor their roles in the film. — "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," rated R, won live Oscars last year. It stars Jack Nicholson at a patient In a mental Institution and Louise Fletcher as CALIF STATE UNIVERSITY FRESNO * Next year you could be on \ a scholarship. \ An Air Force ROTC two-year scholarship pays * your tuition and gives you $100 a month al- „. lowance. And it picks up the tab for books and lab * fees, as well. * After college, you'll receive a commission In the * Air Force ... go on to additional, specialized * training ... as you get your start as an Air Force # officer. There'll be good pay and responsibility, » and lots ol other benefits ... and a great oppor- * tunity to serve your country. * It all starts right here — in college — in the Air * Force ROTC. Look us up.... see what we have to * otfer. and show us what you can otter In return. * * CALL: AEROSPACE STUDIES, * CAPT. ADAMS 222-6400; .,* ♦,,»» Air Force ROTC •♦•♦•■«•*»-.* THURSDAY. APRIL 14. ItrTT HEhe Collegian CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. FRESNO Chairman's group is 'useless' The Bookstore Advisory Committee, an advisory group which wss formed two years ago to bear complaints from faculty and students and to make recommendations to tbe bookstore board ot directors, is a useless committee and does not represent the itudentt, according to Its chairman. Randy Ubby, chairman ot the seven-member committee, a majority ol whom are ttudenti, ssid be bst suggested eliminating tbe monthly meetings became they accomplish nothing. "It's totally self-serving to the bookstore," he tald. Bookstore profits are Llbby'l biggest gripe. "Profits go over to the board ot directors and they spend money how they damn well please," he said. Ubby msde a proposal on Dec. S, 197* that s recommendation be tent to the board ot directors Bassett said the proposed budget tor tbe current year would provide s 17 per cent profit, or about 147,000. "It would be foolish lor the board to cut it (estimated profit > much closer," Bassett said. The bookstore baa fixed costs, utilities, employee wsges, etc. Projected profits are also based on the student enrollment, s hard-to-estimate figure, Bassett tald. With such a small profit margin (2.7 per cent) a miscalculation ot the enrollment figures could destroy the planned profit, he tald. Bassett reels ttudent benefits would be negligible II tbe profits aware that the Bookstore Ad- mittee exists. ) student complaint, "^Jutsssrlan said he would be ■* J ■*___ ^' 1°*? .. I willing to consider Llbby's auF •»*»•'■ «*»«*» Ernphosii p,^Ubew",w»Zil£ Kessler v. Orr Wee*. 'i*horo by Joe Losplno; ■£ Religion debate Her- _ __ __ __w. _. „.n -». the pre "I reel that at this lime' bookstore profits and rood vices profits are being used lor projects to benefit tbe students, snd I have not teen a workable alternative," he tald. The noisy, standing-room-only Devtd Bell, dean oT ttudent crowd fell quiet at the opp - affairs, and a member of the met at the center ot the arena, bookstore board ot rJlrectors. One msn stood between the taid the advisory group Is In- Christian and the athlest and be riuential with the board. mtroduced them to the spec- (Continued on p. 8) Utors. that this does not Justlly spending Bassett said students i msrkup of new books. The motion died tor lack of a second. Bookstore profits should remain Inside the bookstore, allowing the marked-up prices on books to be lowered, Ubby teds. "I'm not saying I'm against any ot the campus projects, but the students should not/ be mandatorily forced to pay for any ot the structural facilities on campus," Ubby tald. Bookstore profits from past years helped build the Kennel Bookstore building nrfd the College Union, sccordlng to Earle Bassett, general manager of the CSUF Atsoclatlon. The Association oveneet the bookstore, lood services and duplicating servlcet on campus. "I think every dollar ol surplus from thst bookstore hat benefited itudentt," Bassett said. Bookstore profits 'or 1978 J $25,261, s 1.6 per cent profit, • a report trom the Llbby, Associated Students President David Nikssarian, Marty Aschwanden and Edward Blankenship are all students on the advisory committee, be ssid. Louis Volpp, vice president of academic affairs and two School Panlco and John Emerson, are also on the committee. Ubby however, claims be bed no support from the rest of the committee members, or trom students, lor his motion to keep bookstore funds in the bookstore. "I don't get any support. I feel like one individual up there mouthing of f. I've virtually given up. They must have recognised that I've given up so they made me chairman," be said. Nikssarian said be teeU be has done a good job watching and protecting the ttudenti' ln- "I can't ever recall receiving a complaint about the bookstore --*••• - "'he said. Ubby agrees that students have not complained, and be wishes.more students were Runoff election today The Senstor-At-Lsrge Post Three race between Steve Mink and Dave Ditora, 763-762 victory for Mink, wound up as a 763-763 tie In a recount held Tuesday. Therefore, s run-oft election will be held today. Mink, however, has protested the recount, according to his sdvlsor Robert Montion, Montion ssid Mink believes that since only one vote wat In question between the election and Mink officially asked for another recount at 3:30, 30 minutes before the 4:00 deadline. Montion said. Any recount request must be filed within 24 hours of the election or recount. Montion said he sees "definite" grounds for Mink protesting today's scheduled election. In order to vote, s student must present an activity card at tbe polling place, located In the Free Speech Area. The poll will close at 7 pjn. Senate voices support for Media Council To his right, be said, ^ Edwin Orr. protestor of history and Missions at Fuller Theological Seminary in isadans. "To the left...sa usual...It our own Dr. Warren Kessler." the moderator said. Kessler, a protessor or philosophy at CSUF, met Orr Tuesday In the College Union lounge to debate tbe question, "Is it reasonable to be a Christianr Tbe noon debate wss sponsored by the College Union Program Committee as part of Ouristian Emphasis Week. Orr opened the debate, claiming that "God is the only infinite spirit." Tbe Otristian fslth, be said with a trace of an Irish accent. Is s devlne revelation that la "well attested historically and legally." He cited one New Testament passage from tbe Book of Luke, thst be said gave seven points of blstorlcsl reference that were verifiable Beyond that, Crr said, divine revelation "Is congenlel to (Continued on p. 8) Staff Reporter The Associated Student (AS) Senste yesterday opened the door to six former Media Council members to rejoin the nine- member council when It passed a resolution of support lor the council. The resolution read: tbe bearing ol any and all Bogbotian as senste member of complaints In reference to the Consumer Assistance Center ttudent publications to the Media Advisory Board. Council and agrees not to take —Approved a transfer of 135 any action In this area without from the AS Discretionary FirM prior, full, and open hearing by to the Art of Dance, the ssid Media Council." . —Learned thst tbe Executive The senate acts ss legsl Committee of the Acsdemlc publisher of The Collegian. Senate will consider s senate- Two of the six members that ■jfjsjtlji move to place The resolution read: ' i"ne "~o « ine wa memosnu»i .-ti-..- ~^L "L 3t_j» CSUF Student Senate...delegates resigned after ASJPrerident «£dents «•£« on thrtr ^^fc-__-|_,B___-1 David Nikssarian 'rose funds for dlplomss. CSUT U the only David Nikssarian froze the Collegian without c tbe council appeared before tbe m not currently do this. Bob Long ot m?-TV and Karen Humphrey of KFSN-TV spoke in fsvor of the resolution. Humphrey said the Media Council should serve ss s buffer between student government snd allow tbe Media Council to operate as It was Intended to. "When the Madia Council was established," Long added, "they (Tbe Collegian) tald, 'People from off-campus sre going to tell THf G*'-NING Of THE CAAtf US CssstM pto-rti yetterdoy m Joe lasp.no.) for today s plant sate m front of the College Union. (Photo by Policy snd Procedures Manual. The committee will Include In other business, the' senate: -Appointed Paulette Illegal meeting? Wednesday's senate meeting mty be ruled illegal because of a violation of the Bagley Act. The Bagley Act states thst tbe agenda of any public Because of the Easter holiday, the sgenda for yesterday'i meeting wss not prepared until la te Tuesday. c
Object Description
Title | 1977_04 The Daily Collegian April 1977 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 12, 1977 Pg. 8- April 14, 1977 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1977 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | •- Tr* COLLEGIAN Tuesday, April 12,1K77 Former officers have differing opinions Brontan said ha felt the position of AS President li munication for the campus. He called student government a "misnomer. It's very limited in Its ability to do_things." more active In ttudent government In tbe late '60't and early 70's. Bronsan described __ County Supervisors, said the experience moll...but I wouldn't have traded it for anything," Bronsan said. "It was fascinating; exciting." Yea are earsJalty b-vtte-l to attend this fres »» TO WO ME MAWSmr Meet tbe Deea; seer Fresno sttsrMyt tell .beet Law School aid what Is iwamire* to become sa sttaraey. No obligation. HUMPHREYS SCHOOL Or LAW FRESNO policies of the state snd Ihe Board of Trustees also plsy a large role la control of tbe smpus, In Bronxan's opinion. John Trivls, assistant to President Baxter, has viewed student government from both Travis now serves mlnisu-ative employee. Like Bronsan, Travis found the "Hell, I wouldn't have traded it or anything. At tbe time, it was s Important than school—an • tion In itself," he tald. Travis discounted the opinion of tome ttudenti that ttudent government Is "s Joke." "When you consider the budget, well, that's pretty significant," Travis said, noting that the budgetary powers of_the w A SIGNIFICANT SUMMER Excellent Income ond outttondlng experience lor college man and woman. Outlet Include: Driving panel truck, delivery and selling ol grocery and general merchandise, bookkeeping, bonking ond warehouse work. Students will octuolly be managing o complete retail business operation. Earnings will be a percentog* ot the routes business with o minimum guaranteed tolary ol 1100 per we«k. Typical earnings are usually In excess ol $ 1 50 P W . and of tan at high as $200 or *300. wide leader In the retailing Industry. Solas HG Koorhon Regional Vice Prmttdent 1000 Eoil Boll Rood Anaheim. California 92803 ,n Equal Opportunity Employer A* / •eeeeeeeceeeeeceeaee* Deadline Extended Vintage Days Boomtown & Competitive Events Deadlines Extended to April 14 Free bumper stickers & 25< buttons available at CU Information Desk AS are one of their greatest, if not their greatest, powers. Another administrator, David Bell, dean cf ttudent affairs, sits on the AS senate as a non-voting Observed In AS Senste meetings, he it quiet snd reserved, seldom offering omment or suggestion Conversation with various senators and executive officers indicates that Bell plays a larger role, however. Many of the officers confer with Bell on a regular basis snd rely on his office for assistance In their affairs. AdmlhlstrsUve Influence on ttudent government it obviously nothing new. It was exercised In the more active 'SO't at well at In the present. To next year's officers, the service of one oT your former compstrlota: "The students could exert Just ss much pressure on the administration...If they put their Six fi\ ms are se lected Today tbe College Union Program Committee win select six films to be shown on campus next fall. The committee hat already selected six other films for their film series. The films and their descriptions are listed below: —"Car Wssh," rsted PG, with cameo appearances by the Pointer Sisters and Richard Pryor. The film describes s day In the life ot employees ol s car wssh. It features the hit disco song "Car Wash Blues." -"Silent Movie," rsted PG, with cameo appearances by Burt Reynolds, Paul Newman snd lira Minclll. A Mel Brooks slapstick comedy, the film is tllent except tor one spoken -"The Bad News Bean," rated PG, It a comedy starring Walter Matthau at t beer guzzling Little League coach and , Tatum O'Neal as tus star pitcher and only girl on an otherwise sll- boy team. -"Rocky," rsted PG, ttart Sylvetter Stallone aa a run-of- the-mill prise fighter wbo gets a ooce-ln-a-llfetlme chance at tbe heavyweight title. The *llm woo three Academy Awsrds including "Bat Picture." -"Network," rsted R, Is s tstire on television newt production which graphically dlsplsys the power ot TV. It stars Peter Finch, WUlism Holden snd Faye Dunaway. Finch and Dunawiy both received Academy Awards tor their roles in the film. — "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," rated R, won live Oscars last year. It stars Jack Nicholson at a patient In a mental Institution and Louise Fletcher as CALIF STATE UNIVERSITY FRESNO * Next year you could be on \ a scholarship. \ An Air Force ROTC two-year scholarship pays * your tuition and gives you $100 a month al- „. lowance. And it picks up the tab for books and lab * fees, as well. * After college, you'll receive a commission In the * Air Force ... go on to additional, specialized * training ... as you get your start as an Air Force # officer. There'll be good pay and responsibility, » and lots ol other benefits ... and a great oppor- * tunity to serve your country. * It all starts right here — in college — in the Air * Force ROTC. Look us up.... see what we have to * otfer. and show us what you can otter In return. * * CALL: AEROSPACE STUDIES, * CAPT. ADAMS 222-6400; .,* ♦,,»» Air Force ROTC •♦•♦•■«•*»-.* THURSDAY. APRIL 14. ItrTT HEhe Collegian CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY. FRESNO Chairman's group is 'useless' The Bookstore Advisory Committee, an advisory group which wss formed two years ago to bear complaints from faculty and students and to make recommendations to tbe bookstore board ot directors, is a useless committee and does not represent the itudentt, according to Its chairman. Randy Ubby, chairman ot the seven-member committee, a majority ol whom are ttudenti, ssid be bst suggested eliminating tbe monthly meetings became they accomplish nothing. "It's totally self-serving to the bookstore," he tald. Bookstore profits are Llbby'l biggest gripe. "Profits go over to the board ot directors and they spend money how they damn well please," he said. Ubby msde a proposal on Dec. S, 197* that s recommendation be tent to the board ot directors Bassett said the proposed budget tor tbe current year would provide s 17 per cent profit, or about 147,000. "It would be foolish lor the board to cut it (estimated profit > much closer," Bassett said. The bookstore baa fixed costs, utilities, employee wsges, etc. Projected profits are also based on the student enrollment, s hard-to-estimate figure, Bassett tald. With such a small profit margin (2.7 per cent) a miscalculation ot the enrollment figures could destroy the planned profit, he tald. Bassett reels ttudent benefits would be negligible II tbe profits aware that the Bookstore Ad- mittee exists. ) student complaint, "^Jutsssrlan said he would be ■* J ■*___ ^' 1°*? .. I willing to consider Llbby's auF •»*»•'■ «*»«*» Ernphosii p,^Ubew",w»Zil£ Kessler v. Orr Wee*. 'i*horo by Joe Losplno; ■£ Religion debate Her- _ __ __ __w. _. „.n -». the pre "I reel that at this lime' bookstore profits and rood vices profits are being used lor projects to benefit tbe students, snd I have not teen a workable alternative," he tald. The noisy, standing-room-only Devtd Bell, dean oT ttudent crowd fell quiet at the opp - affairs, and a member of the met at the center ot the arena, bookstore board ot rJlrectors. One msn stood between the taid the advisory group Is In- Christian and the athlest and be riuential with the board. mtroduced them to the spec- (Continued on p. 8) Utors. that this does not Justlly spending Bassett said students i msrkup of new books. The motion died tor lack of a second. Bookstore profits should remain Inside the bookstore, allowing the marked-up prices on books to be lowered, Ubby teds. "I'm not saying I'm against any ot the campus projects, but the students should not/ be mandatorily forced to pay for any ot the structural facilities on campus," Ubby tald. Bookstore profits from past years helped build the Kennel Bookstore building nrfd the College Union, sccordlng to Earle Bassett, general manager of the CSUF Atsoclatlon. The Association oveneet the bookstore, lood services and duplicating servlcet on campus. "I think every dollar ol surplus from thst bookstore hat benefited itudentt," Bassett said. Bookstore profits 'or 1978 J $25,261, s 1.6 per cent profit, • a report trom the Llbby, Associated Students President David Nikssarian, Marty Aschwanden and Edward Blankenship are all students on the advisory committee, be ssid. Louis Volpp, vice president of academic affairs and two School Panlco and John Emerson, are also on the committee. Ubby however, claims be bed no support from the rest of the committee members, or trom students, lor his motion to keep bookstore funds in the bookstore. "I don't get any support. I feel like one individual up there mouthing of f. I've virtually given up. They must have recognised that I've given up so they made me chairman," be said. Nikssarian said be teeU be has done a good job watching and protecting the ttudenti' ln- "I can't ever recall receiving a complaint about the bookstore --*••• - "'he said. Ubby agrees that students have not complained, and be wishes.more students were Runoff election today The Senstor-At-Lsrge Post Three race between Steve Mink and Dave Ditora, 763-762 victory for Mink, wound up as a 763-763 tie In a recount held Tuesday. Therefore, s run-oft election will be held today. Mink, however, has protested the recount, according to his sdvlsor Robert Montion, Montion ssid Mink believes that since only one vote wat In question between the election and Mink officially asked for another recount at 3:30, 30 minutes before the 4:00 deadline. Montion said. Any recount request must be filed within 24 hours of the election or recount. Montion said he sees "definite" grounds for Mink protesting today's scheduled election. In order to vote, s student must present an activity card at tbe polling place, located In the Free Speech Area. The poll will close at 7 pjn. Senate voices support for Media Council To his right, be said, ^ Edwin Orr. protestor of history and Missions at Fuller Theological Seminary in isadans. "To the left...sa usual...It our own Dr. Warren Kessler." the moderator said. Kessler, a protessor or philosophy at CSUF, met Orr Tuesday In the College Union lounge to debate tbe question, "Is it reasonable to be a Christianr Tbe noon debate wss sponsored by the College Union Program Committee as part of Ouristian Emphasis Week. Orr opened the debate, claiming that "God is the only infinite spirit." Tbe Otristian fslth, be said with a trace of an Irish accent. Is s devlne revelation that la "well attested historically and legally." He cited one New Testament passage from tbe Book of Luke, thst be said gave seven points of blstorlcsl reference that were verifiable Beyond that, Crr said, divine revelation "Is congenlel to (Continued on p. 8) Staff Reporter The Associated Student (AS) Senste yesterday opened the door to six former Media Council members to rejoin the nine- member council when It passed a resolution of support lor the council. The resolution read: tbe bearing ol any and all Bogbotian as senste member of complaints In reference to the Consumer Assistance Center ttudent publications to the Media Advisory Board. Council and agrees not to take —Approved a transfer of 135 any action In this area without from the AS Discretionary FirM prior, full, and open hearing by to the Art of Dance, the ssid Media Council." . —Learned thst tbe Executive The senate acts ss legsl Committee of the Acsdemlc publisher of The Collegian. Senate will consider s senate- Two of the six members that ■jfjsjtlji move to place The resolution read: ' i"ne "~o « ine wa memosnu»i .-ti-..- ~^L "L 3t_j» CSUF Student Senate...delegates resigned after ASJPrerident «£dents «•£« on thrtr ^^fc-__-|_,B___-1 David Nikssarian 'rose funds for dlplomss. CSUT U the only David Nikssarian froze the Collegian without c tbe council appeared before tbe m not currently do this. Bob Long ot m?-TV and Karen Humphrey of KFSN-TV spoke in fsvor of the resolution. Humphrey said the Media Council should serve ss s buffer between student government snd allow tbe Media Council to operate as It was Intended to. "When the Madia Council was established," Long added, "they (Tbe Collegian) tald, 'People from off-campus sre going to tell THf G*'-NING Of THE CAAtf US CssstM pto-rti yetterdoy m Joe lasp.no.) for today s plant sate m front of the College Union. (Photo by Policy snd Procedures Manual. The committee will Include In other business, the' senate: -Appointed Paulette Illegal meeting? Wednesday's senate meeting mty be ruled illegal because of a violation of the Bagley Act. The Bagley Act states thst tbe agenda of any public Because of the Easter holiday, the sgenda for yesterday'i meeting wss not prepared until la te Tuesday. c |