Oct 6, 1978 Pg. 2-3 |
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The Daily Collegian Complaints are noted Chancellor responds to Senate letter By TOM MAURER CSUC Chancellor Glenn S Dumke has responded to the Associated Students letter to his office regarding the administrative practices at CSUF, noting the concerns of the students and the AS Senate The letter, presented to the Senate at its regular meeting of Oct. 3, answered AS President Cordon Riddle' s Sept 13 letter saying in part, "Your personal concerns, as well as the concerns of other students about the administrative practices at California State University Fresno, and the Associated Students Senate support of President Baxters request for a review of his perform- f the staff were on us last August.' Dumke said, e has also reported, in detail, the dures used by the staff in carrying most difficult assignment." he an interview with Riddle, the AS lent said that members of the Board of Trustees were con d that the AS Senate was imply ing charges regarding Carter scon, "I don't think the review team anything other than what they v sent here to do,' Riddle said "8 don't think the team made il clear to the students here of what it going to do ' Riddle also stated a concern Trustees expressed about the car :othem < opies of the Senate letter ser and several members of the m "Their initial reaction was that the Senate sending carbon copies was an attempt to exert outside pressure on the chancellor," Riddle said. Riddle informed The Daily Collegian that the review team requested by the Trustees during the meeting in Long ScePage 11 SPA wants student on panel i CSUC Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach last week, informed the Senate that the AS letter made a substantial impact within the chancellor' s office 'According to the chancellor's office people,' Riddle said, 'that letter was really heard down there ' The chancellor's letter side-stepped the claims of the AS Senate that con fidentiality was breached during the last review done by the chancellor's office regarding Baxter's stewardship "Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor (Herbert) Carter has told me how helpful you were in setting up a meeting with Fresno students while he and By TOM MAURER Although not taking an official position, the CSUC Student Presiderrts Association has requested of Chan cellor Clenn S Dumke that a student be present on the review board of CSUF President Norman Baxter In a draft presented to the Associated Student Senate at its regular meeting of Oct 3, SPA Chairperson Steve Clazer explained the SPA s position on reviews of CSUC presi 'Today, at California State Univer sity. Fresno, there are significant con- flirts between the faculty and President Baxter, which are causing the students there some problems The SPA does not traditionally take sides in such bat ties and we have not done so now,* said Clazer, who is also the AS president at San Diego State University "However, we are very concerned that the students be included in any review board which you (Dumke) establish to investigate this situation,' Clazer continued. 'The student government at Fresno is attempting to handle this problem with as much finesse as possible, looking out for the best interests of the students " 'Without a role in the review, however, it becomes very difficult for the student leaders to simply watch as their educational process is disrupted by this campus fight," Clazer said. The SPA, representing some 310,000 students statewide, is a lobby for all CSUC schools both in the chancellor s office and in Sacramento, said AS President Cordon Riddle in an interview later 'Steve s letter is simply a draft,' Riddle said 'The actual letter has not yet been sent to the chancellor but it is being put together now | would say it will basically be the sarniS the draft they' ve given us " ^P* Riddle stressed the fact that the SPA has not taken an official position on the matter although they have now expressed a concern The AS Senate, although indicating its position through its actions already this year, has not taken an official stand in the matter either It will, however, take a clear and official position at its next regular meeting of Oct 10, following the tabulation of its survey conducted this week MEChA to organize at retreat tomorrow By MARGUERITE LUMUEY 'Unity Retreat for a Plan of Action" will be the theme of the CSUF MEChA organizational retreat to be held tomorrow at Kearney Park Registration for the retreat, which is free and open to everyone, will begin at 9 a m in section four of the park. A general assembly will be held at 10 am J --Basically, the general assembly will give a history of MEChA and how it evolved," Bobby Gatvan, CSUF MEChA member explained The general assembly will feature a speaker either from the CSUF MFChA Board or La Raza Studies, according to Calvan Following the general assembly will be food, entertainment and a second speaker from 11 am. to 1 p.m 'It's going to be a social form of a retreat.' Calvan said Teatro (a theatre group) will perform and MEChA is hoping to get a marimba band to play There will also be a "jam singing session," according to Calvan After lunch, from 1 to 3, three workshops will be offered MEChA on cam pus, MEChA in the community, and the structure of MEChA There are a lot of people who don t know what MEChA is, or what the opportunities available through the organization are, Prisdlla Contreras CSUF MEChA member said We want to bring that kind them, she explained. 'We're inviting a lot of other Chicano student organizations from CSUF and City College to the retreat,' Calvan said 'We want to consolidate all of MEChA' s activities.* "We've also invited community organizations,' Contreras added. A second general assembly to be held from 3 to 5 will close the days activities. Again, there will be a guest speaker (The guest speakers have not yet been determined.) The main purpose of the second general assembly will be to incorporate two new committees into MEChA s structure: a media committee and a special activities committee SCHWANN MOTOBECANE lOVIS T/2 Miles East of CSUF on Shaw Ave. Stlea Ii Service Parts & Accessories PROMPT REPAIRS new ym»iu*tm**wus ItttSfiKLQJBLl (01 W. SHAW AVE. CLOVI8 (IN REAR OF 8HOPPINO CENTER AT SHAW A HELM) A media committee would function as an outreach to the community It would publish brochures explaining MECha and its activites, and it would get news releases out to local papers Sponsoring dances, shows and other community oriented programs would be the job of a special activities committee, according to Contreras We want to give MEChA visibility in the community, she said. A special activities committee could alleviate the problems of the fund raising committee by making everyone more aware of and wilting to sponsor MEChA. Calvan feels Calvan is hoping not only to organize a media committee and a special activities commi-tee tomorrow, but all of MEChA's existing committees as well. We want to involve all of the students who attend the retreat some area or committee of MEChA, Calvan said. MEOiA has the structure to be an effective organization, but it needs people to fill in the structure, tie eon- JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign No experience required. Excellent nay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for Information *EAI-AX, Dept. b-3 Box 20W, Port ■.Washington 90362. Fun and frolic at Blackbeard's There's a new business i built around fun and frolic on a lot of good green grass Blackbeard's, opened since the middle of December, calls itself "a fun place to come,' and from the looks of things, that's no line. Located at 4055 N. Chestnut (about two miles southeast of CSUF], Black- beard's boasts three major attractions; three, 18-hoJe miniature golf courses, and unbeatable game room, and water slides that slither down a 30-foot Text By CAROLYN VAN SCHAIK According to She-rill Kasparian, the secretary at Blackbeard's, the golf courses are "done cleverly" in different themes-a Pirate theme, a Fantasy theme, and a Western theme Each course is designed with its own miniature buildings, repeating soundtracks, and lots of water running in and around the course obstacles. Prices are $1.50 before 6 p.m., $2 after that, and *1 for With its entrance looking like a wrecked ship, the game room opens to a multi-leveled, red-carpeted extravaganza. Over 100 electronic games grace this room, offering everything from pinball to starwars to airhockey, plus all the newest irrventions since those. There is also a small snack bar to supplement game-shot energy. Built upon a 30-foot, fully landscaped i water slides that will take any bathing suit-dad adventurer down its S-curves. Three inches of water under a mat of fiber glass couch the ride, which ends with an inevitable splash in a three-foot deep pool. J2.25 an hour allows you as many times down as you can match climbing upl (That Is the Fall price, by the way.) Blackbeard's opens at 8 in the morning, with the golf courses available then. The water slides open at 11. Closing time seems pretty much up to the people-'whenever we can shoo everyone out,' is how Mr. Terry Taylor, PR. man for the place, puts it. Sometimes that means 10:30 p.m., or on Weekends, even 2:30 In ths morning. This is the first of many future "Family Recreational Centers* for WC Investments, (operators of Blackbeard's). Besides the 'whole-family' fun, they also provide a Fund Raising Program which allows non-profit dubs and organizations to use the golf and water slide' facilities for fund raising pkrsfrvc R. events Blackbeard's will donate $1 rn-_-U_ Dy for each ticket sold for golf or the water slide. Blackbeard's is also in the process of MELISSA BARO putting in a batting cage and another game room, and plan to have things done before Christmas. CSUF students form production company BY JUDY HOUSt i ike any television producer break- ,ng into the business, radio-television ^indent Wiley Reeves is excited Although his TV production won't ■nake him a rich man, Reeves does feel 'he production company he and six .rher R-TV students have formed will r-.-r.efit them in their broadcast careers ._■ Laub, Al Malone, Tom Thomas Taggert, and Jim veraera. in addition to Reeves. Ihe production company which was turmed to satisfy the requirements of an advanced radio-television class, will worry about, he and the other n fact, footing S TOO of produce a 30 minute musical-variety show highlighting campus talent The show wiU be completed Nov. 22 and will probably lie available for cam- Company have i pus viewing. sticks* Reeves hopes to have the show rXm broadcast on channel 18 or perhaps his a —, _, __ . even channel 30 at a later date. The misceUaneous expenses such as ward- show will be filmed In black and white robe and make-up before a live audience *l know we can do it,* said Reev adding that he hopes the show * serve as an 'example of the caliber of professionalism in the department.* Reeves said the production company is now studying network variety shows such as 'Dick Clark's Live Wednesday* to determine what makes them popular in tha public' s eye. See Page 11
Object Description
Title | 1978_10 The Daily Collegian October 1978 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1978 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Oct 6, 1978 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1978 |
Description | Daily (except weekends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif. |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The Daily Collegian Complaints are noted Chancellor responds to Senate letter By TOM MAURER CSUC Chancellor Glenn S Dumke has responded to the Associated Students letter to his office regarding the administrative practices at CSUF, noting the concerns of the students and the AS Senate The letter, presented to the Senate at its regular meeting of Oct. 3, answered AS President Cordon Riddle' s Sept 13 letter saying in part, "Your personal concerns, as well as the concerns of other students about the administrative practices at California State University Fresno, and the Associated Students Senate support of President Baxters request for a review of his perform- f the staff were on us last August.' Dumke said, e has also reported, in detail, the dures used by the staff in carrying most difficult assignment." he an interview with Riddle, the AS lent said that members of the Board of Trustees were con d that the AS Senate was imply ing charges regarding Carter scon, "I don't think the review team anything other than what they v sent here to do,' Riddle said "8 don't think the team made il clear to the students here of what it going to do ' Riddle also stated a concern Trustees expressed about the car :othem < opies of the Senate letter ser and several members of the m "Their initial reaction was that the Senate sending carbon copies was an attempt to exert outside pressure on the chancellor," Riddle said. Riddle informed The Daily Collegian that the review team requested by the Trustees during the meeting in Long ScePage 11 SPA wants student on panel i CSUC Board of Trustees meeting in Long Beach last week, informed the Senate that the AS letter made a substantial impact within the chancellor' s office 'According to the chancellor's office people,' Riddle said, 'that letter was really heard down there ' The chancellor's letter side-stepped the claims of the AS Senate that con fidentiality was breached during the last review done by the chancellor's office regarding Baxter's stewardship "Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor (Herbert) Carter has told me how helpful you were in setting up a meeting with Fresno students while he and By TOM MAURER Although not taking an official position, the CSUC Student Presiderrts Association has requested of Chan cellor Clenn S Dumke that a student be present on the review board of CSUF President Norman Baxter In a draft presented to the Associated Student Senate at its regular meeting of Oct 3, SPA Chairperson Steve Clazer explained the SPA s position on reviews of CSUC presi 'Today, at California State Univer sity. Fresno, there are significant con- flirts between the faculty and President Baxter, which are causing the students there some problems The SPA does not traditionally take sides in such bat ties and we have not done so now,* said Clazer, who is also the AS president at San Diego State University "However, we are very concerned that the students be included in any review board which you (Dumke) establish to investigate this situation,' Clazer continued. 'The student government at Fresno is attempting to handle this problem with as much finesse as possible, looking out for the best interests of the students " 'Without a role in the review, however, it becomes very difficult for the student leaders to simply watch as their educational process is disrupted by this campus fight," Clazer said. The SPA, representing some 310,000 students statewide, is a lobby for all CSUC schools both in the chancellor s office and in Sacramento, said AS President Cordon Riddle in an interview later 'Steve s letter is simply a draft,' Riddle said 'The actual letter has not yet been sent to the chancellor but it is being put together now | would say it will basically be the sarniS the draft they' ve given us " ^P* Riddle stressed the fact that the SPA has not taken an official position on the matter although they have now expressed a concern The AS Senate, although indicating its position through its actions already this year, has not taken an official stand in the matter either It will, however, take a clear and official position at its next regular meeting of Oct 10, following the tabulation of its survey conducted this week MEChA to organize at retreat tomorrow By MARGUERITE LUMUEY 'Unity Retreat for a Plan of Action" will be the theme of the CSUF MEChA organizational retreat to be held tomorrow at Kearney Park Registration for the retreat, which is free and open to everyone, will begin at 9 a m in section four of the park. A general assembly will be held at 10 am J --Basically, the general assembly will give a history of MEChA and how it evolved," Bobby Gatvan, CSUF MEChA member explained The general assembly will feature a speaker either from the CSUF MFChA Board or La Raza Studies, according to Calvan Following the general assembly will be food, entertainment and a second speaker from 11 am. to 1 p.m 'It's going to be a social form of a retreat.' Calvan said Teatro (a theatre group) will perform and MEChA is hoping to get a marimba band to play There will also be a "jam singing session," according to Calvan After lunch, from 1 to 3, three workshops will be offered MEChA on cam pus, MEChA in the community, and the structure of MEChA There are a lot of people who don t know what MEChA is, or what the opportunities available through the organization are, Prisdlla Contreras CSUF MEChA member said We want to bring that kind them, she explained. 'We're inviting a lot of other Chicano student organizations from CSUF and City College to the retreat,' Calvan said 'We want to consolidate all of MEChA' s activities.* "We've also invited community organizations,' Contreras added. A second general assembly to be held from 3 to 5 will close the days activities. Again, there will be a guest speaker (The guest speakers have not yet been determined.) The main purpose of the second general assembly will be to incorporate two new committees into MEChA s structure: a media committee and a special activities committee SCHWANN MOTOBECANE lOVIS T/2 Miles East of CSUF on Shaw Ave. Stlea Ii Service Parts & Accessories PROMPT REPAIRS new ym»iu*tm**wus ItttSfiKLQJBLl (01 W. SHAW AVE. CLOVI8 (IN REAR OF 8HOPPINO CENTER AT SHAW A HELM) A media committee would function as an outreach to the community It would publish brochures explaining MECha and its activites, and it would get news releases out to local papers Sponsoring dances, shows and other community oriented programs would be the job of a special activities committee, according to Contreras We want to give MEChA visibility in the community, she said. A special activities committee could alleviate the problems of the fund raising committee by making everyone more aware of and wilting to sponsor MEChA. Calvan feels Calvan is hoping not only to organize a media committee and a special activities commi-tee tomorrow, but all of MEChA's existing committees as well. We want to involve all of the students who attend the retreat some area or committee of MEChA, Calvan said. MEOiA has the structure to be an effective organization, but it needs people to fill in the structure, tie eon- JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign No experience required. Excellent nay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for Information *EAI-AX, Dept. b-3 Box 20W, Port ■.Washington 90362. Fun and frolic at Blackbeard's There's a new business i built around fun and frolic on a lot of good green grass Blackbeard's, opened since the middle of December, calls itself "a fun place to come,' and from the looks of things, that's no line. Located at 4055 N. Chestnut (about two miles southeast of CSUF], Black- beard's boasts three major attractions; three, 18-hoJe miniature golf courses, and unbeatable game room, and water slides that slither down a 30-foot Text By CAROLYN VAN SCHAIK According to She-rill Kasparian, the secretary at Blackbeard's, the golf courses are "done cleverly" in different themes-a Pirate theme, a Fantasy theme, and a Western theme Each course is designed with its own miniature buildings, repeating soundtracks, and lots of water running in and around the course obstacles. Prices are $1.50 before 6 p.m., $2 after that, and *1 for With its entrance looking like a wrecked ship, the game room opens to a multi-leveled, red-carpeted extravaganza. Over 100 electronic games grace this room, offering everything from pinball to starwars to airhockey, plus all the newest irrventions since those. There is also a small snack bar to supplement game-shot energy. Built upon a 30-foot, fully landscaped i water slides that will take any bathing suit-dad adventurer down its S-curves. Three inches of water under a mat of fiber glass couch the ride, which ends with an inevitable splash in a three-foot deep pool. J2.25 an hour allows you as many times down as you can match climbing upl (That Is the Fall price, by the way.) Blackbeard's opens at 8 in the morning, with the golf courses available then. The water slides open at 11. Closing time seems pretty much up to the people-'whenever we can shoo everyone out,' is how Mr. Terry Taylor, PR. man for the place, puts it. Sometimes that means 10:30 p.m., or on Weekends, even 2:30 In ths morning. This is the first of many future "Family Recreational Centers* for WC Investments, (operators of Blackbeard's). Besides the 'whole-family' fun, they also provide a Fund Raising Program which allows non-profit dubs and organizations to use the golf and water slide' facilities for fund raising pkrsfrvc R. events Blackbeard's will donate $1 rn-_-U_ Dy for each ticket sold for golf or the water slide. Blackbeard's is also in the process of MELISSA BARO putting in a batting cage and another game room, and plan to have things done before Christmas. CSUF students form production company BY JUDY HOUSt i ike any television producer break- ,ng into the business, radio-television ^indent Wiley Reeves is excited Although his TV production won't ■nake him a rich man, Reeves does feel 'he production company he and six .rher R-TV students have formed will r-.-r.efit them in their broadcast careers ._■ Laub, Al Malone, Tom Thomas Taggert, and Jim veraera. in addition to Reeves. Ihe production company which was turmed to satisfy the requirements of an advanced radio-television class, will worry about, he and the other n fact, footing S TOO of produce a 30 minute musical-variety show highlighting campus talent The show wiU be completed Nov. 22 and will probably lie available for cam- Company have i pus viewing. sticks* Reeves hopes to have the show rXm broadcast on channel 18 or perhaps his a —, _, __ . even channel 30 at a later date. The misceUaneous expenses such as ward- show will be filmed In black and white robe and make-up before a live audience *l know we can do it,* said Reev adding that he hopes the show * serve as an 'example of the caliber of professionalism in the department.* Reeves said the production company is now studying network variety shows such as 'Dick Clark's Live Wednesday* to determine what makes them popular in tha public' s eye. See Page 11 |