July 1, 1968 Pg. 1 |
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SUMMER COLLEGIAN Student Council Tuesday-1 PM Ed-Psych 102 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Monday, July 1, 1968 Volume 8, Number ! 'Bye Bye Birdie' Shown Today Theati Pui on a Happy Face* ls Just of the 12 musical numbers :h appear In the musical com - , "Bye Bye Birdie" which will " r in the'Little leave his hip-twisting teenagers. Also, starring along with Pearson axe Ann-Margret who plays the part of a sixteen year old girl; Paul'Lynde; Dick Van Dyke; Ed Sullivan; Bobby Rydell and Maureen Staplcton. The movie Is based on the play sic and lyrics by Charles Strouse and Lee Adams and was a suc¬ cessful stage production under the direction of George Sidney. Next weeks movie, "The Bridge," tells the story of the useless courage and senseless death of seven German teenagers ln April of 1945, as Allied forces moved toward certain victory over the Germans. it the left. Don Qulnn. pla>I Melodrama Opens Friday Night e Theater Under the ■ Sum i "Lily, Ihe Felon's Daughter," ln a Ihree day run beginning Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. In the Fres¬ no State College Amphitheater. Repeat performances will be staged at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday In the outdoor theater. Directed by Paul J. McGulri^ coordinator of Academic Admln-\ lstration at FSC and a lecturer In speech, Ihe production of "Lily, Lecture Set At College T The Fresno State College "Y" will present Crist Lovdjleff, In¬ structor of San Francisco Slate College's course on "Mystl- the College Religious Center. Lovdjleff will discuss "Origin¬ al Sin as a 'Maya' - a Western Response to a Hindu Theme.* The discussion Is part of a six em Religion and Its Relevance for Western Man." Meetings are Jones; Chris Proctor, Ophelia; Robert Fair, Rob Steel; Robert Ellis, Lord Monty; Pam Zelfert, ed their plans for everlasting bliss.' Cast members and their roles are Betty Miller, Llly;Don«ulnn, Compton; Candy Holt, Betsy; Carl E. Jones, Cravun; Mike Dyer, Kingsley and Janet Holcomt Mrs. Bloodgood. The play ls presented by th Academy for the Performing Arts and Is open lo the public with admission at Jl.nn. FSC students will be admitted free with pre¬ sentation of the student activity The third In the Summer Ses¬ sion movie series *Bye Bye Bir¬ die,* will be shown at 1 and 7 p.m. for the enjoyment of Sum¬ mer Session students, faculty and staff. Admission Is free for those with Summer Session ac¬ tivity cards or staff of faculty Identification cards. The movie, starring Jesse Pearson as the teenage Idol Con¬ rad Birdie, Is a story about the Presley-type singer who Is drafted Into the Army and must First EOP Phase Starts At FSC The first phase of the Educa- Fresno State College campu tlonal Opportunity Program gets The area of employment li underway today with one fourth eludes recreational, clerical a reached, tlon with the clerical work, The primary goal of the EOP th,Tee we*k '""ng courselsbel1 program Is to expand realoppor- Pl*nned for the students, tunlty for Negro and Mexican- "rhe varlou5 departments American students to attend and 'h_';_C:°I!!?!..!!*v'' ' ' succeed at Fresno State College. The fir employm- deprogram, n until July help ln locating Jobs for the stu- lts," stated Robert Shacklett, ilrman of the EOP Committee. 'Dr. Sidney Bluestone of the Ban to I Student Council To Meet Tuesday The FSC Summer Session Stu¬ dent Council will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. ln Room 102 of the Education-Psychology Building. President Carolyn Prldgen ie FSC A } Colleg Ihe ig will gi ie He- Mrs. Prldgen said, "I am pleased with the Increase in at¬ tendance to the Student Council and hope that there will be even e had a good on July 10 would outline what the SS students could expect from the Union come next year. She added that she felt that the facil¬ ities of the Union would enhance the SS program greatly. There was a request by one of the members of the Council that the Recreation Tournaments be expanded to other sports be¬ sides golf. He was especially In¬ terested ln a bowling tourney. Other programs ln t will Include a panel of who have had a significant spiri¬ tual experience through contacl with Eastern religious Ideas (Ju¬ ly 9); and a lecture by Jim White, Bookmen Stage Annual Exhibit ,t FSC, £ subject "How Should Christianity Respond to Eastern Religion?* (July 16). The final seminar has The Pax Del Chapel will be open for silent meditation one hour before each Tuesday night meeting. Bookstore Closes The Fresno State College Bookstore will do CLOSED TODAY for Inventory. The Store will reopen to¬ morrow rooming at 7:30 a.m. The annual Book Exhibit, under College Summer Session Olflce, will be held during the week of July 8-12. The books and leach¬ ing aids displays will be set up ln the Residence Hall Dining Room. The viewing of books and aids may be done each day be¬ tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 'The purpose of the exhibit ls to give teachers and prospec¬ tive teachers a chance to see the books and teaching aids that they will be using ln the PubllcSchool system InthestateofCallfornla," remarked Summer Session Dean Edward M. Spencer. The Independent Book Dealers will display t first Ihree days with the Call- taking over the final three days. All the major publishers will NO CLASSES JULY 4th and 5th In an activity program. The president appointed a com¬ mittee ofRonandCharlottePerry and Charles Baltzar, to bring a detailed plan for a survey to the next Council meeUng. There were 14 members pre¬ sent at the meeting which was also attended by Gordon Wilson and Kenneth Kerr of the FSC Student Activities Office. Students To Show Modern Dances Students ol Betty Jones and Fritz Luden ln the Academy of the Performing Arts will pre¬ sent two modern danceprograms on July 18 and 24 ln the Little Theatre. The first program on Thurs¬ day, July 18, will be a presenta¬ tion of dance techniques. On Wednesday, July 24 will be a repertory presentation of works choreographed by Jose Llmon and Doris Humphrey. Both presentations will be open to the public with no admission hnlclans and the Speech Arts Department has some Jobs for the students working with the upcoming plays," remarked Shacklett. During the employment section of the program this summer, It Is hoped that during this time lhat the employment will provide Income for the summer and a possibility of savings for the next academic year. The program will involve ap¬ proximately 45 freshmen and 30 Junior college transfer students from the Fresno metropolitan The basic requirements for ad¬ mission to the program are bro¬ ken down Into five categories. They are: 1) high school grade point average; 2) aptitude test scores; 3) personal recommen- school or Junior college; 4) per¬ sonal recommendation froma an adult ln thea community and 5) a brief history of the student as written or recorded by the stu¬ dent. The history must Include the student's reason for wanting to go to college and his plans after graduation. A sub-committee of the EOP evaluates each application and gives It a numerical grade and then the full committee acts on the application. Three other CaUfornla State Colleges, San Diego State Col¬ lege, San Fernando Valley State College and Sacramento State College, are offering this pro- The coordinator for this pro¬ gram ls expected to be named within the next few days.
Object Description
Title | 1968_07 The Daily Collegian July 1968 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1968 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | July 1, 1968 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1968 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | SUMMER COLLEGIAN Student Council Tuesday-1 PM Ed-Psych 102 FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Monday, July 1, 1968 Volume 8, Number ! 'Bye Bye Birdie' Shown Today Theati Pui on a Happy Face* ls Just of the 12 musical numbers :h appear In the musical com - , "Bye Bye Birdie" which will " r in the'Little leave his hip-twisting teenagers. Also, starring along with Pearson axe Ann-Margret who plays the part of a sixteen year old girl; Paul'Lynde; Dick Van Dyke; Ed Sullivan; Bobby Rydell and Maureen Staplcton. The movie Is based on the play sic and lyrics by Charles Strouse and Lee Adams and was a suc¬ cessful stage production under the direction of George Sidney. Next weeks movie, "The Bridge," tells the story of the useless courage and senseless death of seven German teenagers ln April of 1945, as Allied forces moved toward certain victory over the Germans. it the left. Don Qulnn. pla>I Melodrama Opens Friday Night e Theater Under the ■ Sum i "Lily, Ihe Felon's Daughter," ln a Ihree day run beginning Friday evening at 8:30 p.m. In the Fres¬ no State College Amphitheater. Repeat performances will be staged at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday In the outdoor theater. Directed by Paul J. McGulri^ coordinator of Academic Admln-\ lstration at FSC and a lecturer In speech, Ihe production of "Lily, Lecture Set At College T The Fresno State College "Y" will present Crist Lovdjleff, In¬ structor of San Francisco Slate College's course on "Mystl- the College Religious Center. Lovdjleff will discuss "Origin¬ al Sin as a 'Maya' - a Western Response to a Hindu Theme.* The discussion Is part of a six em Religion and Its Relevance for Western Man." Meetings are Jones; Chris Proctor, Ophelia; Robert Fair, Rob Steel; Robert Ellis, Lord Monty; Pam Zelfert, ed their plans for everlasting bliss.' Cast members and their roles are Betty Miller, Llly;Don«ulnn, Compton; Candy Holt, Betsy; Carl E. Jones, Cravun; Mike Dyer, Kingsley and Janet Holcomt Mrs. Bloodgood. The play ls presented by th Academy for the Performing Arts and Is open lo the public with admission at Jl.nn. FSC students will be admitted free with pre¬ sentation of the student activity The third In the Summer Ses¬ sion movie series *Bye Bye Bir¬ die,* will be shown at 1 and 7 p.m. for the enjoyment of Sum¬ mer Session students, faculty and staff. Admission Is free for those with Summer Session ac¬ tivity cards or staff of faculty Identification cards. The movie, starring Jesse Pearson as the teenage Idol Con¬ rad Birdie, Is a story about the Presley-type singer who Is drafted Into the Army and must First EOP Phase Starts At FSC The first phase of the Educa- Fresno State College campu tlonal Opportunity Program gets The area of employment li underway today with one fourth eludes recreational, clerical a reached, tlon with the clerical work, The primary goal of the EOP th,Tee we*k '""ng courselsbel1 program Is to expand realoppor- Pl*nned for the students, tunlty for Negro and Mexican- "rhe varlou5 departments American students to attend and 'h_';_C:°I!!?!..!!*v'' ' ' succeed at Fresno State College. The fir employm- deprogram, n until July help ln locating Jobs for the stu- lts," stated Robert Shacklett, ilrman of the EOP Committee. 'Dr. Sidney Bluestone of the Ban to I Student Council To Meet Tuesday The FSC Summer Session Stu¬ dent Council will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. ln Room 102 of the Education-Psychology Building. President Carolyn Prldgen ie FSC A } Colleg Ihe ig will gi ie He- Mrs. Prldgen said, "I am pleased with the Increase in at¬ tendance to the Student Council and hope that there will be even e had a good on July 10 would outline what the SS students could expect from the Union come next year. She added that she felt that the facil¬ ities of the Union would enhance the SS program greatly. There was a request by one of the members of the Council that the Recreation Tournaments be expanded to other sports be¬ sides golf. He was especially In¬ terested ln a bowling tourney. Other programs ln t will Include a panel of who have had a significant spiri¬ tual experience through contacl with Eastern religious Ideas (Ju¬ ly 9); and a lecture by Jim White, Bookmen Stage Annual Exhibit ,t FSC, £ subject "How Should Christianity Respond to Eastern Religion?* (July 16). The final seminar has The Pax Del Chapel will be open for silent meditation one hour before each Tuesday night meeting. Bookstore Closes The Fresno State College Bookstore will do CLOSED TODAY for Inventory. The Store will reopen to¬ morrow rooming at 7:30 a.m. The annual Book Exhibit, under College Summer Session Olflce, will be held during the week of July 8-12. The books and leach¬ ing aids displays will be set up ln the Residence Hall Dining Room. The viewing of books and aids may be done each day be¬ tween the hours of 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 'The purpose of the exhibit ls to give teachers and prospec¬ tive teachers a chance to see the books and teaching aids that they will be using ln the PubllcSchool system InthestateofCallfornla," remarked Summer Session Dean Edward M. Spencer. The Independent Book Dealers will display t first Ihree days with the Call- taking over the final three days. All the major publishers will NO CLASSES JULY 4th and 5th In an activity program. The president appointed a com¬ mittee ofRonandCharlottePerry and Charles Baltzar, to bring a detailed plan for a survey to the next Council meeUng. There were 14 members pre¬ sent at the meeting which was also attended by Gordon Wilson and Kenneth Kerr of the FSC Student Activities Office. Students To Show Modern Dances Students ol Betty Jones and Fritz Luden ln the Academy of the Performing Arts will pre¬ sent two modern danceprograms on July 18 and 24 ln the Little Theatre. The first program on Thurs¬ day, July 18, will be a presenta¬ tion of dance techniques. On Wednesday, July 24 will be a repertory presentation of works choreographed by Jose Llmon and Doris Humphrey. Both presentations will be open to the public with no admission hnlclans and the Speech Arts Department has some Jobs for the students working with the upcoming plays," remarked Shacklett. During the employment section of the program this summer, It Is hoped that during this time lhat the employment will provide Income for the summer and a possibility of savings for the next academic year. The program will involve ap¬ proximately 45 freshmen and 30 Junior college transfer students from the Fresno metropolitan The basic requirements for ad¬ mission to the program are bro¬ ken down Into five categories. They are: 1) high school grade point average; 2) aptitude test scores; 3) personal recommen- school or Junior college; 4) per¬ sonal recommendation froma an adult ln thea community and 5) a brief history of the student as written or recorded by the stu¬ dent. The history must Include the student's reason for wanting to go to college and his plans after graduation. A sub-committee of the EOP evaluates each application and gives It a numerical grade and then the full committee acts on the application. Three other CaUfornla State Colleges, San Diego State Col¬ lege, San Fernando Valley State College and Sacramento State College, are offering this pro- The coordinator for this pro¬ gram ls expected to be named within the next few days. |