May 1, 1968 Pg. 1 |
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-THE DAILY- COLLEGIAN Units To Replace ABC Registration FRESNO STATE COLLEGE mammmmmaaa*Fresno. CALiFORNiAamm*mm*m*****mamam prereglstratlon privileges In the fall. ■If Fresno State College ever Fresno AFT Chapter To Petition For 9-Unit Load The FresnoSlate College chap¬ ter of the American Federation of Teachers plans to circulate a petition which will pledge par¬ ticipating faculty members to accept a 9 - unit maximum teach¬ ing load Instead of the 12-unlt load required by law. Dr. Edward R. Gammon, pro¬ fessor of linguistics and presi¬ dent of the FSC chapter, said the same petition win be cir¬ culated statewide by AFT locals. The College Council of the AFT has been trying to have the teaching load for college profes- Callfomla regulations require a 12-unlt load. The petition, Gammon said, ob- Ugates the teacher only If a majority of bis department mem¬ bers accept the petition. Gammon noted the California State College system has one of the heaviest teaching loads for college professors In the coun¬ try. The peUtlon Is Jointly spon¬ sored at FSC and statewide by the AFT and the Association of California State College Pro¬ fessors. Gammon expects 300 of the 520 faculty members at FSC All People Are Male And Female Lambert Dolphin, Stanford nu¬ clear research physicist, told a surprised audience of about 120 last night that all people are both n Ihe week-long series of talks during Inter-Varsity Chris¬ tian Fellowship's Focus on Con¬ temporary Christianity. Dolphin explained his state¬ ment by saying that when a child All s c outside of marriage Is e of 50 per cent from apart from God,* he said. Dolphin described malenessas a leader, dominant, aggressive, logical, rational and scientific , and described femaleness as a follower, submissive, passive. Intuitive, emotional and artistic. He said that when a child learns what sex he Is, he finds which of his parents Is the same sex as he Is and begins to use him as an example of how to act and Uve. He thus consciously re¬ tains the qualities of his sex while subconsciously repressing the qualities of the opposite sex. A person with all masculine qualities or all female qualities would be a very uninteresting person, Dolphin claimed. THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS—Lambert Dolphin, nuclear physi¬ cist from Stanford, speaks in the Arena Theatre on "Sex Through Ihe Looking Glass" during Focus on Contemporary Christianity. Focus will continue with talks by Bay Steadnaa, Palo Alto pastor, on "Af- . reeling World Peace" at 1 p.m. in the Amphitheater and "Racial Vio- to participate in the pledge. Gammon observed that much of the AFT commitment Is based upon a questionnaire circulated on the California State College campuses. In addition to a re- ductlon of the teaching load, the AFT program Includes a slary Marriage, Dolphin related, Is her deepest potential and Inner resources and vice versa. The Involvement of the uncousclous must be through a trust rela¬ tionship, said the physicist, and only one woman can bring out the true proJecUonofman'sInner .1 secretarial and technical assistance for fa¬ culty, and full faculty status for professional librarians. At FSC, Gammon said the four Items faculty members con¬ sidered most Important on the questionnaire were a change in the salary structure; reduction of the teaching load; Increase In academic faclUUes and empha¬ sis on local college government. The AFT has sought recogni¬ tion of a collective bargaining agent for the faculties of the California State Colleges and has threatened a teachers' strike by law for California state employ- ■Callfornla has one of the few are controlled by the leglsla- what makes running the colleges so complicated.* Registration win assume a more relaxed attitude when the unit priority procedure replaces the alphabetical rotation system for the 1968 registration. tratton," Board said, 'the units Graduate students win register priority system will serve as a first, followed by undergraduate physical lead In.' students with Ihe largest number The schedule of courses will of units on down to those with be available May 27 In the Bualj "0" units. ness Office, In the Admlnlstra- The number of units counted tlon BuUdlng for 25 cents each, for fall registration will be de¬ termined by total units com¬ pleted as of the spring semester. This total will be on the spring grade card In the box marked 'units allowed.' Robert R. Board, registrar, explained that a lack of machinery prevents the Records Office from Including units completed during 1968 summer sessions. Changes of grade or makeups of Incomplete and In Progress grades will not be counted. Under this system registration will be less hectic because the h time zone will be reduced, Board said. Last fall, under the alpha¬ betical system, the largest group going through registration was 360. Using the unit priority sys¬ tem this number will drop (o 250, according to Board's cal¬ culations. The' time alloted each group Is based on student rank (grad¬ uate, upper or lower division, or freshmen) and the number of completed units. Freshmen students —all 1,500 -will be alloted more time In each time zone due to their class size and lack of experience. Be¬ cause they are caught In a 'trap at the bottom," freshmen will continue to be afforded partial 'Select1 Choir Sets Recital of Ms Maleness Is giving love and femaleness Is receiving, the sci¬ entist declared. But through sex¬ ual relationship a man can bring out a woman's giving and she can bring out his receiving. In Christ there is no male or female, Dolphin concluded. The kingdom of God will not be sex¬ less but super-sex. Heaven will be like free love. Christ Is a complete person; both male and female can love him. Interaction with God la Just another form of sexuality, Dol¬ phin ended. The Fresno State College Woodwind Choir, one of the few In the world, will perform to¬ night In the Music Recital Hall at 8 o'clock. The choir, all members of the advanced woodwind class, will alternate selecUons with the col¬ lege's Brass Choir. The recital features Larr> working with the male chorus. He has sung with the United States Army Band In Washing- Ion and made radio and television appearances. The woodwind group Is unique In its use of counter bass clari¬ nets, according to director Rus- seU S. Howland, professor of mu- The r< il is open to th 17 Awards Presented wards presented by various local and national business organiza¬ tions and campus groups at last nights School of Business Ban- Campus awards were given by Alpha Kappa Psl to Jlramey E. Justlss and Jerry L. Boos, Beta Gamma Sigma to Steven J. Tay¬ lor, Phi Chi Theta to Gayle M. GandugUa, and PI Sigma Epallon game its award to WllUam F. Awards given by Fresno or¬ ganization included. Downtown Association - J. Ellen Davis, Fresno Board of Realtors- Richard H.Duncan, FreanoChap- ter of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants— Doyle D. Daniel, and Fresno Clearing House Association- Charles I. McClaln. The Wall Street Journal hon¬ ored David W. Bartlett. The IBM Corporation and National Busi¬ ness Education Association went to William R. Matlock and Helen A. Badascl respectively. The Business Advisory council award recipient was James W. Fuller. Research awards went on the undergraduate level to Louie L. Rambaud and the grad¬ uate grant to Dennis M. Gaab. Others awarded were SaraF. Mitchell by the Administrative Management Society, Lyman E. Johnson by the Central CaUfornla General Agents and Managers Association, and Daniel O. Knowlton received the Sales and Marketing Executives of Fresno Red Tape In Hiring Profs Editor's Note: Ihe third In a a faculty rank and V DOTTAI Admission procedures may seem rough for students, but they're easy compared to the pro¬ cess for hiring a teacher. Job openings originate within the de¬ partment, when staff members feel personnel are needed to offer new courses or meet ad¬ ditional requirements created by exapanded enrollment. A request for additional staff then goes to the dean of the school, who sub¬ mits lt to president of the college. leoceaa I Haired" at 7:30 In the A a Theatre. then approves or disapproves the request for additional faculty on the basis of teaching positions assigned to tho college by the Chancellor's office. If approved, a pubUc announce¬ ment of the opening Is made. Advertisements are generally placed In professional publica¬ tions In the field and colleg re¬ cruiters and placement officers I of the opening, vary within de- . Thl* allows the members best In¬ formed on the subject area In¬ volved to do preliminary screen- ing of appUcants. The committee presents Its personnel recommendations to the entire voUng body of the de¬ partment, which selects one man. In smaller departments, the en¬ tire staff Is Involved In the screening. The department head forwards the the commendation.* This means the Dean may disapprove lt but must allow the department to submit another name. He cannot leave an opening unfilled simply be¬ cause he objects to the person named by the department. He must also give the reason forhls refusal If requested. If the dean of the school ap¬ proves, he sends the recommen¬ dation to the Academic Vice culty member. Department mem¬ bers recommend the rank and pay step at which the new member will be admitted by (evaluating offers made to him by other col¬ leges, the rank at which other members of the department were hired, and his general quallflca- Most new faculty m hired at the assistant professor level. This enables the system to compete with schools using a higher salary schedule. This, however, limits the opportunltes for promoUon because a 60 per cent Umlt Is placed on the higher Once Ihe new man has been hired, he serves a four-year probationary period. He Is evalu¬ ated annually and Informed of his status by March 1 of the first year and December 1 of the three following yeara. I receives i to hire, lt can begin negotiation with the potential fa- year, he Is eligible to become ten¬ ured. Once accorded tenure,hela a permanent staff member. Recommendation for tenure may originate at the department or school level and la reviewed by the Faculty Personnel Commit¬ tee. Thai final tenure decision la mad* by the college president.
Object Description
Title | 1968_05 The Daily Collegian May 1968 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1968 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | May 1, 1968 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1968 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | -THE DAILY- COLLEGIAN Units To Replace ABC Registration FRESNO STATE COLLEGE mammmmmaaa*Fresno. CALiFORNiAamm*mm*m*****mamam prereglstratlon privileges In the fall. ■If Fresno State College ever Fresno AFT Chapter To Petition For 9-Unit Load The FresnoSlate College chap¬ ter of the American Federation of Teachers plans to circulate a petition which will pledge par¬ ticipating faculty members to accept a 9 - unit maximum teach¬ ing load Instead of the 12-unlt load required by law. Dr. Edward R. Gammon, pro¬ fessor of linguistics and presi¬ dent of the FSC chapter, said the same petition win be cir¬ culated statewide by AFT locals. The College Council of the AFT has been trying to have the teaching load for college profes- Callfomla regulations require a 12-unlt load. The petition, Gammon said, ob- Ugates the teacher only If a majority of bis department mem¬ bers accept the petition. Gammon noted the California State College system has one of the heaviest teaching loads for college professors In the coun¬ try. The peUtlon Is Jointly spon¬ sored at FSC and statewide by the AFT and the Association of California State College Pro¬ fessors. Gammon expects 300 of the 520 faculty members at FSC All People Are Male And Female Lambert Dolphin, Stanford nu¬ clear research physicist, told a surprised audience of about 120 last night that all people are both n Ihe week-long series of talks during Inter-Varsity Chris¬ tian Fellowship's Focus on Con¬ temporary Christianity. Dolphin explained his state¬ ment by saying that when a child All s c outside of marriage Is e of 50 per cent from apart from God,* he said. Dolphin described malenessas a leader, dominant, aggressive, logical, rational and scientific , and described femaleness as a follower, submissive, passive. Intuitive, emotional and artistic. He said that when a child learns what sex he Is, he finds which of his parents Is the same sex as he Is and begins to use him as an example of how to act and Uve. He thus consciously re¬ tains the qualities of his sex while subconsciously repressing the qualities of the opposite sex. A person with all masculine qualities or all female qualities would be a very uninteresting person, Dolphin claimed. THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS—Lambert Dolphin, nuclear physi¬ cist from Stanford, speaks in the Arena Theatre on "Sex Through Ihe Looking Glass" during Focus on Contemporary Christianity. Focus will continue with talks by Bay Steadnaa, Palo Alto pastor, on "Af- . reeling World Peace" at 1 p.m. in the Amphitheater and "Racial Vio- to participate in the pledge. Gammon observed that much of the AFT commitment Is based upon a questionnaire circulated on the California State College campuses. In addition to a re- ductlon of the teaching load, the AFT program Includes a slary Marriage, Dolphin related, Is her deepest potential and Inner resources and vice versa. The Involvement of the uncousclous must be through a trust rela¬ tionship, said the physicist, and only one woman can bring out the true proJecUonofman'sInner .1 secretarial and technical assistance for fa¬ culty, and full faculty status for professional librarians. At FSC, Gammon said the four Items faculty members con¬ sidered most Important on the questionnaire were a change in the salary structure; reduction of the teaching load; Increase In academic faclUUes and empha¬ sis on local college government. The AFT has sought recogni¬ tion of a collective bargaining agent for the faculties of the California State Colleges and has threatened a teachers' strike by law for California state employ- ■Callfornla has one of the few are controlled by the leglsla- what makes running the colleges so complicated.* Registration win assume a more relaxed attitude when the unit priority procedure replaces the alphabetical rotation system for the 1968 registration. tratton," Board said, 'the units Graduate students win register priority system will serve as a first, followed by undergraduate physical lead In.' students with Ihe largest number The schedule of courses will of units on down to those with be available May 27 In the Bualj "0" units. ness Office, In the Admlnlstra- The number of units counted tlon BuUdlng for 25 cents each, for fall registration will be de¬ termined by total units com¬ pleted as of the spring semester. This total will be on the spring grade card In the box marked 'units allowed.' Robert R. Board, registrar, explained that a lack of machinery prevents the Records Office from Including units completed during 1968 summer sessions. Changes of grade or makeups of Incomplete and In Progress grades will not be counted. Under this system registration will be less hectic because the h time zone will be reduced, Board said. Last fall, under the alpha¬ betical system, the largest group going through registration was 360. Using the unit priority sys¬ tem this number will drop (o 250, according to Board's cal¬ culations. The' time alloted each group Is based on student rank (grad¬ uate, upper or lower division, or freshmen) and the number of completed units. Freshmen students —all 1,500 -will be alloted more time In each time zone due to their class size and lack of experience. Be¬ cause they are caught In a 'trap at the bottom," freshmen will continue to be afforded partial 'Select1 Choir Sets Recital of Ms Maleness Is giving love and femaleness Is receiving, the sci¬ entist declared. But through sex¬ ual relationship a man can bring out a woman's giving and she can bring out his receiving. In Christ there is no male or female, Dolphin concluded. The kingdom of God will not be sex¬ less but super-sex. Heaven will be like free love. Christ Is a complete person; both male and female can love him. Interaction with God la Just another form of sexuality, Dol¬ phin ended. The Fresno State College Woodwind Choir, one of the few In the world, will perform to¬ night In the Music Recital Hall at 8 o'clock. The choir, all members of the advanced woodwind class, will alternate selecUons with the col¬ lege's Brass Choir. The recital features Larr> working with the male chorus. He has sung with the United States Army Band In Washing- Ion and made radio and television appearances. The woodwind group Is unique In its use of counter bass clari¬ nets, according to director Rus- seU S. Howland, professor of mu- The r< il is open to th 17 Awards Presented wards presented by various local and national business organiza¬ tions and campus groups at last nights School of Business Ban- Campus awards were given by Alpha Kappa Psl to Jlramey E. Justlss and Jerry L. Boos, Beta Gamma Sigma to Steven J. Tay¬ lor, Phi Chi Theta to Gayle M. GandugUa, and PI Sigma Epallon game its award to WllUam F. Awards given by Fresno or¬ ganization included. Downtown Association - J. Ellen Davis, Fresno Board of Realtors- Richard H.Duncan, FreanoChap- ter of the California Society of Certified Public Accountants— Doyle D. Daniel, and Fresno Clearing House Association- Charles I. McClaln. The Wall Street Journal hon¬ ored David W. Bartlett. The IBM Corporation and National Busi¬ ness Education Association went to William R. Matlock and Helen A. Badascl respectively. The Business Advisory council award recipient was James W. Fuller. Research awards went on the undergraduate level to Louie L. Rambaud and the grad¬ uate grant to Dennis M. Gaab. Others awarded were SaraF. Mitchell by the Administrative Management Society, Lyman E. Johnson by the Central CaUfornla General Agents and Managers Association, and Daniel O. Knowlton received the Sales and Marketing Executives of Fresno Red Tape In Hiring Profs Editor's Note: Ihe third In a a faculty rank and V DOTTAI Admission procedures may seem rough for students, but they're easy compared to the pro¬ cess for hiring a teacher. Job openings originate within the de¬ partment, when staff members feel personnel are needed to offer new courses or meet ad¬ ditional requirements created by exapanded enrollment. A request for additional staff then goes to the dean of the school, who sub¬ mits lt to president of the college. leoceaa I Haired" at 7:30 In the A a Theatre. then approves or disapproves the request for additional faculty on the basis of teaching positions assigned to tho college by the Chancellor's office. If approved, a pubUc announce¬ ment of the opening Is made. Advertisements are generally placed In professional publica¬ tions In the field and colleg re¬ cruiters and placement officers I of the opening, vary within de- . Thl* allows the members best In¬ formed on the subject area In¬ volved to do preliminary screen- ing of appUcants. The committee presents Its personnel recommendations to the entire voUng body of the de¬ partment, which selects one man. In smaller departments, the en¬ tire staff Is Involved In the screening. The department head forwards the the commendation.* This means the Dean may disapprove lt but must allow the department to submit another name. He cannot leave an opening unfilled simply be¬ cause he objects to the person named by the department. He must also give the reason forhls refusal If requested. If the dean of the school ap¬ proves, he sends the recommen¬ dation to the Academic Vice culty member. Department mem¬ bers recommend the rank and pay step at which the new member will be admitted by (evaluating offers made to him by other col¬ leges, the rank at which other members of the department were hired, and his general quallflca- Most new faculty m hired at the assistant professor level. This enables the system to compete with schools using a higher salary schedule. This, however, limits the opportunltes for promoUon because a 60 per cent Umlt Is placed on the higher Once Ihe new man has been hired, he serves a four-year probationary period. He Is evalu¬ ated annually and Informed of his status by March 1 of the first year and December 1 of the three following yeara. I receives i to hire, lt can begin negotiation with the potential fa- year, he Is eligible to become ten¬ ured. Once accorded tenure,hela a permanent staff member. Recommendation for tenure may originate at the department or school level and la reviewed by the Faculty Personnel Commit¬ tee. Thai final tenure decision la mad* by the college president. |