Dec 1, 1967 Pg. 1 |
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THE DAILY COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE FRESNO. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. 19S7 Hawaii Controversy Continues Senate Committee To Investigate Funds unbrtdce-Dublln Debati 'Morality' Theme Of Dublin Debate Smyth also said that prlva and pubUc morality were n equated. Legislation breaks don Charges of mishandling of funds ln connection with Uie football trip to HawaU Oared anew at Wed¬ nesday night's StudentSenatemeeUngwhereaunan- lmous vote was handed down calling for an In¬ vestigation of the affair. discussion voted to form a six-member policy rounding travel arrangements for last week's five- day Honolulu junket. Appointed to the review committee wereSenators Bob Tapla, Bruce Bronzon, Norman Mears, John Natal, Dave Brodle and Ron Crlstando. Their first order is to Investigate how six people, Including President and Mrs. Frederic W. Ness, went to I also asked to probe into the circumstances sur¬ rounding a $450 appropriation to help send the The mishandling charge first came about after six complimentary airline Uckets, a gift from the Bulldog Foundation, were Issued and hotel and meal Mrs. Ness was not Included In the meal appro¬ priation, Brodle offered. Student President Mike Case entored the dis¬ cussion and told the student officers Uiey must share part of the blame for the present situation. "It's our own fault,' he admitted. 'We've had two years to make a poUcy about this and haven't done any- toplcs ofyesterday'sCambrtdge- Dublui debate in the LltUe The¬ atre. Approximately 250 attend- and Bob Kltner of Fresno State College. On tho negaUve side were Michael Fungendhat ol Cambridge and Brian White o "That private morality Is no con¬ cern of Uie law and what extent the law might Infringe on a per- Rltner of the afflrmaUvc side legislated they have been de¬ feated, If they weren't popular. Examples are prohibition and He stated that the United States morality laws go. He said Europe was more liberal. The negaUve side agreed t private and public morality wi 'This is highly unwarranted,' charged Jay Good- id the matter be placi agenda. "He (Ness) has his own travel fund. I thin the free Uckets should have gone to someone mor closely related to the acUvlry." One senator suggested a fewof the football player thus Involving the public. 3 also said that If we have al laws why aren't they being I. The example came from Berkeley Barb classified ad Ion which gave the choice of ;r a heterosexual or homo- al partner and listed phone sue Is Uie $650 that was allotted to the t clplents. Brodle pointed out that 1502 student fund was appropriated tor the i included ln a island tour plan enjoyed by th team and alumni who went. In addition, Br Goodwin pinned an ethics tag to saying he finds lt 'discouraging that the president of Uie college would take a free trip at Uie expense This prompted a volley of comments concerning whether Dr. Ness was aware his trip was being financed by student funds. Brodle reminded the members Ihe newly-appointed committee would seek to answer this and other questions about the Hawaii affair. From here the discussion switched to tho pep squad and how they obtained funds for the trip. Goodwin asked Case If he was aware that the raffle the squad held to raise funds was a violation of state law. Case replied that he checked with an attorney who said the raffle was legal under a stip¬ ulation In the law that allows a school group to A question arose concerning the drawing which was originally scheduled to be held Nov. 11. Goodwin asked Case If lt was held and when. The student president repUed that he thouht the draw¬ ing was held at the airport when the pep squad departed (or the Islands Nov. 22. raffle prUe, which was a stereo record player. Several student senators have questioned whether or not the stereo was obtained through proper channels. The discussion on Uie drawing and the funds al¬ lotted to Uie pep squad prompted Goodwin to say, •There are a lot of fishy things going on about this ually harmful? He an- larm himself, swer to the second ques- no. He added'that laws ave constraint to gain ledoms. He continued by a country going and drive on tho right side oad because you'll hit be judged by U there is ease of freedom in another . He also said that It on't protect no one else brought these answers. Enforce able laws should be remove History has provided moreal History has p Coach Agrees To Apologize For His Derogatory Remark d Burgess had dc much tor the Negro members of Uie team, such as getting schol¬ arships, pro scouts, and so on, that he reaUy didn't mean lt the a right to the US do o moraUty e drafted and ordered ti you must go). Smyth he agreed with the College Paper Needs Editor KINGSTON, R.I. (AP) - The front page, except tor a centered Beacon, student weekly paper at classified ad. Uie University of Rhode Island, "Wanted,* lt said, "editor-ln- came out Wednesday with a blank chief, managing editor tor scln- tlllatlng college newspaper; long hours, monetary reward uncer¬ tain at best, liberal Brownie points tor Jobs or grad school; meet fascinating people, cranks, etc. applicants must be qualified but no Journalistic experience In the Stu- necessary.* Office Wilbur Doctor, faculty adviser, » open are the fin-' "" *e J*** *•« "o* "*' ? aldsT health and J editors, and appUcaUo* formal apology to the group,* Fresno State College Assist- Burgess was not available for ant Football Coach Bob Burgess comment this afternoon, has agreed to apologize to a group When asked about rumors that of Negro athletes for a statement five Negro players on the basket- he allegedly made ln HawaU last ball team would refuse to play U Another team member who weekend, according to John Stew- Burgess did not give an apology, heard the statement thought Bur- ert, associate professor of Eng- basketball coach Ed Gregory gess was out of line In making Hah and spokesman tor the group, said, 'Care should be taken not Uie comment and displayed poor The athletes demanded a pubUc to blow the situation out of pro- taste In doing so. apology after they heard that portion. Several of the players Several agreed that giving the Burgess made a derogatory re- are upset, but I don't think lt wUl Incident so much publicity wUl mark about Negroes and their affect us. I think the boys wUl blow lt up out of proportion. It football abUlty after a game par- do what's right. It's more ot a was brought out that the comment ty In Honolulu early Sunday morn- personal problem.' was made at 4:30 a.m. lnaHono- lng. Reactions of the tour players lulu hotel room In front of tour morning and he agreed to makea varied. bard season. Instead Of Draft Cards Committees e on one of tour faculty- Drivers' Licenses Turned In WASHINGTON (AP) - Drift out to be drivers' Ucenses or card, I suppose he did. chief Lewis B. Hershey says he other nondfaft cards, Horshey 'But lt was surprising to me, isn't getting as many draft cards said Thursday. the low number of real draft as he expected from Vietnam cards that wen turned In," add- war protestors—but he is recelv- *I suppose I'm atrustingaoul,* ed the lieutenant general in a tele- lnc plenty of drivers'licenses. *• 74-year-old Selective Service phone Interview. I'm a Utile System director said. "When I dlsUlusloned, but I must say I'm About three of four cards he read ln the newspaper that some- happy to be dlsUlusloned about receives from protestors turn body said he turned ln his draft this."
Object Description
Title | 1967_12 The Daily Collegian December 1967 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1967 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Dec 1, 1967 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1967 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | THE DAILY COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE FRESNO. CALIFORNIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. 19S7 Hawaii Controversy Continues Senate Committee To Investigate Funds unbrtdce-Dublln Debati 'Morality' Theme Of Dublin Debate Smyth also said that prlva and pubUc morality were n equated. Legislation breaks don Charges of mishandling of funds ln connection with Uie football trip to HawaU Oared anew at Wed¬ nesday night's StudentSenatemeeUngwhereaunan- lmous vote was handed down calling for an In¬ vestigation of the affair. discussion voted to form a six-member policy rounding travel arrangements for last week's five- day Honolulu junket. Appointed to the review committee wereSenators Bob Tapla, Bruce Bronzon, Norman Mears, John Natal, Dave Brodle and Ron Crlstando. Their first order is to Investigate how six people, Including President and Mrs. Frederic W. Ness, went to I also asked to probe into the circumstances sur¬ rounding a $450 appropriation to help send the The mishandling charge first came about after six complimentary airline Uckets, a gift from the Bulldog Foundation, were Issued and hotel and meal Mrs. Ness was not Included In the meal appro¬ priation, Brodle offered. Student President Mike Case entored the dis¬ cussion and told the student officers Uiey must share part of the blame for the present situation. "It's our own fault,' he admitted. 'We've had two years to make a poUcy about this and haven't done any- toplcs ofyesterday'sCambrtdge- Dublui debate in the LltUe The¬ atre. Approximately 250 attend- and Bob Kltner of Fresno State College. On tho negaUve side were Michael Fungendhat ol Cambridge and Brian White o "That private morality Is no con¬ cern of Uie law and what extent the law might Infringe on a per- Rltner of the afflrmaUvc side legislated they have been de¬ feated, If they weren't popular. Examples are prohibition and He stated that the United States morality laws go. He said Europe was more liberal. The negaUve side agreed t private and public morality wi 'This is highly unwarranted,' charged Jay Good- id the matter be placi agenda. "He (Ness) has his own travel fund. I thin the free Uckets should have gone to someone mor closely related to the acUvlry." One senator suggested a fewof the football player thus Involving the public. 3 also said that If we have al laws why aren't they being I. The example came from Berkeley Barb classified ad Ion which gave the choice of ;r a heterosexual or homo- al partner and listed phone sue Is Uie $650 that was allotted to the t clplents. Brodle pointed out that 1502 student fund was appropriated tor the i included ln a island tour plan enjoyed by th team and alumni who went. In addition, Br Goodwin pinned an ethics tag to saying he finds lt 'discouraging that the president of Uie college would take a free trip at Uie expense This prompted a volley of comments concerning whether Dr. Ness was aware his trip was being financed by student funds. Brodle reminded the members Ihe newly-appointed committee would seek to answer this and other questions about the Hawaii affair. From here the discussion switched to tho pep squad and how they obtained funds for the trip. Goodwin asked Case If he was aware that the raffle the squad held to raise funds was a violation of state law. Case replied that he checked with an attorney who said the raffle was legal under a stip¬ ulation In the law that allows a school group to A question arose concerning the drawing which was originally scheduled to be held Nov. 11. Goodwin asked Case If lt was held and when. The student president repUed that he thouht the draw¬ ing was held at the airport when the pep squad departed (or the Islands Nov. 22. raffle prUe, which was a stereo record player. Several student senators have questioned whether or not the stereo was obtained through proper channels. The discussion on Uie drawing and the funds al¬ lotted to Uie pep squad prompted Goodwin to say, •There are a lot of fishy things going on about this ually harmful? He an- larm himself, swer to the second ques- no. He added'that laws ave constraint to gain ledoms. He continued by a country going and drive on tho right side oad because you'll hit be judged by U there is ease of freedom in another . He also said that It on't protect no one else brought these answers. Enforce able laws should be remove History has provided moreal History has p Coach Agrees To Apologize For His Derogatory Remark d Burgess had dc much tor the Negro members of Uie team, such as getting schol¬ arships, pro scouts, and so on, that he reaUy didn't mean lt the a right to the US do o moraUty e drafted and ordered ti you must go). Smyth he agreed with the College Paper Needs Editor KINGSTON, R.I. (AP) - The front page, except tor a centered Beacon, student weekly paper at classified ad. Uie University of Rhode Island, "Wanted,* lt said, "editor-ln- came out Wednesday with a blank chief, managing editor tor scln- tlllatlng college newspaper; long hours, monetary reward uncer¬ tain at best, liberal Brownie points tor Jobs or grad school; meet fascinating people, cranks, etc. applicants must be qualified but no Journalistic experience In the Stu- necessary.* Office Wilbur Doctor, faculty adviser, » open are the fin-' "" *e J*** *•« "o* "*' ? aldsT health and J editors, and appUcaUo* formal apology to the group,* Fresno State College Assist- Burgess was not available for ant Football Coach Bob Burgess comment this afternoon, has agreed to apologize to a group When asked about rumors that of Negro athletes for a statement five Negro players on the basket- he allegedly made ln HawaU last ball team would refuse to play U Another team member who weekend, according to John Stew- Burgess did not give an apology, heard the statement thought Bur- ert, associate professor of Eng- basketball coach Ed Gregory gess was out of line In making Hah and spokesman tor the group, said, 'Care should be taken not Uie comment and displayed poor The athletes demanded a pubUc to blow the situation out of pro- taste In doing so. apology after they heard that portion. Several of the players Several agreed that giving the Burgess made a derogatory re- are upset, but I don't think lt wUl Incident so much publicity wUl mark about Negroes and their affect us. I think the boys wUl blow lt up out of proportion. It football abUlty after a game par- do what's right. It's more ot a was brought out that the comment ty In Honolulu early Sunday morn- personal problem.' was made at 4:30 a.m. lnaHono- lng. Reactions of the tour players lulu hotel room In front of tour morning and he agreed to makea varied. bard season. Instead Of Draft Cards Committees e on one of tour faculty- Drivers' Licenses Turned In WASHINGTON (AP) - Drift out to be drivers' Ucenses or card, I suppose he did. chief Lewis B. Hershey says he other nondfaft cards, Horshey 'But lt was surprising to me, isn't getting as many draft cards said Thursday. the low number of real draft as he expected from Vietnam cards that wen turned In," add- war protestors—but he is recelv- *I suppose I'm atrustingaoul,* ed the lieutenant general in a tele- lnc plenty of drivers'licenses. *• 74-year-old Selective Service phone Interview. I'm a Utile System director said. "When I dlsUlusloned, but I must say I'm About three of four cards he read ln the newspaper that some- happy to be dlsUlusloned about receives from protestors turn body said he turned ln his draft this." |