June 5, 1967 Pg. 1 |
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AllY A Indian Diplomat To Address Graduates COLLEGIA Purnendu Kumar Boner Jee,In- talros to too United States, wUl speak at commencement Wed¬ nesday night. He wUl talk on the -Individual and Society.' Bonarjee, a representative to toe United Nations since 1951, has been minister to Peking and has al so served to Mongolia, East Explanation For library' Story Given Tho story appearing to the May 23 issue of "Tho Dally Collegian' under toe heading 'Pronto Asks Curb of Hood Librarian* resulted from a personal Interview with Dr. Alexander Pronin, assistant professor of foreign languages, on May 18. After conferring with a school official on the matter, the 'Col¬ legian* editor chose not to pub- Ush the article on the understand¬ ing that the situation had been or was In the process of being On Monday, May 22,-The Dally CoUeglan* received a phone call from Dr. -Pronin denying that any such settlement had been The article to question was published the following day. A memorandum from Dr. Pro¬ nin dated May 24 was sent to Dr. Dallas E. Tueller, academic vice president, Dr. Dale C. Burtner, dean of the school of arts and sciences, Lr. Henry M. Madden, coUege librarian, and 'The DaUy CoUeglan.' It appears below. Pakistan, Japan and Canada. . The Indian diplomat was presi¬ dent of toe Bengal Railway Em¬ ployees' Union and has been on the board of editors of toe 'Calcutta Review.* He Joined toe Indian Foreign Service to 1948. Since then he has represented India at meetings of toe Peace Observation Commission, the Se¬ curity CouncU, UNICEF, toe So¬ cial Commission, the Commis¬ sion on the Information from Non-Salf Governing Territories, and too Economic and Social biles of toe International Com¬ mission tor Supervision and Control to Laos and toe Asian- African Legal Consultative Con- JlBDEDDDol ^^"Prlll^^1^^1^^^^^^ VOL. LXXH. NO. 136 FRESNO. CALIFORNIA MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1967 Degrees To Be Awarded At Exercises Wednesday, Fresno State College and are eligible to participate In corn¬ els os Wednesday p.m. to the Amphitheatre. PURNENDU KUMAR BANERJEE Banerjee's writings Include •Pages from History,* •Disarm¬ ament—A Review,* •Certain As¬ pects of toe United Nations,* •Trust and Non-Self Governing Territories," and •Peaceful Set- Disputes.* of Inti itlont for ord numbers tor toe coUege. Commencement speaker, the Hooorabla Purnendu Kumar Bonarjee , Minister, from toe Embassy of India, will speak on too -Individual and Society.* Preoldent Frederic W. Ness will confer the degrees to the students, and Dr. Harold E. Wal¬ ker, executive vice president, wUl announce the awards to honor graduates. The honor graduates and their Summo cum laude from the school of agriculture, Michael LaSalle; magna cum laude, Louis Dlsslg and Stanley Wilson; and cum laude, Marvel Harrison. The school of arts and scl-. ences, summo cum laude: Mary Adney, Susan Beck, Michael Big- low, Robert Blockwelder, Lester Brothers, Mabel Butterfleld, Ju¬ dy Chobot, Richard Dyck, Ellen Gotts, Roselle Coxa, Linda Green, James HorreU, Barbara Jackson, Curtis Johnson, Susan Johnson, Hillary Klttlcson, Vir¬ ginia Koontz, Cathleen Lemos, Sharon Lavl, Sarah McGehee, Dorrlne MatUer, Mary Mote, Ruth MurriU, Irene OUver, Gay- den Schorltog, Karrln Shurson, Laurel Snlffto, RusseU St. Clair, Schedule The activity schedule tor stu¬ dents participating to Wednes¬ day's commencement exorcises includes the following; Today seniors may pick up caps and gowns and commencement Uckets at the Bookstore. Five tickets aro available tor each graduate and provide admission to a reserve section until 8:49 p.m. Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. a com¬ mencement rehearsal wUl be held to toe Men's Gymnasium. Wednesday commencement participants will meet at 6 p.m. in the Men's Gymnasium tor too formation of tho processional line. Bonnie Trosk and Shirley Van Dreal. Magna cum laude from toe school of arts and sciences: Kath- ryn Badgero, Douglas Bothun, Donald Bruland, AUsa Coffman, Carol Duffus, HelenGUlen, Bunny Hicks, George Jackson,Gertrude Jensen, Gory Johnson, Elizabeth Joyce, Kathleen Kennedy, Lily KeppUnger, Carol Manning, Jer¬ ry Memefee, patsy MUler, Moo Pafford, Kothryn Prows, Miguel Flerro Roscon, Lorno Rich Rog- gero, Vlckl Riordan, Sandra Ro¬ bertson, Dixie Simpson, Paul Turner, Virginia VaU, John Van • Meter, Jr., Betty Wenn, Barbara Williams, , Adrlenne Kataora, Carol MUler and Dennis Nakaia, Cum Laude from the school of arts and sciences: Rodney Alt- house, Kathy Anderson, Richard Bellman, Connie Brannon, Mar¬ garet Breen, FredeUa Carr, Douglas Dor man, William Duffus, Donnls Dunbar, Judith Forner, GaU Frlesen, Mama Garcia, Jackie Gleger, MoryAnn Hagan, Kennlth Harrington, Raymond Heinle, Patricia Hogua, Larron Horton, Carol Jackson, Norma Karle, Lynda Koontz,GracoLxn- nlng, William Lawson, Jo Ann Ltpaton, Charles McAlexander, Dorothy McCutcheon, Margery " I Pago 3, Col. lj Librarian Responds To Charges (Editor's Note: The foUowlng is a letter from Jefferson E. Hahesy, Fresno attorney, re¬ garding the article,"ProninAsks Curb on Head Librarian,* which appeared in the last Issue of "The Dolly Collegion."The Collegian* regrets the publication of the misstatements and apologizes to Dr. Madden.) Dear Miss Class sen: I call your attention to an Item In THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, VoL LXXH, No. 135 of Tuesday, May 23, 1087, under the byline of Dennis McCarthy in which certain charges are mode by Dr. Alex¬ ander Pronin against my client, Dr. Henry M. Madden. This is to inform you that toe statements made to that article about Dr. Madden are false and defamatory. The falseness Is specifically as 1. Dictatorial powers. Dr. Madden Is not a dictator and does not exercise dictatorial powers. His actions ore governed by the appropriate regulations of toe Board of Trustees, the Chancel¬ lor's Office, and the regulations tor the faculty of Fresno State CoUege. He seeks the advice of s of his staff and Is toflu- Pronin Apologizes To: Editor, DaUy Collegian Date: May 24, 1987 From: a. Pronin, Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Subject: Article published in The DaUy CoUeglan, May 23, 1987: 'Pronto Asks Curb on Head Librarian.* I would like to moke it clear that there was some mis¬ understanding about my position concerning toe procedures connected with toe acquisition of Russian books by the FSC Library as reflected in The DaUy CoUeglan article of May 23. I did not wish to attack Dr. Madden personally, and there was no malicious intent on my part. I did not see any draf. of toe article which appeared and hereby wish to withdraw all toe statements to which Dr. Madden's name is The article appeared after I had met wlto Dr. Madden on the morning of that same day, at which Ume we dis¬ cussed a number of questions pertinent to toe requisition of Russian books. This discussion led to sn agreement as to what procedures to follow In the future In ordering Russian books tor toe library. I would like to express my deep apologies to Dr. Madden. t a personal note was Injected Into toe mis- g tost existed between us. U-* '>nberstsndtog th encod by It. 2. Dlscrimtostory methods to selecting and ordering certainU- brary books. As toe head of the Library, Dr. Madden Is ultimate¬ ly responsible tor the selection of all books, and be does, ss a matter of fact, examine each or¬ der before approving It. Ao far as funds permit, he authorizes the purchase of all requests which ore not patently deserving of be¬ ing rejected. •Discriminatory* has an evU connotation, and docs not truthfully describe his method of book selection. 3. Dr. Pronto sold he placed on order tor about 300 books last semester and that ho was later in¬ formed by a staff member that the Library never received the order. He contends that his sec¬ retary spent six weeks typing sd to to toe Li¬ brary. Thto ImpUes that the Li¬ brary, of which Dr. Madden la toe responsible head, falsely denies receiving the requests. Dr.Mad¬ den does deny receiving toe re¬ quests, because be did not receive 4. He also sold o second re¬ quest tor about 400 books was submitted a short time later, of which about 325 were rejected because 'Madden sold, "I didn't need toot many, I don't have mat many students.* The tact is that a request for toe purchase of 311 titles, all prepared by Mlaa To- tlana Erohlna, toon employed by toe Library aa an Intermediate Typist-Clark, on a basis of naif Ume, waa referred to Dr. Mad¬ den, who requested Miss Erohlna to select the most Important UUes from this group of requests tor Immediate purchase. The motoder would be held tor later action, depending upon the funds avallabla as the fiscal year drew to a close. At no time did Dr. Maddan say to Professor Pronto the words attributed to him. 6. 'Someone from the Library nodded him that the first two re¬ quests were misplaced.* Dr. Madden denies toot any member of toe staff of toe Library, ot which he Is toe responsible head, stated to Professor Pronin that any requests were misplaced. 6. "I am not toe only one who has had trouble with Madden,* he sold. "There ore many others (faculty members) who feel the same way that I do about him.* This ImpUes toot, because of misdeeds on his part, Dr. Mad¬ den has caused trouble to Pro¬ fessor Pronto and to many others (faculty members). He denies that be has caused trouble to Pro¬ fessor Pronin or to any member of tho faculty of Fresno Stats Col¬ lege by reason of his actions os CoUege LibrarianofFresnoSUte CoUege. 7. "I want to see that this one- man rule of Madden's be ended,* ho said. As stated in Paragraph 1, Dr. Madden does not exercise •one-man rola'. 8. 'Dr. Pronto estimated toot it $20 o tor books •because I know that I will not be able to get them here (ot too Library)." ' The fact is that over $1,000 haa been ex¬ pended by toe Library of Fresno Stats CoUege since September 1, 1988 tor toe purchase of books >rofessor pronto. 'He contends that previous amlttees have been 'quashed* the administration which 'tries to cover up tor him (Mad¬ den).' ' The statement that toe administration of tho collage bos attempted to 'cover up' tor Dr. Madden ImpUes toot ho has bean guilty of criminal, or unprofes¬ sional or incompetent acta. He denies toot he has committed any criminal, unprofessional, or incompetent acts which the od- mlnlstraUon of the college has 10. The photograph represent¬ ing Professor pronto states that he la showing a book 'he boa re¬ quested for the Library.' This ImpUes that the book is not In toe Library. The tact Is that the book displayed, Igor EmmanuUovlch Grabor, 0 drevneruaskon lskus- stve,, la toe property ot the Li¬ brary, and was circulated to Professor Pronin on May 18, 1967. You are further Informed that the above falsa statements bold Dr. Madden up to hatred, ridicule, contempt, shame, mortification, cause a loss of good reputation, and Injure him in his occupation as a professional librarian. This Is a demand, under Sec¬ tion 48a of too ClvU Code ot toe Stato of California, that these statements be corrected and that toe corrections be published to substantially as conspicuous a manner os were toe false and de¬ famatory statements and that toe correction s be published In such a manner as to reach toe some audience which was reached by too publications containing toe false and defamatory statements, within three (3) weeks otter serv¬ ice ot this demand upon you. JEFFERSON E. HAHESY
Object Description
Title | 1967_06 The Daily Collegian June 1967 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1967 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | June 5, 1967 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1967 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | AllY A Indian Diplomat To Address Graduates COLLEGIA Purnendu Kumar Boner Jee,In- talros to too United States, wUl speak at commencement Wed¬ nesday night. He wUl talk on the -Individual and Society.' Bonarjee, a representative to toe United Nations since 1951, has been minister to Peking and has al so served to Mongolia, East Explanation For library' Story Given Tho story appearing to the May 23 issue of "Tho Dally Collegian' under toe heading 'Pronto Asks Curb of Hood Librarian* resulted from a personal Interview with Dr. Alexander Pronin, assistant professor of foreign languages, on May 18. After conferring with a school official on the matter, the 'Col¬ legian* editor chose not to pub- Ush the article on the understand¬ ing that the situation had been or was In the process of being On Monday, May 22,-The Dally CoUeglan* received a phone call from Dr. -Pronin denying that any such settlement had been The article to question was published the following day. A memorandum from Dr. Pro¬ nin dated May 24 was sent to Dr. Dallas E. Tueller, academic vice president, Dr. Dale C. Burtner, dean of the school of arts and sciences, Lr. Henry M. Madden, coUege librarian, and 'The DaUy CoUeglan.' It appears below. Pakistan, Japan and Canada. . The Indian diplomat was presi¬ dent of toe Bengal Railway Em¬ ployees' Union and has been on the board of editors of toe 'Calcutta Review.* He Joined toe Indian Foreign Service to 1948. Since then he has represented India at meetings of toe Peace Observation Commission, the Se¬ curity CouncU, UNICEF, toe So¬ cial Commission, the Commis¬ sion on the Information from Non-Salf Governing Territories, and too Economic and Social biles of toe International Com¬ mission tor Supervision and Control to Laos and toe Asian- African Legal Consultative Con- JlBDEDDDol ^^"Prlll^^1^^1^^^^^^ VOL. LXXH. NO. 136 FRESNO. CALIFORNIA MONDAY. JUNE 5. 1967 Degrees To Be Awarded At Exercises Wednesday, Fresno State College and are eligible to participate In corn¬ els os Wednesday p.m. to the Amphitheatre. PURNENDU KUMAR BANERJEE Banerjee's writings Include •Pages from History,* •Disarm¬ ament—A Review,* •Certain As¬ pects of toe United Nations,* •Trust and Non-Self Governing Territories," and •Peaceful Set- Disputes.* of Inti itlont for ord numbers tor toe coUege. Commencement speaker, the Hooorabla Purnendu Kumar Bonarjee , Minister, from toe Embassy of India, will speak on too -Individual and Society.* Preoldent Frederic W. Ness will confer the degrees to the students, and Dr. Harold E. Wal¬ ker, executive vice president, wUl announce the awards to honor graduates. The honor graduates and their Summo cum laude from the school of agriculture, Michael LaSalle; magna cum laude, Louis Dlsslg and Stanley Wilson; and cum laude, Marvel Harrison. The school of arts and scl-. ences, summo cum laude: Mary Adney, Susan Beck, Michael Big- low, Robert Blockwelder, Lester Brothers, Mabel Butterfleld, Ju¬ dy Chobot, Richard Dyck, Ellen Gotts, Roselle Coxa, Linda Green, James HorreU, Barbara Jackson, Curtis Johnson, Susan Johnson, Hillary Klttlcson, Vir¬ ginia Koontz, Cathleen Lemos, Sharon Lavl, Sarah McGehee, Dorrlne MatUer, Mary Mote, Ruth MurriU, Irene OUver, Gay- den Schorltog, Karrln Shurson, Laurel Snlffto, RusseU St. Clair, Schedule The activity schedule tor stu¬ dents participating to Wednes¬ day's commencement exorcises includes the following; Today seniors may pick up caps and gowns and commencement Uckets at the Bookstore. Five tickets aro available tor each graduate and provide admission to a reserve section until 8:49 p.m. Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. a com¬ mencement rehearsal wUl be held to toe Men's Gymnasium. Wednesday commencement participants will meet at 6 p.m. in the Men's Gymnasium tor too formation of tho processional line. Bonnie Trosk and Shirley Van Dreal. Magna cum laude from toe school of arts and sciences: Kath- ryn Badgero, Douglas Bothun, Donald Bruland, AUsa Coffman, Carol Duffus, HelenGUlen, Bunny Hicks, George Jackson,Gertrude Jensen, Gory Johnson, Elizabeth Joyce, Kathleen Kennedy, Lily KeppUnger, Carol Manning, Jer¬ ry Memefee, patsy MUler, Moo Pafford, Kothryn Prows, Miguel Flerro Roscon, Lorno Rich Rog- gero, Vlckl Riordan, Sandra Ro¬ bertson, Dixie Simpson, Paul Turner, Virginia VaU, John Van • Meter, Jr., Betty Wenn, Barbara Williams, , Adrlenne Kataora, Carol MUler and Dennis Nakaia, Cum Laude from the school of arts and sciences: Rodney Alt- house, Kathy Anderson, Richard Bellman, Connie Brannon, Mar¬ garet Breen, FredeUa Carr, Douglas Dor man, William Duffus, Donnls Dunbar, Judith Forner, GaU Frlesen, Mama Garcia, Jackie Gleger, MoryAnn Hagan, Kennlth Harrington, Raymond Heinle, Patricia Hogua, Larron Horton, Carol Jackson, Norma Karle, Lynda Koontz,GracoLxn- nlng, William Lawson, Jo Ann Ltpaton, Charles McAlexander, Dorothy McCutcheon, Margery " I Pago 3, Col. lj Librarian Responds To Charges (Editor's Note: The foUowlng is a letter from Jefferson E. Hahesy, Fresno attorney, re¬ garding the article,"ProninAsks Curb on Head Librarian,* which appeared in the last Issue of "The Dolly Collegion."The Collegian* regrets the publication of the misstatements and apologizes to Dr. Madden.) Dear Miss Class sen: I call your attention to an Item In THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, VoL LXXH, No. 135 of Tuesday, May 23, 1087, under the byline of Dennis McCarthy in which certain charges are mode by Dr. Alex¬ ander Pronin against my client, Dr. Henry M. Madden. This is to inform you that toe statements made to that article about Dr. Madden are false and defamatory. The falseness Is specifically as 1. Dictatorial powers. Dr. Madden Is not a dictator and does not exercise dictatorial powers. His actions ore governed by the appropriate regulations of toe Board of Trustees, the Chancel¬ lor's Office, and the regulations tor the faculty of Fresno State CoUege. He seeks the advice of s of his staff and Is toflu- Pronin Apologizes To: Editor, DaUy Collegian Date: May 24, 1987 From: a. Pronin, Assistant Professor Foreign Languages Subject: Article published in The DaUy CoUeglan, May 23, 1987: 'Pronto Asks Curb on Head Librarian.* I would like to moke it clear that there was some mis¬ understanding about my position concerning toe procedures connected with toe acquisition of Russian books by the FSC Library as reflected in The DaUy CoUeglan article of May 23. I did not wish to attack Dr. Madden personally, and there was no malicious intent on my part. I did not see any draf. of toe article which appeared and hereby wish to withdraw all toe statements to which Dr. Madden's name is The article appeared after I had met wlto Dr. Madden on the morning of that same day, at which Ume we dis¬ cussed a number of questions pertinent to toe requisition of Russian books. This discussion led to sn agreement as to what procedures to follow In the future In ordering Russian books tor toe library. I would like to express my deep apologies to Dr. Madden. t a personal note was Injected Into toe mis- g tost existed between us. U-* '>nberstsndtog th encod by It. 2. Dlscrimtostory methods to selecting and ordering certainU- brary books. As toe head of the Library, Dr. Madden Is ultimate¬ ly responsible tor the selection of all books, and be does, ss a matter of fact, examine each or¬ der before approving It. Ao far as funds permit, he authorizes the purchase of all requests which ore not patently deserving of be¬ ing rejected. •Discriminatory* has an evU connotation, and docs not truthfully describe his method of book selection. 3. Dr. Pronto sold he placed on order tor about 300 books last semester and that ho was later in¬ formed by a staff member that the Library never received the order. He contends that his sec¬ retary spent six weeks typing sd to to toe Li¬ brary. Thto ImpUes that the Li¬ brary, of which Dr. Madden la toe responsible head, falsely denies receiving the requests. Dr.Mad¬ den does deny receiving toe re¬ quests, because be did not receive 4. He also sold o second re¬ quest tor about 400 books was submitted a short time later, of which about 325 were rejected because 'Madden sold, "I didn't need toot many, I don't have mat many students.* The tact is that a request for toe purchase of 311 titles, all prepared by Mlaa To- tlana Erohlna, toon employed by toe Library aa an Intermediate Typist-Clark, on a basis of naif Ume, waa referred to Dr. Mad¬ den, who requested Miss Erohlna to select the most Important UUes from this group of requests tor Immediate purchase. The motoder would be held tor later action, depending upon the funds avallabla as the fiscal year drew to a close. At no time did Dr. Maddan say to Professor Pronto the words attributed to him. 6. 'Someone from the Library nodded him that the first two re¬ quests were misplaced.* Dr. Madden denies toot any member of toe staff of toe Library, ot which he Is toe responsible head, stated to Professor Pronin that any requests were misplaced. 6. "I am not toe only one who has had trouble with Madden,* he sold. "There ore many others (faculty members) who feel the same way that I do about him.* This ImpUes toot, because of misdeeds on his part, Dr. Mad¬ den has caused trouble to Pro¬ fessor Pronto and to many others (faculty members). He denies that be has caused trouble to Pro¬ fessor Pronin or to any member of tho faculty of Fresno Stats Col¬ lege by reason of his actions os CoUege LibrarianofFresnoSUte CoUege. 7. "I want to see that this one- man rule of Madden's be ended,* ho said. As stated in Paragraph 1, Dr. Madden does not exercise •one-man rola'. 8. 'Dr. Pronto estimated toot it $20 o tor books •because I know that I will not be able to get them here (ot too Library)." ' The fact is that over $1,000 haa been ex¬ pended by toe Library of Fresno Stats CoUege since September 1, 1988 tor toe purchase of books >rofessor pronto. 'He contends that previous amlttees have been 'quashed* the administration which 'tries to cover up tor him (Mad¬ den).' ' The statement that toe administration of tho collage bos attempted to 'cover up' tor Dr. Madden ImpUes toot ho has bean guilty of criminal, or unprofes¬ sional or incompetent acta. He denies toot he has committed any criminal, unprofessional, or incompetent acts which the od- mlnlstraUon of the college has 10. The photograph represent¬ ing Professor pronto states that he la showing a book 'he boa re¬ quested for the Library.' This ImpUes that the book is not In toe Library. The tact Is that the book displayed, Igor EmmanuUovlch Grabor, 0 drevneruaskon lskus- stve,, la toe property ot the Li¬ brary, and was circulated to Professor Pronin on May 18, 1967. You are further Informed that the above falsa statements bold Dr. Madden up to hatred, ridicule, contempt, shame, mortification, cause a loss of good reputation, and Injure him in his occupation as a professional librarian. This Is a demand, under Sec¬ tion 48a of too ClvU Code ot toe Stato of California, that these statements be corrected and that toe corrections be published to substantially as conspicuous a manner os were toe false and de¬ famatory statements and that toe correction s be published In such a manner as to reach toe some audience which was reached by too publications containing toe false and defamatory statements, within three (3) weeks otter serv¬ ice ot this demand upon you. JEFFERSON E. HAHESY |