Nov 2, 1966 Pg. 2-3 |
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CLUB NEWS All club Club News must be turned In to the Collegian office by 1 p.m. two days prior to the event. The office Is located In Business 235. Arnold Air Society The fall semester pledges of the Arnold Air Society will be In¬ troduced today at a general meet¬ ing In the Air Science lounge at Accounting Society The Accounting Society will hold a business meeting tonight al 7 p.m. In Business 110. Stu¬ dents Interested In Joining are invited. Recreation Club Recreation Night wUl be held today from 7 to9p.m.lnthegym- nasium. It will Include a karate demonstration by The Way of i 6:30 j the Men's Gym. n (he J collegiate Rodeo Finals hei summer In South Dakota w ride will also be discussed. Well. I'm the King of England!" Hoar hits Prop. I-A, referendum (Continued from Page 1) •The Separation of Powers doc¬ trine (as treated In Proposition 1-A) Is, for all purposes, des¬ troyed," Hoar said. On the Initiative and Refer¬ endum clause, which would still be allowed under 1-A, with qual¬ ification, Hoar said it «ls the most monstrous political fraud ever perpetrated upon the people of California." •Of what value," he continued, "Is the lnltlaUve and referendum If you can't get the Issues on the The present law cannot require tho signatures of more than 15 per cent of the registered voters to petition for an Initiative, or more than 10 per cent to peUtlon for a referendum. The proposed constitution reads: "The Legis¬ lature shall provide the manner In which petitions shall be cir¬ culated, presented and certified, submitted to the n Social Science Tickets for hit Broadway comedy are now available LETTERS Student Senate Editor: Monday, Oct. 31, on the topic of the Student Senate, I would ask you or whoever wroto the editor¬ ial to consider the following. First of all the Student Senate Is a new body. It was brought Into being with the adoption of tho new bylaws last spring and really has only been functioning since tho beginning of this school year. As a new oody It requires new procedures - old ways of doing ■things are useless because they do not fit the framework of the You do not build a house and Ihonjjraw a sot of blueprints. Nor should a legislative body take ac¬ tion and then establish proce¬ dures for taking tho action. Also may I point out that tho Student Senate Is potentially, and In fact, a powerful body Tickets are now available for the second theatrical production of the year, "Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You In The Clo¬ set and I'm Foelln' So Sad." Fresno State College s tain i '. after showing their student body cards at tho box office between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. daily. Arthur Koplt's comedy hit will open Nov. 10 at the Little Theatre and wUl run to Nov. 12 and from whole host of souvenirs, Including "It's a kind of spoof of the absurd," Randall said. "We have lots of magical tricks, Including a pet piranha fish named Rosa¬ linda, which has a taste for Per¬ sian cats. There are two very hungry' Venus fly-traps, treasure boxes, a fantastic collection of books, stamps and coins (gathered by the son Jonathan) and materializing rooms." •Oh Dad" was first produced by a student group at Harvard, where It won acclaim from Bos¬ ton critics and stirred the Inter¬ ests of New York producers. After a slow start on Broadway, leplay tx t 1962 ai politic a DA ..: and 454 performances. Randall has lined up a < graduate students for the roles, many of whom have had profes¬ sional experience. "It Is almost necessary," Randall explained, •duo to the exceedingly dl scenes In the play." 1 science, ted an Ullterate farmer to sit In Judgment on him In court. "He's as competent as anyone else," Hoar said. Hoar, who tried not to lose his composure, was told, "You don't have much confidence In your- 9*t a 'fiUj, '<£ e^e Psychologist to study H ead Start la. d lnr ocol be Dr. Stanley Llndqulst, head of the psychology department, Is be¬ ginning a projected research pro-" writer o to re-examine his charge that, "Unnecossary battles over pro¬ tocol, procedure and wording render tho Student Senate Ineffec¬ tual," In the light that It Is the procedure and protocol which Is now being formulated that will eventually make the Student Sen¬ ate a very efficient body. And If you really doubt that the Student Senate Is effecUve, I ask you to take note of the actions It has taken In the last few weeks. RICK RUSSELL ASB 1st V.P. Chairman Student Senate Dr. Llndqulst said the program since tho Head Start program Is this sort will make a difference in later Intellectual function," said Dr. Llndqulst, "Is the pur¬ pose of the projected study." In cases whore enriched train¬ ing was provided for chUdren of Impoverished environments, the study would determine whether the early training makes up for "" ' of the Llndqulst. The HeadStart Program Isheld for chUdren three and four years of age. Dr. Llndqulst said another purpose of the study would be to determine If ages three and four were too late to correct the early environmental deficiencies Dr. Llndqulst proposes to se¬ lect a group of children receiving the benefits of the Head Start pro¬ gram, with children who do not socio-economic level, ho said. Then the chUdren would be traced In school for some 12 to 15 years. Differences In their Intellectual functioning would be studied. Dr. Llndqulst foresees the study as a long range project. He said the city of Madera Is cooperating and he Is applying for research grants for tho study. Dr. Llndqulst cited several different studies which applied to his project. He noted the Skee's study where orphan twins were tested as to Intellectual function. Those who had been raised In a foster home as opposed to an orphanage had better functioning. Another, he said, was the Krech study on rats. The rats were given cages such as ladders and mazes. It was shown, he said, that the size of the brain enlarged and Elmo, the Guinea Pig group of students last year. His name was Rudy Badmouth and he was a fairly ordinary twelfth se- But It seems that Rudy went too far one day In Just trying to be ordinary. During his 8 o'clock business class he not only went to sleep, but also pi with the teacher's pauses In the lecture. He managed to stay awake In his 9 a.m. psychology class and yawned every 17 seconds. By 9:20 a.m. the whole class and the Instructor were yawning along with him. Next stop - the Library. Rudy pullod out a pack of Juicy Fruit and popped four pieces Into his mouth. Chewing nolsUy, he walked to the pencU sharpener and ground three pencUs down to the erasers. On the way back to his table, he spotted two friends across the room. Clicking his tap-covered heels he stroUed over to chat. . . quleUy, of course. After 20 minutes of intelligent conversation about Chuck's latest conquest and BUl's new M.G. an Irate girl studying for a test asked that they please shut up. Sullenly, Rudy shuffled over to pick up his books and left the Library for his two-hour art class. Totally unprepared for a new project, Rudy borrowed paints and paper from the girl next to him. "Oops, sorry about that," he said when he spUled red poster paint onto the lap of her yeUow dress. Rudy spent the rest of the period without suppUes. After lunch, Rudy argued with his homo economics teacher about the role of women In' mUltary service. When he suggested girls serve In Viet Nam, 37 pairs of eyes zeroed in on his swarthy neck. Rudy walked to his car unaware of the crowd of students and teachers gathering behind him. He was still thinking about his productive day as they dragged him away. Poor Rudy Badmouth was hanged that day. But he got his revenge. He sent back his ordinary ghost to haunt every class, meeting and building on campus. Have you seen him? Hoar got through Proposition 1-A without much audience rebut¬ tal. "I'llgettothatlater.'hesald, when he was asked several times to comment on parts of tho bill which touched on Proposition 16, the CLEAN Amendment. Hoar's general contention was that an objective appraisal could be made of Individual cases In¬ volving obscenity; his audience foil that under the proposal the law would be sole arbiter. A philosophical debate ensued. "I'm right," Hoar would say, only 1 with a "No, you're Wednesday, November 2, 1 E DAILY C01X.r.ClAN— Rieke: 'Man must let God use him' San Frandsco winners n coach Robert Selkirk congratulates dairy Judging. Roger Feaver I a high individual in oral Go-go replaces no-no education By SHAROL ROSATI They were some 70 years ago, when this statement was printed In "The Instructor." Today, stu- a fully staffed health center. slderably since 1900. This pro¬ gress Is evident In a comparison of a 1900 edition of this magazine with a 1966 edition. A modern edition has a half page and for Supp-Hose, "agreat looking feeling. That's why so many teachers wear it." In tho Gay Nlntles, one could read about "Foot WarmerShoes- woven by hand, wool-lines, for Faculty to hear insurance plans The California College and University Faculty Association (CCUFA) Is conducting two spec¬ ial sessions today concernlngln- su ranee programs for faculty members, at 3and4p.m.lnCafe- Representatlves of the Group Life Insurance, California Casul- lty and Indemnity Company, the Blue Cross will present their company's policies. An open enroUment for group life Insurance wlil last from Nov. 10 to Dec. 10. Blue Cross will open enrollment this week. room where floors are cold." There were even two sizes, one for men and one for women. Today, what teacher would dare take a rowdy student out to the woodshed with the threat of parental rage looming over him? Statistics In 1903 showed that In 50 per cent of the cases where a ruler or strap was used for reforming students In public schools, one treatment was enough. In the then advanced and cultural Boston, the good old rule and ruler were stUl In active operation. College students today cram for exams by staying up all night with the aid of "No Doz" and pep pUls. Our grandfathers had llant Brain Tonic for brain ers." This wonder drug was es- peclally adapted to teacher dents, and all who had to laboi with their brains. It "restored How many women Instructors today are married and stUl teach¬ ing? In 1904, one of the rules of the New York City Board of Ed¬ ucation was that if a woman in¬ structor married, her position was declared vacant. The courts, however, ruled that the board had no legal grounds for the law to classify marriage as an act of Insubordination. Salaries are generally points of disagreement. Instructors who get $6,000 a year want more whUe Chicago elementary teachers' wages were raised to $823 per annum In 1905. Stanford offers scholarships. in journalism Graduate scholarships for the 1967-68 academic year are being processed by the Stanford Uni¬ versity Department of Commun¬ ications. Approximately 25 scholarships from $1,770 to $4,770 are avail¬ able for students preparing for careers In editorial Journalism, mass communications research, and broadcasting and film. Ail are grants, not asslstantsfttps, and no service Is required of recipients. Part of a $975,000 grant to the department was made by the Ford Foundation for 12 National Honors Fellowships. Students who demonstrate a strong In¬ terest In newspaper and broad¬ cast Journalism are eligible, pro¬ vided they are MA candidates. The department of communl- catlons at Stanford now offers a Ph.D. In public affairs commun- establlshed MA and Ph.D. pro¬ grams. This degree combines study and research In politics, economics and history. Queries should be addressed to the Executive Head, Dean of Communications, Redwood Hail, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. Deadline for applications Is Jan. 15. "Here I am, God, use me." Herbert E. Rieke, a member of the Christian Science board of lectureship, speaking recently at the Fresno State College Re¬ ligious Center, offered this prayer as tho key to a full and successful lite. "God Is willing, able and ready to express his perfection in us so that man In God's like¬ ness might be evident; but we must be willing to let Him," Rieke said. "That's really what power is — a spiritual letting process," he said. "We need to let God express In us all His divine qualities to bring out the capacity of man.* Rieke, a former chaplain in the Army Air Corps during World War n, said, "It's a real chal¬ lenge to let God use us." It takes 'real spiritual courage." It means facing up to the "great problems In the world crying for solutions," he emphasized. •The answer to these problems can't be found through material- It Is Christ that saves mankind, he said, and defined Christ as •tho true spiritual Idea of being which Jesus so perfecUy pre¬ sented to the world through his life and teachings." The lecturer added that this •ever-present, spiritual Christ" Is what Jesus referred to when he id, "Lo, I l with you always, (Matt. 28:20). ,'Thus God opens the way for us to fulfill our true purpose," he said, 'and we find Infinite oppor¬ tunities to be of service to Emphasizing the concept of service, Rieke noted most of •humanity's problems come from a belief In the lack of love." Christian Intor-Varsiry group will hear Shalo The Rev. Shale of the Bethany Mennonlte Brethren Church will speak at tho Inter Varsity meet¬ ing Thursday at 1 p.m. InSclonco 221 on the reliabUlty of the New Testament documents. SHEPHERD'S SHELL * Brake Service * Minor Repairs ENJOY YOURSELF . atmosphere here Is friendly ... the music hot ... the i cold . . . and the Pizza Is out of this world. SHAKEY »s. PIZZA PARLOR we deliver to your door 233-0501 1266 Abby / college j.ludonts .. Is your lUe Insurance and savings program consistent with your progress? Take advantage of an examination of your program and goals. CONTACT 2 6 8 ■ S 6 3 1 NEW YORK LIFE Insurance Company 2409 Merced St. Fresno. California 2GS.5621 Stubblefleld Den Stubblefleld ONE DAY ONLY fmfo ^iP-- Thursday, November 3, 1966 LONDON GRAFICA ARTS presents an exhibition and sale of original lithographs, etchings, wood cats Daumior Corinth Renoir Carzou Duly Rouaulr Chagall Maillol Toulouse-Lautrec Cassatt Picasso Van Dongen College Art Gallery 8O0 AM. - 500 PM.
Object Description
Title | 1966_11 The Daily Collegian November 1966 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Nov 2, 1966 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | CLUB NEWS All club Club News must be turned In to the Collegian office by 1 p.m. two days prior to the event. The office Is located In Business 235. Arnold Air Society The fall semester pledges of the Arnold Air Society will be In¬ troduced today at a general meet¬ ing In the Air Science lounge at Accounting Society The Accounting Society will hold a business meeting tonight al 7 p.m. In Business 110. Stu¬ dents Interested In Joining are invited. Recreation Club Recreation Night wUl be held today from 7 to9p.m.lnthegym- nasium. It will Include a karate demonstration by The Way of i 6:30 j the Men's Gym. n (he J collegiate Rodeo Finals hei summer In South Dakota w ride will also be discussed. Well. I'm the King of England!" Hoar hits Prop. I-A, referendum (Continued from Page 1) •The Separation of Powers doc¬ trine (as treated In Proposition 1-A) Is, for all purposes, des¬ troyed," Hoar said. On the Initiative and Refer¬ endum clause, which would still be allowed under 1-A, with qual¬ ification, Hoar said it «ls the most monstrous political fraud ever perpetrated upon the people of California." •Of what value," he continued, "Is the lnltlaUve and referendum If you can't get the Issues on the The present law cannot require tho signatures of more than 15 per cent of the registered voters to petition for an Initiative, or more than 10 per cent to peUtlon for a referendum. The proposed constitution reads: "The Legis¬ lature shall provide the manner In which petitions shall be cir¬ culated, presented and certified, submitted to the n Social Science Tickets for hit Broadway comedy are now available LETTERS Student Senate Editor: Monday, Oct. 31, on the topic of the Student Senate, I would ask you or whoever wroto the editor¬ ial to consider the following. First of all the Student Senate Is a new body. It was brought Into being with the adoption of tho new bylaws last spring and really has only been functioning since tho beginning of this school year. As a new oody It requires new procedures - old ways of doing ■things are useless because they do not fit the framework of the You do not build a house and Ihonjjraw a sot of blueprints. Nor should a legislative body take ac¬ tion and then establish proce¬ dures for taking tho action. Also may I point out that tho Student Senate Is potentially, and In fact, a powerful body Tickets are now available for the second theatrical production of the year, "Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma's Hung You In The Clo¬ set and I'm Foelln' So Sad." Fresno State College s tain i '. after showing their student body cards at tho box office between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. daily. Arthur Koplt's comedy hit will open Nov. 10 at the Little Theatre and wUl run to Nov. 12 and from whole host of souvenirs, Including "It's a kind of spoof of the absurd," Randall said. "We have lots of magical tricks, Including a pet piranha fish named Rosa¬ linda, which has a taste for Per¬ sian cats. There are two very hungry' Venus fly-traps, treasure boxes, a fantastic collection of books, stamps and coins (gathered by the son Jonathan) and materializing rooms." •Oh Dad" was first produced by a student group at Harvard, where It won acclaim from Bos¬ ton critics and stirred the Inter¬ ests of New York producers. After a slow start on Broadway, leplay tx t 1962 ai politic a DA ..: and 454 performances. Randall has lined up a < graduate students for the roles, many of whom have had profes¬ sional experience. "It Is almost necessary," Randall explained, •duo to the exceedingly dl scenes In the play." 1 science, ted an Ullterate farmer to sit In Judgment on him In court. "He's as competent as anyone else," Hoar said. Hoar, who tried not to lose his composure, was told, "You don't have much confidence In your- 9*t a 'fiUj, '<£ e^e Psychologist to study H ead Start la. d lnr ocol be Dr. Stanley Llndqulst, head of the psychology department, Is be¬ ginning a projected research pro-" writer o to re-examine his charge that, "Unnecossary battles over pro¬ tocol, procedure and wording render tho Student Senate Ineffec¬ tual," In the light that It Is the procedure and protocol which Is now being formulated that will eventually make the Student Sen¬ ate a very efficient body. And If you really doubt that the Student Senate Is effecUve, I ask you to take note of the actions It has taken In the last few weeks. RICK RUSSELL ASB 1st V.P. Chairman Student Senate Dr. Llndqulst said the program since tho Head Start program Is this sort will make a difference in later Intellectual function," said Dr. Llndqulst, "Is the pur¬ pose of the projected study." In cases whore enriched train¬ ing was provided for chUdren of Impoverished environments, the study would determine whether the early training makes up for "" ' of the Llndqulst. The HeadStart Program Isheld for chUdren three and four years of age. Dr. Llndqulst said another purpose of the study would be to determine If ages three and four were too late to correct the early environmental deficiencies Dr. Llndqulst proposes to se¬ lect a group of children receiving the benefits of the Head Start pro¬ gram, with children who do not socio-economic level, ho said. Then the chUdren would be traced In school for some 12 to 15 years. Differences In their Intellectual functioning would be studied. Dr. Llndqulst foresees the study as a long range project. He said the city of Madera Is cooperating and he Is applying for research grants for tho study. Dr. Llndqulst cited several different studies which applied to his project. He noted the Skee's study where orphan twins were tested as to Intellectual function. Those who had been raised In a foster home as opposed to an orphanage had better functioning. Another, he said, was the Krech study on rats. The rats were given cages such as ladders and mazes. It was shown, he said, that the size of the brain enlarged and Elmo, the Guinea Pig group of students last year. His name was Rudy Badmouth and he was a fairly ordinary twelfth se- But It seems that Rudy went too far one day In Just trying to be ordinary. During his 8 o'clock business class he not only went to sleep, but also pi with the teacher's pauses In the lecture. He managed to stay awake In his 9 a.m. psychology class and yawned every 17 seconds. By 9:20 a.m. the whole class and the Instructor were yawning along with him. Next stop - the Library. Rudy pullod out a pack of Juicy Fruit and popped four pieces Into his mouth. Chewing nolsUy, he walked to the pencU sharpener and ground three pencUs down to the erasers. On the way back to his table, he spotted two friends across the room. Clicking his tap-covered heels he stroUed over to chat. . . quleUy, of course. After 20 minutes of intelligent conversation about Chuck's latest conquest and BUl's new M.G. an Irate girl studying for a test asked that they please shut up. Sullenly, Rudy shuffled over to pick up his books and left the Library for his two-hour art class. Totally unprepared for a new project, Rudy borrowed paints and paper from the girl next to him. "Oops, sorry about that," he said when he spUled red poster paint onto the lap of her yeUow dress. Rudy spent the rest of the period without suppUes. After lunch, Rudy argued with his homo economics teacher about the role of women In' mUltary service. When he suggested girls serve In Viet Nam, 37 pairs of eyes zeroed in on his swarthy neck. Rudy walked to his car unaware of the crowd of students and teachers gathering behind him. He was still thinking about his productive day as they dragged him away. Poor Rudy Badmouth was hanged that day. But he got his revenge. He sent back his ordinary ghost to haunt every class, meeting and building on campus. Have you seen him? Hoar got through Proposition 1-A without much audience rebut¬ tal. "I'llgettothatlater.'hesald, when he was asked several times to comment on parts of tho bill which touched on Proposition 16, the CLEAN Amendment. Hoar's general contention was that an objective appraisal could be made of Individual cases In¬ volving obscenity; his audience foil that under the proposal the law would be sole arbiter. A philosophical debate ensued. "I'm right," Hoar would say, only 1 with a "No, you're Wednesday, November 2, 1 E DAILY C01X.r.ClAN— Rieke: 'Man must let God use him' San Frandsco winners n coach Robert Selkirk congratulates dairy Judging. Roger Feaver I a high individual in oral Go-go replaces no-no education By SHAROL ROSATI They were some 70 years ago, when this statement was printed In "The Instructor." Today, stu- a fully staffed health center. slderably since 1900. This pro¬ gress Is evident In a comparison of a 1900 edition of this magazine with a 1966 edition. A modern edition has a half page and for Supp-Hose, "agreat looking feeling. That's why so many teachers wear it." In tho Gay Nlntles, one could read about "Foot WarmerShoes- woven by hand, wool-lines, for Faculty to hear insurance plans The California College and University Faculty Association (CCUFA) Is conducting two spec¬ ial sessions today concernlngln- su ranee programs for faculty members, at 3and4p.m.lnCafe- Representatlves of the Group Life Insurance, California Casul- lty and Indemnity Company, the Blue Cross will present their company's policies. An open enroUment for group life Insurance wlil last from Nov. 10 to Dec. 10. Blue Cross will open enrollment this week. room where floors are cold." There were even two sizes, one for men and one for women. Today, what teacher would dare take a rowdy student out to the woodshed with the threat of parental rage looming over him? Statistics In 1903 showed that In 50 per cent of the cases where a ruler or strap was used for reforming students In public schools, one treatment was enough. In the then advanced and cultural Boston, the good old rule and ruler were stUl In active operation. College students today cram for exams by staying up all night with the aid of "No Doz" and pep pUls. Our grandfathers had llant Brain Tonic for brain ers." This wonder drug was es- peclally adapted to teacher dents, and all who had to laboi with their brains. It "restored How many women Instructors today are married and stUl teach¬ ing? In 1904, one of the rules of the New York City Board of Ed¬ ucation was that if a woman in¬ structor married, her position was declared vacant. The courts, however, ruled that the board had no legal grounds for the law to classify marriage as an act of Insubordination. Salaries are generally points of disagreement. Instructors who get $6,000 a year want more whUe Chicago elementary teachers' wages were raised to $823 per annum In 1905. Stanford offers scholarships. in journalism Graduate scholarships for the 1967-68 academic year are being processed by the Stanford Uni¬ versity Department of Commun¬ ications. Approximately 25 scholarships from $1,770 to $4,770 are avail¬ able for students preparing for careers In editorial Journalism, mass communications research, and broadcasting and film. Ail are grants, not asslstantsfttps, and no service Is required of recipients. Part of a $975,000 grant to the department was made by the Ford Foundation for 12 National Honors Fellowships. Students who demonstrate a strong In¬ terest In newspaper and broad¬ cast Journalism are eligible, pro¬ vided they are MA candidates. The department of communl- catlons at Stanford now offers a Ph.D. In public affairs commun- establlshed MA and Ph.D. pro¬ grams. This degree combines study and research In politics, economics and history. Queries should be addressed to the Executive Head, Dean of Communications, Redwood Hail, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. 94305. Deadline for applications Is Jan. 15. "Here I am, God, use me." Herbert E. Rieke, a member of the Christian Science board of lectureship, speaking recently at the Fresno State College Re¬ ligious Center, offered this prayer as tho key to a full and successful lite. "God Is willing, able and ready to express his perfection in us so that man In God's like¬ ness might be evident; but we must be willing to let Him," Rieke said. "That's really what power is — a spiritual letting process," he said. "We need to let God express In us all His divine qualities to bring out the capacity of man.* Rieke, a former chaplain in the Army Air Corps during World War n, said, "It's a real chal¬ lenge to let God use us." It takes 'real spiritual courage." It means facing up to the "great problems In the world crying for solutions," he emphasized. •The answer to these problems can't be found through material- It Is Christ that saves mankind, he said, and defined Christ as •tho true spiritual Idea of being which Jesus so perfecUy pre¬ sented to the world through his life and teachings." The lecturer added that this •ever-present, spiritual Christ" Is what Jesus referred to when he id, "Lo, I l with you always, (Matt. 28:20). ,'Thus God opens the way for us to fulfill our true purpose," he said, 'and we find Infinite oppor¬ tunities to be of service to Emphasizing the concept of service, Rieke noted most of •humanity's problems come from a belief In the lack of love." Christian Intor-Varsiry group will hear Shalo The Rev. Shale of the Bethany Mennonlte Brethren Church will speak at tho Inter Varsity meet¬ ing Thursday at 1 p.m. InSclonco 221 on the reliabUlty of the New Testament documents. SHEPHERD'S SHELL * Brake Service * Minor Repairs ENJOY YOURSELF . atmosphere here Is friendly ... the music hot ... the i cold . . . and the Pizza Is out of this world. SHAKEY »s. PIZZA PARLOR we deliver to your door 233-0501 1266 Abby / college j.ludonts .. Is your lUe Insurance and savings program consistent with your progress? Take advantage of an examination of your program and goals. CONTACT 2 6 8 ■ S 6 3 1 NEW YORK LIFE Insurance Company 2409 Merced St. Fresno. California 2GS.5621 Stubblefleld Den Stubblefleld ONE DAY ONLY fmfo ^iP-- Thursday, November 3, 1966 LONDON GRAFICA ARTS presents an exhibition and sale of original lithographs, etchings, wood cats Daumior Corinth Renoir Carzou Duly Rouaulr Chagall Maillol Toulouse-Lautrec Cassatt Picasso Van Dongen College Art Gallery 8O0 AM. - 500 PM. |