April 12, 1966 Pg. 4- April 13, 1966 Pg. 1 |
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The DaUy CoUegian BAGGED-He's lost his head for the game Bulldog Netters Will Host Mustangs Today The Fresno State College ten- singles player Bob Nelson, who from the courts, meets Cal Poly ol San Luis Obispo today at 3 p.m. on the Mustang courts. The BuUdogs havo an overall The leading player Is nu FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY-FREE? Like the difference between the guy with a pie-in-the- sky scheme to get rich quick, and the man with a plan for financial security. Or the difference between a savings plan that's hale and hearty as long as you are. and a life insurance program that keeps going strong even when you can't. Life insurance is one in¬ vestment you can make to¬ day that's guaranteed to take the strife out of life years from now. That might Nelson got his first taste of de¬ feat against Cal Stato at Los Angeles over tho spring vacation, which ended a five-match winning streak. Fresno's only league action was during the vacation. They de¬ feated San Fernando Valley State College, 6-3, and lost to Los Angeles, 8-1. Ernie Turtle was the only Fres¬ no playor to win against LA. Tut - tie got more glory when he won tho Kings River Tennis Club Tournament over tho vacation. Ho defeated top seeded Jerry Fleming in the final match. FSC coach Jon Ferguson was seeded No. 1, but was forced out of ac¬ tion because of illness. Today's singles lineup are Jeff Kuns, number one; Jack Aloojian, number two, BUl Davis, number three; John Savage, number four; Nelson, number five; and TutUe, as you planned to put into it in a lifetime. And the sooner you start, the less it Got some loose ends that need pulling together? We'ie specialists at it . . . especially for young people. Fred W. Kuver Kuver Associates 1295 Wishon Ave. Suite A PROVIDENT MUTUALsflBB LIFE CHEVRON SERVICE ir Accessories i( Lubrication We Give BLUE CHIP STAMPS 4797 E. Clinton at Chestnut FRESNO, CALIF. SNOOKER and POOL 'GOLDEN CROWN Asnfan PartV Shopping Center-Phone 222-6809 Spring Grid Drills Open At Ratcliffe > COLLEGIAN ORTS 0 surprised to feel cllffo Stadium through ti of the next 20 working days dur¬ ing early evening hours. ketbaU has Just about come to the end of the road, football (spring practice), Fresno state style, got underway last night. This spring's sessions will take on an air of novelty in a number of aspects. First of all, Darryl Rogers has taken on the head coaching Job which was vacated by PhU Krue¬ ger as of Mar. 1. Rogers held a slmUar position at Cal State Hayward before com- e played In Softball IM Schedule The Softball Intramural League wlU continue acUon today when six Independent League teams be- the tennis courts. Homan Hall I plays Homan HaU U, on tho field west of tho women's gym, and tho Amoebas play Yssups, on the diamond south of the hand- baU courts. Wednesday, the Fraternity League starts action. Sigma Chi plays Alpha Gamma Rho, on the field south of tho handball courts, Lambda Chi Alpha plays Delta Sigma Phi, on the diamond west of the women's gym, Theta Chi plays Sigma Nu, on the field east of tho tennis courts, and Sigma Alpha Epsllon plays Kappa Sigma, on the diamond southeast of the practice basebaU field. tho r iu:-0'. Roger Gleason era of 1947-48 to take the mentorshlp. Second, Rogers wUl do away with the [-Formation utilized by Krueger the past two years. He win employ the Multlple-T sim¬ ilar to tho offense that ex-coach CecU Coleman used In the early •60's. Finally, Rogers will greet s vying for the 11 top spots. Of this 45, 20 will wlUbe new to FSC, with 15 letter- men and turning. The sessions wUl n Friday, May e tho varsity taking o It was not revealed who wlU play in the top doubles match be¬ cause there was a playoff between Kuns and Savage and Davis and Aloojian late last night. The los¬ ing team will play number two. The number (hroe spot wUl be played by Tuttlo and Nelson. A limited number of spaces is avaUable CHARTER JET FLIGHTS TO EUROPE San Franclsco-Parls Aug. 27 or Sept. 3, 1966 For Faculty, Staff, Students Get to know the friendly merchants in your college town . s b ■ £ I *J j I 1 ° Bullard 1 1 JB ! iFSCj - Shaw . r IMIL'S DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP 423 Pollasky THE DAILY COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Weather Fair through Thursday wl light to gentle winds. Highs tod; 74-79, Fresno, 78. Lows 46-5 Wednesday, April 13, 1966 Number 110 FSC's Largest Grant School Is Awarded $438,000 Grant SILENCE - Marsha Boston Is shown practicing a dance "Silence", In preparation for Saturday's modern dance concert in the Little Theatre. (Photo by Ryan Marty) Money For Clubs Ness Asks Council To Consider Grants The Student CouncU should re¬ view crlUcaUy the Association ibudget and recommend selected clubs for significant monetary grants believes President Fred¬ eric W. Ness. The proposal grew out of the second student-College President conference held Tuesday. Dee Mosler, association student vice president, Jay Donlon, Gary Ya¬ mamoto and Art Noxon attended the meeting with Dr. Ness. •Why dont you arbitrarily ono year say to the History Club (for example) 'Here's several hundred dollars and U you come up with a good program you'll get the same next year', and try this with different groups every year,* suggested Dr. Ness. The proposal was then dis¬ cussed during the one-hour meeting with a final consensus that maybe one thousand dollars should be offered as awards to the best two or three programs submitted by various clubs. The proposal came out of a discussion on the Insignificance of student government. •Student government becomes significant when lt has some real Issues. Largely they do not have any real Issues,* said Dr. Ness. ■However, they should be con¬ cerned with the quality of educa¬ Uon they are receiving. Why Is not the major Issue the quaUtyof ed- ucation here? So much of the bus¬ iness of student government Is phony.* Dr. Ness suggested that the problem of lack of partlclpaUon of students with student govern¬ ment may be solved with the In¬ creased number of Uvlng groups. Jay Donlon said his oxperlence with dorm Uvlng showed the stu¬ dents were a heterogenus group and that dorm Uvlng did not en¬ courage this participation. The conference also consid¬ ered the attributes of «Guano, the Student Political EducaUon AcUon Committee's faculty e- valuatlon. Dr. Ness agreed that faculty evaluations were very •Very often a teacher wiU get discouraged because students don't care about classes except for grades. Students must show they are Interested,* said Dr. Ness. Miss Mosler contended lt is difficult to crlUclxe a teacher except through the anonymlnlty of publication. because you don't want to Jeopar¬ dize ypur grade,* she said. Miss Mosler also questioned the elimination of the faculty speeches which she said were well attended. She believes the poor attendance at other events is due to lack of The conferees discussed sev¬ eral methods of advertising cam- with Noxon criticizing tho u k No rr of the newly constructed marquee. Dr. Ness also expressed con¬ cern over the Dead Week proposal recenUy signed by him. "This reading period, I can't take lt seriously because lt wlU be a cramming period.* Dr. Ness sug¬ gested a week be set aside ear¬ lier In tho semester with the teacher making »n assignment due. This he believes would end the tendency for students to cram. The United States Department of Health, EducaUon and Welfare has awarded Fresno State CoUege the largest grant In Its history. The grant of $438,000 to the School of EducaUon, wUl be used for Operation Fair Chance, an experimental teacher-training project to prepare teachers to work with culturally disadvan¬ taged chUdren. Academic Vice President Dr. Dallas TueUer announced that the money Is part of a total grant of 91,265,787, In which the Califor¬ nia State Department of Educa¬ tion, California State CoUege at Hayward and the University of California at Berkeley wlUcoop- Dr. Lester J. Roth, associate professor of education, has been named the project director. Tho project wUl Include pre- servlce training of new public school teachers, and tn-servlce training for practicing teachers Involved In special project exper¬ imental centers. Dr. Richard Sparks, dean of the school of education, said three or four experimental centers will bo established In local school dis¬ tricts, and experimental work wlU bo conducted with speclaUy developed teaching materials and techniques. Dr. Roth said up to 44 Intern- teachers wlU be placed In the centers In the fall semester. They wlU be teaching with a special credential and will also be on- rolled at FSC. as prnvi>wi fnr by tho elemen¬ tary-secondary educaUon act. Dr. Roth said, Operation Fair Chance will give us an op¬ portunity to experiment with teacher training In the elemen¬ tary schools, and to test assump¬ tions that have not been tested Tho grant ends on Jan. 30, 1S69, but Dr. Roth predicted this could be extended Uthe project Is successful. Dr. Sparks said there are many •Most ot our knowledge of teaching culturally disadvantaged chUdren comes from the large eastern cities", he said. "In this area mostofour culturally disad¬ vantaged chUdren are In a state of movement, and our knowledge Is based on untested opinions." Dr. . Roth said that many schools are leaving for moredo- slreable schools, and the disad¬ vantaged schools have a high per¬ centage of new and unexperienced He said, 'We want to create a . body of specialists in this area that are trained to teach in these schools, and who won't become discouraged when they are placed In a culturally disadvantaged Dr. Sparks said the problem nf culturally disadvantaged chUdren Is anatlonal phenomenon what is found here may have na¬ tion wide applications. 'Beliefs' To Be Pike's Topic The Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of CaUfomla, will speak on Few¬ er Beliefs, More Beliefs, Apr. 20 on the Fresno State College cam- Bishop Pike will speak as the third annual Beth Anne Harnlsh Memorial Lecturer and Is sched¬ uled to appear at 1 p.m. In the men's gymnasium. The lecture wUl be open to the public. Following the presentation, there wlU be a question-answer session presided over by Dr. Francis A. Wiley, professor and chairman of the history depart - The Beth Harnlsh Committee of the CoUege Y Board wUl spon¬ sor the Bishop's appearance. Before coming to CaUfomla In 1958, Bishop Pike served as Dean of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine In New York City, the largest church in the country. He Is a postdoctoral FeUow ot the Society tot Religion in Higher fellow or lecturer at Dartmouth CoUege, Northwestern Univer¬ sity Law School, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, the Univer¬ sity of Chicago, Stanford and the University of Southern Cali- Leadership Camp To Start Saturday The eighth annual Leadership Camp will be held Saturday and Sunday at Sierra Sky Ranch, Oak- Slxty-flve persons wlU attend, according to Gordon Wilson, as¬ sociate dean of students. Steve Dlebort, chairman of the Leadership Camp Committee, said the camp wUl be divided ln- wlU deal with improving leader¬ ship by establishing effective hu¬ man relations, communications and procedures. George Avery, associate profes¬ sor of educaUon, as the project coordinator. Also lo bo employed are two additional project coordinators, one project secretary, two pro¬ ject clerk-stenographers and other clerical personnel. According to Dr. Roth, 60-70 per cent ot the grant wUl be used for staff salaries. The project wUl use teachers with experience In culturally dis¬ advantaged schools as consul¬ tants In the program. Dr. Roth said the project wlU extend from kindergarten to the ninth grade, but the bulk of the program will be aimed at the el¬ ementary grades of kindergarten through the sixth grade. The University of CaUfomla will act as an advisory agency for the project. Dr. TueUer also appointed a advisory committee to relate the project to the rest of the coUege. The members aro: Dr. Howard Campbell, department of speech; Dr. WUUam Dlenstein, depart¬ ment of sociology; Dr. I. Ace Griffiths, school of education; Dr. Harrison Madden, depart¬ ment of psychology; Dr. Patricia Plckford, associate professor of Social Welfare; Dr. Thelma Rea, School of EducaUon; and Dr. Richard Sparks, dean of the School of Education. Court Rules BAC Has No Say Over Intramural Sports The Fresno State CoUege Stu¬ dent Court has ruled that the Board of AthleUc Control Is not enUUed to either financial or ad¬ ministrative control over the FSC intramural sports program. At an open hearing recenUy, Senior Justice James Sandos said, The coUege'sbylawsseem to imply that the BAC has ad¬ ministrative and financial control over both IntercoUeglate and In¬ tramural sports programs." At present, however, the intra¬ mural program Is financed by state funds and staffed by state personnel. Since the BAC, as an agency of the Association has no control over expenditure bf state funds or the direction of state personnel, the Court ruled that the Board was given an "Im¬ proper assignment of authority in regard to the intramural pro¬ gram" by the existing bylaws. As a result of the ruling, the Court recommended that the new FSC bylaws be worded in such a way that the proper relationship between the BAC and the intra¬ mural sports program be clearly The hearing came about as a result of a request by Ernie Kinney, associated student body president, and Harvey Wallace, former ASB commissioner of athletics, to interpret the BAC's control over the intramural pro¬ gram as granted by the bylaws
Object Description
Title | 1966_04 The Daily Collegian April 1966 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | April 12, 1966 Pg. 4- April 13, 1966 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The DaUy CoUegian BAGGED-He's lost his head for the game Bulldog Netters Will Host Mustangs Today The Fresno State College ten- singles player Bob Nelson, who from the courts, meets Cal Poly ol San Luis Obispo today at 3 p.m. on the Mustang courts. The BuUdogs havo an overall The leading player Is nu FOOTLOOSE AND FANCY-FREE? Like the difference between the guy with a pie-in-the- sky scheme to get rich quick, and the man with a plan for financial security. Or the difference between a savings plan that's hale and hearty as long as you are. and a life insurance program that keeps going strong even when you can't. Life insurance is one in¬ vestment you can make to¬ day that's guaranteed to take the strife out of life years from now. That might Nelson got his first taste of de¬ feat against Cal Stato at Los Angeles over tho spring vacation, which ended a five-match winning streak. Fresno's only league action was during the vacation. They de¬ feated San Fernando Valley State College, 6-3, and lost to Los Angeles, 8-1. Ernie Turtle was the only Fres¬ no playor to win against LA. Tut - tie got more glory when he won tho Kings River Tennis Club Tournament over tho vacation. Ho defeated top seeded Jerry Fleming in the final match. FSC coach Jon Ferguson was seeded No. 1, but was forced out of ac¬ tion because of illness. Today's singles lineup are Jeff Kuns, number one; Jack Aloojian, number two, BUl Davis, number three; John Savage, number four; Nelson, number five; and TutUe, as you planned to put into it in a lifetime. And the sooner you start, the less it Got some loose ends that need pulling together? We'ie specialists at it . . . especially for young people. Fred W. Kuver Kuver Associates 1295 Wishon Ave. Suite A PROVIDENT MUTUALsflBB LIFE CHEVRON SERVICE ir Accessories i( Lubrication We Give BLUE CHIP STAMPS 4797 E. Clinton at Chestnut FRESNO, CALIF. SNOOKER and POOL 'GOLDEN CROWN Asnfan PartV Shopping Center-Phone 222-6809 Spring Grid Drills Open At Ratcliffe > COLLEGIAN ORTS 0 surprised to feel cllffo Stadium through ti of the next 20 working days dur¬ ing early evening hours. ketbaU has Just about come to the end of the road, football (spring practice), Fresno state style, got underway last night. This spring's sessions will take on an air of novelty in a number of aspects. First of all, Darryl Rogers has taken on the head coaching Job which was vacated by PhU Krue¬ ger as of Mar. 1. Rogers held a slmUar position at Cal State Hayward before com- e played In Softball IM Schedule The Softball Intramural League wlU continue acUon today when six Independent League teams be- the tennis courts. Homan Hall I plays Homan HaU U, on tho field west of tho women's gym, and tho Amoebas play Yssups, on the diamond south of the hand- baU courts. Wednesday, the Fraternity League starts action. Sigma Chi plays Alpha Gamma Rho, on the field south of tho handball courts, Lambda Chi Alpha plays Delta Sigma Phi, on the diamond west of the women's gym, Theta Chi plays Sigma Nu, on the field east of tho tennis courts, and Sigma Alpha Epsllon plays Kappa Sigma, on the diamond southeast of the practice basebaU field. tho r iu:-0'. Roger Gleason era of 1947-48 to take the mentorshlp. Second, Rogers wUl do away with the [-Formation utilized by Krueger the past two years. He win employ the Multlple-T sim¬ ilar to tho offense that ex-coach CecU Coleman used In the early •60's. Finally, Rogers will greet s vying for the 11 top spots. Of this 45, 20 will wlUbe new to FSC, with 15 letter- men and turning. The sessions wUl n Friday, May e tho varsity taking o It was not revealed who wlU play in the top doubles match be¬ cause there was a playoff between Kuns and Savage and Davis and Aloojian late last night. The los¬ ing team will play number two. The number (hroe spot wUl be played by Tuttlo and Nelson. A limited number of spaces is avaUable CHARTER JET FLIGHTS TO EUROPE San Franclsco-Parls Aug. 27 or Sept. 3, 1966 For Faculty, Staff, Students Get to know the friendly merchants in your college town . s b ■ £ I *J j I 1 ° Bullard 1 1 JB ! iFSCj - Shaw . r IMIL'S DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP 423 Pollasky THE DAILY COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Weather Fair through Thursday wl light to gentle winds. Highs tod; 74-79, Fresno, 78. Lows 46-5 Wednesday, April 13, 1966 Number 110 FSC's Largest Grant School Is Awarded $438,000 Grant SILENCE - Marsha Boston Is shown practicing a dance "Silence", In preparation for Saturday's modern dance concert in the Little Theatre. (Photo by Ryan Marty) Money For Clubs Ness Asks Council To Consider Grants The Student CouncU should re¬ view crlUcaUy the Association ibudget and recommend selected clubs for significant monetary grants believes President Fred¬ eric W. Ness. The proposal grew out of the second student-College President conference held Tuesday. Dee Mosler, association student vice president, Jay Donlon, Gary Ya¬ mamoto and Art Noxon attended the meeting with Dr. Ness. •Why dont you arbitrarily ono year say to the History Club (for example) 'Here's several hundred dollars and U you come up with a good program you'll get the same next year', and try this with different groups every year,* suggested Dr. Ness. The proposal was then dis¬ cussed during the one-hour meeting with a final consensus that maybe one thousand dollars should be offered as awards to the best two or three programs submitted by various clubs. The proposal came out of a discussion on the Insignificance of student government. •Student government becomes significant when lt has some real Issues. Largely they do not have any real Issues,* said Dr. Ness. ■However, they should be con¬ cerned with the quality of educa¬ Uon they are receiving. Why Is not the major Issue the quaUtyof ed- ucation here? So much of the bus¬ iness of student government Is phony.* Dr. Ness suggested that the problem of lack of partlclpaUon of students with student govern¬ ment may be solved with the In¬ creased number of Uvlng groups. Jay Donlon said his oxperlence with dorm Uvlng showed the stu¬ dents were a heterogenus group and that dorm Uvlng did not en¬ courage this participation. The conference also consid¬ ered the attributes of «Guano, the Student Political EducaUon AcUon Committee's faculty e- valuatlon. Dr. Ness agreed that faculty evaluations were very •Very often a teacher wiU get discouraged because students don't care about classes except for grades. Students must show they are Interested,* said Dr. Ness. Miss Mosler contended lt is difficult to crlUclxe a teacher except through the anonymlnlty of publication. because you don't want to Jeopar¬ dize ypur grade,* she said. Miss Mosler also questioned the elimination of the faculty speeches which she said were well attended. She believes the poor attendance at other events is due to lack of The conferees discussed sev¬ eral methods of advertising cam- with Noxon criticizing tho u k No rr of the newly constructed marquee. Dr. Ness also expressed con¬ cern over the Dead Week proposal recenUy signed by him. "This reading period, I can't take lt seriously because lt wlU be a cramming period.* Dr. Ness sug¬ gested a week be set aside ear¬ lier In tho semester with the teacher making »n assignment due. This he believes would end the tendency for students to cram. The United States Department of Health, EducaUon and Welfare has awarded Fresno State CoUege the largest grant In Its history. The grant of $438,000 to the School of EducaUon, wUl be used for Operation Fair Chance, an experimental teacher-training project to prepare teachers to work with culturally disadvan¬ taged chUdren. Academic Vice President Dr. Dallas TueUer announced that the money Is part of a total grant of 91,265,787, In which the Califor¬ nia State Department of Educa¬ tion, California State CoUege at Hayward and the University of California at Berkeley wlUcoop- Dr. Lester J. Roth, associate professor of education, has been named the project director. Tho project wUl Include pre- servlce training of new public school teachers, and tn-servlce training for practicing teachers Involved In special project exper¬ imental centers. Dr. Richard Sparks, dean of the school of education, said three or four experimental centers will bo established In local school dis¬ tricts, and experimental work wlU bo conducted with speclaUy developed teaching materials and techniques. Dr. Roth said up to 44 Intern- teachers wlU be placed In the centers In the fall semester. They wlU be teaching with a special credential and will also be on- rolled at FSC. as prnvi>wi fnr by tho elemen¬ tary-secondary educaUon act. Dr. Roth said, Operation Fair Chance will give us an op¬ portunity to experiment with teacher training In the elemen¬ tary schools, and to test assump¬ tions that have not been tested Tho grant ends on Jan. 30, 1S69, but Dr. Roth predicted this could be extended Uthe project Is successful. Dr. Sparks said there are many •Most ot our knowledge of teaching culturally disadvantaged chUdren comes from the large eastern cities", he said. "In this area mostofour culturally disad¬ vantaged chUdren are In a state of movement, and our knowledge Is based on untested opinions." Dr. . Roth said that many schools are leaving for moredo- slreable schools, and the disad¬ vantaged schools have a high per¬ centage of new and unexperienced He said, 'We want to create a . body of specialists in this area that are trained to teach in these schools, and who won't become discouraged when they are placed In a culturally disadvantaged Dr. Sparks said the problem nf culturally disadvantaged chUdren Is anatlonal phenomenon what is found here may have na¬ tion wide applications. 'Beliefs' To Be Pike's Topic The Rt. Rev. James A. Pike, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of CaUfomla, will speak on Few¬ er Beliefs, More Beliefs, Apr. 20 on the Fresno State College cam- Bishop Pike will speak as the third annual Beth Anne Harnlsh Memorial Lecturer and Is sched¬ uled to appear at 1 p.m. In the men's gymnasium. The lecture wUl be open to the public. Following the presentation, there wlU be a question-answer session presided over by Dr. Francis A. Wiley, professor and chairman of the history depart - The Beth Harnlsh Committee of the CoUege Y Board wUl spon¬ sor the Bishop's appearance. Before coming to CaUfomla In 1958, Bishop Pike served as Dean of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine In New York City, the largest church in the country. He Is a postdoctoral FeUow ot the Society tot Religion in Higher fellow or lecturer at Dartmouth CoUege, Northwestern Univer¬ sity Law School, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, the Univer¬ sity of Chicago, Stanford and the University of Southern Cali- Leadership Camp To Start Saturday The eighth annual Leadership Camp will be held Saturday and Sunday at Sierra Sky Ranch, Oak- Slxty-flve persons wlU attend, according to Gordon Wilson, as¬ sociate dean of students. Steve Dlebort, chairman of the Leadership Camp Committee, said the camp wUl be divided ln- wlU deal with improving leader¬ ship by establishing effective hu¬ man relations, communications and procedures. George Avery, associate profes¬ sor of educaUon, as the project coordinator. Also lo bo employed are two additional project coordinators, one project secretary, two pro¬ ject clerk-stenographers and other clerical personnel. According to Dr. Roth, 60-70 per cent ot the grant wUl be used for staff salaries. The project wUl use teachers with experience In culturally dis¬ advantaged schools as consul¬ tants In the program. Dr. Roth said the project wlU extend from kindergarten to the ninth grade, but the bulk of the program will be aimed at the el¬ ementary grades of kindergarten through the sixth grade. The University of CaUfomla will act as an advisory agency for the project. Dr. TueUer also appointed a advisory committee to relate the project to the rest of the coUege. The members aro: Dr. Howard Campbell, department of speech; Dr. WUUam Dlenstein, depart¬ ment of sociology; Dr. I. Ace Griffiths, school of education; Dr. Harrison Madden, depart¬ ment of psychology; Dr. Patricia Plckford, associate professor of Social Welfare; Dr. Thelma Rea, School of EducaUon; and Dr. Richard Sparks, dean of the School of Education. Court Rules BAC Has No Say Over Intramural Sports The Fresno State CoUege Stu¬ dent Court has ruled that the Board of AthleUc Control Is not enUUed to either financial or ad¬ ministrative control over the FSC intramural sports program. At an open hearing recenUy, Senior Justice James Sandos said, The coUege'sbylawsseem to imply that the BAC has ad¬ ministrative and financial control over both IntercoUeglate and In¬ tramural sports programs." At present, however, the intra¬ mural program Is financed by state funds and staffed by state personnel. Since the BAC, as an agency of the Association has no control over expenditure bf state funds or the direction of state personnel, the Court ruled that the Board was given an "Im¬ proper assignment of authority in regard to the intramural pro¬ gram" by the existing bylaws. As a result of the ruling, the Court recommended that the new FSC bylaws be worded in such a way that the proper relationship between the BAC and the intra¬ mural sports program be clearly The hearing came about as a result of a request by Ernie Kinney, associated student body president, and Harvey Wallace, former ASB commissioner of athletics, to interpret the BAC's control over the intramural pro¬ gram as granted by the bylaws |