March 22, 1966 Pg. 6-7 |
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The DaUy CoUegian Tuesday, March 11, H Tuesday, March 11,1966 The Daily CoUegian Lace, Organza Ring Bells In Bridal Gowns Simply designed empire A-line gowns of organza and lace are ■In* tor spring and summer, ac¬ cording to local bridal shop per¬ sonnel and articles to national magazines. There are many dresses with either the true or modified em¬ pire lines which descend Into the flattering princess style with A- shaped skirts. This type of gown lends Itself to the mock bolero bodice which Is often seen this spring made of lace with large and distinctive Also seen as an addition to the simple styles of the dresses are detachable coats, overskirts and trains which usually have some¬ what more elaborate design motifs than the dress. Necklines to most of toe dresses are relatively high, al¬ though some dip to front remi¬ niscent of the Tom Jones trend of a few years ago. The tradlQonsl batteau neck¬ line seems to remain toe most popular, or at least toe most often The high neckline Influence Is seen in the little girl and old fashioned gowns which are shown In one of toe national magazines. The Utile girl look makes use of tiny tucks and unfitted waist¬ lines, puffy sleeves and ribbon- tog. One of the Md fashioned type of gowns looks very much like one which grandmother might have worn with its puffed sleeves of organza with wide cuffs, wide collar and tiny buttons dotting the bodice. Long hemlines which touch the floor are prevalent with some of WANTED! . .. snappy name for new fun pants by Sir Je'i^^^ of California Drop in today and every day and bring Maison Capri your Snappy Name! nu Cor. BUckstone and Shaw Fresno, CalU. thorn featuring slits edged to scalloping. Lac* appliques In to* shape of flower* ar* often used across a skirt or streaming downatrato and ar* sometimes added to toe veU*. Re-embroidered alencon lace, someUmes beaded, is used, as weU as baroque embroidery, Venlse lace, Swiss lace, Chan- tUly lace and gulplro types of MaterUls used tor toe gowns Include peau de sole, voUes, or¬ gandy, silk faced peau and toe material of the season, organza. White and ivory are toe most frequently seen colors, although pale colors are someUmes used underneath another fabric such as lace or organza. Detailing Is made up of such things as white on white em¬ broidery, bows, tucks and ribbon beading. Spring Clothes Bring Breezy Lines, Sleeves Soft flowing lines and full, flounced sleeves wUl bring a look of breezy lightness to this spring's casual campus ward- Low waistlines, soft pleats, flounces and lace win combine to create a fluid, mobUe look. Styles wUl be cut free and flowing. A-ltoe, empire and trapeze wUl be the dominant designs with var¬ iations coming In the sleeves. Anything goes with the sleeves —fromwide, fuU kimono to long, slender smock-Uke styles - Ml accentuated with plenty of lace and flounces. Colors wlU also lend variety to spring designs. Soft, misty pastels are always favorites for spring, but this year many casual clothes win be to Intense, bright colors. Canary yellow, Ume green and cherry pink are sure to be seen brightening the cam- Negligee Look Is For Formal Occasions BRIDAL SERENTTY-Sprtog days bring on thoughts of June weddings for many coeds. This gown Is typical of many that wUl be gUdtog down church asUes. Swing Into Spring With A Hairdo Switch Swing into spring with a switch In your hairdo — to plaits and braids, to loops and colls or twisted, plgtaUed or pony tailed. That's the latest and youngest In hair fashion, states Hairdo magazine. This spring plMts come long and luxurious and add subtle charm to simple updos. Swltchod-on braids may swing tree to the shoulder blades or be fastened to a loose coU on toe crown and then draped to toe back and side. Twists lend a touch of ele¬ gance to evening updos. They are pinned M toe nape of the neck to move to a fluid line around the shouldors or to fall gently to one side. Pony tails are fun this spring and are one of toe more versa¬ tile switches. They may rise out of the crown to cascade down one side, or are wrapped with toe ends In splashy curls. Tho contemporary ponytaU, however, lsloan, streamlined and a bit sophisticated, it may be dressed up with long silky banks and spiky gulches for a gamin look. A fresh look Is achieved by brushing the hair back and toone side ending In a casuM, classic pigtail. Look exciting In an Indian-style pigtail that clings firmly to the shape of the head. - Loops this spring look smooth- as-satin and swirl to a mobUe pattern over the back. They pro¬ vide volume ai the crown to a mass of curls or add a soft fuU- ness at the back. Young and romantic hairdos gracefully draped to one side or flow to toe shoulder In a plait of There are also kiss, sculpter- ed and long curl switches that add that extra touch to any do, day or night. 1 IS YOUR ONCE IN A LIFETIME COLLEGE GRADUATION 1 WORTH REMEMBERING! ^km\ isssssss! IT CERTAINLY El . . . And to preserve your graduation memories, j 1st Kako Murosako photograph you at your photogenic best. i Kako Murosako features distinctive, high quality portraits you can be proud of. SENIORS ... - Mw-^-, J£^&*cM jjjjlfl 1 If you had your yearbook photographs taken by us, you can have graduation portraits made with no additional sitting charges. So, to capture graduation memories with a portrait, call us today tor an appointment.... 3RNIE KINNEY,' FSC STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT A & kak° vi u p o b a K o / Photography w mo ioho Ave. PRBBND, CALIF. The scene is any spring night, late and Uvely. The setting U any eUte place. She Is likely to be wearing toe season's most exciting cocktati and evening fashions. High fi¬ nance or high fashion, she knows her way around. TMs season ushers to a riot of color from ice creamy to screaming bright. Deep purples, fushsias, orange*, reds, lemon and egg yellows, grass greens, navy blues and whites provaU. Spring '66 brings with It a mul¬ titude of new evening wear en¬ sembles. It's toe negligee look for evening. Crepe pants replace at-home dresses. Satin, linen and long crepe dreas** have acceler¬ ated colors. Free-form silks and chiffons to partalt layers are whipped to the back. Baby drosses are edged with ribbon. Crepe capes are ruffled with roses, feathers or friUs. Silk linen coats have square necklines. For a night on toe town, the coed may be wearing a sleeveless shift of pink crepe with crepe roses wreathing the neck. Per- hsps she has chosen a dance dress of navy Mue celaneae acetate and rayon crepe. It has a crossed halter neckline and handkerchief point skirt, boldy banded to white. Or she may have selected a yellow dance dress shaped like This season gives her the op¬ portunity to choose between toe chic long dress or dashing even¬ ing pants. The most popular ai white, black or wMte and blacx. C repo halter trousers with shim¬ mering beads encircle the back of to* neck-and cuff toe wide, straight trousers. Black silk chiffon culottes are to be worn with crisp white belt- Ad top* of silk and worsted. Crepe boll bottom lag pants and match- On* of toe exquisite nlghtie- llke evening looks Is a pleated whirl Of lime-yellow chiffon. Tho bodice U triangled with thick cur¬ tain lace, strapped and squared. The most Innocent kind of sex¬ iness Is to toe shape ot white or¬ gandy christening dresses, flower-flicked and trtUed with lace. For a cool spring night, coat* of pink silk linen are chic. They are tldUy-shaped with shallow square necks. WMte organdies and organzas with full, shirt-cuffed sleeves or the sleeve of Paris, toe trumpet, wUl turn Ms hoad. The high bodice dress of spring with flary shape Is teastogly trapcze-llke. Where is toe waist? It's often hinted M the rib cage, sometimes at the hip. For dtotog out, It's toe baby blue baby dr««s-a double kMt wool,' minutely tucked with blue satin. Also the nubbly kMt linen skimmer la very vogue. It is skirted with a fan of stitched- ln pleats. For that very special occasion, she may choose the empire A-llne gown to Imported all silk surah screen print with chiffon shawl. Does she prefer the empire A-ltoe in Chardon crepe with floating front panel? It Is super- aMmation to textured rayon with a deep border of self ruscblng. The taU skyscraper Una Is that of long crepe evening dresses with satin sleeves. Smart sleeve¬ less crepe coat* ar* worn over long-sleeved crepe dresses. A dress that is sure to flatter la thowelghUess wMtosllk Jorsey with fine, fine pleating.Shaped in¬ to a myriad of triangle* that cover to* bodice, it bares toe midriff above a free taU of cloudy skirt. Another attention-getter is toe milky white long linen dress. It has beaded baby embroidery de¬ fining toe square, flat yoke, front and back. It is carved close at to* neck to reveal an expanse of Jaunty baby drosses of blossom white organdy wUl gather admir¬ ing glances. Th* deep yoke Is a - mass of white lace daisies. For toe look of long legs Ml to one with toe dress, whitened stock¬ ings and low heeled white satin pumps should bo worn. What about th* new spring cre¬ ations of to* Parts deslgners- Dlor, Gros and Patau? Dior has previewed to* short evening dress, to* baby dress with flaring sleevo. The shape is a delicate square-topped tlrangle with baby button*. Th* space be¬ tween to* Th* spirit of spring is a warm a strong one, a happy on*. •o so with this sea- dross with long airy Meeves has a free form shape and portrait neckline. Dior's Mexican wedding dress is tor dancing. Thickly pleasted white chiffon is ribboned with sUcks of black satin. A taU waist and trumpet sleeves make it toe newest of toe high-time looks. Gros Is showing her spatial to toe diamond cut waistline. It's the asymmetrical top of a long black silk crepe dress with the magic movement of bias cutting. Patou has designed toe organdy coat of Paris, ft is a crisp bU- EVERY FOUR SECONDS ANOTHER PAIR PURCHASED! .loin the millions thla season I THE SUPERB FLORSHEIM IMPERIAL MenbuyanewpairofFlorsheimShoea I every four seconds of the business day. One big reason—the famous Florsheim URIIIIUag| Imperial. More than a superb quality •hoe—a dedication to total perfection. | In the newest deep-grained finishes Antique Brown Golden Harvest "\ Weathered Moss Cordovan Black Cashmere Grain Black Cordovan YOU CAN SWING INTO A TALL SPRING AT... MSKops »A THE FLORSHIEM Shoe Department at HOFFEE'S 966 Fulton Moll COME IN AND SEE Tall Shops 1350 FULTON ON THE MALL
Object Description
Title | 1966_03 The Daily Collegian March 1966 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 22, 1966 Pg. 6-7 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The DaUy CoUegian Tuesday, March 11, H Tuesday, March 11,1966 The Daily CoUegian Lace, Organza Ring Bells In Bridal Gowns Simply designed empire A-line gowns of organza and lace are ■In* tor spring and summer, ac¬ cording to local bridal shop per¬ sonnel and articles to national magazines. There are many dresses with either the true or modified em¬ pire lines which descend Into the flattering princess style with A- shaped skirts. This type of gown lends Itself to the mock bolero bodice which Is often seen this spring made of lace with large and distinctive Also seen as an addition to the simple styles of the dresses are detachable coats, overskirts and trains which usually have some¬ what more elaborate design motifs than the dress. Necklines to most of toe dresses are relatively high, al¬ though some dip to front remi¬ niscent of the Tom Jones trend of a few years ago. The tradlQonsl batteau neck¬ line seems to remain toe most popular, or at least toe most often The high neckline Influence Is seen in the little girl and old fashioned gowns which are shown In one of toe national magazines. The Utile girl look makes use of tiny tucks and unfitted waist¬ lines, puffy sleeves and ribbon- tog. One of the Md fashioned type of gowns looks very much like one which grandmother might have worn with its puffed sleeves of organza with wide cuffs, wide collar and tiny buttons dotting the bodice. Long hemlines which touch the floor are prevalent with some of WANTED! . .. snappy name for new fun pants by Sir Je'i^^^ of California Drop in today and every day and bring Maison Capri your Snappy Name! nu Cor. BUckstone and Shaw Fresno, CalU. thorn featuring slits edged to scalloping. Lac* appliques In to* shape of flower* ar* often used across a skirt or streaming downatrato and ar* sometimes added to toe veU*. Re-embroidered alencon lace, someUmes beaded, is used, as weU as baroque embroidery, Venlse lace, Swiss lace, Chan- tUly lace and gulplro types of MaterUls used tor toe gowns Include peau de sole, voUes, or¬ gandy, silk faced peau and toe material of the season, organza. White and ivory are toe most frequently seen colors, although pale colors are someUmes used underneath another fabric such as lace or organza. Detailing Is made up of such things as white on white em¬ broidery, bows, tucks and ribbon beading. Spring Clothes Bring Breezy Lines, Sleeves Soft flowing lines and full, flounced sleeves wUl bring a look of breezy lightness to this spring's casual campus ward- Low waistlines, soft pleats, flounces and lace win combine to create a fluid, mobUe look. Styles wUl be cut free and flowing. A-ltoe, empire and trapeze wUl be the dominant designs with var¬ iations coming In the sleeves. Anything goes with the sleeves —fromwide, fuU kimono to long, slender smock-Uke styles - Ml accentuated with plenty of lace and flounces. Colors wlU also lend variety to spring designs. Soft, misty pastels are always favorites for spring, but this year many casual clothes win be to Intense, bright colors. Canary yellow, Ume green and cherry pink are sure to be seen brightening the cam- Negligee Look Is For Formal Occasions BRIDAL SERENTTY-Sprtog days bring on thoughts of June weddings for many coeds. This gown Is typical of many that wUl be gUdtog down church asUes. Swing Into Spring With A Hairdo Switch Swing into spring with a switch In your hairdo — to plaits and braids, to loops and colls or twisted, plgtaUed or pony tailed. That's the latest and youngest In hair fashion, states Hairdo magazine. This spring plMts come long and luxurious and add subtle charm to simple updos. Swltchod-on braids may swing tree to the shoulder blades or be fastened to a loose coU on toe crown and then draped to toe back and side. Twists lend a touch of ele¬ gance to evening updos. They are pinned M toe nape of the neck to move to a fluid line around the shouldors or to fall gently to one side. Pony tails are fun this spring and are one of toe more versa¬ tile switches. They may rise out of the crown to cascade down one side, or are wrapped with toe ends In splashy curls. Tho contemporary ponytaU, however, lsloan, streamlined and a bit sophisticated, it may be dressed up with long silky banks and spiky gulches for a gamin look. A fresh look Is achieved by brushing the hair back and toone side ending In a casuM, classic pigtail. Look exciting In an Indian-style pigtail that clings firmly to the shape of the head. - Loops this spring look smooth- as-satin and swirl to a mobUe pattern over the back. They pro¬ vide volume ai the crown to a mass of curls or add a soft fuU- ness at the back. Young and romantic hairdos gracefully draped to one side or flow to toe shoulder In a plait of There are also kiss, sculpter- ed and long curl switches that add that extra touch to any do, day or night. 1 IS YOUR ONCE IN A LIFETIME COLLEGE GRADUATION 1 WORTH REMEMBERING! ^km\ isssssss! IT CERTAINLY El . . . And to preserve your graduation memories, j 1st Kako Murosako photograph you at your photogenic best. i Kako Murosako features distinctive, high quality portraits you can be proud of. SENIORS ... - Mw-^-, J£^&*cM jjjjlfl 1 If you had your yearbook photographs taken by us, you can have graduation portraits made with no additional sitting charges. So, to capture graduation memories with a portrait, call us today tor an appointment.... 3RNIE KINNEY,' FSC STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT A & kak° vi u p o b a K o / Photography w mo ioho Ave. PRBBND, CALIF. The scene is any spring night, late and Uvely. The setting U any eUte place. She Is likely to be wearing toe season's most exciting cocktati and evening fashions. High fi¬ nance or high fashion, she knows her way around. TMs season ushers to a riot of color from ice creamy to screaming bright. Deep purples, fushsias, orange*, reds, lemon and egg yellows, grass greens, navy blues and whites provaU. Spring '66 brings with It a mul¬ titude of new evening wear en¬ sembles. It's toe negligee look for evening. Crepe pants replace at-home dresses. Satin, linen and long crepe dreas** have acceler¬ ated colors. Free-form silks and chiffons to partalt layers are whipped to the back. Baby drosses are edged with ribbon. Crepe capes are ruffled with roses, feathers or friUs. Silk linen coats have square necklines. For a night on toe town, the coed may be wearing a sleeveless shift of pink crepe with crepe roses wreathing the neck. Per- hsps she has chosen a dance dress of navy Mue celaneae acetate and rayon crepe. It has a crossed halter neckline and handkerchief point skirt, boldy banded to white. Or she may have selected a yellow dance dress shaped like This season gives her the op¬ portunity to choose between toe chic long dress or dashing even¬ ing pants. The most popular ai white, black or wMte and blacx. C repo halter trousers with shim¬ mering beads encircle the back of to* neck-and cuff toe wide, straight trousers. Black silk chiffon culottes are to be worn with crisp white belt- Ad top* of silk and worsted. Crepe boll bottom lag pants and match- On* of toe exquisite nlghtie- llke evening looks Is a pleated whirl Of lime-yellow chiffon. Tho bodice U triangled with thick cur¬ tain lace, strapped and squared. The most Innocent kind of sex¬ iness Is to toe shape ot white or¬ gandy christening dresses, flower-flicked and trtUed with lace. For a cool spring night, coat* of pink silk linen are chic. They are tldUy-shaped with shallow square necks. WMte organdies and organzas with full, shirt-cuffed sleeves or the sleeve of Paris, toe trumpet, wUl turn Ms hoad. The high bodice dress of spring with flary shape Is teastogly trapcze-llke. Where is toe waist? It's often hinted M the rib cage, sometimes at the hip. For dtotog out, It's toe baby blue baby dr««s-a double kMt wool,' minutely tucked with blue satin. Also the nubbly kMt linen skimmer la very vogue. It is skirted with a fan of stitched- ln pleats. For that very special occasion, she may choose the empire A-llne gown to Imported all silk surah screen print with chiffon shawl. Does she prefer the empire A-ltoe in Chardon crepe with floating front panel? It Is super- aMmation to textured rayon with a deep border of self ruscblng. The taU skyscraper Una Is that of long crepe evening dresses with satin sleeves. Smart sleeve¬ less crepe coat* ar* worn over long-sleeved crepe dresses. A dress that is sure to flatter la thowelghUess wMtosllk Jorsey with fine, fine pleating.Shaped in¬ to a myriad of triangle* that cover to* bodice, it bares toe midriff above a free taU of cloudy skirt. Another attention-getter is toe milky white long linen dress. It has beaded baby embroidery de¬ fining toe square, flat yoke, front and back. It is carved close at to* neck to reveal an expanse of Jaunty baby drosses of blossom white organdy wUl gather admir¬ ing glances. Th* deep yoke Is a - mass of white lace daisies. For toe look of long legs Ml to one with toe dress, whitened stock¬ ings and low heeled white satin pumps should bo worn. What about th* new spring cre¬ ations of to* Parts deslgners- Dlor, Gros and Patau? Dior has previewed to* short evening dress, to* baby dress with flaring sleevo. The shape is a delicate square-topped tlrangle with baby button*. Th* space be¬ tween to* Th* spirit of spring is a warm a strong one, a happy on*. •o so with this sea- dross with long airy Meeves has a free form shape and portrait neckline. Dior's Mexican wedding dress is tor dancing. Thickly pleasted white chiffon is ribboned with sUcks of black satin. A taU waist and trumpet sleeves make it toe newest of toe high-time looks. Gros Is showing her spatial to toe diamond cut waistline. It's the asymmetrical top of a long black silk crepe dress with the magic movement of bias cutting. Patou has designed toe organdy coat of Paris, ft is a crisp bU- EVERY FOUR SECONDS ANOTHER PAIR PURCHASED! .loin the millions thla season I THE SUPERB FLORSHEIM IMPERIAL MenbuyanewpairofFlorsheimShoea I every four seconds of the business day. One big reason—the famous Florsheim URIIIIUag| Imperial. More than a superb quality •hoe—a dedication to total perfection. | In the newest deep-grained finishes Antique Brown Golden Harvest "\ Weathered Moss Cordovan Black Cashmere Grain Black Cordovan YOU CAN SWING INTO A TALL SPRING AT... MSKops »A THE FLORSHIEM Shoe Department at HOFFEE'S 966 Fulton Moll COME IN AND SEE Tall Shops 1350 FULTON ON THE MALL |