March 1, 1966 Pg. 8- March 2, 1966 Pg. 1 |
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The Daily Conegtaai r. March 1.1966 District Eight Finalist Will Play In Evansville Tourney Most of the West coast's small college basketball teams have ' their 1966-66 cara- s and others However, four of the best col¬ lege quintets on the Pacific side of the nation' National Collegiate Athletic As¬ sociation small college playoffs, Mar. 9-11, In Evansville, Ind. On Friday, the four teams, host Fresno State College, University of Nevada, Seattle Pacific and San Diego University, will open play to determine the NCAA District Eight representative. The District games are sched¬ uled tor the Bulldog gymnasium which seats 2,300 people. There will be two games each night (Friday and Saturday), with the first game to get underway at 7 p.m. and the second to begin at about 9:20 p.m. Seattle and Fresno are both old veterans of the District Eight playoffs. The Falcons tripped FSC last year, 82-68, In the fin¬ als for the trip back to Evans¬ ville The previous year Fresno edg¬ ed Seattle, but was halted by Cal Poly (Pomona) In the finals. The University of Nevada (in the regionals In 1964) and San Diego are relative newcomers to NCAA play, but neither team will be a pushover. For example, San Diego and Fresno have split this year's two- game series, each winning on their home courts by not more than four points. To make things more interesting, the Reno school has won 16 straight games. The first round pairings will find the Nevada Wolfpack and Fresno meeting headon, while Se¬ attle and San Diego will face each other in the other contest. Saturday night, the winners will meet for the trip back east with the losers meeting In a consolation round. San Diego was the last of the group to be picked. Don Perkins, DAMES AND GAMES (Continued from Page 7) Yet of the 8,000,000 people currently afflicted with the disease, about 7,500,000 of these subject the human anatomy to grosteque tor¬ ture when they try to hit a golf ball. There must be at least a tacit Indictment of Instructional techniques in this observation. It's tragic that when a person's recreational pleasure is at stake, he has to be duped into reading golf books ghost-written by PR types who can't crack 130 or watching guaranteed TV tips authored by script men who don't know whether an interlocking or overlapping grip on the caddie Is preferred. But golf Is an Incredibly difficult game, one which looks so easy when played well. It's little wonder the 7,500,000 are so easy to sell on the sure way, the easy way, the secret way. I was too, once. I'd read and watched and listened until I had so many things to think about In the two seconds It takes to swing a club I needed a co-pilot with a check list to get my backswlng started. In desperation, I went to a teaching pro. Happily, I found a good one. Ernest Jones watched me slash a few shots, shook his head sym¬ pathetically and said, 'You must have worked very' hard to get this There are 7,500,000 ot FOOTLOOSE AND Isport shortsI FANCY-FREE? Like the difference between the guy with a pie-inthe- sky scheme to get rich quick, and the man with a plan for financial security Or the difference between a savings plan that's hale and hearty as long as you program that keeps going strong even when you can't vestment you can make to- i football game is won by r-hlttlng Mickey Mantle, lays and Eddie Mathews The Amateur Athletic Union, which governs all U.S. athletes in International competition, was formed In 1888. day t ; guara take the strife out of life years from now. That might very beginning, than you put into it. That could be worth as much, at any time, as you planned to put into lifetinr And t Got some loose ends that need pulling together? We're specialists at it . . . especially for young people. Nick Masich Ktfvor Associates 1299 Wishon Ave. Suit* A PROVIDENT MtmiAJJlMUFE in w second ceetwy of fcgcatN M NO LEASE NECESSARY '0 enjoy all the luxury of life aw,/ from no*. Accepting reservations for next fall. Pool, etc. From $37.50 per mo. ENFIELD APTS. 299- 4076. District Eight representative, said that the fourth berth was a toss-up between Cal Poly (Po¬ mona) and the Toreros. The 'Border City* school Iced the spot with a 71 -63 triumph over the Pomona Ave. The loss also ended a 24-game win streak for Cal Poly. San Diego, 17-9, and Seattle, 22-4, are Independents, while Fresno, 19-7, won Its fifth con¬ secutive California Collegiate Athletic Association champion¬ ship, 9-1, and the University of Nevada Is the Far Western Con¬ ference champ with a perfect 12-0 won-lbss record. Tickets tor the two nights of action will go on sale at 2 p.m., Friday. Student tlcjcets are priced at one dollar (with student body Chet Hogoboom of the athletic department reports that seats are first come, first serve with only 1,000 student tickets available. Frosh Losses (Continued from Page 7) apiece. BUI Parks also had 19 for the Music Center. The frosh were helpless from the start. The tormer FSC play¬ ers were never behind during the game and were ahead by as many as 26 points late in the second half. The way Fresno started out against Cal Poly, Friday night, fans thought it was going to be an easy victory tor the Bullpups. Fresno led the 10 points, 31-21, with 8:03 before the Intermission. Then the roof caved In. The Mustangs made 25 points before the half was over, and Fresno was held to 12 points. Poly hit from everywhere. Their two guards, Larry Sandall and Gregg Stevens, were making buckets from 20 feet out, and tor- ward Russ Rogers was making READY ATM-Penny Becker is seen here practicing tor the match against the state fish and game department on Mar. 8. This will be the first match of the year. (Photo by Ryan Marty) FSC Pistol Team Harris, captain, Penny Becker, Ross Dykes, Douglas Hubbard and Brent Johnson. Harris stated that they hope tor future matches with the Fres¬ no Sheriff Department, the United States Border Patrol at Fresno, San Jose State College, California State College at Los Angeles, Washington State University, Sacramento State College and the Air Police Team at Castle Air Force base. use .38 caliber revolvers and shoot the Camp Perry course. This particular method Involves shooting ten rounds of slow Ore in five min¬ utes, then a timed firing of five rounds in 20 seconds; they reload and shoot five more rounds In 20 seconds. The last Is repeated with 10-second timings. The Camp Perry target is placed at 25 The FSC first team Is compos¬ ed of four members and one al¬ ternate. Members are Ernest i other schools close to them In the la commented. PLAY WIN-A-CHECK WIN UP T IT'S EASY . IT'S F #• FREE LUBE • FREE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT No Obligation Blue Chip Stamps LUNG'S FLYING A' SERVICE Get to know the friendly merchants in your college town . | 5 f i s 2 1 Bars tow ■ | |FSC Shaw ■ 1 MIL'S DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP 423 Pollasky EDWIN'S JEWELRY THE DAILY PERIODICALS DESK COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Weather Wednesday. March 2,1966 Student Life OK's SPEAC, Arab Club fntirf cast - PhlllD Walker, associate pro- Fresno State College Playhouse Is presenting the FSC Receives 13 Per Cent Increase For 1966-7 Budget By MARILEN McINTYRE Fresno State College will re¬ alize a 13 per cent Increase tor operation costs over the current year In Governor Edmund G. (Pat) Brown's 1966-7 proposed budg¬ et. The $4.6 billion budget desig¬ nates $10,045,132 for FSC. •We are hopeful thebudgetwlll give us nearly everything re¬ quested for ecjuipment and oper¬ ation,* said Dr. Dallas A. 'Who's Who' Will Be Topic At Council New criteria for nominating Fresno State College students for mention In Who's Who In American Colleges And Univer¬ sities will be considered at to¬ night's 7 o'clock meeting of Stu¬ dent Council in Industrial Arts 101. The lected In the Blue Key All-Cam¬ pus Charity Drive wfll also be discussed. The executive com¬ mittee has recommended that 60 per cent go to the United Crusade and the remainder to other char¬ ity | tall 1988 student body offlcea also will be considered. Other proposals on the agenda are a retreat mis semester tor Incoming and outgoing student body officers and a committee of four students and representatives 0X the tdmtaUtratlon to plan a summer school activities pro¬ gram tor this ysar and submit r budget tor the program to m. foundation board of directors. - Tuelier, academic vice preal- Dr. Tuelier believes the col¬ lege will not receive as much for minor construction activities as bad been anticipated. •While we may have nearly everything we need to operate at a normal level, our very serious need Is for additional facilities for classrooms and offlcea to house the faculty. This year's budget will not provide either one of these things to the extent of relief needed,* said Dr. Tuelier. What specific effects would the budget have on FSC'a operation and maintenance? The tentative budget Is based on an enrollment of 7,600 full- time students, 7,350 at Fresno and 250 at the Bakersfleld cen- In the college's administration area, the budget reclassifies the title of dean of the college to academic vice president and gives him an executive assistant. It provides for three new busi¬ ness management positions. The governor's budget in¬ creases staff positions at both campuses. It provides for 1,084 staff positions at FSC and 20.6 at Bakersfleld for a 1,104.5 total. This Is 97 more than the previous year. Other augmented positions in¬ clude 62 tor instruction, com¬ prising 47.2 full-time teachers; 3.6 in the library and 10.1 in stu¬ dent services. An Increase is also noted in maintenance Jobs. There will be 1.6 more groundsmen and 6.6 more plant operation positions. The work-study program, started this year, wlU have a The FSC housing report Indi¬ cates 627 students living In resi¬ dence halls with operating costs of $161,418, revenues of $238,371, debt service of $65,250 and net revenues ot $11,723. The parking report shows the college with 3,778 spaces and operating costs of $49,110, rev¬ enues of $110,000 and net reve¬ nues of $60,890. •We are hoping the State Legis¬ lature will not delete any of the proposed budget Items," said Karl Levin, college business manager. How will the governor's budget proposal affect California's high - er education system in general? •Whereas the Initial Impact of (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) 7 Organization Recruiters Seek Job Applicants Recruiters from five com¬ panies, Kern County and the Uni¬ ted Statea Army will be on cam¬ pus Thursday and Friday seeking sppllraptf. ~"V Representatives from United Debate surrounded the granting ot permanent recognition to the Student Political Education and Action Committee sad temporary recognition to the Organization of Arab Students at the Student Life Committee meeting Tuesday. The newly formed Arab club's constitution came under attack aa being discriminatory in limiting voting members to Arabs only. Dr. Ame Nixon, sponsor ot the organization, said that since Arabs are of no particular race, religion or national origin, the club was notdlscrlmlnatlng.Such discrimination Is forbidden by state law. Other areas of the club's con¬ stitution under fire were allowing non-students to Join the club and the acceptance ot gifts. Under college rules forbidding non-students from becoming reg¬ ular members ot campus organi¬ zations, Arab students from Fresno City CoUege could only participate in the club. The temporary recognition was granted with the condition that the club eliminate these discrep¬ ancies in their constitution. Herb Bolt, a SPEAC steering committee member, reviewed the actions of the organization over the past year. In presenting the review, Bolt mentioned 'asinine regulations" that deterred the publication ot Guano. Ernie that the committee hail only lim¬ ited 8PE AC't profit from the pub¬ lication to 10 per cent. Reference was made daring the discussion to a Dally CoUegian article by Gene Zimmerman SPEAC. 'I think what Gene means was that he wasn't going to actively participate in the organization and It could go to hell anyway,* replied Bolz. After SPEAC representatlvea left, the committee debated the lack of a definite program tor the group and also weak leadership within the group. It was decided that SPEAC had entered a cycle and would soon become more active. Kinney up¬ held the club's program of bring¬ ing •freaks* to speak on campus as an educational activity, but contended that recognition should not be given the group out ot fear of reprisals. Linda Papp, committee mem¬ ber, commented, 'I thought that boy (Bolz) was terribly rude.* There was no dT The reacted to the remark charging also the area under which it operates, questioning whether recommen¬ dations to the board of directors was In order. They agreed ltwaa and perceived that these duties would be assumed under the new student constitution by tho Student Affairs Committee. UC, UCLA Students Indulge in Note-Selling First Western Bank and Trust Co. of Loa Angelea will be at FSC on Thursday, while Kern County, Hasklos and Sells of San Francis¬ co and Btogerm ot Wasco wfll come on Friday. The UJS. Army, Pacific Tele¬ phone and Telegraph Co. ot Sac¬ ramento and Sao Francisco will be on campus both Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Vivian Jordan, FSC Apparently Fresno State Col¬ lege students lack the business enterprise of their UCLA and UC at Berkeley eounterpsrtat or so It seems after a check Indi¬ cated that FSC'ers don't Indulge in note-cheating. , At UCLA, Notes of Westwood, an organization designed to sell class notes al*$5 a cllp,has been uncovered a* the-reaull ot a suit by Dr. B.J. Williams, an anthro¬ pology professor. • He alleges that the group, which hired monitors to scribble notes from his class, •Infringed on his lecturea.• Dr. Williams is seek¬ ing an injunction prohibiting the organization from further selling ot the notes. The UCLA professor claims his lectures contain 'much orig¬ inal material" from 15 years re¬ search. He asks $3,000 in general damages and $5,000 in exemplary damages. At University of California at Berkeley, a slmlllax organiza¬ tion, Fybate, has been set up. The company sells lecture notas and recordings in the bookstores In sod around Cal. - At FSC administrators claim to have no knowledge ot any commercial note-taking organl- admtalstratloo to plan a $75,287 to pay students. The summer session mw .»- tension workload stand to gain 4.4 and 10.5 new posts, respec¬ tively. lately and agreed there Is much note-trading, but believes such an organized note-taking has not Dr. McKee Flsk, FSC Business School Dean, Indicated that one would need a large group ot stu¬ dents to make the scheme pro¬ fitable. He claims the small classes at state colleges destroy the economic value ot it. Dean ot Students Donald Al¬ bright confessed that he has not heard ot such an occurrence re¬ cently at FSC but at least five years ago he talked to a student about such a happening. Dean Albright said, M doubt that there is any significant activity of this sort under free enterprise.* Queen Contest Starts Tonight The first phase of Judging tor the 1968 Fresno State CoUege Rodeo Queen will be'held tonight in the Laboratory School. Personality and appearance ot the contestants will be judged at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments wfll be served and the public Is Invited to attend. Horsemanship, the second category in the selection ot the queen, wfll be Judged onSsturday during the horse show In the col¬ lege practice arena, located on Chestnut and Bollard Avenues. Tha 1988 Rodeo Queen wfll be announce* during the inter¬ mission ot the horse show mat
Object Description
Title | 1966_03 The Daily Collegian March 1966 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 1, 1966 Pg. 8- March 2, 1966 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1966 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The Daily Conegtaai r. March 1.1966 District Eight Finalist Will Play In Evansville Tourney Most of the West coast's small college basketball teams have ' their 1966-66 cara- s and others However, four of the best col¬ lege quintets on the Pacific side of the nation' National Collegiate Athletic As¬ sociation small college playoffs, Mar. 9-11, In Evansville, Ind. On Friday, the four teams, host Fresno State College, University of Nevada, Seattle Pacific and San Diego University, will open play to determine the NCAA District Eight representative. The District games are sched¬ uled tor the Bulldog gymnasium which seats 2,300 people. There will be two games each night (Friday and Saturday), with the first game to get underway at 7 p.m. and the second to begin at about 9:20 p.m. Seattle and Fresno are both old veterans of the District Eight playoffs. The Falcons tripped FSC last year, 82-68, In the fin¬ als for the trip back to Evans¬ ville The previous year Fresno edg¬ ed Seattle, but was halted by Cal Poly (Pomona) In the finals. The University of Nevada (in the regionals In 1964) and San Diego are relative newcomers to NCAA play, but neither team will be a pushover. For example, San Diego and Fresno have split this year's two- game series, each winning on their home courts by not more than four points. To make things more interesting, the Reno school has won 16 straight games. The first round pairings will find the Nevada Wolfpack and Fresno meeting headon, while Se¬ attle and San Diego will face each other in the other contest. Saturday night, the winners will meet for the trip back east with the losers meeting In a consolation round. San Diego was the last of the group to be picked. Don Perkins, DAMES AND GAMES (Continued from Page 7) Yet of the 8,000,000 people currently afflicted with the disease, about 7,500,000 of these subject the human anatomy to grosteque tor¬ ture when they try to hit a golf ball. There must be at least a tacit Indictment of Instructional techniques in this observation. It's tragic that when a person's recreational pleasure is at stake, he has to be duped into reading golf books ghost-written by PR types who can't crack 130 or watching guaranteed TV tips authored by script men who don't know whether an interlocking or overlapping grip on the caddie Is preferred. But golf Is an Incredibly difficult game, one which looks so easy when played well. It's little wonder the 7,500,000 are so easy to sell on the sure way, the easy way, the secret way. I was too, once. I'd read and watched and listened until I had so many things to think about In the two seconds It takes to swing a club I needed a co-pilot with a check list to get my backswlng started. In desperation, I went to a teaching pro. Happily, I found a good one. Ernest Jones watched me slash a few shots, shook his head sym¬ pathetically and said, 'You must have worked very' hard to get this There are 7,500,000 ot FOOTLOOSE AND Isport shortsI FANCY-FREE? Like the difference between the guy with a pie-inthe- sky scheme to get rich quick, and the man with a plan for financial security Or the difference between a savings plan that's hale and hearty as long as you program that keeps going strong even when you can't vestment you can make to- i football game is won by r-hlttlng Mickey Mantle, lays and Eddie Mathews The Amateur Athletic Union, which governs all U.S. athletes in International competition, was formed In 1888. day t ; guara take the strife out of life years from now. That might very beginning, than you put into it. That could be worth as much, at any time, as you planned to put into lifetinr And t Got some loose ends that need pulling together? We're specialists at it . . . especially for young people. Nick Masich Ktfvor Associates 1299 Wishon Ave. Suit* A PROVIDENT MtmiAJJlMUFE in w second ceetwy of fcgcatN M NO LEASE NECESSARY '0 enjoy all the luxury of life aw,/ from no*. Accepting reservations for next fall. Pool, etc. From $37.50 per mo. ENFIELD APTS. 299- 4076. District Eight representative, said that the fourth berth was a toss-up between Cal Poly (Po¬ mona) and the Toreros. The 'Border City* school Iced the spot with a 71 -63 triumph over the Pomona Ave. The loss also ended a 24-game win streak for Cal Poly. San Diego, 17-9, and Seattle, 22-4, are Independents, while Fresno, 19-7, won Its fifth con¬ secutive California Collegiate Athletic Association champion¬ ship, 9-1, and the University of Nevada Is the Far Western Con¬ ference champ with a perfect 12-0 won-lbss record. Tickets tor the two nights of action will go on sale at 2 p.m., Friday. Student tlcjcets are priced at one dollar (with student body Chet Hogoboom of the athletic department reports that seats are first come, first serve with only 1,000 student tickets available. Frosh Losses (Continued from Page 7) apiece. BUI Parks also had 19 for the Music Center. The frosh were helpless from the start. The tormer FSC play¬ ers were never behind during the game and were ahead by as many as 26 points late in the second half. The way Fresno started out against Cal Poly, Friday night, fans thought it was going to be an easy victory tor the Bullpups. Fresno led the 10 points, 31-21, with 8:03 before the Intermission. Then the roof caved In. The Mustangs made 25 points before the half was over, and Fresno was held to 12 points. Poly hit from everywhere. Their two guards, Larry Sandall and Gregg Stevens, were making buckets from 20 feet out, and tor- ward Russ Rogers was making READY ATM-Penny Becker is seen here practicing tor the match against the state fish and game department on Mar. 8. This will be the first match of the year. (Photo by Ryan Marty) FSC Pistol Team Harris, captain, Penny Becker, Ross Dykes, Douglas Hubbard and Brent Johnson. Harris stated that they hope tor future matches with the Fres¬ no Sheriff Department, the United States Border Patrol at Fresno, San Jose State College, California State College at Los Angeles, Washington State University, Sacramento State College and the Air Police Team at Castle Air Force base. use .38 caliber revolvers and shoot the Camp Perry course. This particular method Involves shooting ten rounds of slow Ore in five min¬ utes, then a timed firing of five rounds in 20 seconds; they reload and shoot five more rounds In 20 seconds. The last Is repeated with 10-second timings. The Camp Perry target is placed at 25 The FSC first team Is compos¬ ed of four members and one al¬ ternate. Members are Ernest i other schools close to them In the la commented. PLAY WIN-A-CHECK WIN UP T IT'S EASY . IT'S F #• FREE LUBE • FREE BRAKE ADJUSTMENT No Obligation Blue Chip Stamps LUNG'S FLYING A' SERVICE Get to know the friendly merchants in your college town . | 5 f i s 2 1 Bars tow ■ | |FSC Shaw ■ 1 MIL'S DOWNTOWN BARBER SHOP 423 Pollasky EDWIN'S JEWELRY THE DAILY PERIODICALS DESK COLLEGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Weather Wednesday. March 2,1966 Student Life OK's SPEAC, Arab Club fntirf cast - PhlllD Walker, associate pro- Fresno State College Playhouse Is presenting the FSC Receives 13 Per Cent Increase For 1966-7 Budget By MARILEN McINTYRE Fresno State College will re¬ alize a 13 per cent Increase tor operation costs over the current year In Governor Edmund G. (Pat) Brown's 1966-7 proposed budg¬ et. The $4.6 billion budget desig¬ nates $10,045,132 for FSC. •We are hopeful thebudgetwlll give us nearly everything re¬ quested for ecjuipment and oper¬ ation,* said Dr. Dallas A. 'Who's Who' Will Be Topic At Council New criteria for nominating Fresno State College students for mention In Who's Who In American Colleges And Univer¬ sities will be considered at to¬ night's 7 o'clock meeting of Stu¬ dent Council in Industrial Arts 101. The lected In the Blue Key All-Cam¬ pus Charity Drive wfll also be discussed. The executive com¬ mittee has recommended that 60 per cent go to the United Crusade and the remainder to other char¬ ity | tall 1988 student body offlcea also will be considered. Other proposals on the agenda are a retreat mis semester tor Incoming and outgoing student body officers and a committee of four students and representatives 0X the tdmtaUtratlon to plan a summer school activities pro¬ gram tor this ysar and submit r budget tor the program to m. foundation board of directors. - Tuelier, academic vice preal- Dr. Tuelier believes the col¬ lege will not receive as much for minor construction activities as bad been anticipated. •While we may have nearly everything we need to operate at a normal level, our very serious need Is for additional facilities for classrooms and offlcea to house the faculty. This year's budget will not provide either one of these things to the extent of relief needed,* said Dr. Tuelier. What specific effects would the budget have on FSC'a operation and maintenance? The tentative budget Is based on an enrollment of 7,600 full- time students, 7,350 at Fresno and 250 at the Bakersfleld cen- In the college's administration area, the budget reclassifies the title of dean of the college to academic vice president and gives him an executive assistant. It provides for three new busi¬ ness management positions. The governor's budget in¬ creases staff positions at both campuses. It provides for 1,084 staff positions at FSC and 20.6 at Bakersfleld for a 1,104.5 total. This Is 97 more than the previous year. Other augmented positions in¬ clude 62 tor instruction, com¬ prising 47.2 full-time teachers; 3.6 in the library and 10.1 in stu¬ dent services. An Increase is also noted in maintenance Jobs. There will be 1.6 more groundsmen and 6.6 more plant operation positions. The work-study program, started this year, wlU have a The FSC housing report Indi¬ cates 627 students living In resi¬ dence halls with operating costs of $161,418, revenues of $238,371, debt service of $65,250 and net revenues ot $11,723. The parking report shows the college with 3,778 spaces and operating costs of $49,110, rev¬ enues of $110,000 and net reve¬ nues of $60,890. •We are hoping the State Legis¬ lature will not delete any of the proposed budget Items," said Karl Levin, college business manager. How will the governor's budget proposal affect California's high - er education system in general? •Whereas the Initial Impact of (Continued on Page 3, Col. 1) 7 Organization Recruiters Seek Job Applicants Recruiters from five com¬ panies, Kern County and the Uni¬ ted Statea Army will be on cam¬ pus Thursday and Friday seeking sppllraptf. ~"V Representatives from United Debate surrounded the granting ot permanent recognition to the Student Political Education and Action Committee sad temporary recognition to the Organization of Arab Students at the Student Life Committee meeting Tuesday. The newly formed Arab club's constitution came under attack aa being discriminatory in limiting voting members to Arabs only. Dr. Ame Nixon, sponsor ot the organization, said that since Arabs are of no particular race, religion or national origin, the club was notdlscrlmlnatlng.Such discrimination Is forbidden by state law. Other areas of the club's con¬ stitution under fire were allowing non-students to Join the club and the acceptance ot gifts. Under college rules forbidding non-students from becoming reg¬ ular members ot campus organi¬ zations, Arab students from Fresno City CoUege could only participate in the club. The temporary recognition was granted with the condition that the club eliminate these discrep¬ ancies in their constitution. Herb Bolt, a SPEAC steering committee member, reviewed the actions of the organization over the past year. In presenting the review, Bolt mentioned 'asinine regulations" that deterred the publication ot Guano. Ernie that the committee hail only lim¬ ited 8PE AC't profit from the pub¬ lication to 10 per cent. Reference was made daring the discussion to a Dally CoUegian article by Gene Zimmerman SPEAC. 'I think what Gene means was that he wasn't going to actively participate in the organization and It could go to hell anyway,* replied Bolz. After SPEAC representatlvea left, the committee debated the lack of a definite program tor the group and also weak leadership within the group. It was decided that SPEAC had entered a cycle and would soon become more active. Kinney up¬ held the club's program of bring¬ ing •freaks* to speak on campus as an educational activity, but contended that recognition should not be given the group out ot fear of reprisals. Linda Papp, committee mem¬ ber, commented, 'I thought that boy (Bolz) was terribly rude.* There was no dT The reacted to the remark charging also the area under which it operates, questioning whether recommen¬ dations to the board of directors was In order. They agreed ltwaa and perceived that these duties would be assumed under the new student constitution by tho Student Affairs Committee. UC, UCLA Students Indulge in Note-Selling First Western Bank and Trust Co. of Loa Angelea will be at FSC on Thursday, while Kern County, Hasklos and Sells of San Francis¬ co and Btogerm ot Wasco wfll come on Friday. The UJS. Army, Pacific Tele¬ phone and Telegraph Co. ot Sac¬ ramento and Sao Francisco will be on campus both Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Vivian Jordan, FSC Apparently Fresno State Col¬ lege students lack the business enterprise of their UCLA and UC at Berkeley eounterpsrtat or so It seems after a check Indi¬ cated that FSC'ers don't Indulge in note-cheating. , At UCLA, Notes of Westwood, an organization designed to sell class notes al*$5 a cllp,has been uncovered a* the-reaull ot a suit by Dr. B.J. Williams, an anthro¬ pology professor. • He alleges that the group, which hired monitors to scribble notes from his class, •Infringed on his lecturea.• Dr. Williams is seek¬ ing an injunction prohibiting the organization from further selling ot the notes. The UCLA professor claims his lectures contain 'much orig¬ inal material" from 15 years re¬ search. He asks $3,000 in general damages and $5,000 in exemplary damages. At University of California at Berkeley, a slmlllax organiza¬ tion, Fybate, has been set up. The company sells lecture notas and recordings in the bookstores In sod around Cal. - At FSC administrators claim to have no knowledge ot any commercial note-taking organl- admtalstratloo to plan a $75,287 to pay students. The summer session mw .»- tension workload stand to gain 4.4 and 10.5 new posts, respec¬ tively. lately and agreed there Is much note-trading, but believes such an organized note-taking has not Dr. McKee Flsk, FSC Business School Dean, Indicated that one would need a large group ot stu¬ dents to make the scheme pro¬ fitable. He claims the small classes at state colleges destroy the economic value ot it. Dean ot Students Donald Al¬ bright confessed that he has not heard ot such an occurrence re¬ cently at FSC but at least five years ago he talked to a student about such a happening. Dean Albright said, M doubt that there is any significant activity of this sort under free enterprise.* Queen Contest Starts Tonight The first phase of Judging tor the 1968 Fresno State CoUege Rodeo Queen will be'held tonight in the Laboratory School. Personality and appearance ot the contestants will be judged at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments wfll be served and the public Is Invited to attend. Horsemanship, the second category in the selection ot the queen, wfll be Judged onSsturday during the horse show In the col¬ lege practice arena, located on Chestnut and Bollard Avenues. Tha 1988 Rodeo Queen wfll be announce* during the inter¬ mission ot the horse show mat |