Oct 12, 1965 Pg. 4- Oct 13, 1965 Pg. 1 |
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The DaUy Collegian Tuesday, October II, 1968 Back And Lineman Of The Week THE DAILY IODICALS £ES!C Thin Frosh Eleven Nearly Beat Colts HARRY MILLER The Bulldog's co-captata turned In one of his best performanceslnlastSaturday's 20-10victory over Montana to earn him the 'Back of the Week* title. He kept the Bobcat defense honest with his fine rushing and pass catching. MlUer was instru¬ mental In setting up two TD's. RICH LOWE Center Rich Lowe has been chosen as this week's ■Lineman of the Week* for his tremendous play against the Montana State University Bobcats. Lowe, who is a converted tackle, has been anchor¬ ing down the "Dog offensive line In outstanding fashion since the loss of Paul Warkentta and BUI Fortenberry. (DoweU Photos) ACHIEVEMENT AND SATISFACTION Miiirct'.v One of Ihe urt'iilesl is individual achievement Cat Poly Will Seek Revenge Over FSC In Loop Opener abilities is certainly rewarding. For many men. this hus come through a career in life insurance sales and sales management. Provident Mutual starts naming college men while the}'re still >tu<lpnts. giving them n cli nee lo earn while U:i :■' learn. Our Ctnipus Internship Program numbers among its graduates currently enjoying successful careers svitli the Company in sales, supervisors', and management p;-;iiioiis. We welcome the Nick Masich Kuver Associates 1295 Wishon Ave. Suite A PROVIDENT MUTUALJWMUFE a century of dedicated serir/'ce Fresno State CoUege's BatUta' BuUdogs launch the CaUfornla Collegiate Athletic Association season Saturday Oct. 10 with a game against Cal Poly at San Luis Coach Sheldon Harden's Poly Mustangs will be red hot to get back at the Bulldogs after last year's defeat, at the hands of the Kruegermen, 23-13. The Mustangs have an even 2-2 record with wins over San Fran¬ cisco State and San Fernando VaUey State College. They have received losses from powerful San Diego State and Llnfleld Col¬ lege from Oregon. Harden told local sport scribes, *We found out last faU that competition In the CCAA Is quite tough. Our personnel has, however, Improved much over last year as far as ability goes, but we stUl expect that lt will be Harriers Enter Cal Poly Meet It's back to the htils and dales tor the Fresno State College cross country team when the BuUdogs compete In the Cal Poly Invitational Saturday. Coach Red Estes' team had the last week off while FSC sponsor¬ ed the first annual High School Cross-Country Relays Saturday at MUlerton Lake. The meet drew 370 athletes from 20 schools. Marv DeCarlo wtil lead the BuUdogs Into Saturday's compe¬ tition. DeCarlo took first In the season opener against University of the Pacific. Freshman Joe Dunbar made a strong showing In the meet with a second place and wUl be one of the runners Estes wUl be count¬ ing on Saturday along with Dave Cords, Harry Olson and Eddie Rick Hulbert, Jerry Smith, Bob WUUams, Tom CMeara, Mark Nlckerson and Steve Burdlck round out the FSC squad. Sml 2 Bdrm borne Ideal tor 2 coUege boys. 6048 N. Moroa nr BuUard. $50. 439-3027. difficult to beat such teams as Fresno State and San Diego. •In two or three years we ex¬ pect to be back on our feet, es- peclaUy U our freshman program continues to produce the talent lt did this past season.* That still seems to be a good analysis of the varsity grid sit¬ uation at MustangvUle. The pre¬ season roster Included 18 letter- men, two Of them from previous seasons, 16 from the frosh, 19 transfers from two-year schools and three with no previous col¬ lege experience. Leading the Poly offensive charges has been quarterback Walt Raymond. After three games and 65 plays Raymond has ac¬ cumulated 187 yards rushing and 284 yards passing. Raymond's favorite targets have been Monty Cartwrlght.who has caught 8 passes tor 127 yards and Roy Wright, eight passes tor 107 yards and one TD. The Mustang's top running back appears to be fuUback Steve Arnold; in three games he has carried 36 times tor 150 yards. •We feel like the BuUdogs after the Colorado game~we won a moral victory but coming that close, we feel disappointed.* This was the consensus of the Fresno State College frosh eleven after dropping ahard-fought 13-6 contest with the Cal Poly frosh team last Friday at Ratcllffe Stadium. Going Into the game, the FSC Bullpups 18-man team rated little chance to beat their 36-manned opponent squad which trounced Santa Barbara the week before, but a tremendous team effort sparked by Andy WUUams and three Intercepted passes, nearly accomplished the task. A mistake by the offense lead O'Reilly's is from Hoover HI Lrstow at First 227-7220 DOG OPPONENTS W-3 L-4 T-0 Southern Colo. St. .. CAL POLY(SLO) San Fernando St. ... LOS ANGELES .. 45 .. 33 .. 0 LONG BEACH ST. .. UOP .. 6 HAWAU to the first Cal Poly score as the Bullpups pulled a nifty double reverse that drove the baU Into Mustang territory, only to have lt called back on a penalty. On the next play, Ralph Pavey, Cal Poly wtagback, Intercepted a BuUpup stray aerial and scooted 20 yards tor the TD. The extra point was good and with 4:54 left In the half lt was 7-0, Cal Poly. The *Dogs offense finally got underway in the third quarter. A 35-yard pass from Richard Paul¬ son to Steve Tacchlno took the Bullpups down to the eight, and three plays later, Paulson, on a quarterback sneaker ran lt over from the two. The extra point pass failed, and lt was 7-6, Cal Poly. The FSC eleven ran out of gas In the fourth quarter as the lack of replacements hurt against the fresh Poly team. A seven-yard pass added the final points for Cal Poly as they went off the field with a 13-6 victory. After the game Cal Poly coach, Ed Swartz praised the spirited play of the Bullpups saying, *We didn't expect this trouble from you--you must have been really The Bullpups look lo Lahey Junior CoUego of Oakland, Fri¬ day afternoon, hoping to notch their flrst victory. Just time to get that second wind. Have a Coke. Coca-Cola — Its big, bold taste never too sweet, puts zing in people.. ."refreshes best. things gO better.i Coke Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF • Fresno. California I {Council To 'Air' ASB Card Controversy Non-transferable Meaning Sought 1 COLTFGIAN FRESNO STATE COLLEGE Weather Fair with clear skies through Thursday. Fresno's high ot 89. Winds 5 to 12 miles per hour In the afternoon. Volume LXXl An attempt maybe made at to- must also be discussed as well night's Student CouncU meeting as the legal concept, to settle the controversy over toe The CouncU Is also expected non-transferable clause on stu- to act on resolutions made by the dent body cards. California State CoUege Student President Association. meeting of the group was Student President E rnle Kinney that he would situation In case any discussion is held on the student body card question tonight. Student body card discussion ls tonight's agenda. Members of Ihe constitution revision committee are also ex¬ pected to appear before the Coun¬ cU to submit a rough draft of the proposed revision. Kinney said he expects the Fourteen student body cards constitution to be placed before -are confiscated at the Oct. 2 the students tor approval within footbaU game, but returned when five WMKS. the Student Court ruled that the CouncU members wUl again students had not been given ■fair discuss Dead Week, with Dead warning* of the consequences Week committee chairman' Har- MtSSING BELL — The Fresno State College vie- mer said he suspects that someone from Cal Poly, when the card ls loaned," vey Wallace explatag a letter of tory beU has been missing since last Friday. Rally who FSC plays this Saturday, may have taken It. Kinney said the card is a mem- Information sent to Student Prea- Commlttee chairman Dave Weldmer said lt was The bell ls shown at a recent FSC game. bershlp certificate, and member- ldents of other coUeges and unl- stolen from a car belonging to Jay Donlan. Weld- (DaUy CoUeglan Photo) ships are not transferable. versitles. ■Students view the card as a The letter questions the length ticket,* Kinney added. *lf stu- of "reading periods," the requir- dents feel this way, then maybe a ed number of school days which ticket window should be set up a student must attend the bene- where the students can exchange fits to the students, their card tor a ticket to tbe No action on Dead Week Is ex- game.' pected until the questionnaires Kinney said he felt financial have been returned, hopefully in consideration of the Association two weeks. New Park Planned Near Air Terminal Plans for development of a city park on the old Fresno State College Farm property, north of the Fresno Air Terminal, have been revived following a recent conference In Sacramento be¬ tween city and state officials. Mayor Floyd H. Hyde and Coun¬ cilman James F. MandeUa, who met with State Finance Director Hale Champion, both expressed confidence the old FSC property can be pruchased from the state at a reasonable price. This would permit the partial development of the 1,000 acre park-recreation and sports center boosted by MandeUa during the past four Among the long-range^pro- posals made for this area are an 18 hole regulation size goU course; horseback riding faculty with bridle paths; and a track tor sport cars, go-karts, and small racing automobiles. Also, land may eventually be developed with a use similar to the play- land facttlty now existing in Roed- Tbe 350 acre farm property could provide a major park facu¬ lty tor the eastern portion of the metropoUtan area, the same way Roedtag Park serves the westerly portion of the community. The mayor said Champion and other state officials agreed to take another look at their apprai¬ sals of 350 acre site, tor which they wanted about $1.5 million in past discussions. Hyde said the earUer appraisal was based on the assumption the property could be developed tor Industrial uses. Instead, he said. has taken place or Is contem¬ plated. The land Is zoned tor residential-agricultural use. MandeUa said be thinks the state may reduce its appraisal by at least half after a restudy. Computers May Pick 'Compatible' Dates Computers can't shoot arrows (yet), but they have been known to succeed Just as weU as Cupid in the matching of hearts. Here's the picture. Fresno State CoUege has a whole room fuU of. computers (or whatever they are), and the campus, like most coUege campuses, Is full of thinking men and women— who are always looking tor a date. Not only a date, but THE date. Well, If the thinking minds look long enough at the answer machines, sooner or later they Tl begin to wonder, and eventually they'll do something about lt. In the case of FSC, Alpha Kappa Psl, national professional busi¬ ness fraternity, Is doing some- it. The fraternity has programs designed to match the desires of that man to that woman, and plans to take up a match-making role in an all-school dance to be held next To be held next month, that ls, if the Student Life Committee approves lt at a meeting to- Mlss Saundra Speers, activ¬ ities adviser and secretary of the committee, said tbe fraternity's Idea was temporarily approved late last semester, but must gain final approval this year. Given the approval of tbe Stu- (Contlnued on Page 3, Col. 4) Kalashian Seeks Office As Write-in Joe Kalashian, one of two can¬ didates in the run-off tor vice president of the freshman gen¬ eral elections being held today, has been disqualified, but wUl run as a write in, said elections commissioner Sopja MtaslrUan. Kalashian, a general education major from Fresno, was dis¬ qualified Tuesday because he faUed to turn in his expense account report on Ume. He wUl run against Mike Thurston, a physical education major from Van Nuys. Kalashian and Thurston defeat¬ ed Gary WaUace In last week's Freshman Primary elections. Neither candidate received a ma¬ jority of the votes cast thus creating a run-off tor the vice presidency. Freshman also wtil choose be¬ tween Tina Fogerty and Virginia MUovlch tor secretary-treasur- The polls, located at the Stu¬ dent Activities Booth, wlU re¬ main open until 4 p.m. 'Fresh¬ men's who have memberships in tbe student association are eligi¬ ble to vote even though they did not vote in the primary election,* said Miss MtaslrUan. -World Wire- Red Building Sacked Opposition Voiced To Fee Increase JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — About 2,000 demonstrators sack¬ ed a Communist youth headquar¬ ters only 100 yards from Presi¬ dent Sukarno's Jakarta palace today and burned documents and the, year. A chapter of an employee asso¬ ciation has voiced unanimous op¬ position to a rise in material and service fees at California State CoUeges. Tbe board of the CaUfornla State Employees Association, chapter 45, a Fresno State Col¬ lege organization, said service and material fees should be re- Dr .Chester Cole, president of tbe local chapter, said toe board also feels that summer sessions should be state supported. •The concept that CaUtomla offers free higher education ta not right,' Cole said. To pay tor lt (higher education), the State Indulges ta the subterfuge ot high service and material tees.' Cole said tbe five-member board agreed that the state should support higher education with monies received from taxes. •This material and service fee,* said Cole, "provides a hard¬ ship to families ta the $2,000- $5,000 income bracket.* Cole said be plans to discuss the opposition to the fee at the regional meeting of Csea. ■ Chapter 45 represents 287 pro¬ fessors while toe state organiza¬ tion ta backed by 100,000 state employees. Dr. John A. Crosby, associate professor of geogrsphy, Dr. John R. Donaldson, associate pro- Cole are members of the local board. The California State CoUege Board of Trustees ls expected to discuss as an "information item* the establishment of a new foe structure at its meeting today and Thursday ta Long Beach. The master plan of CaUfornla State CoUeges also recommends that the State CoUeges 'devise a fee structure and collect suf¬ ficient revenues to cover such operating costs as those for lab¬ oratory fees, health. Intercol¬ legiate athletics, student activ¬ ities and other services which are not directly related to In¬ struction.* Spring Charity Drive Slated For Registration Fresno State College students wUl be asked to contribute $1 during spring registration for charity, announced Dean Gordon Wilson, director of student activ¬ ities. This wlU take care of all the charity drives during the year,' said Dean Wtison. •The school does not allow any charity drives during the school year because students do not like the Idea of having to give money every day. Tbe contributions wUl be collected by Blue Key fra¬ ternity and distributed to charity
Object Description
Title | 1965_10 The Daily Collegian October 1965 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Oct 12, 1965 Pg. 4- Oct 13, 1965 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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The DaUy Collegian
Tuesday, October II, 1968
Back And Lineman Of The Week
Thin Frosh Eleven
Nearly Beat Colts
The Bulldog's co-captata turned In one of his
best performanceslnlastSaturday's 20-10victory
over Montana to earn him the 'Back of the Week*
title. He kept the Bobcat defense honest with his
fine rushing and pass catching. MlUer was instru¬
mental In setting up two TD's.
Center Rich Lowe has been chosen as this week's
■Lineman of the Week* for his tremendous play
against the Montana State University Bobcats.
Lowe, who is a converted tackle, has been anchor¬
ing down the "Dog offensive line In outstanding
fashion since the loss of Paul Warkentta and BUI
Fortenberry. (DoweU Photos)
Miiirct'.v One of Ihe
urt'iilesl is individual
Cat Poly Will Seek Revenge
Over FSC In Loop Opener
abilities is certainly
rewarding. For many
men. this hus come
through a career in life
insurance sales and
sales management.
Provident Mutual starts
naming college men
while the}'re still
>tu |