March 1, 1965 Pg. 4- March 2, 1965 Pg. 1 |
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Page 4 The Collegian Monday, March 1,1965 Newman ties world record FSC quintet is Seattle bound By D Z YAVANIAN Fresno State College finished Its regular season play this week¬ end winning two games, one against toe Mustangs of Cal Poly Friday night and the other against a colorful alumni squad Saturday night. The big news to local fans, however, was not toe twin vic¬ tories but the Long Beach State 49ers victory over toe San Fer¬ nando Valley State Matadors, 101 to 83, Saturday night. This victory guaranteed toe Bulldogs a berth in the National Collegiate Athletic Association District Eight regionals ln Se¬ attle, Wash., Mar. 5 and 6, and a third straight California Col¬ legiate Athletic Association championship. Prior to this week's encounters FSC, 7-2, led San Fernando,6-2, by a half game. The final stand- togs showed Fresno, 8-2 and San Fernando, 7-3. FSC will meet an at-large team to the regional opener Friday night. The Mlllermen will be Alcorn's single season scoring record of 557 points with 1:42 left to play to toe first half. The Bulldog plvotman finished the season with 577 points and 26 for toe night. He also broke Al¬ corn's field goal record of 222 with a season total of 223. Talbot scored 19 points push¬ ing his career total to 1,480 and his CCAA record to 650. Saturday night's encounter against the alumni was not toe most exciting, but toe game had its moments as toe "Dogs won, 98 to 68. MUler substituted freely, try- : Sensational Darel Newman, ( Fresno State's bald bullet, will take his lightning quick speed outdoors for the first Ume Sat¬ urday when Fresno State com¬ petes to toe Long Beach Relays. Newman, on toe verge of his greatest season, equaled toe world Indoor 60-yard dash rec¬ ord Friday night at the Golden Gate Invitational meet at toe Cow Palace with a sizzling 5.9 clock¬ ing. In breaking the 6.0 seconds career, Newman became the third man to history to clock 5.9 lntoe 60-yard test. The other two were Bob Hayes ot Florida A&M and Sam Perry of Fordham Univer¬ sity. While Newman was drawing toe attention, Bulldog teammate Sam Workman was timed ln 6.1 for third place—his alltlme best effort for 60 yards. Newman, who has a 9.2 clock¬ ing for 100 yards, and Workman, who has a 9,4 best to the cen¬ tury, will give toe Bulldogs 1-2 punch ln toe sprints at Long Beach. NCAA triple Jump cham¬ pion Charles Craig also is favor¬ ed to win his specialty. The Long Beach meet has at¬ tracted toe six teams of toe Call- A fornla Collegiate Athletic As¬ sociation plus such southern Cal¬ ifornia powers as the USC Tro- Twins' Trippler MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUI (UPI)— Zoilo Versalles of tot Minnesota Twins led the Ameri¬ can League ln triples with 13. 1903 Success Away LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The , Los Angeles Dodgers and toe i Philadelphia Phillies were the only teams to toe National League to play over .500 ball away from home last si ) find The contest that could have been termed a battle of the aggies turned Into a mere pony ride as the Bulldogs harnessed the Mus¬ tangs, 89 to 65. The story of toe win was the super play of Lonnie Hughey, Talbot, playing his last con¬ ference game, plus the deadeye shooting of Jensen. Jensen, a 6-2 Junior forward from Monterey Peninsula Junior College, played his best game, hitting 20 points. The Mustangs stayed with toe Bulldogs most of toe first half on toe strength of guard Emle Brya's fine shooting. They kept close for about the first seven - minutes, never trailing by more than three points. The Bulldogs led at toe mid- mark, 37 to 27. However, toe second half was all FSC while toe Mustangs found themselves running out of gas, as toe final score Indicates. The last five minutes looked much like a cir¬ cus production as both coaches substituted heavily. Bright spots for Poly were Bray, Norm Angell and Don Ste¬ venson, hitting for 12, 13, and 12 points respectively. Hughey added his name to toe record books by breaking Gary starting five for the Friday and Saturday night games. FSC again got a fine effort from Jensen, hitting five of eight field goals and three charities for 13 points. Talbot ln his final game connected for 16 points and Hughey, seeing only limited ac¬ tion, hit for five points and grab¬ bed of 11 rebound. Bocko had 18 points to lead all scorers with Thomsen potting 11. Bulldogs edge Cal but lose to Santa Clara Coach Pete Belden's Fresno State College baseball team will Journey to the southland this weekend for games with the Uni¬ versity of Southern California and Pepperdtoe college after splitting two games ln the bay Fresno dropped a 6 to 4 de¬ cision to the strong Santa Clara Broncos Friday afternoon but came back Saturday on toe hurl¬ ing of sophomore righthander Rick Plerlnl to edge toe Uni¬ versity of California, 4 to 3. Plerlnl, the star of last sea¬ son's FSC freshman team, twirl¬ ed a four-hitter and fanned 10 during his seven Innings on the mound. Both runs off toe Dos Palos High product were unearn- Leadtog toe Bulldogs at the plate was first baseman Larry Sllva and centerflclder Dan Pol¬ lard, who clubbed two hits apiece. Pollard drove ln three runs with a homer and single against Santa Clara toe day before. Belden's nine, now 2-3 for toe season, will face toe Trojans Friday afternoon. ANNUAL COLLEGE RODEO SALE Womens Western Slacks (bell bottoms) 1/3 OFF BEAVER SADDLE SHOP 434 Clovis Avenue CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA Less than 10 minute* from the college "when can I interview IBM?" MARCH 4 "for what jobs?" Customer Engineering Systems Engineering Marketing/Sales The IBM Data Processing Representative ls a consultant to his customers. He demonstrates how customers can achieve better business management and control through data pro- IBM Data Processing Systems Engineers are men and women who study customer requirements ln depth, devise an ap¬ proach, define a preferred machine andoperatlonalsolution, The IBM Customer Engineer ls a specialist ln precision data processing machines and systems. He ls responsible for In¬ stalling and maintaining IBM's e of electronic ai If you have a major ln Li Sciences, or Buslnesi of work IBM has to offer. Employer. rts, Engineering, toe , discover what kinds an Equal Opportunity ^ IBM representatives will be available at toe College Place¬ ment Office on March 4, 1965, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call Mrs. Jordon to toe Ed-P Building, Room 123, to arrange for an Interview. If you cannot attend the Inter¬ views, write or visit toe nearest IBM office. W. Russell Branch Manager 1821 Fulton St. Fresno, California 93716 IBM DATA PROCESSING Fashion show to launch program of spring Greek Week activities A spring fashion show at 1 to front of toe cafeteria will gin today's activities Week. The clothes to be modeled are clothes that will also fi trend ln styles. Models will Include of various sororities am ternltles. from a local department will commentate for clothing and Join a local men's clothing commentate for toe men's styles. Clothes for toe fashion show will be furnished by Gottschalks and Ralph Cross. Lonna Henkel and Bob Oliver are co-chairmen for this The College Bowl game pre¬ liminaries will begin at 2 PM to Science 121. The rounds will last 15 minutes and each consist of four persons. The contest will consist entire¬ ly of toss-up questions. Miss Saundra Speers, Wom¬ en's activities advisor, will be toe Judge and Robert Knudson, activities advisor, will serve as Slave sale In man Perkins, the zany bead yell leader, will be auctioneer for toe junior class slave sale tomorrow at noon In front of toe cafeteria. Various student body officers, sweethearts of fraternities, Homecoming Queen, Campus Queen and sorority presidents will all be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The proceeds from toe slave sale will go to toe Junior class for toe preparation for toe an¬ nual Junior-Senior Prom, Mar. 12, at toe Del Webb Towne Theta Chi fraternity will op¬ pose Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsllon will compete against Alpha Gamma Rho, Sig¬ ma Chi will stand Delta Sigma Phi and Sigma Nu will by and go into action tomorrow. Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority will oppose Delta Zeta and Delta Gamma will face Phi Mu. Trophies will be awarded to toe winning fraternity and soror¬ ity and a sweepstakes trophy will be given to toe winner of the two. Jim Sandos ls chairman of toe College Bowl and his committee ls Judy Smiley, Gary Renner, Marlene DeClero and Elizabeth GO — Karen Ferrler ls ready to Are toe gun to start toe race for the college Bowl preliminaries. Ernie Kinney and Harvey Wallace are on their knees to get a better start when toe gun ls fired. College Bowl preliminaries will be held at 2 PM today to Science 121. Photo by Dave Allen Guidance problems on camp agenda Student leaders will probe the theme of this year's camp. Dor- techniques and problems Involved man said that students must show to group guidance in toe first a demonstrated Interest In stu- semlnar at Fresno State Col- dent activities and must have a lege's seventh annual Leader- 2.25 grade average tobe eligible, ship Camp. The camp ls being sponsored by toe FSC Association at Sierra Sky Ranch Apr. 3 and Application blanks available at the Studi dent's Office and the ' Booth Mar. 8 through : Doug Dorman, camp publicity Each student will pay half ol chairman, announced 'Tech- $7 camp fee. The FSC Assocl nlques of Leadership* as toe tlon will pay the rest of the cosl Library patrons will dodge work crews, furniture From now until July, students using the library will have to dodge furniture movers and work crews when entering the building. Executive Dean Orrln B. Ward¬ le explained a sizable portion of the library operations will bo moved into toe new addition starting Mar. 10. "March 10 ls the estimated completion date for toe new addition,* he said. •After the construction on toe new library ls completed, toe present library will be remod¬ eled. Some library operations, along with furniture and person¬ nel, will be moved Into toe new building so that the remodeling can be completed by late July. 'Furniture and book racks are still on order and cannot be in¬ stalled for a few months,* said Challenger will bring rooters to pancake contest Pancake-earing contest chall¬ enger Bob McCallum says he will have a rooting section on hand today when he and his partner, Veneta Stewart, take on three The eight contestants will vie with each other and college teams across the nation for prizes In¬ cluding color television sets to toe annual International Shrove Tuesday Pancake Eating Contest, Spectators and rooters will be served free pancakes and coffee at toe event, which will begin at 4 PM at toe International House of Pancakes on Blackstone. The contestants will eat dol¬ lar-sized pancakes for exactly one half hour. Members of toe other competing teams are Bobbl Houghton, Phil Herbert, Roger Manwell, Beth Reuter, Judy Walt, and Emle Zulck. Sam Schwann, a local disc Jockey, will referee toe match. Mayor Wallace Henderson, Nor¬ ma Wallace, editor of The Col¬ legian and Herm Howerton, student body president, will serve as Judges. KJEO-TV, Channel 47, will film toe contest for broadcast record album. The local win¬ ners will be presented trophies. Regional winners will receive school blazers. Grand prizes are color television sets for each member of toe winning team nationally. Last year's record was 309 pancakes. chain of pan- Theta Sigma Phi, too national professional Journalism frater¬ nity for women, ls toe college coordinator of toe contest. —World wire Centaur rocket explodes, foils lunar survey plans An Atlas Centaur moon rocket exploded ln a ball of orange flame on blast-off at 8:25 AM today, throwing a new kink Into Amer¬ ica's plan to put a robot sur¬ veyor spacecraft on lunar sur¬ face this fall. A space agency spokesman at Cape Kennedy reported minutes after toe thundering crash that all personnel In toe nearby block¬ house were safe. The 150-ton, 112-foot rocket Trip considered President Johnson's proposed trip to toe Soviet Union moved a step closer today with word that toe Russians sent him a message a month ago saying they would welcome such a visit. But there was still no indica¬ tion whether toe proposed visit would be a two-way affair—as Johnson first suggested -- with Soviet Premier Alexel N. Kosygln and Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev coming to the United States. was designed to shot an imaginery lunar point 248,000 miles away ln space that was representing the moon for flight test purposes. Centaur was scheduled to shoot toe first of seven surveyor probes to toe moon this fall. Voters demonstrate Negroes conducting a civil rights drive to Alabama today scheduled a voter registration demonstration to rural Wilcox The county ls part of the Ala¬ bama black belt where no ne¬ groes are registered to vote. The march was announced by toe Rev. Daniel Harrell, a Camden, Ala., Negro preacher and a member of Dr. Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King departed from Alabama Monday for speeches In Washing¬ ton after leading a tour of rural Nof cowgirls, Fellas; now they're called goafg/r/s' The word cowgirl ls going out of style, at least ln the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Associa¬ te NIRA contests are not toe young things who ride around carrying flags and smiling at toe audience, nor are they permitted toropoor Actually the girls charge down toe field, leap off their horse and try to throw and tie a goat to toe shortest possible time to true cowgirl (goatglrl?) fashion. Don't knock lt, toe goats can be per¬ sistently resistant, especially when they weigh as much as some of toe coeds who are trying to The other timed event ln which they participate ls toe barrel race. Throe barrels are used and Individual low times and team low times are used to selecting toe overall winner to toe women's division. Fresno State College will be well represented by a three- women team consisting of Sharon Rhoads, senior, agriculture bus¬ iness; Linda Loftls, Junior, so¬ cial science; and Marcheta McCain, Junior, home economics; when Fresno State College hosts the rodeo on Mar. 13 and 14. Sharon and Marcheta entered toe Arizona State rodeo at Tempi ln December. Marcheta placed first ln toe barrel race and Sharon took third ln toe goat tie. Linda has not competed this year, but has done well to competition while attending Pierce Junior College, to Southern California. In 1962 Sharon bad toe best goat tiolng time ln toe region and fifth pattern ls region of toe NIRA—California, Nevada and Arizona—will enter 20 to 25 girls In the upcoming The girls will be given cash awards to toe women's division ranging from 40 per cent of toe total prize sum for first place to 10 per cent for fourth place. The men will be competing ln regular rodeo events. These In¬ clude bareback riding, bull rid¬ ing, saddle bronc riding and team Rodeo Queen candidates will be toe rodeo arena. at 12:30 PM. Weather le around Schools from toe western US Weather Bureau reports the high ln Fresno today will be 72 degrees; the low tonight 38. Fair through Wednesday.
Object Description
Title | 1965_03 The Daily Collegian March 1965 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 1, 1965 Pg. 4- March 2, 1965 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | Page 4 The Collegian Monday, March 1,1965 Newman ties world record FSC quintet is Seattle bound By D Z YAVANIAN Fresno State College finished Its regular season play this week¬ end winning two games, one against toe Mustangs of Cal Poly Friday night and the other against a colorful alumni squad Saturday night. The big news to local fans, however, was not toe twin vic¬ tories but the Long Beach State 49ers victory over toe San Fer¬ nando Valley State Matadors, 101 to 83, Saturday night. This victory guaranteed toe Bulldogs a berth in the National Collegiate Athletic Association District Eight regionals ln Se¬ attle, Wash., Mar. 5 and 6, and a third straight California Col¬ legiate Athletic Association championship. Prior to this week's encounters FSC, 7-2, led San Fernando,6-2, by a half game. The final stand- togs showed Fresno, 8-2 and San Fernando, 7-3. FSC will meet an at-large team to the regional opener Friday night. The Mlllermen will be Alcorn's single season scoring record of 557 points with 1:42 left to play to toe first half. The Bulldog plvotman finished the season with 577 points and 26 for toe night. He also broke Al¬ corn's field goal record of 222 with a season total of 223. Talbot scored 19 points push¬ ing his career total to 1,480 and his CCAA record to 650. Saturday night's encounter against the alumni was not toe most exciting, but toe game had its moments as toe "Dogs won, 98 to 68. MUler substituted freely, try- : Sensational Darel Newman, ( Fresno State's bald bullet, will take his lightning quick speed outdoors for the first Ume Sat¬ urday when Fresno State com¬ petes to toe Long Beach Relays. Newman, on toe verge of his greatest season, equaled toe world Indoor 60-yard dash rec¬ ord Friday night at the Golden Gate Invitational meet at toe Cow Palace with a sizzling 5.9 clock¬ ing. In breaking the 6.0 seconds career, Newman became the third man to history to clock 5.9 lntoe 60-yard test. The other two were Bob Hayes ot Florida A&M and Sam Perry of Fordham Univer¬ sity. While Newman was drawing toe attention, Bulldog teammate Sam Workman was timed ln 6.1 for third place—his alltlme best effort for 60 yards. Newman, who has a 9.2 clock¬ ing for 100 yards, and Workman, who has a 9,4 best to the cen¬ tury, will give toe Bulldogs 1-2 punch ln toe sprints at Long Beach. NCAA triple Jump cham¬ pion Charles Craig also is favor¬ ed to win his specialty. The Long Beach meet has at¬ tracted toe six teams of toe Call- A fornla Collegiate Athletic As¬ sociation plus such southern Cal¬ ifornia powers as the USC Tro- Twins' Trippler MINNEAPOLIS - ST. PAUI (UPI)— Zoilo Versalles of tot Minnesota Twins led the Ameri¬ can League ln triples with 13. 1903 Success Away LOS ANGELES (UPI) — The , Los Angeles Dodgers and toe i Philadelphia Phillies were the only teams to toe National League to play over .500 ball away from home last si ) find The contest that could have been termed a battle of the aggies turned Into a mere pony ride as the Bulldogs harnessed the Mus¬ tangs, 89 to 65. The story of toe win was the super play of Lonnie Hughey, Talbot, playing his last con¬ ference game, plus the deadeye shooting of Jensen. Jensen, a 6-2 Junior forward from Monterey Peninsula Junior College, played his best game, hitting 20 points. The Mustangs stayed with toe Bulldogs most of toe first half on toe strength of guard Emle Brya's fine shooting. They kept close for about the first seven - minutes, never trailing by more than three points. The Bulldogs led at toe mid- mark, 37 to 27. However, toe second half was all FSC while toe Mustangs found themselves running out of gas, as toe final score Indicates. The last five minutes looked much like a cir¬ cus production as both coaches substituted heavily. Bright spots for Poly were Bray, Norm Angell and Don Ste¬ venson, hitting for 12, 13, and 12 points respectively. Hughey added his name to toe record books by breaking Gary starting five for the Friday and Saturday night games. FSC again got a fine effort from Jensen, hitting five of eight field goals and three charities for 13 points. Talbot ln his final game connected for 16 points and Hughey, seeing only limited ac¬ tion, hit for five points and grab¬ bed of 11 rebound. Bocko had 18 points to lead all scorers with Thomsen potting 11. Bulldogs edge Cal but lose to Santa Clara Coach Pete Belden's Fresno State College baseball team will Journey to the southland this weekend for games with the Uni¬ versity of Southern California and Pepperdtoe college after splitting two games ln the bay Fresno dropped a 6 to 4 de¬ cision to the strong Santa Clara Broncos Friday afternoon but came back Saturday on toe hurl¬ ing of sophomore righthander Rick Plerlnl to edge toe Uni¬ versity of California, 4 to 3. Plerlnl, the star of last sea¬ son's FSC freshman team, twirl¬ ed a four-hitter and fanned 10 during his seven Innings on the mound. Both runs off toe Dos Palos High product were unearn- Leadtog toe Bulldogs at the plate was first baseman Larry Sllva and centerflclder Dan Pol¬ lard, who clubbed two hits apiece. Pollard drove ln three runs with a homer and single against Santa Clara toe day before. Belden's nine, now 2-3 for toe season, will face toe Trojans Friday afternoon. ANNUAL COLLEGE RODEO SALE Womens Western Slacks (bell bottoms) 1/3 OFF BEAVER SADDLE SHOP 434 Clovis Avenue CLOVIS, CALIFORNIA Less than 10 minute* from the college "when can I interview IBM?" MARCH 4 "for what jobs?" Customer Engineering Systems Engineering Marketing/Sales The IBM Data Processing Representative ls a consultant to his customers. He demonstrates how customers can achieve better business management and control through data pro- IBM Data Processing Systems Engineers are men and women who study customer requirements ln depth, devise an ap¬ proach, define a preferred machine andoperatlonalsolution, The IBM Customer Engineer ls a specialist ln precision data processing machines and systems. He ls responsible for In¬ stalling and maintaining IBM's e of electronic ai If you have a major ln Li Sciences, or Buslnesi of work IBM has to offer. Employer. rts, Engineering, toe , discover what kinds an Equal Opportunity ^ IBM representatives will be available at toe College Place¬ ment Office on March 4, 1965, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Call Mrs. Jordon to toe Ed-P Building, Room 123, to arrange for an Interview. If you cannot attend the Inter¬ views, write or visit toe nearest IBM office. W. Russell Branch Manager 1821 Fulton St. Fresno, California 93716 IBM DATA PROCESSING Fashion show to launch program of spring Greek Week activities A spring fashion show at 1 to front of toe cafeteria will gin today's activities Week. The clothes to be modeled are clothes that will also fi trend ln styles. Models will Include of various sororities am ternltles. from a local department will commentate for clothing and Join a local men's clothing commentate for toe men's styles. Clothes for toe fashion show will be furnished by Gottschalks and Ralph Cross. Lonna Henkel and Bob Oliver are co-chairmen for this The College Bowl game pre¬ liminaries will begin at 2 PM to Science 121. The rounds will last 15 minutes and each consist of four persons. The contest will consist entire¬ ly of toss-up questions. Miss Saundra Speers, Wom¬ en's activities advisor, will be toe Judge and Robert Knudson, activities advisor, will serve as Slave sale In man Perkins, the zany bead yell leader, will be auctioneer for toe junior class slave sale tomorrow at noon In front of toe cafeteria. Various student body officers, sweethearts of fraternities, Homecoming Queen, Campus Queen and sorority presidents will all be auctioned off to the highest bidder. The proceeds from toe slave sale will go to toe Junior class for toe preparation for toe an¬ nual Junior-Senior Prom, Mar. 12, at toe Del Webb Towne Theta Chi fraternity will op¬ pose Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Alpha Epsllon will compete against Alpha Gamma Rho, Sig¬ ma Chi will stand Delta Sigma Phi and Sigma Nu will by and go into action tomorrow. Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority will oppose Delta Zeta and Delta Gamma will face Phi Mu. Trophies will be awarded to toe winning fraternity and soror¬ ity and a sweepstakes trophy will be given to toe winner of the two. Jim Sandos ls chairman of toe College Bowl and his committee ls Judy Smiley, Gary Renner, Marlene DeClero and Elizabeth GO — Karen Ferrler ls ready to Are toe gun to start toe race for the college Bowl preliminaries. Ernie Kinney and Harvey Wallace are on their knees to get a better start when toe gun ls fired. College Bowl preliminaries will be held at 2 PM today to Science 121. Photo by Dave Allen Guidance problems on camp agenda Student leaders will probe the theme of this year's camp. Dor- techniques and problems Involved man said that students must show to group guidance in toe first a demonstrated Interest In stu- semlnar at Fresno State Col- dent activities and must have a lege's seventh annual Leader- 2.25 grade average tobe eligible, ship Camp. The camp ls being sponsored by toe FSC Association at Sierra Sky Ranch Apr. 3 and Application blanks available at the Studi dent's Office and the ' Booth Mar. 8 through : Doug Dorman, camp publicity Each student will pay half ol chairman, announced 'Tech- $7 camp fee. The FSC Assocl nlques of Leadership* as toe tlon will pay the rest of the cosl Library patrons will dodge work crews, furniture From now until July, students using the library will have to dodge furniture movers and work crews when entering the building. Executive Dean Orrln B. Ward¬ le explained a sizable portion of the library operations will bo moved into toe new addition starting Mar. 10. "March 10 ls the estimated completion date for toe new addition,* he said. •After the construction on toe new library ls completed, toe present library will be remod¬ eled. Some library operations, along with furniture and person¬ nel, will be moved Into toe new building so that the remodeling can be completed by late July. 'Furniture and book racks are still on order and cannot be in¬ stalled for a few months,* said Challenger will bring rooters to pancake contest Pancake-earing contest chall¬ enger Bob McCallum says he will have a rooting section on hand today when he and his partner, Veneta Stewart, take on three The eight contestants will vie with each other and college teams across the nation for prizes In¬ cluding color television sets to toe annual International Shrove Tuesday Pancake Eating Contest, Spectators and rooters will be served free pancakes and coffee at toe event, which will begin at 4 PM at toe International House of Pancakes on Blackstone. The contestants will eat dol¬ lar-sized pancakes for exactly one half hour. Members of toe other competing teams are Bobbl Houghton, Phil Herbert, Roger Manwell, Beth Reuter, Judy Walt, and Emle Zulck. Sam Schwann, a local disc Jockey, will referee toe match. Mayor Wallace Henderson, Nor¬ ma Wallace, editor of The Col¬ legian and Herm Howerton, student body president, will serve as Judges. KJEO-TV, Channel 47, will film toe contest for broadcast record album. The local win¬ ners will be presented trophies. Regional winners will receive school blazers. Grand prizes are color television sets for each member of toe winning team nationally. Last year's record was 309 pancakes. chain of pan- Theta Sigma Phi, too national professional Journalism frater¬ nity for women, ls toe college coordinator of toe contest. —World wire Centaur rocket explodes, foils lunar survey plans An Atlas Centaur moon rocket exploded ln a ball of orange flame on blast-off at 8:25 AM today, throwing a new kink Into Amer¬ ica's plan to put a robot sur¬ veyor spacecraft on lunar sur¬ face this fall. A space agency spokesman at Cape Kennedy reported minutes after toe thundering crash that all personnel In toe nearby block¬ house were safe. The 150-ton, 112-foot rocket Trip considered President Johnson's proposed trip to toe Soviet Union moved a step closer today with word that toe Russians sent him a message a month ago saying they would welcome such a visit. But there was still no indica¬ tion whether toe proposed visit would be a two-way affair—as Johnson first suggested -- with Soviet Premier Alexel N. Kosygln and Communist party chief Leonid I. Brezhnev coming to the United States. was designed to shot an imaginery lunar point 248,000 miles away ln space that was representing the moon for flight test purposes. Centaur was scheduled to shoot toe first of seven surveyor probes to toe moon this fall. Voters demonstrate Negroes conducting a civil rights drive to Alabama today scheduled a voter registration demonstration to rural Wilcox The county ls part of the Ala¬ bama black belt where no ne¬ groes are registered to vote. The march was announced by toe Rev. Daniel Harrell, a Camden, Ala., Negro preacher and a member of Dr. Martin Luther King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference. King departed from Alabama Monday for speeches In Washing¬ ton after leading a tour of rural Nof cowgirls, Fellas; now they're called goafg/r/s' The word cowgirl ls going out of style, at least ln the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Associa¬ te NIRA contests are not toe young things who ride around carrying flags and smiling at toe audience, nor are they permitted toropoor Actually the girls charge down toe field, leap off their horse and try to throw and tie a goat to toe shortest possible time to true cowgirl (goatglrl?) fashion. Don't knock lt, toe goats can be per¬ sistently resistant, especially when they weigh as much as some of toe coeds who are trying to The other timed event ln which they participate ls toe barrel race. Throe barrels are used and Individual low times and team low times are used to selecting toe overall winner to toe women's division. Fresno State College will be well represented by a three- women team consisting of Sharon Rhoads, senior, agriculture bus¬ iness; Linda Loftls, Junior, so¬ cial science; and Marcheta McCain, Junior, home economics; when Fresno State College hosts the rodeo on Mar. 13 and 14. Sharon and Marcheta entered toe Arizona State rodeo at Tempi ln December. Marcheta placed first ln toe barrel race and Sharon took third ln toe goat tie. Linda has not competed this year, but has done well to competition while attending Pierce Junior College, to Southern California. In 1962 Sharon bad toe best goat tiolng time ln toe region and fifth pattern ls region of toe NIRA—California, Nevada and Arizona—will enter 20 to 25 girls In the upcoming The girls will be given cash awards to toe women's division ranging from 40 per cent of toe total prize sum for first place to 10 per cent for fourth place. The men will be competing ln regular rodeo events. These In¬ clude bareback riding, bull rid¬ ing, saddle bronc riding and team Rodeo Queen candidates will be toe rodeo arena. at 12:30 PM. Weather le around Schools from toe western US Weather Bureau reports the high ln Fresno today will be 72 degrees; the low tonight 38. Fair through Wednesday. |