March 5, 1965 Pg. 4-5 |
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The Collegian Friday, March 5,1965 Friday, March 5,1965 The Collegian Page 5 Peace Corps test will be Saturday Fresno State College students Interested to the Peace Corps can take toe Peace Corps Place¬ ment Test at 8:30 AM, Satur¬ day, Mar. 13, to room 20 of toe Main Post Office BuUdlng An Individual does not pass or fall toe tost, but simply Indicates where a person's greatest poten¬ tial lies. The Peace Corps Quest¬ ionnaire, which must befUledout and brought to toe exam, can be There are two parts to the placement test. One ls a general aptitude test and toe other ls a modern language aptitude test, for which knowledge of a foreign language ls not necessary. Ap- pUcants should plan on about one and a half hours to complete the test. Test results are used, with toe character references and quest¬ ionnaires, to estimate the appU- cant's potential for completing the Intensive training program and his ability to be an ef¬ fective volunteer < Board okehs twin showing for Friday motion picture Formal approval was given Approval by the board also ln- yesterday by the Board of Fine sures that the otoer fUms to toe Arts for the fUm Suddenly Last BFA movie series for this year Summer to be shown twice on will bo shown twice on Friday Mar. 12. This resulted from de- nights. These other fUms Include mand due to Inadequate seating The Wackiest Ship ln the Army, facilities in Industrial Arts 101, North by Northwest and Break- where the films are shown. fast at Tiffany's, all of which were The two performances will tic jiopular at the movie houses, at 6 PM and 8 PM. Elizabeth " The additional cost involved Taylor, Katharine lleplxirn and for the remainder of too year wUl Montgomery Cllft are the stars, only be for the projectionist, ap¬ proximately $20. Galaxy Ball slated The Galaxy Ball, ipouaored by the Arnold Air Society wUl be —' 's Lodge onSatur- ir. 20. Highlighting the evening will be toe crowning of the Galaxy Ball Queen. Finalists for queen are Sandy Sawyer, sophomore, marketing; Chris Jansen, sopho¬ more, general; Catherine Dab- cock, junior, physical education; Linda Papp, junior, history and Jill Smith, sophomore, social A sirloin steak dinner will be served at 7 PM, and the dance, featuring Ralph Manfrcdo and Ills Watch This Space For More Fun & Games At The 1 Mi. E. of Campus on Show 299-9976 1965 SUMMER SESSION TOUR OF EUROPE San Fernando Valley State College 4th $1350.00, from N.Y., all-lncluslve study opUonal. year 3 to 6 units possible. Via PAN AMERICAN, TWA, SAS,TWA Visiting: ATHENS-COPENHAGEN-MADRID-NICE VIENNA-AMSTERDAM-ZURICK-PARIS FLORENCE-ROME-NAPLES-MONACO VENICE-LONDON-LUCERNE-N.Y. Depart N.Y. June 21 - Return July 26 ALSO AVAILABLE, TRANSPORTATION ONLY ROUND TRIP ON TWO FROM N.Y. TO LONDON 1325.00. DEPART JUNE 22,-RETURN SEPT. 7 Call or write: Dr. Earlo Field. Hist. DepC, San Fernando Valley State CoUege, Nortoridge, Calif., or ask for Mr. BUI Graham, tne Evening Administrator. six-plcne orchestra, will last from 0 PM untU 1 AM. Tickets for the dinner-dance will be $10, with a $3.GO charge for Uie dance only. Bids may be obtained from members of the Arnold Air Soci¬ ety, Angel's Flight or Air Force ItOTC. Health Insurance Tomorrow Is the deadline for buying student health insurance this semester. For $10.50 students can pur- be in effect through Sept. 7. 14 students will travel to fifth annual Baptist meet ASB candidates can take out papers Monday Several students from the Bap¬ tist Student Union will attend toe Fifth Annual Student Mission Conference this weekend at Gol¬ den Gate Baptist Theological Seminary at Mill Valley, Calif. Students from all over toe western United States wUl attend this conference which has as Its theme, Servants of God. "It will be an exceUent oppor¬ tunity to renew old acquaintances ami make new and lasting friend¬ ships,* commented Wayne Stacks, director of the Baptist Student Union. •There wlU be messages of inspiration and mission educa¬ tion as well as conferences and opportunities for personal Inter¬ views with outstanding men ln tho field of toeolog.-," s.ii 1 Ray¬ mond Ellis, president of the club. Personalities on the program Include WUUam Marshall, for¬ eign Mission Board member, ex¬ plaining the journeyman pro¬ gram. This ls a two-year pro¬ gram comparable to the Peace Nathan Porter, associate per¬ sonnel secretary of the Home Missions Board, wUl explain tne US-2 program, another organiza¬ tion similar to the Peace Corps working to the continental United Also speaking wUl be WUUam Dyal, from toe Christian Life Commission of the Southern Bap¬ tist Convention, and Dr. Kenneth Chafto, aprofessorofevangelism at the Soutoerwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Ten. The Drama Trio from toe Cal¬ ifornia Baptist College will be presenting a premier per- Candidates li ning for fall term / Student Bod^ offices will have their Initial start Monday when petitions for office wUl be avail¬ able in toe Activities Office. Al stake, along with ASB of¬ fices, wUl be Associated Women Students and class office positions, according to Sonla Mlsslrllan, election chairman. Deadline for return of toe pe¬ titions, according to Miss Mls¬ slrllan, wUl bo Mar. 19, at4PM. Miss Mlsslrllan emphasized potential c: fuUy study toe el f 1)111 Wallace, martyred missionary China at toe conference. The drama was written by Mrs. Jeanne Davis of the drama de¬ partment of the California Bap- Students attending are PhU Hlxsoa, Rose Moore, Allen Mc- Mlnds, Raymond "Bud* Ellis, Carolyn and VlrglnlaSmlth, Nan¬ cy Howlson, HUda Burt, Kathy Watkins, DedeAUen, Nelson Ash- craft, Linda Hayworth, Diane Wear, Carman Banks, and Tony- Perkins. Stacks will also attend. Moon will review An End to Arms A review of toe book An End to Arms by Walter MUlis will be presented by the Rev. Robert Moon Monday at noon at the So¬ cial Hall of the First Methodist Church, Tuolume and M Streets. The be tor ththe illltarlzlng prospect: world politics and ls wrlttei��a journalist who ls a serious: den', of toe polltl-al aspect: Why Rent When You Can Buy? Buy a new 2 Bedroom home for only $ A-£ ■ *■* mo. After Normal Down Payment 4914 N. Blackstone 222-6034 227-7,512 Agnostic view of book related by Dr. Smith Recital to feature award winner The controversial book Honest ) God should be placed among le dovoUonal oriented rather ie theological. So Dr. i M. professor of philosophy, whUe giving an ag¬ nostic's response to toe book at an encounter program to toe CoUege Religious Center. Written by John A. T. Rob¬ inson, Bishop of Woolwich, Hon¬ est to God's 'main appeal has seemed to be to those without theological sophistication,*com¬ mented Dr. Smith, "alUiough it ls clearly directed to those with¬ in the church. Consultant will address group WUfrled A. HoeUlge, a con¬ sultant on International business, will address a Joint professional meeting of Phi Chi Theta and Alpha Kappa Psl today at 1 PM to Science 161. Hoelllge studied at tho Univer¬ sity of Vienna and the Vienna College of Agriculture. Since 1960, he has been opera¬ ting as an Independent lecturer and consultant on International Business, with headquarters to al theology. •The book offers no significant contribution to theology due to Its vagueness,* he said. *If I were a Christian though, I could find toe book very' valuable for devoUonal purposes.* Dr. Smith discussed toe three crucial problems ln Christian theology that Robinson brought out In his book. The problems Included the doctrine of God, Christianity, and mo In discussing toe God, Robinson givi quaUUes to God, bu example of Robinson' works with no meaning,* com¬ mented Dr. Smith. Robinson says ln his book that sin ls despair. "If this ls true,* said Dr. Smith, "then we can't hold a man responsible for his sins.* According to this then, •If you have no despair, you According to Dr. Smith, Rob- personal denies him 'This ls an tnson's moral theology states: ■Love God and do as you please, because love understood properly' provides toe only universal standard upon which we can place ourselves.* "It may be a useful theology, but lt ls not an adequate guide to our conduct,* Dr. Smith pro- At a prior meeting toe Rev. Eugeen BoutUler, associate pas¬ tor of toe First CongregaUonal Church, lauded toe book as he presented a Uberal protostant's Roger Chlttlck, associate pro¬ fessor of English, will present toe Reactions of a ConservaUvo Protestant at today's Encounter program. Encounter ls a weekly luncheon series sponsored by the College •Y'. The programs meet from 12:15 noon to 1 PM. A low- cost lunch service ls avaUable. Mrs. Lynn WUgus Lewis, one of the three winners of toe 1964 Fresno Young" Artists Awards, wlU present a recital Sunday at 3 PM to toe Recital Hall of toe Music BuUdlng. Mrs. Lewis, who studied at toe University of Southern Cali¬ fornia, is one of two young women named as winners of Mu Phi EpsUon's flrstSterllngStaffCon- cert Series, a project designed to assist deserving young artists by- providing performance opportun¬ ities. Her local recital ls being spon¬ sored by toe Fresno alumnae chapter of toe International music sorority, and will be a Mu Phi EpsUon scholarship fund benefit. Mrs. Lewis has won numerous recitals including toe North Shore Choral Society Young Artists Competition ln Chicago, DI. She has participated ln many com¬ munity and university symphony orchestras and with toe Chicago Symphony. In the United States, he has been conducting Education for International Business seminars with faculty members at colleges ONE WAY ONLY CHARTER JET FLIGHTS O EUROPE August 3, 1965 San Franclsco-Parls September 9, 1965 for toformaUon: Office of International Programs California State CoUeges 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, Calif. 94132 Fare: $225 one way Convenience STUDENT NEEDS MONEY-- Must sacrUlce '49 FordConv. to xlnt. cond. B cyl. stick w/o.d. R/H. New white vinyl top. New brakes, tires, clutch. 251-6563. 229-5249. Call after Ave. Campus Corral Fresno's Mobile Home Park of Distinction 1 Mi. E. of Fresno State College 5207 N. Villa 299-5284 9*0 CWomkip cTfag Sunday CEDAR AVENUE BAPTIST •YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME* 535 NO. CEDAR (Near Belmont) — Phone: 237-8 9:45 AM: College--Buslness Bible Class. 11:00 AM: Morning Worship. 6:15 PM: College—Business Fellowship. 7:30 PM: Evening Worship, Excellent Music. Irvln E. Penbertoy, D.D., Pastor Gerald Cudney, Minister ofEducatlon ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL CEDAR 4 DAKOTA The Rev. Harry B. Lee, Dean The Rev. Harold B. Thelln, Canon The Rev. R. Bruce Kirkwood, Curate :00 AM: Holy Communion 1:15 AM: Family Service. Morning Prayer :00 AM: Holy Communion and Sermon. Tuesday — 6:45 and 10:30 AM: Holy Communion Wednesday — 6:45, 10:30 AM, 12:05 and 7:30 PM: Holy Communion Thursday -- 6:45 and 10:30 AM: Holy Communion Friday — 5:15 PM: The Litany Confirmation classes -- Tuesday 7:30 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TUOLUMNE ti M ST. 9:00 4 11:00 AM: Morning Worship. 9:50 AM: Sunday School. 7:00 PM: Wesley Fellowship. Revs. Robert W. Moon and Phillip B. Klml ST.COLUMBAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH PALM * SHAW- 15 AM: Holy Communion 9:30 AM ti 11:00 AM:Morning vice and Sermon 7:00 PM: Evening Prayer Rev. George Turney, Re MILLBROOK PRESBYTERIAN St. Pauls Catholic Chapel at Newman Center 1572 E. BARSTOW AVE. — Phone: 439-4641 MASSES: Sundays, 7 AM, 10 AM 4 12 Noon; School Days, 4:45 PM; School Holidays 4 Sat., 8 AM. CONFESSIONS: Sat., 3-5 PM 4 7:30-9 AM; Wed. 4 Thurs., 4:15 PM; and before Sunday Masses. Rev. Sergio P. Negro. Chaplain Si Luke's Methodist Church CORNER OF PALM 4 FOUNTAIN WAY 9:45 AM: Sunday School 11:00 AM: Wesley Fellowship 8:30 PM: Wesley FeUowship Pastor: Lynn H. Haver For rides, Call 229-8236 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 280 WEST SHAW AVE. — Phone: 229-8371 11:00 AM: Sunday Services 9:15 AM: Sunday School 8:00 PM: Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meetings FREE READING ROOM AND LENDING LIBRARY Open 12:00 to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday COLLEGE FORUM EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH, 3438 E. ASHLAN CURRENT TRENDS 4 CHRISTIAN FAITH 9:30 AM, Sunday: Coffee and Discussion Leaders: Paul Madsen, M.D., Stanley Llndqulst, PhJD. For rides, Call 222-8883. Church of The Brethren CLINTON AT NINTH STREET — Phone:227-4123 1:45 AM: Church School CoUege Class :0O AM: Morning Worship J.T. Dick, R.J. Langley, Pastors BETHEL TEMPLE A FULL GOSPEL CHURCH THOMAS 4 CLARK 9:45 AM: College and Career Class 11:00 AM: Morning Worship 5:45 PM: Youth Emphasis 7:00 PM: Evangelistic Service CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CLINTON AT THORNE — Phone: 222-5659 :30: Campus Hour 7:30: Evening Worship :30 4 11:00 : Morning Worship 6:15: Calvin CI Alan H. Brown, Minister, Dean F. Rowley, AssU Minister PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4672 N. CEDAR AT GETTYSBURG 8:00 4 11:00 AM: Worship Service 9:00 4 10:00 AM: Bible Classes Martin Schabacker, Pastor Karl Dunker Gamma Delta Association of Lutheran Students For Transportation, CaU 222-2320 or 299-2216 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA 3973 N. CEDAR (Near Ashlan) 8, 9 4 10:30 AM: Worship Holy Communion - 1st Sunday Philip A. Jordan, Martin J. Wager, Carl G. Okerbloom, Pastors For rides, Call 229-8581 BELMONT CHRISTIAN disciples of christ CHURCH 3425 EAST SHIELDS AVE. 9:30 AM: Church School CoUege Class 10:50 AM: Worship and Communion Rev. Carl B. Robinson, Minister For rides, CaU 222-6581 or 227-8600
Object Description
Title | 1965_03 The Daily Collegian March 1965 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | March 5, 1965 Pg. 4-5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | The Collegian Friday, March 5,1965 Friday, March 5,1965 The Collegian Page 5 Peace Corps test will be Saturday Fresno State College students Interested to the Peace Corps can take toe Peace Corps Place¬ ment Test at 8:30 AM, Satur¬ day, Mar. 13, to room 20 of toe Main Post Office BuUdlng An Individual does not pass or fall toe tost, but simply Indicates where a person's greatest poten¬ tial lies. The Peace Corps Quest¬ ionnaire, which must befUledout and brought to toe exam, can be There are two parts to the placement test. One ls a general aptitude test and toe other ls a modern language aptitude test, for which knowledge of a foreign language ls not necessary. Ap- pUcants should plan on about one and a half hours to complete the test. Test results are used, with toe character references and quest¬ ionnaires, to estimate the appU- cant's potential for completing the Intensive training program and his ability to be an ef¬ fective volunteer < Board okehs twin showing for Friday motion picture Formal approval was given Approval by the board also ln- yesterday by the Board of Fine sures that the otoer fUms to toe Arts for the fUm Suddenly Last BFA movie series for this year Summer to be shown twice on will bo shown twice on Friday Mar. 12. This resulted from de- nights. These other fUms Include mand due to Inadequate seating The Wackiest Ship ln the Army, facilities in Industrial Arts 101, North by Northwest and Break- where the films are shown. fast at Tiffany's, all of which were The two performances will tic jiopular at the movie houses, at 6 PM and 8 PM. Elizabeth " The additional cost involved Taylor, Katharine lleplxirn and for the remainder of too year wUl Montgomery Cllft are the stars, only be for the projectionist, ap¬ proximately $20. Galaxy Ball slated The Galaxy Ball, ipouaored by the Arnold Air Society wUl be —' 's Lodge onSatur- ir. 20. Highlighting the evening will be toe crowning of the Galaxy Ball Queen. Finalists for queen are Sandy Sawyer, sophomore, marketing; Chris Jansen, sopho¬ more, general; Catherine Dab- cock, junior, physical education; Linda Papp, junior, history and Jill Smith, sophomore, social A sirloin steak dinner will be served at 7 PM, and the dance, featuring Ralph Manfrcdo and Ills Watch This Space For More Fun & Games At The 1 Mi. E. of Campus on Show 299-9976 1965 SUMMER SESSION TOUR OF EUROPE San Fernando Valley State College 4th $1350.00, from N.Y., all-lncluslve study opUonal. year 3 to 6 units possible. Via PAN AMERICAN, TWA, SAS,TWA Visiting: ATHENS-COPENHAGEN-MADRID-NICE VIENNA-AMSTERDAM-ZURICK-PARIS FLORENCE-ROME-NAPLES-MONACO VENICE-LONDON-LUCERNE-N.Y. Depart N.Y. June 21 - Return July 26 ALSO AVAILABLE, TRANSPORTATION ONLY ROUND TRIP ON TWO FROM N.Y. TO LONDON 1325.00. DEPART JUNE 22,-RETURN SEPT. 7 Call or write: Dr. Earlo Field. Hist. DepC, San Fernando Valley State CoUege, Nortoridge, Calif., or ask for Mr. BUI Graham, tne Evening Administrator. six-plcne orchestra, will last from 0 PM untU 1 AM. Tickets for the dinner-dance will be $10, with a $3.GO charge for Uie dance only. Bids may be obtained from members of the Arnold Air Soci¬ ety, Angel's Flight or Air Force ItOTC. Health Insurance Tomorrow Is the deadline for buying student health insurance this semester. For $10.50 students can pur- be in effect through Sept. 7. 14 students will travel to fifth annual Baptist meet ASB candidates can take out papers Monday Several students from the Bap¬ tist Student Union will attend toe Fifth Annual Student Mission Conference this weekend at Gol¬ den Gate Baptist Theological Seminary at Mill Valley, Calif. Students from all over toe western United States wUl attend this conference which has as Its theme, Servants of God. "It will be an exceUent oppor¬ tunity to renew old acquaintances ami make new and lasting friend¬ ships,* commented Wayne Stacks, director of the Baptist Student Union. •There wlU be messages of inspiration and mission educa¬ tion as well as conferences and opportunities for personal Inter¬ views with outstanding men ln tho field of toeolog.-," s.ii 1 Ray¬ mond Ellis, president of the club. Personalities on the program Include WUUam Marshall, for¬ eign Mission Board member, ex¬ plaining the journeyman pro¬ gram. This ls a two-year pro¬ gram comparable to the Peace Nathan Porter, associate per¬ sonnel secretary of the Home Missions Board, wUl explain tne US-2 program, another organiza¬ tion similar to the Peace Corps working to the continental United Also speaking wUl be WUUam Dyal, from toe Christian Life Commission of the Southern Bap¬ tist Convention, and Dr. Kenneth Chafto, aprofessorofevangelism at the Soutoerwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Ten. The Drama Trio from toe Cal¬ ifornia Baptist College will be presenting a premier per- Candidates li ning for fall term / Student Bod^ offices will have their Initial start Monday when petitions for office wUl be avail¬ able in toe Activities Office. Al stake, along with ASB of¬ fices, wUl be Associated Women Students and class office positions, according to Sonla Mlsslrllan, election chairman. Deadline for return of toe pe¬ titions, according to Miss Mls¬ slrllan, wUl bo Mar. 19, at4PM. Miss Mlsslrllan emphasized potential c: fuUy study toe el f 1)111 Wallace, martyred missionary China at toe conference. The drama was written by Mrs. Jeanne Davis of the drama de¬ partment of the California Bap- Students attending are PhU Hlxsoa, Rose Moore, Allen Mc- Mlnds, Raymond "Bud* Ellis, Carolyn and VlrglnlaSmlth, Nan¬ cy Howlson, HUda Burt, Kathy Watkins, DedeAUen, Nelson Ash- craft, Linda Hayworth, Diane Wear, Carman Banks, and Tony- Perkins. Stacks will also attend. Moon will review An End to Arms A review of toe book An End to Arms by Walter MUlis will be presented by the Rev. Robert Moon Monday at noon at the So¬ cial Hall of the First Methodist Church, Tuolume and M Streets. The be tor ththe illltarlzlng prospect: world politics and ls wrlttei��a journalist who ls a serious: den', of toe polltl-al aspect: Why Rent When You Can Buy? Buy a new 2 Bedroom home for only $ A-£ ■ *■* mo. After Normal Down Payment 4914 N. Blackstone 222-6034 227-7,512 Agnostic view of book related by Dr. Smith Recital to feature award winner The controversial book Honest ) God should be placed among le dovoUonal oriented rather ie theological. So Dr. i M. professor of philosophy, whUe giving an ag¬ nostic's response to toe book at an encounter program to toe CoUege Religious Center. Written by John A. T. Rob¬ inson, Bishop of Woolwich, Hon¬ est to God's 'main appeal has seemed to be to those without theological sophistication,*com¬ mented Dr. Smith, "alUiough it ls clearly directed to those with¬ in the church. Consultant will address group WUfrled A. HoeUlge, a con¬ sultant on International business, will address a Joint professional meeting of Phi Chi Theta and Alpha Kappa Psl today at 1 PM to Science 161. Hoelllge studied at tho Univer¬ sity of Vienna and the Vienna College of Agriculture. Since 1960, he has been opera¬ ting as an Independent lecturer and consultant on International Business, with headquarters to al theology. •The book offers no significant contribution to theology due to Its vagueness,* he said. *If I were a Christian though, I could find toe book very' valuable for devoUonal purposes.* Dr. Smith discussed toe three crucial problems ln Christian theology that Robinson brought out In his book. The problems Included the doctrine of God, Christianity, and mo In discussing toe God, Robinson givi quaUUes to God, bu example of Robinson' works with no meaning,* com¬ mented Dr. Smith. Robinson says ln his book that sin ls despair. "If this ls true,* said Dr. Smith, "then we can't hold a man responsible for his sins.* According to this then, •If you have no despair, you According to Dr. Smith, Rob- personal denies him 'This ls an tnson's moral theology states: ■Love God and do as you please, because love understood properly' provides toe only universal standard upon which we can place ourselves.* "It may be a useful theology, but lt ls not an adequate guide to our conduct,* Dr. Smith pro- At a prior meeting toe Rev. Eugeen BoutUler, associate pas¬ tor of toe First CongregaUonal Church, lauded toe book as he presented a Uberal protostant's Roger Chlttlck, associate pro¬ fessor of English, will present toe Reactions of a ConservaUvo Protestant at today's Encounter program. Encounter ls a weekly luncheon series sponsored by the College •Y'. The programs meet from 12:15 noon to 1 PM. A low- cost lunch service ls avaUable. Mrs. Lynn WUgus Lewis, one of the three winners of toe 1964 Fresno Young" Artists Awards, wlU present a recital Sunday at 3 PM to toe Recital Hall of toe Music BuUdlng. Mrs. Lewis, who studied at toe University of Southern Cali¬ fornia, is one of two young women named as winners of Mu Phi EpsUon's flrstSterllngStaffCon- cert Series, a project designed to assist deserving young artists by- providing performance opportun¬ ities. Her local recital ls being spon¬ sored by toe Fresno alumnae chapter of toe International music sorority, and will be a Mu Phi EpsUon scholarship fund benefit. Mrs. Lewis has won numerous recitals including toe North Shore Choral Society Young Artists Competition ln Chicago, DI. She has participated ln many com¬ munity and university symphony orchestras and with toe Chicago Symphony. In the United States, he has been conducting Education for International Business seminars with faculty members at colleges ONE WAY ONLY CHARTER JET FLIGHTS O EUROPE August 3, 1965 San Franclsco-Parls September 9, 1965 for toformaUon: Office of International Programs California State CoUeges 1600 Holloway Avenue San Francisco, Calif. 94132 Fare: $225 one way Convenience STUDENT NEEDS MONEY-- Must sacrUlce '49 FordConv. to xlnt. cond. B cyl. stick w/o.d. R/H. New white vinyl top. New brakes, tires, clutch. 251-6563. 229-5249. Call after Ave. Campus Corral Fresno's Mobile Home Park of Distinction 1 Mi. E. of Fresno State College 5207 N. Villa 299-5284 9*0 CWomkip cTfag Sunday CEDAR AVENUE BAPTIST •YOUR CHURCH AWAY FROM HOME* 535 NO. CEDAR (Near Belmont) — Phone: 237-8 9:45 AM: College--Buslness Bible Class. 11:00 AM: Morning Worship. 6:15 PM: College—Business Fellowship. 7:30 PM: Evening Worship, Excellent Music. Irvln E. Penbertoy, D.D., Pastor Gerald Cudney, Minister ofEducatlon ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL CEDAR 4 DAKOTA The Rev. Harry B. Lee, Dean The Rev. Harold B. Thelln, Canon The Rev. R. Bruce Kirkwood, Curate :00 AM: Holy Communion 1:15 AM: Family Service. Morning Prayer :00 AM: Holy Communion and Sermon. Tuesday — 6:45 and 10:30 AM: Holy Communion Wednesday — 6:45, 10:30 AM, 12:05 and 7:30 PM: Holy Communion Thursday -- 6:45 and 10:30 AM: Holy Communion Friday — 5:15 PM: The Litany Confirmation classes -- Tuesday 7:30 PM, Saturday 9:00 AM FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TUOLUMNE ti M ST. 9:00 4 11:00 AM: Morning Worship. 9:50 AM: Sunday School. 7:00 PM: Wesley Fellowship. Revs. Robert W. Moon and Phillip B. Klml ST.COLUMBAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH PALM * SHAW- 15 AM: Holy Communion 9:30 AM ti 11:00 AM:Morning vice and Sermon 7:00 PM: Evening Prayer Rev. George Turney, Re MILLBROOK PRESBYTERIAN St. Pauls Catholic Chapel at Newman Center 1572 E. BARSTOW AVE. — Phone: 439-4641 MASSES: Sundays, 7 AM, 10 AM 4 12 Noon; School Days, 4:45 PM; School Holidays 4 Sat., 8 AM. CONFESSIONS: Sat., 3-5 PM 4 7:30-9 AM; Wed. 4 Thurs., 4:15 PM; and before Sunday Masses. Rev. Sergio P. Negro. Chaplain Si Luke's Methodist Church CORNER OF PALM 4 FOUNTAIN WAY 9:45 AM: Sunday School 11:00 AM: Wesley Fellowship 8:30 PM: Wesley FeUowship Pastor: Lynn H. Haver For rides, Call 229-8236 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 280 WEST SHAW AVE. — Phone: 229-8371 11:00 AM: Sunday Services 9:15 AM: Sunday School 8:00 PM: Wednesday Evening Testimonial Meetings FREE READING ROOM AND LENDING LIBRARY Open 12:00 to 3:30 PM Monday through Friday COLLEGE FORUM EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH, 3438 E. ASHLAN CURRENT TRENDS 4 CHRISTIAN FAITH 9:30 AM, Sunday: Coffee and Discussion Leaders: Paul Madsen, M.D., Stanley Llndqulst, PhJD. For rides, Call 222-8883. Church of The Brethren CLINTON AT NINTH STREET — Phone:227-4123 1:45 AM: Church School CoUege Class :0O AM: Morning Worship J.T. Dick, R.J. Langley, Pastors BETHEL TEMPLE A FULL GOSPEL CHURCH THOMAS 4 CLARK 9:45 AM: College and Career Class 11:00 AM: Morning Worship 5:45 PM: Youth Emphasis 7:00 PM: Evangelistic Service CALVARY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CLINTON AT THORNE — Phone: 222-5659 :30: Campus Hour 7:30: Evening Worship :30 4 11:00 : Morning Worship 6:15: Calvin CI Alan H. Brown, Minister, Dean F. Rowley, AssU Minister PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH 4672 N. CEDAR AT GETTYSBURG 8:00 4 11:00 AM: Worship Service 9:00 4 10:00 AM: Bible Classes Martin Schabacker, Pastor Karl Dunker Gamma Delta Association of Lutheran Students For Transportation, CaU 222-2320 or 299-2216 TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH IN AMERICA 3973 N. CEDAR (Near Ashlan) 8, 9 4 10:30 AM: Worship Holy Communion - 1st Sunday Philip A. Jordan, Martin J. Wager, Carl G. Okerbloom, Pastors For rides, Call 229-8581 BELMONT CHRISTIAN disciples of christ CHURCH 3425 EAST SHIELDS AVE. 9:30 AM: Church School CoUege Class 10:50 AM: Worship and Communion Rev. Carl B. Robinson, Minister For rides, CaU 222-6581 or 227-8600 |