Jan 6, 1965 Pg. 4-5 |
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Page 4 The ColUgian Wednesday, January 5, 1965 Wednesday, January 5, 1965 The Collegian Page 5 Class Schedules May Be Obtained Class schedules for the spring semester are now available for 25 cents In the Business Office In the Administration Building. ranged by division In registering for the spring semester, undergraduate stu¬ dents will pick up their regis¬ tration booklets In their advisers' offices. Returning undergrad¬ uates will pick up their booklets at the window of the student records office. New undergraduate students uate Office, Administration 124. Male students who must re¬ port to their selective service boards must fill out cards In the Women's Gymnasium afterpass- lng the checkout station and be¬ fore paying fees. Students wishing to add classes between Feb. 10-19 will pick up all forms except add cards at office win- ■io-.v. The .1 s will b FSC Has 152 Foreign Students ACHILLES ARMS APTS. FOR RENT Furn! Wall To Wall Carpet 3750 mo. Py student 229-1723 Kenneth E. Lewis of financial aids for Fresno State College, reports 152 students representing 46 countries are currently taking courses on the Iran leads the list with 32 stu¬ dents and Canada Is second with 12, according to Lewis. Engineering has the largest s * IK" taf ^m '1 R " w f; ml \ m *? ■ > A- f': % \ i *w i i *' ;*\- m ■ i ^PBf^^A .S^"d«8J8! ■V: ■■hi f Ag Division Trains Farm Crew Leaders A* FSC BENEFITS - $3,000 WORTH of equipment, including this latest arrival, has been donated to the Fresno State College Industrial Arts Department In the past year by the Ford Motor Company. Inspect¬ ing this engine and transmission are, left to right, Bill Spldell, service representative of FMC; Leslie Aldrlch, associate professor of automotive technology at FSC; and John Marcelll, service department head of the Valley Ford. FSM Ruling (Continued from Page 1) STEWARDESSES JET AGE STEWARDESSES flown b.l-..„ 70 oniTlls" Positions now available for our 1965 training classes. Campus Interviews Tuesday, January 12th For Appointment Contact The Student Placement Office. UNITED AIR LINES Professor Explores 'German Education has generally been Interpreted according to the spirit, not the letter,* said Wayne Glnsburg, a graduate student In English. *I would like to see the Associated Students constltulon Interpreted According to Glnsburg, the phrase •directly affects* is not specific. 'What affects me as a person, affects me as a Fresno State student,* he said. "Any movement involved with the rights of persons affects us as ir recent resolutions passed Student Council, that a ruling he court on this matter would owerton predicted that de- Council *a little inon tlve* In that the Rules he Student THECANDYCANE BEAUTY DEN »»» e. shields y-Z "Where Prices Are Always Reasonable For The School Girl* NOW OPEN MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8A.M. to 9 P.M., SAT. 8-5 PHONE 222-C212 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY- IS Val. Tint or Bleach Touch-Up $3 $20.00 Super Lanolin COM $8«5 Wave Re*. $20.00. Good for all types of hair including dyed or bleached hair. LOOK ITS NEW CANDY $175 #» a airrf NO BET CANES ™; CUSTOM WAVE Supervised Nursery NO ONE ELSE INTHE WORLD HAS HAIR EX¬ ACTLY LIKE YOURS . . . THAT'S WHY WE CUSTOM-CREATE YOUR PERMANENT. WE ANALYZE YOUR HAIR TEXTURE AND CON¬ DITION, DECIDE WITH YOU ON DEPTH OF WAVE AND HAIR STYLE, THEN CUSTOM BLEND A WAVE THAT IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT FOR YOU AND YOU ALONE. Reg. $12.50 Lanolin Wave $5« Cold Clalrol's Loving SUk "N Silver $2 Snampoo, Set A Mon., Tues. *Oc0l 4 Wed. only >A3Uj Monthly teaching salaries for primary teachers In East Germany begin at $100 reported Dr. Doris F. Falk, professor of biology, who recently toured that country'. Primary grades In East Ger¬ many are considered from first to fourth. Grades from fifth to eighth are considered Intermedi¬ ate. Schooling after that Is called extended secondary school. The highest salary a primary- grade teacher will reach is $170 per month. An Intermediate teacher will begin at $125 and end at $200. Extended secondary teachers are the highest paid starting at $150 and reaching about $240 per month, according to Dr. Falk. A MAN'S suit costs from $75 to $100. A simple woman's jersey- dress costs $75, said Dr. Falk. •It Is apparent that the average each costing nearly a month's salary, or even be able to afford to drive a car with the price of gasoline being equivalent to $1.50 per gallon, reported Dr. Falk. •Food and clothing are so expensive that even with the re¬ latively low rents, a teacher has very little left after paying for the bare essentials of life." Students attend classes six to seven hours daUy, including Saturdays in East Germany, com¬ mented Dr. Falk. THERE ARE many holidays. Schools arc dismissed for most of the month of October In order to harvest the potato crop. •Students have a week off at Whitsuntide, a week at Easter and Dr. Falk. When students arrive In the ninth grade of the 'extended secondary, they have studied Russian, German, and mathe¬ matics for eight years, one hour, five days a week.* They have had three years of biology, two years of chemistry, two years of each for one hour, two week. ; to look bet¬ ter on paper than In reality.* proclaimed Dr. Falk. the eighth grade. Others enter a school equiva¬ lent to our high school. Grades In this school range from nine to twelve. A student must have a *B* average to enter the school, according to Dr. Falk. Skaters CAROUSEL jPjjiS Shields 'rs&m& near Maple SAVE! Regula price 95< 65<| with S.B.I card. Sundayj through Thursday. DOUBTING THOMAS? HOPEFUL AGNOSTIC? n the U Df a MIRACLE which was foretold, ed and is intensely personal. Ask. the Religious s or send me a card marked ESP-17. My reply is on-Denominational. Christian. Manyn W. Hart. >. Glen Ridje. N.J. 07028 (USA). •rr* The Fresno State College Di¬ vision of Agriculture Is training farm crew leaders who will work with and direct youths between 16 and 18 years of age to work on farms In the Fresno County area during the 1965 harvest season. Eight FSC students have been Accounting Graduates In Heavy Demand LOS ANGELES ~ The hottest job market for college graduates today Is accounting, according to Thomas Cockroll of UCLA's Stu¬ dent and Alumni Placement Cen¬ ter. •The demand for accounting graduates by public accounting firms exceeds the supply,* he said. "That demand Is continual¬ ly Increasing.* Cockrell attributes this post¬ war boom In accounting to the country's unprecedented busi¬ ness expansion and to the present-day accountant's attrac¬ tiveness as a triple-threat man: expert advisor on auditing, taxes, and management. Profs. Albert B. Carson and H-rry Simons of UCLA's School of Business Administration added that the growing complexltles'bf tax laws have played a part In accelerating the demand for ac¬ countants, as have the Securities and Exchangelaws, which require Increasing numbers of organlza- working for three weeks and will continue to attend classes until Jan. 23 In the special Crew Loader Training Program. The project is a joint effort be¬ tween the FSC Division of Agri¬ culture, the Fresno County De¬ partment of Public Welfare, the Farm Labor Service of the Cali¬ fornia Department of Employ¬ ment, the Unlvorsltyof California Extension Service and the Fresno County Farm Bureau. The pro¬ gram Is the first of its kind in the United States. The students are DelbertRoyce Smith of Arvln, William A. Aten of Madera, James G. Mason of Hamilton City, John Scott Arnold of Wlnterhaven and Harvey Ilg, Anthony Perelra, Robert Rath and Glen D. Rask, all of Fresno. Lloyd Dowler, dean of the FSC farm school, said that the college Is pleased to have the opportunity to work with the Department of Public Welfare and the other agencies in the training of crew •The farm labor shortage that will occur during the coming sea¬ son gives added Impetus to the need for programs of this kind,* he said. *The agriculture stu¬ dents receiving this specialized training will make a real contri¬ bution to agriculture, and they will be helping to shape the lives of young men coming from under¬ privileged homes.* The faculty of experts, who have or who will be working with the crew leaders, Includes Reed Clegg, director of the Fresno County Department of Public Welfare; Jim Kelley and Maurice Larive, works project and train¬ ing coordinators for the Farm Labor office, who are actually coordinating the training ses- Dr. Wilbur P. Ball, associate professor of agricultural educa¬ tion at FSC who drew up the traln- STR Stromberg, Fresno County farm advisers; Ron Metzler, a Sanger area farmer; Earl Smlttcamp, a Clovls rancher and packer and a member of the FSC Agricultural Advisory Committee. Ron Schletewltz, FSC Orchard foreman; Martin Braun, pro¬ fessor of horticulture at FSC; John E. Manning, labor commis¬ sioner for Fresno County; L.D. McCorkendale, Agriculture Commissioner for Fresno Coun¬ ty; Herb Newman, a labor con¬ tractor; Gordon Monfort of the Central California Farmers Committee; Louis Palsgaard, - Secretary of the, Fres¬ no County FarmBi of t grapes, cutting grapes for raisins, pruning and tying vines and thinning; and cotton thinning and weeding. HELL, MICH. (UPI>--The Hell Chamber of Commerce plans a public recreation area In Satans Hills here, to open in 1966. Outdoor game space, fishing, swimming and accommodations ! planned In the w leaders Hlghw: The prospects are receiving grower-labor relations, care and use of orchard equipment, bus driving laws and procedures, fruit standards and shipping in¬ spection regulations, labor laws, functions and duties of the Farm Bureau and of the California Growers Associations, the re¬ sponsibilities of a crew leader and the methods and techniques of teaching. Dowler pointed out that the special program will also Include a review of agricultural maturity of peaches; varieties i 100-a 50-mUe radium of Detroit. special Fifteen years ago, our Company pioneered lhi idea o( an internship program lor college students interested in Time has proved ils worth. Our campus agents are trained while they're still at school, given a chance to make a propci graduation. 37% of college students pretty special—so drj others Wed be glai tell you more about i Fred Kuver 1295WishonAve. Mario Towers, Suite A 268-9274 PROVIDENT MUTUALMBBH LIFE century of dedicated si IF standard, equipment includes a lOO-cu.-in. :|45-hp V-8 mill I tuned, chambered twin |ii|*s. And "sticky" red-line tires. A frame, springs und shocks that make lean and including :l-spewl synchromtsh, 4-on-ihe-floor and Jel^way I).-alci s. The 4-4-2 is a restless beast! 'And i i years: Oldsmobili-'s l-l-'J. Sporting <und eked with 4-barrel curb and acoustically 1 front and rear stabilizers, heavy-duty Thrte transmission availabilities, too, :. Better hurry over to your Olds n America!i priced high-performanc DLDSMQBILE Try a Rocket in Action . .. Look to Olds for the New!
Object Description
Title | 1965_01 The Daily Collegian January 1965 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Jan 6, 1965 Pg. 4-5 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1965 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search |
Page 4
The ColUgian
Wednesday, January 5, 1965
Wednesday, January 5, 1965
The Collegian
Page 5
Class Schedules
May Be Obtained
Class schedules for the spring
semester are now available for
25 cents In the Business Office
In the Administration Building.
ranged by division
In registering for the spring
semester, undergraduate stu¬
dents will pick up their regis¬
tration booklets In their advisers'
offices. Returning undergrad¬
uates will pick up their booklets
at the window of the student
records office.
New undergraduate students
uate Office, Administration 124.
Male students who must re¬
port to their selective service
boards must fill out cards In the
Women's Gymnasium afterpass-
lng the checkout station and be¬
fore paying fees.
Students wishing to add classes
between Feb. 10-19 will pick up
all forms except add cards at
office win-
The .1
s will b
FSC Has 152
Foreign Students
Furn! Wall To
Wall Carpet
3750 mo. Py
Kenneth E. Lewis
of financial aids for Fresno State
College, reports 152 students
representing 46 countries are
currently taking courses on the
Iran leads the list with 32 stu¬
dents and Canada Is second with
12, according to Lewis.
Engineering has the largest
* IK"
^m '1 R "
w f;
m *? ■
> A-
f': %
\ i
*' ;*\-
■ i
■■hi f
Ag Division Trains Farm Crew Leaders
FSC BENEFITS - $3,000 WORTH of equipment, including this latest arrival, has been donated to the
Fresno State College Industrial Arts Department In the past year by the Ford Motor Company. Inspect¬
ing this engine and transmission are, left to right, Bill Spldell, service representative of FMC; Leslie
Aldrlch, associate professor of automotive technology at FSC; and John Marcelll, service department
head of the Valley Ford.
FSM Ruling
(Continued from Page 1)
flown b.l-..„ 70 oniTlls"
Positions now available for our 1965 training classes.
Campus Interviews
Tuesday, January 12th
For Appointment Contact
The Student Placement Office.
Professor Explores
'German Education
has generally been Interpreted
according to the spirit, not the
letter,* said Wayne Glnsburg, a
graduate student In English. *I
would like to see the Associated
Students constltulon Interpreted
According to Glnsburg, the
phrase •directly affects* is not
specific. 'What affects me as a
person, affects me as a Fresno
State student,* he said. "Any
movement involved with the
rights of persons affects us as
ir recent resolutions passed
Student Council, that a ruling
he court on this matter would
owerton predicted that de-
Council *a little inon
tlve* In that the Rules
he Student
BEAUTY DEN »»» e. shields
y-Z "Where Prices Are Always Reasonable For The School Girl*
IS Val. Tint or Bleach
$20.00 Super Lanolin
COM $8«5
Re*. $20.00. Good for
all types of hair
including dyed or
bleached hair.
CANDY $175
#» a airrf NO BET
Supervised Nursery
Reg. $12.50 Lanolin
Wave $5«
Clalrol's Loving
SUk "N Silver $2
Snampoo, Set A
Mon., Tues. *Oc0l
4 Wed. only >A3Uj
Monthly teaching salaries for
primary teachers In East
Germany begin at $100 reported
Dr. Doris F. Falk, professor of
biology, who recently toured that
Primary grades In East Ger¬
many are considered from first
to fourth. Grades from fifth to
eighth are considered Intermedi¬
ate. Schooling after that Is called
extended secondary school.
The highest salary a primary-
grade teacher will reach is $170
per month. An Intermediate
teacher will begin at $125 and end
at $200. Extended secondary
teachers are the highest paid
starting at $150 and reaching
about $240 per month, according
to Dr. Falk.
A MAN'S suit costs from $75
to $100. A simple woman's jersey-
dress costs $75, said Dr. Falk.
•It Is apparent that the average
each costing nearly a month's
salary, or even be able to afford
to drive a car with the price of
gasoline being equivalent to $1.50
per gallon, reported Dr. Falk.
•Food and clothing are so
expensive that even with the re¬
latively low rents, a teacher has
very little left after paying for
the bare essentials of life."
Students attend classes six to
seven hours daUy, including
Saturdays in East Germany, com¬
mented Dr. Falk.
THERE ARE many holidays.
Schools arc dismissed for most
of the month of October In order
to harvest the potato crop.
•Students have a week off at
Whitsuntide, a week at Easter and
Dr. Falk.
When students arrive In the
ninth grade of the 'extended
secondary, they have studied
Russian, German, and mathe¬
matics for eight years, one hour,
five days a week.* They have had
three years of biology, two years
of chemistry, two years of
each for one hour, two
; to look bet¬
ter on paper than In reality.*
proclaimed Dr. Falk.
the eighth grade.
Others enter a school equiva¬
lent to our high school. Grades
In this school range from nine
to twelve. A student must have
a *B* average to enter the school,
according to Dr. Falk.
jPjjiS Shields
'rs&m& near
95< 65<|
with S.B.I
through Thursday.
n the U
Df a MIRACLE which was foretold,
ed and is intensely personal. Ask. the Religious
s or send me a card marked ESP-17. My reply is
on-Denominational. Christian. Manyn W. Hart.
>. Glen Ridje. N.J. 07028 (USA).
The Fresno State College Di¬
vision of Agriculture Is training
farm crew leaders who will work
with and direct youths between 16
and 18 years of age to work on
farms In the Fresno County area
during the 1965 harvest season.
Eight FSC students have been
Graduates In
Heavy Demand
LOS ANGELES ~ The hottest
job market for college graduates
today Is accounting, according to
Thomas Cockroll of UCLA's Stu¬
dent and Alumni Placement Cen¬
•The demand for accounting
graduates by public accounting
firms exceeds the supply,* he
said. "That demand Is continual¬
ly Increasing.*
Cockrell attributes this post¬
war boom In accounting to the
country's unprecedented busi¬
ness expansion and to the
present-day accountant's attrac¬
tiveness as a triple-threat man:
expert advisor on auditing, taxes,
and management.
Profs. Albert B. Carson and
H-rry Simons of UCLA's School
of Business Administration added
that the growing complexltles'bf
tax laws have played a part In
accelerating the demand for ac¬
countants, as have the Securities
and Exchangelaws, which require
Increasing numbers of organlza-
working for three weeks and will
continue to attend classes until
Jan. 23 In the special
Crew Loader Training Program.
The project is a joint effort be¬
tween the FSC Division of Agri¬
culture, the Fresno County De¬
partment of Public Welfare, the
Farm Labor Service of the Cali¬
fornia Department of Employ¬
ment, the Unlvorsltyof California
Extension Service and the Fresno
County Farm Bureau. The pro¬
gram Is the first of its kind in
the United States.
The students are DelbertRoyce
Smith of Arvln, William A. Aten
of Madera, James G. Mason of
Hamilton City, John Scott Arnold
of Wlnterhaven and Harvey Ilg,
Anthony Perelra, Robert Rath
and Glen D. Rask, all of Fresno.
Lloyd Dowler, dean of the FSC
farm school, said that the college
Is pleased to have the opportunity
to work with the Department of
Public Welfare and the other
agencies in the training of crew
•The farm labor shortage that
will occur during the coming sea¬
son gives added Impetus to the
need for programs of this kind,*
he said. *The agriculture stu¬
dents receiving this specialized
training will make a real contri¬
bution to agriculture, and they
will be helping to shape the lives
of young men coming from under¬
privileged homes.*
The faculty of experts, who
have or who will be working with
the crew leaders, Includes Reed
Clegg, director of the Fresno
County Department of Public
Welfare; Jim Kelley and Maurice
Larive, works project and train¬
ing coordinators for the Farm
Labor office, who are actually
coordinating the training ses-
Dr. Wilbur P. Ball, associate
professor of agricultural educa¬
tion at FSC who drew up the traln-
Stromberg, Fresno County farm
advisers; Ron Metzler, a Sanger
area farmer; Earl Smlttcamp, a
Clovls rancher and packer and a
member of the FSC Agricultural
Advisory Committee.
Ron Schletewltz, FSC Orchard
foreman; Martin Braun, pro¬
fessor of horticulture at FSC;
John E. Manning, labor commis¬
sioner for Fresno County; L.D.
McCorkendale, Agriculture
Commissioner for Fresno Coun¬
ty; Herb Newman, a labor con¬
tractor; Gordon Monfort of the
Central California Farmers
Committee; Louis Palsgaard,
- Secretary of the, Fres¬
no County FarmBi
of t
grapes, cutting grapes for
raisins, pruning and tying vines
and thinning; and cotton thinning
and weeding.
HELL, MICH. (UPI>--The Hell
Chamber of Commerce plans a
public recreation area In Satans
Hills here, to open in 1966.
Outdoor game space, fishing,
swimming and accommodations
! planned In the
w leaders
The prospects
are receiving
grower-labor relations, care and
use of orchard equipment, bus
driving laws and procedures,
fruit standards and shipping in¬
spection regulations, labor laws,
functions and duties of the Farm
Bureau and of the California
Growers Associations, the re¬
sponsibilities of a crew leader
and the methods and techniques
of teaching. Dowler pointed out
that the special program will also
Include a review of agricultural
maturity of peaches; varieties i
50-mUe radium of Detroit.
Fifteen years ago, our
Company pioneered lhi
idea o( an internship
program lor college
students interested in
Time has proved
ils worth.
Our campus agents are
trained while they're
still at school, given a
chance to make a propci
graduation. 37% of
college students
pretty special—so drj
others Wed be glai
tell you more about i
Fred Kuver
Mario Towers, Suite A
century of dedicated si
standard, equipment includes a lOO-cu.-in. :|45-hp V-8 mill I
tuned, chambered twin |ii|*s. And "sticky" red-line tires. A
frame, springs und shocks that make lean and
including :l-spewl synchromtsh, 4-on-ihe-floor and Jel^way
s. The 4-4-2 is a restless beast! 'And i
i years: Oldsmobili-'s l-l-'J. Sporting |