Dec 11, 1961 Pg. 2-3 |
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—The Fresno State College Collegian EDITORIAL COMMENTS Fraternity Row - When? The proposed "Fraternity Row" for Fresno State College, which is supposed-to be located at the southwest con East Barstow and North Millbrook Avenues, is getting some lucky breaks from the various city commissions and boards. Last week, over the strong objections of zoning adjust ment board member William Donleavey, the FSC Foundatioi was granted a variance on parking restrictions adjoining th. still mythical "Fraternity Row." The first variance, granted in October, I960, lapsed. Th. Foundation sought another, and won. Donleavey objected t< fact that the variance does pot specify the number o: which must be provided for — one space for each rest dent or one space for two residents. Two future neighbors of the "Greeks," Kenneth Barnhart and Harold Scharf. both living on Barstow Ave., objected one for two proposition, but did not object t or 30 or 10 automobiles, and the lo house 10-60 brothers. This is only the latest step in the "Fraternity Row" bid by locals. Last year one of the fraternities decided they to be first on the little "Hell's Half Acre" and planted a tent Since then, nothing. Every year the students and fraternities arc told that t ildings will be built in "the near future." They have be ring this year after year. "In the near future" has passed and only weeds grow, ca i refuse collect, and the college's Greek system remai read throughout the city of Fresno. »t some of the groups hope to begin construction ne LARRY ADAMS $1.50 FSC HAIRCUTS $1.50 <S CLASSES TCMSS BAUER SHOP BARBER SHOP § (^klnnpMouim % *C SHAW AT PALM jL 3§ for lasting Christmas Gifts tSt. OaUe Center Pieces # JJut% Sboo, WrealL The Season's Finest Artificial Floral Arrangements — perfect to brighten your room Phone 222-7751 f Gospel Music & Supply Invites you to see the GREATEST SELMERS EVER: Play the new MARK VI SAXOPHONE and the SERIES 9 CLARINET You will quickly see why OVER 80 V. of ALL Professional players choose SELMER 2901 N. Blackstone LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS TOC*r*(*rnV-AT *i£^J£%Sti&" Agribits Rodeo Team Places Third In Arizona Meet BIBLES THE* PERFECT OIFT FOR CHRISTMAS FRESNO BIBLE HOUSE / Did It Myself... AT THE NfW SUf SERVICE N0RGE COIN-OPERATED CLEANING & LAUNDROMAT 12 SWEATERS I PASS 0F SLACKS 3 MBTS SUITS 8 SKIRTS >r On Duty To H.lp You Possibility Of Radiation Cure Being Tested THE COLLEGIAN zHanszysa CLOVIS AVE. CLOVIS On Campus» FROM SEA TO SHINING SEA America great; it if curiosity—the constant quest to fi answers-tie endless, resiles. "Wnyf" "WhyT" "Why?". Therefore, when I waa told that Marlboro waa a top sel accept thai gratifyins; fact, I tried myself to campuaes First, I went to the Iry appropriate costume: a akuU-and-bones in one hand, a triangle in the other, a mask-end-wig on my head, a hasty pudding ia my chops. "Sir," I cried, seising an Ivy Leaguer by the lapels, which is no mean task considering the narrowness of Iry League lapels, but, I, fortunately, happen to have little tiny hand.; in fact, I rpent the last war working in a small arms plant where, I rofth agaratte with the unfiltered taste." "Oh, thank you, sir!" I cried and ran posthaste to several amposea in the Big Ten, wearing, of course, the appropriate Spying an apple-cheeked young coed, I tugged my forelock and said, "Excuse me, mia», but how coma Marlboro ia your favorite niter cigarette?" "I'm glad you asked that question, Shorty," she replied. "Marlboro ia my favorite filter cigarette because Use Savor ia flavorful, the flip-top bog flips and the soft-rack is soft.'' "Marlboro i. our fa. and daughter, of the wide open space, want a cigarette that ia frank and forthright and honest W. "Oh, thank you, all," I cried an." nil for Hawaii, because in Hawaii, aa in every Mate when Old Glory flies, Marlboro is the leading seller in flip-top box. Ob Cross Currents Will Discuss Christmas Fete West Side.. (Continued from ■Pag, I) , i, Fresno Stote College Collegian ie San Mateo Superintendent . Sophomore Service Club : . To Discuss Queen's I sand — roughly FSC Business Fraternity Members Are Feted AM 8-9274 PROVIDENT MUTUAL COLLEGIAN CALENDAR I:O0 — CollefcT Y ChrUlraaa Wednfwday, Dec. 1 Election ... (Contintiid on Pag, 3/ psychology major. . Third-Round Play r^.Thre- Engineer Will Be Ag Speaker Newsmen ... (Continued from Pag. I) PARADISE PIZZA Open Dally ol 11.30 AM. — Sundays 4r00 P.M. 4498 N. BIACKSTONE BA 9-0798 American-Parisian Laundries and Cleaners "Say" 15% discount . ON ALL REGULAR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANED GARMENTS At Our Cash and Carry Locations... 3.—3221 E. Tulare 1 —743 Blockstone 4.-Monchester Center In Cedar Lanes 2.—65 N. Fulton (on tho Promenade) Shopping Cenl. GREAT BETWEEN COURSES! CLOVIS INVITL5 YOU - TO TAKE TUe SUORT ROUTEJ^r^^j" FS.C. CAMPVJ5 r^JLevas> cvrreL ^ .. and Santa says — "You'll save more $$$ and spend less time shopping in CLOVIS. Lots of room to park your sleigh, tool" EDWIN'S JEWELERS EMU'S BARBER SHOP O.OVIS APfUANCE ECONOMY CLEANERS THE MERCHANTS OF CLOVIS
Object Description
Title | 1961_12 The Daily Collegian December 1961 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1961 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Dec 11, 1961 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1961 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
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—The Fresno State College Collegian
Fraternity Row - When?
The proposed "Fraternity Row" for Fresno State College,
which is supposed-to be located at the southwest con
East Barstow and North Millbrook Avenues, is getting some
lucky breaks from the various city commissions and boards.
Last week, over the strong objections of zoning adjust
ment board member William Donleavey, the FSC Foundatioi
was granted a variance on parking restrictions adjoining th.
still mythical "Fraternity Row."
The first variance, granted in October, I960, lapsed. Th.
Foundation sought another, and won. Donleavey objected t<
fact that the variance does pot specify the number o:
which must be provided for — one space for each rest
dent or one space for two residents.
Two future neighbors of the "Greeks," Kenneth Barnhart
and Harold Scharf. both living on Barstow Ave., objected
one for two proposition, but did not object t
or 30 or 10 automobiles, and the
lo house 10-60 brothers.
This is only the latest step in the "Fraternity Row" bid by
locals. Last year one of the fraternities decided they
to be first on the little "Hell's Half Acre" and planted a tent
Since then, nothing.
Every year the students and fraternities arc told that t
ildings will be built in "the near future." They have be
ring this year after year.
"In the near future" has passed and only weeds grow, ca
i refuse collect, and the college's Greek system remai
read throughout the city of Fresno.
»t some of the groups hope to begin construction ne
$1.50 FSC HAIRCUTS $1.50 |