Oct 30, 1987 Pg. 8 |
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-Page 8- __k Friday, October 30.1967 c Vegetarianism facts explained By Denise Cedar Special to the Collegian What is vegetarianism and why do people decide to become vegetarians are some«f the questions people often ask. Despite the fact that most people think vegetarians are limited to only fruits and vegetables, there are many types of vegetarians. A Vegan is a person who does not eat any kind of animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy products. A Lacto-ovo-vegetarian is a person who includes dairy products and eggs in his or her diet. A Lacto-ovo- pesco-vegetarian includes fish as well as dairy products and eggs. People become vegetarians for a variety of reasons. Cruelty to animals, world hunger and the ethics of using grain and soybeans to feed animals for meat instead of to feed hungry people are among the reasons why people decide to uscome vegetarians. Some people wish to avoid the higher fat or cholesterol levels of a meat-centered diet Others are concerned about the many drugs in animal feed, some of which leave residues in meat, poultry, eggs and milk. ~ One problem associated with a vegetarian diet is the insufficient amounts of Vitamin B-12. Since Vitamin B-12 is found only in animals and animal products, this vitamin may be deficient. Vegetarians can consume B-12 \ fortified soymilk and cereals to fulfill ) then-need. Iron can also be a problem because iron in plant foods is not absorbed as well by your body, as iron in animal foods. Iron is better absorbed if it is eaten with Vitamin C foods such as. orange juice and broccoli. Cooking in iron skillets also adds iron to the diet. Protein can be lacking in the vegetarian diet if the individual does.not know how to get protein from plant foods. Proteins are made of building blocks called amino acids, some of which are called essential amino acids because our bodies cannot make them, but must obtain them from food. A complete protein has all the essential amino adds. An incomplete protein lacks one or more. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are complete proteins. Plant foods are incomplete proteins. However, a, vegan can combine incomplete proteins to get a complete protein; this is called complementing proteins. Legumes (peanuts, beans, peas and lentils) are low in the essential amino acid, methionine, but high in lysine. Grains (rice, com, wheat other cereals) are high in methionine, bdt kWin lysine. If you eat legumes and grains together, they cancel out each other's weaknesses and make up a complete protein. Other complementary 294-2216 COUP/CLUCKS KLAN PROBABLY WON' V BULLDOG BASKETBALL 1987-88 FRESNO STATE STUDENT SEASON TICKETS LOTTERY SALE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS THIS FRIDAY You must turn in an application to the Ticket Office to be eligible for Monday's Lottery. SEASON TICKET-$71.00 Limit Two CALL 294-DOGS FOR INFO combinations are legumes and seeds, or grains and milk or cheese. Complementary foods should be eaten at the same meal or within a few hours of each other. Some examples are: a grain and bean casserole, lentil soup wj^h bread, cheese enchiladas or bean burritos, tofu and rice, salad with garbanzo beans, and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top, etc. You can probably think of other examples-that are common foods such as a peanut butter sandwich (legume and grain) or pizza (cheese and grain). A final word on vegetarian diets pertains to ln»i_thand fat. If you are considering a vegetarian diet for health reasons, it is still important to avoid high levels of fiat in yourtriet. For this reason, you will want to choose lower fat dairy products (if you include dairy products) and avoid large amounts of high-fat foods such as peanut butter or avocado.' More Toppings FRESH QUALITY PIZZA DELIVERY MENU Cooked to perfection, we'll cook It any way you YOUR CHOICE OF TOPPINGS «*£jlV I.Pepperoni 5. Pineapple 9. Sausage 13. Salami 2. Black Olives 6. Fresh Tomatoes 10.LiM)fca 14. Ground Beef 3. Canadian Bacon 7. Anchovies 1Ir^rfeb Peppers 15. Onions 4. Fresh Mushrooms 8. Jalapeno Peppers 12. Italian Sausage 16. Cheese Small Medium Large Plain Cheese ' One Topping Two Toppings Three Toppings Four Toppings 4.20 5.20 5.90 6.60 7.30 6.50 7.85 7.55 8.95 8.45 10.00 9.35 11.05 10.25 *\ 12.10 COMBINATION 1 6 toppings! A lot of cheese of course, pepperoni, fresh mush¬ rooms, black olives, green peppers, onions and sausage 6.50 9.35 _/;l2.10 VEGETARIAN ^^1^^ We start with whole milk cheese, fresh mushrooms, fresh sliced tomatoes, black olives, green peppers and onions. 6.50 • 9.35 12.10 SUPER BULLDOG COMBINATION 10 toppings! Salami, fresh mushrooms, green pepper, Italian sausage, linguica, pepperoni, black olives.onions, ground beef and anchovies (upon request) 7.20 • 10,25 13.15 YOUR FAVORITE DRINKS Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, A & W root beer, Mountain Dew, Mandarin Orange Slice. Also proudly serving New York Seltzer (vanilla creme, orange, raspberry, cola-berry and root beer.) . f • Parmesan chetese & red pepper packets'available upon request * Pizza Party Specials available* I university Contact John our "Party Specialist" campu: A PIZZA YOU CAN 9FLIEVE IN *: DELIVERY COUPON 431-3675 Small pizza with one topping and 2 drinks for only $5.97. Additional 2 drinks only $1.00 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 31. ig_7 DELIVERY COUPON fV 431-3675 ■• COUPON EXPIRES OEC 31.19S7 DELIVERY COUPON I 431-3675 • COUPON EXPIRES DEC 31. 1M7 Medium pl7_a with one topping J and 2 drinks for only $8.32. • Additional 2 drlnka only $1.00 * • Ngt good w*h any otrwr coupon of offer • «Large pizza with one topping • and 2 drinks for only $9.72. • Additional 2 drinks only $1.00 * t- fu >
Object Description
Title | 1987_10 The Daily Collegian October 1987 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1987 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Oct 30, 1987 Pg. 8 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1987 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | -Page 8- __k Friday, October 30.1967 c Vegetarianism facts explained By Denise Cedar Special to the Collegian What is vegetarianism and why do people decide to become vegetarians are some«f the questions people often ask. Despite the fact that most people think vegetarians are limited to only fruits and vegetables, there are many types of vegetarians. A Vegan is a person who does not eat any kind of animal foods such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs or dairy products. A Lacto-ovo-vegetarian is a person who includes dairy products and eggs in his or her diet. A Lacto-ovo- pesco-vegetarian includes fish as well as dairy products and eggs. People become vegetarians for a variety of reasons. Cruelty to animals, world hunger and the ethics of using grain and soybeans to feed animals for meat instead of to feed hungry people are among the reasons why people decide to uscome vegetarians. Some people wish to avoid the higher fat or cholesterol levels of a meat-centered diet Others are concerned about the many drugs in animal feed, some of which leave residues in meat, poultry, eggs and milk. ~ One problem associated with a vegetarian diet is the insufficient amounts of Vitamin B-12. Since Vitamin B-12 is found only in animals and animal products, this vitamin may be deficient. Vegetarians can consume B-12 \ fortified soymilk and cereals to fulfill ) then-need. Iron can also be a problem because iron in plant foods is not absorbed as well by your body, as iron in animal foods. Iron is better absorbed if it is eaten with Vitamin C foods such as. orange juice and broccoli. Cooking in iron skillets also adds iron to the diet. Protein can be lacking in the vegetarian diet if the individual does.not know how to get protein from plant foods. Proteins are made of building blocks called amino acids, some of which are called essential amino acids because our bodies cannot make them, but must obtain them from food. A complete protein has all the essential amino adds. An incomplete protein lacks one or more. Meat, fish, eggs and dairy products are complete proteins. Plant foods are incomplete proteins. However, a, vegan can combine incomplete proteins to get a complete protein; this is called complementing proteins. Legumes (peanuts, beans, peas and lentils) are low in the essential amino acid, methionine, but high in lysine. Grains (rice, com, wheat other cereals) are high in methionine, bdt kWin lysine. If you eat legumes and grains together, they cancel out each other's weaknesses and make up a complete protein. Other complementary 294-2216 COUP/CLUCKS KLAN PROBABLY WON' V BULLDOG BASKETBALL 1987-88 FRESNO STATE STUDENT SEASON TICKETS LOTTERY SALE APPLICATION DEADLINE IS THIS FRIDAY You must turn in an application to the Ticket Office to be eligible for Monday's Lottery. SEASON TICKET-$71.00 Limit Two CALL 294-DOGS FOR INFO combinations are legumes and seeds, or grains and milk or cheese. Complementary foods should be eaten at the same meal or within a few hours of each other. Some examples are: a grain and bean casserole, lentil soup wj^h bread, cheese enchiladas or bean burritos, tofu and rice, salad with garbanzo beans, and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top, etc. You can probably think of other examples-that are common foods such as a peanut butter sandwich (legume and grain) or pizza (cheese and grain). A final word on vegetarian diets pertains to ln»i_thand fat. If you are considering a vegetarian diet for health reasons, it is still important to avoid high levels of fiat in yourtriet. For this reason, you will want to choose lower fat dairy products (if you include dairy products) and avoid large amounts of high-fat foods such as peanut butter or avocado.' More Toppings FRESH QUALITY PIZZA DELIVERY MENU Cooked to perfection, we'll cook It any way you YOUR CHOICE OF TOPPINGS «*£jlV I.Pepperoni 5. Pineapple 9. Sausage 13. Salami 2. Black Olives 6. Fresh Tomatoes 10.LiM)fca 14. Ground Beef 3. Canadian Bacon 7. Anchovies 1Ir^rfeb Peppers 15. Onions 4. Fresh Mushrooms 8. Jalapeno Peppers 12. Italian Sausage 16. Cheese Small Medium Large Plain Cheese ' One Topping Two Toppings Three Toppings Four Toppings 4.20 5.20 5.90 6.60 7.30 6.50 7.85 7.55 8.95 8.45 10.00 9.35 11.05 10.25 *\ 12.10 COMBINATION 1 6 toppings! A lot of cheese of course, pepperoni, fresh mush¬ rooms, black olives, green peppers, onions and sausage 6.50 9.35 _/;l2.10 VEGETARIAN ^^1^^ We start with whole milk cheese, fresh mushrooms, fresh sliced tomatoes, black olives, green peppers and onions. 6.50 • 9.35 12.10 SUPER BULLDOG COMBINATION 10 toppings! Salami, fresh mushrooms, green pepper, Italian sausage, linguica, pepperoni, black olives.onions, ground beef and anchovies (upon request) 7.20 • 10,25 13.15 YOUR FAVORITE DRINKS Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, A & W root beer, Mountain Dew, Mandarin Orange Slice. Also proudly serving New York Seltzer (vanilla creme, orange, raspberry, cola-berry and root beer.) . f • Parmesan chetese & red pepper packets'available upon request * Pizza Party Specials available* I university Contact John our "Party Specialist" campu: A PIZZA YOU CAN 9FLIEVE IN *: DELIVERY COUPON 431-3675 Small pizza with one topping and 2 drinks for only $5.97. Additional 2 drinks only $1.00 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 31. ig_7 DELIVERY COUPON fV 431-3675 ■• COUPON EXPIRES OEC 31.19S7 DELIVERY COUPON I 431-3675 • COUPON EXPIRES DEC 31. 1M7 Medium pl7_a with one topping J and 2 drinks for only $8.32. • Additional 2 drlnka only $1.00 * • Ngt good w*h any otrwr coupon of offer • «Large pizza with one topping • and 2 drinks for only $9.72. • Additional 2 drinks only $1.00 * t- fu > |