Oct 26, 1959 Pg. 2-3 |
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EDITORIAL COMMENTS Chow Situation Needs Rehash —The Fresno Store College Collegian— students, but this V..V, it the food can be claimed as a reason for complaints but let us point out a few items. j Generally, the complaint- seem lo center around the break-j fast meal. Students complain they arc not getting enough of] the right foods. They say eggs are scarce, and bacon Transportation Troubles Not New To FSC Rooters is even more scarce. A combination of the two has not becn'l™ I * •Til ^^ f -«i>e«. Exchange AggiesTell Of The complaints have no! come from the students getting ^ «*S» te.1 from the first porejgn parm Pr0b|e.T.S rtr.r COLLEGIAN =3T. ii, we feel the gripes: aving something ot eafel. 1 f i iv thai Last year a student-faculty committee made several recom¬ mendations for improvement of the services but the report and its impacts seemed to fade into the records file. Since the cafeteria is a student association operated facil¬ ity, we suggest serious consideration be given to the matter. FSC students deserve the best food they can get for theirl money and if a way can be found to give them more or better food it should be pursued. LETTER TO THE EDITOR DRIVE SAFELY! CEDAR HEIGHTS SHOE REPAIR At last! A breakfast drink you can keep in your room More vttamln C than orange Juice. New instant TANG is the breakfast drink you can keep right on your bookshelf—because TANG keeps any- where without refrigeration. sry morning and get more vitamin C than orange or gives you. Plus vitamin A. Tastes real good, too. get TANG I !). Must relate to TANG. Will pay J25 (or nr.iaiinn j National Advertising Senice, Int PATRONIZE OUR ADVERJISm With l^Sfaolnari woJ"l Wo, a TVen-ooe thrarf'," Loee, of DobieGMi,", etc.) LANGUAGE MADE SIMPLE: NO. 1 In this day of swift internstional communications, like radio, television, and the ra/t, it becomes more snd more Importaiil to be solidly grounded in foreign Ungusgos. Accordingly, t liar, asked the makers of Thilip Morris whether I might not a lesson in language. "Of course, silly!" chuckled the makers of Philip Morris, tousling my yellow locks. Oh, grand men they are, just as full of natural goodness as the cigarettes they make, just a* clean and fresh, just aa friendly, just ss agreeable to have along in all times snd clime* snd places. "Of course, fond boy," laughed the makers and tossed me up and down in a blanket until, giddy with giggUng, I bade them desist, and then we all had basins of farina and smoked Philip Morrises and sang songs until tho sc and conjugate? What m. PIERRE: I have regret, but I am a stranger here myself. CLAUDE: fa it that you come from th. France? PIERRE: You have right ^CL^DE^I .bo. Come, let us mount the airplane and return d*Xte** "™"defCTdta» -noUn« -" «»• *+» 1-SBE&'"' " "** *— "-»' Wm ^u have a PIERRE: Merey. ***££« H°W m"7 Tm h" UW ~* «W -» °* tt* short blaelrsmith has only three. J3LAUDE: In the garden of my *unt it make, warm in the PIERRE: Wutaeoiwidencel In U«^denof »»aunt too! ^CLAUD^Ah. w, „ Urging. p^ard how the airplane PIERRE: Whst shell yoa do in th. France? CLAUDE: I shall make a rsroroenade and ' ' hu PIERRE: I *b*U try to pick up the CLAUDE: Long hve the Prance! tri. agriibln, iJJ," Bulldogs Rip Poly 2843, Victory Ups CCAA Title Hopes By Bernie Knoll The Fresno State College Bulldogs, displaying an explosiveIM „ffe:i-ive attack and a stn.n- , ;,,.,,.,, >.'kovpt, 9» up" Cal Poly Mi, San Luis ObiS|K)'s Poly stadium with a 2S-1.1 victorv'^-.tit day night ^_ ( ♦ -Th- Fresno Stoto College Collegian Cage Squad Cut Vandenburgh Continues Heavy Workouts By Jim Hoagland lo State varsity basketball coach Bill Vandenburgh squad to a Workable size of 16 yesterday as he con¬ n's conditioning and skills program in practice WHOLESALE Four late model clean cars to be sold at, or just above wholesale bluebook. Most Contact JERRY JACKSON At Main Office 850 "L" St. AM 8-4721 Art-smart and thrifty too! Perfect sizes for dramatic groupings, wall arrangements Sale! decorative brush-stroke prints e Magnificent color rcproduclions of the world's best-loved art e The look, feel and depth of original oil paintings e Already mounted on board ... covered with protective varnish First tints sttMsamasInrpriesI Quality brush-stroke prints to Ct the new decorating trend to smaller pictures, and mere of them! These colorful reproductions measure llxl< aad 12x16 Inches—just the right sixes to us. In decoraUTe group! rigs, or to Intersperse with your larfer prints la eje-storping wall arrangements. Mil or match subjects, rsry the IOO slses, let your imagination run riot... you're son to win compliment* with the attractire effects you'll create. Rash In—700.11 want a gallery of them at this tiny pries) Hcssso, Cessnas, Van Gogh, Utrfflo, Renoir, BraqM, Mstlsse, Xodlglianl, Chagall, FoujiU, Laurcncin, Wood, Bradbury, and SALE! Solid Oak Frames to Kit—1.13 each On SALE NOW at the BOOKSTORE
Object Description
Title | 1959_10 The Daily Collegian October 1959 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1959 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Oct 26, 1959 Pg. 2-3 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1959 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search | EDITORIAL COMMENTS Chow Situation Needs Rehash —The Fresno Store College Collegian— students, but this V..V, it the food can be claimed as a reason for complaints but let us point out a few items. j Generally, the complaint- seem lo center around the break-j fast meal. Students complain they arc not getting enough of] the right foods. They say eggs are scarce, and bacon Transportation Troubles Not New To FSC Rooters is even more scarce. A combination of the two has not becn'l™ I * •Til ^^ f -«i>e«. Exchange AggiesTell Of The complaints have no! come from the students getting ^ «*S» te.1 from the first porejgn parm Pr0b|e.T.S rtr.r COLLEGIAN =3T. ii, we feel the gripes: aving something ot eafel. 1 f i iv thai Last year a student-faculty committee made several recom¬ mendations for improvement of the services but the report and its impacts seemed to fade into the records file. Since the cafeteria is a student association operated facil¬ ity, we suggest serious consideration be given to the matter. FSC students deserve the best food they can get for theirl money and if a way can be found to give them more or better food it should be pursued. LETTER TO THE EDITOR DRIVE SAFELY! CEDAR HEIGHTS SHOE REPAIR At last! A breakfast drink you can keep in your room More vttamln C than orange Juice. New instant TANG is the breakfast drink you can keep right on your bookshelf—because TANG keeps any- where without refrigeration. sry morning and get more vitamin C than orange or gives you. Plus vitamin A. Tastes real good, too. get TANG I !). Must relate to TANG. Will pay J25 (or nr.iaiinn j National Advertising Senice, Int PATRONIZE OUR ADVERJISm With l^Sfaolnari woJ"l Wo, a TVen-ooe thrarf'," Loee, of DobieGMi,", etc.) LANGUAGE MADE SIMPLE: NO. 1 In this day of swift internstional communications, like radio, television, and the ra/t, it becomes more snd more Importaiil to be solidly grounded in foreign Ungusgos. Accordingly, t liar, asked the makers of Thilip Morris whether I might not a lesson in language. "Of course, silly!" chuckled the makers of Philip Morris, tousling my yellow locks. Oh, grand men they are, just as full of natural goodness as the cigarettes they make, just a* clean and fresh, just aa friendly, just ss agreeable to have along in all times snd clime* snd places. "Of course, fond boy," laughed the makers and tossed me up and down in a blanket until, giddy with giggUng, I bade them desist, and then we all had basins of farina and smoked Philip Morrises and sang songs until tho sc and conjugate? What m. PIERRE: I have regret, but I am a stranger here myself. CLAUDE: fa it that you come from th. France? PIERRE: You have right ^CL^DE^I .bo. Come, let us mount the airplane and return d*Xte** "™"defCTdta» -noUn« -" «»• *+» 1-SBE&'"' " "** *— "-»' Wm ^u have a PIERRE: Merey. ***££« H°W m"7 Tm h" UW ~* «W -» °* tt* short blaelrsmith has only three. J3LAUDE: In the garden of my *unt it make, warm in the PIERRE: Wutaeoiwidencel In U«^denof »»aunt too! ^CLAUD^Ah. w, „ Urging. p^ard how the airplane PIERRE: Whst shell yoa do in th. France? CLAUDE: I shall make a rsroroenade and ' ' hu PIERRE: I *b*U try to pick up the CLAUDE: Long hve the Prance! tri. agriibln, iJJ," Bulldogs Rip Poly 2843, Victory Ups CCAA Title Hopes By Bernie Knoll The Fresno State College Bulldogs, displaying an explosiveIM „ffe:i-ive attack and a stn.n- , ;,,.,,.,, >.'kovpt, 9» up" Cal Poly Mi, San Luis ObiS|K)'s Poly stadium with a 2S-1.1 victorv'^-.tit day night ^_ ( ♦ -Th- Fresno Stoto College Collegian Cage Squad Cut Vandenburgh Continues Heavy Workouts By Jim Hoagland lo State varsity basketball coach Bill Vandenburgh squad to a Workable size of 16 yesterday as he con¬ n's conditioning and skills program in practice WHOLESALE Four late model clean cars to be sold at, or just above wholesale bluebook. Most Contact JERRY JACKSON At Main Office 850 "L" St. AM 8-4721 Art-smart and thrifty too! Perfect sizes for dramatic groupings, wall arrangements Sale! decorative brush-stroke prints e Magnificent color rcproduclions of the world's best-loved art e The look, feel and depth of original oil paintings e Already mounted on board ... covered with protective varnish First tints sttMsamasInrpriesI Quality brush-stroke prints to Ct the new decorating trend to smaller pictures, and mere of them! These colorful reproductions measure llxl< aad 12x16 Inches—just the right sixes to us. In decoraUTe group! rigs, or to Intersperse with your larfer prints la eje-storping wall arrangements. Mil or match subjects, rsry the IOO slses, let your imagination run riot... you're son to win compliment* with the attractire effects you'll create. Rash In—700.11 want a gallery of them at this tiny pries) Hcssso, Cessnas, Van Gogh, Utrfflo, Renoir, BraqM, Mstlsse, Xodlglianl, Chagall, FoujiU, Laurcncin, Wood, Bradbury, and SALE! Solid Oak Frames to Kit—1.13 each On SALE NOW at the BOOKSTORE |