Nov 15, 1974 Uhuru Pg. 4- Nov 18, 1974 Pg. 1 |
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4-THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Friday, November 15, 1974 South Africa is voted out of United Nations South Africa Wednesday re¬ called Its ambassador to the United Nations following the country's ejection from the .Gen¬ eral Assembly - raising specu¬ lation that the government Is considering complete withdrawal from the world organisation. Reacting swiftly and 'angrily to a General Assembly vote Tues¬ day night barring South Africa from this year's General As¬ sembly sessions and all its com¬ mittees; Prime Minister John Vorster described the move as xample of the illegal i the i I U.N. Security Council on October 30. They killed a resolution formally expelling South Africa from the world body. Vorster has In the past made It clear that he would pull South Africa out of the U.N. If the republic's "self-respect- was threatened. In an address to the Security Council last month. Ambassador Botha promised his government would do all in Its power to end racial discrimination. Since then, Vorster, Foreign Minister Hllgard duller and have spoken of the need for dras¬ tic changes^ The focus of U.N. hostility against the republic has been the apartheid question. South Africa's while-ruled Rhodesia and to get out of Namlbla(Southwest Africa), these sources Indicate. Asst. Secretary of SUte for African Affairs Donald Easum ls now In South Africa discussing these Issues with officials of the Pretoria government and lt ap¬ pears that the United States may play an Important role In forth- maneuvering it could lead It Foreign Mlntster HilgardMul- ler described the ejection as •deplorable, most Irresponsible and Immature.* He said In a statement: *lt reminds one of s totally illegal." of the United Nations in only, retaining Us place because of vetoes by the U States, Britain and France, ia (South-West Afr laklng a major r spoilt c "coming dlplomi between* South black neighbors lasting under way for several months with secret contacts taking place between South Africa and the black African states of Zambia and Tanzania, according to these sources. Other key blackAfrlean nations such as Zaire and Nigeria are said to be supporting the current effort. Its success depends largely on South Africa's willingness to ahandon Its military support for nslderlng whether om ihe United Na- President Mobutu of Zaire (Continued from Page 2) the copper belt 1 uii'd states! roads up to 1 official. 'Consider the po- itlal here In mineral, human rt jgrlculiural resources. Zaire a potential world leader ■And under Mobutu II has such ?mendous stability ." The Los Angeles Times ! Ills. Inflation in Kinshasa said to be 40 per cent in past year. Agriculture Is a > United Slates east slsslppl) are subsls- caplta Income MALE AND FEMALE PERSONNEL FOR ESCORT SERVICE A COMPANIONSHIP CLUB IN FRESNO. MUST BE FAM1LIAR WITH CI TY AND LOCAL AREA. '70 VW Deluxe Bug, Factory air, Excellent Cond. $1590. 4618 E Gettysburg Apt. 104, after Spjn. WHAT IS A NUPOC? a Navy Nuclear Propuls college ... he is preparing team ot men who operate and pulsion plants of the U.S. Navy Do you quality' .... ships and,submarines . . I am a college graduate with a bacca- YES NO laureate degree or I am a lull lime college student and will graduate within one year. □ □ '. I am between the ages of 19 and 26 1/2. Q □ I. I am a male US. citizen. f-J Q □ D enrolled in a physics, chemistry, mathe¬ matics or engineering curriculum with a "C" average or better in technical courses. Q □ Where do I go from here? . . . If you answered yes to all o the above, you have the basic qualifications to apply for ttv team. For more Information call collect: 415-273-7377 o see the Navy Information Team on campus. PLACEMENT CENTER 9 sun. til 3 p.m. Nov. 18-22, (974 Pan African Union makes, major changes in outlook By Melvin Ricks Uhuru Staff Writer The PAU has made a change. - Not a change of ideology or con¬ cept, but a change In Us per¬ spectives. The PAU has now adopted three new outlooks which should relate, lnsome, to every Black Student attending CSUF and elsewhere. ; Politics, Education and Social¬ ization are the themes the PAU will be mainly focusing upon. The Political concepts in this country are Just the beginning of the realm on politics. The PAU will be addressing itself to the concept and Ideology of Pan- Afrfcanlsm, as well as briefs on Ihe Black Caucus, the NAACP, and the general Black Political situation In Fresno. California's Black Political strata as well as national review will also be on the agenda. The union will go Into the area of formation of local polttlcafgroups. The other many phases of the national political systems will also be dealt with. The educational phase of the organization will Include educa¬ tional debates, seminars, forums and lectures. Theaimts to estab¬ lish a Pan-African Day or Week in addition to Black History Week to provide, for a longer period ot time Freshman class senators wanted Petitions are now available for students who are running for freshman senator to the CSUF Student Senate. The petitions will be due Friday by 5 p.m. Elections will take place Thursday and Friday of next week. Campaigning time will be from next Monday until then. People with 1 to 27 units com¬ pleted, ana currently enrolled are able to run. provided they have a 2.0 grade point average. There will be one polling place for the elections. In the Tree with the student government of¬ fices, on the third floor of the College Union. of the positive Black Images: Retreats will be organized as well as counseling centers for the educational benefits of Black students at CSUF. J-he union also hopes totstabllsh a tutorial ser¬ vice and ,tiave advisors who will be available at the student's re- The PAU, up until this point, has been mainly concerned with intellectual and mind raising functions of Its members, but now It will address Itself to So¬ cialization. This Is where the old saying "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,* comes Into being. Card and game par¬ ties, dances, basketball games, volleyball games, hayrldes, rec¬ ord hops, bake sales and any other events thai will prove to be popular to it's participants and also enhance the economic sta¬ bility of the PAU will be or¬ ganized. All students are now welcome to Join and lend a helping hand In these events. Ideas and help »lth planning and making future also i pBrof says psychedelics are 3,000-year-old trip RY" By Dave Guffey CoUegtan Staff Writer *\ suppose that flrsl I should announce that there are no free samples,* Joked chemist Dr. Wil¬ liam F. Holton. Holton, addressing a capacity crowd In the science building Thursday, talked about "Hallu¬ cinogens - History, Chemistry and Future Prospects.* The pro¬ fessor .from- Princeton was speaking on behalf of the Ameri¬ can Chemical Society.' According to Holton, hallucino¬ gens are psychotropic substances Many or the early thinkers used the 'shot-gun theory,* and studied people while they were under the Influence of a particu¬ lar drug, Holton said. He satd even Aristotle said there was a connection between the brain and the thinking pro- ' cess but that then, as now, we still r why we perceive things TROPifcAN/ii You'll Enjoy the OASIS FEATURING. • JIM WALLER • COLEMAN HEAD • LOUIE PARDINI • JIMMY WALKER e ROY CARLSON A V.rwtil, and Exciting I DAMCIMO NtOHTLY 9-2 AM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY Crimminologists say rape under-reported By Diane'Freltas ' .. Collegian Staff Writer me rape occurs every mlnuteintheUnltedStates, according to the i t>sno Rape Counseling Service. j lvsplte the large number of rapes committed, criminologists es- ■ mats that only one out of every 10 rapes ts reported. The Federal Bureau of Investigation agrees that rape Is one of the ■ isi under-reported crimes In the country. "This offense ls a violent crime against the person and of all the rlmi Index offenses, law enforcement administrators recognize that this offense Is probably one of the most under-reported crimes due the FBI said In the 1973 Uniform Crimes Reports. : ue FBI estimates that in 1973 51,000 forcible rapes occurred In the i/nlted States. The number was an Increase of 4,520 over 1972. si.ues In the western part of the country reported 25 per cent of se rapes. Rapes occurred In the western states at a rate of 69 per 100.000 women compared to 47 out of every 100,000 for the nation. I he city and county of Fresno were not exceptions to the Increase In if FBI's figures show that In 1973 124 rapes were reported in the ^nieiropolitaa area of Fresno city and county. The rape rate per Twi inhabitants was 28.9. During the same period In 1972,104 rapes were reported for a rate «f 24.3 per 100,000 Inhabitants In Fresno. in the period from January to September of this year, 46 forcible rjfws were reported In the city of Fresno, according to the Fresno tv Police Department. Last year during the same time period 33 forcible rapes were re- p-nted In Fresno. >vhl!e the number of rapes. Is rapidly Increasing, the number of : i.'ims "cleared by arrest* ls relatively small. a crime Is "cleared* when the law enforcement agency has Identl- i-'i ihe offender, has sufficient-evidence to charge him and actually rakes rilm into custody. Thirteen of the 46 rapes reported In Fresno this year have been ■ >ared by arrest. Last year during the same period 14 were cleared. - Mlmated total arrests In the United States for rape during 1973 J '-n- 25.720 out of the 51,000 rapes reported. as (or the rapist, he ls oh the average under 25 years of age. I iie FBI reported that the greatest concentration of those arrested :' -i forcible rape In 1973 were between 16 and 24 years old. Sixty-one ;*r rent of those arrested were under 25. [> <? FBI also reported that 53.2 per cent of all rapists over 18 were *m<e 44.9 per cent were black-and-lrl per cent were Indian. WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF ' IRS I'ROBE •WASHINGTON,.' D.C.-Durlng "i» Mxon Administration;-99 po- li'ical and activist organizations "eif investigated by a secret ln- Wiuence gathering arm of the l^-mal Revenue Service, newly repealed documents show. The Americans for Democrat- " Action, the National Student *'relation, the Urban League, ">" lohn Btrch Society and the Clonal Council of .Churches •^re among the groups under ln- 'iRAPE GROWERS SONOMA-The North Coast rape Gro:. build their own winery In Sonoma County because existing wineries pay so little for Us grapes, 93RD CONGRESS WASHINGTON, D.C.-The^3rd Congress reconvenes today as a lame duck session full of re¬ cesses for holidays and other purposes. The maximum that this Congress ls expected to do is to pass the remaining appropria¬ tions for the current"fiscal year. JEWISH EMIGRATION MOSCOW-Stattsticlans In the Soviet Union claim appllcattons to emigrate to Israel dropped from more than 2,200 to about 1,000 a month after the lastMldeaslwar. the way w The types of so-called psyche- iellcs mentioned by Holton were: stimulants, such as "speed*; In- ' alcohol: hypnotics such as organic mushrooms; an¬ algesics or morphine, and tran¬ quilizers, a synthetic deprea- Mescallne Is the only halkn clnogen that ts "legal,* he aald. In 1918 the North American Church became an officially rec¬ ognized organization and with that recognition came the legality of mescaline since the' "natural drug* was used tn the reltglous ceremony of that church. "Mushroom* have also been used for the past 3,000 years In South America for many re¬ ligious ceremonies,* Holton add¬ ed. STP (which actually stands for •Serenity Jranqutllty and Peace* In street Jargon) Is probably the most abused of all Ihe drugs. Holton stressed that 'speed* and other forms of stimulants such as the powerful STP are •all very hard on the body - especially the heart.* . On April 16, 1943 the most powerful of all the hallucinogenic drugs, LSD, was accidentally dis¬ covered by a chemist named LSD ls so powerful a drug that - a dosage of Just 100 micrograms causes hallucinations. Currently most of the tests Involving LSD rise 50 micrograms. To stress tha potency of LSD which an artist (many d vocates claim that their trlpa have expanded their minds) sketched a portrait of a roan. Then a few minutes later the artist took some LSD and sketched the same man about an hour later, while under the Influ¬ ence ot tbe drug. The difference between tbe two sketches that Holton held up to The picture drawn by the artist while under tbe Influence of LSD was completely unintelligible and In no way resembled tile face of the man In the first drawing. Many of the so-called "do It yourself* drugs, which have been discovered by amateur chemists are "really Just a put on,' Holton •The morning glory fad which created a run on many seed stores had a minute effect If any,* he (Continued on Page 4, Col. 1) 8 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1! LXXIX/45 OCLEGIAN CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO v ; y Ihe People, Yes\ a celebration from Bob Dylan to Carl Sandburg By Audrie Klug Collegian Staff Writer •The People, Yes* ls a small room lit by colored lights, fur¬ nished with multi-leveled plat¬ forms and projection screens. ■The People, Yes" Is Carl Sandburg, Bob Dylan and Nlkkl singing Individuals who talk and sing about subjects ranging from hands to brown paper bags to prostitutes. Performances began Thursday night and will continue this week through Saturday In the Arena Theater. A sparse audience was theonly Indication that last Wednesday's performance was a dress rehear¬ sal. The cast was elaborately dressed In costumes ranging from a plaid shirt, straw hat and red suspenders to black leotards and a slinky turquoise skirt. The performers ranged In age from about 20 years to 60 years. They sat on the platforms while they sang and spoke and Images relating to the poetry were pro- ■ (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) THESE TWO CHECKS, Total ling $900, have Just been tent to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Or ganization-Sahellan Relief Operation for the Sahei and Ethiopia. CSUF students and faculty who fasted on Oct. 23 and 31, contributing the money they would otherwise have spent on food, are responsible for this sum. The project was organized by the CSUF African Drought Relief Project, whose purpose Is to raise funds lo be sent to U.N. relief operations in the draught- and famine-striken areas of Africa. Photo by Erik Strom.
Object Description
Title | 1974_11 The Daily Collegian November 1974 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1974 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Title | Nov 15, 1974 Uhuru Pg. 4- Nov 18, 1974 Pg. 1 |
Alternative Title | Daily Collegian (California State University, Fresno) |
Publisher | Associated Students of Fresno State, Fresno, Calif. |
Publication Date | 1974 |
Description | Daily (except weedends) during the school year. Microfilm. Palo Alto, Calif.: BMI Library Microfilms, 1986- microfilm reels; 35 mm. Vol.1, no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- |
Subject | California State University, Fresno -- Periodicals. |
Contributors | Associated Students of Fresno State. |
Coverage | Vol.1 no.1 (Feb 8, 1922)- to present |
Format | Microfilm reels, 35 mm. |
Technical Information | Scanned at 600 dpi; TIFF; Microfilm ScanPro 2000 "E-image data" |
Language | eng |
Full-Text-Search |
4-THE DAILY COLLEGIAN Friday, November 15, 1974
South Africa is voted
out of United Nations
South Africa Wednesday re¬
called Its ambassador to the
United Nations following the
country's ejection from the .Gen¬
eral Assembly - raising specu¬
lation that the government Is
considering complete withdrawal
from the world organisation.
Reacting swiftly and 'angrily
to a General Assembly vote Tues¬
day night barring South Africa
from this year's General As¬
sembly sessions and all its com¬
mittees; Prime Minister John
Vorster described the move as
xample of the illegal
i the i
I U.N.
Security Council on October 30.
They killed a resolution formally
expelling South Africa from the
world body.
Vorster has In the past made
It clear that he would pull South
Africa out of the U.N. If the
republic's "self-respect- was
In an address to the Security
Council last month. Ambassador
Botha promised his government
would do all in Its power to end
racial discrimination.
Since then, Vorster, Foreign
Minister Hllgard duller and
have spoken of the need for dras¬
tic changes^
The focus of U.N. hostility
against the republic has been the
apartheid question. South Africa's
while-ruled Rhodesia and to get
out of Namlbla(Southwest Africa),
these sources Indicate.
Asst. Secretary of SUte for
African Affairs Donald Easum
ls now In South Africa discussing
these Issues with officials of the
Pretoria government and lt ap¬
pears that the United States may
play an Important role In forth-
it could lead It
Foreign Mlntster HilgardMul-
ler described the ejection as
•deplorable, most Irresponsible
and Immature.* He said In a
statement: *lt reminds one of
s totally illegal."
of the United Nations in
only, retaining Us place
because of vetoes by the U
States, Britain and France,
ia (South-West Afr
laklng a major r
spoilt c
"coming dlplomi
between* South
black neighbors
under way for several months
with secret contacts taking place
between South Africa and the
black African states of Zambia
and Tanzania, according to these
sources. Other key blackAfrlean
nations such as Zaire and Nigeria
are said to be supporting the
current effort.
Its success depends largely on
South Africa's willingness to
ahandon Its military support for
nslderlng whether
om ihe United Na-
President Mobutu of Zaire
(Continued from Page 2)
the copper belt 1
uii'd states!
roads up to
1 official. 'Consider the po-
itlal here In mineral, human
rt jgrlculiural resources. Zaire
a potential world leader
■And under Mobutu II has such
?mendous stability ."
The Los Angeles Times
! Ills. Inflation in Kinshasa
said to be 40 per cent in
past year. Agriculture Is a
> United Slates east
slsslppl) are subsls-
caplta Income
'70 VW Deluxe Bug, Factory air,
Excellent Cond. $1590. 4618 E
Gettysburg Apt. 104, after Spjn.
a Navy Nuclear Propuls
college ... he is preparing
team ot men who operate and
pulsion plants of the U.S. Navy
Do you quality' ....
ships and,submarines .
. I am a college graduate with a bacca- YES NO
laureate degree or I am a lull lime
college student and will graduate within
one year. □ □
'. I am between the ages of 19 and 26 1/2. Q □
I. I am a male US. citizen. f-J Q
□ D
enrolled in a physics, chemistry, mathe¬
matics or engineering curriculum with
a "C" average or better in technical
courses. Q □
Where do I go from here? . . . If you answered yes to all o
the above, you have the basic qualifications to apply for ttv
team. For more Information call collect: 415-273-7377 o
see the Navy Information Team on campus.
9 sun. til 3 p.m.
Nov. 18-22, (974
Pan African Union makes,
major changes in outlook
By Melvin Ricks
Uhuru Staff Writer
The PAU has made a change.
- Not a change of ideology or con¬
cept, but a change In Us per¬
spectives. The PAU has now
adopted three new outlooks which
should relate, lnsome, to every
Black Student attending CSUF
and elsewhere. ;
Politics, Education and Social¬
ization are the themes the PAU
will be mainly focusing upon.
The Political concepts in this
country are Just the beginning
of the realm on politics. The PAU
will be addressing itself to the
concept and Ideology of Pan-
Afrfcanlsm, as well as briefs on
Ihe Black Caucus, the NAACP,
and the general Black Political
situation In Fresno. California's
Black Political strata as well as
national review will also be on
the agenda. The union will go
Into the area of formation of local
polttlcafgroups. The other many
phases of the national political
systems will also be dealt with.
The educational phase of the
organization will Include educa¬
tional debates, seminars, forums
and lectures. Theaimts to estab¬
lish a Pan-African Day or Week
in addition to Black History Week
to provide, for a longer period
ot time
Freshman class
senators wanted
Petitions are now available
for students who are running for
freshman senator to the CSUF
Student Senate. The petitions will
be due Friday by 5 p.m.
Elections will take place
Thursday and Friday of next
week. Campaigning time will be
from next Monday until then.
People with 1 to 27 units com¬
pleted, ana currently enrolled
are able to run. provided they
have a 2.0 grade point average.
There will be one polling place
for the elections. In the Tree
with the student government of¬
fices, on the third floor of the
College Union.
of the positive Black Images:
Retreats will be organized as
well as counseling centers for
the educational benefits of Black
students at CSUF. J-he union also
hopes totstabllsh a tutorial ser¬
vice and ,tiave advisors who will
be available at the student's re-
The PAU, up until this point,
has been mainly concerned with
intellectual and mind raising
functions of Its members, but
now It will address Itself to So¬
cialization. This Is where the old
saying "All work and no play
makes Jack a dull boy,* comes
Into being. Card and game par¬
ties, dances, basketball games,
volleyball games, hayrldes, rec¬
ord hops, bake sales and any
other events thai will prove to be
popular to it's participants and
also enhance the economic sta¬
bility of the PAU will be or¬
All students are now welcome
to Join and lend a helping hand
In these events. Ideas and help
»lth planning and making future
also i
pBrof says psychedelics
are 3,000-year-old trip
By Dave Guffey
CoUegtan Staff Writer
*\ suppose that flrsl I should
announce that there are no free
samples,* Joked chemist Dr. Wil¬
liam F. Holton.
Holton, addressing a capacity
crowd In the science building
Thursday, talked about "Hallu¬
cinogens - History, Chemistry
and Future Prospects.* The pro¬
fessor .from- Princeton was
speaking on behalf of the Ameri¬
can Chemical Society.'
According to Holton, hallucino¬
gens are psychotropic substances
Many or the early thinkers used
the 'shot-gun theory,* and
studied people while they were
under the Influence of a particu¬
lar drug, Holton said.
He satd even Aristotle said
there was a connection between
the brain and the thinking pro-
' cess but that then, as now, we still
r why we perceive things
You'll Enjoy the
A V.rwtil, and Exciting I
Crimminologists say
rape under-reported
By Diane'Freltas '
.. Collegian Staff Writer
me rape occurs every mlnuteintheUnltedStates, according to the
i t>sno Rape Counseling Service. j
lvsplte the large number of rapes committed, criminologists es-
■ mats that only one out of every 10 rapes ts reported.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation agrees that rape Is one of the
■ isi under-reported crimes In the country.
"This offense ls a violent crime against the person and of all the
rlmi Index offenses, law enforcement administrators recognize that
this offense Is probably one of the most under-reported crimes due
the FBI said In the 1973 Uniform Crimes Reports.
: ue FBI estimates that in 1973 51,000 forcible rapes occurred In
the i/nlted States. The number was an Increase of 4,520 over 1972.
si.ues In the western part of the country reported 25 per cent of
se rapes. Rapes occurred In the western states at a rate of 69 per
100.000 women compared to 47 out of every 100,000 for the nation.
I he city and county of Fresno were not exceptions to the Increase In
if FBI's figures show that In 1973 124 rapes were reported in the
^nieiropolitaa area of Fresno city and county. The rape rate per
Twi inhabitants was 28.9.
During the same period In 1972,104 rapes were reported for a rate
«f 24.3 per 100,000 Inhabitants In Fresno.
in the period from January to September of this year, 46 forcible
rjfws were reported In the city of Fresno, according to the Fresno
tv Police Department.
Last year during the same time period 33 forcible rapes were re-
p-nted In Fresno.
>vhl!e the number of rapes. Is rapidly Increasing, the number of
: i.'ims "cleared by arrest* ls relatively small.
a crime Is "cleared* when the law enforcement agency has Identl-
i-'i ihe offender, has sufficient-evidence to charge him and actually
rakes rilm into custody.
Thirteen of the 46 rapes reported In Fresno this year have been
■ >ared by arrest. Last year during the same period 14 were cleared.
- Mlmated total arrests In the United States for rape during 1973
J '-n- 25.720 out of the 51,000 rapes reported.
as (or the rapist, he ls oh the average under 25 years of age.
I iie FBI reported that the greatest concentration of those arrested
:' -i forcible rape In 1973 were between 16 and 24 years old. Sixty-one
;*r rent of those arrested were under 25.
[> FBI also reported that 53.2 per cent of all rapists over 18 were
*m |